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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 31, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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trump tower right now, lydia hu standing by. trump is going to speak soon, what are we going to hear from him? >> i expect the former president is going to speak to his supporters, his face and use this verdict as an opportunity to energize them and seems like it's probably already happening because we are getting fresh information from the trump campaign about the donations going in a verdict. the six hour since the verdict came in, digital donations the received 34.8 billing dollars. 30% or nearly 30% of the donations are coming from new donors. i had a chance to talk to his attorney todd blanche defense attorney and i confirmed the judge's gag order remains in place so that means over the former president says today here from the podium he's under the
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gag order so how far he will push comments because it wasn't long ago the judge trend trump with possible jail time if he continued. i will bring you the latest. >> thank you very much. brian brenberg with me right now for the hour i believe. what you want to hear from trump? >> simple, if he wants to capitalize on this, this is not about me primarily, i've been wronged legally but this is about the country. not everybody lives in new york but new york is coming your way so you should care about what's happening here and is point is reform for americans not just for himself but americans. if he does that, i think the galvanizing that's happening right now only quickens. he's got a start monetarily. people coming from the haley camp to his camp, a huge start
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but is got to extend that by making it about america just his own greatness. >> something to look forward to, be positive going forward. i wouldn't want to see him go back into the trial which is guilty. if he does, is a negative and suggests he might want retribution if he wins the election. don't go there. go forward, go positive. >> it's not about retribution but it is quite he thinks has happened america for first principles and that's what he wants to lead and he can do that today and say i'm standing at the crossroads about fight radar, join me and we can win but he looks back, you're right, it's more about revenge and i don't think that is good for america. >> when it came down yesterday, i was truly shocked. unanimous agreement over 34 counts guilty. it surprised me.
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>> it did in manhattan? i know it's got the analysis i thought there could be a hung jury but when we got in -- >> wrong case. they been the law, they didn't have a crime. >> kino. >> i would have thought at least one person would say i'm not going with this. >> that's why they did this y year, that's why the biden d.o.j. guys said you got to do this, we can win this. >> i am naïve. >> i thought he might be convicted on some of the counts, not all. i was completely surprised by that. i keep thinking of the statute lady justice holding the scales of justice with a blindfold on in the reason for the blindfold is to symbolize prosecutors go after the crime. what is the crime?
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the menu of three possible crimes. you could pick which ones and you didn't have to agree. this is a da and a judge i went after the person cannot the crime. cap it's a cinderblock on the scales of justice and it could be reversed. i was watching mainstream media this morning and i thought the tone was somber because i thought all of the analysts on the panel cnn 5:00 a.m. i was watching knew this could backfire. we are in unprecedented territory. let's take donald trump's sentenced to jail and say he wins the election. he can't pardon himself because of the state crime so would he be running the country from a jail cell what are we doing right now? >> you are about to say can't imagine him in jail. >> i want to say is some time you got to draw the boys to the surface. you need something to do that. this does that. the poison is on the surface. everybody can see it.
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now you can say i'll tell you how to treat it but if you live for the poison -- down you never fix anything. there's no healing that happens. >> we are waiting for mr. trump to appear, scheduled to be at the podium in a couple of minutes alone o'clock running a little late which is unusual but nonetheless we are expecting him to appear and make a statement and i believe he'll take questions. donald trump answers any and all questions. he loves it. he's precise opposite of president biden so there will be some revelations this morning. it will set the tone of what's going to happen going forward. >> let's remember he still is under a gag order so you want him to look forward and might have to because he can't comment about specifics. he can make comments about the judge and da but he is still gagged. he was. liz: has been has to be limited
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to what he says and when they sentence him, he has to have a meeting with the probation officer and guess what the questions are going to be -- are you employed? you are, okay? are you looking for work? i'm running for the office of the presidency of united states of america. >> if he does go to jail, they put him behind bars and secret service protection in jail because he's a former president. >> the voice of reason. >> it is bizarre. okay, let's listen. mr. trump has arrived. [cheering] >> thanks very much, everybody. this is the case where they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. these are bad people and in many
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cases i believe people when you look at our country and what's happening, millions and millions of people flowing in from all parts of the world not just south america from africa, asia and middle east and coming in from jails and prisons and they are coming in from mental institutions and insane asylums. there coming in from all over the world into our country and we have a president and a group of fascists don't want to do anything about it because they could not today topic but is not, they are destroying our country. our country is in bad shape and they are very much against the saying these things. they want to raise your taxes by four times. they want to stop you from having cars with ridiculous mandates that make it impossible for you to get a car and for car but make it very possible for china to build all of our cars.
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a very serious problem that we have. we just went through one of many experiences we had lessons with the judge, highly conflicted, there's never been a more complete the judge. i'm under a gag order which nobody has ever been under, no presidential candidate has been under a gag order. i'm under a gag order, nasty gag order for i've had to pay thousands of dollars in penalties and fines and trend with jail. think of it, i'm the leading candidate leading biden by a lot and leading the republicans to where that's over so i'm deleting person for president and i'm under a gag order by amanda can't put two sentences together given by a court and they are in total conjunction with the white house and d.o.j. so you understand, it's done by biden and his people.
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maybe his people more importantly, biden knows too much about it. i don't know if he knows anything but is nevertheless the president so we have to use his name. this is done by washington and nobody has ever seen anything like it so have a judge who's highly convicted, nobody wants to write about it and i'm not allowed to talk about it and if i do, i get put in jail. we will play that game a little longer, we won't talk about it but you are allowed to talk right, i hope you do. there's never been anybody so conflicted as far as the trial itself. it was very unfair. allowed to use election expert under any circumstances. you saw what happened to the witnesses on our side literally crucified by this man who looks
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like an angel but he's really a devil. he looks nice and soft. it seems like a nice man. unless you saw him in action and you saw that with a certain witness that went through hello and when we wanted to do things, he wouldn't let us do those things but when the government wanted something, they got everything, everything they wanted. it is directed trial, we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted a judge change, a judge that wasn't conflicted and obviously didn't do that. nobody has ever seen anything like it. we had a da, failed da, crime is rampant in new york. that's what he is supposed to be looking at. crime is rampant in new york. mcdonald's you had a man hitting
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him up with machetes. a machete, however can imagine a machete being wielded in a place where they are eating and bragg is down watching a trial what they call crimes crimes. they are falsifying business records, it sounds bad. to me it sounds very bad. it's only a misdemeanor but to me it sounds bad where they say falsifying business. that's a bad thing, i've never had that before. do you know what falsifying business records is in the first degree? falsifying business records sounds so good, right? he means legal expense, i paid a lawyer will totally legal, paid a lawyer a legal expense and a bookkeeper without any knowledge from me correctly marked it down on the books of a very
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professional woman. she testified. mark it down on the books as a legal expense. a legal expense, paid a lawyer, a legal expense in the books. it's not sheet rock, construction or any other thing, a legal expense. think about. this is what falsification of business records work. i said, what else are you going to call it? what else are you going to call it? i would have testified, i wanted to testify. the theory is you never testify because if it were george washington, don't pick up because they will get you on something you said slightly longer they sue you for perjury but i didn't care, i wanted to. the judge allowed them to go into everything was ever involved in this case, everything was ever involved in which is a first. you could go into every single thing i ever did, was he a bad
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writer here, was he a bad boy there? my lawyer said what you need to go through? would have loved to have testified. to this day i would like to testify but would have said something out of whack like it was a beautiful sunny day and it was actually raining out and i very much appreciate the crowd of people outside. incredible what happened. the level of support has been incredible so the whole thing is legal expense marked down as legal expense. but, this is the crime i committed that i'm supposed to go to jail for 187 years for. violent crime all over the city at levels nobody's ever seen before. you have businesses leaving and businesses are leaving because heads of businesses say we want to get involved. i could go through the books of
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any businessperson in the city and find things in theory, let's indict him, destroying his life by mouth or and i don't mind being out there because i'm doing something this country and i'm doing something for our constitution. it's very important. car beyond me. this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents should never be allowed to happen in the future but this is far beyond me, bigger than trump, bigger than me and my presidency. the people understand it because i see a poll came out, the daily mail, the first one that came out was done last night after the verdict, and up six points from what we were, leading fairly substantially six points. the other ones and say different what the public understands and
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they understand what is going on. this is a scam from a great trial. i shouldn't have been in that venue, we should have had that judge, he should have allowed us to have an election expert the most respected expert, head of the federal elections commission and that to testify. he was waiting for today's and when it was his turn, bragg's people protested and the judge knocked him out and said you can't testify. he actually said you can't testify. you can say with the federal elections is. that doesn't help. everybody knows that but you can't testify so essentially he wasn't able to testify. other people were able to testify but with these people, they were able to use people salacious and nothing ever happened. no anything. nothing happened and they know
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it as salacious as they could be in the had nothing to do with the case but had to do with politics and you notice the timing, it was perfect. the case was dead, dropped by every agency, every governmental board. was dropped by the respected southern district, they said no case here. it was dropped by federal election and that's what it's about, federal election, not state. not even allowed to look at. they took the state and city and went into a federal election. the people from federal elections southern district in washington dropped the case. everybody dropped the case. there was no case. when bragg came in, he said is the most recent ridiculous case on reversing and who would have certain person like this ever testify? he said it's essentially one of
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the worst people i've ever seen ever to testify. he said the craziest case ever seen, this is greg. they want to announce i was running for president long time later, they decided to revise this case and they got a judge, judge merchan who was responsible for another case and destroy the life of a very good man, destroy the life of a good man who went to prison once and put him in prison again because he lied. he didn't like. i looked at statements made into the remember and put him in jail again. he was an honest man what he did supposedly never happened, there's never been anything like
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this over the education of his grandchildren, he did report that he had a car or two cars. i don't know. i wonder how many people here have cars. i wonder how many people say i have a car that's worth x -- how do you figure? i guess you do have to report it but probably almost nobody does, nobody thinks about it. they put this mandate, they put him in jail again because they didn't want him to testify. put him in jail twice. he's 77 years old. i don't feel 77. nobody ever says that about me. i like them to say we have to have a little sorrow for this man because they don't say that but maybe i'm better off that way, probably better off that way but they put him in jail twice and have to see -- he was
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turned by the judge. this man was told you are going to get 15 years in jail if you don't give up, trump. he was told that. you'll get 15 years in jail. fifteen years in jail. he made a plea deal because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life and he was told that viciously. he was told that viciously. four or five months, 15 years in jail so do a plea. who wouldn't do that? it is a horrible thing. a whole group that tried that, it's unfair but he destroyed his life. so many of the things you look at southern district of want to bring the case, nobody wanted to
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bring the case and then do you know who didn't want to bring the case most of all? break. bragg didn't want to bring it but then he brought and tried to make it a different case. they didn't say legal expense. again, if i wrote down and paid a lawyer and by the way, this was a highly qualified lawyer. he is a sleaze bag. took me a while to find out that he was effective but he was a lawyer. they like to use the word fixer. he was a lawyer. the time he was a fully accredited lawyer. he got into trouble not because of me but because he made outside deals and has something to do with taxicabs and medallions and for money. that's why he went and he pled to three election violations and
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as soon as i saw that, i said i wonder what he did that. he took a deal. he took a deal because he wanted to get off. in other words, i'll take the plea deal and he wanted to make a deal with the southern district and they wrote the worst report i've ever seen on any human being on the phone report written on james comey by the inspector general, a great inspector general actually, wrote a report so bad. this one was possibly worse. the southern district, the judge didn't let us use it. it's not hearsay. wouldn't let us use it. this is about the man but he got in trouble's for a simple re reason. he was involved with borrowing money and did something with the banks, auto defrauding the banks but something happened. you know what it is. in addition, he gave up on three
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things, he wasn't guilty. they were going to testify about the head of the fac, the election expert. number one rated in the country with testify. he took a plea on three things and at them because it gave more bargaining power with respect to me the three things having to do with the election having to do with me, they were crimes. they were crimes. it is a big deal in this agreement. totally honorable, totally good, except, everybody has them. every company has nondisclosure agreements. the press all but slush fund and all sorts of other things. hush money, hush money. it's called nondisclosure
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agreement and most of the people in this room have nondisclosure agreement with that company. it is a disgrace so it's not hush money, totally legal, totally common. everyone has it and what happened is he signed a nondisclosure agreement with this person, i guess other people but totally honest. you know how to make it -- you could make it anyway you want. should have been a non- case and everybody said it was unknown case and bragg said until iran for office and they saw locals pleading for publicans, leading the democrats and all of a sudden they brought it back. it is a sad thing happening in our country's and i think i'm
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honored, it's not that it's pleasant, it's a bad for family, bad her friends and businesses but i'm honored to be involved because somebody has to do it and i might as well keep going and be the one but i'm honored to be involved because we are fighting for our constitution. with the money that was paid paid legally, nothing illegal. in fact, the lawyer in creating nda because at that time was a fully accredited lawyer, wasn't a fixer. i never thought about. the media called him a fixer or the prosecutors called him a fixer. he was a lawyer and fairly good. later on i didn't like what he did, i didn't like that when he became president he went around and made deals with companies. when i heard that, he was gone. he was gone and he had payments
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coming to him and it involved things that were simple. this was standard everything was involved, no crime here. i just watched a couple of the reports, washed jonathan turley, you look at all of these people. mark levin, all very talented people. great people. many more and they don't know me essentially, they don't know me. legal scholars and experts but i look at them saying there is no crime here. everybody says there's no crime separatist da that has the city out of control with client so we have an nda signed and legal
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expenses and here's the thing, legal expenses you have 100 where they say they do a charge, i reported this out, falsification of business records in the first degree, it sounds so bad. i said well, even my own law lawyers, i get very upset with them because they don't say what it is. they say falsification of legal progress, only a felony. that's a lot as they say the misdemeanor but they tried to bring it up to a felony in all these different things. the statute of limitations because this was old, they could have brought this seven years ago instead of bringing it right in the middle of the election so they missed the statute of limitations. now let me give you the good news. the good news is last night we
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got a report this morning in the history of politics, i believe, maybe i'm wrong but somebody will find i'm wrong maybe but i don't think so, small money donors meaning like $21, $42, $53, $38, a record $39 million in about ten our. [cheering] like that. mark so far, i guess it's backfired. rather not have happened, otto quinn this legitimately because they were stupid and did things they shouldn't be doing, they shouldn't have brought this c case. there was saying it this morning, a case should not have been brought.
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this is a case that should not have been brought in the house this morning but they all say that. every legal scholar has said that. these are rate people and understand the law. the other thing, the first pull, maybe others will be bad but a poll came out a little while ago the daily mail, does anybody read the daily mail? have a good goal ellie seligman today and the daily mail came out with a pool and it has trump up six points in the last 12 hours, six-point -- since this happened who thought this could happen? [applause] because the people of our country know it's a hoax. they get it. they are really smart and it's really something so we will appeal this scam appealing it on
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different things and wouldn't allow witnesses to talk, wouldn't allow us to do any anything. the judge was a tyrant and you got to see that with bob costello, a kind man, i've never seen anything like it and it has anybody in the courthouse where he demanded the courthouse be cleared. the good news is most of the people in the courthouse where the media is anybody in the media you will say while, he was crazed and the reason bob costello acted a little upset which i think he has a right to was never question he was being asked was being objected to by the other side and sustained by the judge. i think he did it many times, even i was saying these are basic questions that i never saw
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anybody treated that way by the judge and i was treated very badly by two other judges because it's all the same thing comes out of the white house, crooked joe biden is the worst president in the history of our country, the worst president in history of our country, the most incompetent, the dumbest president we've ever had. he's the dumbest president, most incompetent president and most dishonest we've ever had and so many -- look at the way he treats china, russia and so many others. and at the russian pipeline and he comes in and approves it and gets three and a half million units paid to the family from the mayor of moscow's wife and i said where did that come from? nobody wants to talk about it but he's a danger to our country and the only way they think they
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can win this election is doing what they are doing right now. when in the courts because they can't win in the ballot box so we are going to show them we are going to fight. actually, otto. it is something where i'm wired in such a way a lot of people would have gone away a long time ago after impeachment hoax number one, total hoax. great support from the republican party though. then impeachment hoax number t two. then they formed the committee of thugs. and they took their records and destroyed the records after the committee was abandoned because records were great for us. can you imagine for publicans did that? everybody would have been in jail by now. i call it unselect, unselect
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committee of thugs. one 100% democrat and to pass republicans no longer republicans no longer in business anymore but it was all democrats and to wayward republicans. he cries every time he goes on television, the most emotional human being i've ever seen and i was our representative. they had all the stuff they were leaking and when it came time to look at the records like where lee said in cap the guard said i supply that i recommended many soldiers are national guards as you want, 10000. if you had 500 you wouldn't have a problem but nancy pelosi and
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group -- anyway. they have testimony to allah that i did not attack the secret service agent. these are strong people and i supposedly went to the driver and grabbed them around the neck and i went to the other guy i think is a black belt in karate and slightly younger than me maybe 35 years, 50 years in the grabbed him around the neck and said he is a black belt in karate, they know how to get somebody from around her neck. i had a friend that said you shouldn't dispute that, it looks like the toughest cookie we have ever seen. should have let that go on but the fact is, and never happened. it was made up and proven to be made up, proved to be a false story. they deleted and destroyed all
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of that information. every ounce of it. we are dealing with corrupt government, and correct country. elections are correct, border czar open. orders will be closed very soon. november 5 is going to be the most important day in the history of our country. when i say that because my people say do this, do this because we are fighting for america. donald j i hope everybody watching right now donald j because it makes a difference. they have a lot of money on the other side. i don't know where they get it, nobody knows where they get but for some reason they get money but they are not on the side of our country. in many ways, i think they hate our country. who on earth can want open borders where people are allowed to pouring from countries unknown, from places unknown, from languages we don't even --
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haven't even heard of. we have people sitting in schools with languages where you people have heard of these languages. it's not like spanish or french or russian. languages unknown. we have people from corners of the globe and many are not good people. record levels of terrorism. record levels have come to our country, they've never seen anything like it. a report in 2019, i don't believe this by the way, the media gave it and it was good for me believe it or not. in 2019, there were no terrorists into our country, i do believe that. i don't think it's possible the 2019 was a trump year end i don't believe that could be possible but they said no terrorists came into our country so let's say it was close but
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now record levels of terrorists, the highest levels we've ever seen pouring into our country. you have china in the last few months, 29000 people came in and i looked at them and they look like perfect soldiers almost all male 19 to 25, a recruiting trip as. propane stoves, cell phones, the best you can buy. i say what's going on? it looks like they are building an army in our country. i don't think that would happen. we are losing our country. i really think this is an event what took place yesterday with this judge a crooked judge and you will understand that. knowing that it is very
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dangerous for me to say that. my because i'm willing to do whatever i have to do to save our country and constitutions. i don't mind. [cheering and applauding] thank you. [applause] we will continue the fight make america great again, very simple. when people fight, they say fight -- make america great again. that is all it is. make america great again. our country is in serious trouble, $36 trillion. we were energy independent for the first time ever now baking venezuela for oil.
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crime ridden. two years ago, three years ago they reported 72% drop in crime in the last year. because all of their terminals, most of them and the rest are coming in now, the ones that didn't come in. in venezuela, prison seven emptied into the united states. they are criminals and drug dealers taken out of the cities brought into the united states and that is true with many other countries. congo released a lot of people from jail. just released a lot of people, a lot of people from their prisons and jails and brought them into the united states of america. this is what's happening to our country and it's not sustainable bite anyone. little things like kids can't have little league game anymore because you have tens and
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migrants living on the fields. that is the least of it. people are taking over luxury hotels, migrants. yet veterans, great veterans living on the streets but migrants living in luxury hotels and cities all over our country run by democrats so is my order to do this, it really is. an unpleasant thing to be honest but great. you're going to do what we have to do in the support, $39 million and that's why i mentioned we are six points and we went up over the last month because it was a great trial but we are going to make america great again, make it better than ever before. november 5, remember november 5 is the most important day in the
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history of our country. thank you very much. [cheering and applauding] [applause] >> now that is a surprise. there were reporters in the room and be constantly expected trump would turn to the reporters and solicit questions. he did not. after speaking for about 35 minutes, he promptly said thank you very much, everyone and strolled out past the reporters, ignoring some of the questions which i think were shouted at him and now he's gone. that's 35 minute performance were expecting, something rather different. my colleagues have been sitting here watching this with me. steel, brian. do you think what we heard a moment ago for bring
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independence into his camp? >> i think the first five minutes looked like pitched independence, the thing we were expecting. this isn't about me, this is about america. then i think you got what you might expect for somebody got convicted of 34 colonies which was a lot of exhaust, the details of what happened in his problems with different people in the judge. that's not to me is our message of the independence but also understandable when you are a guy who's been through this and the last five minutes he comes back again and it's the border in crime and the things that i think people care about so it will be interesting to see where it goes, what does the speech mean going forward? which parts of the speech prevail? the first and last or a lot of the detail in the middle think first and last, it will be a winning recipe. if it the stuff in the middle, i don't know that catalyzes the independence. >> a lot of information out
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there and they read the headlines and they don't follow the stuff in the middle. they heard -- this is how the former president opened, if they do it to me, they can do it to you and immediately after saying that, a strong line, he got to the border. that was forward-looking and that's what people need to hear if they consider voting for president trump so to answer, he didn't hit all the major points, he went back a little bit. >> he clearly intends to go forward and bite, he closed out by saying i am wired in such a way that i can't retreat so looked back at the trial and complained about the trial and insist he's fighting going forward. i want to bring in ashley, he's been watching and listening and i know you are dying dying to get in. >> it's interesting, classic donald trump. yes, he came out and talked about the open border raising taxes although he said forcing
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us to buy electric vehicles and then launched into this 2025 minute explanation why it wasn't crooked. i think you did a good job, he was very measured and talked about hey, i paid a lawyer and put it down as a legal expense. why should i be sent to jail for that? i thought it was very strong and even got his campaign web address and that. it was classic donald trump. i laughed out loud three or four times. he went on about the daily mail and the bumpy, and record amount of money. the question you asked at the top is the key question, did he persuade any independence? i think people are independent thinking about what has happened, i think you made a good case of it could happen to me, anyone and then he framed it as i am the one and happy to do this it's an honor to defend the
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constitution. i thought it was pretty good. >> actually triggered my memory, there was a clause in the room and i only heard it when he gave the numbers, record fundraising after the verdict and that's when he heard, only time i heard people clap except the beginning and end. >> lydia hu. in the tower watching the sp speech, i believe you are with us now. your impression? >> good to be with you. we heard the former president speak here at trump tower in the lobby. a little less than 35 minutes and i would say it's a mix of campaign speaking to big issues that are motivating his campaign and first remarks about the trial. he acknowledged off the top as we have been discussing a gag order remains in place so he spoke in cryptic language in some points and reaffirmed its what he says is an unfair trial, his commitment to appeal it.
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he did refer to michael cohen though not by name since that's prohibited by the gag order and made reference to judge merchan marchand threat to put them in jail for violation but did speak about michael cohen calling him a sleaze bag and talking about how they are going to make the appeal but he brought it back full circle about his efforts to retake the white house essentially saying if he says the powers we can go after him they could go after everyone and that's why he is continuing to fight essentially making his pitch thank you want to continue in the white house because he wanted stand up for the constitution saying he is fighting for everyone and he said he is honored to be in the site using phrases that it's uncomfortable, unpleasant but a great honor. bigger than me, it's bigger than my presidency and about five minutes ago in what seemed like a powerful speech the day after he was convicted of 34 counts.
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>> lydia hu in the middle of it. has there been any reaction from the white house so far? >> not yet. he's back at the white house laying low at the moment and seems to be following for the "wall street journal" editorial board posted and they wrote about this specifically mr. biden is better advised to say nothing, even a platitude, a statement in the event of his conviction that the jury should be respected will sound like an expression of satisfaction by a president whose allies convicted of political opponent and now we have learned president biden will speak at some time this afternoon but his speech is only going to be about the middle east. he's not going to talk about the conviction related to recent polling we seen npr pbs bowl now says 67% of people will make no difference in their voting in the election. 17% said less likely, 15% more
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likely to vote for the former president so i think what we are seeing is president biden and his team trying to figure out exactly how to go forward so the conviction of his political opponent in an election year is a blowback on his bid to be reelected president. [screaming] thank you very much indeed. going through the news which is thick and fast. we will take a short commerciala break. more afterreth a this.
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♪ the rolling stones. with the leakage of new york city. very nice, 56 degrees. here we go. ashley, lauren, brian. the first one comes at the front. you missed the rolling stones because it was too late for you. it wasn't too late -- like that. that's good. my friends and relatives went to the concert and i missed it and i'm sorry i missed it. >> you can drive to philly and go next month.
11:52 am
>> you're putting me on the spot now. moving on. next one comes to us from. the beetle sang a second song in german, he forgot about she loves you. okay. right. [laughter] excuse my pronunciation but i did miss that one. i want to hold your hand from a thousand german and she loves you and german. do you remember this? >> i don't but there's nothing more like the language and love than german. [laughter] >> did you prepared on? >> no. >> this is from rachel, august the a busy week with trump trial news. was the most exciting breaking news story during the time of the air? the 2016 election of donald trump, that was exciting. >> montana they call me, call me univar even though it's and have a tv, a big one.
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>> when queen elizabeth the second passed, i knocked bobble head off the table. >> i was exciting. >> never forget, never forgiven. >> you say 2016 election, i say this election. we are in unprecedented territory. everything is a person we are talking about it trying to figure it out. >> it is crazy. that's for sure. next, jonas. we know you have strong opinions and love hearing them. what is the most trivial thing you have a strong opinion of. that's easy for me, tattoos. it's kind of trivial i have strong opinions on tattoos. don't get them. simple as that. >> said don't go to me first. the strong sense of smell so like the way someone smells, quarterback, you're done. [laughter] >> what you got that's.
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[screaming] slick country houses where you come in and you've got to go up or down but you got to choose, i don't like that. i do not like -- i like to go right and. >> ashley. >> i hate people who walk around in stores with their phone on speaker. i want to hear your conversation. use your headphones. make. >> who got a good amount of answer separate from sarah. what is something you've done you wish you could experience again for the first time? let's start with lauren. >> skydiving. i love the rush. love it. >> are you going to do it again? >> i would but i need to carve out the time. most people want to jump out of the plane because the plane is scary in itself i find the freefall amazing so marine once it's done and overlook wherever you are. >> okay, brian. >> i enjoyed the movie dark
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knight. and also first field. i wish i could do that again. >> and sheesh. you 14 years old or something? >> an f-16 with the blue angels which is incredible. yes, i threw up but i would gladly do it again. >> that's interesting. i climbed kilimanjaro. i got to the highest, 20000 feet up. i did it when i was 18 years o old. i could not do it now. you take three steps near and you have to stop and rest for a minute, it was that bad but a real experience. >> you can go to a rolling stones concert and you climbed kilimanjaro? [laughter] >> fifty years later. thanks, everybody. writing feedback. now time for friday trivia
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question. when was microwave popcorn invented? 1945, 55 or 60. the answer when we return. ♪ ..
11:57 am
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11:59 am
[thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ stuart: we asked when was
12:00 pm
microprobe, or in invented, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960. let's get back to tradition, your first. ashley: number 2, 1950. stuart: what have you got? brian: 1960. lauren: i will split the difference, 1985. stuart: i'm going with 1985, microwaves weren't invented where they? listen to this. microwave was invented by an engineer named percy spencer, he was studying radar technology, now you know. thank you for sticking around for the hour. see you next week. coast-to-coast starts right now. >> we are going to b


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