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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 24, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: so donald trump's bronx tale was an amazing message of hope, growth, opportunity and the american dream can for everybody of all colors. and now we have a bronx tale from my friend, david asman. [laughter] do. david: thank you, larry, appreciate it. i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. former president trump taking the opportunity to hammer away at bidenomics when he addressed thousands at his rally in the deep blue bronx yesterday. madison alworth has more on this story. hey, madison. >> reporter: david, the blue bronx was really quite red last
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night. husband of folks showed up -- thousands of phobes showed up, more than expected, with the former president himself stay od to call this a meeting but, quote, like it or not, this is a rally. gates opened just after 3 p.m., and there were still hundreds of people waiting to get into the event when it wrapped up around 8 p.m. those in attendance wants to send the message that the democrat party has taken their vote for granted for too long. for the voters i spoke to, the two top issues were the economy, specifically prosperity. people are getting a paycheck, but they are struggling to have it cover even the essentials. and the second issue of immigration. especially because the bronx is an area where a lot of legal immigrants is settle. we are seeing in polling that minority voters, black and brown americans, are starting to shy away from the democrat party. and that is also what we saw on the ground. >> my entire family has now been persuaded, thanked to me, as
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i've been supporting donald trump since 2017 just to brighten their vision and give them focus as to the thing things that are of importance. >> i voted once in clinton tame, that was it -- time. and when maga nation came along, it changed everything. and 2020 i voted trump, 2024 is trump again. >> i'll go anywhere i have to to show that other black people are changing their mindset. even my great grandmother, 95 years old, lifelong democrat, is going to vote for trump. she said biden is out of control. >> reporter: the last time a republican presidential candidate won the state of america was back in 1984 with president reagan. latest polling shows trump behind biden by 9 points in the empire state. david? david: all right. madison, thank you very much. imagine, a 95-year-old grandmother voting for trump. with me now to discuss this is fox news contributor and syndicated columnist liz peek and "wall street journal" columnist and fox news
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contributor bill mcgurn. good to see you both. les,i just want to start with something -- liz, i just want to start with something that trump said where he's talking about common sense and so many problems, the economy, the border, crime, they really come down to the issue of common sense solutions. let me play that and get your reaction. roll it. >> but above all, new yorkers have something called common sense. and we do have common sense. and old-fashioned american common sense is exactly what i intend to bring back to the white house just like we had for four years. david: and p liz, the bottom line is common sense is the main thing that's missing with folks that are born and bred inside the beltway, right? [laughter] >> without a doubt, david. you know, who thinks that letting more criminals out on the street will make us all safer? if. david: right. >> that's sort of the essence of what's going on in new york city in recent years. and all those people up in the bronx are sick of it. they are sick of not being taken
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into account. it's like the residents of these towns and cities are the last people that the our legislators and our politicians are concerned about. i watched an msnbc clip covering the rally, and he were interviewing black people -- they were interviewing black people, brown people, and they were clearly shocked at the reasons that they were there. they don't like illegal emigration, they don't like their neighborhoods being trashed, etc., david. it was quite a comeuppance. and, by the way, democrats are absolutely panicked that this is very widespread. i thought this was a brilliant move by donald trump. liz: david: bill, let's listen to one of those bronx residents who has common sense, and that's why she's drawn to donald trump. roll that tape. >> trump is speaking our language. he has figured out a way the connect, all right? to connect with poor minorities. let's put it in perspective, poor minorities meaning black,
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white, asian, jewish, hispanic, you know? if russian, italian, anybody who is struggling right now to make ends meet, who work every single day, okay? and when they get paid, their paycheck lasts them two days, and their refrigerator's still empty. david: you talk about a uniter. i mean, or this is a uniter, that that she's talking about. the same thing that biden was complaining about in 2020, it seems that that trump is the uniting message. >> yeah. for years, david, republicans have argued we have better solutions for working african-americans, hispanic-americans. but so few of our candidates actually go there to deliver in person. it was very bold move by donald trump who's always bold, and i think it pays off. people -- he goes to see, if you're going to be a salesman, door to door salesman, you have to knock on the door in the neighborhood and say hello and
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introduce yourself. and it's amazing, joe biden is suffering as liz said in all these key democratic constituencies. no one thinks he's going to win new york -- david: right. >> but it's a sign of these traditional democratic constituencies rethinking their alignments and hearing the message of hope that trump gives. "the new york post", my own paper today, said if donald trump gave more speeches like the one he gave in the bronc, he'll be president. -- in the bronx, he'll be president. i agree with that. david: you have the governor of new york, governor hochul, liz, coming out with some really nasty comments about the people that are drawn to donald trump, even those people from the bronx. let me just play that tape. >> well, i tell you it won't make a difference at all a, jake, and that is for donald trump to be the ring leader and invite all his clowns to a mace like the bronx. new york will never, ever support donald trump for
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president. david: by the way, this comes about week after a she insulted children in the bronx saying that, claiming that kids in the bronx don't know what a computer is. honestly, these insults are backfiring, aren't they? >> yeah. i wonder when the last time was that kathy hochul spent any time in the bronx, david? david: good question. >> she's clearly incredibly out of touch to think that black kids don't know what a computer is? holy crow, what a ridiculous comment. i didn't see clowns at that event last night, i saw patriots, i saw americans. it is exactly the diverse kind of community that joe biden thinks he's got behind him, but i think it's fracturing for him right now. a lot of people responded to reporters' questions last night referencing the charlamagne tha god comment that biden made in the 2020 campaign when he says if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. i think that rankles. i think the opening comment that tonight about how black people
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and hispanic voters feel taken for granted, democrats better watch with out. david: well, bill, final question to you. what about biden? is he doing so poorly now and some people even are trying to pump up in the media trying to pump up kamala harris saying she might be in good shape toe place him -- to replace him, is that conceivable that will happen particularly if he gives a bad performance in june? >> i think he's going to stay no matter what. he feels the democratic party, the obama people, condescended to him which they did, and he's not going to give in to them. but the bad choice is even if he did, what do they do? because i think kamala harris would be a worse candidate. but how -- they made identity politics and racial division their, like, top selling point. how do they pass over an accomplished woman of color for a preferred white candidate if joe biden doesn't get it? i don't with see how they do it.
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said david i don't either. bill mcgurn, liz a peek, have a wonderful memorial day weekend. thanks for being here. meanwhile, the economy appears to be pumping along. orderses for durable goods, those big ticket items, rose unexpectedly in april. but the real question, is this a genuine positive burst in the economy or just more of that a government money sloshing around from the president's deficit spending? with me now to discuss is former economic adviser to former president trump, and she should have been on the fed but that's a whole other story, judy shelton. good to see you. thank you so much for being here. what do you think? i mean, my suspicion is and, in fact, politico came out with a story i believe it was about a weeking ago saying that they're trying desperately to push out all this money from all of the different trillion dollar bills on infrastructure, the chips bill, etc. is that what's going on with the economy right now? >> well, i think the economy is
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really divided. it's best fur candidated in thae biden administration knows that by sprinkling money around, they're actually putting pressure on prices. they're competing for resources both human and financial. and i think that a goes to the heart of what you were saying in the prior segment. there's really a contrast. i think that the baden administration -- the biden administration is showing a lack of regard, really a lack of consideration and a lack of respect for american families. they know that fiscal overspending, deficit spending is causing the continued inflation. but i don't think they care. david: no. enter they leave it to the fed to fight the inflation with high interest rates, but that really means it's a double punishment for citizens because, first, they have to contend with the inflation, and then they have the further penalty of higher borrowing costs. they have high credit card debt
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with very high interest rates -- david: yeah. >> it's hard, almost impossible to finance a new home. so people deserve better from government. and think that's what president trump -- i think that's what president trump was connecting with people and saying we do know what you're going through, and we are here to make things better including stable money and bringing down the inflation. david: you know, inflation is bad for everybody, but it's particularly hard on the middle class and lower middle class people because the nondiscretionary goods, all of the things we're talking about like food and we've got a chart a we can put, grocery prices, gas prices, utility costs, health care costs, that's up about -- that continues to rise in inflation by about 6%. it's the discretionary goods, the stuff that you don't necessarily need that's flat, and that's what's pulling inflation down a little bit. but to your point about the fed, the fed just released their notes on wednesday about their earlier meeting suggesting that they're not ready to lower rates. in fact, they say the fed --
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this is a report on that. they say the fed could consider raising rather than cutting rates its benchmark rate in the coming months. indeed, the minutes noted that various officials mentioned a willingness to raise rates if inflation if accelerated. so they're not -- it's not a done deal that rates will be lowered before the election, is it? if. >> no. and that's just it. there's no way that monetary policies has restrictive -- as restrictive as it's for small business and for households who really feel the brunt of higher borrowing costs, there's no way it can get ahead of reckless spending. and if you have a white house that thinks that its ticket to economic success is to prioritize its own pet projects at the expense of letting cap pal -- capital i flow to where it's needed and proked slide real opportunity and productive projects, the whole idea of a free market economy is that
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stable money give the price signals that allocate exhibiterly s. and and that works to increase -- efficiently. that's what people wanted yesterday, more prosperity, more shared prosperity instead of just targeting the favorite project that the government wants. david: right, right. and it come down to trust in the people. trust in the people, not in the bureaucrats who think that they're the commanders of everything that we do and live for. >> yes. david: judy, great to see you. ing thank you so much, appreciate it. stwroo coming up still ahead, congressman if anthony d'esposito from the house homeland security committee joins us. senator marco rubio slamming the u.s. ?owfer southern border as a, quote, catastrophe, claiming it is easier than ever to get into america. this as president biden says the gop doesn't care about securing the border after the schumer-backed bill fails in the senate for a second time. all this coming up next on "the evening edit. ing". ♪ ♪
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so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. david: my grants from all over the world continue to stretch our border patrol resources very thin at our southern border. fox news' bill melugin is in the midst of the migrant chaos. bill, your stuff is just extraordinary. that video of the guy from turkey, the illegal migrant from
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turkey who is worried more about some of the crazy people being let in than folks on this side of the border are, at least some of them. great stuff, bill. what are you seeing today? >> reporter: thanks, dade, i appreciate it. well, i can tell you border patrol just reported here in the san diego sector they've arrested illegal immigrants from 67 countries around the world in just the last week. and that is having an impact on their resources. take a look at this video. we shot this as we're driving around, illegal immigrants just wandering around aimlessly on the roads after heavy crossed over. what are they doing? they're looking for border patrol to turn themselves in to. the problem is there were no agents because they're all busy elsewhere. we essentially see them wandering around. this group in particular, we don't know if they were ever even apprehended. and take take a look at this video, there was a mass illegal crossing border patrol was dealing with, over 100 people coming in including from india,
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turkey, pakistan, countries in africa, georgia, all over the place. agents having to deal with a major language barrier. we talked to one guy from the middle east. he says he wants to head to new york city, and he's not here for asylum. take a listen. where are you from? >> pakistan. >> reporter: pakistan. how did you get here? >> just i crossed the border. >> reporter: i know you crossed the border. where did you fly into? how did can you get here? >> i came from brazil. >> reporter: from brazil, okay. why did you come to the u.s.? >> for the job. for work. >> reporter: you want to work. you know it's it's illegal to come here across the border like this, right? >> yeah. >> reporter: not a big deal? >> no. [laughter] >> reporter: not a big deal. taken a look at this video, santa teresa, new mexico, what you're looking at is border patrol agents responding to the border wall there as cartel smugglers and illegal immigrants try to scale that wall and get into the u.s.
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they're using a hook and ladder system. agents are trying to. apprehend people as they're getting rocks and dirt thrown the at them from below, then up on the wall you'll see people throwing bottles town at them. that is what our agents have to deal with day in and day out. and we saw something remarkable yesterday, groupses of illegal immigrants waiting to be picked up for hours. some colombian guys got sick of waiting, so take a looked at these videos. they called a lyft. a lyft driver pulled up, they got in the car and they drove away. they left the area, no border patrol so, david, they are now presumed to be gotaways. they're gone. david: unbelievable. you know, in order to get a lyft are, you have to have some kind of credit card, some kind of valid credit card. these people not only are they not really asylum seekers, they say they're coming here for jobs, but they're well off enough so that they can have a credit card and call lyfts. i mean, what does that tell you,
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bill? it just tells you these people are totally unqualified to be calling themselves aa asylum speaker -- seekers in any way, shape or form. >> reporter: yeah. and the guy that i got into the lyft had a designer or bag. as for the driver that picked them up, that woman, she's technically potentially committing a federal crime of human smuggling by taking them away from here and by furthering their entry. into the united states of so if border patrol if looks into her, she might have some trouble heading her way, david. david: amazing. bill melugin, great stuff as always. thank you so much, appreciate it. well, listen to florida senator marco rubio talk about the chaos for migrants all over the world flocking to our southern border. roll tape. >> this is not immigration, this is mass migration. it's uncontrolled, it's chaos ec, and that's got need the -- not good under any circumstance but much less when you've got groups from all over the world that have cells of isis
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terrorists and al-qaeda terrorists who seek to conduct operations in the united states. david: let's welcome to the show from house homeland security committee congressman anthony d'esposito. congressman, thank you for being here. i trust you heard bill melugin's report. these folks are well off enough to have credit cards, to order lyfts, etc., and then just walk in completely unobstructed. the president of the united states is now complaining that because he can't get a new law whens he is not enforcing -- when he is not enforcing the laws that now exist. that's the problem, is it not? >> that's one of many problems. i mean, the first problem is that in the first week of his administration president biden started rescinding all of the orders that were in place under president trump. that was the first mistake. now he's left the borders absolutely wide open. over a year ago house republicans passed h.r. 2, the most comprehensive border security bill that this country has seen in decades.
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it sat on chuck schumer's desk for well over a year. they haven't done anything. that should have been the starting point. over a year ago there should have been conversations, negotiates on how to secure our border, but the democrats remained silent. and then what we saw just as the year started to end and 2024 began and they saw that president biden's poll numbers were in the dumpster and that dumpster the was about to ignite, then they magically came up with this so-called bipartisan border bill in the senate. that wasn't a solution. it was a surrender. they can't even get it out of the senate. the starting point should have been h.r. 2. what bill was just talking about is absolutely insane. we've seen over the last week people come into this country illegally from 67 nations, 67 nations around the world, and only of them to want to cause harm. i speak to law enforcement professionals who say it's not if, it's when. david: yeah. >> i mean, this is insane. we have the gentleman from pakistan who came into the country and when asked bill, you know it's illegal to come into
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this country, right? he laughed at him. david: exactly. they're giving us the finger. we saw that happen with the illegal migrants who were beating up cops in new york literally giving us all the finger when they just walked out of the jail after they were arrested. finally, very quickly, on the chinese problem, we've got 27,000 my cheese i don't mean -- chinese coming in just so far this fiscal year. there were only about 450 who came in in 20211. what the heck is going on there? >> and those are the ones we know about. remember, we have in 2023 we had 670,000, over 670,000 known gotaways and 2024 those numbers continue to rise. i think it's very clear we have individuals from china, obviously, one of our biggest adversaries, wants to cause harm to the united states of america -- david: right. >> -- and joe biden and his administration continue to fail the american people. david: absolutely. >> it is clear they do not want to secure our border, and the only way to do that is to elect donald trump and get our border
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secure. david: congressman, great to see you. by the way, were you in the bronx with last night? >> we were voting pretty late, we tried to get out, but it wasn't easy to get back into new york. david: thank you so much, have a wonderful memorial day weekend. appreciate you being here. congressman bob good from the house education and labor committee, fireworks on capitol hill, and congressman good was right in the mid middle of it. congressman good and gop lawmakers slamming college leaders of their handling of anti-semitism on campuses. plus, we have avenue lee a that habba with us, president trump's former attorney, what can we expect next week as the new york trump trial appears to be winding down. all of this next on "the evening edit d." ♪ ♪ choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger
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president donald trump. voters all over the nation speaking out against the weaponization of our criminal justice system even at trump's rally in the bronx last night. here's former new york city if councilman and state senator rubin diaz criticizing judge juan merchan's conduct. watch. >> as a pert' darning as a his tan thetic, i want to -- puerto rican, as a hispanic, i want to apologize to you for the conduct of judge juan merchan -- [inaudible conversations] as a hispanic, i want the apologize. [applause] he's being used, he has been used to troy you. david: joining me now is donald trump's attorney alina habba. i don't want to get you many trouble, but just generally speak, the fact that so many americans now are up in arms and
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not typical republicans or typical trump supporters,es it is the use of the law as a political weapon that is turning them into trump supporters, don't you think? >> 100. i think that's exactly what's happening, david. we have people that were undecided, we have a lot of biden voters, frankly, if you look at what they're saying. even on cnn, they can't deny it. we have biden voters that are flipping because they're looking at what as happened in their personal life, what has happened with the weaponization of the jus it is dissystem, and as president trump always says, i'm just in the way. heir coming after all of us, you know? this is not our america. and i think people miss america. we don't want to be a third world country or a banana republic. and if you take a look at what happened in the bronx last night, those people, many of them, were not trump voters. they were not even republicans or, never mind trump voters. and now they're flipping. that's because it has become so obvious that the democrat party is using dirty tactics against a
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former president and likely the futcher president -- future president. david: well, so obvious when you look at the bragg case in new york and or mar ifly when you see the way the law has been -- and particularly when you see the way the law has been spun around. it's like a pretzeling, they turn it so much to the turn one expired misdemeanor into 34 felonies, and we still don't know what that felon nebraska charge is. felony charge is. >> yeah. the basis is completely ridiculous and unknown. they're taking something, frankly, that i believe one of the witnesses pled guilty to, not the president. there's been no fec violation. there's been no violation of campaign contributions by president trump. but they're trying to act a like it's now illegal for you to pay an attorney? an attorney bill. and he was in the white house while this bill was paid. the bill was paid by the trump organization accounting department. and guess what? they got a legal bill, and they
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paid it and booked it as a legal fee. my goodness, how could that be wrong? but now a former president and the leading candidate going to go to jail allegedly for that? if it's desperate. not only is it desperate, they denied bringing it twice, not once. cy vance didn't want to bring it. bragg didn't want to bring el until president trump announced he was running. david: by the way, how longs does an appeal take? if, in fact, the jury comes out with a guilty verdict, obviously, you're going to appeal. there's so many grounds for it. the jury instructions, allowing michael cohen, a equitied liar and an -- a convicted liar and admitted thief, allowing him to instruct the jury about election law rather than getting a real expert like the former head of the fec in there, there's so many areas that you could appeal this. won't that take a long time? if couldn't he actually be sent the jail before that happens? >> yes, in a worst case scenario, absolutely. the appellate division, it's backed up, new york courts in general are backed up unless
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you're donald can trump, they tend to speed them up. but, no, appellate division takes a wheel. we have a lot of cases for the president that are pending appeal, as you've seen is. supreme court cases are pending. and that's detrimentallal a because in a criminal proceeding, they don't just let you walk around if you have a conviction. they'll sentence you and then you wait. it's really problematic. and don't think it's not by design. david: absolutely. very quickly, alina, we're out of time, but you've been around, you look very young w you've been around long enough to really experience the law and all of its, all of its match nations. did you ever see -- machinations. are you possess mix about whether we can -- pessimistic about whether we can turn this around? >> i'm not possess midwestic ant as long as president trump wins and we get the current regime, as long as we get them out. yes, i've been practicing 15 years, and i have never seen anything like this in my life.
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i practice in multiple states. if we don't turn this around in november, dave, we're in trouble. david: alina habba, i mope're not. appreciate it. have a good weekend. well, university presidents defending their responses to anti-semitism in a congressional hearing yesterday and anti-israel protests as they continue to erupt at a college campuses all over the nation. northwestern university president michael shill stand, by his decision to reach an agreement with these pro-palestinian protesters. watch. >> we were fortunate to have students who were willing to negotiate and were willing to give up their demand. and then we said let's think about what will make the university with stronger, what will be important for your community. and then we came to this agreement over time hearing what their needs are. david: joining us now is a lawmaker that that's making headlines for his own vigorous
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questioning from the house education committee, congressman bob good. good to see you, congressman. that was great testimony between you9 and the rutgers president the other day as well. i just want to ask you about what this president of northwestern just said. first, he said he wasn't going to negotiate. then he president bidened himself on the way they -- prided himself on the way they negotiated. these are college university presidents who are saying things that contradict each other within 30 seconds. what do you make of the a state of colleges based on what you've seen so far? >> yeah. you don't want this president negotiating on your behalf if you hope to win that negotiation. [laughter] you get what you incentivize, and you don't get what you penalizeing and what he has essentially done is try to reward this behavior by these students. it says a lot about who we are recruiting to these so-called elite universities. i certainly don't believe they are elite universities. it says a lot about what they're being taught on their respective campuses, who are on those campuses in the faculty and
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administration, and it's a sad state of affairs that we're here today trying to confront college presidents over and over again of their not just tolerance, but the incentivizing or the support for anti-semitism, anti-israeli opinions on their campus and discrimination, certainly, not protecting their jewish students from discrimination on their campuses which is against the law. david: and then you have your college -- your colleagues, the squad, that continues to call these riots, essentially, peaceful protests. if and the president kowtowing to them with his treatment of israel. i mean, it just looks like appeasement everywhere you look. >> yeah. one of the many reasons why joe bind's going to lose in novembeg to lose in november is because he's beholden to the crazy, communist left wing of the democratic party which, sadly, is most of the democrat party today. he's trying to use his department of justice to go after president trump, as you noted in your previous segment.
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but it's incredible, what's happening. teafd david it is, indeed. congressman good, thank you so much for the work you do. appreciate you coming in. still ahead, price futures group senior analyst phil flynn. prices at the pump up 51 since president biden took office and fuel costs are top of mind for holiday weekend drivers. but democrats are are downplaying the pump saying it won't impact the polls come this november. are they nuts? [laughter] but first, let's check in with our friends jack jackie deangelis in for dagen and sean to see what they have coming up in the next hourment good to see you, gang. sean: you as welsh david can. we have americans that are being held in turks and caicos on ammo charges. mark wayne mull, senator, fighting to bring those americans back with home. he's going to join us. jackie: we've also a got alex epstein. think this climate hysteria would wear down, but we've got a fresh round-up of hisser the thetics. jason rantz is also going to be here. you've got residents in portland
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american worker, and we will make energy affordable again by saying, drill, baby, drill! [cheers and applause] finish if -- drill, baby, drill. david: affordable energy, wouldn't that be nice? former president trump addressing thousands at a campaign event in the bronx yesterday evening as prices at the pump are up 51% since president biden took office, but democrats continue to downplay fuel costs as a political problem heading into november. hillary vaughn is at the white house with the details. healthily. >> reporter: good evening, david. president biden and his team is at least a little concerned about high gas prices because they timed the release of gas from the reserves to fall over memorial day weekend through july 4th so that over summer vacation americans are getting a little break from high prices which are high under president biden. right now gas prices up 51% since the day he took office to now, and voters or are feeling
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it. fox news polling showing 84% of voters said gas prices are a problem for their family in addition to high prices on groceries and housing. but some democrats on capitol hill are brushing off the idea that ooh high gas prices could be a drag on democrats in november. how big of a problem are high prices going to be for democrats headed into november? >> who knows? i mean, it's the basis of fuel costs are still based on supply and demand. that rule hasn't changed in centuries. >> reporter: so do you think that, you know, these high gas prices are going to have people thinking twice about supporting president biden in november? >> it's hard to say only to the exfeint that the gasoline pricee gasoline prices vary across the country. >> economies ebb and flow. i think we'll be fine. >> reporter: do you think though that high prices overall is a political liability? if i mean, people are getting pin. ed almost everywhere from the grocery store to the pump pump ifment is that a pop? >> it's always a concern under
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any administration. >> >> reporter: and while the white house wants credit for helping prices go down over summer, they don't want the take the blame for why prices are high no to begin with. really hoping that voters, when they head to the polls in november, do not blame president biden for the high prices and instead point the finger at something else, david? david: hillary vaughn, thank you very much is. great at pointing fingers. for america let's welcome price futures group senior analyst phil flynn. great to see you, phil. so gas prices are based on the price of oil. for all these attempts to pin price gouging on these little gas stations around the country, even the big withs gas station chains, there's never been any evidence for that, has there? >> no, there hasn't, dave. and the other thing is when we look at why these prices are going up, yes, it's the price of oil. that's a major driving fact for gasoline prices. but the other thing is the regulations that we're getting
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from the biden administration. you know, they put restrictions on refining. they put in drilling moratoriums. all those things add to uncertainty, it adds to less production, higher costs, and those higher costs are showing up at the pump, you know, this weekend. david: and bottom line is u.s. oil production hasn't much increased. i mean, yes, it came up a little bit, but it's basically where it was in november of 2019. >> it really is. and that's the sad part of this equation, because we're seeing regular counts starting to fall, we're seeing investment starting to fall, ask and it's basically la if toe thing here. but with -- plateauing here. it shouldn't be that way, dave can. why are our production la if toeing while iran's production is rising? venezuela a's saying they're going to raise production. it's crazy. weather start focusing on american energy, and the world, i think, is not only going the to be a better place, here at a home we're going to be paying a lot less -- david: and we cannot supplant
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that entirely or even close with renewables, with with wind power. in fact, there was a new report that wind generation fell by about 222 in -- 2% in 2023 compared to 2022 even though there were more windmills because, because of the fact that there's not always wind. with coal, with oil, with gas it is reliable. wind power is not. >> it is. you know, and this is the first time i think in history, you know, a government has spent a lot of money to make their economy less efficient and less safe. the. david: that's a great point. >> it's about this climate crazynd. i think you're absolutely right -- craziness. listen, alternative numbers may be part of the solution, but before you start, you know, pushing your way into this, make sure you have a replacement that keeps prices low, and we're not seeing that here in america -- david: particularly when you need more energy, partly because of these green energy mandates because they want electric cars and stoves instead of gas ovens.
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>> right. david: you can't increase energy use with just the renewables. it just doesn't work. phil, thank you very much. have a good memorial day weekend, appreciate you being here. well, the house approved a pill that seeks to ban -- bill that seeks to ban non-u.s. citizens from from voting in local elections, a whopping 52 democrats joined republicans on that measure. congresswoman claudia tenney from the house ways and means committee is here to break et al. down for i u.s. next on "the evening edit." ♪ if. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content
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david: the latest from house gop if leaders in a a wider crackdown of voting security ahead of the 20 this election, let's welcome from the house ways and means committee congresswoman claudia tenney. great to see you, thank you for being here. why is it just d.c.? why can't we expand this to all federal elections? >> the right to vote privately in an election where no dictator nows how you vote and that all
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citizens are voting, those people who are willing to take on the responsibilities and the benefits of citizenship. so that's why it's so essential to what we stand for as a country. but we don't want to federal the eyes elections. we want to make sure each -- federalize elections, and we want to make sure each state passes laws to insure if they don't have it already, it's part of our federal constitution, new york constitution as well, bans noncitizens from voting. but we want to be sure that only citizens are participating in our elections, and this was the start with d.c. as you cited in your intro, it's very significant that 50 or so democrats voted with us and understand the importance of not degrading our election system. david: can i know we don't want to federalize our election system. that goes against what we are as a constitutional remix. however, 81% of americans, 81% according to a pew research poll, says we should have voter ids, photo voter ids. how are you going to argue with 811% of the american people?
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>> -- 81 percent in and there are other polls that show these numbers are as high as a 88 or 89 and across all a demographics and parties. everybody wants to make sure their vote secure. ing people feel uncomfortable with that. that's why i started the election integrity caucus, the only one of its kind, after my very, very difficult election in 20220 where i was winning on election day and after 100 days in court against marc elias, the democrats' sleazily vote-trafficking lawyer are, we ended up winning by 109, and that was the pandemic election where all those the irregularities and some fraud and a lot of things happening, that's why we have to be so vigilant, and that's why just this past week in the house ways and means committee i got my ban zucker bucks act passed. that means we can't use the federal law, the irs can't -- it
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was supposed to go to ppe, but it actually went to election nearing and getting democrats to the ballot box or just getting their votes in mostly the swing states. so they were priming the pump, and some of it was legal. the next step to this and, by the way, 28 states followed our lead on the zucker bucks bill including florida, i think is, is the leader banning this in their state. we have a huge election ahead of us -- david: we do. oh, dear. have you frozen up -- a little bit of problem, ya, i just want to warn you. i do want to ask one final question. your son and my son fought for this country. in fact, we wear the marine american flag on our that pells. they didn't fight for, they didn't fight for illegalses, that's my son at his retirement party -- >> oh, wow, wonderful. david: he left as a master sergeant with my wife there. our sons did not fight to have illegals with no responsibility
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be able to vote in elections doesn't it tick your son off? it does mine. >> yes, and thank you for your son's service, we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice include. >>ing the gold star families who every day have to bear witness without this loved one, this cherished loved one who's been lost serving our nation -- david: congresswoman -- >> this is so important to what we stand for as a king. david: we appreciate your -- as a country. david: we appreciate your son's service. sean and jackie are next. jackie: david, great to see you. have a wonderful long weekend. >> good the fate welcome to the bottom line. >> tonight visiting his mother, on his


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