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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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thank you all for watching this personal edition a couple. tune in tomorrow, bill hagerty, congressman perry and even miller and if that wasn't en enough, look we have coming up, liz mcdonald to take you to the next hour. >> that was a great show. look at to the latest in the new
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york trial against former president trump. more and more legal probes constitutional lawyers say this is unconstitutional carriage of justice. we will explain in just a se second. more news coming in, let's get to lydia hu outside the courthouse with more on the jury notes we saw just before or was it dismissed today. they looking for here? >> we got to notes from the jury on the first day they've been sent to deliberate. one of the notes asked that the jury instructions the judge read this morning be read to them again a second time. judge reconvened the jurors in the courtroom talk about this and asked which portions you want readback because it took about an hour to read all of them and they can have some time to decide and dismissed him around 4:00 p.m. so they can let him know if they will all or
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some and the second note asked for portions of testimony be readback. they want to hear more or again about david packer's testimony and regarding to what he had with the former president donald trump about karen mcdougall, the claiborne model who alleged had a relationship with the former president. how it came to be trump did not paying for the story rights, $150,000 david pecker's company left paying. they want to hear about that again and the last pieces of testimony, they want to hear how packer talked about meeting with donald trump and michael cohen trump tower in 2015 when packer said allegedly he beady eyes and ears for the trump campaign and they want to hear what michael cohen had to say about that trump tower meeting. all of it seems to suggest the jurors are interested in getting
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more understanding of this alleged so-called catch and kill scheme but the karen mcdougal situation. i can tell you moments ago trying to figure out what portions of the testimony would be appropriate. the court resume tomorrow morning around 9:30 a.m. in the believe our esteemed colleague look into, why is it that jurors are not receiving a copy of the instructions and deliberation room to refer to it as needed and apparently a provision in new york law that prohibits him from receiving copies of the transcript and jury instr instructions. it's interesting to see that coupled with the rule defense attorneys go first in closing arguments apply to this case.
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adeno every case but it seems to not be helping the defense position. >> great reporting what you reported. in order to get up with hans von spakovsky
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david pecker testified did not transfer the rights to karen mcdougal's story testifying about idea. i want to get into the weeds of that. i want to make it clear what's going on because constitutional lawyers say this is a constitutional miscarriage of justice. making it wider for the prosecution. just talked about this yesterday and the decision, the jurors do
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not have to reach a unanimous decision could split into groups of four on the violations so that means that makes it three times easier for the prosecution to win and a conviction to happen. >> the jury instructions violate the substitute due process rights of donald trump as a defendant as outlined by the u.s. constitution because the defendant has to be given notice of the exact violations of the law he's charged with. that's in the indictment. these other crimes the judge says the jury could consider, violations of tax law, violation of campaign finance law, conspiracy to change the outcome election, none of the charges were in the indictment. not a single one and to tell the jury they can use that to convict -- that to meet the something that should be overturned in any conviction in a new york minute.
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>> unanimous jury decisions, you stated this, i don't know if it's right but they date back to the 14th century and for much of america's history the american criminal jury system is required to make enormous products, kino with them up into groups of three. >> it's clear due process violation, the judges mischaracterizing and misinterpreting your clock which essentially says escalating? does not need to be charged or proven on notice of what they are defending against, basic due process so i agree it would be an appellate victory but it's the conclusion it may impact the election which was the whole purpose. >> a gag order, the jury doesn't get jury instructions inside the jury room. we don't even know what the actual federal felony is.
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two of the three violations are state misdemeanors, not felonies. want to show the polls will show was going on with the polls because you will see biden hitting record lows in gallup, abc. gallup says he's pulling at historic lows out of the worst since eisenhower pulling below levels where incumbents like jimmy carter and george h.w. bush lost reelection. voters are tuned out, they are not tuned into it. tuned into border collapse crime. let's listen to what people are saying in new york about this case. >> i think it's a big nothing. >> he's a target. he has. they know he has a chance to make america great again. >> it's more of a show. >> what you think?
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>> the democrats drop the charges because they were afraid to face donald trump on the ballot but the opposite effect. the majority of americans, even the ones who don't support donald trump see it for what it is. this would never have been brought against anyone else. the prosecution went through a lot of trouble, lengthy trial and they didn't prove their c case. >> i couldn't agree. my concern is there's a missed trial, will they could retry it? it could be done in a relatively quick time. >> how could he be try it? >> it means the case essentially can be we tried so that's the concern i have there is a hung jury which a lot of people think is the likely outcome. >> let's welcome to the show, the carter it's great to have you on we just showed reaction
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in new york saying they are not tuning into the case. polls show a poll among voters are not tuning in, what you think? >> people have already made up their mind and when you look at the polling of trump supporters, more than eight intent say they will still support trump no matter the outcome and only 4% of trump supporters say they will no longer act trump he is guilty so we have a lot of noise about something that will not have a lot of impact on the election. other cases might, we might see some if convicted but you're looking at the hollywood affect than what you might expect from a presidential candidate convicted of a crime. >> what you mean about the "access hollywood" affect? >> went in 2016 when "access
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hollywood" came from donald trump both took a hit but he came back within three weeks. i think we will see is a slight different polling, independence and some who say i just can't stomach it, about 16% of people who are considering voting for donald trump would say they would take a second shot but he will come back. when you look at other polling, 80% of americans believe there is a two-tiered system of justice, more than 60% of voters say it will make no difference in their opinion and more than half of voters say they think this whole thing is unfair so maybe a speedbump in the whole campaign but i don't think it will be the end. >> the biden campaign took the kid for showing up holding a circus press conference we drink robert de niro outside the new york trial yesterday. he called trump supporters quote clouds, that's what kathy hochul
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called trump supporters in the rally last week. let's listen to former president trump, these are comments that were made yesterday. >> listening to the judges, very conflicted and proven because of the confliction. these charges are rigged. make no mistake, i'm here because of crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country. this country is being destroyed rapidly the borders, on inflation and everything. everything about what he's done is being destroyed and
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destroying it, it is weaponization. >> the former president's comments about mother teresa from today, your reaction to what the former president just said? >> i think the former president is making a. >> , he's trying to get across he thinks the charges are unfair and biden can't play fair and square and that is the way a lot of supporters believe. i think it's something that will resonate with supporters and the unfortunate thing democrats are doing is going after trump supporters calling them clones rather than going after the president, former president himself. >> you are terrific, thank you for joining us. former state department spokesperson morgan ortega, former acting director tom holman, retired nypd inspector paul tomorrow and from the fraternal order of police joe kamali and ford o'connell's with
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got out of news. president biden again made one person's opinion. former president trump does lead biden in the swing state. we will break down what happened but also this story, joe biden's middle class joe narrative for root story now and doubt. a lot of people are questioning it. more details about joe biden's life of luxury and families reported long history of abusing government contracts to make excessive profits from taxpayer since world war i and world war ii and another tone deaf biden mandate, dying biden debuts his costly green home mandate in the middle of housing affordability isis hitting low and middle income classes and young voters and nations veterans and more on this insanity, boston democrat
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mayor possibly igniting a flight out of the city now says robbery and theft should not be prosecuted. we will begin and republicans claiming biden's catch and release at the border. we got the new number of illegal aliens linked to terrace, crossing not record the biden plus new development of israel's war against hamas. we take you to the front lines, all of this is next on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. everybodys super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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joining us now live from tel aviv, israel former department spokesperson for former president trump, morgan ortagus. great to have you on. morgan, he met with israeli prime minister netanyahu yesterday. there's a lot of outrage over israel strikes and rock, what is the prime minister saying now? >> thanks for having me. my radio show siriusxm sunday but essentially, i would say the prime minister and entire israeli war cabinet we met with are concerned about something i didn't realize the biden administration is saying they
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are not holding back weapons and aid because of russia to say what i am hearing from the prime minister and netanyahu the military aid promised by the biden administration a lot of into law by congress is being held up, slow walked right now so that is concerning for israelis, they want to finish off hamas trying to do everything they can to protect innocent life despite what he's been saying it is hiding behind innocent civilians. israelis are trying to evacuate, providing a food this whole notion that israelis are letting the food aid into gaza is unbelievable. about 3000 calories of nutrition a day of person they bring in its egypt holding up aid getting
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in and what israel is asking for from the united states and others this to pressure egypt to be the one to open these order crossings. >> if you are giving us news that the news is prime minister netanyahu is saying yes, military aid to israel is being held up. it wasn't hamas let's turn real and gaza in two a war zone putting in terror military commanders and civilian relations firing missiles from rafah dragon cost just, isn't it liberating hamas terrorists, it seems like the narrative is lost,. >> i agree and yes, we are breaking news on your show, is not talked to anyone in the media and it came as a surprise to me the claimed the biden administration is the walking it and want to push back against the charges and it is simply not
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true. what netanyahu likes to call what hamas is doing, is it difficult double crime against humanity. the only -- a double war crime he likes to say. not only did hamas go after and killed not only israelis but americans mind you, they killed innocent israelis and americans october 7 but in the double war crime they hide behind civi civilians. everything they do, they harm civilians and they don't care if it's israelis or palestinians but the reason why, why the aid is important is because this is the basis of what icc, international criminal court is trying to a logic is israel with no basis they are saying israel is intentionally withholding food or aid or targeting civilians and that's what hamas is doing and there's no evidence israel is doing that.
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>> the biden administration withholding the walking military aid to israel, humanitarian aid is stolen by hamas terrorists and egypt is holding up humanitarian aid and israel's fighting to get humanitarian aid and, did we hit the headlines? >> we did do the headlines, react netanyahu in his interview with me, did say he was disappointed in the biden administration for saying the not report the bipartisan sanctions likely going to congress against the international criminal court. there's a bipartisan move, biden administration signaled yesterday that would not support that and there is probable anchor and distrust dismay from the netanyahu administration the biden team is taking that stance against the icc. >> thank you so much, we appreciate you. president biden debuted his new
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costly green home mandate smack in the middle of the affordability crisis the got more goals coming in the majority of voters, seven out of ten say the u.s. is on the wrong track under president biden plus congressman ben klein from house judiciary the president class joe narrative and doubt and we will show you the biden families report in history of abusing contracts for profits since world war i and world war ii and the president luxury lifestyle. coming up on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. ♪
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matching your job description. visit are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? high taxes can erode returns quickly. at creative planning, your portfolio is managed in a tax-efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matters. let's get right to former president trump tena. >> holding me down to individual names. a lot of key players, a lot of big players solved their problem or what have given us a win. we are have the wind.
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this case would have been over a long time ago but a lot of key witnesses were not called. look at the players and you know what i'm talking about, you can take five or six. it is a shame and now suffering greatly because what happened because of the viciousness, what they've done to the person and you know what i'm talking about and they didn't call the wit witness, all these people could have called and the other thing is nobody knows the crime is. the da didn't name the crime. they don't know what the crime is. that's what the problem is. save the reputation.
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thank you very much. >> i was former president trump, let's welcome to the show from house judiciary, congressman ben cline. you heard the former president comment right there, what is your reaction to what's going on in new york. >> it is here the locker occurring not just in new york but georgia and mar-a-lago, you name it, the weaponization of the justice system against the former president is still being pursued. we hope the jury will reach the verdict on this outrageous case and new york and dismiss the charges. >> we got to move onto this, trump is locked up in court, president biden is campaigning. he made no mistakes, cast in philadelphia, cook political report clear politics pulling out trump is leading biden in pennsylvania.
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watch biden's mistakes. >> memorial day, a black man votes, trump continues ally by saying black unemployment was at a record low on his watch. the fact is, record low on employment happened on my watch and we will keep it going. racial wealth gap is 20 years. >> that is biden flying. federal reserve data, low unemployment for black americans first hit a record low under former president trump in 2019. st. louis said data shows wealth gap under president biden got wider on his watch. your reaction? >> it's clear biden has never been a fan of the truth and continues to allege former president trump is in line when in fact trump saw lloyd low unemployment across the board. today what we see is families across the country, black, white
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across all races are seen high inflation e into their savings and forth prices at the pump and grocery store. the american people are fed up and that's why we are probably going to see president trump victorious in november. >> the president luxury lifestyle, we are going to show his plush houses swimming pools the shows he should not campaign as middle class joe. he likes to say he was the poorest senator because he went heavily into debt with mortgages to buy houses. he's now got a network of $10 million, he's own 10000 square-foot house with ballroom senator. you see this with swimming pools and the other thing is the untold story of joe biden's family members accused by the excesses profits off government contracts dating back to world war i and world war ii.
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joe biden's great uncle and his father in world war ii working for the ship repair business taking excessive profits off government contracts. what you make of this? >> a fascinating article you saw back then they were making product deals with the government now, joe biden selling the brand, the biden brand and trying to cash in on the brand that hunter was selling to chinese government companies, russians, ukrainians and whoever would pay to get access to the big guy and we want to know, where did the money go from the 200,000 his brother got? joe biden's brother got from the hospitals, want to know where the $20000 from the energy company from china and up and joe biden's bank account.
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>> for sure thought. >> these are all facts we are trying to get to the bottom of. >> stumbling block in your investigations, they have been stonewalling for months if not years. twenty out going back to world war i, it is the attitude of the biden family they are allowed and entitled to live off the government and basically do excessive profit-taking, they are entitled to do that and a multimillionaire behind the scenes, not middle-class joe. final word. >> hunter biden's first wife said when she saw the family house middle-class families have ballrooms, hunter so it is clear joe has been living off the government, living off the taxpayers and living high as a result and we need to get to the bottom of where the money has come from and we are going to get to the bottom of it and
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judiciary and oversight committee. >> congressman ben cline, good to see you. joining us now, ford o'connell. there's a story that's coming in. president biden is now doing a brand-new mandate for america now saying all new homes should have green energy climate change friendly apparatus and mechanisms in their, that will raise costs for people housing affordability crisis, what you make of this? >> green energy for the democrats code for central planning and we know how that works of the soviet union. americans don't walk electric vehicles so what you think they will think about his green homes? probably not a good idea, probably hurts the american public. >> young people can't afford 7% mortgages or the median home sale price hit the record high of 30% since the end of 2019. now for 20000.
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here's the issue, a study out of virginia tech university of alabama and cal state, housing cost determine how they when the swing states. swing voters are sensitive to housing cost so how do you think it goes? >> it should so great donald trump because 3% under trump and 7% hundred joe biden, interest rates are almost triple under joe biden so based on that, donald trump should win all six state. >> pulling data from democrat firm called we print out this polling data, it shows biden is losing voters under the age of 30. you will see old, usa today, seven out of ten voters say the u.s. is on the wrong track hunter biden. we have a new nbc pull about three quarters of voters say the u.s. out of control. what you think? that is the worst number for any president ever recorded.
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>> that is right, no president has ever one with an approval rating below 40% but there is a reason why 70% of america's thinking it's on the wrong track. eight in ten voters think inflation is a problem, we are talking gas public utilities, groceries and that's what has young voters frustrated. it wasn't like the under donald trump. >> people are getting the wake up call, biden's government overspending driving inflation and interest rates higher to battle inflation. u.s. government that exploded higher by 11 trillion since he took office, a third of the existing because chicago and san francisco saying it is government overspending fueling inflation. now we got this, you will hear from the media sounding the alarm that trump is going to win. >> i couldn't tell you today what joe biden's were campaign message is or who he surrogates
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are on tv, they will fight on fox news and show up and left-wing media so the time is running out. we are six months out and we have to be honest, there's a chance he could win if we don't fight harder. >> let me back up, fighting harder about what? do you hear the people, the women on the view talking about the issues we covered? people on the streets of america to deal with and grocery stores, utility bills, housing costs, tuition costs, healthcare costs, do you see their analysis anywhere going near what you and i talked about? >> the elites have no idea what inflation means. when they say fight harder, that means convict donald trump because joe biden can't talk about inflation nor the border and he knows and that's why donald trump is the 47th president of the united states. >> thank you so much. it had. joe gamaldi and nypd inspector
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retired, called moral they are fired up and ready to go to take on this lunacy. buses democrat mayor says that and robbery should not be prosecuted. even want to get rid of the city's gang database. it is not going to ignite about a flight out of boston? plus this, after the police push that was catastrophic to ame america, more and more u.s. cities are forced to use drones as first responders. we are going to dig in. we know dagen and sean are fired up. the upswing about what's going on with the bottom line. what a day. >> it has been quite a day. the trump jury how the case and it's deliberated for four hours. we are going to talk to doug jarrett on the case.
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>> what are the underlying crime is. a threat to democracy, donald trump and a threat to capi capitalism. that is an article this yale professor has written. john carney will weigh in on that and so much more. joe biden driving up your home prices and thus not good if you prices and thus not good if you want to buy. top of the hour.
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let's welcome back to the show national vice president of the order of police joe gamaldi and retired nypd executive intelligence officer, paul mauro. gentlemen, thank you for joining us tonight. joe, let's get your reaction to buses democrat mayor michelle now saying robbery, theft, crimes like breaking and entering with property damage should not be prosecuted. what you think? >> what is the definition of insanity? doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. we are reno how the story plays out because it's played out in every major urban community in this country. let's just take a look at d.c.
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they did the same thing, murders of 30%, carjackings of one 100% take any city in california with the complete erosion of the quality of life because they stopped prosecuting criminals. this is not going to work and the das and activist judges had far left elected officials to dictate we are basically going to protect criminals over victims. what are we doing here? >> get rid of the 80s gang database. what you think? >> it's about idea. the issues you run into the database, often you capture juveniles when you do again database and they have all special rules regarding identification of juveniles and holding onto the information in a searchable database. a lot of times they are rested,
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those arrests are sealed yet it remains in the machine so you have to be cognizant legally of those issues but that said, again database at large could continue to exist. the argument against it is saying i didn't commit any crimes, just a member of a gang so you have to set rules and procedures and pass that bar but it's valuable and something they are going to use for investigations so you do need it and us challenge around the country. >> let's move onto this. we got this new trend like 400 police departments nationwide using drones as first responders in some instances it could be a good idea maybe some allegation of a crime not underway. you need cops elsewhere in denver, colorado taxpayers facing hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer cost because of illegal aliens and the police
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department resorting to using drones us first responders to some 911 calls. what you think? >> first of all, denver city council, they departed police department by over $8 million to get back money to migrants instead. this is the homicide rate has gone up one 100% over the last ten years, completely discussing they are doing this but of course we will have to leverage technology to close the gap because we are seeing record numbers of resignations from law enforcement finding anyone to take these jobs. so we are going to use drones and it's going to increase police officer safety to get them to respond but of course the far left opposes it because they have tasers or drones or helmets or heavy fest, we need to make sure we protect officers
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but also make sure while we leverage this technology, we still recruit the best and brightest because a lot of police responses are still flesh and blood officers to get there. >> what you think, paul? >> i think it's a good idea in certain instances, departments have nypd actually having the problems that come with it these folks are done with and in some
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former acting eyes director tom holman. this is the story of the hour. gop lawmakers slamming the biden white house catch and release. the border collapse, this data coming in. under this white house, the number of illegal aliens with links of terrorists, the border has skyrocketed. we are going to show you the data the number is now nearly 1600. reportedly scrambling about t this. we are going to take up next. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ ♪ joining us now former acting isa director at tom homan. we are seeing these reports coming in. would love to talk to about this. but i didn't white house is
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scrabbling to close the intelligence sharing gap after at least 60 people and the terror watch list were let into the u.s. over the last years including terrorists out of afghanistan. the data it shows nearly 1600 illegal aliens with links to terrorism caught crossing since fiscal 2019. that number soared under biden. so porter's image and ports of entry. your take here? >> the scary thing is that is what they have encountered. we have got 2 million i know god always a page of the cartels to get away they did not pay less for free airline ticket to the city of the choice in a hotel and three meals a day and medical care and work authorization but they paid more to get away, 2 million per that's a scary despite this is how minute they have encountered. we have 2 million people across a word we do not know who they are aware they are from but the border patrol is arresting people from 180 countries many are sponsors of. we know some of that 2 million
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art terrorists in this country and across the border. the area's part to her you are right they never exploded. under trump for years at southwest border total 13. for he is on the southwest border. you can see with the sickness ration is don't open border mentality. >> when you most worried about when it comes to this? >> i word about the got a ways for an award people who paid more to get away but like i said why would you not want to pay it last yourself in? get free airline ticket to the city of your choice a free hotel or free medical care. why did 2 million people pay more to get away? they did not want to be fingerprinted. that should scare everybody and the border in the last three and half years. fentanyl, sex trafficking, the criminal cartel is coming across it scares me the most the national security vulnerability we do not know who these 2 million people are if anyone thanks th there's zero terroriss come across the border then you
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are ignoring the percentage of the data. this is a scariest thing i have seen in my career. >> is active former fbi agent said. i do not know if you remember years ago there was a time square part bomber who got what he did not set up the car bomb he liked the u.s. culture in the u.s. way of life. the idea it was maybe this a terrorist would change their minds, change their lives run and not do terrorist activities you brutal jihadists out there that really want to bring down america. where do you come down here officials like that making that argument? you've heard them out of d.c. they'll come here and change their minds about america. >> i think it is garbage. christopher wray the of the fbi testified four separate times he sees more national security red flags right now then he has seen throughout his career. that should be a call. you got the conflict in israel
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going. you have enemies our enemies fromarenot conflict you have got afghanistan, thousands of terrorists were released in prisons in afghanistan. his sole purpose in life is to destroy this country. thousands of them. they were not properly vetted. people from 180 different countries have crossed this border from turkey, from syria, from iraq, from iran, they are not our friends for 30,000 chinese since october and do you think china's sha assuring any national security interest with us of course they're not the chinese government is complicit 30,000 people do not leave a child that without trident being involved with that operation no way that happens. >> and three thank you for joining us tonight, we appreciate very much thank you election evening at on foxbusiness that that does it fs but it's time for the bottom button going to send it right over too dagen and sean. it's quite a day good to see it. >> the destruction of america, thank you.


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