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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 28, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: good tuesday morning, everybody. thanks have you much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. welcome back, it is tuesday, may 28, 7:00 a.m. on the butt p ton on the east coast -- button on the east coast. it's time for the hot topic of the hour. we're in the final stretch of former president trump's so-called hush money trial. judge merchan saying he expects closing arguments to last all day today and a possibly going into tomorrow. the defense will deliver their closing arguments first followed by the prosecution. this is the reverse order of opening statements. the form earn president says it's unfair. he wrote about this on truth social saying why is the corrupt government allowed to make the final arguments in the case against me, why can't the defense go last. big advantage. very unfair. after closing arguments judge merchan will ininstruct the jury
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on the law before sending them a off to deliberate. lee carter i want to get your thoughts on this. usually in things like this the prosecution goes first, then the defense attorney gets up and responds. the prosecutor who has the burden of proof frequently gets to chance to respond to the defense's finality argument but now you've got the defense going first, trump's team will make their argument and then it's followed by the prosecution, so it's the prosecution that the jury will hear last before they deliberate, lee. >> i don't understand it. you can see there's sort of issue after issue that's come up. it makes people question the integrity of the case. maria: that's right. >> i think i can't understand why this judge would want to give more reasons to doubt what the eventual verdict would be either way. i think at the end of the day it's really important to remember that most americans aren't going to change their mind based on this verdict. only 4% of trump voters say they
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will no longerrer back trump if he were to be convicted in this case. i don't think we're going to see a huge impact. we're going to have a lot of talk. there's going to be a lot of outrage no matter what happens. but i think people have already made up their minds especially on this case. maria: so i'm reading this morning the cowen and company political analyst telling clients his thoughts and he writes tho, entering the seventh week the verdict could come by the end of the week, we count three main potential outcomes, first, not gil i guilty on all1 counts, requires all 12 jurors to be unanimous. that's unlikely. number two, hung jury. still a win for trump, the you outcome requires a single juror to believe there's a reasonable doubt on one or more of the charges. even if the new york da pushed for you new jury trial that would not have a verdict before november 5th and then the third outcome is guilty verdict, this is where we get into
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unchartered waters writes the analyst, some charges carry four year prison sentences, sentencing likely late june, early july. trump has said he would appeal any conviction. your thoughts. >> obviously, maria, there's going to be -- yes, the trump team is going to appeal certainly. they're already working on said appeal. they know they're not going to get potentially a fair verdict here in new york. obviously, if he is aquicked, there you -- acquitted, there you go. going back to what lee mentioned about this whole trial and everything that we've seen and salacious details and things we didn't want or need to know, i'm sure the jury feels the same way, the washington post says this trump trial does little to sway swing voters. that's issue number one. to your point about the judge, that's why i think the instructions will be interesting. it's very rare to have the prosecution go second. and then is the jury instructions and think about the gag order, think about the way that -- think about the back and
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forth they had with the witness, costello and all the animosity the judge had with costello became a very -- so many times the judge has shown his prejudice. and i think the instructions will be key to that. look, i think that the trump team does know that this is new york and the trump team is prepared and they're already working on that appeal because this is a new york city jury. and i think we have to remember that. maria: rebecca, there is no constitutional prohibition for running for president or serving as president with a felony. there's no rule about it. there's three requirements, one, natural born citizen of the united states, number two, be at least 35 years old, number three, have been a resident of the united states for 14 years. we'll see. president biden claims he'll break his silence on the trump trial after a verdict is reached, he said he wants to make an address from the white house so it doesn't seem political. they say biden's team is planning a wave of attacks
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against trump if he's acquitted or there's a hung jury. so get ready for an onslaught of attacks from the biden team should trump get off here. >> i think hung jury will be the most interesting to the watch. everyone will write their own story about what happened. i think democrats will try to paint a picture and joe biden will do it as soon as he can and he'll do it from the white house and he's going to say it's not political, that it's about, what, bringing unity. what is he going to try to say or how is he going to try to position it. i think it will be fascinating to watch. my best is that's the most likely outcome. maria: he's probably going to question the jury's decision, rebecca, right? he's questioned the supreme court on student loan debt. why wouldn't question our system and the jury? meanwhile, donors are seeing the light in terms of trump. gop mega donor and blackstone chairman and ceo and founder steve schwarzman reversed over the weekend, he said he will back former president trump in
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the 2024 election. he says i share the concerns of everybody out there, that the country's going in the wrong direction. i'll be voting trump. trump raised roughly $40 million in two texas fundraisers last week, potential running mate doug burgum was with him. they are looking to california, for fund raising events in san francisco and beverly hills. the san francisco fundraiser costs $50,000 a head to get m the door, will be hosted by tech investors. then there's the biden side, bill and hillary clinton will host a biden fundraiser next month in virginia, biden will attend a fundraiser next month in hollywood with george clooney and julia roberts. the president is facing criticism for missing a peace summit. we see that the money is following trump and you've got to believe that the democrats
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are nervous here because as a trump source told me over the weekend, he keeps going to blue states, bright blue states like new jersey, minnesota, now he's going to california and he's raising a lot of money even in heavy blue states, rebecca. >> it could be this lawfare backfired on them. the strategy hasn't worked. every time he goes to court he speaks to the press and he's smart enough to circumvent the gag order by reading news articles and analysis of the actual case and how weak it is. it's boom ra ranged against the. he's having rallies in new jersey and new york. it's one of the most interesting races, will be digested for years to come. certainly i'll say this point, as a lawyer, if you're going to go after someone with law fare make sure you put the best case forward and convince people
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there's something wrong with your candidate. maria: and prove a crime. prove there was actually a crime convicted. everyone is asking where's the crime. >> where's the beef? maria: coming up, more investors anticipating no rate cut this summer as we await the next read of first quarter gdp out on thursday. we've got the pce on friday. word on wall street panel is coming up weighing in on all of that. you're watching "mornings with maria." we'll be right b. back.
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maria: welcome back. it time pour the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me is scott ladner and rebecca walser.
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scott, thank you for joining the conversation. we want to kick things off with you as we look at futures this morning, the final trading week of may. the nasdaq is up 47. markets were closed yesterday for the memorial day holiday and interest rates this morning are pretty much flat as are stocks. take a look at the 10 year treasury yield. investors are expecting the federal reserve will likely not cut interest rates this summer after all of that. the yield on the 10 10 year up 1 and a quarter basis points to 4.47%, the futures market pricing in a 49% chance that the fed's first rate cut comes in september. we've got a big week of inflation data on deck this week. we'll get the second read of first quarter gdp on thursday, the expectations call for the economy to grow 1.3% last quarter, that's way down from the 4.9% in the third quarter of last year. we also get the april pce index out on friday, scott. what are your expectations here? how important are this week's reports? >> hey, maria, thanks for having me.
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look, yeah, this week is probably the last big week for a little bit. we are definitely in the summer doldrums in terms of trading, even last week was really kind of dull from a trading standpoint. there wasn't a lot going on. this week we expect gdp to continue to slow. we expect inflation to continue to slow. this is essentially the story of all of 2024 so far. it's important to note that we're slowing from a incredibly strong place, the starting place matters on this stuff. we might be going from like a 9 out of 10 of strength to maybe 7 and-a-half out of 10 strength. it's pretty darn strong. maria: what do you want to do as an invest earthen, second half of the -- all invest earth, second half of the year. >> we have good earnings. this is an environment where stocks generally do pretty well west harken back to the mid- '90s for something like
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this, talking about the fed not cutting rates this summer, maybe not this year. that's an environment that harkens back to '95 and '96. we had growing profits, and we had steady rates with the market knowing what the fed will do. that's an environment where you can on of operate well with th. boom behind him. maria: you say there's a liquidity crisis underway. it's begun with redemptions in real estate companies. tell us more. >> it's a big concern. investors need to understand, if they think we're he's specifically talking about st starwood r.e.i.t. i wanted to go after redepositions and liquidity 2023 they had 1.1 billion, the end of april they had $752 million of liquidity. they had redemptions in the first quarter, this is a r.a realestate investment or ine
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trust. the first quarter they couldn't satisfy. they had 1.3 billion of redemption requests in q1. they could only satisfy 500 million, 800 million was not satisfied. credit line has gone from 1.5 billion to 275 million. they'll be you out of cash this week. if you look at blackstone, we talked about the ceo, if we look at blackstone they've been so far able to handle redemption requests but because layoff have ticked up this year, if people think that they're going to go and liquidate this kind of investment and get through a job layover or economic disruption investors need to understand that commercial real estate has been hit with liquidity for both devaluations of property values and interest rate increases and there is a likelihood it will not be able to get redeemed and so they need to start thinking in terms of m2 money supply contraction and liquidity problems. maria: there's also been a fair amount of worry already about office space, scott. do you look at this, does this you affect your expectations that you just say you've got to
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buy this market? >> yeah, look, and rebecca makes a good points. the commercial -- the office part of commercial real estate is going to be challenged and people are going to lose money but you know what? that's okay. you look at the top of the capital stack, it's not pricing in massive losses. this is really isolated to central business district office distowers.those are in trouble. everything else is fine we are talking about some rich people and regional banks that will lose money on office space and the world is going to go on. maria: what about that, rebecca? do you want to buy this market with all of that concern, rebecca? scott said this is a market you've got to buy. >> i'm a lot more bearish than him. more because of geopolitical and macroeconomic factors, you know, so i think that if the markets is priced exactly perfectly and nothing can go wrong and something does go wrong, we have
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65 countries voting this year, we're voting this year, so anything goes wrong i think the market has unfortunately a high pro pens tri because the -- propensity because fundamentals underlying aren't that strong. it's expensive with the 22 or greater pe ratio and to maybe wait until we get a pullback before we have buying opportunities. maria: look at the year-to-date, s&p up 11 and a quarter percent, nasdaq up 12 and three quarters percent, dow industrials up 3 and-a-half percent year-to-date. are there areas you feel are more poised to win over others. earlier my guest on markets in the last hour said that valuations are the biggest issue, that was david bonson, your thoughts on the areas you want to be in in second half. >> look, the starting place for any investment in the second half of the year still those be tech. i know it's boring. i know it's been working for a long time but it is where all the earnings growth is. these are the largest companies in the world that make the most money in the world and grow
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revenue faster than anybody else in the world. that's where you need to start at least. but some other areas that are interesting are maybe materials and utilities. maria: boring is not bad. boring is good. and the tech sector has been anything but boring. the gains are outsize. you want to sell into that? are you on the other side of that trade? >> i would be. and we love that. we love making a profit on tech and buying the dip when they occur. but to his point, scott's point, utilities have done surprisingly well, simply because investors are betting on tech and saying a.i. will need a lot of electricity so let's invest in utilities that make the additional electricity gains that are going to be required as we move into the a.i. world. maria: yeah. and that's why we see copper where it is with the pressure on data centers. scott, great to have you this morning. thanks so much for your insights. rebecca, you're with us all morning. we're happy about that, grateful. thank you so much. we appreciate it. quick break and then biden's border crisis spirals out of
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control, more than 100 chinese nationals crossing the san diego border just one day of over the weekend. more than 100. pennsylvania congressman guy refresh taller is here -- refresh taller is here with more on that. you're watching "mornings with maria." we'll be right back. ♪
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powering possibilities. maria: welcome back. now to the border, customs and border patrols telling fox nearly 120 chinese nationals illegally crossed the san diego border on saturday alone over the weekend. of the nearly 50,000 chinese nationals that entered the u.s. since october of last year, more than 30,000 of the crossings happened in california. 50,000 kai niece nationals that -- chinese nationals that we know of since october. nearly 8,000 turkish migrants have crossed the san diego pour deer this year. two juror danean nationals -- jujordannans attempted to get io a military base. joining me is pennsylvania congressman guy reschenthaler. congressman, this is crazy.
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we've got breaches everywhere you look. when you speak to your colleagues on the democrat side do they admit that the border is incredibly dangerous right now, 50,000 chinese nationals since october, do we have any idea what they're doing? >> well, maria, thanks for having me on as always. when you talk to democrats, the democrats realize this is an issue for them electorally, i don't think they care about the illegal immigrants crossing the border because in their you view they see this as the future to the electoral college. they think they're going to flood the united states with illegal immigrants. they assume the illegal immigrants will vote democrat, the polling suggests we're getting 55% of the hispanic vote right now. i'll leave that you aside. they think they can ship illegal immigrants around the united states and make up for population losses they're seeing in california, new york, illinois, for example, and so they can try to stay even with the electoral college so i think that is their main concern. it's always about politics, always about the far left
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agenda. going back to the issue of quantico, there's so many questions. one jordannan national who overstayed the visa for a year and-a-half. how is he supporting himself? there's either a support group with terrorist networks for example or these liberal organizations are supporting these individuals. that's one of the reasons why we need e-verify as well. so we can make sure that if you're here illegally you're not getting hired and you have to self-hdeport. the other individual came from california which begs the question, how many others on the terrorist watch -- we don't know if he was on the terrorist watch list. we know people on the terrorist watch list are flooding across the border. it only took 19 for 9/11. were these gentlemen on the terrorist watch list? why didn't the fbi answering the question to jim jordan. my instinct says they might be
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on the terrorist watch list. that's why the administration is slow to release the information. there's a lot of questions that need answers. all of this points back to the weakness of joe biden on the border. maria: so again, when you speak with your colleagues on the left, other congressmen and congress women, democrat, are you saying it's all about politics, about how many people they can get in the census, the electoral college. they don't recognize the national security threat? they don't recognize the vulnerability america is in right now? >> some do, maria and some don't. we had giapol from seattle with the rules committee the, under questioning she wouldn't say illegal immigrants shouldn't p be able to vote in federal elections. she was soft on the fact that they should be able to vote in local elections. we ran a bill last week saying that if you're in d.c. you have to be a u.s. citizen to vote in d.c. elections. right now, illegals can vote. right now if you're working in the chinese embassy you can vote
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in a d.c. election. i think only 80 democrats voted in favor of that bill and the vvast majority voted against it. it shows where they are in the motivations. they might admit electorally it's a bad issue for them. i think they think long-term thill will benefit the democratic party. maria: it's incredible when you think about all of this. it gives credence to the idea that we're losing the country. when you consider the fact that representatives of america, representatives of the people in congress are not focused on the national security threat of 50,000 chinese nationals being apprehended at the san diego and texas border just since october. what is xi jinping doing, creating a mini army in america? this is incredibly concerning to me. >> well, remember, if you're in china, you're only leaving china if you have permission of the ccp and pla. why are all these military age males coming across the border?
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you have 50,000 since october. they could be here to perhaps when china tries to invade taiwan, they could try to attack critical infrastructure. they could try to foment civil unrest leading up to the 2024 election, they could try to infiltrate some of our sectors. we don't know. but knowing china and knowing the controls they have and a knowing their long-term goal of supplanting the united states as the global super power, we have to assume they're here for nefarious reasons. maria: president trump will be campaigning tomorrow -- president biden will be campaigning in pennsylvania tomorrow with kamala harris. obviously a swing state. what are your thoughts on pennsylvania and the upcoming race? >> i think president trump is going to win pennsylvania. s he's up between 4 and 6 there's the polls and in 2016 he was never ahead of hillary clinton in pennsylvania and of course he ended up winning
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pennsylvania so i think the demographics are playing in president trump''s direction. in 2020 we saw people voting for president biden saying he was one of them. after he shut down the pipeline, after he had horrible policies that led to inflation hurting the working class, those voters will come home to president trump and he will carry pennsylvania. if he wins pennsylvania and he wins georgia it's game over for biden. electorally speaking he can not lose electorally if he has pennsylvania and georgia, not to mention some of the other swing states he's up in. i'm feeling bullish about pennsylvania and the election in general. maria: we could have a hung jury which would mean a mistrial. we could have a guilty verdict as well.
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what happens then? >> it's a shame he's going through this, this is law fare, this is something you would see in a banana republic, going after the leading opposition heading into election. set that aside. polling is actually pretty good on this issue. 58%, between 58 and 60% of americans think that this is politically motivated. remember, only about 48% tied phi as conservative. -- identify as conservative. that means a lot of independents are viewing the trials and it's breaking president trump's way because people feel bad for him, feel like he's been a victim. so it's not necessarily bad electorally. it's horrible for the country, horrible for the legal system and politics moving forward. not necessarily bad politically. maria: real quick on the other issue, one of your constituents back home after being released from custody in turks and caicos, he was detained for having ammunition in his luggage. one of five american tourists
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arrested in the of last six months for having ammunition in the luggage. others remain detained in turks and caicos. michael lee evans was allowed to come back to the u.s. on bail while awa awa awaiting sentencit month. you traveled to turks and caicos to meet with government officials. what did you learn? do you have any idea why he had ammunition in the luggage. >> they admitted they had am a anything's inadd -- ammunition inadvertently. these were small amounts. brian didn't realies he had the rounds in his suitcase. but regardless, what i learned when i was in turks and caicos was that they really don't -- they don't have any empathy for the american detainees. i learned they're treating americans differently than non-u.s. citizens. for example, we have a case with a brazilian that had a few rounds of spare ammunition. she paid a fine and was released back to brazil.
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the u.s. citizens were charged facing 12 year mandatory minimum sentences, they were treated harshly, thrown in jail, brian was phr placed in a jail cell wh three people charged with of homicide. the grandmother was chained to a desk for three days and the others brought her food, water, blanket and pillows. it's harsh treatment. the prison in turks and caicos was flagged by the u.n. for humanitarian violations, humanitarian rights. these are dire consequences that our americans are facing but again, there's a lot of anti-american sentiment on turks and caicos, there's internal political pressure where the ruling regime are cracking down on tourism which by definition means americans, because we're 80 to 90% of the tourists going down there. i would not travel to turks and caicos. we need to pressure turks and
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caicos to release the rest of the american detainees and to change the law and have the biden administration do a do not travel order. every three weeks an american is getting detained in turks and caicos. maria: this is important information that our viewers need to understand about turks and caicos. good to see you. guy reschenthaler thank you. we'll be right back.
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hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing i've kept from before losing weight and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back. maria: welcome back. we are now in the final stretch of former president trump's so-called hush money trial, closing arrestingments begin today arguments begin today. the defense will deliver their closing arguments first, followed by the prosecution. titrump called this unfair on truth social writing this, why
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is the corrupt government allowed to make the final argument in the case against me, why can't the defense go last, big advantage, very unfair. after closing arguments the judge will instruct the jury on the law. trump's attorney says she is concerned that the judge will deliver instructions that are biased towards the prosecution. watch. >> i have zero confidence in had the fact that this person who should not be sitting on the bench right now will do the right thing and give jury instructions that are in an appropriate manner without any persuasion towards the prosecution. there's my biggest concern. it always ah has been. now you you've held jurors for five weeks. we saw no facts. and the last resort for the prosecution is going to be this judge with political motivations going to give them instructions on how to decide the fate of a former president and the future president of the united states. maria: joining me is defense attorney david gelman, a former
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deputy district attorney and legal surrogate. give us your expectations and reaction to all of this. >> thanks for having me, maria. alieshe is exactly right. judge merchan, is buyased? of course he is. these jury instructions he'll be delivering after the closings of the defense and the prosecution, number one, they're going to be extremely confusing. in fact, most attorneys don't know how jury instructions go. this jury, they're not going to remember this as soon as they walk in the door to the deliberation room. but the beauty is, maria, that the judge is allowing the jury to pick a crime that's associated with the business records so they have to have a second crime. so it could be anything. i mean, pretty much is like going through a drive-through and saying i'll take business records and side of fries. this is exactly what's happening in the jury that's going to be deliberating in new york city for president trump. it is completely unfair. it's completely biased.
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frankly, this should never even get to the jury. this should be a directed verdict, meaning the judge should dismiss it but you and i know that's not happening. maria: how is that possible? how is that allowed? most people via the polls that we're looking at do say that this trial is a sham, that they have been unable to actually prove a crime. there's a new wall street journal op-ed this morning that says alvin bragg has not proven his case in the trump trial. saying, quote, the evidence shows why the charges should never have been brought to begin with and this is from the editorial board. david, what do you think about this? do you think bragg has proven what he is calling a second crime? what has been proven and what hasn't been? >> no, in fact, he hasn't proven the first crime. this is a business records case and the business records was that donald trump paid michael cohen for legal services, nothing about that is illegal and everything that's been said in the trial so far gone to that, michael cohen admitted,
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these are legal services, i know nobody can trust michael cohen. he's a prov proverbial liar. but these are business expenses. there's not a second crime. remember the fec, the federal election commission, they never wanted to try the case. the doj, they didn't want to try the case. alvin bragg didn't want to try this case. the only reason he did it is because former das in his office went and wrote a book pretty much saying, hey, alvin, you should do this because it's political. so there's no way, nothing has been proven here. that's why i keep there should be a directed verdict. the judge should take it out of the jury's hands and say prosecution, you did not meet your burden, you did not find a crime here. donald trump, go home, go campaign. maria: we're entering the seventh week. we could have one of three outcomes, number one, not guilty on all 31 counts. unlikely. number two, hung jury, which
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means a mistrial. still a win. this requires a single juror to believe there's reasonable doubt. number three, guilty. some charges carry a four year prison sentence. where do you think this is going? >> this should be a be an acqui. if this were anywhere else other than manhattan, it wouldn't go to a jury. i have a feeling we'll be talking about a hung jury. that's still a win. the reason i'm saying that, let's be honest with everybody. all right? these are blue people. all right. blue workers, blue manhattan. they're not too keen on donald trump. but you only need one as you stated and if they're being true to themselves at least one of them is going to say you know what, even though i might not care for president trump, there is reasonable doubt. meaning there's something there, doesn't matter how big or how small, that i can see that president trump probably did not
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do this or did not intend for this. that's all you need. so one out of 12, that's going to definitely happen. but it should be an acquittal. maria: do you -- did you see the jury selection sheets of who the jury is, i spoke with someone over the weekend and she told me they're all trump haters. did you see them? do you know how they chose the jury and have you read about them. >> i have read about them. maria: do you think they're all trump haters? >> we're in manhattan. of course. it's not the five burroughs here. it's just one. maria: manhattan. >> yeah. so president trump even though he had a huge rally in the bronx, they're not here on the jury. it's only manhattan. they're not keen on president trump. i don't know why. but it is what it is. that the cards are dealt. you just need one. maria: let's go through the other remaining trials, the georgia trial scheduled for august, that could be delayed. you've got the supreme court decision on trump's claim of total presidential immunity.
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that will come in late june. we'll see how that goes and of course the other two criminal trials remain on hold, january 6 case in d.c. and documents case in florida. if president trump is convicted, do you still believe he could win? how does that play out if he's convicted? >> 100%. look, the democrats all they want to do is put a g in front of president trump, meaning guilty. what's going to happen, let's say in the very, very unlikely event that he is found guilty, his defense attorneys are going to file for an interlocutory appeal, they'll appeal immediately and that will go up to the appellate disand i i can guarantee you -- appellate division and i can guarantee they'll send it back and get it remanded. there's so many mistakes. i think pretty sure the judge went for the guinness book of world records with the m this
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takes you can -- most mistakes you can make as a judge. he will be found not guilty in the end. democrats want the g in front of president trump's name so they can advertise, president trump, he was found guilty even though the whole world knows this is a sham trial. maria: what were the mistakes that merchan made? >> number one, he should have recused himself. his daughter is making money off the trial. she's a democratic operative. she works for democrats and they are campaigning just on this issue you ayou loan. there's -- alone. there's a law in new york if you're six removed or if your family ma'am he better is six removed from the judge and there's a particular propriety you potentially have a bias, the judge has to remove himself. not may, not shall. has to. and this judge refused to do so. he then admonished robert costello who was pretty much the only defense -- only witness for
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the defense which bog gelled -- boggled my mind. the third thing, he never allowed the expert, brad smith, to come and testify regarding what is and what is not an fec violation. that's he totally bogus and totally buy yafd. again, it -- biased. again, it just shows. maria: we'll be watching this. we appreciate your time this morning, thank you. >> thanks for having me. maria: david gelman joining us. stay with us. we'll be right back. this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow, closing arguments in the trump trial many believe should be dismissed. former federal prosecutor with analysis. thursday, house majority leader steve scalise moving to keep the trump tax cuts in place. his plans to bypass the democrats' opposition. friday, the power hour is back,
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kellyanne conway and kevin o'leary head to head on the day's biggest headlines. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up?
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maria: welcome back. it was a deadly long weekend in america with crime spanning coast to coast. cheryl casone with all the details now. >> i'll start in hollywood. they are reeling after the fatal
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shooting of former general hospital actor as he was waking a female coworker to his car just after 3:00 a.m. he was she shielding her from thieves when he happened upon. when he asked what they were doing, one of the three suspects opened fire. his family wants justice. >> we hope that whatever justice can be done is done. so -- >> yes, i'd like anybody out there to pray because i think it is going to take god to intervene and to make sure that the detectives get all they need and to convict, not just catch them, but to be able to convict them. >> between acting jobs he would take part-time bar tending jobs. he was just 37 years old. massachusetts, the suspect in a stabbing spree in an amc theater arrested, the attacked happened around 6:00 p.m.
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he approached young girls and stabbed them. and in new york city, a man went into a subway car and lit an unsuspecting person on fire. president biden visiting his daughter in law, the widow of beau, on theth anniversary of his death from a brain you tumor. this happened before her scheduled testimony in hunter biden's gun trial next month, he was charged with making false statements on a federal form when buying a gun. she was in a rea layings ship with hunter at the time. elon musk's new venture valued at $24 billion after the latest round on funding. it's the second most valuable startup outside of open a.i. musk of course pushing the a.i. revolution. >> probably none of us will have a job. if you want to do a job, as a
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hobby, you can do a job but otherwise the a.i. and the robots will provide any goods and services that you want. >> investors include horowitz as well as saudi's prince, kingdom holding, personally investing $750 million, his own money. despite the higher cost of electric vehicles hurting demand, another thing is at play. politics. according to a recent poll, four in 1 10 americans say they haven unfavorable view of evs because of politics, 38% say it's political view as a factor to not buy the pricey crimes, 63% cite china's dominance of the supply chain as a big reason. pete buttigieg having a hard time explaining the slow rollout of ev charging stations across the country. watch this. >> the ev revolution will
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happen with or without us. we've got to make sure it's american-led. that's what the president is focused on. we've been working with each of the 50 states, every one of them is getting $4 million to do the work, by 2030, 500,000 chargers and the very firsthandful of charges are now already physically built. >> they pressed him on former president trump's stance that despite millions on subsidies for the. v market, sales numbers are low. (than commenting to the secretary, trump's take wasn't wrong. so he got called out a couple of times. maria: cheryl, thank you. rebecca cay, your reaction? >> -- rebecca, your reaction? >> i thought that was an awful interview for buttigieg. this is, again, this administration maria has the inability to look in the camera and be honest and americans can see it. all of this money that went through the green new deal basically and they've only got seven or eight and he says we've
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seven more years until 2030 so it's not being honest with the american public. maria: the china component is real. during the pandemic we kept recognizing that the underlying components of our prescription drugs are made in china. the ccp actually threatened the united states in a tweet or in a saying maybe we won't send all of those drugs to america right now if they continue to disagree with china and now we're relying on them again for electric vehicles. >> yeah. i think there's a lot of concern about the supply chain now. people understand it even though joe biden told us we didn't or couldn't possibly understand it. i think they really do understand that when you're beholden to others for your parts it's going to be a big issue and i think there's a lot of reliability concerns about these vehicles. maria: quick break and then more. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business, entering the final hour. stay with us.
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