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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 22, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> it sound like we're joke but we're not. the leader of the free world needs a form a cohesive sentence and the fact he can't is resinating with people. >> the president should pick up the phone and call the prime minister and say that is really dumb move. maybe we ought to think about all this as well. >> fact that the fbi uses secret service is potentially hostile to them shows you where this department of justice is. >> the least painful alternative for democrats and probably a
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good one is kamala harris. her approval ratings have been ascending while joe biden's been going down. stuart: yes, nice production work this. sail on, sail on. what you're looking at is fleet week in new york city. there's the sail right into new york harbor as we speak. the ships are rolling in and it's a beautiful sight. welcome to new york. the dow is down 19 and s&p down just a fraction and big tech not that much price movement. me taxer amazon, microsoft up, apple, alphabet down. now the 10-year treasury yield, same old same old not that much movement, 4.41%. now this, nothing seals to be
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working for -- nothing seems to be working for president biden is down to 36% in a neuroider's poll and 38% in april and he's sinking. who dealt best with the economy, 40% said trump. 30% said biden. the president says he done a lot believe the polls and says they're wrong. but he's been widely reported that he shouts at his staff because the polling numbers are so bad. he is taking notice. but his campaign can't change the public's opinion on him. you make two speeches to black awed yens this past weekend and largely dismissed as divisive and un-inspiring. black support continues to erode. today, he's announced cancellation of another $7 billion worth of student loans and this is widely seen as trying to buy the youth vote and he's pulling in fewer than in 2020 and blaming corporate greed for inflation.
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that's not working. virtually every poll shows inflation is the biggest problem and by a wide margin, biden gets the blame. the campaign can't shake the public's view that he's just too old for the job. today, his staff had to make nine corrections to biden's naacp speech. how do you reverse the image of 81-year-old man that can't be allowed to go off prompter. you can't. a 36% approval rating five months till the election is seriously bad news. bad enough perhaps to make the democrats seriously consider replacing him at chicago convention. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: martha maccallum, our political expert joining us today. mar that, new poll out of new hampshire shows the two biden
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and trump, they're virtually tied and last time the republicans won in new hampshire was 2000. this has to be worrying biden. >> yeah, looking in the northeast and new hampshire is certainly a state to watch closely. hillary clinton beat trump by a very slim margin there in 2016. biden won by a slightly wider margin in 2020. so, you know, clearly the trump camp thinks this is ground to play in in new hampshire and, you know, not just in new hampshire there, they're looking at other places in northeast as well. stuart: they want to raise that with you. trump's going to be in the bronx for his campaign event tomorrow night. where he's going is very close. it'sed a j adjacent to aoc's dit and listen to what alexandria ocasio-cortez says about this. roll it. >> how do you think he'll be received? >> i'm not going to be surprised if he buses in pals from long island and jersey and wherever.
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i hope they pay a nice lefty congestion tax. i hope that they contribute to the revenues of new york city and fund their public schools think their tourism to the bronx. stuart: she sounded nonchalant and you're rolling your eyes. >> i roll my eyes for the congestion tax and for new jersey and people from new jersey and long island bring a lot of strong economic stimulus to new york city. you noisy recordings, whatever. the estimate is they're going to get 3500 people in the park. this is a fascinating stop for him; right. i think one of the things is he's so -- feels so maligned at the courthouse downtown but the other day he came out and said i love new york. i'm from new york. this is my home. i love new yorkers, and i think that, you know, maybe part of him wants to show that there is support for him in new york city, especially given what's going on downtown at the courthouse.
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nobody has won the bronx since calvin coolage, no gop candidate and no one won new york since ronald reagan in 1980. reagan went to south bronx as well, and i would encourage people to pull up the video you can find on the internet. he was on the street, and he got into a heckling contest basically about saying carter has not fulfilled his promises to you. saying that he wanted to bring, you know, tax cuts to the area, to stimulate business, to encourage business growth in the area and got into it with a couple heck herreras on the street. it's a fascinating piece of video. it's going to be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. stuart: he'll have a great time. you've got two new fox nation specialists out and final journey of the greatest generation. roll it, please. >> i wrote a letter home to my sweet heart that says i may not come on and may not be able to
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come home and may be home and not sure if i'll ever come back. that's how bad it was. stuart: that was really something. >> what a treasure. these gentlemen are truly our greatest generation, and they are sadly on their final journey on this -- in this life. stuart: can i watch this now? >> yeah, watch final journey on europe and the pacific. they just dropped and let them take us through the european theater and the pacific and they tell the story of the war through their own experiences from place to place to place, extraordinary record and i'm so proud that we have this because we've lost several of these men since we started filming. stuart: indeed. we'll watch you at 3:00 this afternoon on fox news. thank you, mar that . >> good to see you all. stuart: back to the markets and
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first check up on nvidia. down a little today, $3 shy but they're down to $950 a share. they report after the closing bell this afternoon and look who's here to discuss this. charles payne, the man himself. is nvidia's report make or break for the whole market, not just that one stop, the whole market. >> all the th things that wall street would normally use and it's ai and revolution and it's powered this thing and the other thing that's so crazy is no wonder betting against it and can't remember when there was a stock this beloved and this was one that was not too long ago and there was people that have come around and chad chat cpt changed everything. and of course now think about
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this, just the power consumption alone. now the hottest sector in the market is utilities because of the power consumption. only a couple years ago everyone said let's hold bitcoin because it uses too much power. no, we're going to embrace ai and find a way dealing with the power crisis later on and this is truly, truly remarkable and by the way, jenson long, the ceo of the company will start moving up in terms of the influence of the stock market and steve jobs and elon musk and this guy is absolutely amazing and true visionary and college kids and about two months ago and he's a straightforward kind of dude too. stuart: got it, quickly. rfk jr. bought $4,000 worth of game stop, a meme stock. why is he getting into meme stocks? >> the same listen i told you i like it. it's the valuation and we live in a country where recently
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we've seen people protest and burning down cities and people protest by taking over college campuses and intimidating others and they're protesting with their own money. i see this very -- i see parallels to what's happening with the meme fight to the american revolution. america wasn't supposed to beat king george. british have a longer economy and bigger army and so much more organized and these upstarts weariness going to fight and win. same thing with these folks. they want to fight and take down these hedge funds and modern day king georges of the world. the odds are against them but they want to fight and robert f kennedy is saying i'm not buying this because of that . i'm buying because i love the zest of these folks and that's the same reason i bought the stock. stuart: now, what you told the police recruits and addressed them the other day. >> yes. stuart: yesterday investing and saving. 30 seconds. what do you tell them? >> sacrifice. first of all, i thank them for
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sacrifice and the police officer in this country is tough and atlanta is really tough. you guys have to sacrifice and miss a few cycles of being hip. whatever is cool at the moment, you can't buy it. whatever is the best fashion at the moment, you can't own it. you're going to have to sacrifice, sacrifice, sack fies on top of the sacrifice you make for everybody else. stuart: they like the message? >> they were beautiful and to be a young police recruit in atlanta right now, let's tip our hat to this. stuart: you are a good man. >> thank you. stuart: i don't care what they say, you're a good man. we're watching you at 2000 on making money with charles payne. they've canceled $7 billion worth of student debt and edward lawrence here with me in nigh city. how many are affected by the latest give away? >> not a lot of people -- well, 4.75 million total with the biden administration has forgiven for $167 billion and this latest is $7.7 billion.
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this is just on top of -- the president is trying to push younger voters and energize younger voters and the way he decided to do it going forward. stuart: he's not guying any youth votes. >> poll numbers in his way and penn horton budget model says that all of the changes to the student loan forgiveness plans will be $559 billion over ten years. that's a huge amount of money over ten years. i think people are looking at the crushing debt they're facing now and they're seeing in the future they're going to have to pay more. stuart: edward, since you're in new york, stay there and you're with me for the hour. next case, judge judy says district attorneys that refuse to crack down on crime should get a different job instead of ruining their cities. we'll bring you her full comments. fish oil is taken for heart health and it may actually, may increase your risk of heart disease. dr. siegle sorts it all out. illegal migrant app re-hences
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off their record -- apprehensions off their record hihighs and sheriff tells us what's going on down there for real. next. and when i got there, they have the sushi- this is clem. like sushi classy- clem's not a morning person. i'm tasting it- or a night person. or a... people person. but he is an “i can solve this in 4 different ways” person. and that person... is impossible to replace. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you help clem with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. i'm short but i'm... i'm confident. you know? let our expertise round out yours.
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a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: former vice president mike pence just visited the boarder and met with law enforcement in el paso, texas. in that group was terrell county sheriff that joins me now. sheriff, what did pence have to say at the border? >> hi, stuart, thank you for having me back. vice president pence was there and to make sure that america's still keeping gas on the pedal and there's been a lot of recent
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events on the news and only here in the united states and externally and security coverage has taken that backseat and i wanted to make sure i was able to tell them what we're currently seeing here in terrell county, texas. stuart: has migrant entry slowed and it's come down a little. is that correct? >> yeah, it's come down a little and getting to the summer months and they're dictating some of the know because of the extreme heat and can't get lost in the numbers and make the numbers seem good or bad. we're still at over 1.4 million apprehensions and that low water mark before was 1.6. what we've seen the past two years is well above 1.4 and we're still catching over 4,000 illegal aliens a day and that's extremely high number. may not be what we see as high in the last two years but higher than normal and historical levels. stuart: have they shifted to other county s?
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-- new mexico, california maybe? visit over there a little bit. >> sorry for cutting you off. no, to your point there, what we're seeing now in san diego, california, out in arizona and parts of new mexico, certainly taking over what texas had been seeing. we've been baring the brunt here in the state of texas and through operation loan star and what governor abbott has done has shift that had traffic and it's going to be tougher to cross here and the governor put more resources and going to weaker parts of the border. stuart: what's the sentiment in texas? are they really gung ho for trump to build a wall or are there some that say we've got this situation, biden created it, let it go? what's the sentiment? >> to put it plainly texans are missed off and over the last -- pissed off and over the last three ask a half years it's impacted all of texas and i can speak to my local community and
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impact from here. it's going to take more resources and technology and also those stuart: that's a powerful accusation. what's going on, edward? >> white house is pushing the border bill again and fewer republicans in the senate negotiated with senate testimonies and that bill that failed in february is about to come back up for a vote. now memo from the white house says that rather than working across the aisle to stop fentanyl trafficking and most congressional stop legislation to save american lives from
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fentanyl and the memo doesn't mansion that under president biden, 8.1 million people have illegally crossed the southern boarder and this number does not include the got aways and, stu, i found whatever the president is claiming or the white house is claim asking what they're doing to republicans or doing with their policies and here the white house, you know, always wants the other team on defensive and biden let this fentanyl thing explode. stuart: thank you, edward. cdc said malaria on the southern border more than doubled on the last two years. give me the numbers, ashley. ashley: absolutely stunning, stu. last year 68 cases were identified from surveillance systems and pima, arizona, san diego, california, and el paso,
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texas. that is an increase of 143% from the previous year. we should also mention in addition to thousands of children with tuberculosis released from government custody and show health screenings are critical at the southern boarder and not always happening. stu. stuart: it's not. thanks issue ashley. take a close look at big tech. this same story we've only got microsoft on the upside and amazon on the upside. fifth ya report at 4:0 this afternoon. that'll be an earthquake on the market maybe. coming up, almost memorial day weekend and people are preparing to celebrate and going on road trips and hosting barbecues and of course it's going to cost you more this year. we'll tell you how much.
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i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to stuart: two hours worth of business and no clear price trend on wall street at all today and dow town 40 and nasdaq up 21. tesla and moving and it's going down 3%. what's the story. lauren: sales in europe hit a 15 month low. less than 14,000 vehicles registered in the eu in the month of april. separately the catalyst for tesla is autonomous driving. elon musk is giving details or should say the company, not elon directly, about tesla semi. we're getting details seven years later while the competition says we're already working on what's called level 4 in autonomous driving. no human driver. most companies are working on
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level 2. we're behind. stuart: yes and tesla is paying the price. down 3%, 180 on the stock price. toll brothers must have a been a stellar report. lauren: luxury a home builder and high end is homing up. stock down 8%. they sell expensive hopes and average price in the past quarter was $1 million and guidance for the current is $950-$960,000. maybe things are getting a bit cheaper because they're not selling as well, but it was a good report card. also existing home sale report, falling almost 2%. maybe just cast ago shadow over the market and see all of the home builders are down sharply today. jacqui: yeah, 7% done. edward, what's the risk? >> first stroke and increasing risk of developing heart disease and now the study from the uk cast a wide net and found that
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fish oil might slow the progression of existing cardiovascular health problems and lower the risk of death and fishing with mixed results and fish oil has omega 3 fatty acids and supports brain and heart health and helping with existing problems and the people with problems may want to steer clear. heart failure, heart attack and stroke are the leading cause of death word wide and may need to be more studies on this. stuart: dr. siegle joins us now. should people stop taking fish owl supplements? >> well, people should do what they should always have done, which is ask their doctor. one thing about this study in bmj and it's observational and not proving why. but people that had atrial fib robin lou legislative session and eric relate heart beat with lower problems and lower chances of heart disease and death
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coming on and other kinds of blockages and what this looks at is people that are not having the atrial fibrillation and heart disease and normal and higher chance of developing that arrhythmia or stroke. two different groups. do you have the hereto problem or do you don't? the conclusion if you have heard disease, fish oil is something to take and where i sit, eat fish. i'm not using the fish oil supplement that well -- that much because i can't control it. but i like two or three portions of fish a week, which gives you plenty of fish oil too. supplement only if your doctor tells you to do it. usually people already have heart disease. stuart: next case. the online pharmacy is a startup, hims and hers and going to begin selling lower cost injectable weight loss drugs. the price is $199 a month and a fraction of the cost of ozempic and wegovy maybe $1,000 a month.
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doctor, this option is cheaper but is it safe? >> well, the drug is safe and i look at semi-glue tide and it's the same thing and i came from beverly hills and doing this all over the place. call here, write here, go on a tele visit here and there's tons of this stuff with automated voice or doctor for a moment and that's my problem with this situation. i like this hims and hers is a great, great outfit and company that's done incredibly well and their stock price soared with this news, but my problem is something like ozempic or that kind of drug, stuart, i want doctors in the loop, and i want to be able to follow the patient's regularly. that's the problem we're having in california right now. i don't want -- here it's harder to get the drugs and hims and hers making it a lot easier and i think they're going to make it too easy. i like it's cheaper because the cost has been ridiculous.
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jacqui: researchers in california, say obstructive sleep apnea may raise the risk of memory decline and even alzheimers. sleep apnea is where you stop breathing during your sleep. what makes that dangerous? >> first of all, i'm so happy we're back to alzheimers segment, stu. we do one almost every week. not on accident. you're sharp as a tack and no single cobweb. i have to reassure you and your viewers know that and makes total sense and if it disappeared for that during sleep and the brain knows it and the next day, it's not alzheimers per se but ability to speak and remember and think clearly and that's clearly the issue and that's absolute chicago related to oxygen to the brain. i believe this totally. i think this is right. stuart: i lied --
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>> get treated for sleep apnea. that's the key. if you have sleep apnea device, you'll be okay if you have a c-pap. stuart: "the wall street journal" said fda gave approval to musk's company neurolink to test on a second patient. what do you think of the progress being made here? this is exciting or what? >> extraordinary and useful for paralyzed people for people with parkinparkinsons and dementia ad problems with stroke. enormous. the problem with the first patient is some of the electrodes slipped out and they're embedding them deeper in the brain now. they got that solved and moving forward. this is app incredible step forward. here's musk again, stuart. stuart, you talked about amazon, how amazing amazon is. and has done so well. i mean, musk with every one of his companies, i would bet for neurolink, absolutely for it.
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stuart: cdc wants to keep new terroristing free throughout the summer. i thought it wasn't common in the summer. what's going on? ashley: you're right. but charles: dc wants states to help them track potential cases of h5/n1 bird flu and increasing testing of the virus and includes potential bird flu. there's ongoing outbreak of bird flu among poultry and dozens of dairy herds and one person in texas that had contact with dare cows infected with bird flu and normally slows down during late spring and transmission of flew virus drops in the northern hemisphere dropped and concerns over the bird flu has cdc calling for more testing. stu. stuart: ashley, thank you. two of mesh's largest retailers both released earnings. what do the reports tell us
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about the strength or otherwise the consumer. we'll break it down for you. of course, it's fleet week and you're about to look at wal-mart and the retailers. you're about to look at the intrepid. it's fleet week and the fleet is in town and we're see ago lot of them. that's next. ♪
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the biden administration is taking action to lower gas price withs the sale of 1 million barrels of gasoline from the northeast gasoline supply reserve and builds on other actions by president biden to lower gas and industry costs releasing from the petroleum reserve and they'll sell the reserves and not focused on increasing supply and coming into conflict with their climate goals and critics of the move say selling the reserves is a temporary fix that avoids the bigger problem. >> we're going to dump the gasoline reserve, secretary yellen has taken the strategic petroleum reserve and this is all central planning and at the end of the day, it doesn't work.
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reporter: it's been drained down for gas prices and they're still too high and not a permanent solution to what's become ago political problem for the president and energy costs are driving every day americans out of retirement into a job to help them cover daily costs. >> just goes to show you that so-called retired folks, it's just not enough under to the's current economy. when they say that average american has the increase for us is about $10-12,000 a year and it's a gallon. reporter: sewer, biden team openly admits they were forced to sell this gas from the reserve because it's being closed, they timed it so it would happen between memorial day and july 4 so people during the summer when doing a lot more
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travel and vacationing are going to get that boost. it's also months before election day. stuart. stuart: yes, it is. just before election day. hillary, thanks very much indeed. switching our attention to the retailers and specifically wal-mart and target. both reported recently and target's way down today and investors didn't like their report. i'm joined by the earnings for these two retailers about the strength and otherwise the consumer. >> the big contrast between wal-mart and target is the fact that wal-mart is predominantly a food retailer and sells mainly groceries whereas for target, grocery or food and beverage is
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just about 20% of target sales. right now consumers are shifting spend to food and beverage and consumeables and away from these discretionary categories and seeing stronger growth at wal-mart versus target. stuart: is this a real big change in the way consumers shop? >> well, yeah. i think we're see ago change in the way consumers shop. they are gravitating more towards big box retailer stores that cassioppi as a one stop shop and wal-mart is the largest retailer in the world. has a really strong physical fit print and also growing its marketplace. ecommerce sales at wal-mart have been really strong and third party market sellers and amazon did it about a decade ago and it's copying the play book of amazon and party doing it with a similar strategy and just a much smaller scale than
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reflected with target's results as much as it is in the target results. stuart: i know you follow these stocks and do you have a price target for them? wal-mart at 65 and have a price target over the next year? >> yeah, so our price target on wal-mart is right now, i believe, $72 and we have a buy rating and our target price on target, we just cut it this morning and it was $171 but cut target's price target to 160. we do see more upside over the next 12 months on wal-mart shares versus target shares. stuart: follow retailing and it's kind of dull. i hate to say this but you're looking -- price target on wal-mart is 72. it's now at 65. i really can't get excited about
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a $6 or $7 gain of a stock that size. know what i mean? >> yeah, i get it. i get it. yeah, it's not as attractive as tech and don't see the same gains as tech and wal-mart's chart over a five year span and it's a pretty decent chart and nice slow steady gainer and it's an exciting time for wal-mart and not just wal-mart being known for core retail business and growing the advertising business and tech- like investments at wal-mart and investing in and starting to become -- talking to a lot of inveinvestors and they're talkig about wal-mart and you are kind of like a tech stock and not just a retailer anymore. stuart: you've almost but not quite con syringessed me. thank you for joining us, sir. appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: edward is with me. have you changed the way you shop? >> yeah, i don't buy as much or go out as much. look at revenue coming in for the companies, target, wal-mart, it looks good but the amount of things people are buy asking a
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bit less. the consumer is being squeezed by inflation and top line numbers and revenue coming in is there. they're not buying more things. it's just the things they're buying is more expensive. stuart: that's interesting and you've changed the way you shop. >> yes, absolutely. stuart: thank you, edward. almost memorial day weekend and millions hitting the road and holding barbecues. we do this every year. lauren: every year. stuart: how much have costs gone up? lauren: goes up every single year. another 10%. stuart: 10%. that's a big jump. lauren: for kickoff to summer barbecue. seven items looked at, base ibrams, hot dogs, hamb hamburged condiments and relish went up the most from last year. 80/20 ground burger up 20% and mustard up. seven items up by 10% and final bill $30.18. that would feed three, four people from $27.39 last year. it's a small increase like that but it's everywhere.
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it's all the time, and it's happened for years. it's the cumulative effect of paying $3 more everywhere you go. stuart: got t lauren, thank you earthank youvery much indeed. it's that time to look at the dow 30 and get a sense of the market. my sense is that's an even split and half of dow 30 are up and half down. the dow itself down 67 points. president biden spoke in detroit at naacp dinner and accused donald trump of running for president to get revenge. james kreeg is the former chief of police and we'll ask him about biden's divisive speech. that's next. ♪
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that's no way to lead a country. you can't build a future on revenge. stuart: i'm joined by the former chief of police in detroit. james, did you feel that biden's speech was divisive? >> hey, stuart, let me thank you for having me on your somehow. of course, this was gaslighting to the highest level and not only that, he gaslights and he's not always truthful. for example, why make a statement that if black americans converged on the capitol on january 6, what would trump have done? suggesting that look, black americans, you're in trouble. that's the vision. this is the same man that ran on unifying america. i don't see unification. i think we're the worse i've seen in my lifetime. this is a scare tactic he's used and it's not working. stuart: are black people angry
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that money is going towards migrants and taken away from the police? >> absolutely. the best example, the governor here in michigan put a bill out to help illegal immigrants, but look at what's going on in chicago. black chicago are still angry. saying we're going to turn chicago red and why? because illegal migrants are getting funds for living, food, you name it. same thing in black new york too. same issue. we haven't seen that here in detroit and i will tell you, detroit, i'm so proud hi a chance to be part of the leadership team here. we saw what happened in summer of 2020. detroit was one of the few places that did not burn and there's a reason for that. he make as comment about januar. what about all the burning and looting that took place across america in the major cities. stuart: yep.
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>> nothing is being talked about. we're talking about lives taken and injured police officers, looting and same thing -- stuart: where do you think that so many black folks are now transferring support to trump? i don't know the exact numbers, but there's a trend in that direction. why do you think it's taking place? >> absolutely is a trend. look, the democrat party left me some time ago. i grew up a conservative democrat, jfk democrat. i now am seeing -- i live in the city of detroit, i talk to a lot of black detroiters, most of which who are democrats who said we were better off under president trump. we had more money, we were safer, both in cities and national security and open borders are chaotic. black voters and not just black voters but hispanic voters too are starting to move over. it's not by accident. stuart: james craig,
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unfortunately i called talk like this for a long time but i'm out of time. i want you to come back soon. will you please do that? james craig, detroit. >> enjoy coming back, stuart, i look forward to it. stuart: you got it. time for the wednesday trivia question. it's alaska memorial day. the flag is at half staff from sunrise until when? noon, 3:00 p.m. local time, 6:0? the answer when we return. ♪ pods spring moving sale has been extended! save up to 25% on moving and storage until june 10th... .. ion moves. don't wait, use promo code 25now to save. book at today.
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11:58 am
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and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. stuart: before the break we asked on memorial day the flag is at half staff until when? noon, 3 p.m. local time, 6:00 pm local time or sunset? it falls upon you as usual. ashley: the first inclination is sunset, sunrise to sunset. i will say number one, noon. lauren: i am going with sunset. that the answer. >> i will say sunset but i noticed a trend here. and noticed that trend.
12:00 pm
on the grounds the flag must not be shown in the dark. it is raised to full, at noon. and that was a trick question. thank you very much. it is a shame we got it wrong, though three of us here. thanks for watching. coast-to-coast starts in literally four or five seconds. adam: let this be known as the day the ship hits the fan. i practice that 100 times. the computer chip a dynamo and artificial intelligence titan nvidia but it is down, it comes after the bell, they expect to


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