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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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memorial day holiday but every day. we are about to come up to the closing bell, nasdaq closing at a brand-new record hi, 11th record close of the year. the fifth straight week of mains, the dow too close to call, hugging the flat line turning positive by two points gaining 36. we are wishing you all a safe memorial day weekend. that will do it for us on "the claman countdown". "the claman countdown" says good night. kudlow is to. ♪ larry: welcome to code low. i am larry kudlow. donald trump last night are shot across president biden's about, rallied tens of thousands of supporters in the bronx.
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alex marlowe, mike huckabee and david bossi way and on that in a few minutes but first, our own madison alworth got back from the bronx, breathless as she stands here, she was at the rally and joins us with all the details. >> reporter: last night it was really read. thousands of folks as we show you on the program came to this event, the campaign expected a lot less, the former president said they were talking about calling it a meeting but like it or not, this is a rally. the president calling it a love fest from the stage and the sentiment returned for those native bronx residents that showed up. >> no president ever came to the south bronx, i don't know. for him to be in a place like the south bronx is huge. you've never seen any other candidate do this.
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>> reporter: those in attendance want to send a message the democrat party has taken their vote for granted for too long. we see in polling minority voters, black and brown americans are starting to shy away from the democrat party, issues like the economy and specifically prosperity, not just getting a paycheck but being able to support yourself on that paycheck and the issue of immigration those are the issues voters on the ground told me are the reason they are supporting donald trump. >> why are you out here for this rally for donald trump? >> everything he's doing for us, the economy, the border, inflation is another thing. >> things are super expensive but for us, to see immigration it's unfair. >> my great grandmother 95 years old, lifelong democrat,
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vote for trump this year. >> reporter: new york is trump country, polling doesn't show that at this point but he received a warm welcome and that's putting it lightly. larry: donald trump's speech in the bronx was a message to americans of all colors and that's the subject of the rift. donald trump spoke to a crowd of 10 or 20,000 people last evening in the south bronx and here is the key point. they were primarily people of color. most unusual republican rally in a most unusual place, the most unusual crowd for a republican rally in a most unusual place. listen to what donald trump said about this unusual story. >> doesn't matter whether you
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are black or brown or white or whatever color you are, it doesn't matter, we are all americans and we are going to pull together as americans. larry: right there, that's the sociology of that crowd had a shot across the bow of president biden in the democratic party nationwide. governor kathy hochul of new york, one of the democrats who do not understand what's going on in trump world, she said donald trump is inviting all his clowns to a place like the bronx. hochul is one new -- don't understand the trump coalition of working folks of all colors busting up the traditional democratic party. so what is there beef? let's high inflation, falling real wages, wide-open southern border, roughly 10 million illegal biden immigrants have
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taken jobs from native americans and cut wages for ordinary homegrown working folks who show up every day to do their jobs, pay their taxes, now realize biden policies have mangled the american dream but unlike president biden, donald trump have a positive vision of the future. >> going to throw out bidenomics and replace it with amaganamics, low interest rates, rising wages, growing incomes and fair trade for the american worker and we will make energy affordable again by saying drill baby drill. larry: there we go. last weekend president biden gave a speech about fear, racism, jim crow, and
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victimization, to a commencement address at morehouse college in atlanta, georgia, one of america's best schools, graduates earn more starting salaries. did biden talk about hope? no. did he talk about opportunity? no. did he talk about the american dream? no. he gave a typical far left racialized fear mongering condescending statement that basically said to this historical black men's college you are not going to succeed. donald trump is the exact opposite, he offers hope, opportunity, a dream of what the future should look like and amaga, make america great again. he offers a series of very serious policy changes, optimistic and reaganesque message. additionally, donald trump sent's part of his bronx speech
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talking about his career as a younger construction worker and real estate developer. he practically rebuilt the manhattan skyline in his own words. take a listen to this. >> in the middle of central park. under construction for more than ten the years. the rink was completed in just three months for far less than the $2 million, the grand hyatt hotel on 40 second street, park avenue, as part of that, i renovated the grand central terminal, did a really good job of that. larry: and on and on and on. trump was a successful businessman with a background of accomplishment and he will undoubtedly bring like-minded people into his administration if he is reelected. the new york post editorial page put it thus and i will
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quote. our advice to trump, do this more. your business background was part of what appealed to voters in 2016 end quote. i couldn't have said it any better myself. that's the rift. for more on this, let's bring in editor in chief mike huckabee, former arkansas governor, david bossi, 2,024 republican national convention cochair and former campaign manager. i just thought it was a cool speech, that's obvious from my roof but that ending point, trump worked, i know it was his father's company but as a young man summers and more, trump worked on the construction sites with all kinds of people of all kinds of colors including union folks and he
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grew up and he knew how to build buildings and change the face of manhattan real estate. one more thing, 2015, late 2015, saintly wife and i were in a dinner, new york state republican dinner, trump spoke, we never heard him politically before and talked about the old commodore hotel, dilapidated across from grand central station, now he rebuilt the hotel into the grand hyatt and talked about floors and floorboards and walls and ceilings and fixtures, stuff that i know nothing about. he went through it and he ends of the speech and says give me a chance and i will rebuild the entire country the same way. what do you think, governor mike huckabee?
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>> best speech i have heard him give maybe ever, for exactly the reasons you talked about. he reminded people he's done something president biden has never done, he signed the front of a paycheck. he's had to run a business, he had to take complex issues, break them into simple things and get them done and do it with a budget. he's done everything we love our president to do but we have one now that couldn't do it even if he could be helped off the stage 30 people to show him which way to go. i agree the new york post editorial was spot on. we need more of trump talking about what it takes to build something of magnificence and to make this country the metaphor for the things he can build and i love the term amaganamics. larry: governor kathy hochul in
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new york and democrats across the country including president biden, i don't think they know what hit them. probably not going to carry the soapbox. don't know if you will carry new york or not but the message here is this was a rally of people of color and they were there because they are tired of losing wages, tired of losing their jobs, tired of crime in the streets and the unlawful immigration through the open border. i don't think the dems get that. they may be blindsided by this, no one gives a better speech on it than donald trump. >> you couldn't be more right. governor hochul, they are scared, democrat leadership is scared and governor hochul didn't help herself, she went to the hillary clinton campaign school, she didn't remember the
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basket of deplorable's line when she uttered all her constituents were clowns going to watch donald trump's rally yesterday. let me get this right. the black vote in 2012, he is pulling at 23%. hispanic vote in 2,020, thirty two%. today, he is at 46% of the hispanic vote. those are numbers that are scaring the daylights out of the democrats because donald trump is doing what you were talking about, hope, growth, and opportunity. it's what the future means for these americans no matter what your color is, that's what donald trump is talking about, the shining city on the hill. that's why these people come here for the american dream. that's why president biden let this country, a smoking crater and that is what the american
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people are tired of, they want a fire, and rehire donald trump. larry: i've not forgotten you but want to play one more sound about hope and responsibility and reconstruction of new york city. you have another sound. >> we are going to make new york bigger, better and more beautiful than ever before and that includes right here in the bronx. it will be done and funded starting january 20th directly from our great and beautiful white house. larry: one more, this is from ackman, big hedge fund guy in new york city. what is his name? bill ackman. this is a quote from his tweet on twitter, x, does america want to be a nation of victims or people who aspire and work hard to achieve success, greatness and leadership in the
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world has become the fundamental question of the presidential election. he is a good guy, i don't want to do this, and say trump will carry the bronx in the election. i won't go that far. but i am going to say these are warnings, rumblings, shot across the bow in a sense in the south bronx last night, donald trump gave a national speech because it was covered everywhere. what do you make of that? >> i look at this two would different ways, look at the atmosphere. this thing was lit. you are seeing wrappers rapping about amaga, something unbelievable, the democrats are jealous this has happened, they could never do this. imagine them going to a rural
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district in a red state and turning out six people, much less thousands of people having a great time and loving donald trump, look at the content which is smart to do, talking about immigration, optimism, crime, rebuilding america, this stuff resonates with people thinking about living paycheck to paycheck, trying to get groceries to be more affordable, this resonates, trump is on point and the crowd is behind him. larry: trump became marketing genius with the apprentice television show and marketing his various properties around the country and around the world. i think as a follow-up this is marketing genius. he has been tied up in this goofy trial for weeks and weeks and weeks, so what has he done? he has gone out in his spare
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time, goes to wisconsin, gives a great speech, goes to the new jersey seashore and gives a great speech, goes to harlem to the bodegas and gives a great speech, visits construction sites when he has a chance after the court room is finished, meets with the fire department people and in the south bronx. that is marketing and communications, the message is superb but the way he's doing this making up for lost time, this is going all around the country and probably all around the world as the word gets out that trump is mangling the old democratic majority, what do you think of that? a marketer's dream. >> as a media guy this resonates with me, he's so sharp on the issues but the fact he keeps coming up with
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creative ways to get the message out to make it fresh, to make it entertaining i have never seen a politician who can do this and it is still stunning to me. larry: mike huckabee, a couple tidbits before we are done today. nikki haley came out to the hudson institute, said she would vote for donald trump. and donald trump, i have to read the quote, it was done on another network, he was very gracious, here's what he said, quote, i think she's going to be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, the same thoughts, a nasty campaign was pretty nasty but she's a capable person and i am sure she is going to be on our team in some form absolutely period end quote. what do you make of that? >> smart move on nikki haley's park, a little late, should have been done earlier, she promised she would support the nominee, she finally came
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around, don't think she will be vice president but if he gives her a cabinet position to do something at least years on the team but one thing we learned from last night and today from donald trump, look at the contrast, donald trump looks like a person who is going somewhere. president biden looks like someone who is sorry he has been. larry: going nowhere actually. david bossi, nikki haley on the team. vice president, cabinet officer, ambassador to someplace. what do you think? >> it's fine, whatever she does she needs to bring her people along, donald trump is on offense, not talking just to republicans, that's the difference. this campaign is on offense. he's talking to people in virginia, in minnesota, in new jersey and new york, he's
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looking at the mondale landslide of 1984 and saying how can i continue this optimistic vision and deliver it to the american people, that's what he did in 2016 and doing again. larry: broadening the base of the republican party, punching through the old democratic majorities. i don't think president biden knows what is hitting him. alex margo, mike huckabee, appreciate it. we are saying goodbye to bidenomics and hello to amaganon-zooba ics and art laffer. kudlow returns, south bronx, all supply ciders, 10,000 supply ciders in the south bronx. think about that.
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her uncle's unhappy. we i'm sensing an acunderlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. larry: let's spend a little more time on donald trump's economic message. we welcome back north dakota governor doug bergam, and art laffer, former reagan economist.
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i want to parse through donald trump's economic message, make sure people hear and understand what it is. he said it in the south bronx and a few other places. let me give you sound from donald trump on real wages and minorities in the south bronx last night. >> the lowest, the best poverty rate in terms of the positive number ever in our history for black americans and hispanic americans, lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty, nothing like that ever happened in our country in the real middle-class income rose $6,000 a year. under biden it is a disaster, middle-class income has fallen over $2000 a year. larry: he is being precise and specific, a welcome change,
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most politicians don't want to go near that. he knows these numbers cold, strong staff behind him etc. . let me begin with governor bergam. these are contrast. under trump it was plus 6,000 for the middle class. under biden, it's-2000. $8000 swing, a living standard swing, i can't afford the biden economy swing. those people in the south bronx hope fall he heard it in wildwood but as to be repeated, trump policies work. >> bidenomics is working for no one with high interest rates and inflation, you are paying more for your gas, food, rent,
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electricity, all of that. maganomics is low interest rates, low taxes, prosperity, bidenomics is killing the american dream. maganomics is going to rescue it. larry: he talked last night specifically about tax cuts, minimal regulations, unfair trade, fighting inflation, i want to harbor on the inflation in a second but he is saying here's my policies. reporters call up, just listen to what the guy is saying, been as clear as a bell, what do you think? >> what he has done is licked the policies, tax cuts to create there, growth and increase the median income of workers in america, understands
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lower inflation at lower interest rates, drill baby drill, he used that phrase again to get more energy, get prices down, regulations, linking it to gather like you expect a business person to do. larry: business people understand specificity. on this point, i am going to argue that you can't, we cannot completely tame inflation. as long as oil prices are in the $80 range, during the trump years was $40-$50 and you are from north dakota. i am just saying we are twice as high as we need to be, a reason trump was down 2% inflation for all his four years is energy and energy
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permeates the economy, covers everything you can thinking of. from cell phones to operating rooms, tennis rackets and golf clubs, there's a petroleum component to everything. until we get back to drill baby drill, put more production supply on the market and get prices down we will never tame inflation. that's my point. do you see it differently? that' s a key part of the inflation fight. >> energy is a core component and high energy prices, kill jobs in america, push of those 2 other countries but in addition to the inflationary aspect of biden's energy policies, the factor behind the two wars, one with russia and one with iran. those adversaries are funding battles against us, biden's energy policies helped our adversaries, heard the american energy industry, driven
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inflation at home and allowed biden trying to drain the strategic petroleum reserve at the same time there is up to the highest level, trying to do it again into his own personal political petroleum reserve to curry favor by suggesting in the latest move taking a million barrels out, i care about the price at the pump, will and it's meaningless, when he took out half of the strategic petroleum reserve he took a million barrels a day for 180 days to try to drive the price down, the same time his agencies were trying to kill us energy. larry: you want a business man in the white house? >> i do. i called jack welch and asked what he thought of donald trump, he had done so much work with him, he said donald trump is the best business partner you could have, we will do business with them every day of
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the week and twice on sunday, he knows how to get stuff done and if you don't believe me look at the first three years before the pandemic hit and as you say the lowest unemployment rates for poor minorities, disenfranchised, great economic growth, faster growth in europe, this guy knows how to do it and he's going to do it and it will be wonderful to get back on the yacht prosperity train. larry: you know governor bergam a had a terrific business record before he went to the statehouse. >> i'm a fan of doug bergam. larry: he knows the whole story. thank you, appreciate it. coming up next on kudlow we will ask is robert f kennedy junior a serious presidential candidate? steve miller is going to weigh in on that when kudlow returns.
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larry: welcome back, court continues tuesday. the house and brag donald trump trial. we will talk to andy mccarthy, assistant us attorney and fox news contributor. i will read you my great hope, one of the instructions, we don't no one hundred% but i will say, quote, if the payment would have been made even in the absence of candidacies and the payment should not be treated as a contributing, meaning as a presidential contribution. two things going here. is there such an instruction that will happen and will it be an important factor? >> if i was the defense i would not like that instruction.
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if the judge let brad smith testify, then what he would have explained, the payment couldn't have been a campaign expenditure because there could have been other reasons you would make it. the way that has phrased, the way the case has been teed up for the jury, what they've been told again and again is it wasn't for the campaign, trump never would have paid it. it walks into what their theory of the case is absent brad smith's testimony. larry: even though hope hicks, longtime trump assistant, witness for the prosecution, hope hicks said the reason for this nondisclosure agreement to suppress various information
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was to protect wife milania and family. that was powerful stuff and maybe that's a triumph of hope over experience. what do you think? >> the wrong end of the equation. i heard testimony what the prosecutors would say is people do things for all kinds of reasons, never just one thing. the more important thing is the legal fact that nondisclosure agreements are not campaign expenditures under campaign finance laws, they are not like polling or get out the vote efforts or things that wouldn't exist if not for the campaign. i agree with you that if you have a celebrity billionaire who is married and there could be a variety of reasons, if there hadn't been a campaign she could have put pressure on
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him if he was in line to getting tv gig or real estate gig or because of milania. i don't think the jury has clearly been told that this thing categorically is a campaign expenditure. larry: it isn't so much, i have a bias in this case but i am not a lawyer. you are the lawyer. will this judge, after 11, will he give the jury instructions that nondisclosure agreements are not illegal? >> i would be surprised about that. i say this with regret because that's what he should tell them. i have not only followed the trial but read the transcript so you don't have 2.
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larry: i read your columns religiously, i have for three decades but especially now. >> something different about being in the court room, seeing the testimony, every bounce of the ball that's important this judge is leaning for the prosecutors and has let in a ton of inadmissible evidence. cohen's guilty pleas are not admissible evidence, he lets the prosecutors refer to them over and over again. larry: that makes it difficult. we will talk on the radio tomorrow. i'm interested in your objective point of view. andy mccarthy, thank you as always. we will switch gears, bring in my friend ben carson, former
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hud secretary under donald trump. there is ben carson. welcome back to the show. i was reading about you and you make a point donald trump is going to pick up minority voters and youth voters. we had a thing, washington post paul, we talked about it a few nights ago on the show, even millennials are not as liberal left as some people think they are. ben carson, tell me about it, minority voters and youth voters. >> as far as youth voters are concerned i've gone to a lot of universities in conjunction with turning point usa and the level of enthusiasm has been through the roof. a few weeks ago at texas and then we had to turn hundreds of students away. the students recognize the
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american dream is not going to come to fruition at the rate we are going, something has to change, logical programs don't make sense. as far as minorities are concerned, they are in the same boat as anybody else. they are feeling the pain when they go to the grocery store. they are feeling the pain at the gas station. when the utility bills come in the mail, etc. . they have the unique advantage of being able to juxtapose two very different administrations with very different philosophies, they don't have to think back 10, 20 years, it's very recent memory. were you better off or are you better off now? pretty easy determination to make. larry: let me ask you something else overlooked a little bit. donald trump refers to it but i know it's close to your heart, urban revitalization. rebuilding the city's.
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moving them from impoverishment to prosperity. enterprise zones, lower taxes and regulations. you are a leader on this. donald trump mentioned that. he says many times in his speeches that he wants to rebuild these cities. you had a lead point on that. can you tell us a bit? >> the key is going to be regulations. the technology exists to build affordable housing. by the time you get through adding regulations, you take something you can build for $150,000 and it is $600,000. the previous administration, there was a very aggressive trimming of regulations. in hud, we got over 2000 regulations, made it much easier to get things
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accomplished and i am sure that will be the case again in a second trump administration that will carry over into the housing. we changed a lot of regulations in fha to make loans, mortgage loans much more available, different types of criteria but doing it in a responsible way because we don't want a repeat of 2008. larry: enterprise zones postponing cruxes promoting private investment, private investment could be a key. >> it was the key, we got $75 billion of private money, expecting one hundred billion dollars in ten years, we got two years. larry: thank you. been too long, talk soon. a quick break, and trump policy
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aide steve miller will talk about robert kennedy's campaign. is a serious campaign? we are always serious here. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. (traffic noises) (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪)
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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larry: robert f junior -- robert f kennedy junior serious candidate?
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we are talking issues, steve miller, trump campaign surrogate, dear friend. this is not personal. i know robert kennedy junior, he is a very gracious person, not person. on the issues, he has a long history of being a climate extremist it seems to me and i think that's a big problem and under the biden administration don't know if there's much difference between the two, and gasoline prices, business expenses. what do you make of that? >> rfk junior is a climate extremist, has been for many years, his climate extremism is well-documented and well-known, would shut down all fossil fuels, abolish drilling, put significant taxes, what is
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significant, he is indeed a serious candidate, serious candidate of the left. the american voters will be able to choose from two liberal democrat politicians. climate extremism and vote for him. and biden and rfk, not just climate extremism, rfk has been very extreme on the second amendment in favor of gun confiscation, socialist economic and tax and regulatory policies, very extreme even recently saying he favors abortion up through the end of pregnancy in all 50 states. very far left position. issue after issue he staked out territory that put them to the
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leftmost portion of the american electorate. larry: reading from karl rove's comments on this. carlos tough on him. this is not personal. very gracious man. carl says kennedy has a lot of other, quote, moon bad ideas, agribusiness waging war on health with food. amid, 2004 election was stolen, the 2004 election was stolen, wi-fi and 5g cause cancer, surrounds are on didn't kill rfk senior. he talked about reparations on black decent dents, he doesn't mention specific names. these are pretty far out stuff, pretty far left, they are just fringe kinds of issues that don't seem serious to me. >> another one not included on
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that list is his very very strong sympathy for the palestinians that support hamas. another issue where he fits in very well with the left flank of the democrat party. a lot of for example in michigan who don't like biden and voting for rfk, a lot of college students in places like new hampshire who are very anti-israel, voting for rfk, there's a large portion of biden's coalition much more comfortable weather on climate issues or foreign policy issues voting for rfk, squarely a problem as more people become familiar with his record, a lot that we discussed today. i think it will be a real scare for democrats in november. larry: issue of reparations, i
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never understood how you get there, hundreds of years ago, times have changed, we don't live in jim crow anymore. president biden makes the same -- >> unpopular across the board as a policy matter. larry: you get gavin newsom in california talking about reparations, hundreds of billions, trillions of dollars doesn't make sense. a very gracious man i've known for a long time, had dinner with a bunch of people a month or two ago. >> a liberal socialist democrat and more people becoming familiar with his record. larry: see you soon. be right back with the last word.
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larry: so donald trump's bronx tale was an amazing message of hope, growth, opportunity and the american dream can for everybody of all colors. and now we have a bronx tale from my friend, david asman. [laughter] do. david: thank you, larry, appreciate it. i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. former president trump taking the opportunity to hammer away at bidenomics when he addressed thousands at his rally in the deep blue bronx yesterday. madison alworth has more on this story. hey, madison. >> reporter: david, the blue br


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