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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 31, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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viking - voted world's best by both travel + leisure and condé nast traveler. learn more at maria: welcome back. good friday morning. thanks so much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo. i hope you are having a good friday morning friday, may 31, 8:01 east coast, unprecedented decision in trump o new york city trial as former president is found guilty on all 34 o counts against him fox
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business lydia hu live outside trump tower where former president will spending a around 11:00 a.m. lydia. >> that is exactly right we are standing by for remarks we can bring you very latest this trial lasted six weeks ended swiftly, yesterday, with two days of deliberations and that verdict announced in a mere matter of minutes, former president o found guilty of all 34 counts his attorney todd blanche said donald trump did not get a fair trial, watch. . >> i think that there were a lot of decisions that he made, leading up to the trial, which really hurt us at trial the that evidence can come in evidence that cannot come in we filed two elevate motions saying he should recuse himself he didn't. >> decisions speaking about made judge merchan, alvin
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bragg saying he did his job. while this defendant maybe unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial, ultimately today at this verdict same manner as every other case that comes to the courtroom doors by following the facts, and the law, and doing so without fear or favor. >> i want to take a look at this this is verdict sheet that you can see indicates 4 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree with jury foreperson having filled out each row marking it guilty what it down the say on the underlying predicate crime that jurors many of found the falsified documents aide ordinary concealed the judge told jurors they did not have
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to be unanimous on what unlawful conditions were preto sport that predicate crime experts say this is exact ambiguity vagueness on appeal among the litany of other issues they say going to result in conviction being overturned meanwhile, we have expensing ahead scheduled july 11, standing by for former president remarks here to kick off 11:00 a.m. today. maria: because of the sentencing there is an increasing movement among republicans to move the convention, i know this is bad situation expensive a lot of planning but we spoke with kory mills now, throwing this out that they should move the convention to july 4th independence day, to get ahead of this sentencing, your thoughts? >> yeah.
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that is certain undertaking makes a lot of sense that they want to get ahead of whatever type of sentencing the judge would hand down former president faces four years for each one of 34 counts jail time not expected because a white-collar document case would be unharder to have receive jail time but up to judge merchan we will see. >> joining me thank you so much, lydia joining me former florida attorney general pam bondi here the rest of the hour, former counselor to president trump kelly an conway with kevin o'leary thanks for joining me so good to see you pam i want to kick things off with you, coming from where you sit, in the ag seat in florida your reaction to this verdict. >> well maria, also a former prosecutor for 18 years i have never seen a case like this a case like this never
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prosecuted in our history and if one has i want to see if ever upheld it has not been up help nothing like this done in our country before i was in courtroom with president trump last year saw how awful they treated him his defense attorneys set for one reason conviction before election americans can see through this based on donations that poured into donald j. trumpcom after verdict remarkable this hammed president trump is stronger than ever going to continue on fight for our country. that is yes is doing this a patriot loves our country. maria: whating restrictions does to former president face as a result of this conviction. >> i don't believe any on him he was released i can't believe he has to use that word released until sentencing
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july 11, but once even if judge gives him lowest bar probation he would have to report to probation officer to be able to travel even on probation you have to let your probation offer know where you are going if going out of state that is almost comical what they want to do to leading candidate place him on house arrest next level he can't fravl outside of the state outside of your home, worst case that they put him in prison maria. maria: how likely is that pam? >> well, you know reporter just said unharder of but this case is unheard of all they are about is stopping the republican presidential candidate from running for office. he is unstoppable you can't stop him what they're trying to do to lock him up, i think what they did even bringing robert de niro out backfiring on them hopefully going to not try to put him in prison, i
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mean it is ridiculous, whole thing is ridiculous, even alleviate i object to restrictive measure probation. maria: so far all helpful for president trump obviously, money has come in polling shows it wall street rushing to back trump verdict be dammed, kevin i want your take even as all beginning, you were uncomfortable with what was doing in new york spoke out said i am a businessman i don't want to do business, in a place, where you know if you don't go along with the narrative you are going to jail, how are you feeling this morning, postverdict. >> i think more the same it does hurt brand of new york go back to started that 24 months ago, remarkable, falls into aura unintended consequences think about this nobody new who alvin bragg was until
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charges against trump, trump was fighting off a disdense within party all kinds of people saying this is not guyity chaotic find new leadership i would say a third republicans in that space this then charges hit bang the entire party coalesced behind him country biaf urcated it sounds creates a i believe it true if november 5 trump is elected who knows a what is going to happen in a this election if that happens he is president, he has a debt to alvin bragg alvin bragg as i kingmaker he made trump president. by making his entire party coalesce behind him two men bound in historiover from bragg unintended consequence made trump president, that is what i am going to argue, now it may sound crazy, unintended consequence it is, but i believe, history will look at
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it that way when examined years from now kellyanne? >> i am looking forward because now donald trump not stuck in a courtroom can resume regular schedule this campaign trail what verdict does not change at all, the fact joe biden is every minute every second 81 years old not getting better between now and november kamala harris can't put a sentence together even when piped into a teleprompter if you ask, the border trump the middle east trump ukraine trump entire campaign built around take down donald trump, so donald trump has tremendous opportunity as republican pellet nominee to inspire us to instruct us as to what his second term would look like who is in cabinet running mate how are people for the debate i would advise him move
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forward, and behalf like somebody who is the inturjtr insurgent,ish in one, bring people back to what lives were like reflect he grievances of the people he has many we can talk about that but democrats will not move fared they are stuck on trump, be humble, careful, what you wish for. >> to kevin's point democrats about to walk into a quagmire of their making even if trump in trump tower can command rally tens of thousands i am convince i had think next, go to delaware joe biden spends time there go to delaware keep expanding that map the roanoke college poll shows tie in virginia, glenn youngkin help you on campaign trail in
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virginia, one state biden campaign one county expanding your map you are trying to hold on nevada hasn't gone for republican candidate since 2004. trump is away ahead there. . freak out mode he is changing the game going to blue cities blue states garnering huge, huge crowds we've got to jump what is your biggest, most important piece of advice whether should trump team be doing. great appellant lawyers he has in will sharp appeal this as soon as possible they are doing but we know not a resolution most likely until after election as kellyanne said going forward got momentum the real verdict is happening on election day the country, knows that, and i think as kellyanne said every state as i swing state. >> great conversation pam bondi thanks very much for joining us please come back soon we need more time with
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you kellyanne kevin lot to talk about you are with me the rest of the hour we are grateful for that just getting started a quick break the republican national convention four days after trump's sentencing is it possible? republicans would move the convention that is being talked about, arkansas governor o former presidential candidate mike huckabee here with reaction don't miss a moment you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back.
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welcome back are former president trump found guilty on all 34 counts in his so-called hush money trial, trump spoke directly after the verdict came down watch. >> that -- judge merchan setting sentencing july 11, four days before the republican national convention you heard cory mills proposing
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moving convention up a week to independence day. >> are you saying that you are pro posing moving the republican national convention to july 4. >> if they are trying to do sentencing on 11th i say bring president trump move it elect him our nominee july 4 independence day i think tells them exactly where we are at as america. joining me former arkansas governor former presidential candidate mike huckabee i want your reaction, on the verdict an also, about this idea to, move the convention now sounds like a massive move i mean that would require so much different plans, what are you thinking? >> well as far as the verdict is concerned, now officially joe biden has broken america be honest that is what this is, this was a taxpayer funded mob, i hear people say respect the trial respect the jury respect the legal system, it
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was a legal system out of control, everything about this trial was a sham. it all was politically motivated, the way the judge conducted it the manner in which charges are in even brought the i reallied way in which donald trump nots law willed to bring evidence in trial put in new york you knew he wasn't getting a fair trial i am disgusted so, so called republicans aren't standing with president trump acting like this was rule of law you have to respect it you adopt respect the law we have a taxpayer fund mob acted in new york against sitting nominee for the republican party. joe biden and his party know they cannot beat donald trump, at the ballot box going to try to beat him in jury box disgusting, disgraceful may from over change this country
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in a negative way as far as the convention i love idea move it have been difficult to work with in milwaukee make it a one day convention go to florida have july 4th rally, let president trump speak, you know show america that we are united behind president trump, and all this is going to do is wake up the sleeping giant, and i have flared so a many people said i have never been a trump supporter don't like him but all-in now i think that happened the democrats will roux the day what they are doing to former and future president trump. >> can it stand? >> let's hope even the supreme court would take this up on expedited basis because it should be looked at the whole thing was just an absurdity, maybe, they will maybe they
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won't. but i think the american people have best way to appeal it that is november 5th. >>, by the way, a new npr pbs news hour poll before verdict shows 6% say the verdict will make no difference 17% less likely to vote for trump 15% more likely to vote for trump i want to bring kellyanne kevin o hear kellyanne take this on not only that is expected to help trump because people see this the way mike huckabee is laying it out i want your take on idea of moving the convention how do you see it kellyanne. >> first let me talk about the news hour poll remarkable in a couple ways you showed two-thirds say would not affect their one one way or the other when you look at the side more likely to vote for
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donald trump they tend under 45 years of age men of color urban voters this is significant because those are three core every time he turns around another poll erosion manning hips, young people not to municipal gender democrats have a gender gap, i think unifies party in a way didn't see moving the convention, i may say go closer to democratic national convention admitted august they don't have full six weeks to respond. >> i see, okay, by the way, are one donor, donors out of woodwork one says the verdict will have less impact on my support, mike at this moment in time you are seeing people look at results say "wait a
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minute", i think, i got to go support trump at this point. >> i think there are a lot of people recognize this is not just about donald trump. if they can do it to rim real tar is rest of us ever single one of us believe in america first policy means we are on the hook we are in crosshairs if we don't understand that, if we don't respond to it, get behind president trump, then we will roux the day of what we failed to do. maria: as peter navarro sits in a jail cell with kevin o'leary and kellyanne conway and we'll be right back.. .
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.
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okay, that's uncalled for. welcome back to look at markets futures extending the losses although dow industrials just went positive up 6 points, the headlines of the morning, a new york jury found president donald trump guilt on all 34 counts in new york city trial this makes him the first president u.s. president to be convicted of a crime, heritage foundation public finance economist e.j., good to see you how do you expect markets to react give your assessment of this
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verdict. >> i think short term probably not much reaction but long term pretty deleterious effects number one bond markets, local economy in new york city specifically who wants to invest in a place like new york who on earth wants to do business there if kind of justice system with which i you are going to have to deal i think there is going to be a serious strain on economy, in terms long run effect on bonds who want to do business with government didn't respect rule of law if you pick up a history textbook on finance you will find plenty of nations don't respect rule of law did things like what we see right now jailing of political opponents there is a pretty good correlation between countries that don't respect rule of law continue respect contracts including sovereign debt who
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would lone treasury money under such a regime. >> exactly what kevin hassett said to us recently, this is incredible, in in terms of of reaction getting taking a look at just bad policy has taken out people's wages because of inflation, we are waiting on april pce index out in about 30 seconds, economists expecting, 3/10 of a percent gain month-over-month year-over-year up 2.8% what do you want to say about inflation numbers coming up here? >> well unfortunately, we still don't actually see inflation moving towards the 2% target, you need a monthly rate of between 0.1% and 0.2%, to actually achieve that 2% annual target, we just aren't seeing those numbers. so the trend is very clearly not going towards 2%, when you look at something like cpi obviously, trending much higher than pce because you
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don't have same subinstitution effect to reduce the rate with pce whatever the case you are not seeing inflation going, to where it needs feedback, and it can't, quite frankly,, the fed needs inflation high in order to help yellen finance massive, massive -- deficits how will markets react if steeper than expected pce index. >> one of the reasons the fed likes this index in particular, is because it gives lower readings than cpi more wiggle room allows more inflation how is market going to react? i think clearly we are going to have a sell-off if this comes in hot. maria: the number is out to cheryl casone. cheryl: yeah, maria let me start with pce price index because it actually came, in line, pretty much, overall, the month-to-month jump.3% the
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estimate expectation, year-over-year came in, this is headline, 2.7% that is in line with expectations, the same exact reading a month ago, then if you go down to the core month-over-month, lighter.2 street looking for up .3, that was only difference in the estimates, 2.8 is year-over-year core number, and that, again, is exactly matches what we have in the month of march, all are april numbers do i want to report though income and spending as well, because spending came in a little bit lighter, up .2% street looking for gain .3, income coming in line up .3% again in line, expectations, so pretty much all data coming in, in line. but, certainly, you know this is what the fed looks at how that consumer is basically
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behaving i look personal savings rate 3.6% kind of a number with consumers americans under pressure that has been dropping, over the last few months back to you. maria: all right. thanks very much e.j. markets trading up on this number your reaction? >> that savings rate troubling less than half what it was pre-pandemic, consumers at this point are tapped out seeing a lot of stress, with consumer credit, right now people falling behind on bills, not able to make ends meeting of to get second or third jobs, et cetera. the consumer under tremendous amount of stress right now just because overall spending numbers are up, does not mean this is a healthy economy or environment for the consumer. >> markets all over the place, we're looking at mixed report, and markets up fractionally on dow industrials, e.j. good to see you. thanks very much e.j. joining us this morning we will be back with more from our power panel talking with kellyanne
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conway this morning. stay with us. .
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. maria: welcome back. a jury finding former president trump guilt 4 puts on in so-called hush money trial yesterday making him first u.s. president to be convicted of a crime kellyanne conway reaction. kellyanne: i want to go back to the case for a moment i am trying to look forward i was a campaign manager in 2016 we are losing to hillary clinton by double dijts almost 20 points among women weapon why are important? when you are talking about a meeting in trump tower a year and a half yearly a publisher of tabloid things you are
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going to beat hillary clinton based on what people say it is fool lishness they continue call me as a witness i testified before stormy daniels twice anybody who had authority for campaign to say her strategy the idea we had 130,000 extra dollars laying around i would say give out to some porn person i don't call it a star, an opinion but the idea you are going to pay some woman versus more ads up more of partly of the campaign strategy those running campaign do i think people trying to get trump's attention affection make themselves more important to him and campaign? yes, but michael cohen david pecker donal j. trump never in a campaign before so we need to back up also, and everybody talked about foolishness unfairness, from the beginning but in terms of campaign strangle you heard testimony from no one, involved in the
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campaign in this case i think that is very important to note. i listened to the market before i think important because remember when people want change, it is because the economy is not doing well don't feel peaceful prosperous secure in any aspect don't feel system is fair who is answer antidote? it is donald trump outsiders now able to say to so-called forgotten men forgotten women forgotten children i am one of you look what system has done to me they made him a little bit of a victim created sympathy for him i would advise president make sure he goes back to kachallenging the grievance of people don't just feel forgotten they the people invisible one man can fix economy make us energy-independent fix that border important to talk about issues this should be issue based not individual based
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policy not he were personality principals not politics campaign. maria: i can see how v.p. pick becomes increasingly important at this stage, kevin away i want your take on day kellyanne as well first react to this kevin fox news digital spoke with regular americans about this verdict yesterday watch this. >> -- i have i kind of blows my mind can you say banana republic. >> a complete failure by justice, complete joe biden-kamala harris good job, a conspirators literally go after a republican, democrat o go after them a scary place to be. >> kevin, there is a money tangle of regular ordinary citizens with their reaction, after the verdict came down gives you a sense of what could happen in the election your thoughts? kevin: , i am pretty sure this
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election about decided by independents in critical states what i care about what they think i think if we polled, 10,000, they get in verdict all polls taken before the verdict, with -- you know the beyond a reasonable doubt that maybe 60, 70% debt care it is time to poll now find out if they care now that donald trump is technically a felon, obviously, they still don't know what the case is about because they weren't watching it, i think the key though is after all this excitement with this verdict coming down it is back to policy. so i haven't heard much in the last six weeks about what the plans are for border, for foreign affairs for tax for energy would like to hear more i think independents would too then going to really matter but my guess is there is going to be some shift in the
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polling as a result of the actual felony conviction but if you believe in the appellant system and i do, because i am not saying that these are bad jurors i am not saying system is rigged i am saying if it is wrong, what happened, the appellant system will catch it that is how america works, and i don't know when that is going to occur i would suggest accelerate that in this case crucial to the company tended if you are at kitchen table do you really care that much about this case other than felony conviction or you care about inflation a big problem for both candidates they have got to tame this on gas, food prices housing that is what people vote about, that is what i would like to see focus go back to, and find out. maria: that is exactly what kellyanne said in beginning of comments, this is not going to change, what is already in place that is biden's
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inflationary america all guilty verdicts in the world not going to change fact somebody i know paid 13 dollars for a a lot of of bread kellyanne vice president pick more important than ever? who should it be night is very important, because kamala harris is joe biden's v.p. anybody could beat her in a debate the point is that donald trump has an doesn't biden doesn't i think trump heavily looking at the senate makes a ton of sense given foreign policy complications you heard him mentioned tim scott remarko rubio tom cotton j.d. vance, our former ambassador to japan you can't go wrong with any of them i think you have to see who would replace them in senate would governors appoint i think, but in ohio a little bit more thought i'm sure president trump considering saul implications. he can't go wrong if he picks a person of color makes a ton
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of sense modernize returns the three criteria for me number one somebody can help you win, two gech you govern, three ready day one describes many people former secretary of state mike pompeo can't go wrong contrasting to kamala harris, the way to go. maria: a lot of important picks there that you mentioned my next guess could be one of those, that the president is thinking about has been in the courtroom on campaign trail with president trump north dakota governor doug burgum here live how president trump is doing after the conviction you are watching with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.
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okay, that's uncalled for. has been campaigning with former president trump in the courtroom with him joining me now north dakota governor doug burgum, of thanks so much for being here we so appreciate it i want your reaction, to president trump, being found guilty on 34 counts yesterday. >> great to be with you yes, alvin bragg stepped out in front of cameras yesterday said i have done my job, he was talking to joe biden but, now, the rest of america gets to do their job started yesterday, have you seen response, whether it is donald
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j. trump, web site going down because so many trying to donate my tone blown up i have a retired couple probably never able to donate maybe 10 bucks here or there sen sent me a message signature giving 1,000 dollars to president trump this is because the issues across america why this verdict is not going to matter at all because if you were yesterday morning, yesterday morning if you are independent, republican a democrat, struggling with inflation, concerned about border concerned about wars overseas you wake up today all issues still here president trump has answers strong on those joe biden has been weak this is not going to change the outcome of the election. >> surprising to see unanimous guilt verdict frankly judge tried everything he could every which way to make it you know pick a crime any crime you want, perhaps that was part of it but i feel like
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going to take a little time, 72 hours? 20, 48 hours to actually have people react, and to see if this has impact on the election, what is your take? >> i think the reaction was almost instant yesterday people understood that president trump can't get a fair trial. in -- in new york city, anymore than joe biden probably, would struggling if in reddest county of texas up against the judge that donated to president trump if you flip script the other way around people would be screaming about how unfair it was. so this is a it is a sad day for america yesterday because we see the weaponization of the justice department, but today i am optimistic because when i see people never involved he never donated to a candidate before saying look, we have to get behind president trump we got to get this country turned around a different direction whether on border, inflation the economy,
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the wars overseas giggling laughing about conviction in alvin bragg other people laughing probably what putin ayatollah president xi in china those would all love to have four more years of joe biden weakness because when he takes our energy sector down, that helps them drive their revenues pays for wars that we're battling around the world this is upside down world but i think people are going to are rallying you are seeing it today. maria: we're going to see president trump up close and personal one-on-one manno to manno with joe biden on june 27th kellyanne does not appear any impact on upcoming debate when people are going to see, really what is at stake here. kellyanne: yes, i agree with president trump 2016, in room debate in have 2020 i left
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white house here and there for prep my advice let joe biden talk about trump let trump talk to the people about the people, because people are starving for solutions, specification they want he politicians ho finish sentences need leaders not cheaters this was disgrace to the system hunter biden's trial on monday everybody again be careful what you wish for i've got true evidence already afoot there in this president trump needs to show binary choice people have yes, they will see side-by-side, maria, the energy the acuity ability between two men we have no evidence joe biden can stand anywhere 90 minutes let alone without benefit of tell prompter card or do-over, let president trump talk about policies transport us pre-covid for the record to next year every day quality of
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life affordability security at border in our communities we will improve measurebly if president key for debates i am surprised thought it was good for him biden to talk about trump, trump, trump, trump should talk about we, the people. governor face it president trump, this is not over president trump is still facing 50 plus felonies, in three other criminal tlielz we are waiting only supreme court, as supreme court debates and considers the presidential immunity for january 6 case that has not stopped several wall street billionaires from getting behind trump what are you seeing on fund-raising side governor we are waiting on bill ackman hedge fund billionaire swooef schwarzman from blackstone finally came around last week. what are you seeing if you talk to people? have you got a sense a after the verdict. >> when you talk about business leaders, you know i
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see them as job creators people that successful, created jobs created jobs across multiple industries they understand what the people that work for them on front lines, manufacturing, supply chain, transportation you name it they understand how those are hurting the smart businesspeople understand what average american is going through, because either team members or consumers, that is why folks are coming around supporting so whether it is you know a farmer in north dakota, you know having coffee with his neighbors this morning before they go out work in the field, or whether somebody, that has been a very successful businessperson whether silicon valley or wall street doesn't matter they all see the same thing they see president trump when he was leading the economy, we had interest rates were low inflation was down, now we have exactly the opposite when you look at changes warn the world under joe biden they see the us being in wars they see biden leading an attack on u.s.
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industries particularly whether he electrical base lead, the choice is president trump. >> you've gone a great job in north dakota yours is energy state, we have the capacity to be number one energy producer do you want to be energy second or vice president. >> i am not doing any of this for a job you flow no wasn't why i ran for president not why sprrg president trump now he has fantastic choices he dutch need a vice president, because leading among, gaining among young people under 30 gaining with african americans hispanic americans could win on his own has fantastic choices, should, you will make that choice at the time of his choosing but the most important thing is that the president trump is back in the white house. maria: climate change agenda has hurt more than one industry out there i want your
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take on energy capacity but governor great to see you i hope you he come back soon. thank you so much governor doug burgum we'll be right back. . did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up?
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hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were unsustainable, just too restrictive. with golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
9:00 am
♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ maria: welcome back. 30 minutes before the opening bell on wall street for a friday, markets right now are higher. dow industrials up 75. i want to the thank this fantastic panel, kellyanne conway and kevin to to leery -- kevin to leery, "varney & company"


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