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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  May 30, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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bigger picture and alvin bragg did he standing up there it sank we fight white-collar crime here. but as many people have written you should not target a former president of the united states unless it would be conduct that would be prosecuted by anyone. >> the proverbial shooting in the middle of fifth avenue is a crime. built bar so that the meat and potatoes no convoluted theories no novel process, nothing for you know that's a crime. this was a misdemeanor at worst that should have died years ago the statute of limitations expired. bragg himself initially took a pass and made the political decision to go for it. which he unfortunately succeeded. sean: second hour of the bottom line starts right now.
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♪ super good evening i'm dagen mcdowell. sean: i am sean duffy special second hour of the bottom line. before first let's head to lydia hu who is alive outside the courthouse in lower manhattan. >> good evening dagen and sean kirby got the verdict for the former president donald trump finding him guilty of all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records of the first degree. just about two hours ago. since then the reactions across the political spectrum has been pouring in. most recently from the district attorney alvin bragg who spoke just around the corner from where i'm standing for the courthouse for a couple of minutes, just moments ago. his remarks, he says he did his job. here's more of what he said.
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>> will this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes to the courtroom doors. by following the facts, and the law, and doing so without fear or favor. >> we also heard from president trump as he was exiting the courtroom after hearing the results of the trial hearing the verdict read. here ihere's what he said, watc. >> this was a disgrace. this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who is corrupt. it is a rigged trial, a disgrace. they would not give us a venue change. we were at 5% or 6% in this district in this area.
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this was a rigged that disgraceful trial. november 5 by the people. >> we were also able to obtain a copy of the verdict sheet and see it for ourselves for the first time. this was the document jurors filled out to indicate their ability guilty verdict. if you were to look at it is a simple chart that lists all 34 felony counts one after another with each of the box check that says guilty. it is significant for what it does not say. it is not indicates the underlying crime that the jurors needed to find a presence in order to bump these charges up for me misdemeanor to a felony to make sure they can survive the statute of limitations but as you will know prosecutors presented three different theories for the jurors to consider and judge merchan decide they did not need to be
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unanimous in which there they thought was present that could be a tax crime, a violation or other falsified records. the big question for all of us and now is what was the underlying offense that was present? we do not know right now. legal scholars say that is where the many reasons why this case is ripe for appeal but until then we have more to follow and this trial. when a sentencings is scheduled for july 11 which is four days or before the rnc. for now i'll send it back to both. dagen: lydia hu thank you very much they can get away with this under new york law it will be found unconstitutional tomorrow 11:00 a.m. president trump will be having a press conference at trump tower and we cannot wait. sean: that should be interesting. the spring in america first legal president and trump surrogate stephen miller. i don't think you are shocked
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about this result. this trial was not fair. a jury who had donated to liberal causes a daughter who works of the democrat party again the deck was stacked against donald trump but i want to get your reaction to what happened tonight what you think the political implications are of this jury verdict? >> oh a well i will not be diplomatic. my reaction, like that of many americans, is of fury, outrage, contempt this travesty of justice. as mentioned in the lead in, we do not even know what the felony is that he has alleged to have committed that guard got around the ironclad statute of limitations we are sitting here talking about 8:30 400 plus years in jail indictments, now conviction of president trump, joe biden's chief political rival months after the beginning
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of early voting and not one person and america including the most esteemed legal minds could even say what the felony is he has alleged to have committed there is no crime. as we know and discussed before campaign-finance law prohibits the use of campaign funds for private or business matter. so it donald trump rigorously complied with the law and yet this judge a democrat judge, a democrat prosecutor, inviting democrat d.o.j. official. partisan operation at every level with one objective, to get president trump convicted pretty fast with the political result of this will be? is speaking as a trump surrogate as a citizen who cares deeply about the future of this country, you will a waking a sleeping giant of a working and middle-class voters white black, white, brown her going to reject communist law fair are going to
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demand a restoration of freedom, fairness and justice in this country. dagen: steven i've started calling them illegal the rolling class you have inflicted intentionally pain and suffering on all of those people who work in this country but for who have seen their wages plunge when adjusting for inflation. but to what extent will this be laid at the feet of joe biden? the sole goal was to convict president trump so they could call him a convicted felon between now and the election. >> have ensured it will be laid at the feet of joe biden because they decide to send a message to that jury by holding a press conference outside of the jury room right before it was issued. they made sure to put their fingerprints all over it i have
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biden d.o.j. official developing and executing this legal strategy. they made sure to have their fingerprints all over it by saying joe biden will be personally responding to the verdict prior to the jury reaching its decision. all of those things but joe biden stamp right on this trial and of course you cannot separate from the fact that biden's own d.o.j. and multiple courtrooms across this country is trying to put donald trump behind bars. this is at every level biden witchhunts. you talk about what americans are experiencing in your talk about our elite broken system of justice no accountability at all for a wide open southern border, sex trafficking, human trafficking conventional trafficking with the destruction of our dollar ravaging inflation no accountability at all for crime, filth, decay and our streets. no accountability at all for the billions of ukraine aid that
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have gone missing the billions assent to iran to fund a proxy war that murdered american citizens and took american hostages by hamas and israel. all of these things to bite in the democrat have done to the accounts eat no accountability as an man convicted in a rigged process in new york bigwigs do not understand estimate joe biden's ability to blank things up stephen miller. if you were in the white house advising the president you would say yes, you're losing your mental capacity but yes, y your dithering. america does not respect you. here's what we are going to do we are going to tell d.o.j. to leave this a political and talk to my political allies to condemn them for charging donald trump. he would look presidential he would look strong, he looked competent that is not what he has done. he looks a a pol political hackg after's political rival in this case it's shameful. stephen miller always a great gt analysis and wonderful passion
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thanks for being with it, we appreciate it. let's bring in oklahoma senator thank you for being with us. it is a shocking day for america but not a shocking result when l be watching this a partisan judge allow partisan non- relevant information come into this trial. is it u.s. senator, former member of the house what is your response and of your colleagues as well to it happen today in america? >> i will just tell you this i am traveling through charlotte that's why the set up is how it is i've got my iphone with my phone and i'm in the middle of the charlotte airport. this came out as on the news seeing people shake their head. i was sitting at a table at a little restaurant and the waiter who was an african-american comes by and says this is shameful and ridiculous he said that out loud. not just to be but to everybody by the reaction of the american people and my colleagues are
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like listen, we are better than this as a country. when you have the democrat party that is weapon icing our judicial system. you have a questionable judge with questionable ties you have democrat attorney generals. democrat prosecutors who are able to run a rogue and prosecute the most liberal cities in the entire state that coucould have chosen any other place to bring it up. they're bringing it up for strategic reasons. it makes her heart sink. because we, as i said before we are better than this as a country it makes you sick they are so afraid of donald trump they are willing to run our election system and the political system that we have them input in question around te world. dagen: senator i know viewers look at us and look at me living in new york city and have long laughed and said this is what you get. you live in new york city it is
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a whole. you elect these left wing nuts who do not care about the working people. this goes away beyond that. a few hours before this verdict came down today there was a man who was stabbed with a machete just a few blocks from here. over the weekend a young immigrant legal was set on fire by a man who should not have been on the streets holding a lit canister of alcohol. but alvin bragg has the audacity to stand up there today and brag about his public integrity work. but this goes beyond just new york city. this goes to their ability the democrats ability to harness the judicial system and use it, as you said, as a weapon of war. >> right. let's just look at this. the men and women wearing the
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uniform on the lapd or new york pd, they are doing their best to bring these criminals in. the problem is that prosecute attorneys and they have an attorney general that refuses to press charges. up a date refused to bring them in and have courts and the judges during the cases out. we have eight lawless city what he thanks going to happen? when you treat a former president of the units is like this of course your streets are going to be rampant with crime. of course people are not going to respect the rule of law. why? you don't even respect that you are the one is supposed to bringing charges against me. it is mind blowing all you have to do is follow it you will see what's happening. why don't we have crime running rampant like this in red states because we respect the law we do not weaponize of the reason you're seeing this happen on your streets in new york and in l.a. is because you have a prosecuting attorney that has nothing to do with law but has to do about making a political
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point to which they have in both cities by not just by prosecuting crimes for quick senator, america has been a beacon of hope for so many people who have made treacherous journeys to come from communist nations to make it into this country. at if you talk to people who have come from those kinds of countries they see what's happening with the political persecution of donald trump whether it is the d.o.j. going after catholics or pro-lifers they look at it and will tell you we have this is not the first time we've seen political prosecution resolve this in our home country we see it now here in america. >> it is sad. some people walk up to me and say i don't think we can survive in former years under joe biden or we are too far gone i do not agree with that. yes, we are way down the track a lot further that we should be. we are so the light on the hill where the beacon of hope in the greatest country in the will be kept of a correction sign for
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the american people stand up and say we are better than this. and get this country back on track because failure is not an option problem not going to admit failure because my kids are depending on us. we both have a large family of six kids, how many kids you have? sleep but i've got nine about you by three. dagen: 's got 50 that we don't know, just getting them just joking. [laughter] >> we have a lot of kids depending on us. sean: i do love the optimism and i hope you're right thank you for making time at the airport to join us on the show and the minute stop over at the airport we appreciate it. >> think you guys. dagen: thank you, senator. i would never disp disparage ral that weight. [laughter] let me bring in trump 2024 national press secretary. caroline, we were showing some levity it is a sad, sad day. a distressing day and infuriating day for this entire
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country would happen to president trump. first stop how is the president doing? >> i just left the trump tower let me tell you this is a message to joe biden the democrats as well. president trump has never been stronger in this witchhunt has fired him up more than ever to fight for this great nation. we are a failing nation. we are a nation and decline this trial was brought on by cricketd joe biden and his democrat allies in alvin bragg district attorney office who was funded by george soros this rigdon case was overseen by a crooked and partisan and corrupt judge who has donated money to joe biden as well. this trial was a rigged from the very beginning. the american people have seen that first six weeks. they do not bring one shred of evidence into the courtroom to prove president trump is actually guilty of sham charges
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it is a shame to see what is taking place in the city of new york it is a shame to see what our country is becoming going from a constitutional republic to a banana republic. the world is watching and they are laughing at us president trump will ultimately be vindicated on november the fifth that is the ultimate victory will come for him and for our great country because the american people see right through this communist show trial our campaign donation site just crashed so many great patriots across the country are going to support president trump. sean: is not the size of the dog but it's the fight in the dog. anyone who is seen donald trump after whether it was the russia
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collusion hoax put out against him or the impeachments or even the indictments there is a remarkable sense of calm he has about himself. optimism to state and the fight and not be taken down by leftists as you would say communist. he has not giving up. he still sees, he is the tip of the spirit and fighting for every single american pushing back this leftist radical wing of the democrat party. >> president trump will never get up you will only fight harder. now we are out of the dirty discussing career new york we are getting back to the campaign trail will he will continue to hold the massive rallies you have seen him hold even throughout this trial. had a big rally in a deep blue bronx a huge rally with more than 100,000 people in deep blue new jersey. that is not going to stop it it's only going to make him stronger. like i said grass roots donors chipping in on our website in the past few hours but so many our website crashed. we need patriots across this country to stand and fight alongside president trump. he is fighting for our constitution prayer for the future of this republic over the future of our justice system so we can restore a system of
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justice that truly applies equally to everyone. to undo the weaponization of the justice system we have seen under crooked joe biden over the past few years. that is what president trump is fighting for in addition to solving all the problems joe biden has created. the open border crisis that the mass invasion of illegal immigrants, our economy is in shambles rubbing hard-working families of hard-working dollars everything at once. president trump is a fighter and leader to get america back on track to make this country great again and we need ever to chip in and support him and fight alongside with him. >> i know it will from president trump tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. press conference at trump to tower but quickly befoe you go, how soon, how quickly will trump's legal team, the president's legal see file an appeal? could it be an emergency appeal one of her guests earlier said which is a possibility. >> i will not get ahead of our legal team certainly there will
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be an appeal we are confident trump will be vindicated on this case. in this case he has a truth on his side. ultimate victory is going to have the ballot box. sean: karoline leavitt thank you for being with us. we will bring a continued coverage, the guilty verdict against president trump in the alvin bragg hush money case. sean: pam bondi and jason chaffetz are up next. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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sean: president trump swimming new york judicial system, specifically conflicted corrupt judge or merchan of being found guilty on all 34 counts in his criminal hush money crowd. ssuper joining is now former florida attorney general pam bondi along with fox news country former utah congressman jason chaffetz. jason, no disrespect to you but pam was an attorney general was got her first. [laughter] it is not just the system it is the people who make up the system who are corrupted by their own political desire for power. not just the judge.
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the district attorney and the puppeteers down in washington pulling the strings. >> it yes and he just did this press conference saying this is standard of business the types of cases they prosecute for that is not true this case has never ever been prosecuted. people are seeing through that. donald j website crashed earlier supporters crashed the internet. since this the verdict it's back up now and working so people are seeing through this what they've done, a in my career i've never seen more convoluted jury instructions than the ones that were given to that jury. the judge i was in that courtroom i have never seen a judge treat defense attorneys that way. sean: for the federal prosecution to the georgia case to the new york case this political warfare against donald trump they attended political
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result from this. i think they are shocked to see donald trump has gone up in the pulling of more americans like a donald trump after they see the political warfare used by democrats, is that going to continue after this conviction? >> the democrats are undoubtedly popping their champagne corks and they are giddy getting that tingle up their leg and everything they talk about. they are going to be fundamentally totally wrong. they never understood america they do not understand americans understand this was a political soviet type trial to go out to get somebody pretty literally had alvin bragg campaign on the idea he was going to get him for the former colleague trey gowdy likes to say, he did great coverage on fox talking about this all the time. he kept talking about they are out trying to convict a person rather than pursue a crime. his attorney general as pam
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bondi pointed out they've never done this you ask the average person on the street what did they just convict them of? nobody could even tell you what donald trump did wrong. what was against the law they filled out the paperwork, described it as a legal expense put on his irs form. put on his white house ethics for what else you with a guide to do? they have never articulated the crime here. dagen: 's not articulate the underlying crime is not articulated on the verdict form. and then the judge gave the jurors, it was door number one, two or three pick your underlying crime. you do not have to be unanimous on the underlying crime to come up with unanimous guilty verdict. the whole thing is a sham conviction. rfk junior meantime just posted online sink this in part quote the democratic party strategy is to beat president trump in the courtroom rather than the ballot box. this will backfire in november.
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even worse it is profoundly undemocratic. and pam that goes to what joe biden and cronies are trying to run on. president trump is a threat to democracy. without the curmudgeon did nero out in front of the courthouse saying that over and over again, dangerous, dangerous, when in fact what has happened to president trump is a dangerous and a threat to democracy. >> i heard jeanine say earlier this is not law fair anymore this is warfare what they are doing 34 felonies and from day one that judge has committed reversible error. i think we all have every lawyer on every fox show has said all of these cases, if convicted will get reversed. they will get reversed from jury selection frankly to him as
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jason just said not recusing himself the prosecutor should have recused himself the judge should have never been on this case but they do not care but like you said it is a short-term goal of debt donald trump before the election the real verdict is going on election day people see that in america which is why the website crashed this case will be overturned. trump's lawyers right now are already working on the appeal it's going to get overturned and hopefully they'll get a stay. they want to sentence him just days before the convention. sean: jason there really is not any consequences though. the politics the democrats play are very different in the politics that republicans play. it has been a weapon is at the d.o.j., fbi, cia, irs a better weaponize against conservatives and what do conservatives do in the house? they fully fund them they give them all the money they ask for. when do republicans or to fight back and go democrats you were going to live under the same laws to make us live under.
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>> that is something i wish we could do a whole program on. because you are absolutely right. there should be a consequence congress is involved and engaged in. but the american people ultimately get to make this decision i think they see through it they notice off track the notes fundamentally wrong. they are worried about inflation and the border and the overseas wars and safety in their own neighborhood. not some paperwork saying that alvin bragg came up with it walking on the streets of new york for your broadcasting from the homelessness problem, all the things going on in the world this is what the democrats choose to spend their time on? they all know it is political it is a vendetta and it is an election-year surprise surprise for something that happened nine years ago, really it comes up now? dagen: thank you both pam bondi and jason chaffetz but i said earlier at seven would stand with a machete in times square just a few hours before the verdict came down alvin bragg
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does not give a flying about that. so you have no he doesn't will get reaction from former federal prosecutor katie cherkasky and francey hakes. that is all coming up next.
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>> this was done by the biden administration in order to wound or hurt an an apartment a politl opponent. i think it is just a disgrace and we will keep fighting people fight until the end and a win because our country has gone. we have a country that is a big trouble. this is a rigged a decision right from day one when they conflicted judge who should never have been allowed to try this case, never. we will fight for our constitution this is long from over thank you. 's report back with her ongoing
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coverage of the trump verdict he was found guilty on all 34 counts in a manhattan courtroom. president trump will hold a press conference tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. eastern at trump tower. >> here to give us a legal perspective on the conviction former federal prosecutor katie cherkasky along with former u.s. assistant attorney francey hakes but want to to you first. it is interesting that judge katie cherkasky and check the past but occult contributions the fact he did not recuse himself from the case when he got it. it does beg the question, the books were cooked on the same from the very beginning. it was an attempt to get a partisan judge to get a partisan conviction on the president to try to help joe biden. >> it's funny to say the books were cooked on that that is clear the odd part is the one element that really mattered here whether trump falsely
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entered something into a business record was never established there is no question this was a political it played out just as we had been anticipating unfortunately. it is surprising to me that not even one juror would have some hesitation or doubt about this. we have a scene of the art new yorkers i have the optimism as a trial lawyer myself the jury system will be fair in the ob that balance on the checks that we need. but obviously that did not work out. not being in the courtroom i have covered a lot of trials. i was always very concerned about the judge obviously this is based on a lot of reporting, even from jonathan turley the judge using two completely different tones of voice depending upon whether he was speaking to the prosecution or the defense. he wasn't let me or rub your feet and give you a pedicure to
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the prosecution and then hostile in every way whether it was verbally or through evidentiary ruling to the defense. the jury reads into that. that is part of it. what sean said about the judge, his daughter has worked for the vice president of the united states. has worked for adam schiff. why he was led to sit on the bench for this trial is just astonishing. >> are absolutely right. the judge in a criminal case is supposed to be the personification of justice. he is supposed to be the neutral arbiter here. the one who makes rulings that are not based on bias because you have an adversarial system have a prosecutor from one site sideof the defense attorneys one other. you're supposed to have the judge right in the middle. here, it was clear from the very start when judge katie cherkasky refused to recuse himself which new york law required.
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and be, the indictment which is a travesty the worst document i've ever seen in a criminal case more than 16 years as a state and federal prosecutor. this indictment utterly failed to state a crime which could be prosecuted failing the fifth amendment right to due process trump should have enjoyed but judge merchan never gave it he was biased from the starch. the jury saw that and took their cues from him. and now it is a sad day for this country largely because of him. see five judges are supposed to be in the bed with the practice in the courtroom you are a prosecutor often times you feel like judges aside with defendants they bend over backwards to protect the defendant's rights in these trials. anyone has been a prosecutor or defense attorney is so shocked.
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to dagen's point the word we got in the courtroom as evening tone of voice he used. what objections he overruled and sustained were completely partisan to secure an end result which we saw today which was 34 convictions. >> oh well, i think most judges are concerned being reversed on appeal as we all know there is significant reversible error in this case undoubtedly the case will be reversed on appeal that for election purposes that is irrelevant but in the long term it's very important. certainly it sounds like all of the stories we heard about the judge wrong true which seems almost unbelievable in this day and age with ultimately the constitution issued the myopic obsession with the hatred of donald trump is overridden the obligations of this judge and have many other attorneys to actually uphold the rule of law. that is the most disappointing and shocking thing from my perspective as a long-term defense attorney myself i've
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done a lot of appellate law at this point as well. the record of trial has reversible error that will be remedied i am sure. but too little too late for some parts of this unfortunately. >> before we go i was reading something dana wrote she said democrats did the worst thing they could possibly do going into november. they reframed the election as being trump versus the system rather than trump versus biden. that is what it is it is a system controlled by an elite ruling class or they will bend and change and break the rules to garner more power, final word. >> i cannot help but wonder whether the old star wars quote if you strike me down i shall become more powerful than you can ever imagine it may very well be donald trump's benefit here i have to hope so given the bias and partisan nature of the
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champ trial. support no doubt, katie and francie thank you for being with us. it's interesting the political background of judge merchan you would think he bent over backwards to tell the american people and new yorkers he is not partisan. the exact opposite. his rulings on the bench were arty his political contributions and political in nature. super coming up we consider ongoing coverage of president trump's conviction and his criminal hush money trial. c-5 liz peek and paul mauro are on deck, next. super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. do you want to close out? should i? normally i'd hold. but... taking the gains is smart here, right? feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [music playing]
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it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> it is unbelievable irresponsible behavior by this white house. their job is to protect us from bad things that might happen. and you think about what might happen should judge merchan who is an honest to god he is the worst of judge and history of america. if he says hey, donald trump are going to rikers that imagine was going to happen to global markets the next day instead of getting ready for that thinking about it and staying out of the way they send in their campaign there. that is dan the economy. it had their 1% partisan they are lying to people about the
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economy real incomes are down the biden economy is not working they are going after their opponent is sending robert de niro out there saying send them to jail this is how we witness because we cannot when the economy argument. dagen: back with the continuing coverage of the trump verdict as kevin hassett pointed out earlier biden company have no problem hooting and hollering about threats to democracy as old joe does nothing about the suffering of people under his economy. sean: meanwhile donald trump a subtle depressed compass tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. eastern at trump tower following his conviction on all 34 counts in his criminal hush money trial. here's with reaction fox news contributor liz peek former mip inspector fox news contributor paul mauro. liz, going to come to you first. i'm going to ask you about the song we played on the way in. it is a good point. what happens to stability? the dow futures are down roughly 68 points not big market movement after this decision
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that was made by the jury what you think happens in the coming days based on this? >> i do not think they'll be much of market impact. i do not think there will be much a political impact. i really think that if anything this strengthens donald trump's hand and put it convinces even more of the country that he is the right person to be running for president because the other guy cannot compete on a level playing field. and he is destroying the institutions that we have all come to have faith in. our justice system has never been so weaponize too. i really think that this will not be something that investors take great account of. if it continues to be the case that donald trump is winning in the polls, that is good for markets. when he was president victims had more -- it's one of the
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untold stories how joe biden his deflating the business sector. people are afraid of announcing acquisitions for fears going to step in the way of them. there is so much at regulation and manipulation of the government economy right now and the government footprint is getting bigger by the day that is all bad for free enterprise and for our system of economy. so, i think a trump victory is totally good but i just don't think this moves the needle very much. dagen: paul you have covered this trial extensively. i do not think we can overstate the historical severity and awfulness of what happened today. >> i think we can and i'm going to tell you why. it is almost certainly going to be overturned on appeal and to liz's point, what is the problem of republicans generally have in elections is getting the base out. getting the boat out.
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this is the kind of think this going to energize the base. to be contrary, dagen, i know what you mean. but i think in the long run this is going to be a victory and maybe i'm looking on the bright side but i do think this case will be overturned and it is important to have it overturned even after five november to restore our faith in the system so we can all believe in this thing again but now everybody knows how the cops a feel when you are working within a system that is a weaponize against you. would you begin case into the das office of looking at the bad guy, they look at you. another thing that is important to do is take the victory hat off of the posse that brought this in between alvin bragg, kevin hassett, maps, they are colluded on this thing and it is important in the long run to take the victory hat off of them to restore our faith in our nation because this is a dark day. c-5 it's a dark day a lot of people look at these charges we made this point during the show
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but no one understands them. donald trump did what? the american people are familiar with the criminal justice system they've never heard of these charges they do not know why he was prosecuted it's not like donald trump is the vice president sold america out to foreign adversaries for money through his son. that would be a problem that americans would get that. the fact donald trump wasn't convicted and joe biden has not been charged i find to be outrageous in a two-tiered trust him system. click save one 100% agree. it seems to me democrats are always accusing republicans of what they are doing. they are attacking democracy by trying to jail their number one political opponent. how can anyone read that any other way? i think around the world people, voters or look in our country single what's happening to america? is it really the case of this tn who has done nothing. frankly all month is this trial
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has gone on i have said gosh, good for donald trump. they have been digging and digging this is what they come up with to charge him with? that's a pretty clean life he has led if this is the best they can do charges that were basically not pursued by any number of other authorities because they were so flimsy. alvin bragg rumpelstiltskin like made it to gold somehow but no one understands but i've got to tell you, jeanine told me a couple of days ago the judge has tremendous sway over the jurors. and i really did not understand that. dagen: before we run out of time and went to get to paul on this. confirming from the trump camp president trump is attending a fundraiser tonight, final words you about 30 seconds. >> is going to be running against the system which is always been his mo. this compromises that one of
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things that has been overlooked here and i'm very surprised is that there is a genuine crime embedded in this whole thing it happened at the start. they lead to grand jury minutes from bragg that is not felony. that's only crime i have seen here that is chargeable but it was lost in the sauce. thank you for being with the shutting down the trum♪p websit. ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis,
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