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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 23, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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[busy hospital background sounds] this healthcare network uses crowdstrike to defend against cyber attacks and protect patient information. but what if they didn't? [ominous background sounds] this is what it feels like when cyber criminals breach your network. don't risk the health of your business. crowdstrike. we stop breaches. maria: good thursday morning. thanks so much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo. it is thursday, may 23, it is 8:00 a.m. on the button on the east coast hope you are having a good thursday morning time
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for hot topic of the hour former president donald trump holding a campaign event in the south bronx tonight, where he will be reaching out to primarily black and hispanic voters a new siena clinical poll shows president biden's lead in new york slipping in single digits biden 47% trump 38% home in new york lawmakers not happy about trump's plans here congressman aoc. >> ankle braces can't loaf five burrows i am not surprised if he will bust in pals from long island jersey whenever i hope they pay a nice hefty congestion tax. >> trump is also though getting support from former rivals as well as, former presidential candidate nikki
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haley. >> as a voter i put my priorities on the president who is going to have the backs of our allies hold our enemies to account who would secure the border, support capitalism and freedom a president understands we need less debt not more trump has not been perfect on policies but biden has been a catastrophe i will be voting for trump. maria: you have it nikki haley voting for from. biden has been a catastrophe look kudos nikki haley for putting her ego in back pocket doing what is right we need less intraparty fighting within gop we need more teamwork more working together things like that, so, the real question now becomes will donald trump put his ego in back pocket reach out to her donors i am not as confident that will 457. maria: donors voters, follow suit. liz: look it is a significant
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part of a republican party that backed nikki haley donald trump needs those votes no question in november i am very, very happy to see her take this stand it wasn't easy to could it has been a very personal -- kind of argument that has been going on, like you mark i hope donald trump follows suit i always wanted her to be vice president candidate i know doesn't appeal to conservatives necessarily but very credible candidate would be very good presidential candidate into next four years. maria: donald trump said v.p. candidate not happening. >> i know you never know he said things never going to happen in the past before, but, you know, there is something i think fascinating, polling that has come out trump positives support so solid only 8% people who say going to support trump, 30% biden supporters think about switching votes, when you look
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at. maria: uncommitted. >> look at, when you see nikki haley in argument not just that joe biden is so bad it is that look at policies he recognizes enemies somebody going to do the right thing on immigration going to restore economy voters starting to say taking bad with good we're seeing that democrats have not given a reason, to pull anybody over that believes in same thing so i think we are going to see a lot of people like nikki haley saying you know what? i might not like him as a person but i like his policies. maria: she did excellent job at u.n. liz: sure did. maria: new quinnipiac poll finds seven in 10 voters plan on watching june debate between trump and biden robert f. kennedy, jr., calling for a debate who have had on x, after elon musk agreed to his request, rfk rights x is where debate should employee new public square 100
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times audience of cnn, donald trump i know you got comuts to do it do you want to call potus or show. >> he is demanding to be on the debate stage, and he said this because issues so far. >> i don't want to talk about issues president trump or biden are comfortable talking about they ran up biggest deficit in the history driving inflationary cycle president trump four short years ran up 8 trillion dollars in debt more debt more money than every president from george washington to george w. bush president biden rushing to keep up with them two shut down our country, shut down 3.3 million businesses, with no due process, no just compensation no, citation,
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there is at the ones feeding the polarization that is tearing our country apart. >> mark? as it yeah, so i mean look rfk has very unique points on several issues, regards to him being on you know the two you know televised debates typically you need polling i think 15%, to make it on to the stage while -- is polling very well in the double digits i think closer to 10% not quite there. maria: he says he will get he could get 270 electoral votes by june 20th. mark: when you look another rfk most pollss lee would know better than i most 1,000 to 2000 people rfk ran his survey over 20,000 people with polling error close to zero. what he arrived that in head-to-head matchup between him and biden or him and trump he wins both times, now as a third party, he does not win, right? but i think very interesting that is why i would love to
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see something on x not just case love to see rfk out there i would like to see unbiased moderators as well one cnn did moderator specifically said if you vote for trump you are against ho democracy. >> i think so, yep. >>, ho would rfk take votes from. liz: a fair question polls suggest going to help trump polls that it helps biden -- think this is what is most important swing states matters most actually helps trump not biden, in head-to-head general election polls, it actually looks the other way, but general election polls are a very different thing why looking at nationwide poll that is not the way the election work electoral you've got to look at seven states matter most polling sfb states that matter most having kennedy helps trump not biden, so i think that is what we
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have to look at certainly a disruptive i think they deserve to hear from him on debate stage to make important decision what oilt is i don't think people have fully heard full message of kven dee. maria: i think should not be one political candidate deciding who gets to speak. >> that is right. not up to biden it is the people. liz: biden totally set terms of june 27 debate obviously, totally favor him to lee's point worried about swing states not worried about general election voter count they are worried about swing states and to your point he is devastating to biden's chances in those states, biden is in control of that one but did not in control on xi., an interesting proposition he probably won't do it. maria: getting started coming up next guest chuck schumer's border deal already failed once is nothing more than a
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joke alabama senator tommy tuberville is here with more on that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business we will be right back. ♪ .
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we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're basically sitting on a goldmine? i don't think they
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electoral. . maria: breaking news this morning fox, has confirmed that one of the men one two of the jordanian nationals who tried to breach the quantico maureen corp base in virginia crossed into america through the wide-open border, in san diego. back in april. we are covering this this morning fox news, encountering a large group of male migrants in california from all around the world this week, watch. >> where you from. >> pakistan. >> pakistan. >> india.
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>> india. >> turkey? >> turkey okay. >> india. where you guys from. >> turkey, turkey? where you guys from. >> china. >> china ecuador? >> where you from. >> india, india, india. >> iran, iran. why did you come. no freedom. >> no freedom? yes, in iran. >>. freedom in iran melugin speaking with california man dispardoned passports left at border from illegals coming in. >> there are just dropping the stuff on the ground, to come here and assume new identity it is a little bit scarier, not nothing background seek people coming across male, male, male, all millry aged males i have the proof right here. maria: joining me alabama senator tommy tuberville member senate armed services committee i want to know who
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is tracking all these people crossing the border let me begin with breaking news, fox has a just confirmed with white house, that one of the two men who tried to breach the quantico military base in virginia, actually came into this country, through the wide-open border in san diego, reaction. >> welcome to our new world maria we are going to see this, time after time. because so many people come here we have not o vetted them don't flow who they are quantico trying to get into military bases we live in a dangerous world we created not we, the democrats they have created this scenario know now they are in trouble at ballot box trying to do everything they possibly can to get, get the american people to think that hey the democrats didn't do this republicans did this with new bill that schumer is putting he back on the floor, again, we live in a dangerous world not getting better only
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way we can change indicate to have a new white house new group in the white house going to change the scenario direction this country is going in terms of open boards. >> any accountability a whatever the fact wide-open border we don't know half people coming in motivations? we now are getting confirmationg that one of the two people who tried to get into a major mill base quantico in virginia entered the country in april through san diego border there a meayou are iner of laken riley was illegal, 10 million people on joe biden's watch will see see accountability or waiting nor a terrorist attack on our soil. >> well, you are exactly right it is not if it is when fbi director even said that it is just it is a tragedy what happened to our country. it is not the same country that you and i grew up in,
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open borders, you can't allow that with the -- constitutional republic that we have you have to have law and order we turned into more third world country to allow these people to come in the problem with that, too maria, cities, the counties the states are on the ground going bankrupt trying to take care of people 450 billion will spend this year all illegals coming this over 10-year period costing five trillion dollars last i looked we are broke dead broke all on joe biden, some people that melugin had on tv some those probably next year or so be in our military, because i have asked every military general secretary what about taking illegals into military as long as they qualify they do not care, they want people to come here, that believe like them that think like them that will vote for them. >> but is that the only reason why? why would anyone in leadership position, of the free world
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the greatest country america, allow this country to be put in such harmful's way vulnerable positions, as having this open border? why is the senate voting on this border bill again today. >> it failed to pass the chamber in february, even oklahoma senator james lankford said he won't vote for it he was among the ones writing the bill democrats now coming out against the bill as comel jersey under booker says no vote he climbs does not viechd relief for dreamers karine jean-pierre says it is all on you and colleagues watch this. >> it is up to republicans, in congress, if this is going to be successful or not would be toughest fairest legislation to deal with broken system broken for daidz we have not seen legislation like this in some time. >> all talking points in front of her greatest legislation of all times reactionary. >> probably right on that
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point there hasn't been a -- on immigration bill there hasn't been one, up here in years and years nobody wanted to tackle the situation other than donald trump wanted to build a wall slow down or try to stop immigration let people in we really need to be here an example why they want people to come here all you have to do is look at europe maria, sweden, germany, italy france bring it all overrun by immigrants changes their lifestyle their country changes their laws they want that to happen here want to be like-minded with xa democrats socialist democrats here leaded that direction for our country, it is all plan all a plan started with barack obama transition the country to something else, the american people don't want that, and going to stand up november, unfortunately we are 10 mill down right now in terms of people coming here, probably two million more, of these gotaways, we're in a desperate situation, the democrats know
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if they can control this white house for another four years america as we know it and have grown up in will be gone. we have to stop nonsense, again, this border bill today is just a cover-up for some senators on democratic side to possibly make a decision that, would help them get reelected it is groundhog day doing same thing over and over don't do anything in the senate other than spend americans' money don't do anything to cut back going to cost a fortune again. >> when you see chuck schumer on tv go in front of microphone say this is greatest entitle ever, republicans obviously, don't care about border he is lying? >> yeah, exactly, all it is talking points for his candidate especially senate fou or five in bad, bad trouble losing all polling this is a way to, while time in senate let american people hey, we really stand for border first two years i
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couldn't get them to talk about border we were over revenue mainstream media would say enforcing about border other than you and fox, they are saying what the heck is going on. >> president trump is going to talk about it tonight no doubt campaigning the south bronx expected to draw supporters and protesters new york tile on pays after memorial day weekend jury will hear closing arguments senator you were in courtroom last week what can you tell us what you witnessed firsthand. >> first of all, president trump going to have chance to win any state at in country, i truly believe that, because, the whackos running our country right now even, these blue states saying enough is enough. you know. unemployment rates of all people in the country were very, very low under donald trump, not under this president everybody looking for a way to get a job, at the end of the day, the this trump
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trial, as you said, there i was for a day it is a circus i mean this judge -- he i mean if that is way you raun courtroom i mean really the way that we run our country under joe biden you know. >> an example what did he did so egregious give me one example something you witnessed. >> first of all, if president trump looked like mad or disgusted about something he would be called out gag order is one way obviously, against donald trump, and his team, the other side, obviously, making money off tiktok all those things, i watched jury maria, i think six women six men, going to be hard to get a -- a good jury up there but there is no way that i think that he is going to be able to be, convicted. >> we will watch all that thanks to much tommy . we'll be right back.. .
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craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. trn year pressures yield right now trading this way, with yield on 10-year hanging around 4.4% down 8/10 basis points this morning minutes from federal reserve most recent two-day policy meeting indicate, officials are worried, about the lack of progress on inflation, to get to the central banks 2%
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target, now you've got goldman sachs ceo saying he is expecting no rate cuts this year no compelling data to support rate cuts joining us ironsides macroeconomic managing partner director research barry knapp in your note you tell clients stable but hotter inflation you don't expect 2% move say improbable to get 2% inflation -- >> not as long as running 7% budget deficits government spending 24% gdp, inflation, isn't supply shock it is regulates aggregate demand over the ability of a supply-side to just adjust caused inflation in 60s 70s not myth you can see in healthcare, where, after the passage of medicare being medicaid health insurance went 2 1/2 to 7 1/2 that story is as long as running big deficits going to run above
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trend inflation, right before we got you mentioned more optimistic i'm optimistic that inflation is stabilizing from volatility perspective but higher level if fed insists pushing to 2 will drive economy off a cliff they are going through five year review second half say well we can have a broader ranger around it live with 3 plus percent inflation in stable parts of the economy will operate, quite no, that environment maria: let's find out what fed minutes showed yesterday there was disagreement over slowing the balance sheet runoff within fed minutes. >> that is right to me the big ongoing issue. i absolutely think they did this tightening process wrong, they should have been much more aggressive with unwinding a balance sheet that is what the bulk of the easing was, could have avoided deep yield curve inversion that is
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putting all pressure on of a small banks small businesses, real estate developers if they had been willing to sell mortgages outright the bank of england sells securities out rite bank of canada does we decided to have passive approach there is a number of fed officials couple or several whatever veer be verbiage think should talk about security precisely, for example, after 10-year auction two weeks ago they bought five billion, 15 minutes later 10-year treasurys why still applying any 10-year treasurys should let those mature put more than in bill, worried about reserves in the banking system that is one thing, but continuing to influence the most important price in a global capital market system how capital ise allocated everybody discount model is priced up to 10-year treasury they are still holding that
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rate below where market would sell it otherwise, so, to me that is confidely disthe organizationry interventionist, they should be out of that business. >> when move interest rates raising interest rates yet still running off balance sheet couple years ago same thing. >> mark jump in. mark: look what fed has to do with he monetary policy standpoint look at the fiscal headwinds to the fed because to your point barry, i mean we have not raun budget surplus since 2001, it is both parties that are at fault here, but specifically the budget deficit running right now is consistent with a 7% unemployment rate this is incredibly, egregious right here. the question i have for you though relates to the consumer, target in earnings report, they mentioned a maxed out consumer whereby roughly one third americans right now have a maxed out credit card
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they are saying preventing consumers from making discretionary purchases cheryl reported earlier about travel spending cut back who is a your take on the comheer. maria: and add on home sales down again anotherheld mortgage rates, dampening that plan. >> a fascinating argument, i saw tweets from payne about this yesterday the fed has attorney comfort in foreign born workers, dampening inflation the atlanta fed provides wages wage tracker inquiry tile lowest inquiry tile from lowest quartile of income easterns earning wages growing 3.6% faster than highest quart i'll in late 2021 that collapsing to zero immigration may employee dampening wages only for lower
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income consumers so that is the a sector that is getting pressured by the surge in immigration, by this pressure on wages whereas the upper you quartiles doing well. liz: the bottom tiers income earnings in america, some point going to connect the dots between -- and struggles. >> they have connected dots already we see in polling, and immigration. maria: nancy lazar called it a bifurcated economy, exactly what you are saying good to get your insights as wells barry ironsides. >> the origins of covid-19 leading back to anthony fauci,
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rand paul is next, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on stay with us. . ♪ .
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maria: welcome back, leaked easily reveal obama-biden administration stopped fbi from resting supports of iran's nuclear program including northern terrorists in the united states, yes, cheryl casone with details now. cheryl: so that is rate maria. at the time the state department allegedly prevented fbi from arresting individuals on u.s. soil linked to iran's nuclear development program ron johnson chuck grassley s exposing information sent by
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whistleblowers obtained by fox news digital senators right obama-biden administration state department under leadership john kerry actively interfered with fbi operations pertaining to law if you feel arrests of known terrorists members of iranian networks criminals providing support for iran's nuclear multiple agents deeply upset by arrests being halted, chaser of live nation entertainment sinking in premarket, this morning, there are multiple reports doj is going to file a lawsuit, today, against the company, citing alleged antitrust violations, due to company's market dominance, live nation focus of angry taylor swift swans in 2022 millions were blocked from buying tickets to eras tour, get to growing in cautiously optimistic senator richard blumenthal famously said a favorite quote i want to congratulate thank you for
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stunning achievement you have brought together republicans and democrats, in absolutely unified cause, taking a look at stock right now down more than 6 1/2%, those are headlines. maria: thanks very much former fop adviser to dr. anthony fauci dr. david morens before house select subcommittee on coronavirus yesterday after release of explosive emails between morens and president of choke healthlines appear to show evidence morens deletes emails secret back channels on personal email account to avoid a foia request freedom of information act request helping fauci evade covid transparencey we are smart enough to know never have smoking guns if we did wouldn't put them in emails if we found in them would delete them dr. morens at the hearing
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yesterday. >> you have not seen it as conflict of interest to be reviving one working to get a federal grant. >> i that i conflict of interest, as i understand it, helping. >> is that why you used gmail instead of official email or for -- >> that was avoiding more embarrassment danger. >> specifically, emails say avoiding foia correct? >> well yes, i guess you could say that i was not aware of that not aware of anything i deleted was a federal record. you are editing things letters you wand to send to nl on personal email correct. >> i don't remember if i did i shouldn't have done that. >> joining me now kentucky zmor senate homeland security governmental favors committee ranking member a member of senate health foreign relations committee senator thanks very much for being here i've been on this from day can you explain what went on in dive morens basically
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anthony fauci's fixer with him two decades sort of michael cohen anthony fauci's michael cohen to fix things keep a distance between anthony fauci anything unseemly says i will take notes to his house work it through gmail i have ways getting to him, that won't be recorded. also now implicated two other people in this, this is very important in emailsing implicated the foia lady she is named i won't name her she is named in the emails he says she taught him a trick a technical trying to delete emails without being detected ways to invoice foia that is against law destroying evidence a felony. so, david morens admitted to destroying evidence thatation felony he needs to be indicted, foia lady needs to be interviewed likely indicted as well but real question is was foia layered just following orders did an fauci
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say please come in my office delete emails i suspect orders came from him only know if we interview foia lady not getting much out of david more ernst like a mob boss doesn't understand what federal records are deleting he didn't know emails were federal records no way if he that is incompetent he never should have been hired but i think trying to evade here but there's official people at nih that are giving instructions according to morens how to destroy evidence, and if those came from anthony fauci ultimately there is going to be culpability attached i revered morens to department of justice unfortunately our current department of justice doesn't seam to considered with crime there are people at nih trying to clean house, said we're not giving more to ecohealth not to pooest, but
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there has to be culpability still paying morens he destroyed evidence paid over a year doesn't work on paid leave for over a year now. >> i am trying to understand, why what are they hiding? why are they deleting evidenced are they? are they being paid by china are they making money on this that why not allowing people to understand what took place here? you wrote a letter to ag merrick garland yesterday requesting an investigation, into dr. morens's alleged misconduct what do you want to hear in terms of investigation out of doj what are you getting? >> you know i am not alleging anybody was take money from china what i am alleging is that they made a terrible mistake anthony fauci decided to fund gain-of-function, dangerously in have china led to pandemic 15 million people died from very beginning started in january 2020. as he learned about this began covering it up, a big part of the cover-up is used david morens to help try to hide
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tracks any emails discussing cover-up they had to get rid of that is what this is about, it is about covering up trying to say hey, we had nothing to do with pandemic, you know for at least a year or a two said you are crises a conspiracy theoryy if you think it came from lab now the community probably evenly split if not majority believing in all likelihood came from lab. anybody has nerve to say that 2020 was slammed by peter die zach, form debarment proceeds immediate government wide spuns of all money tlooetdz to alliance, to fund wuhan institute of virology before start of pandemic senator basically funding this, gain gain research, clearly led to the leak he clearly load to
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deaths 15 million people across the world saying oops we did this don't want anybody to know it? >> yeah they are actively trying to cover this up one point you see emails from david morens anthony faucii's fixer to peter, back-and-forth mention me they say if rand paul one of the amplify this we have chance to say deletes emails we are safe the word safe used over and over the way morens explains this i was joking of its series but very serious literal tone when joking someone says i think we are safe we deletes emails can you imagine what is on emails deleted, those will eventually probably be found he hopeful in internet ether about found saying tony fauci was deleting, i think predicate
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for subpoena they should i have revived house to do that subpoena tony fauci gmail phone records before he comes in interview foia lady did she help fauci delete records i suspect he ordered someone to delete records i think he probably ordered someone to do it hopefully she will testify to the truth if she deleted emails. >> what about those basically snunsoring information from american people, we know now from twitter files that there were 1,000 people in different agencies, in government that were working with -- with people at facebook, at people, at twitter, basically telling them, that this is all you russian disinformation you know, take this account down take that account down, why would they all in on this to sunsor information george car libertarian said for conspiracy to exist isn't like people running hands together all talking to each other it
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takes is a convergence of interest anything associated with anthony fauci unfundeding it convergence of trb trying to distance that they funded this research for everybody else facebook on people to left believe to strongly central authority of government, that government is good i think they saw that a mistake would tarnish government i think beginning to worn about this, peter for two years flying giving him no more more than he is bringing down nim i am.of too much spending not he opponent of nih one of the few things i voted for money for nih unless people tell the truth not just emails i have been asking for two years, for the deliberations on whether or not the research in china was gain-of-function. an few ofi still says it
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within the she said -- look at deliberation. >> quick on breaking news of the morning senator fox has confirmed that one two of the jordanian nationals allegedly tried to breach quantico maureen base crossed the san diego border in april released on notice to appear other jordanian overstayed visa a two people here from jordan in the country they shouldn't be in the country, the senate set to vote on failed border bill again today, as the democrats try to make the people believe that they want to do something about border your reaction to all of that. >> terrorists and killers killer can have laken riley, was paroled they let him go said oh, facilities are full there are not doing their job when trump administration was in they weren't parolling millions of people now they are doing millions of people i think election will be decided on this issue great to get your take on all that we so
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appreciate your work thanks for your leadership. >> thank you ran paul in d.c. we'll be right back.. . daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side.
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. expected to be a banr one for
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cruise industry fox business live this morning, from port of miami i am aboard norwegian, sailboat, little smaller than normal medicalinga on an ocean about 2,200 passengers you are right industry is booming after losing tendency billions of dollars during covid when it shut down industry about 18 months, look at numbers estimated bookings, numbers for 2023, 31 1/2 million, 2024, 34.7 million, so up this year. >> a trend, younger people millennials gen z, take up recusing 36% under age of 40,
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was retirement couple around the world today's cruiser younger, experiencing some expedition, smaller ships used to a take people to areas they won't normally go wherever you want i would go warm for sure this ship, is leaving for key west, mexico caribbean, i maybe talking to you from key west. >> we need you here i understand, thank you so much, ashley webster miami, travel demand up significantly according to virtuoso average booking 11 days from advance, thanks very much for being here what are the most important trends we should be aware of where are you seeing top destinations this summer.
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>> good morning, maria. thanks for having me, well, you know i know ashley on cruise ship u.s. number oneings destination this summer we see that people are staying a little bit closer to home, or a lot of demand for europe, italy is number two destination this summer followed by france, spain, then ramping out with canada on top five, so we are looking at the top 10 uk, greece ireland portugal switzerland, probably large group stick close to home. maria: how does inflation play into this you say hotel rates not coming down this summer virtuoso hotel, 10% higher than last summer. >> they are extremely high last summer what was being almost tail of two economies you have some people affected by inflation, and you have
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others who just aren't, who are willing to not give up their experiences, and travel is too important to them they are willingly paying higher rates, so, yes, we are up more than 10% over last summer, the rates throughout uranium remain quite high i think why seeing u.s. as number one because rates within u.s. lower compared to most europe. maria: misty thank you. we'll be right back.. . meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get.
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maria: 30 minutes before the opening bell on wall street for a thursday, dow industrials up 64. of course, it all started with nvidia, mark. >> yeah. so if you thought the a.i. rally needed a breather, think again. nvidia with another blowout quarter, pretty awesome. maria: liz, final thoughts. >> i'm excited about theally tonight in the brosmghts i'm going to be watching. this. maria: lee. >> i'm interested in 8% saying they would change their vote while 30% for biden. maria: thanks so much, everybody. very any and company picks it up. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. it was a blockbuster, every bit as exciting and dramatic as expected. nvidia blew 'em away. sales and profits, spectacular again. if the stock price has moved above $1,000 making the company worth $2.4 trillion. nvidia is at the heart of the a.i. boom which shows no sig


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