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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: appeal take as long time. >> it does, but are you going to really send the former president of the united states to jail in the middle of a presidential season when a significant number, including liberal commentators believe your entire case already collapsed legally? if he goes to jail, then the sec retoservice goes -- secret service goes with him and then the issue if he's elected president, they can't keep him from acting as president. and so you can be president and be in jail. larry: all right. i wish we had a lot more time. you're wonderful onset but i have to pass the baton to david asman in for lizy macdonald. david, there you go. david: thank you, larry. i'm david as asman in for elizah macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. biden admin strays piling on the debt with the president bailing out $7.7 billion in student loan debt. this is a new fed report found 84 bernards healthcares of adults say -- 84% of adults say
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rise in cost made financial situation worse and grady trim seatbelt live at the white house with the very latest on this. hey, grady. reporter: hey, david. this latest round of cancel student loan debt for around 160,000 borrowers through various programs and in making the announcement, the under secretary of education said we congratulation those borrowers on their due forgiveness and we'll continue to work to deliver relief to others. >> why are they due forgiveness? >> everybody has a different story as to why they need student loans. everybody has a different reasoning as to why they want to go to college. i cannot speak for everyone. >> forgiveness due to them? >> what we have been very clear about is the system -- the student loan system needs to be fixed. the president is trying to do that and fix it in a way where people are not feeling that crushing financial burden that they have to -- they deal with what they leave college.
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that is something that they shouldn't have to. reporter: biden approved $167 billion in relief shy of 5 million borrowers and republicans say it's election year vote buying that will lead to more inflation. our latest polling shows about four in ten voters say student loan costs are a problem, grocery and gas prices are much higher on their list of concerns. david, when i asked the white house press secretary, karine jean-pierre whether the ministration thinks student loan forgiveness leads to inflation, she argued that those who have their debt forgiven can contribute to the economy in other ways say by buying a house. that's the argument from the white house as they cancel more debt. david: all right, that's the excuse. grady, thank you very much. joining me is house administration committee chairman bryan steil. he's also house financial
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services committee and home depot and chrysler ceo bob nardeli. thank you, gentlemen, for coming in. congressman stile, how are the concerns that americans are having and how are they affected by this latest student loan bail out? >> student loan bail out is not only unfair and unconstitutional, it's politically but it's also inflationary. here's the worst part is it doesn't actually address the underlying problem, which is the high cost of education in the first place. so i think what most voters will do is they'll see right through what the admin vagues is doing and out trying to buy votes in the home stretch and the president has a base problem with young voters and clobbering american families he proports to help. david: if it's vote buying and young people are saying it is and it's not working with a general population of voters. 52 bernards healthcares of americans oppose it and that's why the president is doing it by
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executive order if he tried to get it through congress, it wouldn't pass. >> the speaker of the house pelosi said it wasn't legal. it was in the seat and congressman said it right, this is blatant of the administration and thinking of the aggregate of this where could go, $820 billion, that's the total amount of the budget for our military. we're putting loan forgiveness ahead of national security. again, it's just a blatant move by this administration we continue to see for the last three and a half years. david: congressman, not only did nancy pelosi say it was illegal, more importantly the supreme court said that this kind of spending and by the way, the committee for responsible budget said up to $1.4 trillion all of the student loan bailouts and primarily those of biden administration and is according to the supreme court illegal act by the president.
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why are we allowing president bide ton break the law? >> well, this is where republicans have to use every tool in the tool kit to push back against the agreeance actions of this administration. the action was found to be unconstitutional by the united states supreme court as you said. now president biden is back to the table simply trying to use a different legal authority. we're going to have to run the charade run more time, go to the courts and prove it's unconstitutional. again, this is simply the president trying to drive forward a political narrative having problem withs his base in particular a young college student and he's looking for any opportunity to change the narrative from the disastrous economic policies he's pushed forward, the broken border, areas failed foreign policy, refuses to lead from strength. david: bob, colleges love this. universities love this because they don't have to worry about getting stiffed by people who aren't paying their tuition and they keep raising their tuition so the folks trying to do things honestly pay back their debts have to pay much more than the
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rate of inflation. so colleges, and by the way, there's also question of return on investment from the colleges and look at what happened from the riots over the past couple of months. >> david this, is basically giving the university carte blanche to raise tuition, three, four, five percent a year annually and not sure they're delivering any higher education. maybe more indoctrination as you referenced at some of the riots that we've seen at the university so again, you want to talk about another yet singular inflationary act by the missteps and debacle of this administration. this has to rank way high on the list of those issues, david. david: congressman, i do want to ask you about something slightly off subject, the fit-21 financial innovation and technology. i don't know if you call it a bill yet or proposal.
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what is it and what do you feel about it? >> there's a bill coming on the house floor later today addressing the crypto landscape in the unit. we have chairman gary gensler at the exchange commissions trying to put forward policies through enforcement actions and it's incredibly destructive in the broader space. we need to pass this bill you referenced to put forward a frame work to allow innovation and development to occur in the united states. the big concern as it relates to crypto and it's going to that's going to occur in the united states. >> we all remember the ftx disaster that hap happened withm bankman-fried. do we really trust, congress, i know that congress is blaming administration and blaming are any poll cigses up to the task
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of leg rating this market? >> this is a tremendous challenge to do it and as we see as the congressman said, there's an internal fight going on right now. david: great to see you both. thank you very much. excitement growing ahead of former president trump's rally in south bronx. that takes place tomorrow. many are comparing to ronald reagan's visits to the bronx in 1908 and won that election and state of new york.
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new york >> when theysay electir me because i'm a democrat. that's what they said and people are so mentally conditioned to vote for democrat that no matter who is running in the democratic line, our people will vote for them but now, now it's different. david: ford, there's a sienna poll out today saying that biden is losing his lead. he still has a big lead over trump in new york, but it's down to single digits. what are you making of this? i mean, is it conceivable that between now and the election donald trump could reverse what we're seeing in the screen here? >> look, donald trump says any time, anywhere and i tip my hat for him going to the bronx and bureau that no republican won in over 100 years. in new york state, joe biden won by 23 points in 2020 and now it's down to single digits. that shows you that donald trump is resinating with the voters and he's expanding the map and frankly the fact that he's going to go to such an arctic blue
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stronghold and tell people, you know what, there's another choice in 2024 speaks well of his campaign. david: now, as we were just talking, he's hoping to buy young voters with student loan bailout and spend over a trillion of taxpayer money to do it illegally as supreme court said and nevertheless he's going ahead with it. look at figures, 49-49 young voters, people under the age of 30 in terms of split on trump and biden. he's not doing it. all of this money spending of our money in order to try and buy the young votes isn't working. >> yeah, absolutely right, david. it's not working because it's very simple and under the age of 30 or over 65. eight in ten voters say that inflation is a serious problem. guess what, where's inflation? joe biden's policy and voters under 30 or not love donald trump and they're saying the status quo can't hold with joe
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biden. david: yet he's turning to so-called experts to get them. people that say they can get a kangaroo elected president. say all you have to do is follow advice. have advice and dark brandon, the picture of biden with the red glowing eyes. that scared more people than it helped them get people. now they're foreign ago new meme manager, meme, m-e-m-e, manager to help them out. is that going to have any affect on the race for the presidency? >> biden cam partners in primary can't talk about the issues and they'll throw the kitchen sink at the wall and see what sticks. i don't think the meme situation will work for the biden campaign. what worries me, david, is voters under 30, nearly a third get news from tiktok. that is concerning, my friend. david: well, both parties want to use tiktok. i know biden came out and admitted as much. it's clear that trump is moving towards tiktok as a way of
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getting the message across with facebook in 2016 and won election and you've got to go with the voters right now and vanger voters hanging on tiktok and donald trump has a much better message to sell them and trump campaign should be on them and do them and nullify the widen campaign can do. all of these indictments and et cetera s. that because they see through it all or might that change if donald trump is found guilty by this jury in new york? >> this is ambush trial f. he's convicted by judge, the villain here, not going to hurt him with voters. that said, david, he's acquitted
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or a hung jury, this will be gasoline in the trump engine because it'll cause voters to doubt all the other three indictments and that will make him the 47th president of the united states. david: fordo'connell, great to see you. thank you very much. >> thank you. david: former adviser dr. anthony fauci that once bragged about how to make e-mails "disappear". to avoid instituteny and dr. david me meran accused of obstructing the subcommission and origin of dr. fauci and dr. marty makary joining us next on "the evening edit". (♪) (♪) (♪)
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from our factory to our stevia farm, splenda's team of over 2000 individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives. taking pride that everyday millions say “i use splenda.” and now sweeten drinks wherever you are with splenda zero-calorie liquid sweeteners. try all three. available in the baking aisle. david: an investigation realized antonin any fauci bragging about making e-mails in the covid ban democratic disappear and he's accused of obstructing the investigation of the origins of the virus to protect his long time colleague. fox news senior national correspondent rich edison is live on this. fire works in there today, rich. >> yeah, dr. david morens
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receiving criticism about the e-mails he wrote about how to avoid getting certain government monitors to see the e-mails he was doing basically having people send him e-mails on his gmail account dated february 24, 2021, "i learned from our foya lady here how to make e-mails i did appear after i'm foyed before the search starts. i think we're all safe. plus, i deleted middle ear space of the earlier e-mails after sending to gmail". foya is the law that gives governments access to e comal mail communication. >> it is government business if you're advising him you're advocating on his behalf and editing things and letters he wanted to send to nih. you do that on personal e-mail; correct? >> i don't remember but if i did, i shouldn't have done that that's wrong. reporter: the discussion and many e-mails regard controversial government contract e co-health alliance and its president peter dacek
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and they helped divert government money to research at wuhan institute of virology and in april 2020, the trump administration blocked ecohealth from receiving more funds and morens, thennn then an adviser o anthony fauci wrote "this is sent from my gmail account and please send all remails to gmail". the chairman said he misled the committee. the committee subpoenaed morens for the hearing and fauci scheduled for next week and heard from health and human services and hhs is committed to freedom of information act. that's foia, f-o-i-a, and hhs wants all of its blows to refrain -- employees to refrain from using personal e-mail complete the catches to conduct hhs business. david. david: rich edison, thank you
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very much. welcome dr. marty makary to the show. dr. makary, you know a bit about how this is done. if you're a medical researcher working for the government and you know that you're trying -- you said in an e-mail, we're trying to obstruct any foia request by the government to figure out what they're doing. isn't that beside the legal i did or illegality, isn't that the point? >> yea, and many of us were curious when dr. fauci's e-mails became public and saidenly there's nothing in there about the scramble at the last minute when he found out that they were funding the lab in wuhan. and it turns out that this guy david morens is basically saying look at me, i found a way to get rid of e-mails and not even the media can discover they were there. that is very concerning, especially talking about, let's
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assume this was -- war criminal case and some may argue it were. n david: some people have having long term effects from the vaccine to attack the virus and the children that lost a year or more of training in school, who are suffering from this as a result of that and the businesses that have died or lost tremendous accounts because of pan democrats and lockdowns and they're working with a lab that might have been >> peter
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was the head of the ecohealth ashrines that funded the wuhan lab and it's this web that's very concerning when you have people talking on those sort of cozy terms, it is amazing, the entire covid pandemic four years and 10-20 million people dead and kids shout out of school and an economy that hasn't rebounded and was entirely avoid and will could have been prevented and people don't care complete the catch the fact that we could have avoided it all together. david: there's also the question with working with chinese scientists over the issues and might be scientists double dealing working with international scientists on one hand and getting instructions from ccp military on the other hand. has this at least wuhan may
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have? >> they've submitted blueprint to covid on the state department and the grant was not funded and in that application, we saw the detailed plans to take a bad coronavirus and humanize -- coronavirus and humanize it to affect humans. that's as much of a circumstantial piece of evidence you could want. the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming on the side of ledger and came from the lab. david: they've been actively engaged in bio-weapons for decades and some of that research at wuhan lab almost definitely went into a lot of the work that they're doing with their military and we may have been funding those that are trying to kill us directly.
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marty makary, good to see you again, dr. thank you for being here. appreciate it. >> thanks, david. david: former president trump's trial moving to the feinsteins and critics accusing the judge of unfair treatment of the president and president trump calling it a entire disgrace and antony blinken back on capitol hill facing intense criticism from lawmakers about handling of israel and iran. all this next on "the evening edit". ♪ ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds)
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david: lawmakers today grilling secretary of state antony blinken on america's competition with global adversaries and this is round two for this -- this is round two for blinken after yesterday's hearing and heckled by protesters and had a very, very hot exchange with texas senator ted cruz, watch. >> no one, starting with president biden, has done more to make sure they have what they need to defend themselveses from hamas to deal with the threat
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that hamas imposes. >> that is ludicrous. why have you cut off weapons to israel then? this administration, you and president biden, funded the october 7 attacks by flowing $100 billion to a homicidal, genocide regime that made the attacks. you fund our enemies and oppose our friends and the world is much, much more dangerous as a result and americans are in greater jeopardy because of it. david: well from senate judiciary, senator marsha blackburn. thank you for being here. appreciate it. even if it wasn't the intention of funding our enemies, the fact is that iran got so much money because of the end of maximum pressure that we saw against iran under the trump admin vagues that they were -- administration they were able to fund hamas and funding and some sophisticated help with the october 7 massacre that took place from iran so even if it
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wasn't the intention to help our enemy, isn't that the actual affect of what happened with the biden administration? >> you know, with the biden administration, david, what they wanted to do was appease iran. they thought this is what they were doing and even though they've been warned time and again, that appeasement does not work, and that you can't go negotiate with terrorists, they chose to do it anyway. they waived sanctions that donald trump had put in place. sanctions against iran selling their oil on the global market. so the biden administration waives that, iran starts selling that oil, they start bringing in about $1 billion a week when under donald trump they were making only about $12 ball year, and then once they're flush with
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cash, they start doling that money back out to hezbollah and houthis and isis and hamas and that's where the funding mechanism has come from. plus, they decide they're going to unfreeze these accounts that iran has not been able to get to, $6 billion, look at what obama, look at what biden have done. they are shipping this money into iran. they think they can be friends with iran. iran is the world's largest, most aggressive state sponsor of terrorism. david: yeah and senator, then there's the question of what we're doing with israel, our longest ally in the middle east. the day after speaking at
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holocaust memorial, he said his support to israel was "ironclad"and this happens. >> it's schizophrenic and never know what you're getting out of joe biden is out of this administration because they contradict themselves regularly and senator cruz is right about this in his comment to blinken and our allies don't know if they can fend on us and our enemies no longer fear us because they think these -- this is such a stupid way to do foreign policy. because push them as far as you can push them and see what they'll do. they know joe biden continues to move red lines and joe biden is not going to lift a finger to hold them to account.
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david: the student loan bailout and appeasing a lot of pro hamas activists on campus and doesn't that play right into the money of the bailouts, which is relief to a lot of colleges? >> yes and any campus that has allowed these protests and any student that is stood out there and shouted death to america or self-identified with hamas a terrorist organization saying i'm hamas or we're hamas. whatever they're chanting they should be denying any kind of student loan forgiveness. david: senator, thank you for being here. great to see you. historic new york criminal trial and trump moving into feinsteins as both sides rest their case without the former president giving testimony of his own. the jury is set to return next tuesday for closing arguments in a very unusual one week break.
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i'm joined by hans von spakovsky and brad smith was essentially shut out as a defense witness by the judge and even though michael cohen, he's a convicted liar and admitted to be a thief, was essentially giving the jury his idea of election law instead of getting an expert from fec, brad smith. what do you make of that? >> well, this showed the bias and i took brad smith's seat on fec when he resigned and the basis of the prosecution's case is the claim that the payment to stormy daniels, settlement
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payment, should have been listed as campaign related expense instead of legal expense. donald trump was in a federal campaign. that means that the federal definition of campaign-related expense applies and what brad smith was going to talk about is how the fec determines whether something is a campaign related ex-pension. i can tell you because i applied that test under the fec and that payment to daniels was not a camphane-related ex-pension. david: the reason they're not bringing it up is specifics in that kind of specific, even though it's the underlying thing that moves this with these misdemeanors to a tellny, but they have no -- felony but they have no authority to side over the issue and takes fec commissioner or takes a federal judge to do that, and neither of which is available to this court; right? >> that's right. this prosecutor, he's a local prosecutor. he doesn't have any authority to enforce federal law, and both
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the fec and the department of justice, which do have authority to enforce the law, neither one of them initiated any enforcement action against trump because they knew it's not a campaign-related expense. david: very quickly, the prosecution and witnesses claim that since michael cohen was convicted of elections crime and therefore he was working for donald trump that means donald trump is also guilty of that. that's the case that they're making. does that make any legal sense to you at all? >> no, it doesn't. cohen bleed guilty to that -- cohen pleaded guilty to that and if i was his lawyer, i would have told him not to because he pleaded guilty to something that wasn't a violation of federal law. david: hans von spakovsky, thank you very much. homeowners on edge over a growing squatter problem plaguing all cities and they're warning others about california's laws after he lost
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millions of dollar in rent and property damage because of a squatter. but first, let's check in with friends jackie deangeles in for dagen and sean to see what they have coming up in the next hour of the bottom line. hey, gang. >> hey, david. great show coming up. democrat border bill doing nothing to secure the boarder and it's back. congresswoman claudia tenney here and polling shows that americans think the u.s. is in a recession and they blame biden. monica crowley to discuss. >> and tammy bruce sounding off on this new james comey interview saying if trump's learelected president, he'll use power of doj and fbi to target his enemies and dr. drew pinsky because the democrats and biden are so desperate for votes in november, they want to reclassify pot. s i saidch it because it's true.ii >> tom of the hour. >> see you then.
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david: merri bowls are on edge about crime in cities gap el with the effects of policies that hamstring law enforcement and too often alaw dangerous criminals to go free. concerns also mounting over squatters as dallas ft. worth areas repeatedly facing all this 500 cases of people breaking into houses again and again and refusing to leave. one texas homeowner sharing her harrowing experience with a squatter left her life "completely destroyed". listen. >> i hired him to come in and do work for me. he did a fantastic job so i hired him back over several months. while i was gone, he broke into the house and made himself at home as well as multiple other friends who then turned it into basically a drug den. david: wow, joining me is former nypd inspector paul marrow.
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great to see you. paul, we know how we got here. protecting violent criminals and punishing honest citizens like that lady who have their private property taken away and businesses have private property taken away. we don't have the protection of rights that is guaranteed by our constitution. the question is how do we get out of it? >> we've hit a tipping point and starting to see movement obstructing cerumen the stat level. just to be clear, a lot of productions that the squatters enjoy are ghosts in the machine that go back to british common law and from a different era and have to be washed out. it's one thing that's been nascent and nobody bothered with it and you and i have discussed that you're seeing light shone on it and starting to see it more. david: many states and cities they've got those old laws about squatter rights being fortified by the aclu and a holt of others who want to retrocochlear people that illegally go -- protect people that go in and illegally take over someone's property. >> you're right. it's a force multiplier for them and expand those sorts of
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initiatives to grab lawsuits and funding from the federal government and local governments and so the aclu and something to prove saying you're mentioning they do that but it's hitting the point where they can't do with a straight face and if they r the state assembly across the country are moving texas, new york, i bet we'll see california and you're starting to see them bill and they come and it's taking over over and alderman in california and have the authority he and she used to have to make changes that are needed and has to go through this kind of solve soviet tile d it's commitsed idealists and radicals that vote in these low level city cannulae lockerbie bomberses but they matter and
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you're seeing one. david: right, then you have the trouble with the migrants. the addition and again, we know that most migrants are not criminals per se but there's enough of them that have come in to create problems in cities where the attention of the police is distracted by the migrant problem. >> it's one of the underreported problems of the entire border thing. can't just in 10-20 people let them in and whatever their intentions are and issue an line in and most not looking to commit crimes and just in those sorts of people, real strains on the social support network and dealidealing with squatters sayg you've got to get out. and even if you put the provisions in place r do they go when the shelters as they are here in new york city, are completely filled with migrants. david: quickly, any federal solution? there was a 194 crime bill and in fact president biden then senator biden was in favor of it talking about predators on the street and everything. there was a lot of reaction to that law because it did incarcerate a lot more people
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and you have to put more criminals in jail if you want to clean the street of predators, but do you think it's possible that we'd ever see a federal crime bill in the near future to solve this? >> i see two ways forward on that issue. first of all, the migrant issue. if you tighten that up and of course you're not going to have as much pressure on local municipalities and one thing you can do at federal level is withhold funding. i think that's a lot more likely than getting a new law in and then if you get a federal order, it has to be enforced and local stuff. it's going to be tough to do federally. you need locals and i'm a bit hopeful here and starting to see sanity. david: up to st.s and voters to dot right thing in -- citizens and voters to dot right thing in their communities. >> it's an election year so property a coincident dense. david: thank you, paul mauro. still aid head, derrick morgan joining us and biden administration selling 42 million gallons of gas to reduce prices ahead of summer
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travel season. critics say this white house needs to change their approach as americans are not buying into biden's green energy push. that's next on "the evening edit". ♪ (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. viking. exploring the world in comfort. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels
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david: white house announcing release of over a
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million barrels of gasoline from northeast gas supply reserve in an attempt to win the election, hillary vaughn on capitol hill. reporter: the white house intend timed this release to consider between memorial day and july 4, so americans will enjoy lower gas prices while enjoying summer. white house saying, that biden-harris administration is taking action to lower gas prices with sale of one million barrels of gasoline, this builds on other actions by president biden to lower gas and energy costs, including historic releases from strategic petroleum reserve, price of gas up almost 50% since he took office. the decision to close northeastern reserve is congress' doing the president chose when to do it, they chose now and months before election day, former president trump said he thinks that biden is
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doing it to get a boost headed to november. >> releasing one billion barrels of oil from the northeast reserve. to lower prices at the pump just before the election. because he is unable to drill properly. the prices are higher than they have been in a long time, they are very high. he is trying to stop that because high gasoline prices are not good for elections. reporter: depleting reserves does so much, strategic petroleum reserve has been drained down to 20 year lows by biden, but they popped back up, not a permanent solution to what is a very political problem for the president. u.s. oil and gas president, said this is a mistake to get rid of the reserve saying: >> just a new scents will
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not give president biden the boost he may be hoping for headed to november. when gas prices are up over 50%. david. david: hillary vaughn thank you. for more on this move by administration we welcome former american fuel, petro chemical manufacturer senior vice president derrick morgan, we have seen this before. we saw it before midterms in 2022, they have brought down the reserves by about half. it did have an affect, small affect at the time, it might have affected election a little bit, it is a way of buying votes, but, you know, it is taking away reserves that we need don't we? >> well, there are two different reserves, crude oil strategic petroleum, that is sizable, then this very small finished product reserve. this is just really a drop in the bucket, 35 days it is about .0 -- 0.3% of daily
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supply. it won't even be a blip. david: like putting a band-aid on a gaining wound. you have to strip off that band-aid and fix the wound. gas prices are now 50% higher than they were in january 2021. that is more than double the rate of inflation, so they are back up. i -- i took a picture we saw this we knew when he was elected he would play out his war on fossil fuel, i took a picture november 7. this is in weehawken, new jersey, price of gasoline after election was $2 .01 a gal en in weehawken. we know what has happened now. >> if has seen a 50% increase. some of that is general inflation because of government spending and
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biden's policy, he really zeroed in the oil industry here, did that in last debate. then the state of the union. but the fact is he is really downplayed investment in oil and gas area, and he is throwing a wet blar blanket on it he took anwar from production and federal lands on and offshore, that is a quarter of our production. we have a great st strategic petroleum reserve. david: all about the electric vehicles, people are not buying them, they are piling up on the lots. >> they are. that is why about 4500 car dealers, they wrote they were not selling the electric vehicles and government should not
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mandate them. nobody has figured out how to make money outside of subsidies, ford announced they lost 5 billion because of the electric vehicles, it is not sustainable, they have other draw backs. david: mercedes canceled their entire electric vehicle platform. derrick thank you. >> joining us tomorrow senator roger marshall, steve moore and joe concha. i am david asman in for elizabeth macdonald, time for "the bottom line" with jackie and sean. jackie: a, david. >> thank you so much david. david: yep. sean: i am sean duffy. jackie: i am jackie deangelis. in for dagen mcdowell welcome to "the bottom line." sean: it is back. from graveyard of bills past so-called border bill, it


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