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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 24, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> nowhere in this country that would have allowed this man to continue in the mental state he is. >> that's three strikes and it's time to strike out for president biden and it's time to put donald j. trump back in the white house. >> they're not asking for the world, we're asking for a decent middle class life where we know
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what the future looks like and our children have better opportunities than we d. >> this was a huge crowd and if anything could be said bad about the event is that not enough people got in when they wanted to. stuart: that's john lennon nor the beetles and one of the earliest reportings of the beatles in 1961 or 1962 before they game famous. next, 11:00 eastern time and friday, may 24th. the nasdaq doing well this morning. it's up 150 points but the dow not recovering after yesterday's 600 point loss. it is up 50 however. show me big tech. we did this with just a few moments ago and they were all up, same story now and they're all up, meta is up 2% and apple, alphabet, microsoft and amazon, they're all up this morning. and 10-year treasury yield
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getting perilously close to 4%. now this, biden's green new deal includes $3 billion for environmental justice, whatever that means. who gets it? the radicals get it. far left causes that have very lit toll do with climate are take ago ton of your money. a$600 million goes to the grant maker program and the environmental protection agency and the bureaucrats hand out money to dozens of activist groups like the climate justice alliance and they get $50 million. now, this is a group that champions hamas and the palestinians and vilifies israel. what is the connection to climate? the group's website claims the path to free palestine. that's your money, your money going straight to the anti-semites. the group claims climate change began not with burning fossil fuels and separate colonialism
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and extractivism. whatever that is. another group that gets money for zionism and white supremacy. what's going on here and the umbrella climate and all manner of leftist causes milk the system and unholy alliance. epa bureaucrats dulling out your money financing the far left t all thanks to shelly moore kapito and sits on the environmental and public works committee and promises to follow the money. your money shouldn't be spent on groups that hate israel and america. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: let's bring in our california guy steve hilton. what do you make of california using money like this?
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>> it's very, very important you put a spotlight on this today, stuart this. is what's happening across our government where you have demo democrats in charge ad modern democratic party today is totally captured by this far left faction of activists and ideologues and hard working people to hand out to activists that make no productive contribution and don't create jobs or wealth or solve the actual problems they're going on and on about and talk about problems and meanwhile the tax burden goes up and up and up and you end up with this situation where national economy and state economy in california are unmatched. stuart: we have a report showing california governor knew some budget containing tax increases that cost businesses maybe $18 billion, that much.
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are we going to see more companies ditch california because of this kind of thing? >> yes, it was already happening and having 50 companies in the last few years and i believe the completely or downside the operation and talk about the budget and i want everyone to understand the scale of what's happened here. not much longer than about a decade ago, california's budget was under $100 billion and now it's over $330, more than tripled in the population of our state and falling and what's been happening? it's all this kind of spending that you were just talking about, dulling out money to activists and here in california in particular to the government unions and in luxury pensions and healthcare. companies won't leave because the weather's too good we love
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california and that's changing and playing around with the future of the state and highest unemployment and lowest job growth, lowest income growth and worst business climate in america. all as a result of these far left policies and we need a change of direction. stuart: last one, steve. california passed three reparations bills and trying to provide restitution to descendents of slaves but three bills. how do californians feel about that? >> here's another example, just a far left activist in charge. where i do agree with the democrats who are pushing this, yes, it is true that there is a racial wealth gap in california, but guess what, it's not caused by slavery, it's caused by democrat policy. what are the one drivers of building wealth and growing opportunity. great education and the opportunity to own your own home and start a business. look at what democrat policies are doing in the public schools and black kids in california and public schools run by the government unions and fund the democrats and on average a recent study showed four years
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of education a behind home ownership and latest data, $900,000 and median house price and what's that driven by? ridiculous environmental regulations and pandering of the unions and make it four or five times as expensive to build a home here in california compared to neighboring states and yes, there's a racial wealth gap and you want racial get gap in california, kick out democrats that have cause it had and vote republican. stuart: how can governor gavin newsom seriously run for the presidency of the united states after a history of what he's done in his own state of california. is that realistic run for the president? >> you've got to say, who else have they got? look at alternatives but you're completely right. california democrats and they
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have the worst word and not exactly a selling point. >> thank you. thank you, steve. >> all right, jonathan hoenig with me. we do this every friday morning. i tell you what's going on in the market and dow's up 100 and nasdaq doing nicely up 172. and here is jonathan hoenig. as i said, we do this every friday and jonathan comes on and gives us exotic stock pick and timber etf and symbol is wood w-o-o-d. tell me more. >> i got wood, stuart. i want to briefly thank all our servicemen and women and their families for all the sacrifices they make ahead of this memorial day weekend. thank you for keeping us safe and free. look, i got wood and sounds exotic and maybe not a 3 qataris drillon computation like nvidia
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and pension funds and endowments for four decades and overshadowed and growth is value stocks and wood for that long term perspective and more than anything, it's dirt cheap and literally the nasdaq is trading at about 30 times earnings forestry stocks trading at about 12 and even yesterday as the rest of the market was plummeting international paper including this fund was at new 52-week high. stuart: interesting. turn to nvidia and it's an obviously powerful company and making great and stock is going. it's worth $2.5 trillion. now that company. what's your take on nvidia? >> it's worth more than gdp and market cap worth more than gdp of most countries of the world and up nearly 700% in the last two years and what worries me is the old stock market adage by the rumor, sell the fact. no one is disagreeing ai is incredible technology but perhaps some of that news and
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not all that news is now out and earnings are stellar and ten for one stock picks and types of news and correction or consolidation can form. nvidia has come a long, long way but i'm still holding to my belief that it'll be value and it'll be international and stuart: jonathan hoenig with the investment of the week. have a great weekend. see you soon. >> thank you. stuart: lauren is looking at most of it down. lauren: they lost 1 million turbo tax for users and couldn't upgrade them to spend more for higher end features more. stuart: p pin doo doo, china is
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getting rich and americans look for cheap stuff and it's like amazon and it's up 1%. stuart: show me app and will this is going straight up. what's this say? lauren: dan ives and web bush going for 275 and put ai through services and lauren: calls iphone 16 the ai and smacker massive overdue upgrade cycle into 2025 starting later this year. stuart: price target on apple? lauren: 275. stuart: 189 and more.
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coming up, madelynn bream speaking at a rally. time to get democrats out. >> vote aoc [bleep] out. get rid of richy torres. vote his [bleep] out. i have nothing to lose so i can stand up here and say this. stuart: do republicans have a chance in new york state i should say. madelynn will bring her passion to the set. she'll sit next to me in a moment. cost of fast food meals up over 100% since biden took office. it that going to translate into him losing votes in november. brian brenberg has the numbers and brian is next. ♪
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like location. so around new york it's going to be higher. that sounds good to you. in new york, it's even higher around here. like for like it is like for like apples 2019 to 2024. so what's the point? you're a family, you're on the road, you got to feed the kids. you don't have time to cook. this is how you make life work. then you look at the prices and you say, i can't make life work at these prices, or you can pack something beforehand. i'm not a fast food, sandra. you're a you're a doing a car trip.
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you're a superhero. i'm talking about the non-superhero. i live at the drive through. okay, we're going to catch you on the big money show. 1:00 pm eastern time today, would you please? and, sandra, you've already introduced yourself. yes. i'm going to ask you if these fast food price hikes. is that going to hurt biden in november? it's something everybody's feeling okay at all income levels. food inflation is a >> we're about to talk how i was in paris a couple weeks ago for the taylor swift concert and we went to pack a picnic lunchtime and have we said we want quish and baguette and 43 euro. i couldn't think we could have gotten four people fed at a mcdonalds for that. so it was amazing.
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stuart: you went to paris for a taylor swift concert? >> yeah, it was great and amazing and kickoff of the european tour and it's worth it and fun and for a special birthdays and man, she puts on a show for sure. stuart: paris is all souped up for the olympiced and paris was thriving and metro was clean and safe on it and it was loverly to be this. stuart: paris better than new york. say it ain't so. >> i live here and see a lot of crime and experience a lot of 30 streets and, you know, the subways are not comfortable and
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people have to take them. stuart: this is serious stuff. kansas city chiefs invited to the white house and kareem jean-pierre and harris butker was in the news. watch this. >> we invite the entire team and don't have anything i don't think that and recent invitation that goes to the team. >> why wouldn't he go? >> stuart: the comments he made about women choosing their career. >> and some think he said nothing wrong and others think they're really seriously bad things. going for them and stuart: i'll
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ask it really seriously. ncaa and they're going to pay $2.8 billion settling antitrust claims. >> big news. stuart: they're going to start sharing revenue with kids. college athletes. >> i was one. i put a lot of thought in this and i was chatting with our colleague bill hemmer about this. on a very smaller scale and i remember i couldn't go run a 10k in new orleans while i was an athlete and take money for winning it. the prize would be $50. i could not accept -- $500 and i could not accept that check. the rules were strict and i appreciated the guidelines and appreciated the ropes that were put around us and we remained college athletes and this does turn people -- i might have a different opinion than a lot of people that were athletes. stuart: is it the end of amateurism? >> i don't know. we'll have to see how this plays out. i thought about your question a
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lot. i don't know. it could be, there's obviously benefits to this as well. stuart: yeah, you got it. before we close out, you got a special, a special interview. >> now you're talking. stuart: dolly par ton. >> today, she's coming on our show. the friday before memorial day weekend. we cannot wait and she'll talk about her new album and she's going to talk about her theme park and she's going to talk about all the things she's doing and she's incredible. i believe she's 77 years old now and she does not stop. she is so impressive she's a businesswoman, which i love about her. she really could do no wrong. stuart: i'm going to be 76 in a few weeks. >> and you're thriving. great to be here with you and lauren. stuart: sandra, you covered so many subjects in a short period of time and an accomplished broad kassandraer. >> too many topics. bring it, you can do it. great to be here with you guys. stuart: great to see you. take a look at winners on the
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nasdaq and nasdaq is currently on pace to set a record, another record close today. the big winners are pinduoduo, qualcomm and advanced micro-devices. coming up, new book all about ai transforming our every day lives and author, jamie melz telling us some of the every day changes and what they might be. thousands of supporters showed up at donald trump's rally in the bronx. does trump have a real chance of winning deep blue new york state? we'll definitely dig into that. ♪
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stuart: tesky laxer the dow up 120 and nasdaq a strong 185 points and solid gain. lauren looking at movers and start please with tesla. lauren: look at this gain up 3%. they're getting a bump after tesla cutout put of best selling model y ev in china by a double
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done a lot percent at its shanghai plant. that's the percent since march. they've been slowly cutting production. they need to retool and come occupy with something more popular. stuart: dell. lauren: they added shares to tactical outperform list meaning the analysts there expects really good first quarter numbers and dell opens next week. >> going for everything. >> back to donald trump's historic rally in the south bronx last night. thousands of enthusiastic supporters show up and brian with us now. take us through the highlights, please. >> stuart, former president trump speaking directly to black and hispanic voters at that rally in the bronx and spoke for over an hour and a half of thousands and blaming inflation
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on biden and telling minority voters he'd make new york city affordable again. trump hit on the migrant crisis and new york state comptroller said it'll cost more than $4 billion to care for tens of thousands of migrants and this year alone. >> millions and millions of people coming into the country and biggest negative impact and black population and hispanic population losing jobs and losing their housing and losing everything they can lose. >> some democratic voters in fact said they were changing to the republican party n including andre drayton. >> donald trump really is
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changing. way people think. i've been a democrat for most of my adult life and i learned politics and donald trump is basically keyed in on the issues that affects us. all of us the democratic governor kathy hochul said yesterday trump was wasting his time in blue new york calling the rally fake but not before attacking his supporters. listen. last time the republican won the state of new york was 1984 and of course it was ronald reagan and trump-appointed campaign said they can make a difference by just showing up to places like the bronx. stuart. stuart: brian, we hear you. thanks very much indeed. >> of course. stuart: former bronx resident and former bronx resident
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madelynn brain spoke at the rally and vote out far left democrats. roll tape. >> everyone needs to rise and you happen get fighting mad is&be registered to vote and vote up and down the line and not just the presidency and local elections are more important than the presidency. get rid of aoc. vote her [bleep] out. get rid of victor torres. vote his [bleep] out. i have nothing to lose so i can stand up here and say this. stuart: we've cut her off right there. madelynn agreed to come onset with us this morning. madelynn brame, the lady herself. we're doing remarkably well.
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new york state is deep, deep blue. do you think trump has a realistic chance of taking new york state and the bronx? he's not going to win in the bronx, is he? >> first of all, thank you for having me. we're excited, the energy is high all across the city. not just the south bronx but entire new york state and we say that kathy hochul is, excuse my expression, a jack [bleep]. if we're clowns, she's that. president trump's chance of winning new york completely is just as good as anybody elses. stuart: why are you so strong and passionally in favor of trump? why? >> because he speaks our language. trump is speaking our language. he has figured out a way to
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connect; all right, to connect with poor minorities. put it in perspective and poor minorities meaning black, white, asian, jewish and hispanic. you know, russian, retired. anybody who is struggling right now to make ends meet, who work every single day. they want to pinpoint certain periods of time and it's taken out of context and framed and narrative created to make it appear as though and media can do that.
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stuart: your son was mur murdern new york city in 2018. >> yes. stuart: does that event have anything to do with your support for tram snap >> absolutely. you know why, because what donald trump is experiencing in the courtrooms of manhattan criminal court right now in alvin bragg, i went through that for five years. i went through the doom and gloom and dark and gear reigns leading and cold sitting in those courtrooms for five years and my son being treated like he was the villain, you know, and the people who killed him for more important than my son. his history, his army, you know, his accomplishments were never even mentioned not one time. they recognized my son as being a fictitious character. wouldn't even call him by name, called him the deceased for five years and i had to sit through
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that knowing that my son fought valiantly for this country. he was a hero. stuart: he was in the army? >> rec received and returned fin the taliban and out in the battlefields of after fan stan and come home to be killed by family of homicidal maniacs that had no business being on the street from the beginning. stuart: madelynn, i want to thank you very much for bringing the fire to the rally last night and to this set this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: come back any time you like. >> i will. thank you. stuart: thank you, madelynn. lauren: thank you. stuart: now this, a liberal college professor speaking out about trump's chances of winning in new york. what did he say? lauren: she said the quiet part out loud. she said trump's moray popular than many democrats and democratic new yorkers. i don't know if new york is definitely a blue stronghold and our states are red states and have blue cities and red states and joe biden not having unified government in 2022 and lost four
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members of the house that went to the republican party and a lot more repub republicans and dissatisfied democrats in the state of new york and we'd like to admit. coming up, pentagon working on ways to incorporate ai into satellites and see how that's all drawn out. new records with a tough adviser to fauci deleting remails to covid origins and jamie was a covid origins whistle blower and he's going to be here next. ♪
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♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ stuart: e-mails show a top adviser from the national
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adviser deleted key records critical town covering the origins of covid. we have an expert committee member of world health organization and joins me now. do you see this as proof that covid ornated in the wuhan lab? >> it's not proof that covid originated in a lab but there's lots of circumstantial evidence and strongly leads in that direction but it's proof that particularly in the critical first year leaders at the nah were only focused on single origin hypothesis of natural origins and not even willing to consider the possibility of research related origin. people like me who at that time were saying, hey, wait a second, we don't know the answer but research related origin is very, very likely, and they were trying to push that away. it was almost too big for them to see and now over these last four and a half years that i and others have been collecting all this information is pretty clear. this very, very, very likely comes from a research related
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incident, and now we have to have a full reckoning both on how we process, we collectively process the information and actually what happened in wuhan. stuart: i want to talk about a and i recollects you've got a book on it and how it affects our every day life and super convergence. >> super convergence. stuart: give me an example of ai and how it'll be in my every day life and soon. >> let me start with the question. how is electricity influencing your life today? you can't influence that question and it's in everything, your clothes and it's in our communication and in the camera and microphone and everywhere. that's the same thing with a and i recollects people think about ai now and think it's kind of like chatgpt is cool and google search. it'll be part of everything and given one example and the speed with which elites, computer programmer cans program has increased by about 50% over the last year or s. just more computer programming doing all
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sorts of things, we're moving towards natural language computer programming and i say let's say you say we want the lights in the room to blink on and off every 15 minutes. we can do that with a natural language prompt so that means rather than tens of millions of programmers and billions of people programming and that's one example. where does the rubber hit the road in everything. in healthcare and world of generalized healthcare based on world population averages and now moving towards precision healthcare and we're going into a world of preventive, predictive and preventive healthcare and all this is about seeing patterns in vast pools of data and changing agriculture of vast ma materials and how we're computing systems and energy and data storage systems really. stuart: we're going to get there faster because of ai. we would have gotten there but take as lot longer without ai. >> i would say ai is a super power after 4 million years of evolution and our one species is
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god like powers and that's the whole point and disease capability and exponential rate and can't track the rate of change and it's ai going for the retouch change is increasing and everything you can and every job going to change and going to belimb nated and we need to think about what does it mean to be a peak human in building increedable peak machines. stuart: peak human. i've got to investigate that one. >> you're doing great so far. lauren: satellites everywhere and can't monitor all of them. it's impossible for an average human beings or a good one.
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so artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence going hyphen and going to create conclusions or just observe things about the environment. i'm close to getting that . lauren: i'm with you on that too. close to getting everything i just said. lauren: was that okay? >> you nailed it. stuart: not bad. let's see the dow 30, please. i'm trying to get a sense of the market on a day when it's kind of a mixed bag. sports fans, don't go anywhere. friday feedback is next. ♪
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♪ stuart: that is fairfax, virginia. 79 degrees just ahead of memorial day weekend. let's move onto friday feedback. favorite segment for most of our viewers. since junior face is on television for at least three hour as day, when you're out in the public living life away from work, how often are you recognized and is it a bother? stuart: i'm recognized in florida and rarely with florida is king of the hill. i enjoy seeing our viewer and how about you, lauren? lauren: i was in a nail salon and someone i know and going for more. what happened? i said, well, i'm on three hour as day, what are you watching?
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ashley. ashley: yeah, all the time. i'm in the central location. i'm in florida exactly, lauren. i mean, i can't go anywhere and really nice and every time someone sees me, hey, they just point to me and say, varney. so i'm playing the role of stuart varney in florida. i'm very proud to do it. stuart: we both have british accents. nothing wrong with that. ashley: that's right. stuart: doyle, catching varney on camera having fun with the intro music last week is part of the reason we watch. you get business and news from happy people. i was not aware i was seen shimmying or whatever i was doing. lauren: he does it all the time, ashley. but it's never on camera and someone messed up and you were caught. stuart: i didn't know that. is the tape out there somewhere? lauren: uh-huh. stuart: keep it to yourself. ashley: on the black market. stuart: what's the price? from jenny, what's a habit you picked up from your parents.
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i'll start with that one. i always turn the lights off when i leave the room. lauren: that's true. stuart: lauren. lauren: my parents were negative and come home with the 99 and say where's the 100. you can always do better. stuart: that's a habit you picked up? lauren: i'm kind of negative if you haven't noticed. give me a compliment, i give it back. ashley: same thing, i turn the lightses off all the time. i don't know where it. co-s from and one from my father in particular is never be late for anything or anyone. that sticks in my mind. lauren: that's stressing me out. i'm always late. stuart: i'm never ever late. if i'm late, i'm probably dead. don't do that. stuart: i've been on television for 50 years and can't remember oversleeping or missing a deadline. i have a body clock and i don't
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miss. lauren: i have overslept. stuart: next from theodore, any special plans for memorial day weekend. ashley? ashley: yes, i'm glad theodore asked and my grand kids just arrived from nashville. i got three grand kids with another on the way. they don't call me grand dad, it's mr. webster for now. stuart: how english. lauren? lauren: working on the plans. i'm working on them. do they really call you mr. webster, ashley? ashley: no, i'm just not wanting to miss i'm a grand dad is the problem. stuart: you don't look like it, varney. ashley: thank you, lauren. stuart: i plan to walk out of the studio and shake hands with a lot of servicemen and sailors and fleet week in new york and memorial weekend and i'm going to shake their hands and say thanks for being here. from russell, hello, mr. varney, my grant grandparents and father from england and got he hooked on toast and beans. do you like that? yes, sir, got to be heinz baked
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beans and well done toast. same with you, ashley? ashley: same, i had that monday night i believe. it's a favorite and always will be. stuart: i go to irish pub and have a full irish breakfast, bake penos, black pudding, fried bred, tomatoes, mushrooms and a bunch of other stuff and by the time you've eaten that, you've gained 25 pounds. it's a great thing. thanks, everybody for friday feedback. are you taking part in this? friday trivia question, here it is, how many fallen soldiers were honored at first memorial day in arlington? 5,000, 10,000, 15,000 or 20,000? the answer when we return. ♪
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do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor.
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stuart: the trivia question, how many fallen soldiers were honored at the first memorial day at arlington cemetery? i will debate this. i think it would have been 1868. if that is the case, i remembered something, bearing that in mind i will go with
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5000 because it was a long time ago. stuart: this time you are last. ashley: doesn't matter first or last. i am with you. stuart: reveal, all of us got it wrong. 5000 participants helped decorate the graves of union and confederate soldiers buried in arlington, virginia. hope you have a wonderful weekend. see you next week. >> reporter: donald trump headlining a raucous rally in the bronx in deep blue new york, his message, replace bidenomics with maga phnomi sees


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