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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 24, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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okay, we'll still send a code three. -(theme music playing) ♪ >> good morning i am cheryl casone and for maria bartiromo it is friday may 24 your top stories examined eastern today markets trying to recover after the worst day on wall street year to date futures are
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bouncing back as you can see the dow 49 nasdaq of 39, s&p by more than 11 worries over interest-rate inflation sparking the selloff and adding to worry j.p. morgan ceo jamie dimon said the economy cannot rule out a hard landing, that cannot help things here is the close 605 points we lost on the dow jones industrial loan, working to get the next read on first quarter gdp next week ahead of the preferred reading on inflation april pce, that comes out next week as well, durable goods are coming out today 8:30 a.m. eastern we will preview all of that, here are the estimates on your screen, take a look at europe on the heels of what we saw on this country all the way down across-the-board with the cac 40 and the dax into asia overnight you had read across-the-board taken for what happened last night in the united states, back at home a busy day on capitol hill the
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senate rejecting the twice failed porterville in the house passes a bill to repeal the d.c. law which allowed noncitizens to vote locally that is gone it will get into that in the show, thousands turning on the south bronx to see donald trump speak in a blowout rally with flipping the deep blue city red. >> organ enter new york city around and turn it around very, very quickly. we are going to bring safety back to our streets and bring success to our schools and bring prosperity back to every neighborhood in every borough of the greatest city in our land. >> we will have all the highlights from last night, joining the conversation all morning long we have hedgehog ceo john matze and strategic wealth partner investment strategist luke lloyd, "mornings with maria" is live right now.
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♪ is p when it's time for the hot topic of hour former president holding ahead historic rally in the bronx vowing to save deep blue manhattan at america highlighting key issues from the economy to the nation's growing migrant crisis. watch. cheryl: everyone was better off we had the greatest economy in history. everyone was better off under a man named president donald j trump. if you look at these people did you see them they are physically fit, 19 - 25, everyone is a male
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and they look like fighting age, they are 29000 people, i think they're building, i think they want to get us from within the biden migrant invasion is immoral, the vast majority of new yorkers agree with me this is unacceptable. >> i am here to declare that we will turn new york city around and we will turnaround very, very quickly. cheryl: drawling and 25000 supporters including former democrats who say they are voting for trout, watch. >> donald trump already showed me that he understands her problem and what the country needs, i know 2016 and i know how he's passing it about certain issues that i'm passionate about. >> as a conversation with the people, he is funny and he
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understands any issues that are important to us, the cost of living has spiraled out of control i don't see biden doing anything about it in an influx at the border that needs to be dealt with and trump is meant to do it. cheryl: kathy hochul calling trump supporters concert a cnn interview. watch her. >> i'll tell you while make a difference at all. for donald j trump to be the ringleader and all of his clients to a place like the bronx, new new york will never support donald trump, joe biden is on the other side make sure he's delivering for all americans, go ahead spend all your time in new york we will be with joe biden. >> she had her deplorable moment, kathy hochul the governor of new york. >> if they want to get donald trump elected in 2024 calling them clouds better than to portables. >> she's done that and this goes
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are they not reading the polls and looking at the numbers, we are numbers people, every time that donald trump gets indicted for something else the polls jump up he's been rising during the new york trial. >> let's look at the numbers since 2020 donald trump has gained ten points in new york and biden lost 20 points, yesterday is more important that a lot of people realize, the bronx 85% is hispanics and blacks, it's very telling to what's happening across the country with minority voters because they're tired of the democrats telling everybody that the minorities need protected, minorities don't need help they could do it themselves, they can boost from the ground up from every hard-working american because there hard-working themselves, many minorities are immigrants first and second generation, they left the country because of the government stepping into their lives they're tired of the government stepping into their
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lives. >> a lot of the immigrants that came the legal way here in new york have come out and said i want to see the other immigrants even if it is my home country come the legal way that's what the border is so important, i thought it was interesting from trump yesterday talking about new york city he said i've never seen it quite like this the violent crime, the homeless encampments across the city and then he said if a new yorker cannot save the city no one can. >> absolutely on the way into the studio i only had to crawl into a couple of homeless people to get here, if you take a look at the economy and what's happening people can feel really devastated, when you take a look at the numbers only 40% approved bidenomics, people can feel that in a think people are being spoken to by trump and nazca to resonate and have impacted the election i don't think it matters what they're saying what
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matters is what trump is doing to appeal to the voters that having an impact. >> the polls show that in the about people that showed up yesterday. >> it's 25000 and there might be more were still working on that and will get to it eventually. we will get started, coming up markets on the move after the worst day of 2024. not even invidious blowout quarter can lift investor spirits and what we talked about, inflation i would get a rate cut or a rate hike, all of this is on the table lpl chief global strategist quincy krosby is here to weigh in. we will bring you more of maria's interview with double line capital jeffrey gundlach, here is thoughts on the china terrorists, the commodity market, don't miss a moment, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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is p when the dow falling over 600 points having the worst day of 2024, there are the numbers, 605 with the final trade on the dow last night, nvidia blockbuster earnings failing to lift the market even shares passed $1000 the company crushing first-quarter earnings, sales surging 262% net income $15 billion, the data center category rose 427% to $22.6 billion, there is nvidia let's bring in lpl chief global strategist quincy krosby, despite the quarter, nvidia blew it out of the park, come on and
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investors are worried about inflation and the broader picture in the economy, where do you follow this. >> absolutely, the market has always thought nvidia will be more important than the fed, yesterday approved no, the market is worried that the fed's all data and the economy is expanding in the s&p global review of the manufacturing and services pushed up into expansion territory, however, it also showed prices are going higher and that is something the fed does not want to see and it's absolutely the wrong direction. the market went right back and said this is not good are we going to have a rate cut or a rate hike this is extremely important not even nvidia can overtake that information.
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>> i get a bring luke lloyd into this, over and over we see in the market ignore the data and we do the data dig into the data on this and investors blind eye blind eye not anymore. >> the data suggest like quincy was saying that the economy is expanding but also the data from nvidia is showing is expanding with a.i. implementation. >> i wonder what the long-term impacts of this is. when i look at a.i. implementation i'm looking a possible job lost on the road because is it going to make more efficient and rising tax environment down the road and they have to make more profits to offset corporate taxes, what is your long-term impact on the a.i. implementation and the negative side of the. the whole point of the a.i. when
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you're monetizing it selling your software to companies is there able to use a.i. instead of humans, that is not a shock but it will be when they start cutting payroll, that is exactly the goal to make companies more efficient, i remember ibm talking about this early on and stay we are looking forward to having a.i. come in in the w used most likely in the hr human resources and parts of the company's but it's clearly aimed at cutting cost, trimming cost and that is absolute and that's why they're doing this because it's going to help companies. at the end of the day american companies are known for managing the bottom line. cheryl: let me ask you about your position i know your long on energy and we had a
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jaw-dropping forecast for the hurricane season for 2024, we could have a record hurricane season that will hit the drillers in the golf in particular looking at the forecast we will get into that later does that change her opinion of how you position yourself going into the summer. >> for the summer we have driving americans drive in the picks up demand but when you're going into the hurricane season you looking for a potential disruption of supply just what you were pointing out, in other words shutting down some of the systems that get gasoline into the pumps and oil out that pushes up the price of crude o oil. cheryl: we have data coming up today and next week, let's pull up the ten year treasury yield for our viewers and take a look at where that's at as we go into the three-day weekend markets are closed on monday but we have after the monday closing a big
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week of econ data second reader first-quarter gdp april pce on friday and that's the fed's preferred report, what are you expecting. >> the market has normally been happy if it's the same, and other words not going higher, not going lower. if it comes in and it's hotter the market will sell off most likely it could come in with inconsistent estimates, the problem for the fed that rent continues to be high and also what you have is the question of whether or not insurance rates are coming down. i don't know but my own personal experience the checks that were sending for insurance is higher than it was last year and it continues to be higher, the goal it studied and leveled off that would bring it down a bit.
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>> you mentioned inflation is something that your clientele is focused on, talk about that, what were feeling and how people are supposed to invest based on that. >> with rates so high people have to charge more businesses are charged more for various goods or services or whatever it might be so if we see increased cost from insurance and increase costs from working capital for those companies that's getting passed to the consumer and that's having an effect on them. if we have an inflation problem i'm worried that the high interest rates are unsustainable for long businesses in their being passed on to consumers. >> the consumer is showing us and telling us the getting crushed and they're going to walmart for groceries and target for groceries. quincy krosby always great to speak with you, have a lovely holiday weekend. coming up the senate failed to pass the border bill for second
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time even the co-authors did not vote for wisconsin congressman scott fitzgerald is here on the busy day yesterday and what's next for border security, stay with us ♪ ♪
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>> the senate rejecting immigration bill for the second time yesterday, 50 senators voting against it including two law to lawmakers who negotiated the bill james lankford in arizona kyrsten sinema senate majority leader chuck schumer was questioned about it, watch. >> what you make of the fact that two of the three negotiators that sinema said it was political. >> i look at what they said about the bill, we voted on the bill not on rhetoric, both of them put to their credit heart, souls and minds and came up with a damn good product they should've pass until donald trump did his thing advancing a bill to repeal the noncitizen to
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vote in local elections, 52 democrats joining republicans to approve this measure, 143 democrats voted against it, joining the wisconsin congressman scott fitzgerald the house judiciary and financial services committee, let's go back to check chuck schumer, donald trump did his thing, what would that thing be, everyone knows chuck schumer knows how to count votes, what we ended up with was a situation with a lot of people in d.c. wondering what he was up to, at the end of the day what we saw there were a number of members that he thought would be there in the end that just didn't show up on the senate vote. >> president biden lehman republicans for that bill
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failing for the second time he's claiming their standing in the way of border enforcement and reportedly finalizing an executive action that would allow the presidents temporarily shut down the southern border if needed and it could come as soon june but there waiting for the presidential election to happen before the official announcements because as we all know mexico's president said i'll work with you but i want to make payout and i'm paraphrasing his comments but he wants money from the united states, let's go back to this, this executive action and president biden at all this time to secure the border now is coming up with an executive action. the president has all the tools available to shut this down, it wouldn't be to reform like you're going to find an hr2 but the fact of the matter is if he wanted to provide physical security at the southern border
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he could do that right now today they don't want to and they haven't wanted to for months now. >> it's an election year and i think it's pretty obvious that the executive order will come because he is pulling horribly when it comes to immigration, let's look at texas safety helicopters captured the video border patrol agents and santa rita mexico they clashed with illegal immigrants who are trying to scale the border wall, the migrants start tossing rocks, bottles, and the fox news bill melugin interviewed a turkish man that crossed in california and who is concerned about crossing the border, watch this. >> did you have to pay the cartel. >> 10000.
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>> 10000. >> who comes into this country and good no background check. >> no security, no background you're worried about his crossing the border is. >> people are not normal. >> they could be killers and psychopaths coming from a man from turkey who walked across the border illegally, unbelievable, the wide-open border is a global story, the entire world knows that they can come to the southern border. >> i was at the tucson sector two weeks ago and we spoke to border agents it's the first time i had a direct conversation with an agent who up front was like we are starting to see chinese nationals come through
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the sector and that is the first time that they have seen this since the border patrol issue in issue that the border patrol is trying to tackle some time ago i think what we see is the profile is shifting and and it's becoming more dangerous and that's what bill rain and to with his interview. >> that's exactly what we saw luke lloyd is onset. >> in 2005 president obama said we simply cannot allow people to pour into the u.s. undetected undocumented and unchecked in 2008 vp vote joe biden said they should be allow and argue defense was to stop drugs, one did this become a bipartisan issue in democrats and republicans don't agree on.
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>> under obama and president bush, the discussion about the immigration laws but the physical security was something that both parties agreed on that you didn't come across the border unless you have legally gone through one of the ports of entry, we heard jay johnson say numerous times that quite frankly any time around a thousand individuals coming across the border they thought was manageable, now or at 4000 even people that served with president obama are admitting that it's out of control and we've known this for some time. >> it's been reported we don't have confirmation it's reported in the what president biden wants to do is interpret shut down on the border but are you really going to enforce that,
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what happens if he does a move like that he's getting ahead from the progressive left and cruel and humanitarian crisis and the same people going after because of the palestinians. >> if you go back to his original executive orders that he rolled out when he first was sworn in as president he sent the signal to the world that the border was wide open and i'm not sure if it was political at that point or if it was something that they came to an agreement on and the white house but the fact of the matter is he sent a signal to the world, they've not been able to stop the flow since then, what they're doing now is grasping at straws, they're trying to come up with a number some type of executive order in some type of directive from the white house that will put us in a better position but unfortunately the message is so mixed it's not going to make a difference when you're talking about sending messages to these individuals coming in
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specifically through south america but there are other issues that are literally throwing everything at the wall to get a handle on this. they know there's a clearer version amongst their vulnerable democrats both in the house and the senate and the house and the issue. they're trying to fix this is issue. cheryl: with an executive order, scott fitzgerald it's great to have you on the show. thank you. >> good to be with you. elon musk is speaking out against president biden's china tariffs, senior fellow jonathan ward is here with his reaction, more university leaders are getting girls on capitol hill over the anti-israel protest allowed to take over college campuses, we've got it, stay with us. ♪
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>> next week on "mornings with maria", tuesday new polls show a majority against violet and disruptive anti-semitic protests. lee zeldin reacts. wednesday closing arguments of the trump trial many believe should be dismissed former federal prosecutor andrew with analysis. thursday house majority leader steve scalise moving to t and to take the cat into tax cuts in place to bypass the democrats opposition, friday the power hour is back, kellyanne conway and kevin o'leary on the biggest headlines, it is all right here on "mornings with maria" like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices
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punishment drills circling taiwan the military saying earlier today the exercises are designed to test the ability to seize power, chinese state media saying beijing with missile strikes and dispatch fighter jets carrying live missiles with bombers as part of this drill, the deputy commander of the indo pacific command says that the chinese military practice maneuvers key to an invasion of taiwan during drills last year, joining the hudson institute senior fellow atlas organization founder of china's vision of victory, jonathan dt ward, is this a fresh sign of china's aggression toward taiwan, we see them doing this serious of a fashion around the island of taiwan. >> it's not a fresh thing at the
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similar to the drills that they perform after nancy pelosi's visit in summer of 2022 and we haven't seen anything of this scale since then there doing this in response or so they say to the inauguration of the new taiwanese president william lai but bottom line there going around not just from the taiwan western side would on the eastern side what they haven't done in the past is simultaneously circling the island they also are carrying out exercises on the offshore islands with the centerpieces of the cold war era this point there going full bore on all the different flashpoints on the taiwan streets and there escalating the rhetoric, foreign ministry is an official spokesman of the foreign ministry said that taiwan independent forces will be left with their heads broken and blood flowing after colliding against china with complete
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unification, were back to the xi jinping rhetoric about breaking heads and blood he heads and horrible things that the party says and indo pacific command has told us very clearly and repeatedly that china is preparing to be capable of invading taiwan and executing the successful invasion by 2027 that's not too far off and they built the structure to do this and they ramped up a powerful way in the relationship with putin enables them to have a global approach to military aggression and busy supply with the taiwanese and a large backlog of missiles that they need, we have not apparently sent them the missiles that they require in another kit that is necessary in the pacific, there is a lot of work to be done and the flashpoint is only going to become more important. cheryl: the rhetoric i've covered china for 20 years as a journalist and to see that rhetoric into cotton so abrasive
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which shows the arrogance like never before we xi jinping and was in europe meeting with emmanuel over crown and academic partnerships let's get to the economics of this in europe it was about cars and elon musk is now saying he opposes u.s. tariffs on chinese electric vehicles, here's what he said specifically things that inhibit freedom of exchange or distort the market are not good, tesla competes in the market in china with no tariffs and no differential support, president biden announced on 18 billion last week, he was decided to raise tariffs on chinese ev's of 25% to 100% obviously elon musk is saying there is going to be retaliation and i'm going to suffer for and i'm going to sell my cars in china and is not wrong he does have success in
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china selling tesla vehicles do you think that is something that elon musk needs to be worried about and do you think the chinese would do this. >> i think elon musk is in a lot of trouble, they have mitigated chinese exposure and the right thing the wall street analyst holding stock to look at china exposure from american corporations is pure risk is not opportunities in tesla has enormous revenue to china and he doesn't even own and shanghai he leases from the communist party of china and he continues to lease it on a 50 year basis. and after the united states the highest sales are in china and they were calling for cherubs and at the end of 2023 saying i get a bit a lot of trouble because the competition that were getting in the china market and what they did in anything
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produced in china is not protected. >> is worried about that too. he has to be. >> competitors will become worldwide in a lot of ways. >> i don't have a lot of time but john matze his onset with me i would like to get a question from him. >> we've seen a lot of escalation on the tiktok front in allegation of chinese propaganda how does that play into the economic as well as geopolitical strategy especially with regards to taiwan is a propaganda? >> tiktok is a propaganda tool in the united states if you have half of our population a new source for americans under 30 and they're able to pump stuff that would be pro-regime you can imagine an attack on taiwan in bytedance with information with china or something like that, i
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think it's more of a propaganda tool communist party takes a broad-spectrum approach to strategy in a comprehensive approach to all of this i think we know how tiktok fits into that. it's not an economic tool it's an espionage tool. >> that's we have bipartisan support to be sold off or shut down in the united states. real quick, treasury secretary janet yellen is calling on countries to present the united front of china's industrial overcapacity. she could be meeting with the finance ministers in italy, here's what she said, real quick reaction after this. >> many countries share concerns over the broad macro economic and industrial strategy that china is pursuing and not all these countries need to carefully coordinate their
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policies but we need to stand together and send a unified message to china so they understand it is not one country that feels this way but that they face a wall of opposition to the strategy that they're pursuing. >> a wall of opposition is the right way to do this, it's taken janet yellen three and half years but she seems to understand and an economic competition. the opposite for years now but good to see it coming around. cheryl: after she went to china and ate mushrooms and hung out. jonathan dt ward, thank you so much, have a great holiday weekend. we have a lot more coming up, president biden holding a bizarre press conference full of preapproved questions in a
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commander-in-chief that snapped at reporters, were to talk about it next, "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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u.s. service members injured while working in gaza, lauren simonetti has all the details, we heard about the injuries do we have any update on the treatment. >> three were hurt while working on the controversial floating on the gaza coast one critically injured, construction completed last week it is unclear when the injuries occurred but two troops had a spring ankle, back injury and returned to duty quickly the third unidentified servicemember would get on a ship at sea and in airlifted in israel and the individual remains in critical condition and to answer your question it was announced by president biden to organize humanitarian aid into gaza as israel continues the fight against hamas, 1000 service members had to operate the. , the pentagon says is
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prioritizing the safety of our nation's troops. a republican house committee grove the leaders of large anti-semitism in the handling of anti-israel protests on the campuses, the third such hearing sensor broke out across college campuses nationwide northwestern workers testified about the deals that they negotiated with protesters and some criticized for caving into certain demands, ucla president jean block was questioned about the encampment at ucla that turned violent, the campus trashed, vandalized, you are looking at it but it all happened again yesterday while block was testifying. student protesters returned to ucla and built a new encampment, you cannot make this stuff up we have a landmark ruling for college sports ncaa has approved the deal allowing schools to pay
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student athletes directly as well as former athletes who earned little to nothing the five most prominent athletic conferences agreed at $2.8 billion settlement resolving a class-action lawsuit regarding 2020 and former and current athletes are not allowed to make money at the ground breaking rule it will allow but not required each school to share $20 million with the student athletes the sediment will likely take several months to begin and revenue-sharing may kick off and fall 2025, how about that, it was bizarre press conference yesterday, biden mistakenly referred to vice president kamala harris as kamala harris and he scolded white house reporters on his joint press conference with the kenyan president william bruneau, watcher. >> to questions if i may. >> no one. one question. i'll answer your question. >> could you tell me what kenya
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is doing with the humanitarian crisis. thank you. >> what was my question. [inaudible] >> the new york post is reported that biden was irritated and confused consistently throughout the 32 minute press conference and telling reporters that you never keep the deal, the deal you should be able to answer questions from anybody in the press corps. >> four reporters chosen to american press and to kenyan press or to foreign press and that's how we handled it. >> what they will do they will give him a card and say this reported number won this is reported number two but this is the anger in the temper that worries me the most, what did you see. >> i'm happy he was not talking
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to ghost he at least asked the question. i wish this was laughable. he recently tweeted something on x at 132nd video that clipped it five times and he cannot speak for 13 seconds by himself without being clicked. >> this is foreign policy this is life and death of americans that often serve another places and he got confused on whether we had american troops in congo, that is not something you get confused about, bill maher said he presents old, there's only a four year age difference between biden and trump he presents old in confused, lives are on the line. cognitive ability has nothing to do with age at the end of the day it's if you're able to do
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the job like anything in life. >> i was faceted by whatever other stories the aa i read that yesterday that's going to change the dynamic of college sports, paying the athletes directly from the university and they deserve to be paid for what they're doing. >> we did not get paid division three baseball. cheryl: if you were a better player. >> a great opportunity a great ride for a good education and then you can get paid. >> companies can come in. introduce free-market capitalism is sounds great to me. >> i followed the story for years, before i felt it was unfair the universities were making billions of dollars off of the football programs and these kids were scraping by and if they got injured especially the football players that were easy the most injuries than they were out. >> in the world of social media
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everything is about a brand when your star college athlete whether football, baseball, swimming it does not matter you can use that to make money. >> economics and financial planning if they're getting p paid. thank you, we will see you in a bit. coming up president trump holding a blowout rally in the south bronx with promises to turn the deep blue city red, new york governor kathy hochul is under fire for reaction to the valley, the hot topic of the hour is next, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business ♪ ♪
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cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone, in for maria bartiromo. it is friday, may 24, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump holding a historic rally in the south bronx yesterday vowing to save deep blue manhattan and america, highlighting key issues from the economy to the nation's growing migrant crisis. watcth


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