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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 28, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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thank you for watching special edition up above. tomorrow by mcdonald, congresswoman tony and will start. should be a great show. lucas coming up next, liz mcdonald to take you to the next hour. >> great job, david. that was terrific. they with "the evening edit",
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jampacked shell. kellogg tour of virginia cox, pat allen jeff van drew will soon join us. bombshell details surfacing on biden family corruption accusations dating back to world war i involving government probes against biden family members were taking excessive profits off government contracts. you will want to hear the details. that's coming up. biden campaign today beyond reasonable doubt biden is pushing the trump trials. we got more on their disastrous pressure at the trump trial in new york. it backfired but first, let's get to the latest detail on the prosecution and trump defense in closing arguments in the new york trial today still happening. lydia hu outside the courthouse. you been busy today, it's good to see you.
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>> great to see you. the prosecution is making their way through closing arguments. they started around 2:00 p.m. this evening and expected to last hours longer. at the start the prosecution said they expected to speak for the foreign a half hours throughout the evening their main objective should be to rehabilitate their main star witness, michael cohen because during the defense closing arguments which happened earlier today, the defense todd blanche attorney landed some major blows on the credibility of michael cohen reminding jurors how the prosecution's entire case hangs on the credibility and believability of what michael collins that which was donald trump knew about these payment to stormy daniels as they happened in an effort to unlawfully influence the election. blanche reminded the jury michael cohen has lied many times to congress, to his family, to his kids, to his
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banks and the former president admitting to stealing from the trump organization so as we were winding through the prosecution closing arguments, i've been looking for moments were prosecutors try to rehabilitate michael collins image before the jury the way they would do that or should is show evidence that corroborates what michael cohen says but they haven't been doing that much. there's not much reference to other evidence that bolsters what he says. instead they spent time talking about issues, was there election interference, what does the "access hollywood" story tells about the urgency keep the story quiet ahead of the election? it's interesting, judge for sean is making decisions from the bench that helped the prosecutors along the way and efforts to convince the jurors in the case. they are allowing prosecutor
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joshua stein cost to issue michael collins guilty plea for the attacks issue and the campaign violation from 2018 saying michael cohen was angry because he was the only person to pay the price with the guilty plea. the implication is to suggest donald trump according to michael cohen would likely be a reckoning with those issues basically if he was guilty, therefore donald trump should be guilty, too and further evidence in this case. that rate issue was limited during the trial with instructions given to the jury at every option they consider that guilty plea from 2018, very interesting to have the judge kind of giving the prosecutors wide reference in their closing arguments, they should be wrapping up this evening, we would expect the case to go to
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the jury tomorrow after instructions made by the judge look to be the latest we are entering the final stages. >> thank you so much, always great reporting. string is now, frankly and sam do we. what happened next? what you think the jury will say? >> that's a great question but i wish you the answer. everything the prosecution is doing violates prosecutors 101. in a closing argument classically what you do is take the indictment and show it and remind the jury what it says and go through each element of each offense and album this witness testified to this element so we prove not beyond reasonable doubt and not testify to this element of the crime with proven that beyond reasonable doubt. why isn't the prosecutor doing that? is not a tiny little shred of evidence president trump committed the misdemeanor
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business records offenses listed in the indictment must less mystery crime we may hear about finally tomorrow so i'm not sure how the jury can make the details of the case. >> it sounds like a lot of circumstantial evidence. the trump defense michael cohen is the embodiment of reasonable doubt, what you think the jury will decide? da bragg's case is to a logic new york state campaign felony estate misdemeanor under the law so are 34 bookkeeping viol violations, they are all misdemeanors under state law not felonies. >> first of all, this case shouldn't even get to the jury. michael cohen is so unreliable that any judge who didn't have a conflict would say the case is over, you must equip, the only witness that has anything to say about terms involvement is michael cohen, you can't believe him. he lies constantly at every t
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turn, he lied in my courtroom. second, we don't even know what the jury is supposed to do because the judge still hasn't made the prosecution of their theory of the case. we still don't know what exactly they need to prove in this world where they have a crime that is undefined and another crime undefined and finally get, i guess sometime tonight to the actual crime and that is not the way it's supposed to work. third, i would expect some members of the jury will throw their hands up and say it is absurd, you are relying on a serial liar, i cannot in good conscience send a man to prison. doubtless too much. >> the other thing, do voters even care? the political report found majority of swing state voters in the seventh swing states, more than half are not even watching trump cases.
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53% are more worried about biden's age something like 48 say that about terms court ca cases. his the judge overturning legal foundation here what the supreme court ruled? judge merging fulltilt jurors they do not need to come to a unanimous verdict on any particular crime judges going to tell the jury all jurors do not need to unanimously agree on the same, prosecutors so they individually pick anyone up three predicate crimes like five can say also by business records and the other seven state election violations and francey, that's an unprecedented move that overturns centuries of presidents. >> it is unconstitutional. this cases such a perfect example, what legal judicial
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corruption can bring, every american ought to be frightened of the fact that you can bring former president of the united states or any citizen of this country into court and corrupt prosecutor and corrupt judge clearly fence on a partisan political and simply because of who's sitting in that dock. it's shocking. >> i think in the abstract sure but here there is no case. it is so convoluted, the theory is ill-defined. how do we even know what the crime czar the jury can consider? we don't. it really is topsy-turvy. >> it is. it is unbelievable going on. thanks for breaking it down, it's good to see you. let's bring in fox news dendritic firing york. we got this news coming in. you've been terrific, we will
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get to that in a second but the federal judge eileen rejected special counsel jack smith demand for a gag order on former president trump in the classified argument case to trump talking about the fbi raid on malabo and use of force. the fbi said that standard protocol. what you make of what the judge did today. >> she did it for procedural reasons apparently for the practice jack smith's efforts to get donald trump in washington d.c. and florida have met a lot of trouble with a friendly judge in washington and not as friendly in florida so obviously the gag order is playing a big role in the trunk trial in manhattan. i think it would be a good idea if we didn't have something like that if there are further trials this year or next. >> get your reaction to the
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biden campaign finally showing beyond reasonable doubt open secret in d.c. president biden is pushing for the trump cases, biden campaign got up with the truck trial today conceding it is a political trial but it backfired. they showed up with after robert de niro who literally said vote for joe biden outside and got in a fight with trump supporters. watch the biden campaign ignore media questions. >> threat it's got us into. weaponization of the justice department. >> immediate questions. >> not taking questions and the president reportedly is going to make the white house address based on whatever the trial verdict is, it's using the bully pulpit, what you make back? trump supporters are furious. >> an extraordinary development
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because how many weeks is the trial going? six or seven and the president, president biden has come back on this and not talked about it in public and a couple of days ago we get a week he will make a statement when there is a verdict in the story said he would make the statement in the white house context so people wouldn't think it is political. i think everybody is going to think it's political anyway but today he has his campaign and his national campaign spokesperson was there doing this service about outside the courthouse in new york at the end of the trial. we can have a verdict tomorrow for all we know but they couldn't wait until the actual verdict, i think it's about idea especially since they decided to make robert de niro the leading spokesperson for this effort.
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>> the fact that they let this happen shows the biden white house is out of control, they went anywhere near this trial and turned it into what people know they feel these are political attacks on trump, they went there today. >> they did. there's no doubt president biden's party ally in new york are conducting the trial and seeking to jail trump before the 2024 election. that is a fact the fact that biden comes out and gives his seal of approval is important. >> you are terrific, you are so smart. thanks for joining us. a jampacked hour, we will talk to virginia fox, congressman pat fallon from house oversight, jeff van drew from house transportation and the tenant
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journal kellogg and carol roth and national review reporter caroline downey. the details on why exactly democrat voters are in full recount mode that biden could lose this november plus what is real is now saying about the legal strike that has far left democrats warning biden could whose swing states like michigan and president biden again misleads on his costly loan bailout the your paintwork. voters see it as increasingly unfair so to stop strategist james cargill. with gupta sound. pete buttigieg ask checked live on camera. his top spin goes off the rails on biden's disastrous electric car mandate getting rid of your gas cars plus new text messages hunter biden allegedly tried to use joe biden's appearance at a sandy hook shooting majority to
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set up a meeting between joe biden and biden families business partners in china. reportedly to talk about a lucrative $10 million deal for the biden family. up next, bombshell revelations what president biden refuses to talk about. generations of the biden family since world war one have been accused of taking profits off of government contracts making big bucks to buy houses multiple investigations involved. we got all of this on "the evening edit" tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ tchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered.
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join the movement to end hunger and together we can open endless possibilities for people to thrive. visit who's here from house oversight, congressman pat fallon. it is great to see you again, happy memorial day weekend. we want to get to this very. house ways and means released new -- text messages showing the biden wanted to use joe biden's appearance at a ceremony to commemorate the school shooting at sandy hook to a meeting between joe biden and the biden families business partners in china to allegedly talk about biden families $10 million deal with china's big energy conglomerate cfc. this report they happened in 2017 they were talking about
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this, what is going on? >> i don't know if you can get any lower, this is just a social path to blanket up and corrupt business dealings with china and use grieving parents on elementary school children is beyond. >> there's also this, let's talk about what president biden won't talk about, accusations biden family excessively profited government projects dating back to world war i. let's go through, this story in 2022 says joe biden's great uncle was accused of excessive profiteering because he purposely delayed until after world war i was over. his delivery of rooftops u.s. army needed for it supply warehouses in virginia to deliver critical supplies to american troops in europe.
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biden's 1919 to deliver the rooftops. that was after the war was over. a government review board slammed him for putting profits not u.s. troops first. ftc investigated the fraudulent great business and then in world war ii the government investigated the biden family ship repair business biden's father worked for making excess profits four times the average rate government contracts this corruption here seems to be going back generations. >> it's been 100 years and not much has changed. joe biden said to god, country of the world debating president trump and his family didn't accept money from china and we know that is false. his bond had show company hudson west three that accepted $5 million but that wasn't all. he took it from that company to pump 400,000 and another company
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called the west coast and he gave 150,000 to the group owned by uncle jim and aunt sarah. aunt sarah took about 150,000 out of her personal account and wrote a check for 40000 that's what you call laundering and isn't that interesting 40 grand is% of what? the hundred thousand hunter had. >> let's get back to the story at hand, the new yorker story dating back to world war i. a shows the biden family working on government contracts dating back to world war i where they been accused of excessive profiteering off government contracts meeting off taxpayer money so he seems like an ongoing theme going on for four generations the biden family feels they are entitled to abuse government contracts and spending because they like big houses. joe biden himself has says i was
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addicted to real state when he was 28 years old, three mortgages the loan from his father-in-law so they liked big mansions and enjoy real estate, that is the story here of the biden family, they like big houses so they basically will make a lot of money on government contracts dating back to world war i? >> it sounds like generational family corruption it telling when you consider what joe biden and his brother have been doing for decades and then it's not surprising when hunter was engaged, as part of the family business being of value man is that and his uncle. >> as our soldiers are getting cast in world war i, biden's great uncle is sitting purposely delaying delivery of rooftops to u.s. army warehouses that have supplies for troops in europe because he wanted to make a buck so it seems like a pattern you
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see from the great uncle down to joe biden's basically father through joe biden and hunter biden and frank biden, final word? >> disgusting, immoral and sounds like it cost american lives terrific but very telling considering they feel entitled. >> thanks for joining us and breaking back down. house education chair virginia foxx even democrat strategist james carville sam's bailout unfair. biden is accused of trying to buy votes and aiding and abetting college tuition gouging plus former national security advisor vice president and lieutenant colonel keith kellogg pushing back on the narrative of what happened in the legal strike. far left democrats warning biden could lose states like michigan over this is real must work coming up on "the evening edit". we'll be right back.
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welcome back, the democrat party divided for israel evening. israel's deadly strike intensifying the political pressure on president biden. attacks from elected officials like far left congresswoman rashida tlaib on the president. i trust me live on capitol hill with more. good to see you. >> good evening deal. rashida tlaib taking her words even further over the weekend basically calling benjamin netanyahu a genocidal maniac, her words and accusing president biden protecting him. >> you are and enabler president biden but shields the murderers were criminal netanyahu. israeli government. >> speaking at the people's conference for palestine in detroit, the same event that
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hosted palestinian activists raising some eyebrows because he was arrested by israel in 19914 running a publishing house for the group called popular front for the liberation of palestine. that group is designated as a terrace organization by the u.s. getting a lot of outrage from publicans like mike lawler calling for her to be removed from congress immediately and it comes as house republicans continue to showcase the democrat divide over israel. mike johnson pressured peter schumer to welcome netanyahu to address congress soon despite some on the left of selling to boycott that speech and senator ted cruz trying to force democrats to vote on a resolution that would compel the biden administration to abandon that. that was built to carry and
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manage hearing aid into gaza. fox news did reach out to her office to get a comment on her presence, her words at the conference over the weekend. we have not heard back. >> always great reporting, thank you for joining us. let's welcome back to the show lieutenant general keith kellogg. global leaders, it's good to see you, expressing shock and outrage over the israeli military spike, killed more than 45 including children, israel said forces are aiming up hamas compound to take out and kill tube senior hamas terrorists commanders but israeli defense forces say they are looking into the possibility that secondary explosions from a hamas ammunition warehouse caused the fire that killed civilians, what you think? >> thanks for having me. i think they should stop explaining things away, stay with the narrative they had, and it burn strike that killed a lot
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of civilians, collateral damage does happen. it is not a videogame, it is an actual war and reminded everyone nine months ago you will see some pretty brutal scenes because it's biting in the buildup area where the hamas terrorists are located in you will seek this kind of damage. they are starting to loose the narrative on it. go harder finish the job figure out where to go next because you can't keep doing this. >> netanyahu is getting attacked and the pushback is hamas should surrender. free the palestinians living under terrace leaders for generations. the president continues to confound and upset backers
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making costly claiming west point age, he was appointed the naval academy. watch again like reading out loud off the teleprompter we will highlight was going on. >> we will not lie nor tolerate those do. four more years. i was appointed by the fellow iran against to the naval academy, i was one of ten and wanted to play football. putin was certain data what fracture april and he decided -- look, i shouldn't get into this predicates me a little excited. >> nobody wishes bill on anyone in cognitive decline but the
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biden campaign has them literally and a test tube with scripted appearances what he is buying because when he goes off the teleporter, he goes off the rails and people see how people the president has, he's in his 80s so there is fear it's proving to be too much for him. what you think? >> his entire national security apparatus starts at the top of the commander-in-chief, he owns that as commander-in-chief but his apparatus 20 blanket to lloyd austin to national security advisor jake sullivan collectible credit wrong and consistently do it they are the ones advising him passing the information and putting it on the no cars and that is my fear because we don't have a good national security policy especially the middle east and we are drifting. he doesn't give positive reason how to finish the job and go
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forward and what does it look like in the next steps? they should be end of the beginning because what we do after israelis stop the invasion and where do they go from there? problem after problem. he said initially going and was a redline and backed off quickly from that and has no control not only on his apparatus but what's happening overseas. >> thanks for joining us, it's good to see you. look who's here, chairwoman of house education. we are delighted to have you on. let's talk about the president campaigning on how he spent $170 billion in taxpayer money to bail out college tuition loans for 5 million americans, why is it okay for the president divorced people who didn't go to college to bail out those who did? >> it's a great question.
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13% of the people in this country on student debt, he's making the other 87% and many of these people make over $300,000 a year. the majority of them are not talking about poor college students who left college. some of these people have been out of college for 20 years making lots of money but the president campaigned on free college and he's trying to do that retroactively. we also know as a result, what's going to happen is students will borrow more in the future thinking taxpayers will pay off but republicans have an answer. we have the college reduction act and we need to get that passed in congress. >> that's what you are doing because he's aiding and abetting college tuition gouging. bailouts to buy votes are not
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working. cnn poll, new york times poll, biden is trailing or fairly leading trump among voters under the age of 35 and top democrat strategist james carville says what he's doing is wrong and unfair. let's get your reaction to this. >> we keep wondering why these young people are coming home to democrats. democratic messaging is full of sleep. why are we forgiving to lunch for people? fifty-two billing dollars surplus. why do taxpayers bail these people out? why don't you come up with a proposal to tax every university over five billing dollars and use that to get them or student
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relief? we don't know what the polls say. we all know how old president biden is. it's right in front of your face. start playing something out. >> what do you think? >> i don't think i could absent any better. he is exactly right. they are trying to buy votes with taxpayer dollars. i saw your piece with pat allen. it seems like a history of the biden family. they abuse of taxpayers and have for generations. he thinks he's entitled and wants to use taxpayer dollars for his own purposes. it's wrong and was wrong when his great uncle that it and its wrong when he's doing it and the american people are waking up to the abuses of the biden family.
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>> virginia foxx, you are terrific. we are going to stay on what republicans are doing to help students out there because there is college tuition gouging. good to see you. still ahead, carol roth and national review reporter caroline downey fired up and ready to go on political reporting. democrats are in full freak out mode i did loosen november. we will dig into why and details on the gallup poll, american voters are less likely now than in 20202 believe biden is able to managed government effectively but we want to check in with my buddies who i haven't seen in a week and a half. what's coming up? >> welcome back. we have a great show coming up. stephen miller from america legal dryness as well as carrie
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urbach to discuss closing argument and the jury tomorrow. >> the biden campaign sends out robert de niro as their newest spokes jerk having trouble messaging on the trial and economy. that's what kevin hasek talks about. kt mcfarland onto biden administration pressing allies not to confront iran. number one state sponsor of terrorism, please appease them. that is the message. top of the hour. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name!
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it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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look who's here, wall street former investor thank carol roth and caroline downey, it's great to have you both on. let's watch the video, lucy the crowd erupting, former president trump the coca-cola 600 in charlotte and flew his plane operate met with goldstar military families who lost loved ones in combat this memorial day weekend. i gallup poll, americans are less likely than they were in 20202 believe president biden is able to manage government effectively. what you think about? >> i would say the least surprising fault i've ever seen.
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there's nobody who isn't on biden's payroll sitting around going biden is great. economic and having, hearing any conversation or people who really want to have four more years of the guy who turns around to shake hands with the air. this is a tough situation for the democrats and the only people voting for him are on the payroll, people saying i'm going to stick with the team or people who cannot stand trump. this is not pro biden, it's better than the alternative. >> what you think of what carol said? political reporting democrats and full loan freak out mode over biden that he could lose advisors to major democrat donors passing around a list of nearly two dozen reasons why they could lose because of the border crisis, record inflation, his age and kamala harris would
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have to step in. >> one of those metrics of the ratings was ability to manage a crisis and we've seen biden fails unequivocally on the border as well as hamas israel work which he's displayed messaging environment trying align with israel's invasion into russia in the next he's condemning iccs arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu. one minute israel is our greatest ally and the next is a tall bush she recommended so he fails across all three in government and for regards to the operatives panicking, they have every reason. i biden poster says there's plenty of evidence is not raking in the numbers he should be in progressive constituencies especially minorities and young voters who he's not wrangling right now so there is great reason to panic. >> she hit the nail on the head, people feel the president cannot
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handle crises, i started with the botched exit out of afghanistan and moved into mishandling the pandemic crisis overspending and really excited inflation, mishandling the crime crisis in the u.s. and igniting a border crisis and mishandling record inflation. he can handle crises or he ignites he. >> more than mismanagement, policies are causing them and exacerbating them instead of changing or saying we have an issue here they try to double down and say there isn't a crisis, we are on top of things are is not as bad as you think or you don't understand. it's really not that bad, things are going great and i think that's getting the people. they are sick of being down but even more sick of being lied to and punched again when they are down.
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>> an average of cnn, nbc agency polls and now 25%, one out of four black voters under the age of 50 support former president trump now getting the biggest percentage of the black vote since any republican president since 1964. biden has been one of the most divisive presidents ever in the history of the nation and a disaster for minority voters. >> biden's rhetoric for the last four years he will racial divisiveness in this country. we saw at the bronx rally that was record turnout for former president trump and attracted a number of minorities, spokespeople as well as great numbers and they said our lives have not improved over the last four years and we will rally behind trump despite having never thought of before or always loyal to democrats. >> both of you are terrific, we should do this again.
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thank you for bringing your brilliant minds to the show and appreciate you helping us out tonight. still ahead congressman jeff van drew expired up from house transportation. the big danger in biden's push to get rid of your gas cars and force you to buy only electric cars. firemen are talking about it. out of control fires at electric car battery warehouses that takes weeks to put out plus details and why biden's ev mandate forcing you to get rid of your gas cars falling apart. pete buttigieg in wilde top spent fact checked live on air and we will show you on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize
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ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don't want to get up out of bed. joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it's a long road. it's hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it.
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narrator: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations
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big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [music playing] congressman jeff van drew. good to see again sir. sit with us for just a second period we are going to show the viewers a bite and does not want to talk about with the electric car mandate. dangerous fire sparked by electric car batteries and a storage warehouse outside san diego. it took firefighters nearly two weeks to put it out. millions of gallons were needed to stop it. this is what could break out tht nationwide with this fire.
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what you think, congressman? >> i am so tired of it. i'm just so tired of this administration. they sh shove things on people t we don't want. they take away the things we do want. let the marketplace take care of this. if they are competitive, electric cars will succeed and do well i've got nothing particularly against an electric car but the marketplace should decide. the consumer, the americans should decide these people despite administration think they are smarter than everybody else they are better than everyone else. they are going to tell you what you should do how you should live and what you should purchase. it's a big mistake was going to hurt our economy it's also going to hurt national security because we are going to rely on foreign countries like china are the essential elements for securing lithium is just awful one more big mistake. >> watched brood as judge get
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fact check brutally by cbs margaret brennan. he cannot explain why they only built up to eight electric car charging stations nationwide there spent $7 billion to build those charging stations. watch this. cooksey is not wrong on the purchasing he has knots of the 4 million vehicles purchased 269,000 electric vehicles were sold in the u.s. market. >> and every single year more americans by ev's. the president's goals have half a million chargers up by the end of this decade. but we have been work with each of the 50 states every one of them is getting formula dollars to do this work to engage them. >> they worked on the eight of them built. buddhabuttigieg flat out misleag americans. electric cart purchases are little over 7% of a new car sales in gallup shows more voters are saying no to buying electric cars what you think?
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>> people want them less than ever. they do not want them. again, think about the seven up billion dollars. we take the american taxpayer breaking his or her back working for a living spend that money on something they don't want so they can get a vehicle is going to cost them more and they do not enjoy. we could be weaker with our national security they're going to rely on countries for the energy but how about a picture is that? but that is it at eight that shall and we are tired of it. >> congressman jeff avenger was good to see again. thank you for joining us at. tomorrow night will have a morgan lee carter and much much more. stand out all the headlines coming out of d.c. that hit you and your family and your kitchen table. ththinthank you for watching evg edit on foxbusiness. i'm so happy to see my buddies and dagen and sean are fired up and ready to go. good to see you guys. dagen: think you love it.


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