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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 22, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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good wednesday morning thanks for joining is this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, may 22, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, former president trump so-called hush money trial into the final stretch now as trump defense team rests without the calling
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trump to testify former president claims defense team won the manhattan case calling on judge merchan to dismiss the charges, watch. >> this is such an embarrassment of constitutional that i imagined a judge -- would grant motion to dismiss here. there has been no evidence there's no evidence there is no crime, the majority of americans can see -- politically motivated, should -- this is -- i am, going to backfire on prosecution i think judge, on this -- >> mo senator eric schmitt economic consumers science transportation committee thanks for being here you were
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in that courtroom yesterday tell us what you winsed witnessed. >> surreal this is united states of america, to see this kind of of lawfare play out in real time is very disturbing, i mean what all these cases certain this case represents democrats efforts to interfere with election to preoccupy trump or take him at their word throw leading concerned for president of the united states in jail for the rest of his life. i mean this is banana republican you see in other places in the world unprecedented to happen in united states of america charges base lethey haven't seen proven a crime but kept president trump in that courtroom for going on six week i don't think they the proven the case jury gets it next week will have closing arguments next week split the to jury find out from there this sclais never have been
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brought alvin bragg essentially ran trying to get trump i think a dangerous road for our rep. >> some snippets we've heard about when michael cohen was on stand, admitted, that he stole money from trump. he stole 60,000 dollars, from the trump organization, or the way that judge merchan, you know, took it out on robert costello clearing the press the room, these seem to me like stunning moments in the trial. are there things that you can tell us about that you witnessed that happened, that you actually watched that were -- that -- that were stunning to you? >> yes for me a couple things you hit nail on the head last week with michael cohen on stand the whole case relies on his testimony, he is literally lied and michael cohen is
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disgraced himself doesn't move the case forward example yesterday there was email, that was presented, to the witness costello, by the prosecution, asked to talk about emails president trumpos's lawyer asked about that same email, to further for him to further expound on it objection the judge sustained objection to literally ask about a document prosecution had already proffer to do ask witness about i don't understand that certainly a lot of grounds for appeal here, but my hope is that it doesn't get there that jury recognizes what this for what it is overtly political prosecution, i think, the other aspect of this i think when you look at polling, the american people see this for what it is they are rejecting it don't want 2 kin turn into a soviet show trial what i
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saw. >> i hope members of the supreme court watch this as they decide the idea of immunity or some kind of immunity for president trump, built i am with former federal prosecutor we keep hearing about judge every time, the prosecution objected the defense the judge said "yes" sustained, not the case when trump team objected. >> does seem from reporting, standards too much stormy daniels had incredible relay, cross-examination the trump people reined in, my experience usually there is a lot of leeway given on cross-examination he apparently not to trump team again we already have an appearance of you know, politicization i would love senator schmitt to ask, in any context as attorney general in missouri anything else have
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you seen greater abuse of prosecutorial power not just political but any contest whatever. >> i haven't, i think again that is, as former ag prosecutor a lot of things don't get reported on cases that you don't bring, right it requires legitimize, a cool headsness about what law is faction in bringing the case forward but here whether objective to "get trump" throw him in jail that is a threat to democracy you hear flats talk all the time how president trump, will wreck democracy they are bulldozing norms rules to protect people's individual rights afraid of donald trump is going to win. that is so dwlaus dictators do around the world since beginning of time certainly to this day america is supposed to stand abaurt from that when you have prosecutors like alvin bragg moving cases like this forward based on on
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exclusively testimony of a known liar, raises a lot of questions very coherence for the country. maria: similar sentiment we heard from alan dershowitz who was in the room with front row seat the day before watch this. >> a i have rarely seen so many lies he swears under oath he would not have accepted a pardon he wouldn't have accepted a pardon. he already told costello he would do anything to avoid going to prison lie, cheat, steal do anything wouldn't accept a pardon from donald trump such a -- lie, then the judge refuses to grant the motion saying "we'll you know if he lied you've got 12 new yorkers here will see through lies, the 12 new york city splaelt want to make sure trump doesn't about many trump the judge is abdicating his responsibility should grant acquittal, this case should never go to the jury there is nothing to the case. it is weakest case i have seen
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in 60 years teaching practice wrigabout criminal law. extraordinary statement from alan dershowitz. did you get a chance to size up the jury senator? do you think the jury will be fair to trump? >> funny you mentioned that a former prosecutor my eyes i was watching jury a lot how they react to certain things it is very difficult i think for me in one day snapshot, that has to get a sense of that but my hope is that again, you have costello's temperature further did -- discredited cohen his crime stealing 60,000 dollars from there organization a bombshell further amplifies i think people get whose this is about they have to show criminal intent that this business record case, to cover-up
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underlying crime not are a tick latest this wasn't as violation anyway. >> i won why trump risking a gag order violation comes out every night i recognize has a gag order in the middle of election can't even campaign, but he launched a tirade against one lead prosecutor referring to him as a representative of the white house. watch this. >> -- is that -- the white house, is the person of -- group, whatever, this case -- representatives from white house, this is all about, campaign, to ininjury opponent trying to hurt the opponent it
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is lawfare third world country with a campaign replacing -- the entire case, look at the question where did he come from? unbelievable, he came from biden. >> senator have you spoken with president trump about why he keeps doing that? because this guy, this judge wants to put him in jail. .z will. >> well, i did get chance to visit with president trump yesterday i think he is right right. maria: maybe right -- >> i think also important to point out like, i know he has first amendment rightlies gag orders traditional in criminal cases meant to protect defendant what they are there for i think unconstitutional gag order again i think, drawing the line here the direct line all of us should be doing back to white house on the koorntdz effort to get trump is a real thing jack smith handpicked in atlanta
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same in washington, d.c., a koorntdz effort i think they thought it would work but backfired people see it. >> fani acquittalis worn her primary in georgia we will watch that as well senator, good to see you this morning thank you. >> take care eric schmitt in d.c. a quick brooke and we'll be right back. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪)
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(♪) you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes.
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maria: welcome back. federal reserve board out with 2023 economic report well-being of u.s. houfrltdz. >> 35% adults say price hikes were main source of financial worries, the biden administration, is taking credit for target's announced grocery price cuts white house writes on x, presidential biden called on chains making reportedly profits of to lower rights for consumers and they are answering the call talking
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about retail chains target lowering prices on 5,000 items ahead of memorial day, member senate armed service banking, committee. >> the white house is blaming companies this time grocery companies for inflation, and not their own seven trillion dollars in spending over the last three years. >> look. it is not just the spending. there is another side to it as well, the supply-side what they've also done restricted amount of emergency that we can be producing it shows up gasoline prices up 37% since biden took office, energy prices way, way up talking groceries that are up over 20% electricity up over 27%, so this is "bidenomics" in practice bottom line to get back to producing more energy reducing price of energy reducing the price of supply chain costs, itself, then you
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can also talk about demand side where fueled this economy with federal spending, and vast majority 5.8 trillion dollars on a partisan basis seeing it into the economy. >> i i mean that that is the issue, that is why, he is down so much in the polls. you've been talking about inflation is this young people's biggest issue right now or something else? . >> well i think the cost-of-living definitely a rent as you look at latest inflation report rent numbers up hard for people a lot by design, look at coastal energy policies, administration, climate goals electricity prices up 5%, in inflation report this administration keeps pushing americans towards he electrification, different measures hurting people at home. maria: that is the point you are making senator rightly?
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not just seven trillion dollars in borrowing and spending it is a climate change agenda, this move to should the down fossil fuels that have legs everywhere impaction so much in terms of the supply-side of the economy. >> it does the reason folks families out there feeling, the average family across the entire united states, their average cost-of-living is you will over 10108 dollars per month you can't stain that increase wages are not keeping up wages going down 4% since biden took office, so you talk about those types of numbers you can see why you can talk about it successful the bottom line people are feeling it when people feel those things you can't get away from it american people are not dumb understand exactly what is going on "bidenomics" is causing the problem can't get away from that. >> foreign policy then there is the lawlessness lawfare that the administration is using against, their number
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one political opponent donald trump. we saw memo white house approved he deadly force used by fbi when fbi raided mar-a-lago, what was your reaction. i heard last evening we've seen tough attacks in areas i wish using it on southern border you take a look what is happening in the southern border problems there we don't talk about it a lot but we've got probably over 1.5 million getaways the folks that we are certain came through the border, and chased them down as possible but 10 million people entered this country without permission to do so yet in been caught been released, out in communities today, that creates a problem, and the fbi, we talked fbi tactics we need them rounding folks up got a million and half right now in communities,
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the folks that tried to getaway were successful getting away that makes a lot of us really concerned about the safety of our community. maria: i understand i haven't seen memos with white house approving deadly force, on any of that, i mean deadly force what does that mean? that the person resifts okay to kill the person. >> what you would do serve an arrest warrant in trying to political opponents different we've got a real problem in this country that is going to get a lot of people concerned about those types of activities. >> also foreign policy president biden apparently rejecting international criminal court request for after warrant for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and ladders over what they said were alleged
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human rights' violations, robert o'brien another top ally to former president trump met with netanyahu following the icc announcement, your reaction. >> look, icc is not recognized by us nor by israel one of the reasons that we've made it very, very clear that the president cannot accept the icc without going through normal approval process in form of a treaty exactly the way this kind of activity should be, icc in this particular case trying to treat israel-hamas, same talking about a did democracy under attack talking about on the other side a known terrorist organization, the icc treating them the same that is just wrong points out fallacy behind icc reason we can't recognize them. great to have you this morning thanks very much senator mike brown in d.c. stay with us. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. . while i am a paid actor,
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solidifying. more personal earnings rolling in target beat on revenue a slight miss on earnings coverage store sales down 3.7% despite cutting prices on 5,000 items, look at stock this morning target shares down better than 8% talking about discounting here, being an issue also, the outlook people are worried
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about the outlook rest of the year, tjx double beat comp store sales off 3% company there also raised annual forecasts on easing costs, the big event of the week is nvidia out tonight after the close net being in expected up 768%, revenue, the stock flat, the "the wall street journal" reporting largest private debt financing deal backed by nvidia, revolution joining me chief investment officer of equity stephen auth thank you so much for being here i love looking at your research you really rely on you fundamentals you feel fundamentals matter what i want to talk about how are you looking at fundamentals? you have said that it is time to move away from tech. you don't want to buy nvidia
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before earnings. >> no, i don't want to buy nvidia they have to beat by so muching to up from here, we like nvidia long in nvidia i think what you want to do here is play for buildout beyond nvidia that is important stuff. >> look at stocks nvidia other ai stocks this morning, what they are doing tom lee from fundstrat writes he think after pane reports tonight there will be a real you got to buy into this could buy corollary names corollary related like supermicro, cadence all stocks are up. usually optimistic but also right. >> very optimistic, absolutely, the bullout goes into hb ac, from building out data centers small-cap stocks that space we like, utility stocks starting to move now because you know a lot more electricity going to build data centers.
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we have been doing a lot on data centers you are long in nvidia. >> for the reason that steve mentioned to have revenues up what 265% earnings expected up -- >> 700% net income profits priced to go perfection only trading 32 times earnings in other words, you can being buy market at 21 times earnings going 8 to 10% or buy nvidia at 32 times earnings going you know 700% would i rather own nvidia but still -- >> at the end of the day, they are not selling raises, the end of the day you got to start buying guys going to buy razor blade to build out rest of the infrastructure beyond that all across corporate america we're seeing, technology looking at how to
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use ai to make companies more efficient going to help with margins you know. >> five months away from election you say this time, the election, will likely matter. talk to us about that if election matters to markets what i am saying. >> the market doesn't know who is going to control even if they can guess who is going to be president in this case it is clear house and senate so close, going to carrier go. someone in control of agenda you look at though a two agendas completely different. >> you got regulatory side, regulations under biden have literally exploded. and even to a level higher in terms of costs that have regulation than under obama, you know put country into a kinds of economic sclerosis, people thinking if polls keep playing the way they are a
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switch in the administration you are going to have a lot of change in regulation to the good side will help supply-side economy, regulation really hurts small-cap stocks, because fixed cost don't have same scales as big companies the tax cuts very unusual thing, the tax cuts are built into roll off in '25 unless something done a giant tax hike across the economy, in '25 the market normally didn't know what is going to happen we know. so it is going to really depend on who plays that, the ta.c.t. hurts small companies worst corporate tax cuts probably keeping. >> biden told us what a potential four more years would look like another 5 1/2
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trillion dollars new taxes your take on trump trial whether or not market investors are watching it i spoke with kevin hassett former chairman white house economic council he said oh, if we see trump going to jail in handcuffs you will see reaction. >> if president trump in chains going to rikers island would i want to buy u.s. treasurys next day the thing i am you worried about if democrats are serious in lawfare succeed imagine a banana republic the moment to ricers i can't imagine what happens to treasury markets. >> who is going to buy a treasury yield bond from banana republic. >> they assume the trial is going to pass doesn't seechl like really a case, certainly trump could win on appeal
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appealing from jail cell if they put him in jail that could happen. if it did i think a lot of moving upward in the markets starting to discount maybe a republican sweep is going to be off the table throw things into -- into a not very good situation. a lot of unknowns what do you want to do terms of allocating capital. >> if we get a correction on trump going to jail i think would be reversed would he would add heavily overweight small cap in value because we think back half the market starts to broaden out. >> you told us apply stocks back, back, a couple years ago. >> i did i. thank you for that really good to see you. thank you so much stephen auth joining us stay with us. we'll be right back. . .
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gentleman breaking this morning biden administration is punishing ecohealthlines peter we are told cheryl casone. cheryl: that is right release came out department of health human services debaring dr. peter cutoff all funding accused of using taxpayer money to fund gain-of-function research at wuhan technology, the select subcommittee put out a statement right the depending debar meant does not shield from accountability to the american people appears he may have lied under oath, about his relationship with the wuhan institute of virology in compliance with nih grant procedures.
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today, attorneys for first son hunter biden expected to ask a california judge to delay his trial to evade 1.4 million dollars in taxes lawyers noted high-profile nature of the case pointed out he is starting trial on federal gun charges the same month arguing they need more time treasurer say a straightforward tax case. >> donald trump's campaign beginning accepting contributions with cryptocurrency campaign said part of effort to build a crypto army into election day fund-raising page allows any fed federal. >> donar could appeal to young male voters getting more and more into crypto market. >> that is story i have been following update you on this, the future of graceland elvis presley iconic home could be determined this morning as
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late singer granddaughter fighting to stop foreclosure auction, to block a potential sale of the property by a company that say they loaned lisa press le3.8 million dollars she says loan is fraudulent any signature is a forgery the hearing will determine if it can be sold at auction the highest cash bidder, tomorrow crazy story with graceland we will lane more today. maria: we will follow reporting on it thank you former president trump new york trial into final stretch now, as trump's defense team rests without calling trump to testify he said his defense family quote won the case calling on judge merchan to dismiss charges court resumes next week after memorial day hollywood jury will hear
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closing arguments. >> -- in court, they have no case there is no crime -- >> joining me now is ceo constellation group, great to see you thank you so much for being here, you are always so great on veterans you were in court yesterday with president trump what did you witness, i know why not laying cameras into the courtroom, they do not want to trans to this process transparent pot american people using lawfare to prosecute former president first time ever in history, being in that courtroom i watched how the judge forget
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biased donated to joe biden that his daughter making tens of millions of dollars from democratic party that his daughter povertied a photo of president trump behind backyards in jail he should have recused himself totally conflicted he does not want anybody to see how he rules for the prosecution every time, it is truly unbelievable to sit in that courtroom and watch that. here you have a you 77-year-old man leading candidate for president, should be out on campaign trail, and here in new york the city i love ran intrepid museum 20 years worked with president trump known him for 30 years a wonderful decent man has to go down there every day, instead of out talking to american people about fixing our country, it is truly disgraceful. i have to tell you something. i look at the judge wearing a
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black robe, justice is supposed to have a blind eye i really saw him wearing a prosecution jersey, he is on their team not on the side of the defendant to protect his rights, you gag the prosecution, you don't gag the defendant, it is made to gag the prosecution, for saying things against the defendant in this case it is reverse jood even michael cohen on tiktok he never got a gag order was there anything that happened yesterday, that was particularly egregious you winsed firsthand. >> the chargeing of jury both argue about what judge will say to the jury, the judge ruled against president trump's attorneys who are brilliant he ruled for prosecution almost every single time. i am watching judges look at alibi in the courtroom never looking at president trump.
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he doesn't have it in him to look at president trump told me about this man watching him truly disgusting to see that a smirk on his face every time he says to trump's attorneys we're not going to do we're going to side with people no, not going to do that we're going to side with people of you know what people want they want to elect president trump have him back on campaign trail. >> people seem seeing through this the way you are the trump campaign out-fundraised the biden campaign, 76.2 million dollars in april to biden 51 million talk to us about that you've been league some fund-raising push you chaired a log cabin republicans campaign event at mar-a-lago with former first lady melania trump introed melania in april more than a million dollars raised there, what kind of reaction are you getting when you talk with donors. to be honest with you i have a great relationship with many
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wonderful people here in new york raised almost a billion dollars, a lot of people i have been friends with many years they are seeing this lawfare as excuse a reason, and excitement to get behind president trump fund-raising through the roof, you know folks had to catch up to president biden i say why catch up to president biden when we are ahead of president biden in polls our fund-raising is very strong an event in florida i attended 50 million dollars, this event rick grenell a great friend the first open cabinet member in trump's administration melania trump raised almost 2 1/2 million dollars doing another event in new york, to talk about that, i think very telling, that all of these cases are not only helping president trump, in the polls but they are helping him in fund-raising because people literally i feel empathetic for him i don't want to say sorry because he would be
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angry at me saying that because he is a fighter he never settles, never gives in fighting for all of us, the money is coming in that says something about what this is all about too. maria: president biden highlighted the work of veterans yesterday, in new hampshire saying d.a. will provide benefits to nearly r8 9,000 veterans impacted by toxic exposure here is what he said. >> i will never make up for the loss that back in lossss, son, daughter we owe it to folks to, help put lives back together tough stuff. in america you need no left behind that is motto. >> the rnc research, x account said what about his botched afghanistan withdrawal of? bill you were president ceo of intrepid museum new york city more than 20 years national
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advocate for military veterans, today when you think veterans the illegal migrants coming into country are actually getting a better shot of than our veterans, i mean you've got veterans homeless on street migration are being put in hotels. >> very true i watched that clip i don't even know what he said i couldn't understand what he was saying i don't like criticizing when president doing event supporting vrnz there is no president that was better for veterans than donald j. trump what he did to clean up va provide unfundeding take people out abusing veterans make appointments move favorite get benefits this country owes them they deserve donald trump is best president for veterans in history of my working with them em30 years bar known i i would say to your point the veterans that i speak to cannot believe the southern border is open they
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are getting cash cards, phone cards hotel rooms, flights to new york i was walking offer here to your studio, outside of roosevelt hotel i saw people fighting migration been there seven months fighting, so about what president biden is saying now as coming to election day to help veterans it is a little too late, i think if we have president trump back in the white house you are going to see, the veterans administration flourishing supporting our nation's veterans. >> thank you for saying that ahead of memorial day weekend we honor all people give a lives loss lives to fight for freedom you want buckhead in atlanta to break away from atlanta tell us about this, coming up short georgia state senate blocked the push back in march, do you still why do you want buckhead a separate area away from atlanta. what we were trying to do just
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like every other he city hood movement in state of georgia want just off if a vote let people vote every other city governor kemp allowed every single initiative to vote in this one some very close to city atlanta political machine decided they did not want to allow buck leaded to have a vote we are murder capital of the south 1200 voemz invaded by squatters my sister-in-law's house home invaded buckhead needs its police department ability to tacts govern themselves let them vote. maria: fani willis won her primary. tony cramer running against her giving it a good shot very hard to run and win as republican in fulton county fani willis on notice of the world hoos watched what she has done. she is corrupt.
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she is prosecuting president trump because she loves the ratings she gets on tv not because there is a case. maria: thank you so much great to see you stay with us. we'll be right back. .
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit...
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unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. witnessed. .
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maria: young conservatives week on mornings mornings a harvard youth poll shows president biden leads former president trump 8 points about young adults 18 to 29 town significantly from 23 point marginal into 2020 election, a new "washington post" op-ed says that young voters are not as liberal as you think, pointing out this discontent might deny what they need to hold white house and senate joining me federalist contributor cofounder, great to have you this morning thanks very much for being here mou how would you assess the young voter today who they are betting on for president. >> a great question you know i think a lot of young people, want to vote for democrats, right, they are at heart but disillusioned, many of them i think saying we can't take it
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anymore it comes from failure to get forgive student loans. >> feel biden supporting -- other people on side of as mr. yabz the economy trying to start new lives can't afford groceries can't afford rent can't buy a home to say the alleviate they are really disillusioned, turning to collectivism instead of understanding why democrats at heart of a lot of issues buying, republicans capitalism, that is a really scary thing for the future to think about really, an opportunity for republicans to message to them i think in a really in a really positive way, but also scary if they don't, revenues could be party tee regulation party lowering taxes party of getting i reallied of failed entitlement
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programs in a you were saying that this morning. >> i am curious if you think that some progressive voters are just holding their hot you hostage to press the president on certain issues like the sunrise movement pushing for more climate control from biden. i am wondering if you think when down to the wire what are progressive groups going to do in november keep holding vote hostage stay home or turn out for the president. >> i think a lot of them really are going to stay home, i a lot of republicans on social mediaor tiktok where young people having conversations especially on tiktok i don't see how biden is going topull himself out the question will they be able to -- will republicans think republicans long term --
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>> they want tiktok to face a ban or do they want it separated from chinese apparent company bytedance. >> young people really are upset about tiktok ban i am a conservative worried about the problems facing united states and china but i think "deep state" has a nefarious interest in getting rid of tiktok a lot of young people feel that way our own government suppresses social media,, from american companies, so -- >> we got to jump great having you please come back soon, thank you so much. we'll be right back.. thank you. (♪) what took you so long? i'm sorry, there was a long line at the thai place. you get the sauce i like? of course! you're the man! i wish.
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maria: welcome back. 30 minutes before the opening bell sounds on wall street, take a look at the number, we've got stocks mixed, nasdaq up 4 end points, s&p s&p down 8. nasdaq and s&p hit record highs yesterday. the big story's nvidia. what coyou need to see? >> higher guidance. maria: thank you thank, everybody. great show. right to "varney & company," stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. target has issueded its financial report. it doesn't look good. it's the second largest retailer, and etc. performance suggests -- its performance performance suggests a slowdown in consumer spending. it's another sign the economy is slowing. later today the post important earnings report of them all,


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