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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 30, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back.
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good thursday morning. thanks for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is thursday, may 30, 8:00 a.m. on east coast i hope you are having a good thursday morning time for hot topic of the hour you are jurors in former president's new york trial return to court 9:30 a.m. to continue deliberating a second day fox business lydia hu is live right now from new york state supreme court, with more on the story, lydia. >> good morning there maria, this trial has been ongoing for about a month and a half do i mention this will now be day two of those jury deliberations but some ways feels like going back to the very beginning, the very start and that is because the jury has requested to hear are
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excerpts of temperature by pecker very first witness called in this trial specifically jurors want to hear testimony reorganize the phone conversations with donald trump, testimony about the decision to not have donald trump finalize pay pecker back to rights to playboy model mcdougal story, want testimony from pecker michael cohen about meetings at trump tower impossible to know why seeking this testimony possible trying to get a better understanding of so-called alleged catch and kill scheme in which the prosecutors allege pepper agreed to be the eyes and ears for trump campaign buying stories could be potentially damaging to donald trump efforts to be elected president in 2016, others say that there is another
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possibility by jurors focusing on these portions of the testimony maybe because skeptical of michael cohen's finance minister given his track record for, and maybe thinkingjecting his testimony altogether. >> they have to have requested trump meeting when government cited as cooperation for cohen, so it may have been they started logically say first of all, can we consider anything that michael cohen has said. >> we entered court yesterday with attorneys judge discussion what portions of the transcript to read back we do expect that to be the first order of business, they addressed today as well as reading back portions of the jury instructions that judge merchan delivered just yesterday morning, remember jury is not permitted to bring instructions with them into the deliberations room so taking notes, trying to understand, the law as judge merchan is explaining to it them all kicks off this
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morning 9:30. maria back to you. maria: another thing i don't understand why jurors can't have everything in writing i guess that is the law in new york. they can't have -- >> that is -- that is -- that is exactly right that is the law here in the state of new york not across the country there are about jurisdictions allow jurors to take copies of jury instructions with them and deliberation room in this case where charges being criticized, on from both sides fair to state aisle being unclear implicated difficult to understand you can imagine why jurors have questions it took judge merchan about an hour just to deliver them to read them to him so you can imagine how he lengthy complicated they are. >> joe, your reaction. >> i am old enough to remember when the political activist left up in arms state of
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louisiana oregon still sending people to prison for jury verdicts not unanimous a large push to ensure would end this practice had roots in the famed jim crow laws of yesteryear i don't understand how here 2024 america in the state of new york, and we have a judge that has told the jury they can pick any underlying crime use by yrlg crimes to convict president trump of a felony none has to be agreed upon in that room. it makes no sense undermines rule of law i don't know if democrats seem to notice but world has done notice all you have to do look at dow to see it plummeting as faith in america continues to take a nosedive. >> i do think he remediated stock market plummeting, people saying we are entering banana republic territory if we see trump handcuffed going to jail one -- other thing
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disturbed me yesterday i want your take on this yesterday the white house came out said after the verdict president biden is going to give a speech give rotary clubs about verdict do it from white house says doesn't want to be political yeah, right. wants to do it from white house the other one i had the question i questioned are you sure this is right? they said they are planning attack on trump, should he get acquitted or hung jury, that is what the white house said we are planning -- the campaign rather the campaign said planning attacking trump attack, i think right there is so inappropriate, i mean imagine if jury heard that, that basically intimidation of the jury. >> one hundred percent. maria: how would you say we're tranquilize on attacking atacking. >> this demarcation the
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campaign going to rip them. >> attacks on trump if jury hears that might say i don't want to get attacked i am going to get attacked i better go make the verdictth 2 way they want it. >> why incumbent on all republicans and trump campaign to make it known continue line of argument, that this is all politically motivated, because it is. the fact the campaign is going to do that exactly like you said, is further evidence of it. but maria we have to take a step back is it working? we just reported the lastly hour that virginia numbers, virginia in are the current stayed of our country with most d.c. living in virginia, there is no way virginia should be anything other than blue the fact, shows this could be backfiring. trump changing the game going to all these bright blue places virginia, minnesota new jersey, south bronx rallying up people the biden
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administration, and campaign to be really, they are desperate to bring out lunatic robert de niro he certainly looks like a lunatic i got to get to boort roma boulevard we went to bartiromo boulevard streets new york city asking when people think of the verdict president trump's hush more than trial is it going to impact the question was the question. . >> there is a lowest question enjoy the trump show, who have enjoyed the ride thus far, just extension of the apprentice but where convicted might be end of the ride for a lot of them. >> no doesn't seem changing anything else why change that. >> absolutely i think that should show more honor respect integrity i don't think at least, in my opinion, good to have a president convicted of crime to be president. >> do i think it will impact?
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no, could it impact? yes. >> i don't think, they will have much impact because not going to sway voters away people in middle see it political witch hunt here we go again is it constitutional, a citizen based on, being prosecuted for a crime. maria: what do you think mark your reaction to people on the street. >> look i think reasonable person you understand this whole thing as i sham. right? i mean it is -- this entire case is based on the testimony, of a guy who is essentially a jailhouse kind of individual. >> he stole not of the just a liar admitted stole 60 grand from trump 30,000 dollars tax it up 60,000. >> he is testifying against, it as i complete hoax, just like, maria i said earlier but i actually was holding out a glimmer of hope judge merchan would actually just throw this case out and protect the
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integrity of the bench, he apparently that is not happening unfortunate. maria: apparently not i have also that instinct thoughts. >> i do not have that instinct i was in that courtroom, not going to happen. maria: a short break just getting started a jam-packed hour, biden's border crisis speedy trialing out of control one border patrol chief says is more than 50,000 special interest aliens have been apprehended since being october 3, special interest alien means terrorist watch liz missouri congressman is here with more on that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . .
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[thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ maria: welcome back, shocking numbers from border border patrol chief jason owen
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writing on xi., over 52,000 special aliens apprehended by border patrol since october 1, almost 90% happening in the san diego sector joining me missouri congressman member house oversight committee eric burlison thanks very much for being here you posted joe biden and secretary mayorkas let a wanted murderer into our country that wanted murderer stabbed his girl friend four-year-old daughter to death in united states now all special interest aliens being apprehended tell us what a special interest alien is congressman. >> these are individuals that that are have got criminal activity they've got criminal records from other -- other nations that coming from, they could also be someone on a terror watch list at the end of the day what is really
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starteling over 2 million known gotaways people we have no idea who they were we know came across the border didn't want to go through customs and border protection because they probably knew they had a critical record backup i would say 50,000 number is just tip of the iceberg. >> do you have any idea why this administration, has this wide-open border, why they have allowed america to be in a vulnerable bogs all encounters of potential terrorists all unknowns about who many people are we don't know what motivations are? >> i know, it puzzles myanmar, us i can't understand why they would want to undermine their base for long time, labor unions were disapprove of the democratic party, they were core pillar for democratic for that party, and all of this illegal i immigration completely energy blue collar
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workers our labor forces, in the united states i would think that the labor unions i think the polls indicate they are wake up seeing the party this president is he is not interested in benefiting them. >> part of the issue, according to some of your colleagues is that they think they want these people to ultimate become voters do you find illegals are going to be voting in american elections? >> yeah, there is even been some democrats said quiet part out loud they want to see, more they don't want to stop flow of illegal immigrants because they are able to count o those people in census don't want to lose congressional district step one, step two what you are seeing blatantly happen in washington d.c. allowing, illegal immigrants to vote, which is crazy. >> crazy illegal can you do
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anything to stop it? >> on federal level we can certainly restrict funding we can, use power of the purse. >> have you done that. >> -- to try to stop -- >> on the we just passed resolution in the house, decrying washington d.c. oversight committee have control over city of washington we have sent that we have been successful in the past. even under biden administration forcing them to reverse some policies particularly softening crime laws. maria: if you are expecting, the democrats to try to in some way get illegals to vote in the upcoming election would i expect would you be doing something about it; correct? >> yeah. there are a lot of efforts a lot of -- there is a lot of bills that are out there, that our members are trying to get passed put on the president's desk, unfortunate, i debit is going to sign them at the end of the day only thing going to
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save us is to elect president donald j. trump. >> he is in a courtroom all day has been six weeks jurors in former president so-called hush money trial new york trial return to court this morning deliberate for a second day, the judge yesterday told jurors they do not need to agree on specific secondary crime that trump committed what ever crime its is you don't have to agree despite needing to reachs unanimous veered on the counts, requesting new york court of appeals to expedite the gag order bars him from talking about anybody including witnesses vance demanding on a investigation, you were in court with trump last week what did you learn can you share. >> it was very boring day, so any talk about someone falling
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asleep i can fully understand most not very exciting, but throughout the entire day most, any time that the prosecutors would object to anything judge would side with prosecutors every time i think and that entire day only heard one time, that judge sided with defense. so it is it was clear to me a one-sided courtroom, i hope that it is clear to the jury. and the fact that he this judge, is saying that the jury you doesn't have to prove underlying crime. >> don't have to agree. >> it is ridiculous, it is ridiculous, the buyer case is built upon that, otherwise they wouldn't even be in that courtroom it would -- it would have -- ask you exhausted a statute of limitations. >> they're going to away with it i guess. >> i gus getting away with it for now.
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>> todd. >> j.d. vance demanding criminal investigation separations of power notwithstanding what can you do in congress in house of representatives to look into judge merchan the way this case has been run. i think the judiciary committee has the authority to do that i would hope that jim jordan, and fox on the judiciary committee able to pull them in there is a subcommittee for weaponization of government ep he hopefully that committee is addressing this as well. maria: thanks very much for being here any time. >> congressional burleson joining us stay with us. we'll be right back. . so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment...
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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. maria: welcome back, countdown mode second qaed first quarter gdp out five minutes expecting to show growth in the economy 1.3% last quarter have april pce index tomorrow morning joining us to get ahead trendmacro chief investment officer donald luskin thank you so much for being here this morning, what you are you expecting from these numbers? >> well, only a revision we know first quarter was pretty lackluster, the thing to watch this morning no one is talking about, is when they downwardly
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revise 2.1 growth probable downgraded 2.1 inflation too pleasant surprise for markets nobody talking about it know if i am right in a few minutes. maria: the inflation number tomorrow pce index as well we are seeing inflation down from the highs of the last couple years certainly, but validated sticky food oil that what you expect. >> fair enough we know what it is going to look like track cpi we've seen it fed pce 2.7% core 2.8% targeted 2% got 2 handle mission accomplished jay powell you are a genius only one problem even if inflation all the way back to 2% consumers are still living with the 20% plus biden inflation we've had for the last three years. so, great prices only rise 2% from now on? we've risen 22% you can't
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afford to wake up in the morning. maria: your op-ed in "the wall street journal" you right open borders produce the biden economic boom, writing it is likely the case that new foreign born through thes diluting productivity of u.s. economy arriving with few skilled language and education deficits we were questioning looking at your op-ed calling this economy a boom. >> well. all i can say is that we have had a series of blockbluster jobs reports month after months after month beat consensus every single time because nobody is looking at this strange paradoxical reality that, yes, we have a lawless kay attic ridiculous border policy millions of people coming over but surprising number legal or illegal working adding to jobs numbers, i calculate last 20
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months or so if it weren't for immigration every one first friday job reports would be lower by 85,000 jobs, so if they be careful what we wish for here. maria: but that is what i am talking about in terms of questioning the language of "boom" many jobs are going to part timeers people not even citizens doesn't say much about the u.s. economy does it? >> well there are in u.s. so whether full time part-time job or illegal job ethical questions. from sheer economic standpoint, if at your producing goods and services win boundaries of the united states you are contracting to economic production. >> to that point obviously, the macro level gdp growth nothing necessarily to write home about if looking at from your perspective, there have been a lot of money pumped in this economy the good times
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coming to end money being dolled out juxtapose with personal credit card debt over a trillion dollars interest rate over 20% highest ever since started tracking in 1994, after pays, people have maxed out credit card looking for a little bit more are you afraid that at some point this bubble bursts that bottom goes out, and there is nothing left to spend for people in already are under pressure to your point with that inflation? >> um -- i know grant that is bubble so i am not going to grant anything to burst. all of the six trillion dollars stimulus spending done under two continuations two presidents that is all spent, now that it has been completely exhausted gdp growth accelerated. why? when all that helicopter drop of money into american households was expended, guess what they had to get a job, so now people are not just consumers they are producers
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as well so, we've got an which he system going on in this country that is -- that is working for the for the first time time three or four years? problems? sure, there are credit card defaults kind of back to normal levels you have a holiday from that during pandemic. but we've seen that before didn't cause recession last time. >> 30 seconds away from the gdp look at 10-year treasury yield yields beijing back survey finds economy growing -- modest pace we will see, 10-year down 1.6 basis points, 4.9% joe? >> to that point obviously, yes credit card dwaults a little bit down obviously, we've seen auto default accelerating over half a million americans who basically hiding costs from repo man just in in a context, you don't see any problems as far as your perspective on the economy, with the unintended
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consequences starting to become a drag at what you see as accelerating economy? >> you have to look at the thing in -- you have to put all pieces disagreeing let's do that right now hold that for a the secretary will unlock the board and the members will proceed to vote read, second read of first quarter gdp crossing right now hold on cheryl casone with numbers. cheryl: second read comes in again 1.3%. but remember the first read was so below economists examinations very weak report so again 1.3% seeing same thing in this report that we saw before, consumer spending down, exports down one of the issues here, in particular. i do want to say, that claims came in a little bit higher than expected 219,000 continuing claims as well as crossing the tape came to 1.791 million, so just pretty much in line with expectations. the only thing keeping this gdp number higher right now is amount of government spending, that we're seeing, that once
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again reflected discussed in this report. maria: great point pretty much what we were expecting don you were in middle of point apologies 1.3% lower than initial that we got, reading 1.6%. >> they down graded inflation from 3.7% to 3.6%, consensus was weren't going to downgrade it, nailed it. >> so a really a good point of that report, you say you nailed it because you said to look at inflation a numbers, markets down 315 what do you think going on in stock market down 400 yesterday another 300 today? >> my god we've had such a wonderful year, if we can't have one or two days when the backup trucks so you can apply more would i be very disappointed. >> we leave it there great to see you don thank you, donald will yous kidnap joining us markets down across the board gdp out lower than initial reading up 1.3% stay with us.
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we'll be right back. .
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. . maria: welcome back, biden administration, are reportedly passed on offer from tiktok that would have given u.s. government unprecedented control of the china based app, fox business hillary vaughn live on capitol hill with more. >> biden administration turned up nose on a deal would have given the least part control over tiktok officials say national security concern made it very clear half measures were not enough app needed to be totally severed from chinese company bytedance for it not to be a threat to americans or security according to to the report deal on table would have given u.s. government veto power over each new hire at tiktok
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let defense contractors monitor tiktok's source code also would have given fed a kill switch to shut down the app if there were major concerns, senior biden administration official telling the post they quote determined more than a year ago, that the solution proposed by parties at the time would be insufficient to address serious national security risks of prevented became clear divestment from foreign ownership was and remains necessary time ticking forto to put themselves um for sale find a buyer if they want to be on smartphones in america but instead that have busy suing divestment order signed into law by president biden a court in d.c. will lear the case fastracked to get a ruling bys december 6 leaving time for sprurt to weigh in if needed tiktok was until january 19 to divest or open -- >> hillary vaughn capitol hill more on all of this tennessee
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senator marsha blackburn member of the senate judiciary finance veterans affairs committee reaction to white house passing on tiktok opportunity? >> maria, this was a chinese style solution to a very american issue which is preserving the privacy of our citizens, not having this data shared with chinese communist party, why choose to do what tiktok has already done? that is to give government access. we would never want government to have a kill switch over content. we would never want the federal government to be picking boards of directors for different companies, this -- it was not something that was going to work project texas was never going to come about, and what we need to do
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is see tiktok divest. maria: great point all around i want your take on trump trial less than an hour, the 12 new york city jurors in former president meant trial continue to deliberate his fate the jury asking to hear it meants of dave pecker and michael cohen yesterday they needed instructions how to consider evidence again er here is what president trump said afterwards. >> -- the judges, these judges are rigged you have a trial like this where judge is so conflicted he can't breathe he can't do his job -- a disgrace i mean that mother teresa could not beat these charges we will see we will see how we do it is -- >> senator one rule judge passed on to jury was that they don't have to agree on a secondary crime just pick a crime whatever the crime is
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you think he did as a secondary crime, that is fine, even though you need a unanimous ruling he says they don't have to agree on zieshg crime your reaction to all of this senator? >> maria, you just can't make it up. when you look at judge merchan, and how he has approached this, what you are seeing play out is they decided they're going to find somebody they are going to find president trump guilty of some something, president biden has said going to address the nation, after the verdict comes out. now, this ising the weaponization of our judicial system the american people saw this start during the clinton administration, they have watched the democrats become more bold more brazen, and now you have this. and it is why so many of my friends who are democrats and independents say you know
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what? we're going to back president trump they never voted for him before. but what they see is weaponization they know if you can do this, to a former president of the united states, that they can do it to you. what they're wanting to see is a riddance of this two tiers of justice. i stood with president trump since day one, i am standing with him again. of course he is standing with you senator. trump endorsed you for election bid sunday said on truth social marsha has been with me from very beginning helping advance our america first agenda congratulations to you on that endorsement, senator. >> thank you. thank you so much. your viewers can keep up with our campaign at marsha blackburncom, and it is an on the to stand with president trump the american people know they were better off under president donald trump, you
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were just going through some numbers that are coming out maria. they are tired of not being able to afford to go to the grocery store the gas station same day sick and tired ofwide border. customs and border protection reporting over 2000 special interest aliens apprehended for fiscal year another thing people want changed, illegal migration could be on terrorist watch liz nearly 90% announced at the san diego sector border patrol sources told fox that 184,000 nope gotaways have crossed since october 1, senator, you and your gop colleagues wrote to senate judiciary chairman dick durbin requested schedule a markup of the laken riley act, do you think that will take place. >> we are pushing for this
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also, not clear at, trying to get that would require deporting criminal illegal aliens, maria, everybody ought to agree if you are an illegal alien in this country committed a crime you need to be deported. if you were a visa holder did that on work permit here, committed a crime you would be deported, so, let's not give special protection to illegal aliens who have committed a crime. they should be deported. maria: um-hmm. what do you think this is about? i am asking everyone i don't understand the motivation to have wide-open border put our country in such a vulnerable position we know there are what, 50,000 chinese nationals have come into america since october. >> that is right. >> 50,000 from china that is like a miniarmy what is xi jinping doing? >> what xi jinping and others
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are doing, is sending people here who are not friendly to the united states. talk being to border patrol. go to border you've been there maria most of these individuals are single young male adults, and this is who is coming in the country. and it should cause great alarm the 50 something thousand from countries of interest, the 180,000 of the unknowns -- of the known gotaways, maria many of these individuals not all, but many are coming here with ill intent, the drugs, human trafficking the gangs the crime, i am in every koint couldn't in this year the law enforcement officers city council county commissions all talk about drugs, fentanyl,
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and all of this crime with gangs, dmunts have never had a gang, now have gangs. very concerned about this, and many of these are the vene venezuelan saying help secure the border so we can protect citizens. >> quite extraordinary the cartels how much are they taking home they are charging people upwards of 10,000 to 50,000 dollars a head to, pay off the cartels. >> yep. that is right. and if you pay your fee to get into country they are putting that bracelet on you ban you going to put you to work for the cartel, distributing drugs, and doing car jacksings smash and grabs with gangs i put you into a labor crew, what they're doing to the children the 85,000 children
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that, hhs still to this day secretary becerra still cannot give me an answer what have you done with these 85,000 children? some we know because of reporting are working in are factories we don't know if they are being -- being sex trafficked or where they are. >> coming up next, i am going to be talking with one might have favorite people in the world, she helped me find my baby, we are celebrating petco 25-year anniversary new technology can help you find your next best friend we've got puppies on set you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . ♪ who let the dogs out? who, who, who? who let the dogs out. >> w.h.o. who, who, who, who. >> ♪ ♪
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who let the dogs out ♪ ♪ mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah. (♪) (♪) you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i've struggled with weight my whole life. i'm sure you're like me and you've tried diet after diet. if you want to stop the insanity, try golo.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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massive birthday party at union square park in new york city sunday my influx governor helped me mind my sweet doing dusty you've seen followed on instagram that is dusty, on instagram, i am so grateful this dog was a gift from god. as well as a gift from suzanne, joining me president petco suzan, great to see you. >> good to be here night warms my heart to see you you brought dusty to my life i am forever grateful. >> he is the best you brought friends along tell us what is in store for xoet love 25-year anniversary. >> here in new york city first day block party adoption. we will have the largest dog bone birthday cake for dogs you can come with a piece of
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cake family friend activities a lot of things to do. many maria: june 2, sunday june 2, 11:00 to 4:00 having 350 adoptable pets in new york city waiting to go home with loving families. >> how do you find puppies mark has one this is same litter? >> all same litter mama . >> dusty survived hurricane harvey no one picked her up you were looking for someone to rescue her we got together then break it down how do you find the dogs where are these dogs from? >> well so, these were from san antonio, texas but across the country we have shelters, local shelters that will take
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animals, pets or pets people can no longer care for they take them in, get them ready for adoption, and promote them sometimes rescue groups will take them but a lot of transport sometimes southern states have few more medicinals we transport up north more loving homes. >> you see. [laughter] >> the humane sought estimates one in three pets going missing, petco, owners find missing pets through image recognition technological, tell me about that. >> trying to get the largest loss and found pet database put photos in one database image recollection technology helps reunite favorite the
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shelter pets come in database connected next-door neighbors make sure loss and found o pets make their way. >> have you seen the market increase what are you seeing for people who are looking for dogs? >> yeah i mean, i always encourage anyone looking to bring a new pet to considere president adoption, around the country. >> why not take a baby home, i wish i could take her dusty i don't think wants safety or brother has grandma to takecare of taking care of my mom i don't want to upset her such a good girl. >> great about pets not only when you adopt are you saving a pet life but they make us healthier, and emotionally healthier, scientific studies to prove just that. >> what do people need to know about a rescue dog.
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>> i think like any other dog give them a little bit of time patience, sometimes training, they are going to bring love and care household the rest of your life. so right. . >> going to be jealous, kissing other dogs. >> you know, soon give me -- >> we are taking a break we'll be right back. with more on puppies on puppies stay with us. . i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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maria: welcome back. puppies in the house, and suzanne, tell us about foster care because it's good to have someone foster the dog before you actually take it in. that's what happened with dusty. >> absolutely. not everyone is ready to have a pet permanently, but you can make a huge difference by fostering a pet. it could be a large dog, a senior dog, puppies, kittens, cats. really fostering saves lives. s just 2% of existing households fostered a pet, we would end euthanasia in our shelters. maria: this sunday, union square park for the 25-year anniversary. guys, thank you so much. great show. how do you like holding a little babiesome. >> she's great. maria: so sweet. 30 minutes before the opening bell, i'll see you tomorrow. "varney & company" picks it up. stuart: good morning, maria. good morning, everyone. the trump trial is historic. the world is wai


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