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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 30, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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actually talking about economics bill? people hate economics, their running against the biden because of bidenomics and he talks about it. >> morgan family created a winds back and skip and then basket in the gop basket has been eating them basket promotes. >> more they do this, the more people who are necessarily trump supporters see what they doing and it's backfiring on them. >> if this race is a referendum, he will lose. are you better off now than in 2019? joe biden will lose. ♪ >> what is it? look at the screen.
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six avenue. have you seen that? >> relaxing seen. 11:00 eastern thursday may 30 on the markets and icy 20 of crediting, that often 400. nasdaq 120 at this time. big tech most are going to be one winner and that's apple 1.1 new and the rest of down. ten year treasury yield from the above one half%, 4.56% as we speak. cost him around candidate biden got 91% of the black vote. this year according to the possible against 72%. nineteen points with important group is a disaster cannot get himself elected, he cannot win
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all the voters back. that's why president biden is now going all out. look at the schedule for the month of may, it's been address a predominantly black college and has addressed the naacp in detroit. he spoke with the national museum of african-american history and culture. is appeared in popular black radio programs like big to your show and choose to he was in the philadelphia tuesday in the black for biden harris campaign. schedule like that, you can see the desperation in only five months to turn things around so laundry list of what he says he's done for black voters everything from removing lead pipes to promoting? too high office and the inevitable charge of racism level but donald trump. philadelphia he said trump wanted to tear gas black close peacefully protesting the murder of george foot.
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two points here. first, he's pandering. tim scott says next. on the candor expressed, that's not what joe biden wants to hear from o'clock subject. minorities are very aware of democrats who appear in front of the black audiences only when there's an election coming. accusation stings. one think the president cannot get around is inflation. it hurts low income folks more than anyone else and something that's not lost on the black voters biden is targeting. hour of varney start now. ♪ leo turow joins us now. do you agree with senator scott this is just pandering? >> thank you for having me, i want to be clear. the democrat pander every four years and killed black amer
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americans. black americans i can tell you about that wake up thinking about affirmative action. the thing about the economy, inflation, they are thinking about crime in the southern border. black americans want the same thing all americans want. a good economy, low prices and secure border. black americans like presidential, they can do they want, they cannot demonize trump black men are leaving the democratic party. without black americans, biden is finished, the democrats are finished and is the same man that was why i left democratic party because he said you don't vote for me, you ain't black. i'm still black and of voting for trump. >> president biden launched this new initiative to win over black voters. listen to what he told the crowd yesterday.
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>> to go to the pandemic. that's what we did. that's a promise made and a promise kept. [cheering] i doubt i would have an administration that looked like america because you voted. >> the president was digging into racial issues for black trump supporters slamming biden for economic policies. >> i lost everything since biden has been in. i was selling cars and that went down the drain. i don't get a free hotel like they do. >> which issues are most important to black voters, equity, equality for the economy? >> the economy and trump went to
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the bronx 25000 people, he gave an american viewer as far as was going on. not black, white or brown issue, the economy. the gas prices. inflation. you look at chicago, los angeles, new york run by democrats, black voters being destroyed by the biden economy. right now the pandering to black americans on the race card is dead. that dog will not hunt any longer and that's why you see exits of blacks leaving the democrat party. >> is a blackman leaving most black women? >> blackman. remember the big radio show, he's not running for biden. an exit blackman leaving because they see the economic independence. the economic world. they want independence.
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they don't want dependence on the federal government, they don't want that card. what the democrats do every four years, they go to the black church, naacp, a black college and they say there's racism. black people do not feel racism, is not 1855. it is 2024. all elements of government and we had a black president eight years ago. >> the concept of masculinity, is there a question here? i'm told blackman trump is more masculine, personal perhaps and joe biden is that masculinity upon the equation here? >> i think it's a simple case of individualism, liberty, freedom. there's a myth that you and i, i want the same thing you want, this country great and a strong foreign policy. you what i want us strong secure border in low-inflation. a good economy.
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our skin color has nothing to do with the quality of our lives. we want to live in a country that is free and safe thing to do with skin color. we got to destroy that. >> we are in agreement. thank you for coming on the show and expressing your opinion. see you again soon. >> back to the markets. one is dragging down everybody and that is salesforce, it's way down 20% that takes 380 points off the dow industrial if it wasn't for sales. month and that would be dea deadlock. it's down 380. salesforce decline over done? >> i don't think it's even close to overdone. this is a roller coaster if you look in 2020, around 120, 130 in 2023 down about 150.
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it's almost in 20 years. it's not something i like to see but there are reasons. >> there's some discussion, guys who follow the market, he says is overdone. an algorithm response. >> lauren says the product decline is because of ai which did not prove to be added to the bottom line. >> if you listen to the conference call, they say there is price sensitivity on the fireside. it's a compelling reason, salesforce is the premium, luxury provided customer relationship management, not the cheapest most affordable and not growing as fast. >> tell me about nvidia close to surpassing apple in terms of market value.
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right now $1132 a share, down $15. where is he going? the class we were talking about one mendham, it will carry 30 or 40% long-term i don't think it overtakes apple. i think apple is going to 5 trillion long-term. >> i own apple, it sounded crazy, is it was the first to trillion, really only loan goals six weeks ago and now everyone is coming around. >> eventually apple hits 5 trillion. >> i do believe it's the first company that will break the foreign 5 trillion. >> for the hour you lucky guy right there. best buyers of 11%. >> bad news first. discretionary spending because of inflation has been curtailed and sales fell 6% but on the call the ceo says the demand is
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uneven and customers are going back but others are spending they can artificial intelligence is a big reason why so fancy computers and tvs and etc., they just for you increased their membership program for you get the geek want to come in and help you. >> they could change the channel on my tv set. >> i have five remotes, i don't know which one to use. >> and of course spam. 70%. >> they raised their outlook because sales are disappointing. if you look at retail business what they do 60 to 65% of overall growth, it fell, by about 5%. >> birkenstock. >> you love when they show up and they are expensive birkenstock. up-tempo separate they lifted their full your numbers because they are getting and how to
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discount, handles say popular and demand stay strong. they always come out with a different buccal big buckles are on sale now the octopi of her. >> so compelled. [laughter] coming up, i say gavin newsom wants to be the president of the mess he's made as governor of california will prevent that from happening. that's an opinion great does darrell isa agree with me? going to ask him. the administration reportedly turned down a deal that would have given the government unprecedented control over tik tok. will begin to why biden said no. the jury continues delibe deliberations, defense attorney will walk us through each of the possible outcomes and that is next. ♪
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day two of the jury deliberations and trump criminal trial. blockbuster what happens if trump is convicted. >> good morning, the sentencing possibilities for the former president range from essentially nothing, no penalties at all to spending what would have been the rest of his life behind bars centisecond begin new york's notorious records island prison. realistically neither of those extreme options seems likely, a discharge will be unusual after a felony conviction as but any lengthy prison term given trump has no prior criminal record and crime in question here is a nonviolent one. the judge could impose a
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relatively short sentence of a matter of months or slip sentencing including some time behind bars and probation or three years of conditional discharge. probation is a possibility as a standalone sentence as is conditional discharge. probation would involve regular check ins with new york city's probation department and whatever other conditions the judge chooses. those could include travel restrictions which would clearly have an impact on trumps ability to campaign. judge merchan decided probation wasn't necessary and he could simply set conditional discharge which would require the former president to complete whatever conditions the judge orders over a three year. so if there is a guilty verdict, there will be a huge amount of pressure on judge with wide leeway deciding terms sentence. also worth noting, any sentence the judge chooses might end up
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being state until after the inevitable appeal of a conviction and of course everything i just said depends on the jury delivering a guilty verdict in the first place. >> it gets complicated, doesn't it? thanks so much. criminal defense attorney mark i wish joins me now. i want to ask about different scenarios that may come up. what happens if trump is found guilty on one or more charge? >> the judge will decide and only if the judge decides what the appropriate sentence would be. i'm still i'll see a unicorn before i see anyone who runs the prison say they can protect the former leader of the free world in custody and somehow capital place for secret service guys. i just don't see that. more appropriate will be some type of probation assuming he is convicted. >> what happens of it is a hung
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jury? >> the prosecutors will decide if they want to go through this again they have the right to retry him. >> it takes one juror to -- four a hung jury. >> that is correct, they must all agree to the same verdict unanimous. >> on all charges. unanimous on all charges okay got it. >> and any charges they hang on, they don't agree unanimously, prosecutors could bring the charges again. >> what happens if it's an acquittal? >> you celebrate, some people celebrate in some states a miscarriage of justice and acquittal, he can never be brought again for those particular charges. >> but he walks out a free man x. >> sure, the same way he is now. he is presumed to be innocent before and after him and unless and until there is overwhelming
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evidence, proof beyond reasonable doubt, he's an innocent man. >> remain in the courthouse while the jury deliberates this could take time and throughout, he's off the campaign trail. it doesn't seem right to me. >> it's true. i had judges allow me the courthouse but to make sure i'm available within a half hour, an hour, they don't want to wait a day or so they have a note so i understand why the judge is doing it but it is distracting to a guy trying to win. >> what is this about, notes from the jury to the judge and then has to. reporter: directions to the jury goes on and on asked why can't the jury be given printed sheet of the judge's instructions? >> that would be helpful, wouldn't it? who can pay attention for an hour on anything read to them? every read the jury instr
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instructions, it is convoluted, extremely difficult. i don't disagree with you in many jurisdictions i've had judges left the jurors have a packet of it. it's the judge's discretion. >> thanks very much for joining us. you set us straight, appreciate that. rfk junior filed a complaint in the federal elections condition against cnn. the upcoming debate. that is the biden trump the r rate. >> kennedy says he's being held to different criteria. cnn is hosting the debate is mandating the debaters pull up 15% and national goal and is not yet and must be -- this is where complicated, and update balance to be eligible for 270 electoral votes. kennedy's complaint alleges scene included with the biden and trump campaign is in scheduling the debate to early setting criteria he cannot be.
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>> we will see about that. coming up, a growing trend of celebrities opening up bars and restaurants. they actually increase traffic and help the city's they are in? we have a report. border patrol country 52000 special interest aliens since october almost 90% or caught in the san diego area near darrell isa district. what does he want done about this problem? the congressman is next. ♪
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two hours for the business and we still see reading. dow is down 400 manasseh 110 points. some pics we believe he hopes will go up. >> this is a software service that helps modernize real estate industry some property manager, investor, vendor, vendor, this uses ai -based software that optimizes management of real estate on all aspects of the business. >> real estate is in the take the mark that is to move away
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from being in the stone ages with technology and upgrade to something more efficient and affordable and gives them margins so enjoy gross about 29% a year since 2019 so an exception to the real estate so don't. >> but it is probable. >> profitable, fast growing company. salesforce gets valued about seven and a half times sales so eight billing dollars macquarie cap company that is modernizing. >> next line our ito -- >> the same thing for real estate but realtors online so helping them get people to convert into buyers and it is a vitally needed service if we look at best buy's report and other retail discretionary spending reports, the retail market is under a lot of stress so they need to find the right buyers that has disposable income. optimizes only to get them in touch with the people are likely
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to buy. >> and they ai to do that. >> they optimize the data so it's all about the data. we know the data you're buying habits, we can put you in touch with the right products. >> border patrol reported more than 52000 special interest aliens coming into area since october. phil, the definition of special interest is they pose a national security risk. what can border agents do about it? >> not a whole lot and i'll explain why in a moment as you said, special interest aliens is an illegal immigrant who comes from a country that poses a potential national security concern to the united states and border patrol says they have encountered thousands of them in recent months. the u.s. border patrol chief reported yesterday agents have apprehended 52000 of these special interest aliens since fiscal year starting october 1 with almost 90% of them being
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encountered in the busy san diego doctor. that's where fox news was reporting from last week as groups from special interest companies like pakistan, china, iran and turkey crossing in front of our cameras in the middle of the night. cbp. fox news is a break down of the interest aliens encountered in san diego since october 1. more than 30,000 chinese, 7800 turkish, over 4000 and 3000 from uzbekistan. border patrol voted yesterday conditions apprehended these six special interest aliens and men from morocco at the new mexico border. tps reports troopers arrested these two spanish-speaking syrian men who cross illegally near eagle pass. both said they were trying to get houston living in venezuela. >> walked from venezuela to
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columbia. from columbia and about to nicaragua. nicaragua to the doris. walla walla. guatemala to mexico and mexico to hear. >> the special interest aliens are supposed to receive additional dhs betting during processing but cbp contacts tell us it's difficult because the countries are coming from typically don't share records or databases with the united states so sometimes nothing to that them against. sometimes cbp's best tool is intensive interview process. >> thank you very much. darrell isa, republican from california. almost 90% of these special interest aliens were caught in the san diego area. your district is next door to julie. what can you do about this? >> a number of things. first of all, the countries you mentioned some of these
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countries technically require visas to pass through. for example turkey. when i got my 100 pounds of the border which is where most of them come through, he walked to chinese individuals and ask them what the translator in mandarin, what they are here for they say i'm here for a job. that's fine except as bill set, there's no vetting process because we get no information from china. the pastor turkey and mexico to get here, both have an obligation to turn the back because they do not have these us. they don't do it. just the opposite. these technical allies this president could insist they keep them in their own country which is the law or deny them the ability to put them on the airplane because they lack visas to transit those countries are come here. knowing that's not going to happen, all they can do is
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invite you and bill to come back to my border to see it for yourself, it's an eye-opener. interviewing the individuals they are happy to tell you how they got here and what they paid and the fact that they are coming because the borders open in california. my governor sits on a century state. he wants money for taking them in happy to take them in because the only way anyone will move to california with our taxes. >> that's a terrible thing to say penalty true. a new report, : security has not been monitoring oral explanation. 77000 afghans brought into the u.s. after the withdrawal in 2021. do think it's a problem? >> it's a problem because the first afghans that got on those aircraft, not the ones that fell off still trying to get there but the ones inside, sadly they were not that it at all and many
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were never vetted because they walked away or were briefly because they accepted who they said they were in those are the ones we are most concerned about as time went on the bed and became extraordinary, they sat there heedlessly even though they've done a lot for america so it concerns me a lot because we have found some of them were in some from the 5000 that were open just before the ball of afghanistan. >> have said repeatedly gavin newsom, your governor wants to be president. he's back up a long list of what i call the years, unless of california. if that's the case in his home state, how can he become the president of all the states, united states? has he got shot? >> he's a democrat. joe biden failed up his basement so the fact that he could well be the nominee of his party and
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if the american people are foolish enough to hear democrat say he's a moderate before his elected go back to being liberal afterwards, then we could get him. right now i don't think so, $72 billion deficit and growing. the highest taxes as a nation and trying to raise them from 13.32 over 14 so i think the message is going to be, we don't want what california offers but that doesn't mean he won't get the democrat nomination for years. he's just right for the new democrat party. >> is maybe i'll three times, that's been going. thank you for joining us. the white house issued a new memo accusing republicans planning tax giveaways for the rich. >> this came from a senior deputy press secretary. republicans he said will make the trump tax cuts, many of which sunset next year, permanent.
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republicans will fast-track tax breaks for the wealthy and big corporations. he says selling working people out to rich special interest is back and will trigger inflation praying higher prices because the big bad companies are getting tax breaks. the logic is distorted. the president wants to restore corporate tax rate to 28% and wants to make the rich pay for how much money they have, their wealth. >> i might add, i was congo trumps tax cuts and when he got them, i got hit the worst because you can no longer deduct state and local taxes. trump did that and i paid a heavy price. i have no resentment. moving on. tik tok launched legal challenge to stop a potential band. an appeals court agreed to fast-track the hearing.
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we have the latest. ceo of cracker barrel says the company lost some of its china and ready for big changes. ashley, he will tell us what he sees and what they have planned. ♪
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intaco bell is a publicly traded company. look at the stock, $46 a share. cracker barrel promising to make changes to the restaurants to their source. ashley is a cracker barrel on coast, florida. what kind of changes are they talking? >> i think country fried steak say photos of them not will have to wait and see for sure but this is a company lost 16% of its customers over the last four
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years. sales flatlined and they say time for major refresh. take a look at the plans they are making over the course of the next three years they want to update marketing. they are popular among seniors but try to appeal to a younger audience and that's no past when it comes to marketing to both sets of customers did also the menu they could drop as many as 20 items and not telling us which ones they will add dishes including which i found interesting hash brown casserole shepherds pie. as for pricing, the cost of f food, the ceo said food prices are the same when restaurants are in low income areas are affluent neighborhoods so i read into that that prices could be on the rise in those locations and look at changing physical appearance. change the codependent, making saving more comfortable and bringing in boots instead of hard wooden chairs.
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they are closing doors initially but that's a small percentage when you think of 700 of these restaurants around the country, one in oregon and two in california and one in south carolina. on the earnings call today you tried to put an optimistic spin on the latest results and show sale stores down one adopt% year-over-year. listen. >> we continue to aggressively manage day-to-day business and i was encouraged despite the financial impact of lower traffic. we saw improvement across the metrics most highly correlated with sales growth. hourly turnover and average skill levels key job roles. >> what is interesting is i have heard complaints quality is what it used to be, service dropped off, not to resort?
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we heard complaints like that. we can tell you the company slashing dividends evidence and down to 25 cents. the money will be freed up from the 700 plaintiff will be spent over the next three years to revamp cracker barrel. >> a great report. we'll see you again real soon. restaurants have an effective tactic to get customers and through the door. what is the tactic? >> get deliveries on board, it can attract a following. jl announced 361 celebrity backed restaurants opened in the past five years. robert de niro is one of the owners of know who. whether to country music, singer and actor and national, i know
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you know this, a dozen bars and restaurants act like blake and justin timberlake and the comedian kevin hart he has a vegan burger joint. >> of vegan burger joint. it seems like out of character. thank you very much. we got the dow -- show me the dow 30. there is the dell 30 and a lot of green there and that's because of salesforce down $56 as we speak and then tik tok in the biden administration, a deal that would have given them the administration unprecedented control over the u.s. operations but biden said no. full story from washington next. ♪
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bombshell report claims white house rejected a deal that would have given the government unprecedented control of tik tok hillary vaughn on capitol hill. it was a deal and whitened by biden go for it? >> it didn't solve the problem which is that tik tok is owned by a beijing based business which gives influence over the app so officials said there needs to be a complete amputation of tik tok from its parent company support to safely operate in the u.s. the deal on the table reported by the washington post would have given the u.s. control over the up according to the report, the deal would have given the u.s. government power over each new hire. defense contractors monitor source code and given a kill switch to shut down the app if there were any issues but a senior biden administration official telling the post only completely cutting of tik tok from china would be the only sensible option, they determined more than a euro cup the solution proposed by the parties and at the time would be
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insufficient to address the serious national security risk presented. it became clear the investment from its ownership was and remains necessary. republicans say the deal on the table have made the u.s. operate just like the ccp giving it crazy control over that bus business, not something that should be acceptable to americans. >> this was a chinese style solution to a very american issue. why would we choose to do what tik tok has already done? we would never want the government to have a kill switch over content. we never want the federal government to pick boards of directors for different companies the next time is ticking to put themselves up for sale and find a buyer if they want to continue to be on smart phones in america but instead of doing that, they are busy suing
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of investment orders signed into law by president biden. the appeals court in d.c. will hear the case and fast-track the process to get it rolling by december 6 time for the supreme court to weigh in if needed and they have until january 19th two completely the best from its parent company if they do not want to face up and. >> another expert on the sub subject, kara hedrick. always good to see you. would you have been in favor of the deal biden rejected? >> absolutely not because we seen the song and dance from tik tok project texas. that was the initiative to shield u.s. user data but ultimately led the ccp retain control so the biden administration, i don't know if lightning will strike me but they made the right call care to reject deal. it is very important. and amputation is everything
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here. >> that's what you want, you want a flat out fan. what you want is a band. >> i want development, clean the investment that is genuine because we arty know due to whistleblowers coming out in the recent weeks, there are nominal bosses in the united states but the answer to bite dan's bosses in beijing. we note whistleblowers coming out before that saying there is a supreme access to u.s. user data beholding to the chinese communist party so all of these changes are purely cosmetic, we know who retains ultimate control and that is china. >> you think of a political problem? if it were band or if the chinese refused to sell it in the go and ended up not being in america, you got a political problem because you lose votes and that is the big deal. >> to a degree but we have to do what's right and leaders have to lead.
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>> the truth doesn't have relevance to politics, it has political appeal. you tell youngsters and people who run businesses on tik tok they can have it any longer, he lose their vote. >> that's true. however, look at the new pol polling, who got in numbers and 60% of americans favor this tik tok law so i do think and glossy journal only half americans favor this type of action as well so it is important to understand despite what gen z is saying despite what the videos look like, america is on the side of the tik tok law and no ccp control. >> you have the last word and that was all right with me. see you again soon. it's difficult for me. i have to change the subject dramatically to brian company trivia question. look at the question. how many some compartments does a goat have? two, four, six or eight?
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[laughter] will be back. ♪ .. where excellence, comfort, and electricity... are forever in bloom. welcome to beyond. the mercedes-maybach eqs suv. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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stuart: before the break we asked how many stomach compartments does a goat half. not the greatest of all time, the animal goat.
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edward lawrence is following this and emailed us, there's only one stomach compartment in tom brady. how many stomach compartments? i have no idea. >> i agree. stuart: i will go with two. it is rational. the answers four. goats have one true stomach where they digest their food, the other three compartments are used to breakdown a roughage that would otherwise be indigestible. they smell rather bad. i'm not being mean to goats. i'm being realistic. we are out of time. what do you think of our show this week? email us, coast-to-coast starts now.


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