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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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is not easy, is it? got a hot shot showing everything is breaking loose. i can't relax and take it easy. lauren: the president can. stuart: a years. 10:00 eastern, straight to the money, dollars down 360 points, almost all of that by salesforce which is down sharply and as a doubt stock, 10 year treasury yield at 4.5% over 4.5%. the price of oil below $80 a barrel, 79 even, bitcoin, last time we checked, 67. notice 68-6.
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i want to bring everybody up to speed on the trump trial, the judge welcomed the jurors back, reread from yesterday, tells them they have located the testimony and are ready to reread it. the jury wants to hear the instructions first, the judge has become. our legal experts following the trial say the system of re-reading the instructions is, quote, nuts and serves no positive or productive purpose, nearly spins things out. another update later. the latest read on pending home sales justin. just in. lauren: 72.3 is the number, the national association of realtors has pending home sales fell 7.7% april to march. deal not closed. sales fell in all regions. stuart: got something to say, thank you very much and now this. it has been a very light week for the president.
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it's just thursday morning in the week is not over but for the president it is almost done. he got a late start after the memorial day holiday. wednesday he traveled to philadelphia, made a speech and spent last night in delaware. on the way to church this morning, visited the cemetery where his son bo is buried, today is the anniversary of his death. he will go back to the white house briefly tomorrow to meet the kansas city chiefs and maybe taylor swift and then back to his beach house for the weekend. i find this surprising. he's got donald trump bottled up in a new york courtroom but doesn't take advantage of his opponent's absence. why is he not out barnstorming the country? he's behind in the polls with only a few months until the election yet he spends so much time at the beach which i guess he needs as much rest as he can get. he sends the first lady out to criticize donald trump. watch this. >> the american people deserve a debate because you need to see your choices, you need to
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see trump and you need to see the president. my husband, you're going to see how smart he is and the experience he has and then you will see somebody who, like you are saying, to use joy's word, can't put a sentence together. i believe americans are going to choose good over evil. stuart: i can understand the first lady defending her husband, saying trump can't put a sentence together as a bridge too far because it brings up the contrast. trump is a bundle of energy, biden is not. he needs his rest. the media is beginning to catch on. biden was asked if he plans to move aside, the president did not like that and suggested a reporter asking the question had a head injury. this won't go away. the later the scheduled more rest he needs, the more the question will be asked can he be president for another 4 and a half years. he was going to answer that honestly? second hour of varney just getting started.
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♪ stuart: guy benson with us this one, do voters, do any voters seriously believe this man has the energy to be president for another four years? >> according to the polls 20% to 25% of americans do believe that. that's bad news for the president and his campaign because the vast majority of voters believe the opposite including most democrats and a lot of surveys so the first lady can go out and give interviews in ways the president often does not and tell us how great her husband is, voters don't see that from him. he is asking for another nearly half decade in the white house, most people don't think he's up to it. we won the white house just called the lid at 9:fifty am's a.m. this morning, for the day at the white house.
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then we have the first lady who wants this more than biden. what do you think? >> she wants it. that's part of a calculus here. i am sure there were some conversations in the president's team and the democratic party the last several months, probably more than a year, about whether it was time to pass the torch as the reporter suggested and the president lash out angrily about that. it's not an unfair question. he's in his 80s, he has a light schedule, most people don't think he has the acuity or salmon or capacity to be president for another four years and he campaigned almost exquisitely in the democratic primary last time as a placeholder president to move things along to the next generation, but to defeat trump is that one time. he's got trump again here is his likely opponent but he has gotten worse, he has deteriorated and the democrats appear at least for now to be stuck with him. stuart: let's get to the trump
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trial, jury deliberations are underway, second day now. if this gets dragged out this will keep trump off the campaign trail. trump has to be in the courthouse throughout the jury's deliberations. does this, keeping trump off the campaign trail, does that hurt donald trump? doesn't appear to. >> evidently not. i wonder if there are people in the trump campaign who wouldn't mind him off the campaign trail. in 2020, it was a basement campaign by president biden that was all about donald trump the incumbent. if this rates in 2024 is a referendum on this incumbent he will lose. if it is a question of are you better off now than you were in 2019, joe biden will lose. what the biden team is hoping is trump will be so in our faces, reminding voters why they turned against him that they can get back into this thing and we will see but trump being bottled up in court has only helped him up to this
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point. i am sure you wants to get out, bursting at the seams. the longer the jury deliberates, probably the better news it is for him, the possibility of a hunger jerry so it cuts both ways. stuart: sure does. thanks for being here, see you again soon. jill biden made some claims about conservatives on the supreme court while she was on the view. >> if there's another conservative justice on the supreme court, women will lose all of their rights. >> women's rights, we have to have a choice, joe wants to codify row and we have 2. we have to fight hard to so we get it back and think of the supreme court, talk about things getting worse. can you imagine if we get any more republicans on the supreme court. we will lose all of our rights.
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stuart: she's passionate about this. we should democrats are doubling down on scare tactics like that. the wall street journal is reporting that super pac is spending one hundred million dollars on efforts to flip the house of representatives, the spending will mainly be in swing districts, the strategy, abortion won two years ago when the democrats flipped the senate and want to do it again and house. stuart: wall street journal says donald trump is considering adding elon musk to his administration if he wins in november. do we know in what capacity? >> reportedly an advisory role from musk. stuart: have treasury secretary. lauren: a role where he can shape policy on two issues he's passionate about, the border and the economy. evs, and ddi were not mentioned but that does not mean those issues would be excluded from any potential role. let's point out elon musk is not endorsed donald trump but he's very anti-biden it is been
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hosting dinners of elite guests, people in positions of power to strategize against a potential second biden term. stuart: check those markets please, 39 minutes worth of business, down 350 on the dow, 45 down on the nasdaq. the overall market is deteriorating, salesforce has dropped, evidence of that. >> part of it. last thursday we said we thought the transport another wreck america carriers that are economically sensitive or getting in trouble and since then, pretty bad led by those areas and now it is software, don't want to lose too much more. i've been hearing talk about whether overdone or not. ideal and reality in the markets and reality is the market thinks salesforce coughed one up big way and it's taking done lot of other software names or something to watch closely, you don't want
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to lose many more sectors. stuart: rising interest rates, we've got the 10 year treasury well above 4.5% and two years getting close to 5%, those are key levels and investors don't like this rising interest rate. >> 1-2 punch of oil prices going up in the 10 year yield goes up. all the talk about what the fed is going to do if interest rates go higher hamstrings them even more to do anything and bottom line there's nothing worse than cost of energy going higher and you can see over the last few days as interest rates gone higher gets what the stock market has done, come right back down. stuart: are you buying anything at all today? >> not today but last thursday at asked about nvidia. i said we eventually by again after making in the 70s, so far so good. i worry about valuation as far as market is really in the trees but all i can tell you is
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the big institutions hopefully keep running at higher. stuart: 11:51 right now on nvidia. thanks for joining us, see you again soon. we are looking at the movers, stocks moving significantly today. lauren: a reuters report they are rolling out their advanced self driving in china so they will register it and sell it as a monthly subscription. stuart: palantir? >> $480 million. and human intelligence to identify areas of interest. lauren: they are up. and traffic declined more than expected to our retail sales
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fell but investors, the turnaround, ashley will be at cracker barrel and we will check in with him. stock is down. stuart: 30,000 chinese migrants entered california since october, that and 8600% increase the school year 2021. lee steinhow are deals with the national security risk at the border next.
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craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. stuart: the market showing a ton of reading, the dow is down 400 points and the nasdaq off 70 one, next case, north korea just send large balloons filled
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with trash and human waste over the border into south korea. julian turner with me now. this is a new one. what on earth, what is north korea saying? >> reporter: not as we hear ballistic missiles the northern regime is now launching our cross the border at its enemy neighbors south korea, they are launching these filth balloons, take a look at this, the nuclear nation is floating a fleet of air balloons over the 38th parallel this week, filled with filth, garbage, and human waste, some of them have traveled as far as 180 miles into south korea. estate about official tells us we call on the d prk, that's north korea, to refrain from provocative actions and return to diplomacy. the stink bombs trinket emergency warnings throughout border towns in south korea prompting joint chiefs of staff to issue a statement that north
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korea's actions violated international law and threatened the safety of citizens. the biden demonstration's main concern is the nuclear program. state officials tried again to rally support from other countries to counter it. listen. >> we urge all countries can condemn the ballistic missile programs and pressure them to engage in serious dialogue. >> reporter: north korea is taking responsibly for the barrage and even put out a statement in state run media claiming this is payback for something the south koreans do witches float aid balloons into north korea that are often filled with food, leaflets, medicine loaded with music for people to enjoy for northerners who know sense of artistic culture. we are tracking these. stuart: thank you. i will leave that task up to you.
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thanks very much. according to the usda, china owns 347,000 acres of farmland in 29 us states. the new bill aims to restrict china from purchasing more. lee steinhower joins us, there's been a push to limit china's influence in this country, the tiktok crackdown, the ministration after stiction's on chinese evs, farmland, we have to decide how far as a nation we are prepared to go to keep china out. you want to exclude them completely? >> i think we should understand it's not chinese companies or chinese entities, the private sector of china, they are the ones buying this farmland separate from the chinese government, the chinese communist party, the problem is all these private entities in china are controlled to a
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significant degree by the chinese communist party, they have chinese commonest party members in them, some of them have chinese communist party governance committees the direct policy and strategy and the chinese commonest party wants these private entities to buy our farmland, resources, et cetera, they are going to do it and the difficulty becomes you cannot separate the chinese communist party and the chinese government from these private entities and what they are doing. we need to be very serious and very tough about how we allow china to engage with our country. buying up our farmland or other strategic resources is something we should not allow and i go back to the cold war we fought with the soviet union because i think we are in a new cold war with china where we have allow the soviet union during the cold war to do the things china is doing to our country, the answer would have been decidedly no and to suggest otherwise would have been at the time treasonous and i think we need to look at it a little bit in that perspective and get a lot smarter and
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tougher as to what china is allowed to do in this country. with one a related story for you. and increasing chinese nationals coming across the border, 30,000 have entered california since october. is this a national security risk? >> i think our border or lack of border at this point is a major national security risk across the board, we have people coming here from everywhere, we don't even know where they are but there has been a huge uptick of chinese nationals coming over the border. why are they coming here? i would imagine some are coming to get away from china and the chinese communist party, for economic reasons, reasons of freedom and better standard of living but there are going to be individuals coming at the behest of the chinese communist party. it would be naïve to think the chinese congress party since going to take advantage of our open border to have individuals
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come here for maligned purposes of espionage so it's a huge national security problem and we would have to be naïve and foolish not to think china is not taking advantage. stuart: china is riding high, the international monthly fund says china's economy will grow a strong 5% this year. is that would mean they are the best performing economy in the world, right? >> we have to take chinese economic data with a grain of salt. in the past, china would say next we are going to grow 5% and they grow 5%. they certainly juiced the numbers, they are notorious for it but in the short term the imf noted they are trying to stimulate their economy and export their way out of their significant economic issues in their property sector and youth
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unemployment which they don't even publish statistics on youth unemployment because it is such a major issue. they are juicing the numbers, may get some short-term growth over the next couple years but as the imf noted, in the long term there are very significant head winds facing china so i don't know that i would say china is in a robust or healthy economic position currently even if they are able to juice the numbers in the short-term through stimulus measures. long-term prospects given their head winds are going to be much more difficult. stuart: a new cold war with them too. see you again soon. some chinese company are looking to skirt our recent crackdown and keep their businesses running in america. lauren: giving them new names and licensing deals. it is a total and legal rebrand
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that makes it difficult for regulators to track down chinese ownership. this is a shell game. one example, there's a chinese laser sensor company, they set up shop in michigan near the big three. the theory is that technology could be used to collect sensitive american data and send it back to beijing. stuart: coming up, the judge in trump's new york trial is re-reading instructions to the jury. eric shawn will bring the latest from the courthouse. north dakota's governor has been at trump's side supporting him, also floated as a top vice presidential candidate. governor bergram will tell us how trump is doing as he waits for a verdict, that's next. ♪
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stuart: one hour in and there's plenty of red. the dow industrials close to 400 points but a lot of that is
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taken up by salesforce. the s&p is down 18, nasdaq is down 66 points. more read on the left-hand side of the screen. lauren is looking at the louvers, hp is moving and we want to know why it is up 12%. lauren: sales of desktop and notebook pcs rose 3% in the quarter and the ceo expects 10% of hp's pc sales to come from a i. stuart: okay. identification technology. stuart: stock is down 5. 5% bizarre people not using it as much, not necessarily, they are upbeat on their profit forecast for the year but they did note smaller customers are showing some restraint when it comes to spending on digital verification technology. stuart: footlocker engaged in and attempted to turnaround. they are 26%. it's going well. neil: there ceo came from all trowbridge did really well and she is the magic core, 26%.
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the turnaround is working, the numbers are not positive, same-store sales are falling but not nearly as much is expected in previous quarters so they have the right product on the shelves, they don't have to discount it as much and investors are relieved and encouraged by what they are soon. stuart: a big jump. in of executive comes on board, 25%, quite a jump for her. now this. it today 2 of jury deliberations in trump's new york criminal trial. rick sean at the courthouse again. what happening now. >> reporter: good morning. right now, just a moment ago, the judge finished reading the jury instructions back to the jury, the portion of the jury instructions read to them yesterday, they wanted it read back. when the section that deals with inconsistencies and what to do if witnesses live, how to handle that. they may be considered michael
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cohen and how to handle his testimony as part of that under the law. this all comes as they are also asking for other testimony to try to find out what did donald trump exactly do? they will also hear testimony this morning they asked for about a meeting trump had with national inquirer publisher david packer and longtime trump pal and lawyer michael cohen. the da says they haven't started the alleged scheme to protect trump's presidential campaign and illegally influence the election, that meeting was held at trump tower august of 2,015 just two months after trump launched his bid for the white house. becker told the jury when he testified on april 22nd, quote, at that meeting donald trump and michael asked me what i could do and what my magazines could do to help the campaign. i said i would be your eyes and ears. if i hear anything negative about your self or if i heard
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anything about women selling stories i would notify michael cohen. cohen testified about that meeting 3 weeks later on may 13th and backed up that testimony. what he said was that he could keep an eye out for anything negative about donald trump and he would be able to help. he also said trump said directly the two of you should work together and anything negative that comes, let michael know, the jury will hear about the phone call about buying karen mcdougall app store after a year-long affair with trump, said that he should buy that too and trump said this stuff always gets out. by focusing on that part of the testimony the jury is trying to see what role donald trump had in this, did he engineer it as the prosecutors say. they seem to be trying to 0 in on anything trump did in terms
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of orchestrating this scheme. we may get more notes in the coming day or days about others who testified about the former president. this should continue for the next couple hours. stuart: thanks very much, good stuff. look who is here now. the governor of north dakota, drug bergram in new york city. yc new york city, i know why you are new york city, you've been with trump at the trial and you stood next to him frequently for several days. i want to know how years holding up, he is under enormous pressure. how's he doing? >> i want to say the business audience i've had an opportunity to work with ceos, i've been a ceo my whole life, never seen anyone with the strength of donald trump. all day in the trial last tuesday and then he gets done with that dad what does he do, he's got high spirits and
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during the breaks peace making phone calls to business leaders, he's prepping for getting ready to have dinner with the prime minister of australia and after that goes to a fundraiser with a couple hundred people and gives a speech for 45 minutes and goes back after that and it's after 10 p.m. pm and he's making more phone calls. i've never seen a ceo in this country work as hard as he does. maybe there are some that have but haven't done it when under assault from the legal system. stuart: take a look at the headline in the wall street journal. i will read it. you've seen this. i don't blame you for smiling. rich, loyal and good-looking, little known drug bergram is in the vice potential mix. my question, do you think something special comes to the ticket? because you are a business guy. >> a lot of friends love the wall street journal, they thought that was a solid source of news but when they went to the good-looking thing, even the wall street journal is fake news. stuart: you sprinted here to be
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here on time. >> only 10 blocks. stuart: pretty good. do you bring something special because your business guy? >> the key thing is what donald trump brings. part of the reason, the poll out today he is leading by double digits among independents in spite of this lawfair against him but this is an unusual thing, voters get to pick someone who had a successful career in business who also was very successful in a proven track record as president. we got that, not theoretical can a business guy go into the white house and be successful, donald trump showed it makes a difference when you match against biden/harris neither of whom created a job in the private sector and it is hands down and we've got the economic issues we are facing relative to inflation, high interest rates, the border issue, creating economic stress for a number of cities, all these
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economic issues including biden energy policy which is driving inflation, trump hits it and understands it, we need to get a business guy the white house. stuart: you are the governor of north dakota, that's an energy state. an awful lot of oil and trump's slogan his drill baby drill. but isn't american oil production today higher than it has ever been in the past, 13 million barrels a day? >> it is in spite of president biden. blue and could be more? >> estimates we could be another 3, 5, 7, we could get to 20 million it if we do that, selling energy to friends and allies as opposed to having them by it from us, north dakota being the large energy state we are, we are down since prince - iran is up. wise that? we got failed sanctions, we are fighting these proxy wars, when against russia and went against iran. how are they funding those wars, they are funding those
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wars with oil sales being allowed by the failed sanctions, russian production up, venezuelan production up. all these things, biden energy policy helps our adversaries and helps china. china is filling the strategic petroleum reserve, the import more oil and gas than any country in the world, number one adversary, china and president biden is draining the strategic petroleum reserve to get prices down out of the midterms and the general election. stuart: do you want to tell us how you see the trial going? >> it is i am shocked, if you can take a business filing case and magically make the statute of limitations disappear, turn a misdemeanor into 34 felonies and go after a citizen of new york who paid a ton of taxes and attack that person, show me
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the person, i will show you the crime, the jury instructions clear that up but jury instructions, don't try to figure out if there's a crime here. most are guilty or innocent. this is find a crime, the whole thing is bizarre. the court should be filled with new york ceos, tens of millions of business filings in manhattan and these ones from 7 years ago lead to 34 felonies. license every ceo on trial? it it is political. blue and glad you sprinted 10 blocks to be here on time. appreciate it. see you soon, thank you very much. ohio senator jay d vance sent a letter to mary garland concerning trump's gag order. what does he want? lauren: the conduct of the judge violates trump's constitutional rights of the aggregate order, freedom of speech, the judge has brought witnesses and evidence that would be favorable to trump and his defense team so that
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renders trump powerless in a way to defend himself and his response by the end of next month. stuart: in the next month, we will see about that. coming up, we told you how restaurants and stores are struggling to keep up with inflation. we speak to the owner of a bakery in new jersey who has had to raise prices four times already. biden snapped a reporter who asked if he will be serving his full term or handing power over to vice president harris, we will show you the president's angry response after this. ♪ ♪ ♪
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stuart: of the markets this morning, one hour and 15 minutes worth of business and more reading, the dow is close to 400 points, look at the nasdaq, sinking 120 points, big tech probably mostly lower. one winner example, only a winter by $0.76. amazon, meta, albert, microsoft all down. microsoft down. look at these. i will show you some nice fancy pictures. those are realistic cakes from a little cake bakery in park ridge, new jersey, the owner, leo, joins me now. you had to raise prices four times since the pandemic. why? are ingredients going up?
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>> ingredients have shut up, labor costs, insurance, you name it. it has gone up constantly. stuart: four times so far. >> probably. i'm feeling it. stuart: the ingredients are still going up. >> labor is one of the biggest. stuart: is your profitability down? >> absolutely. stuart: can you stay in business? >> we will be okay. stuart: can you get workers? >> workers are hard to find. challenges hard-to-find. when you do find them you have to pay. stuart: who do you blame? you can be political if you wish. anything you like. >> i think all the free money, the way things were handled. stuart: on the left-hand side, that the cake? >> that is a croissant. stuart: don't get technical.
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before that was a picture. >> that is about 7 feet long. stuart: this is a financial program. how much? >> that one was probably 11. stuart: $11,000? >> a lot of cake. stuart: the left-hand side of the screen, that looks like a watering can. >> a cake and flowers. we want real flowers? stuart: those are cakes? stuart: the producers are saying to me it is a cake. i know it is a cake. is that a cake? >> that is a cake. stuart: that is unique. you are an artist. >> i have a whole team behind me. stuart: that is fantastic. $11,000 for that cake. we are out of time but that was great. come and cs again and bring us a cake too. still had a new survey shows
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80% now see fast food as a luxury. do you agree? send your answers to friday feedback, email us with. the mayor of boston wants to abolish the city's gang industry, check crimes like shoplifting and larceny should not be prosecuted, the boston globe opinion writer deals with that next. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock.
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: president biden snapped at reporters questions boris campaign stop in philly yesterday. what was the question he snapped at? lauren: would you hand over power to vice president kamala harris if you win in november if you couldn't complete your second term. she would he would be 86 at the end of that second term. >> all four years or handed over? i can't hear you. can you approach? lauren: was he trying to be funny? it was awkward. do you think he was angry and
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awkward? that a natural question anybody would ask. if you are pushing 90 at the end of a second term, maybe you can't make it through. stuart: he didn't like the question. thanks very much. look at this op-ed. the issue biden can't seem to conquer. which issue are we talking about? >> all of them but specifically immigration in that piece, the campaign floundered on bidenomics, they need to pass on that. the same happening with immigration, that shouldn't be a surprise but last week schumer, bringing that bipartisan border bill, biden saying republicans not voting for this border bill, it wasn't a great bill to begin with,
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they see how the border has fallen apart under this president. >> you are an editorial writer, the boston globe is a democrat institution. it is leftist, isn't it? what do they think of that? >> they see local communities are struggling and any american can see that but the issue is independents, their number one issue is immigration. that's an anomaly for an election and a losing issue for democrats. one boston's mayor wants to stop prosecuting theft, abolish the gang registry. what do you think of that? why is she doing that? >> it's an interesting headlines, a survey in 2021, she's move to a center a lot of
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issues. the city couldn't take it anymore. the database and boston progressives hated and a lot of other blue state city leaders and governors had to do. portland recriminalize in drug use. they were ruining local communities. stuart: she's not moving to the center if she says i don't want to prosecute theft. >> it was a 2021 survey. the city could do better on a lot of these prosecutions but she's had to move to the center and it is because the city couldn't take it anymore. our homeless encampments, she ended up having to clear that but there was a lot of pressure from the left flank. i'm sure she wasn't happy about it but the city needed it. it has been tough. for the state, more broadly, what billion dollars is a lot
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of money for massachusetts to handle a crisis they could never have foreseen but that happens when you're not willing to put pressure on the president, the governors not calling about as much as residents would like to see and you have small towns of 11,000 welcoming 200 families unexpectedly, one ambulance in the town, these are the problems unfolding in massachusetts because migrants are coming in. stuart: biden can't get over the migrant crisis. thanks very much for joining us, appreciate it. let's go. california congressman darrell isa coming up on special-interest aliens intercepted at the border mostly near san diego. leo terrell on the top issues. is equity? as biden suggests? is it the economy? cara fredericks on the biden administration turning down a
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deal from tiktok that would give the government unprecedented control. why did biden reject it? the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden
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