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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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larry: you wait, folk, we're already getting early reports, just wait, the trump rally in the south bronx going to be well over 25,000 people. it's a big shot across mr. biden's bow, and now, david asman, we should have take a cab up to the south bronx, david. david: i would have paid for that cab, larry -- larry: i would have split it with you. david: 25,000, that's a good bet. thank you, larry, appreciate it. i'm david asman in for blez macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. anticipation is building as thousands wait for if former president donald trump to speak
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in the bronx in just an hour. new polling shows trump is actually gaining ground in the deep blue state ahead of the 2024 election. madison alworth is in the bronx with more on all of this. madison, how does it look there? >> reporter: good evening9 from the south bronx. the stage is set behind me. people started lining up as early as 9:30 this morning to get a chance to see the former president speak. he's set to take the stage at 6 p.m. tonight, we already have hundreds behind us and hundreds if not thousands waiting to get in. tonight's event comes off the heels of the event, the rally in wildwood, new jersey, which was incredibly crowded. like i said, we've got people behind me. from my vantage point, hundreds, if in the thousands of people still in line waiting to go through security to attend this event. i was able to talk to voters, many of whom are of latin or black americans, and they tell me that they're voting for president trump because they are upset specifically with the
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border, many of them seeing themselves having immigrated legally or having family that emigrated legally. now, where i stand this is an incredibly blue county. energized voters saudis content with the democrat party is growing particularly among minorities and to not count them out. >> this is just like a small microcosm of what's happening nationwide, you know? if the sentiment is growing pro-trump here in the bronx, hopefully it's the same thing echoing in michigan which i know he needs. >> reporter: there is real excitement here in a blue state and an even bluer city, and we are starting to see president trump narrow that gap just a little bit between him and president biden. the latest sienna college polling shows president biden leading by 9 points here in the empire state. polls are one thing, crowds and voters, that's another thing. and one thing that i consistently heard from the voters we've talked to is that they are so glad that president
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trump chose the south bronx as his location for a new york city if event. we're seeing lots of signs that say the south bronx loves trump, chants in the same tune. so the voters here, they want to thank the president for choosing this area which traditionally has been incredibly blue part of the city -- david: right. >> reporter: but the crowd's trying to send a different message here tonight. liz? if. david: no, this is david. by the way, she wassing having trouble with her ears because there's so many people talking behind her. thank you very much, madison. joining me now with reaction is fox news contributor joe concha and former michigan gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon, also a trump 2024 campaign surrogate. tudor, i was trying the think back, i know ronald reagan was there in 1980, and, of course, he won new york and surprised everybody by doing so. this is for tudor. there she is. good to see you pop up again. i can't think of another candidate besides ronald --
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maybe jack kemp, maybe jack kemp would have done it because a lot of his policies focused on the inner city and trying to revive the inner city, but that's about a it. can you think of anybody else, tudor? >> no. but this is the a great message to republican candidates. go places where you are unexpected, and that is something we could have done more of in michigan. i look back at my campaign, and i think many republican candidates are looking at their future campaign or past campaigns and saying this is the where we need tonight. we need to tell the people that we love everybody in this country. we want you to be heard, and we want you to hear what we want tad for the country. i just think it's fantastic after what we saw with lee zeldin and the way he was able to make progress in new york -- haifd david right. >> to see so much progress with donald trump. david: and the sienna poll, if we can put this back on the screen, this is a new york poll that just came out yesterday. basically, the bottom line here, look on the left there, look at biden going from 60.9% four years ago, he has lost 24
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points. trump has gained just a little bit there. there are indications that after this bronx rally he might win more. could he win the state, joe? >> well, you looked at polling, david, and you see that joe biden's leading on average in every swing state, north carolina, georgia, arizona, nevada, wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan. so if he wins those states, obviously, it's a landslide. but then i see polls, to answer your question in a very long way, where it's a dead heat in virginia which hasn't gone red since 2004, a dead heat in minnesota which hasn't gone red since richard nixon. ronald reagan won 49 states in 1984 and didn't win minnesota, however. the fact that he's in a dead heat in those states, my home state of new jersey trump is within a couple of points, so could donald trump win new york if he wins states like minnesota, virginia and new jersey? sure, why not at this point? if because joe biden, when it comes to inflation, crime and immigration9 and the border, when it comes to foreign policy and these wars and the fact that people look at joe biden, you had bill maher yesterday call
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him a walking cadaver, basically. that's the perception of those even on the left of what a they have of this president, you could be looking at a landslide right now. if the election were held today, donald trump is your 46th president. david: tudor, we got the news last night nikki haley, his big with rival during the primaries, saying she would vote for him. by the way, she was being courted by the mainstream media as a a never trumper. she didn't buy into that. she finally came out squarely if favor of trump. let me play a little bit of her announcement last night. roll that tape. >> as a voter, i put my priorities on a president who's going to have the backs of our allies and and hold our enemies to account, who would secure the border, no more excuses. trump has not been perfect if on these policies. i have made that clear many, many times. but biden has been a
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catastrophe. . so i will be voting for trump. david: tudor, do you think that trump and she talked together before she made that announcement? >> you know, i don't think she needed to. i think -- i don't think there was ever a time when i thought nikki haley would not come out for donald trump. i think she knows how important this election is, and she also knows that her voters need to hear from her that that is the path forward, and that will be the path forward. this whole time the that the mainstream media has tried the say, oh, gosh, he doesn't have the haley supporters, he's not going to get them, that's always been baloney. he's always been going to get those people, and having her come out and finally say, yes, i'm with trump, you know her supporters are going to come over, and that's just going to terrify the biden folks. david: yeah. joe, axios sometimes comes out with these scoops that aren't really scoops -- [laughter] but this one i found particularly amusing. inside the dnc's plan to paint trump vp contenders as extreme.
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well, of course, what's the scoop? if of course. they're painting anybody who goes anywhere near donald trump as an extremist maga, but i'm just wondering how -- if, it's a very big if, if, in fact, he reaches way across to get haley to come back and be a part of his ticket the way ronald reagan did with bush who he didn't like, it's happened before even among democrats. i mean, cm that essentially called -- kamala essentially called biden a racist during the campaign of 2020, but then he picked her. could it happen? and what happens to the media if that happens? they're going to go hog wild. >> oh, of course. it'll be a big betrayal the them, i suppose -- david: exactly. >> but when you look at these primary races even after haley dropped out, she was still consistently getting in the high teens to low 20 thes as far as support, so there is a base there that if donald trump wants to win, you choose nikki haley. i get that that a lot of trump supporters will yell at me on
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social media, no, we could never have nikki haley, they don't trust her or trump doesn't trust her, she's not loyal. well, the whole ball game is about winning. so if you add a haley to the ticket and plus the bona fide foreign policy chops, she did an excellent job as u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and also he should do very well with women as well, maybe that's the way to go. vice presidents don't do a lot, so it's not like it's going to impact trump all that much, is so, sure, why not? david: well, and also the maga extreme u.s. charge is not helping joe biden at all. it hasn't helped him in the past several months. that and the trials, i think, have worked in the opposite way that they expected them to work. but with we've got to leave it at that. joe and due, do thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. it's going to be a big night. meanwhile, hundreds of state lawmakers are urging congress to push president biden to extend the trump era tax cuts before they expire. hillary vaughn is live on capitol hill with more on this. hillary, can hay do it? >> reporter: david, that's a
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really great question. it's really up to congress and and also the president holds a lot of cards in this because time is running out on the trump era tax cuts. and if president biden doesn't do anything, then taxes are going up on millions of average americans. so now hundreds of state lawmakers are asking congress to not let that happen. the american legislative exchange council signed by more than 330 state lawmakers in 42 states asking congress to make the cuts permanent saying, quote, allowing it to expire would result in a massive tax increase on hard working american taxpayers, a significant decline in american competitiveness, fewer jobs, reduced wage income for workers and higher prices. but those pleas falling on deaf ears at the white house who say they're happy to let time run out on trump's tax cuts. >> reporter: if that law expires, it does raise taxes on almost every american. so does he still support that expiring without anything else in place? >> so, look, as you said, the president is going to allow, is
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going to -- is going to let the trump tax cut expire. and he was very clear. but he will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. >> reporter: but unless there is a plan b, biden won't get to keep that promise once the tax cuts expire. a married couple making $855,000 a year will pay $1600 more in taxes, couples making $165,000 in taxes will make 2400 a year. it's not clear what the backup plan is for biden to avoid this, but even if there is the a backup plan, it's not clear how he's going to do that with a divided congress. david? david: hillary, thank you very much. joining me now to discuss this is bright if bart with finance editor john carney. i promise we're going to get into taxes in a moment, but we have to start with the dow, down over 600 points today despite the rocket blast of nvidia on the nasdaq.
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what is going on with the markets right now? >> i think the markets are waking up to the fact that the fed is not going to be able to cut interest rates at all. we've -- we got a report from s&p global today that showed that the economy is growing at the fastest rate in two years in the month of may of -- of may. so we had a big pickup in the beginning of the year, a little slowdown in april, but with it looks like may is off to the races again. we saw this with the unemployment claims number, down to 215,000. with the economy going that that fast, i think the fed if is going to look at these numbers and say we cannot cut. so they're not going to cut in september which right now the market thinks they will, they're not going to cut in november, probably not going to cut in december, not til next year at the earliest and that's, frankly, what hurt the disturb. david: before i go to tax, let's talk about inflation since you set up that because it is really hurting americans. produce if e, i'm going to switch to inflation before taxe.
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nondiscretion nave spending, that's the stuff you have to buy. your rent, food, insurance costs, health care costs, childcare costs, they are all going up much faster than the discretionary spending which you may or may not have to buy. they're going up by 6%. but the discretionary just is basically flat. that's what's pulling done the overall number. so that is hurting americans. we just had a fox poll out that 73% of the people who say they can't have vacations are doing so because they don't have any money. people are running out of money. they've spent the savings of the pandemic, there are no more freebies from the pandemic, and that now is draining them so they can't even spend money on a summer vacation. it's affecting americans, and that's going to have an important role in the election. >> i think that's right. i think it's going to be the number one issue in the election. americans looked at their bills and they say, look, i can barely afford my groceries, i'm not
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going to be able to go out on vacation. they're not going to be able to book flights. even things, fallback meals, you know, you can't take your family are out to fast-casual dining because you can't afford that, and then you look at what's going on with things just like a mcdonald's big mac is shooting through the roof. so much so that the franchisees for mcdonald's are begging them the find a way to reduce prices because it is driving people out of the store. david: right. >> inflation is the biggest problem facing americans, and all the news we're getting -- david: real quickly on the tax code, because that's the one thing that i think is making the economy so strong right now. it was so successful, successful for americans who paid less in taxes, but more than that, it actually brought in a lot of revenue. the opposite of what the president is saying. we can put up the chart. we had a 47.7% increase from the if time the taxes, tax cuts kicked in to now. that's a huge increase. in fact, 4.89 trillion our tax
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receipts for 2022. that's more than the whole budget would have been. in other words, we would have balanced our budget if we didn't have those biden spending increases, just kept the spending the way, the we would have had a balanced budget right now. can we afford to lose that a tax code? >> absolutely not. it would be a disaster. the biden people like to say they're only going to raise taxes on the wealthy in it's not true. they know that if these tax cuts expire, it raises tax on every single american and that is a big problem. david: boom. john carney, i think you said it auto. -- all. good to the see you, appreciate it. the chuck schumer-backed border bill fails a second time in the senate with even less democrat support. republicans push back on democrats' sudden attempt to change the narrative on the border only six months before an election. that's next on "the the evening edit."
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david: so the senate failed to pass house majority leader chuck schumer's border bill this afternoon as was expected with a vote of 43-50, so it had less support than in february when it was first considered. let's welcome to the show from senate homeland security,
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senator roger marshall. senator, great to see you. thanks for being here. by the way, even senator lank ford from the republican side, he now if now joined the other gop senators who are against it. i want to play a little bit of what he said, roll tape. >> we wrote it to be a bill to try the actually solve the problem and say if this is not the solution, then let's figure out what can be the solution. but it was just prop votes. david: senator, what happens now? >> well, what could happen is biden could secure the border right now. remember, if he would just go back to remain in mexico, that would solve the problem. chuck schumer also has h.r. 32, the bill that's passed on the house side that truly secures the border, he's had that for over a year now. so that's what i would like to do, pick it up. if there's some things they don't like in it, then great. let's go through the amendment process. otherwise, what comes next, i think, is an election in november. david: yeah, i think so. the president actually had h.r.
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2 on his desk and didn't sign it. he was going after republicans for not being in favor. to bill that the senate came up with, but he had a bill in front of him and he didn't sign it, so i don't think he's going to do it before the election, do you? >> no, this is all political theater. the purpose of this bill was to the get someone like jon tester up in montana9 some political cover. he's going to bo back and tell people -- go back and tell people he's standing beside donald trump the secure the border when in actuality, the democrat cras have had three years to do this. polling has gotten bad enough that they're going to pretend the like they're serious. again, if they are, take up r. 2 and pass it. david: meanwhile, of course, a lot of bad actors are getting into the united states. first of all,, the number, the millions is and millions of migrants who come in are overwhelming cities, but some really bad actor thes doctor are there. it's even getting too much for some illegal imp grants who see the bad actors that are flowing in with them. our own bill melugin spoke to a guy from turkey who just walked
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through the border. he worried about this. let me just play that for you and get your reaction. roll it. >> did you have to a pay a cartel? >> yes. >> how much? >> 10,000 the. >> 10,000? >> yes. the american people is right, who come to this country, they don't know whether i'm good. how if they not good, what else? like, no security, no security check, no background check. >> no security check, no background check, you're worrying about who's crossing the border? >> yes, yes. of course. people are not normal. david: an illegal migrant from turkey who just walks across the border, he's worried about some of the creeps that are coming in with him. it's just amazing to me that our homeland security chief is not as worried as an illegal migrant is about who's getting in. >> right, david. we call this a humanitarian crisis from day one. i've been to the border four times, and it is not a safe place to be as people are
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traveling across mexico. these young men if boys are raped, there's lots of violence that goes on as well. if anybody gets out of line, they ebbs cute them. so the crime -- execute them. so the crime is rampant. it is very dangerous. i think some 800 people have died just crossing the river alone, drowned, that we know of. so it is very dangerous. we know certainly, that the car tell, the chinese triad are very much in control of this process and, me yes, it's cairnlings fos for everybody. david: finally, josh process sew, your -- john barrasso has come out with an amendment, he was going to attach it to the bill, it was called the build the wall act of 2024 using unused covid funds to build and fortify what wall we have there. is that something that ab maybe could be put in as a separate bill before the election? if. >> well, certainly i'm a cosponsor of that bill, very proud of john barrasso's continued leadership. it is part of the solution but, again, the democrats want no
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real part of any type of thing that's going to solve this problem. they want the problem. these 11 million people are going to turn into voterser if if them, at least that's what they think. david: thank you so much for being here, senator, really appreciate you coming in. >> thank you, david. david: the author of the the coming collapse of china, gordon chang, while a china launches massive military drills around taiwan as, quote, punishment for electing a new president. plus, congressman cory mills from the house armed services committee. house lawmakers grill a new match of, quote, morally bankrupt college administrators over recent campus anti-semitism. all of this is coming next on "the evening edit. ". ♪ ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering
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norway are apparently planning to recognize the palestinian state while israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is saying this would be a, quote, reward for terrorism. joining me now, congressman cory mills. great to see you again, congressman. thanks for being here. >> great to see you, david. david: it really gets me that spain is going to be recognizing the palestinian when they have two areas, two regions in their country who have been fighting for independence for decades, the catalans and the bass withing. is anyone -- bask. when are you going to recognize the basque state or the cat that land state? >> well, that's exactly right. the hypocrisy has no bounds, right? and you've also got all of the surrounding areas within the middle east who won't even a take in palestinian refugees. you look at the wall that's established by egyptians, and even though there's 600 tunnels underneath it, i mean, this is a nation who understood the risk
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and the threats. and so i i think it's absurd. but uh-uh you also have the same thing when it comes to the international crime tribunals where they're trying to equivocate that somehow what hamas has done and what israel is doing with their right to defend their nation is equal in some way. right now what we're seeing is just absolutely unprecedented in how we're treating the israeli state and how we're seeing an increase in anti-semitism here at home. david: meanwhile, it's not stopping the israelis from going after a hamas. they're determined to do so. they went into rafah in order to do something that they were told they wouldn't be able to do by the biden administration; that is, to evacuate citizens there. "the wall street journal" wrote about that. they said today, for months the biden administration bitterly opposed an israeli invasion of hamas if' last stronghold in gaza. the mantra was that israel had, quote, no credible plan to evacuate the city's 1.3 million
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civilian, yet the israelis went ahead anyway and two weeks later they have safely evacuated an estimated 950,000 people. so they're on their way to doing what they need to do against hamas. >> well, you're exactly right, david. look, they've had a plan from the very beginning. if you listen to the war cabinet secretary, ganz, if you listen to benjamin if netanyahu, if you look at the methodical way in which the idf have been clearing gaza, we know this had nothing to do with an increased threat to collateral damage and everything to do with them withholding arms to israel while providing the aid that they claim is going to the, that people of palestine which is falling into the hands of hamas. this was about buying votes. he saw what happened in michigan where you had 13.2% uncommitted. he's under in the polls to president trump, and he's trying to see if he can buy back -- because he's seeing this radicalization on college campuses thinking that's potential voters. he's seeing how he can try to
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flip michigan. the idf has done a great job, even his undersecretary of state has said she doesn't see where there's any genocide or unlawful access going to be. the department of defense has said the same thing, and i think the idf has the right to eliminate a terrorist organization, hamas. david: well, there are people on our campuses, including the leaders on our campuses, presidents of universities, who do see genocide in israel, and here's one of them, the president of rutgers, being yesterday by some of your colleagues in congress. i just want the play that and get your reaction. roll it. >> do you think israel's government's genocidal? >> sir, i don't have an opinion on israel's -- in terms of that phrase, sir. >> you do not have an opinion as to whether or not israel's government is genocidal. >> no, sir. i think israel has a right to exist and protect it. >> do you think israel's government is genocidal? >> i think israel has a right to exist and protect it, sir. tafd david what a coward.
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i mean, that's jus cowardly. he knows the definition of genocide. genocide is trying the wipe out an entire race of people, and that's not what is happening in gaza. it's a horrible war. innocent civilians are getting killed. that's terrible. it's not genocide, and he knows it, he should know it, what the definition of genocide is as the president of a university, right? if. >> look, bottom line is he knows it, as do all these other college presidents that even elise stefanik has called out. they're all pandering to the radical left, the same as this administration is doing, and it's a dangerous precedent for our students, for the jewish people who are scared to go to classes and to the nation. david: cory mills, great to see you. thank you for your work in the beltway and outside of the beltway, some of the most important work is outside the beltway, appreciate it. >> thank you. david: the chinese military is encircling taiwan in, quote, punishment for the self-governing island's election of a new president this weekend. or this week. taiwan responded by scrambling
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jets and placing its army and navy if on high alert. critics say china makes common use of military drills to intimidate and harass taiwan which it claims as its sovereign territory. for more let's welcome the author of the book "the.coming collapse of china -- coming collapse of china," gordon chang. great to see you. is this the the beginning of the invasion? gordon chang, forgive me. >> a lot of people think so. i tend to think that that it won't be. what we are seeing is preparations for war because china is preparing a blockade k and and they blockaded not only the mainisland that taiwan, circling naval and air exercises, but also the outlying islands of taiwan which are very close to the chinese mainland. so they're trying to normalize this and, you know, a lot of people think that what they're doing is that they are trying to get us accustomed to hostile exercises so that when they eventually decide to invade, we will not be paying attention.
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is so this is very dangerous, and we've got to tell the chinese to stop it, and we've got to have exercises of our own to intimidate the chinese back. david: well, there's another factor here. they must be looking at what's happening in the united states and seeing the ascendancy of donald trump on the road to the white house and wondering if whether or not it'd be easier for them to do some kind of action against taiwan before -- if trump is elected to the presidency again, before that happens. they would rather deal9 with the biden administration than a trump one. what do you think? >> i'm sure of that because xi jinping must be seeing an historic opportunity. if i mean, trump handed biden a peaceful world, and since that time there was the war in ukraine which is ongoing, the the insurgencies across north africa that look like war with, the war in gaza and israel and some very dangerous activities not only around taiwan, but against the philippines in the south china sea. i think that xi jinping took
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biden's measure and decided he could do what he wanted. remember, xi jinping didn't do that to trump because i think trump scared xi jinping as trump scared vladimir putin, which is the reason e why we had pour years of peace not only with the chinese,but with the russians as well. david: well, meanwhile, at the same time all this is happening, the economy of china a's going into the tank. and you've been talking about this for years. even janet yellen, by the way, or i don't think she always gets it right, but she was talking about their economic imbalances. 9 i want to play that and get your reaction. roll it. >> china's macroeconomic imbalances are being aggravated by chinese direct and indirect government support to the manufacturing sector. this is currently leading to production in some industries that significantly exceeds not only china's domestic demand, but also what the global market can bear. stuart: as usual, she talked -- david: can as a usual, she talks
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like a fed if chief, but she underestimates how bad the situation -- the real estate market is just dead there. they've created these cities of massive buildings that are empty, aren't being used because nobody can afford them. and now, by the way, biden is instituting new tariffs on evs and batteries and all kinds of things that could really hurt 'em. >> well, yes. and, you know, what janet yellen didn't say was that china is trying to export its way out of problems because all the other things are just too difficult. so, for instance, xi jinping has abandoned the property market as you just talked about, and he's turned his back on consumption which is really the only, sustainable path for the chinese economy. david: right. >> so you have a chinese economy that may be growing 1% if it's growing at all, and there's really no path for recovery. stuart: david: gordon chang, good to see you. thank you so much. appreciate you being here. still ahead, congressman scott perry from the if house transportation and infrastructure committee. the faa is proposing a fix after another potentially deadly flaw
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if was found on the boeing free. and travelers are concerned if an electrical issue on the 777's fuel tank is not addressed, it could result in a fuel tank fire or even worse, an explosion. but first, let's check in with our friends jackie deangelis who's in for dagen and see what she and sean have coming up on with the the bottom line." hey, gang. sean: hello, david. so joe biden says he's building the middle class, but 67% of americans think their incomes are falling behind the cost of living. that as well as a trump rally in the south bronx. we have steve moore here in person. jackie: we also have oklahoma senator markwayne mullin. he is going to talk about those americans that are being held in turks and caicos. he led the bipartisan trip there because our state department is not leading on the issue. tom emmer will be here as well, as the house is passing a bill to make sure that there won't be a digital currency. it's a huge debate. we'll get into it, top of the hour.
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craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. david: travel season is kicking into high gear ahead of the holliday weekend which could be bad timing for boeing as they face more blunder. the faa revealing a mechanical flaw with a boeing 777 fuel if tank that could result in an explosion. grady trimble is live in d.c. with the very latest on all
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this. grady, they didn't need this. >> reporter: no, david. it's the an electrical problem this time. the faa says if it's not addressed, it could result in an ignition source inside the fuel tank and subsequent fire or explosion. the faa is proposing a for example for the roughly 300 777s in the u.s. boeing is the one who actually first noticed this, shoe back in november. it told -- issue back in november. it told the airlines about the problem and how to fix it. and in march is what the faa proposed an airworthiness directive that would make the fix mandatory. as part of that process, the faa sought public comment from boeing, the airlines and the pilots' union until may 9th. curl that time boeing -- during that time boeing clarified it's only not a flight issue, that
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there are multiple redundancies and the 777 has safely flown more than 3.9 billion passengers. separately, back in february because of the string of incidents involving boeing jets, the faa gave the planemaker 90 days to come up with a plan to address its safety issues. that plan is due next week. >> what we are seeing next week is the plan if going forward. it's not the end of the process, it's the beginning, and it's going to be a long road to get boeing back to where they need to be, making safe airplanes. >>reporter: and we should point out, david, this latest issue isn't something that a came up mid flight like that door plug blowout and the other issues we've seen. but clearly, boeing is under the microscope right now with multiple federal investigations underway. so anytime if a headline like this crosses, it's certainly cause for concern. david: well, and cause for problem if your a stockholder. it's down 7.5% today. grade key, thank you very much. -- grady, thank you very much.
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joining me now, congressman scott perry. i was just mentioning if if you're a stockholder of boeing, and there are a lot of people that have it in their 401(k)s, your really worried. it's been going down, down, down. ed the down 7.5%, but it's lost half its value since these troubles began. what is going on at boeing? if what's your best guest? >> well, first of all, thanks for having me on, and it's great that poem don't have to take sock in the faa. the faa is echoing every step along the process just like a health inspector at a beef packaging plant. yet i somehow they never find anything wrong, and when they do find something wrong as reported by the manufacturer, they have nothing to do with it, it's always the manufacturer. boeing has been around for a very, very long time producing safe, reliable airplanes. meanwhile, we just passed an faa reauthorization that is completely status quo, doesn't do anything to address industry issues, the flying public's issue, the fact that air travel
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in america is often times unreliable as passengers are left all around the country stranded not because of aircraft manufacturers, but because of the faa and the federal government. so with this, you know, i'm very frustrated with the faa's posture on this. go ahead. david: i was just going to say, i understand your skepticism about the government to regulate these things properly, because they've done a terrible job of it in the past, and i'm sure there are cases with the faa. a lot of people look at a boeing and suggest there might be a pandemic hangover here, that the same problem that's pursuing a lot of companies, fred smith from fedex has talked about this, that work workers came out of the pandemic unprepared to get back in the work force and may have made some mistakes along the line. could that that be part of the problem here? >> well, it could possibly be part of the problem, but i will tell you this, a lot of it is overregulation, in my opinion. i mean, when you have aircraft manufacturers literally making the airplane to comply with d
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exhibitioner requirements or climate change requirements -- david: well, yeah, that's ridiculous. >> -- a opposed to safety of flight and getting passengers the where they need to be on time, the faa has lost sight of its mission as has much of the federal government. and if i will tell you this, as a sitting congressman who has concern cans on behalf of his constituents, i've been waiting over three months for a return phone call from the faa. they can't even bother to call back, so so what makes you believe they're actually watching what's going on in any of these places? david: the other failure that we know know now clearly has been let on the american people is the failure of our education system. again, or fred smith has talked about this. the people that are being educated in the united states are not being educated as well as a hay used to be. that's the part of d -- fault of the unions. that plays into this as a well in terms of our work force. unfortunately, we have run out of time. congressman scott perry, thank
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you so much. appreciate it. >> well, thank you. god bless ya. david: thank you. same to you, sir. former president trump is minutes away from his blockbuster rally in the bronx where democrat representatives like ao to c and her friends in the media claim he's not wanted. we're going to break this down with fox news contributor deroy murdock next on "the evening edit d.s quick. ♪ -- edit." ♪ did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. empower. what's next. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon.
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david, former president trump is minutes away from his first campaign rally in eight years and in the bronx and aoc and media claiming is not wanted and in fact the pendants continue to blame you, the americans for not feeling better about the way things are under president biden. listen to this. >> consumer haves been sounding off about price fatigue for awhile now and a new report from the fed shows people are struggling to cover day-to-day expenses, even as inflation has slowed. people are confused and exhausted and they're doing quite well. david: yeah, that's what we need. just explainers to explain how happy we are.
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the border, the border is closed or crime? crime is better than it used to b. will the gaslighting continue even though it's not working in the polls? >> i thissen don't think it will. will. the fact is under joe biden it's gone up 18% and for something like that, this is humorist reigns leading and going for the gas pulmoand paying more than before and david: you don't have
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the choice to buy and going apophasesser than discretionary and hurting people in the bronx the most. >> correct. more importantly that, it's going up more quickly than wages. wages arenot keeping up with any of this and as for the border, turn on your tv and people are running for the boarder and adds far as crime, black americans in the bronx and shirks they've been complaining that they're being -- their services are being displaced for illegals and people demanding this stuff for free and demanding debit cards in new york. i don't know if it's gotten that far in chicago, but it's close. the point is again, a lot of folks talked to by our reporters
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in the bronx are saying this ticks them off. happening again now and businesses, businesses like the one that trump visited that was attacked in the guy whose business it was and killed the attacker and he was the one -- >> he got in trouble. david: yeah, that's hurting them as well 678 6789 we can't take e
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shoplifting and you're a little old lady and need heart medication and instead of walking across to the form seizure disorders, you have to walk ten blocks. david: could be a dangerous trip for someone having trouble with her walker and there's a target on her back. >> this is the real danger that happens when democrats take over and run things into the ground. david: i was excited about that segment and you did well, deroy. appreciate it. tomorrow, congressman jeff van drew, bill mcgurn and liz peek. i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald. it's time for the bottom line with jackie and sean. jacqui, thanks, david. sean: good evening, emotion duffy. jackie: and i'm jackie deangeles


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