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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 31, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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♪. maria: good friday morning everyone. thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo it is friday may 31. breaking news at 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. president trump has been found guilty on all 34 counts against him and his new york city trial. he spoke moments after the verdict came down. >> this was a disgrace, this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt, it is a rigged trial of disgrace. the real trial will be november 5 by the people they know what happened here. maria: the former president will speak today from trump tower at 11:00 a.m. eastern stay with fox business for that, judge mershon sitting the sentencing for july 11, 4 days before the republican national committee
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convention begins, where republicans will officially nominate trump the gop presidential nominee candidate trump's team has until june 13 to appeal this, we will helpful announce of the unprecedented moment in time all morning long this morning. marketer extended the losses on the final trading day of the month of may the dow jones industrial down 42, nasdaq 1063 in s&p 500 lower by 11. investors into separating april pc at 8:30 a.m. eastern, we have reaction to the numbers and watching for market reaction as well. european markets are mixed, the s&p 100 in london is up 40 points, the cac and paris down by seven and asia overnight japan the best performing nikkei average up 1% overnight in japan, joining to the conversation all morning long, the lonski group founder john lonski, minority leader joe borelli and fox business cheryl casone, "mornings with maria" is live right now.
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>> former president trump found guilty on all 34 counts against him yesterday in the new york city trial, fox business hilary vaughn is live from capitol hill with more on how lawmakers are reacting to the verdict. >> good morning republicans are valley and around former president trump the guilty verdict is unifying his base, republicans on capitol hill say the verdict was not about justice or the law but election interference trying to lock up president biden's political opponent. >> the judge will do sentencing on july 114 days before the national convention in milwaukee, if you thought that the democrats were playing politics, you got it right here, democrat you better check them now, people will see this for what it is this is political prosecution. >> the republican saying it's time to fight back. congressman mike collins saying
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for the ag's and das to get busy. democrats are dancing out the news trump was found guilty, jamaal bowman posted a video of him dancing on his tiktok, eric swalwell says this conviction is a win for an idea that we all follow the same rules, adam schiff saying the guilty verdict is not the end writing just justice prevailed today but up to us to make sure continues to prevail and the top democrat on the oversight committee jamie raskin says this is poetic justice. >> a little bit of poetic justice i have come back to haunt him. >> do you think you should go to jail? >> to me it's irrelevant. >> not all democrats are celebrating rfk junior running against president joe biden warns this will backfire. >> my belief it'll end up
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helping president trump. i think it's a mistake for the democratic party and i think the democratic party believes that the candidate that cannot be president trump and they need to do it in the court i think it will politically backfire on them. >> former president trump is facing jail time as a possibility in the sentencing but not facing republicans, darrell issa says he's going to vote for trump even if he's in prison. maria: hilary vaughn on capitol hill. >> we heard jamie raskin use the term political justice because it can't be called real justice or criminal justice or justice that is blind depended on to the defendant is we saw a sham trial brought by the prosecutor who committed on day one to prosecute one human and alvin bragg did not get elected like any other prosecutor saying he is going to go after the mob or
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the gangs or things like that he promised the people he would go after donald trump and he did, no one on either side of the aisle believe that this case that was shown together made up as it went along was the build as you go bottle prosecution no one thinks the case would've been brought against any other human who is a citizen of this country other than donald trump we see that downstream in the polls more than two thirds of voters say this conviction and this trial will have no impact on who they vote for. a small minority of people canceling each other out saying it might make them more or less, i think that's fundamental to the fact that most people see this exactly as it is, people on both sides you might be happy with the result or not happy with the result but you see the trial for what it was. maria: even toward the end when judge mershon basically told the jurors pick a crime any crime you don't have to agree on it,
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whatever you say will be the secondary crime it doesn't have to be unanimous. >> people will dismiss the accusation that donald trump is a convicted felon i think it'll carry much weight and this might work to help donald trump after all and he received a lot of campaign donations after the verdict was announced and it brings attention to the fact that the democratic party is the democratic name only that using the term democrats who describe the democratic party is the biggest misnomer since inflation reduction act in there's no getting away from the reality the reality were getting the pcm price index today during the trip administration, the price index grew by less than 2% annually on average during the
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biden administration is growing by 5%. maria: that is one of the issues that people will certainly be voted on and everything is much more expensive. a fair amount of people will see this verdict and say i need to be heard and vote trump because this is wrongheaded and emblematic of what our country is going right now. >> several billionaires and millionaires after the verdict that up there donation to the trump campaign, mary matteson was one of them we can talk about that later. maria: the whole website crashed, there was so much support, right after it came down there was so much support on the website it came down. >> when god went down minutes after the verdict was announced because the flood of people going to the website to donate to donald trump this is going to have politically the reverse of
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what democrats wanted to see. something you brought up a moment ago about judge mershon i would pick up something gregg jarrett wrote this is fascinating the way he described the judge and where this went wrong and he said the judge politely disregarded the established rules of evidence he manipulated standards of admissibility to favor the prosecution sanction, presidential testimony, probative value and helped engineer a wrongful conviction by depriving trump of a full legitimate defense to which he was entitled it's a long piece at, all of this to your point is going to backfire on the democrats. i was watching other networks and they were celebrating it was disgusting. maria: they were it's incredible. let's hear from alvin bragg followed by todd blanche who was on "watters world" last night with jesse back to back. here you go.
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>> i did my job, our job is to follow the facts and the law without fear or favor and that's exactly what we did. i did my job, we did our job, many voices out there, the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury and the jury has spoken. >> i wanted to be the one that is arguing because he's a smart guy and knows what he's doing and we made every decision together, man and i did four times in one year end four different jurisdictions for different jurisdictions, running and winning we will wake up tomorrow and fight it is not over. maria: we will cover this all morning, we have a lot coming up in expert analysis, quick break and we stay on the unprecedented story all morning long futures are searching for direction ahead of the april pce index this could be a market mover at
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8:30 a.m. eastern, dow industrial gun 39 in affect on 73, technical strategist adam turnquist is here on that, reaction to the trump verdict as well, the power panel is back consulting president fox's contributor kellyanne conway will weigh in joining kevin o'leary, that is coming up in the 8:00 a.m. hour, get their thoughts on the unprecedented moments in time, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business, we'll be right back ♪ ♪ (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures. h being there.
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just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free maria: welcome back take a look at futures we have fractional losses across the board, dow industrial down 47, the nasdaq 1076 and s&p lower by 13 and a quarter after new york jury found president trump guilty of all 34 counts in the so-called hush money trial, marking him
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the first former u.s. president to be convicted of a crime, joining the lpl financial chief adam turnquist, great to see you thank you for being here, let me kick it off with the trump news will this affect markets are investors focused on this. >> thank you for having me on, it certainly and focus just the impact is not been realized yet we know there is a lot of uncertainty between now and the actual verdict in the sentencing on july 11 and appeals so there's a lot of uncertainty so we know the market doesn't like uncertainty it is sell now, ask questions later we've not had that reaction yet it'll be about inflation at least for now and what the fed is going to do. in terms of interest rates, reaction so far in the market has been pretty muted we have ten year treasury hovering around 456 this morning. maria: let's take a look at
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that, the tenure right now is up wanted a third basis points sitting exactly where you said 4.56% former council of economic advisor kevin hassett joined me on the program earlier this month and he had real opinions about how markets would react should we see president trump going to jail, watch this. >> the big risk is something i've never seen before. if you look at the case of new york that the judge is being so undemocratic, unconstitutional and his rulings against president trump and looks like a conspiracy to put them in jail behind bars. a president trump is in chains going to rikers island, would you want to buy a u.s. treasury the next day? the thing i'm worried about for short-term risk if they actually succeed imagine we become a banana republic that they take them to rikers and i can't
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imagine what happens to treasury markets that day. maria: is there a feeling on wall street that this country is moving toward banana republic status? >> i'm not sure if i would go that far, when we look actual correlation between what the market is doing and former president trump selection odds is higher correlated to president trump's election odds and is been correlated with president trump election odds that seems to be where the market wants the election winner for this november. i think that's going to be closely watched and looked at the betting odds and predicted odds last night and it was not much of a reaction we saw president biden's odds fall overnight it's a surprise reaction and perhaps this gives president trump a boost coming into the fall.
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maria: let's talk fundamentals, were waiting on the april pce index this morning coming out and about two hours time, the expectation calls for court month over month price is to be a pretense of 8% and year-over-year 2.8%, we have seen for months now of elevated inflation. are you expecting this to be a market mover this morning? >> i think it's going to be more important than some of the other reports given where the market is trading right now and where yields are both are an important inflection point. when you look back over the last 11 months core pce has been in line or below expectation the whisper number seems below consumer spending, a little bit weaker retail sales and softer cpi data, i think that would help alleviate some of this higher interest rates in entrenched inflation. i don't think it's going to move the needle in terms of fed
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policy there get a wait for more convincing evidence that inflation is coming down before they signal toward rate cuts. maria: way and what are your expectation of what kind of an impact are you expecting. >> i'm going with the consensus on the pc price index of three tenths of 8%. i would add something that is important, yesterday we had a revision of gdp that contain new estimates on personal income this is what shocked me the year-over-year growth rate first-quarter wage and salary income was revised lower from an initial 5.8% to a restated 5%, this tells me that the labor market is not as strong as you think it is given the fact that we have a historically low unemployment rate and this is currently and will continue to take a toll on consumer spe spending. maria: what do you think adam?
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>> the consumer spending trends right now seem to be slowing. i would agree there a actually open the labor market i think the fed will walk and not given how tight the labor market has been over the last several years and i think it suggests below consensus going into today. maria: we will leave it there is good to see you, thank you for weighing in on that. adam turnquist joining us, more of the unprecedented moment in time, were following the conviction of former president donald trump, nick langworthy is here, he just received an endorsement from the 45th president. we will get his reaction after the break. stay with us.
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>> it was done by the biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent of political opponent and i think it's a disgrace and we will keep fighting we will fight until the end and we will win because our country has gone to hell and we will fight for our constitution this is long from over. maria: that was former president trump yesterday reacting to the verdict being found guilty on all 34 counts in the so-called hush money trial, the sentencing
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is set for july 11, judge mershon set the sentencing for days before the republican national convention joining me now your congressman nick langworthy the agriculture enrolls committee, you were just endorsed by president trump, congratulation on the endorsement, what is your reaction to the verdict. >> is a very dark day in our justice system, using the weaponization of our government time and again, and there's never been an american citizen attacked more than donald trump at this point they're trying to take his freedom and a fair presidential election away from us, alvin bragg ran as a george soros back d.a. that ran on a platform of get shop we saw letitia james in the law fair that they've conducted in new york and made a mockery of our judicial system and this was pillar to post a corrupt d.a. a corrupt judge, a donor to biden
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in a corrupt injury. after the judge's instructions. i think this is disgusting but it created an energy around supporters of the president and those that may have only been moderate supporters of the president to have an energy that we haven't seen before you saw when read the fundraising platform for republicans across the country crash yesterday and it's a sign of things to come they have awoken a sleeping giant. maria: why are they so afraid of president trump? >> everything in this country is worse off than the trump administration. you see it no more as a congressman and i hear every week in the grocery store when i talked to my constituents. they are struggling mightily they don't have an optimistic view of the economy or the future and we had an economy on fire during president trump the administration, yet the raging inferno at the southern border,
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virtual invasion of our country, this is happen on purpose by the stroke of a penn of this president, the polls don't lie president trump is leading in the swing states and all over the country, they know it and using extraordinary measures to silence his voice, it is disgusting. maria: i get that, your an elected official, what will you do about it is this going to stand so many people coming on the show and speaking out saying this was rigged and so biased, the daughter making money et cetera are we going to talk about it, what are we going to do about it. >> work and organize, fight and win in november the american people want to make this decision you not to win elections in manhattan, this is a place where donald trump got 5% of the vote, no jury it was a jury of his adversaries clearly this was orchestrated in they
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found the venue that he could not win, there was no opportunity for him to get a fair jury and they refused to allow him a venue change, there's a reason that the florida trial is not coming because they're afraid he would be acquitted and now they get to run the campaign and say the words convicted felon, that is exactly what joe biden wanted, we have to win this election the upmost importance is an important election of a lifetime in republicans and people that really appreciate freedom in this country have to organize, fight and get ready to win. >> the georgia trial scheduled for august that is likely going to be delayed the supreme court decision on trump's presidential immunity that should come out in late june. we will see what that shows us, do you think this verdict has any impact on the supreme court thinking right now? >> i am not sure what is in the minds of the supreme court
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justices but i think the delay and a lot of the other cases as part and parcel to the fact that they believe president trump will be acquitted and they don't want the headline in the biden white house, there's a great orchestration going out across the country and it comes from the white house. maria: look at what's going on on the democrat side of the aisle, your fellow new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez reacting to the verdict at a town hall in the bronx yesterday, last week thousands turned out for trump in the event down the street in the bronx, he or she is yesterday, watch this. >> the statements in this verdict saith partisan or democrats or what have you donald trump as can convicted by a jury of his peers in new york, his defense attorneys had the opportunity to screen who the people that surround the jury for partisanship.
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maria: your reaction to aoc? >> it's ludicrous. there is a reason that this child was brought forward by alvin bragg and the reason he's been attacked by letitia james and the reason they brought the venue in manhattan because they knew they could get a tainted jury that would never give donald trump a fair shot. look at the election results that we have had in manhattan it's the most liberal place in new york state. i know about the politics of new york, manhattan is the worst place for any republican. we see greater opportunity in the bronx as we saw last week then you have in manhattan and for aoc to say this is a fair trial, this is putting their minions forward to celebrate the victory use all the smugness among people in alvin bragg's team including an official from the biden justice department,
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there is a cohesion between the biden d.o.j. and alvin bragg to bring the localized charge there is not an american that would face the charges that donald trump did. in the jury instructions it came from this judge. he put his thumb on the scale right there and sent the order to how this was going to play out. maria: you think trump can still win in november? >> i absolutely do there is a new energy this morning and last night i heard from people that i haven't heard from in years very casual republicans that may have defected to biden in the last election i did not have the heart to ask them not they're going to vote for donald trump based on what they've seen a weaponization of the government and three letter agents used against their peers and if they could do to donald trump they could do it to any of us, that
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is what is on the line in the next election. maria: it is disturbing we will be watching your work, nick langworthy in new york, thank you. former acting attorney general trump surrogate what a is here will get his reaction to the trump sentencing four days before the republican national convention begins in july. president biden gives ukraine the go-ahead to allow limited strikes within russia and, what that means coming up. stay with us. ♪. maria: next week on "mornings with maria", monday migrants linked to terrorism crossing the wide open southern border texas sheriff had cleveland is here, tuesday anthony fauci on the hot seat, debbie dingell on the long-awaited covid testimony. wednesday seven entrance editor kevin cramer to combat the biden administration war on energy, china ramps up the threats on taiwan, gordon chang on what
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comes next. the may unemployment rate revealed right here lies with the top minded business, it's all right here on "mornings with maria". ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance! -it's a little pill with a ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis,
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your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> this was a disgrace this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge he was corrupt, rigged trial, a disgrace, the real verdict will be november 5 by the people, we did not do a thing wrong. i'm a very innocent man and it's okay, i'm fighting for our country and our constitution. maria: that was former president trump reacting to the jury's verdict finding him guilty on all 34 counts and the new york trial, president biden reacting to the verdict yesterday on x
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writing this there's only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box, former acting u.s. attorney general and trump surrogate matt whitaker, good to seal, your reaction to the verdict. >> good morning. it's a sad day in american history and someone that's been a federal prosecutor and run the department of justice. i can tell you i'm concerned for the future of our country this is not the united states system of justice. we saw a judge that committed reversible error and had to be admitted on liberal news channels how many mistakes the judge made from allowing stormy daniels to testify so broadly in prejudicial and of the jury into his instructions that gave the jury a chinese menu of options to convict the former president,
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someone like donald trump is going to have to fight hard to continue to move forward but if you describe the country where a fake dossier was made by political opponents where person was trying to be kept off the ballot and charged in multiple jurisdictions and so many other anomalies that only apply to donald trump you wouldn't think that was the united states of america you would think it's a world work country and its unprecedented and were all going to have to do unprecedented things in order to maintain and restore public. maria: is extraordinary even many of the things that judge mershon did throughout the trial agreeing with the prosecution over and over again in terms of sustaining the objections at the end, judge mershon sent trump's sentencing for july 114 days before the republican
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convention, come on that is right there in the middle of the election, trump appellate was on special report to discuss possible next steps, watch this. >> this case is replete with reversible error going back to the very first day continuing through jury instructions every aspect of this case is right for appeal, were going to appeal as quickly as we can we will seek expedited review of the case and were going to trust that the appellate court in new york understand the dangerous pandora's box that the lawless judgment has opened and understand the ramifications were legal system. maria: what about that, tell us what an appeal might look like and what the trump team will likely do next or should do? >> obviously they're not giving up a fight anytime soon but
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what's going to happen most likely is a multipronged approach and you're going to see probably an appeal to the u.s. supreme court in order to get some relief and inability to hold the unprecedented and illegal judgment against president trump and tell the appeals can run out, they have 30 days to appeal to the next level of the new york appeals court in new york has been confusing because for some reason they called their trial court the supreme court and for most americans it doesn't make any sense but that being said you will see the methodical march through the appeals court making very legitimate and constitutionally sound arguments to will's point how president trump's rights have been violated time and time again by judge mershon in order to get to
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this day where they can call president trump a convicted felon or a justice involved person. maria: to take michael cohen seriously is another spectacle, the former attorney for trump reacted to the verdict on msnbc last night blasting trump's defense, watch this. >> you cannot listen to your client when you're trying to create a defense that is important as this is the very first president of the united states to ever be charged with the crime but along convicted on 34 counts. it was definitively the stupidest lawyer of all time worse than some of the other ones that he has in his orbit. maria: may be like him, michael cohen, this is rich, matt
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whitaker to give the sky the platform on msnbc, your rea reaction. >> is been a useful idiot from the left for quite some time because he is a trump critic and willing to say whatever it takes and they're happy to give him the airtime, the thing that is most disappointing is the prosecutor's and alvin bragg stood up yesterday after the conclusion of the trial and said this was his bread-and-butter as new york city is burning down you know anybody in new york city knows the threat the menacing threat of the combination of homelessness in the illegal immigration crisis caused by joe biden, new york city is not safe. instead of focusing on ways to improve the lives of new yorkers alvin bragg is focused on the show trial against the former president to score political points for his political
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overlords. maria: that's what the polls look the way that they do a new mpr pbs news poll released ahead of the verdict found that if trump was found guilty 50% of registered voters said that they would be more likely to vote for him in november, 67% said the verdict would make no difference at all in their choice for president, cheryl casone what you make of these numbers, obviously this was politically i mentioned this at the top of the show, this is good have the exact opposite offensive what joe biden the democrats wanted to have them were getting here from former president trump and back on the campaign trail and under sentencing will be present time for the former president. and that's very unlikely, what
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you predict is going to happen at sentencing on july 11. >> again i can only talk about the way the system has worked in should work, i can't talk about donald trump's case, that's what's been a problem about this all these prosecutions, they don't work the way that they have always worked. in this case because it's a nonviolent offense, it's a first conviction you would not expect someone in the some of the issues to face any jail time and alvin bragg behind this effort i fully expect that they would try to do something crazy like that. >> don't forget before the sentencing will have a debate, biden trump debate, june 27. >> obviously we are living in historic times. maria: thank you very much for being here this morning. we appreciate your guidance on everything. matt whitaker with us on this morning. how much to president trump's
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trial cost new york taxpayers, we have the breakdown. you're watching "mornings with . that is next. stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back, new this morning the u.s. is about wanting ukraine to carry out limited strikes in u.s. russia with weapons. cheryl casone with the details. >> the biden administration agreeing to let ukraine strike limited targets inside of russia with american supplied weaponry including artillery and short-range missiles, the strikes may target arms depots in command post used by the kremlin to attack the kharkiv region of ukraine, the deal does not allow american long-range missiles a direct conflict between washington and the kremlin, russian forces have continually fired on the border town of kharkiv knowingly they would be targeted by western weapons until now. the suspected killer of georgia nursing student laken riley is appearing in court today, hosea barat to ten charges including murder, he is facing three
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felony murder counts and bodily injury, aggravated battery and more 22-year-old riley's body was found on the university of georgia campus on february after she went for more morning run, he was arrested the next day sparking outrage of the dangers of illegal immigration in the u.s., it's unclear whether he is going to plead guilty or not guilty. we will find out today. we have some breaking news this morning, our partners at the wall street journal reported the billionaire bill ackman is considering a purging square, he reports ackman is selling the stake and tenant half-billion, meanwhile there are reports ackman web been very vocal with the criticism about anti-semitism at college campuses is now considering endorsing former president donald trump in the november election. taxpayers are picking up the bill for the new yorkers is trump trial and the price is
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shockingly high or maybe is not shockingly high want to ask job or rally but the cost of the trial upwards of $2 million over the six weeks it took to play out in lower manhattan, $50000 a day for safety, money spent towards overtime for staff, security there, not lost on the former president, here's what trump had to say about it, watch. >> it is a disgrace, millions of millions of dollars spent daily on this case outside it looks like it's port knox i've never seen so many policeman in the outside world is watching and the outside world is going to bring their business to new york and not as trillions and trillions of dollars and businesses are leaving. people are fleeing because her money seems to be getting misspent over and over but i will yield my time to job or rally. maria: is a good point since job or rally is a leader in new
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york, people are scratching their heads to try to understand why there's so much crime in new york people are not getting prosecuted and here you have the 45th president getting sentenced on july 11. >> i'm scratching my head where he got the money to pay this, this is a guy that came before city government last year to talk about money for the current fiscal year doesn't year that were currently get now. a quote directly from alvin bragg, the volume of discovery material that we must produce in the timeline for producing it remains a huge issue for my office, last year we dismissed 1800 cases because we could not meet our discovery burden among the most commonly dismissed prosecutions are misdemeanor for domestic violence in cases involving repeat offenders, he asked for $13 million last year because he could not comply with prosecuting 1800 cases. if this cost $2 million does that mean two or 300 people that
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committed real crimes not made up crimes not strung together crimes people in his own words domestic violence and repeat offenders could that have been better spent prosecuting those people and many of us who have to come and work here in manhattan would be happy to have that money spent in that regard. >> is one of the reasons that they are stretched and unable to have consequences for people who commit real crimes is because of the dominated by politics that they want to put their political enemies in jail? >> we can put a price tag on this. if you had to ask alvin bragg he would point to a single felony case that his office spent this much money on in his entire tenure, not one. >> that is extraordinary, the numbers bear that out. to joe's point that there are so
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many other fiscal problems in the city and alvin bragg chose to go after the 45th president of the united states and many calling the sham trial basically not felonies and campaign-finance violation alone was a stretch all of that before he got his guilty plea had to go before the microphone, get back to work that's how we felt as a new york city taxpayer watching him at the microphone after the verdict was read i thought you really would go and prosecute real criminals that would be nice. >> absolutely yeah politics driving the day and come over you to take a short break, president trump speaking this morning after his conviction in new york city he will address the country from trump tower at 11:00 a.m. eastern, we have the preview of what he's going to say anyone to stay with fox business for taking a life. our power panel is back, kellyanne conway and kevin
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o'leary will weigh in on the president moment in time that adm eastern, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right ♪ . dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. will someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking. moving forward with node-positive breast cancer.
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maria: welcome back many good friday morning, everybody. thanks very much pour joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday, may 31, 7:00 a.m. on the button on the east coast. he hope you're having a good


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