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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 30, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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♪ ♪ that is it for kudlow. thanks for watching
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him him. maria: good thursday morning, thank you for joining as i am maria bartiromo thursday may 30, your top stories right now. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. stocks are selling out as president trump await the verdict, take a look at futures of the bags of up yesterday after stocks sold off, the dow industrial down 326-point on top of the 400-point selloff yesterday. the nasdaq below 17000 head of economic data out this morning and hitting record high earlier this week, at 8:30 a.m. eastern the second read of gdp expected to be untrue down 1.3% and the federal reserve meeting on inflation the april pc index out tomorrow morning, we have all hands on deck looking at all of the economic numbers. the yield looked like this, the ten year yield is down pulling
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back, the two-year and the tenure lowered as bond prices move higher, european markets are mixed, firmness in the eurozone, and asia overnight right across the board, the asian embassies pretty much the biggest performer there was korea, the cosby index down one and two thirds percent, the jury and the president trump's trial confusing jury instructions from judgment sean asking the judge to explain all of the instructions again, deliberation resuming with president trump back in court as he's asked to expedite a decision on his gag order what we could expect coming up right here. joining the conversation already long mark tepper is here, gop strategist joe pinion is here and "fox & friends" cohost todd piro is here, "mornings with maria" is live right now ♪ ♪.
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maria: time for the hot topic about were. jurors and former president trump touch many trial will return to court at 9:30 a.m. to deliberate for a second day after leaving the courthouse with no verdict yesterday afternoon. while deliberate in the jury submitted two notes to judgment sean, they asked for david becker and michael cohen's testimonies with the meeting with president trump in 2015 where they discussed the conspiracy to get him elected by killing negative stories about him, they asked to have the jury instructions read back to them. former president trump is required to stay inside of the courthouse while the jury deliberates. he spoke to the court entered
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reporters in the hallway of day one of deliberations. >> i would say listening to the charges from the judges as you know very conflicted and corrupt because of the confliction, very, very corrupt. mother teresa cannot beat these charges, these charges are rigged the whole thing is rigged. the confusion, nobody does with the crime is because there is no crime, nobody knows the crime, the da did not name the crime, they do not know what the crime is that is what the problem is it's a disgrace is to be ended immediately. the judge to amend and save his reputation. maria: the former president is urging the new york court of appeals to expedite its review of the gag order. the order bars him from talking about anyone involved in the case including witnesses, joe pinion, your reaction. >> this whole thing seems crazy,
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you have a president is not able to talk about the case you have to remember the entirety of the people working for the actual campaign are pretty much rebuilding from talking about the case. you have anyone from michael cohen to the media trying the case in the court of public opinion and you're going to have to say going to prohibit everyone or you're not that's not what happened but now you're the jurors themselves in flight confused as we are because apparently you have no longer convict somebody after put them on trial and let the whole thing got its course. maria: disturbing when you hear the judge with all the new instructions, you don't have to agree on the second crime. >> how is that you numinous. that is certainly an issue into joe's point about the jurors being confused, supposedly 50 plus pages of jury instructions, why couldn't they take those
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back in writing why do they have to listen to judgment sean review them again. it's really difficult for people to remember everything. maria: i was thinking that as well why is this a secret. it is crazy into president trump's point that they're not having to agree on the second crime this is choose your own adventure criminal proceeding. it makes it difficult for all the jurors to believe unanimously that he is guilty when you can choose your second crime. maria: todd, you can talk about this all morning what if you learn. >> in response to the jury instruction, that is new york law they do not get a copy, that is a stupid law and it needs to be changed. with regard to the 50 page document, trey gowdy who has done this a bit in the courtroom i think you said it best when i was a prosecutor i did not understand the jury instructions
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that i was writing, that shows the complicated nature. for those individuals in the courtroom, 12 people who have probably never done anything like this before including the two lawyers. this shows how difficult for the information and what should be a relatively simple case and should be no case at all. when i had to write jury instructions, my least favorite thing to do, it's a silly exercise and about preserving issues for appeal but a lot of wasted paper into trey gowdy's point completely lost on the jury. maria: i wonder what do you think about the questions that the jury came back with, our team hit the streets of new york city asking people if they think the verdict in president trump's house money trial is going to impact the selection in november, watch this.
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>> there is a lot of people that enjoy the trump show who have enjoyed the ride this far it's been an extension of the apprentice but at the point where he gets convicted that may be the end of the ride for a lot of them. >> it doesn't seem to change anything else, why would it change that, absolutely. >> i think the office should hold a lot more honor and respecting integrity. i honestly don't think, at least in my opinion a president convicted of a crime to be president. >> to i think it will impact, no, could impact, yes. >> i don't think you will have much of an impact because the socket sway the voters to see the way the people in the middle will see them as here we go again and is it constitutional and prosecuted for crime. >> what do you think about that, john ratcliffe told me he doesn't think a conviction will matter people made up their mind
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but i don't know. >> the polls are leading the way john ratcliffe thanks if no other reason look at your wallet that's the end of the day how much money do they have. i don't think trump getting convicted is going to matter. >> 70000 people across three states for president trump to be elected in 2016. i think it will matter to some people ultimately alvin bragg is no ada's atticus finch this is not going to be what most people are talking about. maria: a lot more to add to this. let's finish her break, were staying on the historic moment in time all morning long, trump 2024 press secretary caroline leva is here in the studio. we'll get her take as jury deliberations start this morning. markets are selling off another dismal day on wall street with the dow industrial down 336 points right now, is selling off we will tell you why will we come back, david
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tawil is here with thoughts on that. don't miss it, you are watching "mornings with maria", live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable.
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maria: your morning mover is salesforce take a look at the stock selling off sharply down 16%, the company reported the numbers revenue up 13% but missed expectation working the first revenue decline since 2006, due to week spending on
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cloud products, artificial intelligence cutting into the company's growth on new product offerings and irrelevant in the industry salesforce is on track to cut 300 points of the dow industrial at the open we are down 342 on features is largely salesforce taken the market down the stocks closed lower, big selloff falling better than 400 points at the close better than 1%, the s&p gone 393 quarters of 8% and the nasdaq down 102 thirds of 8% yesterday to look at ten year treasury the federal reserve finds that economy is growing at a modest pace, the yield on the ten year john wanted a third basis points in sitting at a level of 4.6% even we will get the second read of gdp this morning at 8:30 a.m. eastern the economist expected the car to be to a 1.3% the last quarter and april pce index tomorrow morning in the inflation number could be a market mover, join me capital president david tawil, great to see you thank you for being here, what are things going on a markets we are seeing a pivot
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and selling getting heavier, what are you expecting. >> i think the market is in a temperamental state. i think it's very sensitive to particular news i don't have a position in salesforce is not salesforce missed by a lot in the guidance pulled it down the most but the guidance wasn't way off either. 16 presents a punishing amount to be done and expectations were really high and i think that's where we are for the market in terms of specific news on any given day whether the company pacific or on the macro basis as they anticipate inflation and unemployment numbers over the next days and weeks. maria: were getting earnings this morning and later today dollar general, kohl's, best buy coming out this morning with quarterly earnings followed by costco nordstrom "after the bell", your thoughts on the earnings season and a look at the consumer. >> really interesting about
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retail, it's a very mixed bag, for instance walmart did incredibly well, the thought it is bringing upscale consumers down to shop because of the value. on the other hand target was punished for their earnings, tjx did very well and as we wait for calls going through restructuring into turnaround for some years we will have to wait and see if the management is effective, nordstrom rumors that they want to take a public and it seems that costco will perform well and on the other side of things you would think it a tough economy and dollar stores and their value but on the one hand we have 99 cents only stores which are bankrupt and liquidate over the past couple months and guidance out of dollar general.
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anna kirby and finch reported yesterday and did incredibly well. i think it's important to watch the consumer small ticket items this is the bottom line they seem to be things that the consumer can still afford and where we should be focused is on big-ticket items like automobiles and credit card balances and that's where the health of the consumer shows up even if some retailers do more in this quarter things may be getting more challenging and as we get into the important holiday season and the fourth quarter. maria: growth is expected to slow down from 1.6% which we reported a couple of weeks ago on gbp to 1.3% that is down from 4.9% in the third quarter i'm glad you mentioned nordstrom in terms of what you're hearing
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they've totally taken over new york. nordstrom is all over, they've done a huge expansion in new york city and just noticed recently but the consumer is obviously part of the macro story, mark tepper what's important to you. >> when you talk about the consumer were seeing the consumer tighten the belt buckle, focus on essentials rather than discretionary park enter purchases. to david's point home depot would be a prime example of a retailer that said the consumer is shying away from big-ticket purchases. i want to ask you a question about the underlying health of the consumer, there was a report about a week or two ago that showed the number of gen z and millennial's opting to buy airfare via buy now pay later 10x from 2022, 22023 previous themes that consumers are getting close to maxing out credit cards and looking for other ways to continue spending,
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are you concerned at all about that. >> absolutely. the buy now pay later industry overall is certainly not subject yet to the same requirements as credit cards in norah the same data available with analyst like us to go ahead and look at the health of the consumer were only getting half of the story with credit card data if the buy now pay later option is a different road on the highway and beyond that with respect to airlines and when the stock tank yesterday and it's a large ticket purchase and it seems like the shift away from business and more to leisure is going to be a bad thing for american and will see how the other airlines take upon the weakness. maria: business travel is so
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important. center talking about airlines what about oil prices take a look at whale as saudi arabia is going to launch a secondary option starting on sunday the deal could raise more than $10 million, the price of crude at 7882 still elevated, you been among those out there talking about $100 a barrel oil where are you on oil and what does that mean for markets. >> one hundred dollars oil not right now, when we spoke in the past, sure i think will stay at this level in the stock sale, let's forget property saudi aramco is 82% owned by the saudi government a 2 trillion-dollar valuation on the equity of this company. 100 billion-dollar, i'm sorry a 10 billion-dollar is a drop in the bucket overall with respect to the value and we both know
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for sally this is a major pivot in terms of transformation of the economy to a.i. in tourism and more to sports. they're looking at the ipo market or stock listing seeing that is healthy and a lot of recent ipos remain above the issuance price, therefore it's a good time to sell stock. maria: tapping into the strength, no problem, good to see you. thank you so much. david traveled joining us on markets. we'll be right back. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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maria: welcome back no verdict or decision after day one of jury deliberation and trump new york trial. jury members are asking to hear the testimony of david packard michael cohen and hear the instructions on how to consider the evidence again former president trump asking the new york court of appeals to expedite his gag order telling americans he would love to be campaigning more right now. watch. >> five weeks campaigning all the way to get big lead in the polls, something is going on because i think the people of the country see this is a big deal it's a weapon i steel for
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the democrats to hit their political opponent. maria: joining a strong 2024 press secretary karoline leavitt, thank you for being here you been in the courtroom every day. >> it is going and were excited to get back on the campaign trail we had a long day of jury deliberations yesterday which will continue into today and yesterday afternoon the jury asked for a. reporter: of the instructions of judge mershon to reviewing evidence and were presented by the prosecution and defense in the case each tells us the jury is confused like the rest of america of the crimes in president trump is being charged with from george soros prosecution. there's never been evidence of the falsification of business records even though we've been sitting in the courtroom for six weeks and certainly not evidence of the other felony that alvin bragg is trying to link the misdemeanor to break this case forward. it's very confusing, that's how
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we feel the jury stands today but we will see what happens today. maria: i was confused when the judge said they did have to agree on the second felony. >> at the nancy drew approach to try to put a former president behind bars and i think the question all of us want to have, how does the president stay on message he is forced to be in the courthouse all day and all along and it feels not to be ascetic but that was the design and these were concocted to make sure the president trump would be shackled to a courtroom and republicans will be shackled to criminal cases across the country up and down the ballot. maria: this was the plan the entire time it was concocted by joe biden and that was proven this week with joe biden's campaign and held a press conference outside of the courthouse in this case is being led by the democrat prosecutor
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alvin bragg and no other prosecutor in the country whatever take this case up because there is no crime and we see a result play out it's also been overseen by democrat highly conflicted partisan judge who slapped a gag order on president trump while overseeing the political persecution, they want him in week and him not just our campaign but physically mentally in the courtroom and unfortunately for them it's not working i was with the president all day yesterday and we will be in there today he's in great spirits and defiant and we very much look forward to getting back on the campaign trail where he's continuing to dominate in the polls. maria: the campaign issue that came down to the courthouse even democrats are criticizing the bazaar press conference, trump mocked robert de niro after his bizarre speech outside of the trial on tuesday he was with the biden campaign, he fought with protesters as well. watch this. >> donald trump wants to destroy not only the city but the
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country and eventually he could destroy the world but the city is pretty accommodating, we make room for clowns but not trump who will run the country that does not work. >> were trained to be gentlemen, the democrats, you are dens denseness. >> watch your back. >> they have a protester robert de niro yesterday a broken down fool standing out there he got maga yesterday. maria: that was so odd that trump wants to destroy the world, he doesn't belong in my city, trump built so much of the city. what is robert de niro talking about. >> it was bizarre to witness and it's a sign of a desperate and
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failing campaign they ushered the campaign outside of the criminal courthouse and they tease the special guest and they bring a hollywood elitist network so out of touch with american people i was waiting for inflation or border or war those of the issues that american care about and did not mention any of that and this shows that the biden campaign has no idea they don't have a message and the only people that support them out of touch liberals like robert de niro and nobody in this country listens to. maria: is certainly did feel desperate. to that point if they don't have this trial or any of the trial what do they have, they have nothing because nothing is going great in this country right now unless it's for the elites. i totally agree this is the biggest hail mary of all hail marys that was bad.
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>> this is obviously a fiasco, it is completely nuts and if you look at robert de niro what happen he used to be cool was it meet the parents were he took it turn for the worst. >> i'm shocked we went from a guy, literally robert anthony de niro was a working class guy who made good in hollywood and famous for saying the workingman is not a sucker now he's walking up and down the streets calling half of america a bunch of suckers in getting the president to tap back into the blue-collar coalition that made him president in 2016 how do we get all of those people in the same direction and some people that didn't vote for him the first time at sakata be stupid it is the border in the return to normal president has left us with the world and complete and utter disarray. maria: you would think biden is
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talking about the issues that matter to the american people, the biden here is campaign launched an eight figure initiative to win back lot under black voters that are moving away from the democrat party and moving to trump and philadelphia yesterday. president biden claimed they were better off under his economy then under former president trump, watch this. >> truck continues to lie that's a black unemployment was a record low, the fact is record low unemployment happened on my watch. >> starting up at a faster rate in 30 years because of what we done in it's the lowest it's been in 20 years because of our records. maria: he can yell all that he wants but at this time most people are worried about their own personal standing having to pay so much money for so many things out there in inflation where it is, political reporter and full-blown freak out mode over the polling numbers. >> they should be and full-blown recap mode because it joe biden went to his home state of pennsylvania and could not fill
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out half of the elementary school gymnasium. he has no support. his messages donald trump, donald trump, it's not the issues that matter to the american voter, he did not talk about how he's going to bring down inflation and the cost of living for black voters in all of americans. president trump went to the bronx a deep blue city, deep blue rural and the city indiana crowd of more than 25000 people he's building the most diverse and broad political movement this country has ever seen it is offering solution to the issues that matter. maria: they have to be nervous about trump in all of these democrat bright blue areas. you have any expectation on when we will get a verdict. >> no idea only god knows. caroline love it. we'll be right back, stay with us.
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maria: welcome back chinese president xi jinping telling arab nations that china wants to strengthen relations and work with them to resolve regional issues at the arab state in beijing. presently she called for a peace conference to discuss israel hamas war, he announced humanitarian aid for gaza, president xi met with egyptian president to sign agreement to deepen their cooperation. president xi told them he was deeply pained by the sympathy or situation gaza, joining escape from institute senior fellow and offer at the collapse of china going to work, gordon chang back with us thank you for being here what you make of the outreach to middle eastern nations. >> xi jinping is trying to portray himself as a peace broker and the only reason he can do that because biden open the door with the disastrous policies. biden wanted to make u.s.
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foreign policy focused on the murder of jamal khashoggi in 2018 as saudi citizen killed on saudi soil inestimable. this is crazy, we moved away from our friends and moved closer to iran and that allowed china to come then and now china is making the argument that we are the only ones who can bring peace to the middle east because we disrupted in the first place. this is how bad biden policy has been in that part of the world. maria: you never hear joe biden attack coming to china, you never hear joe biden talk about china as a national enemy or as an adversary he only calls china a competitor. the wall street journal is reporting that blacklisted chinese companies trying to buffer themselves to washington anti-china policies are rebranding in creating business to sell their wares as the biden administration claims to expand
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the government entity list that restricts the business dealings in the u.s., lawyers say chinese rooms with subsidiaries with new names as american our legal creating a headache for regulators house select committee john molnar said in a statement even if chinese companies change their name on paper, they remained to hold it to her most adversary, what is been going on in terms of the entity and recently the biden administration banning companies from doing business in america chinese companies, what they did is beyond new business but they didn't rip out the existing business. we have while wake, and lots of chinese companies embedding that american businesses right now they did not rip any of that out, this is wild surveillance underway in america. >> this shows that he's right we should treat all of these as one someday owned and some privately owned but the communist party demands that all of them obey in
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xi jinping is a doctrine of military civil fusion which means the military gets everything that they want so clearly we need to look at china and a very different life because we think they're organized like the u.s. is. >> when you look at the state of affairs connected., president the strategic petroleum reserve, 40% gone because they wanted to get to the midterm. >> china is fighting proxy wars. >> the strategic petroleum reserve is not there to lower gas prices and help us get through times of uncertainty which we are living through. now he announces he is releasing another million barrels and you have iranian ghost ships vary in oil all around the world for the russian government which is fueling china's need for the oil from outside of their borders because they cannot power them. i guess the question really comes down to it before going to have a president focused on a green initiative why does he
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keep passing policies that embolden and empower our enemies and at the same time making the world a dirtier and dirtier place. >> this is crazy it makes no sense. you talk about the iranian ships, those are sanctioned by the u.s. in the going openly to european ports and were not doing anything about it, this is crazy and you have all of the green products from china supposedly so there made with forster slave labor and under the terra fact of 1930 they're not allowed to be imported into the u.s. maria: those companies that were banned or sanctioned, they still trade on u.s. and sanctions. >> this is banned by the commerce department, you can invest. maria: american investors are finding their expansion. >> clearly we've been doing that and we should have because is not only strategically wrong it's morally wrong.
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maria: let me get your take on this imf is raising the growth forecast for china saying it expects its economy to expand a 5% annual rate this year the imf is boarding the consumer friendly reforms to support growth as xi jinping is calling for the creation of more jobs for young people and migrant workers. china's youth jobless weight came in at 14.7% in april, that is exposing an economy that is not what the headline show. >> 5% growth based on what we cannot trust the data coming out of china and the economy over the last decade and beyond building the ghost cities throughout the country. what do you make of china's economic growth or lack thereof over the course of the next couple of years. >> certainly not now the 5.3% claim for q1 it is probably one maybe even 0 we just saw interesting statistic that last year china's carbon emission
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probably peaked which their manufacturing must be not doing very well which means economy is basically 0. >> what steps would donald trump take under a donald trump administration to weaponize not against the chinese to serve american dominance. in february he told the person right over there that he was going to have tariffs on china across-the-board at 60% or higher. in the interview it was very clear what he said about what his plan was going to be to do with china and you have to remember when you look at the tariffs, those are imposed under section 301 for the theft of intellectual property and china's theft has ramped up over time so trump is certainly right to do that. >> that will only increase our bargaining position. >> it did the last time in march of 2018 when he first imposed those tariffs and increase our position with china and hurt the chinese economy a lot. china paid 81% of the tariffs
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that american consumers as a lot of people say they contributed to inflation, no it didn't. maria: equally as important trump was a wildcard in xi jinping did not know what to expect that was a most important in terms of trump, what can he do he's a bit of a wild man he host xi jinping to mar-a-lago for dinner they're having dinner this is this second leader that trump invited in if it was australia actually and xi jinping in the having chocolate cake for dessert and chocolate cake trump's drops the news to 13 strikes to syria. again we don't know what to expect from the sky and that kept china contain. >> it kept everyone abandoned the level of uncertainty in the chinese party that is banning our actual chips meanwhile america refuses to be on the same chinese ships that we know are compromised and undermined
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our national security. maria: it's good to get your insights, thank you. a quick break, president biden snapping at the press yesterday while avoiding a pertinent question, wait until you see how he responded, one western state to see gas prices rose again to the federal agency crackdown on a mission, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized
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maria: welcome back president biden snapping at a reporter for asking about a second term, cheryl casone with the details. maria: the president snapped at another reporter yesterday during the campaign visit to a philadelphia college the reporter asked biden whether he would serve the full years of his second term, watch his reaction. >> president biden will use serve your full year term or handed over power to vice president harris? >> all four years or handed
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over? [inaudible] >> i can't hear you can you approach? >> thank you. >> is not the first time he told other reporters that they picked the wrong business, he criticized others writing and math abilities, and other instances could tesla founder elon musk later found it in the white house, the relationship has become more friendly, the wall street journal reporting that trump has discussed advisory role for the test of leader to give musk formal input and influence over policies related to border security and economy both issues in which musk has grown more focal they have held talks on science and technology in immigration and u.s. space force, that havoc has been named the president, the 52-year-old started at goldman in 1993 and stepped on earlier this year from her role of the
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local finance, she led the cleveland fed for about a decade before stepping down. the appointment falls on a pretty pivotal moment for the fed, chairman powell establishing the central bank is going to keep the key rate at five-point to percent effort to fight inflation. take a look at this, gas prices are set to soar for most colorado drivers, the epa is forcing eight counties in the state to sell gas that burns more cleanly but the gas is going to be a lot more expensive for drivers, the move against the state seems retaliatory after colorado failed to cut admissions for several years, the epa responded of the fuel and areas where the air quality is bad so gas station and the affected counties had to sell the gospel and from june 1 through september in the price of a gallon could jump above $4 in the denver area and also cbs affiliate in denver was
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interviewing people and one guy frankly said this sucks and another woman said it was $20 to fill up my chevy trailblazer two years ago and it's going to be 50 bucks, a lot of people that's a good chunk of change to fill up your tank. maria: that's cutting into people's wages and ability to spend on the things that they want to spend it on. >> that is squeezing the consumer and president biden took office wages are up 15% or so while prices are up 20%, the consumer has been getting squeezed, quality of life has been eroded but this is really an effort to start to pivot more consumers for buying ev's and they don't want that right now they too expensive, the big automakers have spoken they don't want to produce them anymore, for those this one $100,000 everyone they
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manufacture and maybe this administration should focus on ev charging stations they built seven over the last three years they need 50000 a year to meet their goal, and in weaponize in the epa which is what i felt like they're doing on this one. >> my grandmother was rolled the toothpaste tube up you don't throw away the couple toothpaste until you have a new one otherwise you end up with halitosis. here we are we don't have the charging stations for the cars and it was the putin gas hike and now it's going to be the bad polluters, gas i colorado is always somebody else's fault when things go wrong that joe biden's watch it's his full responsibility when things go well. >> this is all part of a broader attempt by the government to change people's behaviors in the typical joe biden fashion i'm going to lead into the camera, joe it is not going to work. if i had 30 minutes outside of denver in a mortgage of 2.9m%
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you can raise this and it's going to hurt me that i'm not going to drive to my job and that's what they don't understand i'm not going to give up the things that are part of my life because you keep raising it's going to hurt me in on the polls when i hold you responsible. maria: all of the new rules in the push to get you to buy in the ev is quite expensive. that's what led to inflation because you're going to pay for joe biden came up with five and a half trillion dollars of new taxes, something has got to give somebody's going to pay and it's going to be you. >> millions of dollars to the ev makers. >> they said they can't make these anymore because of the american people cannot afford them you cannot sell products that people cannot afford that's a bad business. maria: on the story of elon musk i can see it advisor but secretary, what was his last pay. >> i don't think is giving that
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uppity day soon. >> become a bureaucrat. it's posted as collateral for the twitter/x, he has to make sure he's focusing on getting tesla. maria: thank you. president biden makes a pitch to black voters in philly as he hemorrhages more support from the key voting block were talking about in the hot topic of the hour. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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