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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 29, 2024 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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it is today. - certainly, in the so-called gilded age, there were some bad apples among entrepreneurs. and in the popular imagination, rockefeller gets blended in to the barrel of bad apples. and i think that's very unfair because john d was an even-tempered man, a very generous man, not just in his philanthropy, but in the wages that he paid his workers. - john d. rockefeller was a buccaneer. he was a man with a keen eye for and a hunger for wealth, and implicitly, although i don't think he ever considered it, about power, a hunger for that as well. he had his convictions, both religion and about business. he was going after the prize, and nothing would stop him. (bright music)
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milk hello folks welcome to a special edition of him. little early work prosecutors that lead witness michael cohen light on the stand. and there it underlying felony crime. even charge in the case. we are break down what was going couldhappen next. but first lydia is a life outside the courthouse. with the very latest i love your notes you've be you been sendine fox crew. so latest? >> the latest is that the prosecution has been present in the closing arguments about two hours too. we still expect orders to go about in that middle what they are presenting as their final take on the case they have built
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against the former president. joshua is the state prosecutor who is presenting oral arguments to the jury. his wicked i will leave you an example wide both budget seems to be getting to the figures are there make a final pitch of the jurors. what of the issues that has some michael cohen guilt thousand 18 he who attacks occur and also talso thefederal election viola. arguments the judge is allowing prosecution to open guilty. the only really thought donald trump should have to charge it would have had to reckon with as well. that's it really prejudicial it's basically saying: waswasn guilty of the federal election
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violation in trump as they are in essence. during the trial when there was testimony being presented by wouldould the judge sustain defense objections around the issue because it's a present enter presidential and you would instruct the jury and the information is there toim consider michael cohen'son credibility and not to consider whether trump is guilty of thes 34 charges in the particularin indictment. very interesting to see judge mershon allowing the prosecutor's to weigh into themi territory probably untrue drawing conclusions from michaeo cohen's 2018 not donalnad trump. like i said several hours to go, yet still from the prosecutor,es thene defense presented the closing arguments, we heard from todd blanche he spoke for under three hours and the most powerful moment came from todd
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blanche early on in his closing remarks were he explained to the jurors this case is quite simple. it boils down to whetheroi documents were falsified and he reminded the jurors and walked them to the documents and pointed to michael cohen's own testimony to provide a plausible explanation as to why the documents were labeled as legal services as michael cohen was an attorney and holding himself out as personal counsel for donald trump in the public eye and for the public to clients in the news media. it would make perfect sense why the invoices would say payment for services rendered, plenty ot room to find reasonable doubt, he had a powerful moment at the end which is a good reminder to us all from todd blanche, he told the jurors this is not about politics, this does not matter what your personal opinion of the former president was or is. it does not matter whether you plan to vote for donald trump or president biden in the upcoming
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election. what matters is as it evidence t hiin this case in closingts arguments are done in the jury e case tomorrowhe for deliberation, real test onat whether they heed the advice. maprejudice is supposed to be kt out of our courtroom it's that simple. thank you very much foe r yourre reporting. for more on this let'satp. brinn cary or vaughn legal editor and d.o.j. counselor and another iur and year inside of thess courtroom. you, and mccarthy,me et cetera, what about the do you believeev it's been kept out oef the courtroom or has it been allowed in? >> it is bee in allowed in just the fact the stormy daniels was allowed to testified unimpeded about what donald trump had ind hiors hotel bathroom or the toui
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will repeat because it was so crass, the things that she did as a star, we listen to that for hours with none of that has anything to do with as lydias reported the alleged crime which is falsifyinifyig business recoi david: does thvee jury know what is legal and what directly deals with what donald trump has been charged with or have they notth been told by the judge. >> the judge along the way has stricken some things from the record including things from stormy daniels, overall your question gets to the heart ot f th ie casing many ways that the prosecution has been determined for weeks now to complete 30 with the illegal in the minds of the jury and that's not thera case, iran into this a lotl whn
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i was at the d.o.j., people that were frustrated with bill barr for not prosecuting certain, shall be safe and favorites, i have to defend our decision inrh the court of public opinion and i would say just because n something doesn'ott feel right r it's dirty or sleazy does not make it illegal. it may feel like it is but we deal with evidence and things that need to be established in here the prosecution of the a responsibility approving there crimes yonder reasonable doubt that is their burden to bear and what it felt like for weeks is that they're searching through the new york state code to lookt for something that they can fit to donald trump's behavior which is an abuse ofbe the office ande veeven bond that the fact that e number three justice official is alvin bragg's right hand. anyone knows better it would bed somebody from the department f h justice and that'sat disgracefu. david: i bid on juries and a lot of people have been on juries have had to adjudicate in cases
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where you're dealing with bad characters. i would always rely oni wo the e to tell me you might not like this guy you might not like what he represents you might not liko his attitude you might not like the evidence e against him but that cannot prejudice you against the final charge has to be found without a shadow of a doubt guilty of what is beenhi charged with. in this case were not really sure what elevated the one expired misdemeanor under 34 felony charges in that particular charge has not been mentioned, i would've play a soundbite from andy mccarthy from matt.that he made earlier on our show. listen. >> the most extraordinary thing i've ever seen in watching or trying criminal cases for decades is were on the precipice of having summations here and we
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still don't have defended the of what the crime is we had a fivea week trial, five weeks of testimony after openin g statements and were on the verge of summations and it's not clear what they say he did. it's like they're making up a crime as they go along. david: if crimes can be made up in this country and courts around the country, crimes within the trial focuses onse prejudice rathers than evidencn what's happening to trump cantr happen to anybody. >> totally and taking a step back for a minute, if the government whether the state government or the federal government is going to bring a case against the former president of the united states and possibly the future president of the united states, that better be a slamdunk, airtight, the witness is credible and everyone knows why
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they're there, the accused knows what they're being accused of which is constitutional right to everyone is entitled to and this is been the exact opposite. it's coming down to the words of somebody who is obsessed with trump he once was obsessed andtt in love with him and now he has an obsessive hatred towards him, he is a known liar he misled us on the stand several weeks agoem where he casually talked abouten the reimbursement plan with allen weisselberg the cfo at the time and you had the feeling you from michael cohen that he wanted his money back and he wanted his w christmas bonus and we then learned on cross-examination the following week that he patted his own pockets as he was doing it, he was stealing. this is who th ee state of new york wants everyone to rely on depend on and in order toen imprison the former president o the united states that is remarkable if you think about it. david: what the jury relies on
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and what i relied on as a jury the judge himself, my question, obviously michael cohen is a terrible witness it and approve liar and he admitted to stealing a cross-examination last week but we rely on the judge that were supposed to and in this courtroom you can, the other reason why i think they have not mentioned clearly what the charge elevates the expired misdemeanor and 34 felonies, they have no right to adjudicate election interference has to be the fac or the federal court that's why they're not mentioning it. >> yep. it's not the wri jurisdiction io department of justice declined toto bring it, how in the worldr are we sitting near and the state court, it is mind boggling it really is, as far as the question of the judge's concernh the most troubling aspect with respect to the judge throughout the trial is the fact that he
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imposed a gag order against donald trump and yet michael cohen and stormy daniels and the other characters were allowed to continue to say whatever theyma wanted to say and make money off of it. fundamentally that if its not fr and he could've done himself a lot of favors by not imposing the gag order against donald trump as you know better thanos anyone what is the purpose of a gag order to prevent harm to a case that cannot be undone, does anyone on this planet not know what donald trump thinks about aludinl of this including the js before they took their seats, of course. these are the kinds ofs things? that put? some people's minds about the credibility of the judge. david: very quickly we have to go, has the judge told the jurys that nda's are not a illegal huh money is not illegal? >> we heard that, during testimony from the prosecution and the defense as far a
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s theut judge has found that out y i dot recall him doing so but i don't think the jury at this point could walk away thinking it wasg anything but legal that has been made including by the prosecution of witnesses. david: if they come to that conclusion the donald trump ist, innocent in the eyes of the j jury. >> one would think so but the prosecution conflict pros of theory,ba even though that was legalse'v although they would like thee jury not to think it is based on how they approach this case,th even though it iers legal there was an attempt to cover it up and that is a violation of newo york state election law because they were unlawfully conspiring to promote a candidate for office even though the nda'sca ndevenrslegal and secondly thera lot of things that politicians can promise and leave oueavet ad it's not a crime later on and if they become elected.s david: what kindto of precedent does this set if donald trump is found guilty for other
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politicians who come out with promises that are not met later on, we gotta leave it at that. wonderful analysis, thank you so much for being here. e bidenis th administration insist we will be better off buying ev's but americans don't agree, how far will the administration go to buy what most of us clearly don't want last north dakota senator kevin cramer about that when "kudlow" continues. ♪ . (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like
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♪ piano music ♪
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so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. we would north dakota senator kevin cramer member of the senate environment and public works committee, good to see you, thank you for being here.
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i want you to listen to pete buttigieg on the sunday talk show i assumed he thought he was going to get softballs but he got a little pushback they are costing us a fortune. we spending hundreds of billions of dollars subsidizing a car that will nobody will ever buy. >> he is not wrong on the purchasing. of the 4 million vehicles purchased, 269,000 electric vehicles were sold in the u.s. market itself like to present. david: the bottom line, senator cramer, when you get pushback in the biden gets pushback from the mainstream media, they know they are in trouble. >> that is for sure the mainstream media knows what we all know and there is not a demand in the hope of a demand has obviously fallen flat in the idea that you could create
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demand by creating more supply and only somebody that didn't take economics one-on-one didn't fall for that and when they try to subsidize any type of product all you do is add the amount of the subsidy to the price of the vehicle, you never create a true market and going that route but you create a glut of the product itself and at the end of the day people are very comfortable wit her gas vehicles and combustion e of reliable and they know how to work on that, e all kinds of benefits.s. i david: there may be reasons, there are people who have electric cars, not in chicagoag after thoe last winter and youve discover the battery problem with cold-weather but politicians an d bureaucrats withn th they spend our money, they don't do as effectively as we do or
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the market does in deciding what works and what does not. one other example, $7.5 billion that has been spent with thestat charging stations of the countru they only have seven or $87.5 billion, that does not ad up. >> that does not add up very fou well, the goal promise by joe biden that there would be half o million of the charging stations and you touched on the point we talked about chicago and thech batteries don't last long and with the temperature is below 2% of the battery life, if you livw where does he get 20 below tryzo north dakota it's fairly common for it to get 20 below 0 that leaves half of our country out of the market for electric vehicle and the other thing it's largely wealthy people that doeu by electric vehicles because they live in places and they caa
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afford to have an extra car, an they like the idea of electrice vehicle but that does not begint to talk about the fact that we don't have electric generation and transmission that can support more of the demand for electricity, we have aie beat up a lot of electricity and crypto currency unit again he gets right back to the fundamental point ofck t the market the mart is simply not there there is not a demand not just in the united states but around the world. david: they can't create butte they can destroy and in addition to pushing all of the subsidies that the taxpayers are paying for the creating new regulations that are very tough on gasca powered cars. is it conceivable that they could force it, they're doing the same thing in states with o regard to naturavel gas ovens we have all the new regulations for ovens that make it impossible ta have gas ovens even though theyo have electric oven somebody's g gottota pay for the extra
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electricity intercourse electricity has to b e createde somehow and it's not alwayabs to be created by some weighted cloudy or wind or no wind. >> and gas furnaces with congressional review on gas furnaces to get a gas furnace that is 95% and this gets to your point about regulation, 95% efficient gas furnace cost abou- 4500 - $5000 for a new furnace which is 60% and the furnaces would have to be replaced or electric one which is cheap butu the cost of the fuel is double. there is no rationale for any of the stuff in the premarket. >> it leads to distortion, not only marke t perform policy. now because of our foreign policy we are letting the iranians produce a lot more oil than they were under donald trump administration and were t buying more oil from venezuela they produced dirtier fashion
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than we do, if you want a clean environment, you produce it where we have the rights to mak sure it's a clean environment. speaking of iran we goeakit thes over the weekend the shocking news that the biden administration is pressing our european allies not to confront iran on the nuclear program which is advancing very quickly and were more liberal than france and the uk i start to get a little worried, do you? >> as to why but this is the latest example projection of weakness by this president they have coddled iran all along the way that they're treating our friend israel with holding weapons that could help them put an end to the war and iran via hamas, the fact that we have it sunk in any iranian ships in the red sea with their shooting at
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our sailors, it is mindnumbingdi to me, thecu whole iran nuclear deal is ridiculous. it's not just the iranian that is a lot of areas were leadership calling on the united states to lift its restriction on the weapons by ukraine it's given these weapons but they're not allowed to fire them at the source of the weapons that are coming back at them. it is an absolute projection of weakness in that theab philosopy that most americans frankly arl growing number of people aroundd the world. david: is why donald trump is sitting on common sense as the issue of the campaign in all areas whether dealing with theep border, foreign policy, economics, great to see you, thank you for being here. ijoe biden claims he has nothia to do with these law for case against donald trump and noth interfering in hunter biden's criminal cases but there's evidence to suggest otherwise. all the details on that with house oversight chair jamest house oversight chair jamest comer coming up next ocon
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♪ with what you wanna say♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ but they lost ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ not really. ♪ what you wanna say ♪ not where it counts. ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ just wanna see you be brave ♪
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news reports of president biden went to let loose on the david: new reports that president lot or even watching every tick and tack of what's going on up a pier. absolutely and here at the white house we were lifted to believe because of a political article citing several sources close to the white house whether trump is found guilty or not guilty, when is the resu result president bid come forward, at the white house to talk about it. how the result needs to be respected because it is the product of the judicia today the president and secretary in a briefing the rhiannon hour would not say that's the plan th e president would not talk about it in the schedule is tricky because
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tomorrow is going to g hero to pennsylvania than delaware for a couple of days and then he will be back to celebrate the chiefs super bowl victory but then gone for the weekend and beginning of next week he's heading to europe.ress it's unlikely that president biden will be addressing a trump verdict from europe, we don't know what's goinweg to happen a probablyto depend on how long it takes injury which based on thea legal analysis is going to be depend on how long it takes to prosecutors in new york p something else very interesting over the weekend when president biden wares in delaware he visi with one of the witnesses to the special counsel will call tos go testify against hunter biden, i asked karine jean-pierre about that what woul d they do and she said they were visiting a headin of beau biden in the ninth of p anniversary ofas his passing and she says they did not talk about the testimony coming up but the optics of that are something that a lot of critics are
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pointing out it's a little bit off. david: it reminds us of the tarmac case back in 2016 or 2015. thank you very much for that i appreciate it.uc for more okyn this spring in kentucky congressman james comer chair of the house hou oversight committee. what i was describing remember the case when the attorney general was met on the tarmac by bill clinton talking about a not of beenshould talking about, he may say it had nothing to do with hunterat biden's case but it's hard toin believe that to not entetor into the conversation. >> it's very hard to believe an have no reason to believe muchee of anything that joe bidenn sah after i've been investigating for a year end a half, the number of lies that he stole pertaining to his family ismo almostst immeasurable, when you look at what happened with the
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clintons and obama and biden i with respect to compex os f interest, the rules to apply to the ruling class that's what it seems to me rules only apply to republicans would pertains to ethics and the rules of the judiciary. >> it reminds us of the dod hase gotten involved in other cases weremi seemingly so in thou the trying in yhat were new york in thore number three n in d.o.j. came down to be an assistant prosecutor which was a big step down for him in order to adjudicate, clearly he had the interest of ththe biden administration in his mind. then you had fani willis assistance/lover who had several meetings with the white house about that case down in georgia. it seems very often the white house directly is influencing the dod, that's what it looks l likeik from here.
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>> it looks like that to most americans. most americans when they see all the conflict of interest with all the prosecutors going after joe biden's political oppo opposition, there are so many conflict of interest, wein all know that justice is supposed ts be fair in the judges blindfolded the jury listens and rules with their intent after hearing all the evidence but what you seel with biden handpicking the prosecutors and having the media spend false narratives and press conferences to spend and intimidate andruct obstruct. i think the americans are seeini through this a lot of people in america that traditionally vote democrat have felt like they've been victims of an unfair judicial process or members of the family have been victims of the unfair judiciary and i thino they will votein for trump becae they see joe biden abusing his power. >> i know the media hates this e
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when people do it and the conservatives do it but the fact is if this was donald trump interfering with cases outside of the jurisdiction of d.o.j.,. what do you think would happen? >> they went through the book tn trump and anyone in trump'spe orbit, if you look at respect th the biden family, if that weremy the trump family could you i imagine, they would already bema a imprisoned. it is not fair, we've seen the two-tier system of justice but it's relating to the averageth american that feels like they'vn been wrong and unfair judiciary, people are rising up and going to set the biden's a message in the whole attempt to try to jell the political opposition has backfired on the biden reelection campaign. david: what about the broad case in particular, you see a judge who seems to be favoring theth prosecution of this case oveisr the defense. you do not have to necessarily
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be from thy e other side of thet hepolitical spectrum to see tha. you think the jury is going to be aware of the because theyet f don't know what the law is like and if there is instructions that they get from a judge who is biased that could take the decision of the street. >> let's hope that the jury seer that. i think every american watching the triaicanwal sees that. every person i spoke withco especially my colleagues who spent a dallthy in court sitting behind donald trump. it's obvious to everyone in the room and i know a lot of people concerned about any republican much less donald trump getting h fair ln a trial in a city as br new york city but i'm hoping for the best that i think theyav overplayed their hand.ow we still do not know what the prosecuting donald trump over and even see it analysis have said they've done a poor job making the case so hopefully the
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jury will see that. david: the cnn crowd over theey weekend they knew the jury was at home during the long memorial day weekend, they change their tune about their skepticism thea were all itcn for judge merchan. thank you so mucbeinh for beingo here, i appreciate it. how will present about his use of trump's trial play with the voters, thus ask alex place host of alec lace show in liz peek fox news contributor, good to see you both. we know that l'affaire is not helping president biden's push,m his numbers have been going down in trump's have been going up. there is still the a list that we are working for president biden, the hollywood a-list et o cetera. a couple of them showed upf at the trial i want to play robert de niro and they get your reaction, roll tape. >> of trump returns to the white
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house you can kiss the freedoms goodbye know we all take forecti granted in elections forget about it that is over that is done if he gets and i can tell you right now he will never leave, he will never leave, you know that. he will never leave.o yo david: he said it three times for emphasis, what do you think voters are going to think ofrrib that. >> the apocalyptic warnings of the horrible things that donald trump is going to do our falling flat not only have they engaged in the l'affaire as you call it. persistently bringing cases the antly y normal person would thie complete rubbish during all of o that people are tuned out. >> or dave tuned in and realized there not in favor what happens to trump could happen to us in they keep sticking with the even though biden's numbers keep
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coming down. >> it's not just this child's letter going on biden is spending tens of millions off do dollars advertising and states u and you go back to where all ofe the huge spendin sg numbers begn in the trials have begin, biden is not prospering from either one of those aregr making ground-up any all speed but it is not the fact that biden is making a bad move trump is making very good moves asmo limited asve he is and you spoke to the bronx under bronx crowd there was a woman were made up the bronx crowd madeline, shern was on "varney & company" and i want to play a soundbite she talks about to whom it is the donald trump was putting hisck message. >> trump is speaking i a our language is figured out a way to connect with poor minorities, let's put itor int mo perspecti meaning black, white, asian,
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jewish, hispanic, russian, italian. anybody who is struggling right now to make ends meet who worke. every single day. when thehey y get paid their paycheck lawsuit two days in thw refrigerator is still empty. >> working for the common man and it'sor working. donald trump said it doesn't matter if you're black, brown, white, whatever color you wanty it doesn't matter, joe bidenck said if you don't vote for me d isyou ain't black.x yet the start of a bronx tale down in new york today but itou was up ildn the bronx last week with what joe biden would call little breakfast tacos were supporting donald trump, joe biden is unelectable, i would b surprised if he makes it to thei ngstarting gate he's going down every demographic, maybe the tdead voters will, he is losinr ground. gavid: is losing god with youn voters, people, voters under 30
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in 2020 were solidly for joe bide bn night. right now they are tied at 49 cents a peach biden has lost 45 points over the past four years. a lot of young people are to position where they cannot buy a house. that's the stepford people wanth him for future and how unaffordable since the 1980s. that is jerome's lot. we barely see layoffs in the hot industries like tech and finance, this is going to resonate with young people who already are having a hard time. i think it's not surprising that the loss of an event people. the emperor has no close, young girl who sounded the worla
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and sounded the alarm that the emperor was naked, young people are looking to joe biden saying are you kidding he's the guy that will lead this country for four more years, and away. david: you do see democrats, maybe you don't see them as much but according to politico with the piece out yesterday saying they are in full blown freak ouo and they may not say on television or oppressed gatherings but their freaking out abouterat what's happening leads me to wonder if joe will m make it to the election or pull him before the convention. >> if you rent this woul>>d be biggestht loss in voter turnout for joe biden for the sitting president ever in history hee an will lose more votes than any h ispresident history.d donald trump gained more thanin any president in history, theg second time he ran a million more votes joe will plummet anda they will say he got 81 million now we can get 50 will happen something don't smell right.
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david: in fairness to whats happened, the fact that we tries his policies and they did not work. that id nos the point the bordes a mess, the economy is a mess, foreign policy not doing well. >> vegas odds have donald trump is the heaviest favorite sensees election cycle and third isle michelle obama ahead. david: if she does it. period president biden says he's ready to let the successful trump tacessx cuts expired. art laffer will tell us more and what that means for the u.s. economy when t "kudlow" continu. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> at our national debt is about to pop, over $35 trillion present biden's advisors is the only answer is to raise more taxes to keep president biden's a trillion dollars spent answer flowing into our economy. no matter who is elected the trump tax code is due to expire next year. so what happened next with taxes and ouin our economy to better s the tax strategist architects of several tax codes former reagan trump tax advisor at the end
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website committee to unleash the prosperity to get. on the internet for good to see both gentlemen thank you for being here. art laffer first to you. what happened if biden is reluctant to increase taxes he's going to claim all going to effect the ritual will not affect our people. taking under $40000 year we also know probably will. i am more interested in it happens trump is elect access code and the re-up little taxco from 2017 or will it be something you like a flat tax, i'm justing? wondering. >> i think you have to call himc if he woulald like his telephone number steve has it right theret to call him. i don't speak for donald trump but let me say if the tax cuts expire, if they do the inheritance tax will be raised dramatically in it's the single
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most obnoxious tax on the pl planet. seriously you can earn your income and pay your taxes fair and square and go to vegas and corrals, gambled smoke and as t far as the government that's fine it's your money but give iy to your kids or someone else's kid you dirty rat we're going tm tax and its obnoxious terribleex plan i've ever heard and how we can allot the expire is beyond me did you hear about the gaza relief. today, it sink it cost $350 million and it sink that it bidenomics perfectly said. he tries to do a release aid and it sinks in the mediterranean he cannot stand up and tie his shoes or chew gum it is a tragedy. david: let me throw it to steve and see if he will answer the question. we heardnghapp the story of whas
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going operative biden is electel what happens if trumecp is selected what new tax code or a recapping of the tax code willbe we get. >> certainly we're going to keep te tax cuts for larry kudlow another's had a big impact in putting together and you heard of something you heard of thisbe before, very famous curve in economics called the laffer curve, that curve senses youax lower tax rates, it's not too complicated if you lower tax rates you can get more revenue. david: it's never happened. >> it just happened the last few years i was looking at the numbers. david: we have a full screen pua up the tax receipt full screen, this is what happened we ended up with 47% increase in tax revenue since a trump tax cuts were put in. >> that is right and if you looi at the original forecast when
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the trump tax cuts passed, not only did we get a lot more revenue with the tax cut but we got more revenue even before the taxes were cut.ay i'm not saying the taxin cuts p for themselves, they did choose theconomic growth and made amera more prosperous place one heroin features of the trump tax cut we double the standard deduction and by doing that we took a big step towards getting to a flate tax, all the deductions in the fast vast majority of americans don't itemize their deductions anymore and that means onl.yho people are the rich that gives us an opportunity to get rid of the deductions and the rate down to 20% in your there to a flat tax. >> i understand if you couldi th write that out it is great the tax cuts pay for themselves completelymsel by the way.
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>> they more than paid for themselves.ed >> i loved working from the t hebeginning, you're good to greatest people on earth. i love you i don't know if youe know but steve and i are doing a book coming out steve is doing the book and i'm tagging along that we have a new trump bidenomics 2.0, what is it? called. >> i'm going to tell you we talked to donald trump about this and he said don't call it that call it the greatest economic expansion of all times. david: we will have a change and it may be a flat tax, very quickly, ten seconds. >> i'm all for trump is learned a lesson lower taxes more gr
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growth. david: wonderful to see you, what a great couple. uhank thank you very much. more "kudlow" right after this. ♪ oblems by understanding your customer requests with 90 percent accuracy. let's create customer service in service of customers, with watsonx assistant. ibm. let's create.
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it further kudlow thanks for watching folk.


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