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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 31, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back many good friday morning, everybody. thanks very much pour joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday, may 31, 7:00 a.m. on the button on the east coast. he hope you're having a good morning.
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unprecedented decision in trump's new york city trial as hes is found g -- guilty on all4 counts against him. we have the very latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it ain't over. former president trump has vowed he will appeal the verdict. >> we didn't do a thing wrong. i'm a very innocent man. and it's okay, i'm fighting for our country, i'm fighting for our constitution, our whole country is being rigged right now. >> reporter: now that he's a convicted felon but the former president's defense will likely challenge the jury's decision, citing a variety of trial issues. his lawyers have already claimed that pretrial publicity made it impossible for him to get a fair trial in manhattan. he called out the judge for not he recusing himself for a
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conflict of interest. his daughter works for a democratic political campaign firm. they have ruled the judge had no conflict. >> the 12 everyday jurors vowed to make a decision based on the evidence and the law and the evidence and the law alone. their deliberations led them to an unanimous conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt, the defendant, donald trump, is guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree to conceal a scheme to corrupt the 2016 election. >> reporter: the convictions came just hours after the jury asked for testimony from national enquirer publisher and michael cohen. both said trump had an august 2015 meeting at trump power to put the illegal scheme into motion. the jury saw the trump documents
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and cohen's bank statement and prosecutors said proved cohen was reimbursed for paying stormy daniels so she would keep silent and they saw checks trump signed falsely classified as cohen's legal retainers when trump was actually paying cohen back and despite his history of previously lying under oath, the jury it seems did believe michael cohen. cohen told fox news, quote, today is an important day for accountability and the rule of law. it's been a difficult journey for me and my family, he said, the truth always matters. sentencing for the former president is set for july 11th at 10:00 a.m. a. his lawyers under the law have to wait until then to officially file their notice of appeal. we'll likely see that at that time. maria. maria: thanks very much. eric sean in downtown monday hat taken. cheryl, your reaction. >> well, all of this now goes to the appeal process. we've got the sentencing as eric
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just mentioned. the journal wrote a very big deep dive in the editorial section called a gil you at thit for trump and consequences for the country. one thing they make a good point about is the appeal process. they say judge merchan tolerated mr. bragg's legal creativity in ways an you appeals court might not. what if mr. trump loses the election and is vindicated on appeal. if democrats think too many republicans complain about stolen elections, imagine how many more might next year. so all of this, again, the appeal is one issue but the election i think is the bigger story here and voters are going to have their say in november. maria: yeah. i want to see the latest polls after the verdict was released, joe. i want to see what -- we've got a lot of polls that show people saying i will vote for trump if he's convicted, i think it will mean more to me to get trump in
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there if he's convicted but i haven't seen something after this came down. have you? >> no, certainly nothing could have been polled between last night and today but certainly anecdotally from what we've seen on social media people seem to be willing to stick their neck out and say this doesn't matter for them. that jives with the poll numbers we saw from that npr poll a few days ago where most people said this is not going to affect them and many said this would make them more like throw vote for him. one point that's been unsaid in all the coverage since last night is that this trial, the gag order of specifically which was one of the most controversial things, had the ironic impact on making trump come you out and be some of the best campaign moments we've seen of had his presidency. the gag order made him actually not talk about the problems in court, as much as he normally would, and it forced him to go into unfavorable locations like the bronx, like new jersey, and talk to voters about the
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economic problems of the biden presidency. it's no surprise that that worked and we saw a massive surge in the polls. i'm a little concerned as a trusm supporter that -- trump supporter with the gag order removed, it's order and the bad taste in everyone's mouth from the verdict, i'm concerned that trump will spend too much time focusing on relitigating this case and not enough time doing what he did for the past few weeks which has worked tremendously and brought him a whole bunch of new voters. maria: i think he's basically changing the game in the campaign season by going to all of those bright blue areas, you know, south bronx, new jersey, minnesota, and i think that the democrats are in some cases desperate because they see the kind of reception he's getting in those bright blue places. >> we heard from people on the street in the bronx and medicine sew take, people are affected by the biden economic failures, more than anything that's
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happening in a manhattan courtroom where the verdict was predisposed from the beginning. if you ask people what they care about, it isn't alvin bragg, it's about their pocketbooks, wallets and future for their kids. maria: this whole thing, this trial, this attack on president trump from day one has given the media reason to cover that instead of focus on the issues that are important to american citizens like inflation, like the two wars, foreign policy that has gone out of control. yes, go ahead, cheryl. >> really quick. politico came out with a very good piece about the freak out that is happening among the democrats and the party about joe biden. i know we talked about it on the show. maria: i just said that. >> that's exactly what's happening. maria: i just said that, because he went to all these bright blue air aas and they're getting desperate. they're seeing the crowds he's getting. a quick break and the april pce is out this morning, that could be a market mover this morning. we'll bring you the numbers as they cross.
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the word on wall street panel is here with expectation. the power hour is back, kellyanne conway and kevin o'leary join me at 8:00 a.m. to react to the trump verdict and more. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be,
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maria: welcome back. time now for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me is former gartman letter editor, dennis gartman. also with us is john lonski this morning. dennis, i want to thank you for joining the conversation this morning on this unare precedented day. john, i want to kick things off with you, looking at a market extending losses this morning after a new york jury found former president trump guilt on all 34 counts yesterday in the new york trial. the dow industrials down 35, nasdaq down 75 on top of triple digit losses yesterday.
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this makes president trump the first former u.s. president to be convicted of a crime. john, your reaction. >> well, you know, it tells us just how highly politicized the judicial system has become and of course this adds to risk for businesses that have to interact with the law, with the judicial system. this may have some implications for future merger and acquisition activity, for instance. beyond that, i don't see much of a problem. this cannot be good for the markets, it's not good for the economy, at a time where it appear as though the economy is losing momentum. maria: we'll get inflation data out this morning. interest rates this morning, we've got the 10 year treasury yield trading 4.56%. let's take a look at the 10 year here and it is up this morning, 1 basis point, sitting at 4.55%.
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former council of economic advisors chairman kevin hassett joined me this month discussing what markets would do if there were scenes of president trump in handcuffs going to jail. watch this. >> the big risk for me is something i've never seen before. i really think if you look at the case in new york, that the judge is being so undemocratic, unconstitutional, in his rulings against president trump, it really looks like there's a conspiracy to put him in jail, to president put him behind bars and if president trump is in chains going to you rikers island then would you want to buy u.s. treasuries the next day? the thing i'm worried about, about short-term risk for the economy, is the democrats are serious in this law fare and if they succeed imagine, it's like we become a banana republic the moment they take him to rikers and i can't imagine what happens to treasury markets that day. maria: dennis, so far we haven't really seen markets react all that much to the
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happenings in this political situation. your reaction? >> it's been very muted thus far and rather surpriseing to say the very least but all investment is the market propensity of people to take action and i think the propensity on the part of mr. trump's base and mr. biden's base will be to strengthen their concerns, their propensity to act. what i worry about is the 4 or 5% in the middle, what is their propensity to take action? the in the united states, election, 52, 48 is a landslide so elections for president are always kind of at the margins and i think people's propensities to take action, to invest money, to take a long-term view of the economy have been somewhat reduced at this point so i think this is not bullish for the stock market, obviously, and probably not bullish pour the bond market. this is disconcerting news to say the least. maria: we're waiting on
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inflation data, we've got the april pce index out this morning in about an hour and 15 minutes, economists are expecting core month over month prices to be up three-tenth h hads of a percent. do you see inflation in some areas of this economy coming down? >> there are areas where inflation clearly is coming down, commodity prices have not been very strong to say the very least, crude oil prices versus come down from $85 a barrel to $77 a barrel and the term structure of the futures market is barish in crude oil at this point but i learned not to argue with consensus, three tenths of 1% is problem by what pce will be today, i won't argue with that. it seems like a reasonable and expected number. maria: you say some areas have come down. we're talking about an elevated level of inflation. john, you know, put it in consistent text for us. we had three straight months,
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january, february, march, of hot inflation the data and we're going to now going into this next couple of weeks, we've got a lot of inflation come canning up. a lot of inflation readings, rather. after this we'll focus on the cpi, june 12th, cpi is coming out so that's going to be something that sets the tone as well. >> you're exactly right, maria. i was talking to a tradesman yesterday. he's telling me what's all this nonsense about 2 and-a-half, 3% inflation? it's meaningless to me. what matters to me is that prices are so much higher than they were four years ago when joe biden took office and in fact, if you want to get rid of the inflation problem people face today, you probably have to have some months, months of price deflation and i think the only way that you are going to cure, you're going to remedy today's inflation problem a in a lasting manner unfortunately is
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going to be via a recession. i don't think it's going to happen suddenly but that's why we want to keep an eye on today's pce report what it tells us about consumer spending, what it tells us about wage and sal hely income, -- salary income, if consumer spending is slowing, if employment income is slowing, then eventually we're moving towards a lower rate of inflation but getting there is going to be painful. maria: yeah. i mean, this morning we're looking at commodities pulling back from recent highs. dennis, you said a minute ago commodities are off the highs. sure, they're off highs. last week we were talking about a huge run for copper, two weeks ago we were talking bow out a big run for oil so i don't think they're down that much. >> crude oil is. copper has come off its highs, gold has come off its high a little bit. aluminum prices have come off their highs. as john said, the big problem is when people go to the grocery
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store they see prices higher than where they were two years ago, a year ago, six months ago, they have not come down. that's really what's important. what your grocery bill is the number you pay attention to. maria: for sure. gentlemen, we're waiting on the number, about an hour 10 meant away, dennis, good to see you. thanks very much. john, you're with us for the rest of the hour and we appreciate that. thank you so much, gentlemen. quick break and then a president trump says his fight is far% from over. florida congressman cory mills, he's been in the courtroom with the former president. he's here to react to that verdict, next. then harvard law professor emeritus alan dershowitz will be here reacting to the verdict and next steps. he's coming up at 7:30. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. a new york jury finding former president trump guilty on 34 counts in his so called hush money trial. here's the 4 fifth president's reof action. >> this was done by the you bin administration in order to hurt an opponent, a political opponent and i think it's just a disgrace and we'll keep fighting. we'll fight until the end and we'll win because our country's gone to hell and we will fight for our constitution. this is long from over.
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maria: the judge, judge merchan, set sentencing for juls before the republican national convention. joining me is florida congressman cory mills, member of the house armed services and foreign affairs committees. i know you've been in the courtroom with president trump. your reaction to the verdict? >> well, i absolutely agree with the be president. this is absolute disgrace. you know, the scales of justice usually talk about the judge puts the thumb on the scale of justice but this judge is literally throwing it right out the window. this was a hung jury, a hung court from the very beginning. we knew it was a banana court when prosecutors did not prove beyond a shadow of doubt whether or not the president was guilty, couldn't prove whether or not there was any illegal entries. two star witness, one lacks moral compass, the other lacks
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integrity. you'll tell me 34 jurors of his peers came to a conclusion without a shadow of the doubt. i can tell you that's not the case. you have judge merchan whose daughter is raising hundreds of millions of dollars for the biden, harris re-election for adam schiff, the conflict of interest here could not be greater and i think at this point obviously the president has more than enough reason for appeal. that's going to take months going forward but i think what the congress needs to do with the help of chairman jim jordan, we need to step y up our effort, we should subpoena the judge's daughter's financials, look at how much money was made in this scheme, look at the llc in miami to determine if judge merchan is financially benefiting as well. we need to look at how much federal funding or state funding was utilized by ag bragg so we can get even more further details into this. look, we cannot allow our constitutional republic which is built on the rule of law to be a police sized weaponize --
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politicized, weaponized justice system that allows it to do election interference by targeting political opposition. if this happens to a sitting former president, what's next for other conservatives, what's next as we go back to the 2004 obama era, with the irs weaponized against conservative organization. look, this is an absolute disgrace and this is an a ashes lieutenant black eye and -- absolute black eye and sad day for america when the rule of law doesn't stand for the rule of law anymore. maria: you say a lot of things. you should do this or do that. whose decision is this? is this mike johnson's decision, is this chairman of judiciary decision? will this happen or is it empty words. >> it should sit with chairman jordan. i want the judiciary committee to step up and do this. if not, my chief and myself we're looking whether or not we need to take it through regular order that would the take it
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through the judiciary committee. nothing has been done the way it should. maria: that's exactly right. congressman, you posted this on x, you said today's verdict is not about justice or ensuring no one is above the law, today is further proof about how the scales of justice have been thrown out. we're hearing this from bakely all republicans. but i guess the question is, what can be done about it? i mean, how come no one on the left feels this way? how come -- is it possible that your colleagues on the left think this was all fair and square? >> you know what i think? i think right now it's time to stop playing defense and play offense. i've been saying this from the beginning. i tried to drop impeachment articles against joe biden for his abuse of power, violation of separation of power, inability to -- he violated his oath of offs a. all the things i was told, slow roll this because we need to get
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appropriations through. i was elected to the house. we need to do our job, we need to step up and get accountability, we need to stop the weaponization and we need to look at how the das and ags need to step up their roles. we need to subpoena some of the money that's utilized to determine whether or not is judge merchan getting 10% for the big guy. this wasn't about the trump trial. this was the biden trial. maria: that's another good point because we haven't heard much about the oversight's investigation, the oversight committee's investigation into the -- >> hearing, hearing, hear, that's all i hear, is one more hearing, one more piece of evidence. we've got more than enough. trump he was impeached wrongfully twice for less than what we have for joe biden and hunter biden had. where's the case against hunter biden? where's the case against him about lying about getting a weapon, where's the case about the hunter biden laptop. i'm tired of hearing one more
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hear, one more piece of evidence. this is my party. i get it. i'm sick of the president being the scapegoat for all of americans. maria: voters are as well, congressman. here's president trump's lawyer last night with jessie. watch. >> the gag order that was put in place, then you have a situation where president trump was on the campaign trail and is trying to compete with voices that are saying things every day that he cannot respond to without the risk of being fined, which he was, or going to prison for violating it. that affects not only president trump. that affects every voter whether they're going to vote for president trump or against president trump. that affects every sin voter in the country. they don't get to hear from the candidate. maria: i want to get your reaction to the gag order. congressman, last night when i saw president trump saying there was no fraud, i did nothing wrong, i had this deja vu and i thought this is what he was
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doing in 2017, in 2018, saying there was no collusion, i didn't collude with russia. they have been attacking him and trying to stop him literally it's been five or six years at this point. what are they so afraid of? why are they had so you afraidf trump? >> they know he can win, he will take back the presidency and change the corruption of the deep state. knows the deep police state, they hired 87,000 irs agents, trying to increase their powers and try to violate constitutional rights and liberties. the rest of the left and the rest of the deep state knows he's going to clean house. todd blanche did a phenomenal job. i was there during the cross examination of michael cohen. showed there was no credibility whatsoever. and the jurors saying they unanimously found this, it's -- think of it this way. i think we as the republican party to poke them in the eye we should move our gop conference
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and elect president trump as our nominee on july 4th. we know they're trying to prevent him from coming to the gop gathering, so we should go ahead and start looking at that we have to start stepping up our efforts, maria. i'm sick and tired of this whole thing about one more hearing. i'm going to beat the horse here. but one more hearing, one more piece of evidence, one more this, one more. we have to start getting accountability. we can't just continue to sit on our laurels and say we're the actual party of the rule of law. we're the party of process. we have more than enough to move forward. we need to launch investigation, follow the money, follow the facts. that's what this is about. we have to ensure that something like this never happens again because precedents are set by the left, that no one is safe, guilty until proven innocent, not the other way around and they continue to do this kangaroo style court and the third party banana republic where you're going to be guilty because we say you're guilty as a political operative. maria: i saw this somewhere
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else. i want to reiterate what you said. are you saying you're proposing moving the republican national convention to july 4th as opposed to july 15th? is that what you just said? >> that's exactly what i'm saying. if they're going to try to do a sentencing on the 11th, i say we bring president trump, we move it and elect him as our nominee on july 4th, independence day and we start moving forward. i think that's a symbolic measure. i think it tells them where we're at as america. maria: have you discussed this with any other colleagues? is this a real thing? is this just your opinion. >> this is my opinion right now. my other colleagues will absolutely share in this. maria: congressman, we'll be watching that. thanks so much, cory mills. goods to see you, sir. >> thank you, maria. maria: quick break and we're discussing the cost of all of this. what was the cost of the trial on the november election and trump's next steps, harvard law professor emeritus alan dershowitz is here with more on that. don't mist it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ >> this was a disgrace. this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who is corrupt. it's a rigged trial, a disgrace. the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people. we didn't do a thing wrong. i'm a very innocent man. and it's okay, i'm fighting for our country, i'm fighting for our constitution. maria: constantly on defense, six years later. former president donald trump reacting to the jury finding him guilty on 34 counts in his new york city trial. the biden harris 2024 communications director, michael tyler, saying this. in new york, we saw that no one is above the law.
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there is only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office and that is at the ballot box. joining me is harvard law professor emeritus the, author of get trump, the threat to civil liberties, due process and constitutional rule of law, spot on even before all of this happened. there is the book. alan dershowitz is here. thank you very much for joining me this morning. you've seen this trial unfold firsthand. you had a front row seat in that trial. your reaction to the verdict? >> my big disa disappointment ih the jury. this is supposed to be a check and balance. this jury failed the role of checking and balancing. of course they did because they were hand-picked by the judge, by the prosecutor to be anti-trump. these were get trump jurors. these were jurors who voted between 85 to 90% not to allow trump to be president and they will do anything to prevent him
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from being the president and so their vote was the second vote on november against him being president. it wasn't a vote on the facts or the law of the case, the facts of the law of the case here are n a absolute joke. there isn't a serious lawyer in the country, democrat or republican, who would privately tell you this was a legitimate case. i'm getting calls from friends of mine who are democrats and who are liberals but won't speak out who say of course this is outrageous, of course this is a political trial, of course there was no basis for convicting him of misdemeanor based on the statute of limitations but we're thrilled, we're happy, we're cheering for the result because this is part of a whole get trump mentality and maybe it will backfire, maybe it won't. maybe it will be reversed on appeal or my worry is the appellate judges are just like the jurors. they're afraid of coming back home and being accused of being the ones who allowed trump to
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become president. i'm afraid the you appellate aps will fall into the same get trump trap and we'll see no change in our system of rule of law. maria: how much of the influence came from the judge to begin with? i mean, i was talking to someone last week and she said she saw all of the jury selection sheets and it was all like i hate trump, i want him behind bars, i mean, stuff like that. when the jury was selected. and then judge merchan comes up and tells them don't worry, you don't have to be unanimous on a secondary crime. choose whatever you want. pick a crime and that's fine. in fact, we know it's supposed to be unanimous. i mean, then he sets trump's sentencing hearing for july 11th, days before the republican national convention. so i want to get your -- you say you're disappointed in the jury. how much of the jury's behavior was because of the judge and what he told them to do? >> absolutely. this was essentially a directed verdict of guilt by the judge,
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by giving them the multiple choice defense, by saying you don't have to agree on which charges were the secondary crimes, you don't have to prove them beyond a reasonable doubt. you can accept the prosecutor's argument that as a matter of fact, this was an illegal campaign contribution while keeping out an expert witness who really knows campaign law who would have said no, this is not an illegal campaign contribution. the judge by allowing the detailed, salacious testimony of stormy d daniels, irrelevant to the case. it's been ruled in the weinstein case that it's illegal. if they apply the weinstein precedent to the trump case, they will reverse this. will they have the courage to allow donald trump to be the next president of the united states? that's the real question. can get justice in new york?
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this can't be an invitation to local prosecutors around the country who are republicans to start weaponizing the criminal justice system and go after democrats and start bringing them to trial in front of jurors that are very anti-democrat. this is the beginning of a war of weaponization of the criminal justice system and it has legal systems fail. our systems of checks and balances which is the great contribution that the american constitution made failed yesterday and we get more -- on my show, i give out bananas. we're up to eight bananas out of 10 on a banana republic. we lost our system of checks and balances yesterday. maria: i like the fact you give out bananas. it's spot-on. let me get your take on what we heard from the white house and the biden campaign earlier this week because remember when we were all waiting for a verdict, the campaign comes out and they say we're going to have
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president biden make a statement after the verdict is out, he's going to do it from the white house so it doesn't look political. yeah, right. and then they say if he is acquitted, if it's a hung jury, we are planning attacks on president trump. i mean, when i read that, i was so taken aback, i thought could this actually be true? are they admitting that they are intimidating people right now even before -- i mean, how much of that intimidated the jury, do you think? >> well, i think the jury was very much intimidated even though they were anonymous. the judge was intimidated. nobody wants to be dershowitz. that means being very pop of later in places like martha's vineyard and harvard, then defending president trump on constitutional grounds and being completely ca canceled so no one will talk to you, your family members, your wife. every juror understands that. every judge understands that. if you're perceived as doing anything in favor of trump in a
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city like new york, particularly manhattan, your life is over and every juror understood that, every judge understood that. underjuror got out of the case saying i can't stand the idea that i'll be discriminated against if i vote for trump. this case should never have been held in m manhattan, should have been held in staten island or rockland county, should have been held after the election, not before the election. everything is wrong with this case, everything that america stands for was violated by this. maria: that is so terrible what you said and you're right, it should have been held in some place like staten island where we knew that maybe we could get a shot at some fairness. will scharf is the trump appellate team attorney, he joined special report last night. here's what he said. watch. >> this case is replete with reversible error, going back to the very first day, continuing through jury instructions, every aspect of this case is ripe for
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appeal. we are going to aappeal as quick cannily as we can. we will seek expedited review of this case and we're going to trust that the appellate courts in new york understand the dangerous pandoras box that this lawless judgment has opened and that they understand the fob shale ramifications -- potential ramification toss the our legal system. maria: one question, what should the trump team do now? they've got 30 days to appeal and also what about the supreme court? how much is scotus focused on this as they debate and deliberate over the potential for presidential immunity on the january 6th case. >> sure. well, first of all, will scharf is a very good lawyer, glad he's staying on the team. i was not thrilled with the chief counsel in this case but will scharf is very good and they need to bring on-board some more experienced appellate lawyers who maybe could make the best of the record in this case and bring forward an appeal that
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has some chance of winning. it's up hill because of the judges in new york, this is up hill. eventually this case will get to the supreme court if they take it. it will almost certainly reverse the conviction but that might be after the election so it will be election interference. there should be an expedited appeal. they they should try to get this case up to the new york court of appeals as soon as possible and then to the united states supreme court but you need experienced appellate lawyers, particularly experienced in new york law, for example, who won the weinstein case should be brought on immediately. he understands the law of new york and he has a winning record in new york and you always need new eyes after a loss like this. there's some good members of the team, the team of lawyers, but there are some who have -- should be replaced and i hope they'll do that and put together
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a great team because it's very, very important that this appeal be won, not only for donald trump, but for every citizen of the united states. this prosecution -- maria: this prosecution what? >> has to be rebuked, has those be reversed. -- has to be reversed. from judges to prosecutors, you can't bring these kinds of cases, even if you win them in front of the jury, the law is against you. the facts are against you. justice is against you. maria: yeah. >> and just because they won doesn't mean it's a strong case. worst thing about the case is that it's such a weak case and it still won in new york. maria: yeah. what are the restrictions that are on president trump right now? is this going to affect his campaign? can he travel? can he leave the state? did to the republican national convention? what should we understand about the restrictions that's a conviction brings? >> i don't think there are any restrictionses at the moment. once he's sentenced, there could
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be. he'll move to stay the sentence. if they do move the convention up to july 4th as the previous guest said, then we'll have a sentence before the convention so that's an idea which is a mixed blessing. he has to continue with -- he no longer ha has the presumption of innocence. he's innocent as a matter of law, as a matter of fact. the fact that a completely biased jury select r&d by a completely biased judge convicted him shouldn't change the attitude toward him. the case should be ignored. the conviction should be ignored by any reasonable thinking person and any thinking reasonable judge should reverse it on appeal. maria: by the way, you said he no longer ha has the presumption of innocence. i think he had the presumption of innocence going in, okay. even before the jurors sat down in their seats i don't think there was any presumption of, you know, innocent until proven
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gil wguilty. what do you think happens to michael cohen? could he be charged with perjury again. we learned he actually stole money from trump. $60,000 he stopple from trump and -- he stole from trump and admitted it on the stand. >> he's a hero in new york now. he will be praised. he'll probably get a television show and he lied. he looked in the public -- looked at the public and said i have no financial interest interest in the outcome of the cames he was dancing yesterday, jumping up and down with joy. he has tremendous financial interest in the case. maria: o could he be charged h perjury again? >> he could be charged with perjury but he won't be. because this is get trump, this is not get cohen. maria: that's right. >> my book get trump, it predicted this outcome of the case. as soon as the decisions was m made to indict, after everybody
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said there was no case here, vance said there was no case, feds said there was no case, as soon as bragg indicted we knew there would be a conviction. it was a foregone conclusion. yesterday's result is not news. it was the end result of a completely predictable injust is the that was engineered from the very beginning by a politician who had campaigned on the promise to get trump. that's why this is so dangerous to all americans. today it's get trump. tomorrow, it's get you. tomorrow it's get me. tomorrow it's get your loved one. the american system has been weaponized against political enemies and that is a great loss for all americans. maria: it's the beginning of losing the country. i mean, what can you say? it's discouraging. >> we fight back and we never give up and we demand that the constitution be ad adhered to ad we legally and others will fight back politically but we can't
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give up. talking as a liberal democrat now who is not concerned with the impact on elections, i'm concerned about the impact on the rule of law. this that's what i care about deeply. maria: i know you do. you've been tough. huh to be tough because you've also efforts to cancel you have been underway as well. alan, great to see you. great conversation. we appreciate your time. thank you, sir. >> thank you very much. maria: all right. alan d dershowitz there. stay with us. we'll be right back. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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maria: welcome back. we've within talking about president trump's new york trial and this trial reportedly cost upwards of $2 million over the six weeks that it took to play out in lower manhattan. that is taxpayer money. it cost $50,000 a day on safety precautions, there was also overtime payments for court staff and security personnel. joining me is chairman and ceo of united refining company and red apple group, john catsimatidis. great to see you. taxpayers will foot the bill for the trial. what is the reaction from new york businesses and the community in new york? >> the reaction is, if they can do this to a business person like donald trump, they can do it to anybody in new york and a lot of businesses, a lot of people are concerned that there is no rule of law. and i agree 110% with alan
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dershowitz, he was on my show last night at 5:15 when everything came out and everybody -- everybody was shocked. the city was shocked. the country was shocked. the world was shocked. and it's just mind boggling, people texted me that they just got home and their wives were crying. i mean, there is -- we have to bring back the rule of law. somebody has to be tall enough and smart enough to say this is wrong and i had -- i was at a dinner with president trump last you night. he was in good spirits. and a lot of people there were giving him -- promoting and saying look, we have to change the world and president trump is the only one that has the
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courage to make a difference in the world and that message has to go through. i mean -- maria: you had dinner with him last night. how was -- what else was said? what did he say about next steps? >> there was only 15 people at the denar. he went around -- dinner, he went around, i asked who the next vice president should be. he everybody gave him advice. the one advice that resonated amongst t friends that i told it to, i said not only should you pick the right vice president, you should announce your entire cabinet, something that's never been done before and run as a team we've got to take back america. because america right now, we're under attack in so many directions, maria. our borders, our drugs, our universities. we're under attack in every sector and -- maria: yeah. if he announces the cabinet, all
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those people will be muddied up. all those people will get attacked from the left. you know that, right? as soon as they know who is in his head in terms of important positions they're all going to t attacked. i don't know about that wire waiting on inflation. do you sill see inflation elevated in the grocery store today. >> inflation is up. it's going to stay up because of the administration in washington is not opening up the red sea and the suez canal, we've got problems in the panama canal. we've got logistics problems. we've got to fix that. you need a president that can fix it. he could fix it in three days. maria: it all goes back to policy, john. always a pleasure to have you and to talk with you. great insights as usual. i want to thank john and joe for joining us this morning. we've got the pce index coming out in 30 minutes and we've got the power hour right after this break. stay with us. l ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual!
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