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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 30, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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remains one of the greatest military feats in history, ensuring that the continental army, and along with it, the dream of american freedom, endures. (gentle music) - [howe] our next objective is north carolina. - [soldier] there are still scattered groups of rebels. - they must be crushed. - tell general cornwallis francis marion thanks him for the supplies. - we cannot afford failure. - the present moment will decide american independence. ♪
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♪ hello folks welcome to very special edition of kudlow were taking a lie look at new york state supreme court right now it's in lower manhattan were 12 jurors for president donald trump's criminal hush money at trial. laid out jury instructions earlier today. very unique ones reminding the jury they are judges of the facts and reminding them they also have got to set aside a personal opinions. in our own trey gowdy in just a moment versus bring lydia outside the courthouse with the very latest the request from the jury keep on coming, right? >> is exactly rage. we just got a second request from the jury in the past couple of minutes this makes two notes have been sent from the injuries and they started deliberating just a little after 11:30 a.m.
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this morning the most recent note to the jury is requesting to rehear the judge's instructions. i will tell, i was in the room the overflow courtroom this morning the judge read instructions to the jury for roughly an hour out of a document that spans i longer thn 50 pages. they are long. they are detailed book and quite frankly confusing for the jury is not allowed to take them back into deliberations. the asking to be. reporter: it again. if you can imagine the process is going to be an hour yet again. just not see mike the process is moving quickly at this point too. the second -- the first notes which was earlier today requesting to excerpts of testimony be read to them again. conversation with donald trump the rights to karen mcdougal's story they went testimony read
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back about why donald trump ended up not paying for those story rights from karen and finally they want testimony from david ecker michael owen about meeting with trump tower. all that tooth that it seems like this jury at the moment is fixated or has a lot of questions about the alleged so-called "catch and kill" scheme surrounding the decision to acquire the rights which is interesting. the issues of the basis for any of the charges in the indictment. that's where things stand as of this form. they let the deliberations move until 4:30 p.m. this afternoon and check back of the jury. we should be having some clarity about how much longer this would go for today i'll send it back to you. >> very quickly you have been sitting in the same for a long time i've been reading all of your notes very carefully that you send out.
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i cannot remember whether or not nda is in and of themselves they prided themselves and prosecution proving donald trump was involved in this and d. was the jury ever told by the judge nda's are legal? >> that is a very good question. i have a copy of the jury instructions are david and went to look that up confirm with you an e-mail you during the show just to confirm i don't believe he actually instructed that specific point i want to make sure i get it right i do not recall it being a part of the instructions but franklin there's a lot of things i was looking at. great work there. let's bring begin trump attorny former federal prosecutor. thank you for being here. to do you remember the judge ever telling that to the jury so
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many of judg judge merchan decis are wildly out of whack we would consider normal courtroom procedure would not hazard a guess but that happened here. david: what worries you most about this case? we heard these new instructions the jury can repeat choices. none of those choices fully adjudicated within court. the federal election charge, they are not even authorized to weigh in on that, are they? >> the judges a position on jury with respect to work on the predicate events the underlying offense of this alleged business records violation which we believe in and of itself is bunk. i was intended to cover up the judges and put position. we believe it is unconstitutional something would free up on appeal at this case were ever to reach appeal. but really the early signs of the jury are quite pop a jet for us. joe biden is ready to spike the
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football at a white house press conference. going back to david packard seems intent to scrutinize his testimony, understand what he did and did not say. but really understand the law is and what the law isn't what they were very long this morning for a tax a cart charge could be included when things are jury does not think there is a federal election charge or the overriding charge or the beginning of charges enough to convict on a felony. just eight tax chart just heard about would be enough. there is not been any evidence provided in this case about the tax or charge, right? right litigating this case been going after a piñata at times there pending death prosecution on what their actual theory of the case is this something we have never had clarity collected thinstructions and it goes to sw
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how outrageous his entire prosecution has been. david: you and a lot of others have said many grounds for an appeal on this case and i believe all kinds of grounds for appeal, this unique suggestion to the jury they pick one of three and that is enough to convict other but how soon could that be fast tracked to a court that might get to the desired result? many grounds for appeal there's also many, many grounds for acquittal there's a giant hole to prosecute the ca case was us. real j. think the prosecution asked what to proving president trump did anything wrong. certainly not he committed any business records fraud. if there were to be a conviction we would appeal as quickly as possible. grounds should quit affect the outcome. >> the judge just dismiss the
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jury for the day i guess is that for the day? yes for the day that lisa spent two days deliberating. finally, do you think that's good news for your client? conventional is a longer deliberation favor the defendant. i am happy to hear the jury is taking the job seriously. the really going to scrutinize the evidence. we believe if they do that, if they take the job seriously they have a choice but to acquit. david: will, thank you so much for being here. good to see if it let's bring an trey gowdy former federal prosecutor host of sunday night and america on fox news. trey, great to see you pregiven watching this at trial just have to ask, first of all, we heard from ty cobb at one of donald trump's former lawyers a name you will never forget. the jury instructions -- mckee said there'll be a guilty verdict because the jury instructions are so vague and so ifavor in any kind of charge tht
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it would almost require a guilty verdict at some point. what you say to that? >> well, i do not want to predict a verdict because i did it for so long a. [laughter] i will say it not just the jury and favored the prosecution of the judge's rulings, the exclusion of an expert allowing michael cohen guilt pleat which is what we call propensity elements. or the proximity around people who are guilty does not make you guilty. karen mcdougal and other alleged misconduct is not in the indictment. i think the deck has been stacked towards a conviction. and away from an acquittal part is not just the jury instruction that was the final piece of the puzzle. david: you said something earlier on fox news it was kind
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of unusual or the judge to invite the jury to ask questions usually the judge does not want to go through all of that and leave them on their own to come up with a decision. it seems to me like he really wants to control the narrative. i think back when he did not allow brad smith to commend and talk about federal election law he said i want to do it. we have a full screen we can put up for he said the other day on tuesday i believe it was he said stay away from the law. stay away from the law. stay away from that law. he repeated that three times he repeated the jobs that i will take care of it again, he wants to control the narrative even if other people know better about the law than he does. talk about brad smith. >> i was in the courtroom when he said that. my reaction was to be stunned. if you are the lawyer giving the summation, the job of the jury is to apply the facts to the law.
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how can a lawyer make a closing argument to the jury whether you are a prosecutor or a defense attorney without making reference to the law? what i used to say is look, i think the judge is going to tell you the law is x. if he tells you where she tells you something otherwise, follow with the judge tells you every judge in america will allow you to say that except one except the one presiding over this at trial. he has made it clear. one of the few times he ever system of sustained an objection against the prosecution by the defense was because they were talking about the law. how do you convince a jury the facts do not match the law if the judge is not allowing you to argue the law? i have never seen that before but i've never seen a judge not allow jury instructions to go back with the jury. how can you remember 58 some thin pages worth of archaic legal instructions based on your memory? how can you do that?
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david: is not just the jury the defendant has to know what charges he is there to defend himself against. and in fact today we heard of this tax charge that was not adjudicated at all in the courtroom. a juror in the jury room without any legal expertise can decide by himself to convict on something that was not adjudicated at all the courtroom. and the defendant could not defend himself against were there so many violations of what seemed to me as due process in this case. >> we do not know the elements. when i hear the word crime i think a jury has convicted someone or you have pled guilty. that is what a crime is. if there is been no adjudication then by what standards of proof does this jury have to find one of those other ancillary crimes was committed can only be one of those three? does it have to be a us crime? by calling andy mccarthy said
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what if it's up other law, is that also a crime? it's almost void for vagueness which is a constitutional term something can be unconstitutional because it is so vague. david: you said something last night and think it was in your notes with andy mccarthy you two were talking late in the night. you said a mistake that might have been made by the trump team to suggest trump was not paying which was a suggestion made by the trump team but correct me if i'm wrong i believe you said just admit it was there the nda the nondisclosure agreement is not illegal. just admit it was there because they are not being told whether it is legal or illegal. >> let me just say this and defense of the defense attorneys. it is hard to be a criminal defendant and it's hard to run for president it is almost impossible to do both at the same time. so what would ordinarily be of
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good legal defense which as you know what? they had relations with stormy daniels i'm not proud about it but yes, i did. and yes i repaid might lawyer which is called a legal expense. as a reimbursement to a lawyer for a settlement and that is called a legal expense. i think if he were not running for president he would've said yes to both. i did not commit a crime. instead, the defense is i did not have relations with stormy daniels and i did not know anything about those payments. i say admit what does not matter in the night what does. i think in this case ma maybe because of the politics of it they had to denied things i think a jury is probably concluding were true. david: tried to give me a wrap and you know what that's like i have to assess final question pre-pick one of the three things of the instruction the jury was given finally today by judge merchan hjudgemerchan have you ? you can pick and have a divided jury but as long as it one of
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three charges none of which have fully been adjudicated in the courtroom, by the way by defense and prosecution, as long as you pick one of the three then we can convict this g describe the. but yes, i thought about a week ago at the golden corral it's called the buffet. you can go pick what you want. have i ever seen in a courtroom? absolutely never part of a scene and a restaurant from time to time i have. david: unbelievable. if it goes to appeal do you have any doubt trump went on appeal? >> yes, but the reality i think, he believes his election interference designed to hurt him in november. but, by the time the appeal is settled, november will be long gone they will accomplish what they want to do she is hurt him politically. david: it would take longer than five months to get this into appeal? >> no doubt in to get an opinion, no doubt. straighwonderful stuff.
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>> i am not sure hope incentives in five months. thanks. gabby thanks my friend pearly could talk for hours. don't stray on sending it in america but laura note was going to happen by then. you got to tune into trait sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern time on fox news. coming up, what do voters make of this whole thing? will the verdict impact their vote no matter which way it goes? will be asking rich lowry and monica crowley next. (wife) saving for retirement was tough enough. (husband) and navigating markets can be challenging at times. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments, we keep a disciplined approach with your portfolio, helping you through the market's ups and downs. (husband) what about communication? (fisher investments) we check in regularly to keep you informed. (wife) which means you'll help us stay on track? (fisher investments) yes. as a fiduciary, we always put your interests first. because we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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♪ ♪. david: so, the judge has dismissed the jury in the new york trump trial before they became to a verdict spray deliberations will continue tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. you can take a sigh of relief and watch the analysis and now with rich lowry editor-in-chief of the national review and monica crowley former treasury secretary for public affairs and a host of the transport strobel. rich, first to you. let's consider that there is a conviction but how would that affect, if at all, th the pollsf her trump? >> probably washes out and does not have an effect but my belief is this will be decided by the big things, inflation, iconic,
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border, dobbs, former policy. it may feel big now the end of may is not going to feel big and november for even the polling now is fairly evenly divided on it. it is one of these things that's absorbed in the new cycle. david: the judge said it is my decision. he ha is taken decisions for everything. but, he has said it is my decision to employ one way or the other. if donald trump is in jail it's going to be tough. you use the term nuclear, monica, how tough can it get? could we seek trump supporters doing something in the streets? are we in danger in any way depending upon how the verdict goes? like selectiwhat selecting caged political violence. the right does not do that. look out there is a conviction is probably good for me too -- five polling points. what was seen throughout the process pult poll numbe pull nuo
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up, not down. more and more of the american people see this massive legal of trenton. even before today, before the jury went to deliberations they had their first rally outside the wardroom. >> are so deeply invested in this offer they believe he was going to neutralize donald trump as a political force in 2024. it is only strengthen him. it is not just this one case that is completely outrageous. donald trump did not do anything wrong. it's all the cases put together for four cases and 91 count up to 700 years in prison. the average american goes oh, come on for this pile on is completely unjustified. simply wanted to make america great again. this is absolutely ludicrous. the backlash has been politically potent spirit not the way the left want to but in favor of donald trump. >> if they had their way they would have done these
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back-to-back trump web and various carbs although through october. that looks like this is the only wanteone it is the weakest one. a victory for trump is a hung jury i don't think he is getting acquitted in this. it will be in an enormous figure for donald trump. david: it was interesting i'll stick with you for a second, foh the mainstream media were beginning to sow doub so doubtst this case until the jury was dismissed for this long weekend. they do they have an audience of 12. the b-12 of people watch over the jurors are going to be watching. i got the sense they were told from above hey guys, don't sew any doubts. be absolute about how guilty trump is. but there's commentary prior to the trout may be this one should never been brought is clear is the only one it was like okay all that went out the window and everyone thanks it's been a devastating case. david: and monica, do american seeds of the political
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intentions? we have the incredible unique case which the judge said all you have just pick one of these three. you jurors can disagree with each other on several different issues you three things in trump is guilty on we are going to say it's unanimous verdict of these legal experts including a will is saying this is completely unconstitutional. you are dealing with a situation here could result in the denial of donald trump's freedom. his freedom to move incarceration or house arrest. so you admit it's the experience for this judge is that we could have a split of four ass they are doing everything possible for political reasons not any judicial process that is a legitimate for them donald trump going into 2024 has a convicted felon. to depose the question and people do you really want to
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vote for a convicted felon? after pull on that question yes, we will for a convicted phone is linked long as it is donald trump with caesar the farce. conviction it might get the help with regard to the debate. i didn't can say i was flying with debating if i was running for president who has not been corrected i'm never going to debate a convicts. >> further attempts to take him off the ballot and click cases. this will fall it is legally flawed if he is convicted. david: you are transcribing after the election. >> is yes and 25 or 26 the whole cases do it now and 24. during and 23 would not of gotten them anything is old news that's what helped him in the primary more redoing and 25 is going to present he can't do it or he i he's a private citizen d you don't care anymore they had to do it not the whole plan. david: rich and monica thank you for coming and we appreciate it.
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coming up present but has to a philadelphia door at blackwater support as a drift towards donald trump. is it too late for him? congressman byron donalds and congresswoman claudia tenney are coming up in just
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♪ ♪. david: president by dictating the campaign trail philadelphia to kick off as a black voter outreach campaign. support among minority and young voters continued to decline. is there with the latest for us. hey madison. >> hi, david. fighting has wrapped up here in pennsylvania his seventh day campaigning in the state this year. very important swing state and with the targeting theory important voter, black voters. the campaifor the campaign annoa new initiative black voters and for biden/harris at present by themselves or in the campaign event say they recently made it to the white house and t's
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because of black americans voted for him. he says he's hoping they will do the same in 2024. attendees of this campaign event told me black support provided is starting to slip. >> so come at this point you would say looking at community he would say support stand when it comes to the biden/harris ticket? what the 50/50. it is 50/50 right now is the time to step it up. right now is the time to prove a few things. at change also showing up in polling bring the current presence keep groups, it is not what it was in 2020. i'll find it made his case inside a building within the gated school here, protester tried to make their case outside of it. they could not get close to today's campaign events. the people who are actually into the events were bought bust onto
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property by the election campaign with those folks say they're going to continue to push for a second term for biden. >> it's been the best union president ever. i cannot say enough about it pretty special about the infrastructure bill. the inflation reduction acts, these are going to provide good paying union jobs throughout the nation. >> the black vote will it didn't 2020 is certain it will 24. we are excited about it, his campaign. we are here to support. >> and now come apart as a new initiative the campaign said they are going to spend there's a black community convince that group to continue to support the 2020 action. david: thank you very much that florida congress byron donalds in new york congresswoman claudia tenney. great but we have there but thank you so much for coming in, folks. about the phrase courting the
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black vote that seemed so meaningful yes, trump last week it was an open message. it was in a section of the city that is dominant by black and latinos. but is open to everybody but there is a woman warm-up act madeline brought in last week i want to play a sound bite from her reaction, roll it. >> trump is speaking our language. the out way to connect our right? to connect with the poor minorities. perspective poor dude, jewish, hispanic, you know russian, italian, one who is struggling right now to make ends meet. who work every single day, okay? and when they get paid their paycheck less than two days and the refrigerator still empty. david: to me that sounds like a
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unifying message. to you? what do you say? i totally agree it is the unifying message. the fact that people have engagement of then president term going after white voters is indicative of where black borders are really were all voters are everyone is looking at the selection and trying to figure who is going through the better job of leading american we believe to be donald trump because he has done this job once. it did a great job when he had the job is to get it again because joe biden's been the master of disaster. i think the key messaging going forward is who is going to be better for your pocketbook? for your kitchen table in your future in america? without donald trump. david: as an inclusive message, congresswoman. that's exactly the biden claims he does is bring people together but he has divided us. this in new york i hate to be coming back to the eight block
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but the trial in new york is a perfect example because trump makes a credible case that what is happening to him could happen to you as well. >> that is white trump resonates with everyone as byron pointed out trump is reaching out to everyone he is not the senate going for the rich or the poor he's going to send this message to all americans. it's make america great again for all americans. everyone knows and feels the pain from joe biden. especially people in the lower income places. even their taxes have gone up work costs even more to get food as this woman cited and why she is supporting trump of the she's very patriotic she must've been a memorial day at message she was deafly supporting our veterans which is important. trump is just being authentic and genuine he truly shows the compassion and care. in spite of being a billionaire he is a regular guy who shows his love and care for the average person he has had legacy
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for his think he does for people without getting recognition. those things are genuine or not those if he did not really care. joe biden everything is a political calculation including his racist tropes easement throughout its entire career. she two people and he is not genuine and people feel that. david: congressman he is making progress not just with certain ethnic groups in america but with blue states that have begun to turn purple or -looking writer they've been along too and in particular virginia biden one in 2020 by points as to an trump bite six points to a rodeo pole. you are correct there that it ws
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back in new york but what is two things one donald trump is a great president. number two, joe biden's been a a disastrous a president. infection or policy of more wars going on all over the globe that we've had in decades under joe biden the disrespect of free speech. they had that misuse of our justice system purely for politics people have had enough. they want america to work they want america to be great donald trump will get us there everyone knows the job joe biden is going to do. it will be another disaster for four more years. the voters cloudy is talking about the people on the low end of the socio- economic spectrum people in the middle class and find a way to get to the upper middle class and into the ridge there is not one thing for them to get there in joe biden's america. that is what he must be defeated. david: it is about prosperity
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and insecurity people want to feel secure. people want to be prosperous and finally congresswoman, the fact is you get to security you cannot avoid the fact the guy who's prosecuting out and go so far to say persecuting donald trump in new york the d.a. alvin bragg criminals free. he let's murderers walk the streets with his no bail law et cetera it is eight no bail of fact by the governor. but people want to feel more secure. they do not field on the street there pocketbook. >> absolutely and you alluded to before. donald trump can be persecuted and maliciously prosecuted by alvin bragg and his other prosecutors all in very deep blue states all democrats all political operatives including this judge. nobody feels more insecure than the member of new york saying they can prosecute me for walking across the street enjoying the same time.
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it is so scary to a lot of people. they can do to donald trump they can do to anyone this is the definition of what authoritarian regime does they cover up the law. they abuse it and put away people who they deem as against them and their dissidents. the irony of joe biden calling out president trump while he is sitting there prosecuting his own opponent, his own opponent. this is election interference this is incredible we are seeing this happen in the united states, state of new york which i've been a lifelong resident i am a lawyer in the state i'm embarrassed by the bar and i am embarrassed our governor is not removed alvin bragg because she has the power to do that with this malicious prosecution lee zelle that when he said his first act would be to remove alvin bryant from his malicious prosecution of president trump not holding to create true criminals account making the minority communities in all communities across new york and
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say this is an easy i hope new york votes for trump it would be so exciting. not sure that's going to happen i'm going to do everything and to think about for president trump. david: congresswoman, congressman appreciated both being here. appreciate seeing you and wish you the best. switching might straighten his pumping into his green initiative despite the fact no one seems to want it much. fox looks all caps with more on that. what is at this time? >> we have a case to hea here ot the administration says it's actually doing. president biden says he will have affordable housing for low income family to achieve the american dream. actually happening as his administration increasing the cost it takes to build a home. now the new into effect in about 18 months use different types of heating and cooling systems. must be as is a new constructin using federal funding the rules require type of insulation.
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apps of window comp new lighting and other items in them of climate change but politico is reporting the administration was to expand this to any new construction home using freddy. >> or any bait max backed mortgages which is 90% of it. >> if you truly care about giving people housing opportunities the last thing you want to do is add to already increase cost of building homes in this country. just leave it alone what we have seen over the years is states are moving forward on energy efficiency and structural codes that is the normal cycles they move through. >> talk about a giant mandate of the mandate is a giant leap in the national homebuilders association for the national mandate would add about 30,000 dollars the price of a new home. the administration says once he homthehomes are built they woule about 30% efficient see here.
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>> that we have tried to do very carefully and is look at the pressing needs on energy efficiency as you so well articulated and the long-term savings to homeowners and renters. but also, looking at section four debility. >> you can do the math here. at 30,000 dollars to the price of all mute work saving starts. david: blocked a great report. frightening but great preload spring and steve forbes to talk about this and inflation per pat talk about regulation. you have famously said or coined the phrase the best way to socialize trees regulation not legislate like that is a lot of what we have been seeing recently. >> it has become an avalanche they know if they lose in november they want to get everything possible in and put barriers to make sure the trump administration will have a hard time rolling them back.
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buthings being effective everyoe to take your car that actually works. david: don't forget might still natural gas was turned off in our building w live water but tt units is happening all of manhattan because what governor goal was to eliminate natural gas entirely from the state which she is done as ratcheted up regulation basically nobody can pass the regulation so you have your gas is turned off. where it to cook our food were going to the college storm daze because they think will get fed up a fund that by ourselves and electric stove. regulation. >> is a form of tyranny. one thing the great frenchman who wrote a famous book about america he said tierney is not just the big stuff, censorship and the like it is also heating the individuals in so many small ways, weakening you and it makes
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it easier to control you. so they hit everything but everything. and then another thing, on inflation within the buy demonstration overlooked that when they touted how great their bill clinton the secretary pointed out that it leap out interest costs what you pay on housing. what you pay on car payments, wiloil pan credit cards, that is real. the real inflation rate you might say is twice what it is today. david: also you write the fed has been using completely wrong form in terms of trying to control inflation explain. think control inflation by department economy people people do think you got to suppress it. that is absently false. inflation is two kinds one is the regulatory kind we are talking about that increases cost but also reducing the value of the dollar. i wish that doing for year after year. if they want to fight monetary we've got monetary inflation have a stable value for the
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dollar. david: why? [laughter] like joe biden. or something resembling that. david: is old standard? or at least cap head of the fed back in there for a while ... the prices to get a sense of the value of the dollar in the marketplace the real value i think will move not direct because of any i might make or you might make the sheer pressure. there's a lot of bouts of going out of the world. >> if it is a go for gold laptop selected books about both? steve forbes dream the ultimate dream. marketing plan shifted out down over four. nancy tengler to tell us. that extra.
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david: it was not a good day for your 401(k). the doubt planted with and starting me now is nancy tengler ceo i owe the author of the women's guide to successful
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investing. , great to see you. thank here. what if? is that the economy or fear of inflation? what you think mark. >> thank you for having me, david. it gets a couple of things. it's also remember this a month, give including today the p is up almost 5% in a year to date we are up in the double digits the short-term volatility is always a centered outside of earnings season it is centered around the fed speak economic numbers are the two good customer of the not good enough? i thought the beige book was encouraging that showed dietz ulrich to some extent and growth a moderation let's say. and employment slowing but we we are no wages have ruled over real wages are below pre-pandemic and growth to set up pre-pandemic levels the consumer is hurting that is starting to show up and people are saying things like the discerning consumer. we will start to see some weight on retail spending coming down.
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david: the question is how slow could think of it? you mentioned the beige book businesses a month ago are cautiously optimistic now they are quote somewhat more pessimistic there is some dark clouds on the horizon. unemployment is going up we had figures from 21 states showing increase in unemployment leading the way% that is the worst unemployment rate in the country. it is it conceivable that this could wait on the fed and stop them from sufficiently getting too interested and things go well with the economy? they may lower rates because of a slowdown in the economy. >> that is our premise we talk about the labor softness for quite some time. i smile because this is offensive and you make the minimum wage for a fast worker
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$20 an hour. the companies find ways around it. they get automated and digitization and generative ai. but importantly, what's also going on in housing affordability is decelerating at wrote rapid pace. it takes the average wage earner 71 and a half hours per month to cover their mortgage. the peak was 71.6 in october. both of those the highest ever seen since 1991 when this began to consumer, especially low i do think however for stocks, higher interest rate per the a boon for large technology companies interest income has exploded. you have to beat discerning or invested. it not want his smooth landing. going to be a little bumpy. david: talked regulation to steep little as to cost businesses as well.
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nancy kopp was to leave it up if they get so much for being
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when i was 18 years old and i joined the military and i was the hypervigilance, the sense of urgency, that was something that was indoctrined to all of us through our training. you try and transition that back to being a father or a husband, and it becomes overwhelming and it becomes a burden. i turned to alcohol and mixing those with the pills i was taking, and i thought, "tonight's the night to just end it." the last thing i remember that night is passing out and my wife's lap. i told her i loved her and then i fell asleep. by the grace of god, i woke up renewed. i think me and my wife had a really good talk that night, and i think the biggest thing we recognized was that it's okay to have flaws and it's okay to not be okay. the time i needed the most in my life, the time i needed somebody, that's who was there was wounded warrior project. this is an organization that saved my life and by saving my life, it saved my family, and that i need to live my life every day honoring those people that didn't get to come home. ♪
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(sfx: crowd noise. ref whistle) ♪ (music) ♪ sarah, you got this. ok. ♪ you can be amazing ♪ ♪ you can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug ♪ ♪ you can be the outcast ♪ ♪ or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love ♪ ♪ but i wonder what would happen if you ♪ ♪ say, what you wanna say ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ honestly, ♪ ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ with what you want to say ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ honestly, ♪ ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ just wanna see you ♪ ♪ just wanna see you ♪ but they lost ♪ just wanna see you ♪ not really. ♪ just wanna see you ♪ not where it counts. ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ i just wanna see you ♪
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♪ just wanna see you ♪ ♪ be brave ♪ ♪ ♪ that is it for kudlow. thanks for watching


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