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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  May 31, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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1945, 1950, 1955, 1960. let's get back to tradition, your first. ashley: number 2, 1950. stuart: what have you got? brian: 1960. lauren: i will split the difference, 1985. stuart: i'm going with 1985, microwaves weren't invented where they? listen to this. microwave was invented by an engineer named percy spencer, he was studying radar technology, now you know. thank you for sticking around for the hour. see you next week. coast-to-coast starts right now. >> we are going to be appealing
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this scam, appealing it on many things, wouldn't allow us to have witnesses, wouldn't allow us to talk, wouldn't allow us to do anything. the judge was a tyrant. neil: the appeal is on and that was the message in this case. like a dictator in that court room. donald trump faces 34 counts in the july 11th hearing. how soon that might be and what it might be. let's get the latest from trump tower. >> reporter: la former president speaking 24 hours since his conviction from those 34 counts by the district attorney, alvin bragg, trump spoke 30 to 35 minutes, took no questions from reporters. wrapping that into his larger pitch for the race for the
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white house of this year. he did as you suggested said this trial is unfair pledging that he would appeal. he said he wanted to testify. the question is whether he would testify at the start of the trial, he indicated he would, he never did and he said he understood if he had testified it would have been a bad idea, cross-examination would have been uncomfortable. he mentioned the gag order which remains in place which restricts the former president from speaking on a number of matters including witnesses involved in this case like michael cohen. trump made not so veiled references to michael cohen, referring to him as a sleaze bag about to wrap this into his race for the white house, he said essentially if they can do this to me they can do this to every one. we are losing our country and that is why he is still fighting. it is unpleasant but it is also his honor.
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>> i don't mind being out there. i'm doing something for this country. i am doing something for the constitution was very important, far beyond me. this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents. should never be allowed to happen in the future. this is far, bigger than trump, this is bigger than me, bigger than my presidency. >> reporter: as far as the issues he touched upon he mentioned the border, crime, he talked about energy and he mentioned the fundraising we are learning from his campaign came in overnight after digital donations reporting 34. $8 million were raised in six hours. they say 30% of it coming from new donors. that would suggest his base is feeling energized. neil: the hill editor in chief, gary, i notice the trump media
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stock, truth social company all over the map, 7.5%. investors and anything related to donald trump not as optimistic about things. what do you read into that? >> more on the trump start, valuations in the redwoods so whether it rallies up here, some will come down, some in the near term. i don't think it is the biggest deal. the biggest thing to come out of this, money counts in politics, 35 million in a few hours. i expect that it will gazelle going to continue going forward. neil: the $38 million figure gary mentioned that donald trump said was the case, coming from the trump folks, if it's coming from small donors a lot of them might be new donors but
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isn't that coming from an established base of support? we don't know that, this galvanizes but it is all about getting the independents and relatively few unaffiliated voters at this point. where are we on that? >> in some respects, this is good for trump's biggest weakness, money, he's raking it in and anyone who donates even a small amount, that is your base, such a small percentage of americans donate. at the same time this has to be a concern among independents. this galvanizes both bases. it remains to be seen, without a doubt democrats needed this
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conviction, and it would have been a disaster. and independents went for biden in 2020. they are looking around. they are not with trump. where are they going to go. neil: that is the home of new york city. gary, looking at that and what this means, this is a man who has weathered 90 plus indictments, half a dozen various legal and constitutional cases likely put off until after the election. this is the only one we have that is adjudicated presumably for now. it will be appealed as the former president said. how does the market digest this? too early to talk about politics and its impact in november?
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>> i would say it is too early but as we get closer there is such a difference between these two candidates on tax policy and as far as government, the widest i have seen in ages if not a record. this is coming out of biden, he wants to raise the capital gains from 24% to 44%, unrealized capital gains, wealth taxes and get rid of the trump tax cuts which will affect every person from bottom to the top. if i was donald trump instead of doing what he just did for 40 minutes, spent three minutes complaining and 37 minutes on policy and how it will affect people and their wallets and their jobs going forward. if i was him that is what i would be yelling and screaming,
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he is on the polar opposite and that is what people vote for, independents will do the job and in 5 of the 7 states in november, you get those independents you are winning the election. neil: obviously if the money raised for gear is true on top of the winning month donald trump had last month, there will be more to play with. let's say you are creating political ads. we already know the biden folks are coming up with these ads, convicted felon donald trump, how are they counted in those swing states? >> i think you want to talk about the issues, trump will talk about this, but lean into issues people are voting for, already have the advantage on, the economy and immigration, we will see a lot of nastiness in
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trump and biden but i do think it, the campaign that focuses on the little guy, helping quality-of-life, that's what people are voting on, not certain legal cases, most people are going to that. it focuses on that with a good message. neil: keep it tight. president biden is no shining example how to keep it tight or meander. i know seeing you in a little bit, came close to flipping the bluest of blue states, he is with us now, a key trump campaign surrogate. good to have you.
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and how do you think he did? it was a statement, did it have an impact for those worried about the latest, guilty on 34 counts, did it ease their fears that he is up to that? >> after donald trump spent all day every day inside of court, he wanted to testify and explained reasons they are suggesting he wouldn't testify, he comes after the verdict and able to share thoughts from him that he has been itching to communicate publicly. i certainly understand that and he spoke about the impact of the border crisis. those who have tends from
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migrants on their baseball field or migrants in luxury hotels, veterans are on the streets getting treated like dogs, these words are not just his thoughts and opinions. these are issues that for many, the top issue at the moment when you ask what will decide your vote, what are you concerned about? they talk about the border, quality-of-life impacts. with this particular case. alvin bragg is somebody who should have been more focused on a machete attack in times square, should be more focused on violent crime and developed a reputation that was fulfilling a campaign promise not to pursue charges across the board, from felonies to misdemeanors. a lot of new yorkers want to see him more focused on that.
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neil: you can understand his anger, and the bigger issue, those are the issues that americans care about. it might feel justified and is angry. if you want to advise, more of that, the president of the united states, joe biden is very vulnerable. >> this next day as you wake up after the conviction there are a lot of americans outraged by what happened do. you see the announcement of the small dollar donations for people to part ways with $5 or $25, a first time donation or otherwise, it is not easy to part with this hard earned
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money, and investment not in a person but for your country. you believe the stakes of this election are higher after you win a state yesterday. when you hear the expression of emotion or frustration from donald trump regarding what he's witnessing, there are millions of other americans who strongly and passionately feel the same way. on social media someone posted how he never voted for donald trump but he's willing to walk on broken glass to vote for donald trump and it will be interesting to see not just how intensity of support increases among people who supported donald trump for a long time, but how many independents you were discussing in that statement were now likely to vote for donald trump because of this witness. neil: does seem a little hypocritical in the eyes of
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some republicans pointing the finger at a case built on whether or not you paid off of film star, that that was the whole case going after bill clinton for monica lewinsky and whether he had a sexual relationship with her. do you think republicans risk looking high and mighty, saying just the opposite today, none of the stuff brought up in this case matters? >> not to date myself too much and make you mad at me, i wasn't old enough to vote yet when that was breaking. neil: i feared that. >> there are a lot of people who understand in this particular case there was a charge of felonies, discussion of how a felony was arrived to, that these were misdemeanors
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that the statute passed, people like jonathan turley and other fox guests who have done a great job articulating the underlying charge. i am a former prosecutor. i told the accused upfront what they were being charged with. to cross-examine witnesses to do opening and closing, however they want to make their case, in this case we are having this conversation right now and we still don't know what the underlying charges are, that they may not have voted unanimously to justify raising misdemeanor to a felony. there's a lot here that is appealable, prosecutor, issues that have been discussed related to the judge, this isn't a jurisdiction where it is difficult to get a jury of
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your peers for donald trump, it is so. we would be remiss and reckless to not have this conversation about what just happened in the middle of this election. neil: you came close with governor lasko but a lot of people say you would be perfect somewhere in a donald trump cabinet, what cabinet position would you like? >> it is not something i'm thinking of. i support donald trump and do everything i can to make sure he gets elected. i want him to have a congress to work with as opposed to having to deal with three more impeachments come 2,025. this is the first time since 2006 that i'm not a candidate running for office after 8 years in the house, four in the senate. i'm enjoying the campaign around the country for others. i'm not here is a candidate for
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myself. jackie: neil: i go back to the 1860 election. very good seeing you. thank you very much. in the meantime, with the dow up 32 points, digesting a lot, kind of supported to the notion inflation is easing but concerned about earnings that has folks worried. we are on top of that and what happens now when it comes to this big senate a few days before the republican convention. it is inconceivable donald trump could find himself watching all that. ♪
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and the former federal prosecutor, thank you for being with us. and you might have heard the former president earlier was pretty angry but determined to go on and move on to fight in this campaign but i'm looking at july 11th. what he said about -- not testifying. >> you can monday morning cornerback what happened if you lost. did he need to testify, and back in 2015. he had some innocent explanations why he was engaging in hush money payments. but we have to look deeper to monday morning quarterback and look at where the jury might
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have gotten it wrong and that was on the basic foundational element they had to decide, entry into payments as legal expenses, was false. if they found that might have been false even a reasonable doubt to that for every thing, looking at the foundational and what this is about, what are you upset about in terms of committing a crime, and pay legal hush money payment and listed as a legal expense, >> is it appealable, he has a corner copier of options ahead of him. the first notice for appeal is no later than 30 days after sentencing, there are efforts to put forward to have the appeal noted early, they can try to do is avoid him being
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punished after his sentencing pending the appeal, it can go to this july 11th sentencing, and they can ask for the appellate court to stay or pause that about the appeals. neil: it is up to the judge. >> judge cpac 11 had the first layer of that. and it is a step one at a time for a trial court. neil: donald trump could avoid sentencing for jail time, seems unlikely to pursue that but that is off for the time being as this process goes forward. >> that a legitimate effort many in this type of scenario will take and the appellate courts will allow permission to be paused until the appeal is heard.
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neil: can you see him doing that? with run ins, you don't have to be nostradamus to say that. i'm wondering what judge would do that? >> the law and standards demand donald trump is not put in prison but there's discretion with the judge so there is this history of bad blood if you think of how donald trump behaved in the courtroom and even think how his defense attorneys in closing argument made a passing comment to the jury, you can't put him in prison for this type of comment, the judge got upset about that. in terms of the closing argument called them agree just or something to that effect so the judge said your own attorney you go to prison if convicted of this, try to do something creative like that, give him a short prison time to put him behind bars for a day,
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week, month so -- the probation officer may be coming to the white house, not sure how that would work in the long-term. a range of punishment is wide and there's the possibility of jail time. neil: his behavior would be crucial to look at. 's got ammunition there. >> certainly. there's been some appeals of the judge's position on this case so far but what the appeals will do is more than look at the judge's bias but all the decisions the judge hated any of those decisions which may have affected the outcome are going to be keyed to the appeal process which i could list for 10 or 15 minutes many issues i have seen but they start before the trial began with many rulings that shaped the trial and continued through the testimony and actions that happened during the case and absence of evidence and why it might be that -- neil: stacked deck with this court or other appeals courts,
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the feeling is hard left. >> there's that feeling and that is true. almost all of them appointed by democrat governors over time and it is a stacked deck in the appellate courts are very deferential as to what happened at the trial level, there's different standards they view different dishes through but those standards are all odds against the defendant at that stage but cases are overturned all the time, great success in some of our appeals so you have to be cautious when calling a felon now and saying lock him up. if it turns out you are campaigning on that and voting against him for that and then the election happens, how fair do you feel the election was if this was the convicted felon donald trump for a few months and later on it is overturned and he gets a new shot and gets acquitted or cleared of offenses.
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neil: makes you wonder. thank you very much, good seeing you. it has been busy. in the meantime we are focusing on markets, can't lose sight of that, had a good news report on inflation and how to go from the trump trial to a very obscure inflation report but believe me there is no connection, after this. ♪ power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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neil: sounds like a math for when you talk about expenditures, what people are buying, the court number is important, a favored number for the federal reserve. things are not getting out of hand on inflation on that front, maybe getting a little better. that britt lawrence at the white house with more on this. >> reporter: maybe it's moving sideways a little bit. this report does not show a reduction in the rate of price increases but the report at 2. 7% for inflation over the past year, 2.8% for core inflation did not move from the month before. one area of concern in this report is the savings rate. personal savings as a
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percentage of disposable income was 3. 6%. that was unchanged from the year before but february 2020 the savings rate with 80. 2%, people had more money under donald trump into a savings account with each paycheck under president biden the savings rate of less than half of that could because of increased costs of everything. people are spending more because prices are 19% higher since the month president biden took office. >> consumers are tapped out. we are seeing a lot of stress with consumer credit, people falling behind on their bills not able to make ends and, getting second and third jobs etc. claims tumors under a tremendous amount of stress right now. >> reporter: the latest polls showing 56% of people disapprove of the job president biden is doing, 39% approve, the white house saying the message is working. >> it matters, we go to the
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american people, it matters when we share with them what we've done the last 3. 5 years, our compliment, listen to the more hear how they are feeling about the economy or their healthcare, it matters, it resonates. >> reporter: the way people feel about the economy when the election comes around may play in the voting booth. neil: back with bob and gary, the inflation report, steady as she goes, he was quite right when saying exercise ratings -- sideways report but what you make of it? >> the last cpi report, they are trying to tell us health insurance prices are down 4% over the last 5 years so i am not so sure, far be it from me to say they are fudging but something is up and i can tell you i do a lot of grocery shopping, everything is still up, home insurance is
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skyrocketing, auto insurance is skyrocketing. i think prices are still up there and when you see the poll numbers on the economy for the president i think that's exactly what people are looking at, they are writing checks that are much higher than they were three years ago and there hasn't been relief, maybe the rate of inflation is down but is still up from where it was and i don't think that will change anytime soon. neil: do a lot of the grocery shopping and your family. internationally recognized market, the excuse i give my wife, i would love to shop but it never happens. you do the shopping so you know. >> i go through the aisles, speak for people running the supermarkets and it is all the way up there. nobody knows me. if they do the first thing they say still that guy cavuto, we dig him, they don't know who you are.
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neil: another one, instantly recognize wherever he goes but that argument, invariably does come back to the economy but not all the time. there is this notion there are other factors play, the former president's legal problems, the age issue for president biden. this might be a case where as much as we are focused on the economy other issues could dominate. >> there are other issues, consistently agree with gary's take that the perception of the economy has not changed, whether we are talking, i know a lot of people in the white house are hoping the war in gaza will end, the economy will completely turnaround. we are where we are, probably the same spot in november and the electorate is sour on key domestic issues like inflation as well as innovation. but as you say, biden did
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better than expected in the midterms partially because of abortion so he's relying on that big time again. neil: on the political angle, telling people it's not so bad can actually hurt. he is got to rejigger that. >> 100%. he's got to make a shift and make a shift soon to not be defensive and stubborn about the economy. she said some wrong things about data on inflation. honestly during covid the electorate was more positive, they were thinking we will overcome this but now there's a covid hangover, people are upset with inflation, that hurts the incumbent. neil: good luck with your shopping, whatever you have to do. great having all of you here. in the meantime putting a wrap on this month of may, a pretty good month but the fact of the matter is two separate ways to
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neil: a tough time of it looking at nvidia, also looking at dell. that surprise a lot of folks, they had a slight pickup having to do with artificial intelligence but this was an intriguing development. is the first day to call it a hiccup event. it has -- its losses are substantial. don't try for these shareholders or nvidia shareholders. been looking forward to having him on, kings view asset manager. we talked during the break, good to have you, let's not cry too much especially the dell case. explained that, what happened. >> let's that got the box of
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tissues out yet. even with this pullback today it is up 80%. these ai companies are making explosive moves but at the end of the day wall street has a short memory and when expectations are extremely high and stakes are high in ai because every company is racing to be at the forefront of ai so nvidia at the center and all these other companies trying to get market share in the ai space. in the case of dell today, even with it being down around one hundred 30, it still up to date 73% for the year and up 8% for the month. neil: this is me trying to extrapolate things to your point that take much to dislodge the rampant run up. an example like this might be not everyone makes money hand over fist.
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>> in the case of dell with their earnings call, if you look at their top line, their revenue which is the most important factor they beat in the top line. it was the bottom line they missed and they missed 2%. they came in at $1.27, wall street expected $1.29. there top id, their servers, saying it's a 0 margin business but wall street needs something sometimes. . 20 doesn't take much for wall street to pounce. you were able -- you should be here during the break. there's a lot of money going into this technology, those who are spending it and getting a return on it and those who benefit from all that spending and some of these other -- are 2 different story. explained that. >> we are in the infancy stages of ai and all these races are
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spending to your point, we spoke over break but if you take the magnificent 7 and there spending it will be up 30% year over year. i will give one example and it is exploding like a balloon eventually the. will burst but i think we are in the early stages. take global, last year there and it was $32 billion, the spirit will be over 50, dell is spending the ai play tied to nvidia and when expectations are so hard to your point it only takes a small little miss for a retracement but if you own dell and are up 80% like you started this segment there is no crying in baseball. neil: do they pool back of the economy slows down? we are watching inflation numbers, have to buy more of these blue chips that nvidia has coming out but can't afford it, not sure we will get the bank for the buck, got to slow down a little bit.
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>> we are not there yet but that's a great point and that's going to take some time, 6 months down the road that with dell it's too early to see if this is a broad-based theme or is it like the first warning sign saying you can't spend spend spend without making money or you want to be in business. lauren: 20 very different from the old internet. there were a lot of companies that weren't making money and couldn't stand up on it. these guys are making money so there is somewhat of a distinction. >> the distinction is if you look at the s&p, 7 companies over the last few years have given 90% returns in the market. take this year for example, the s&p 500 is up 10% year to date. you take the equal weighted version of the s&p and many investors don't even realize, this is an important component,
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the s&p is market cap weighted index, what does that mean? it means bigger companies contribute to the bigger price gains. few teak and equal weighted version of the s&p meeting every company has equal weight it is only up a couple%. where's the bifurcation. julie: the big tech ones are skewed. >> absolutely. remove nvidia or meta or even google. neil: a are not that rich in price. in a scheme of things. >> in the whole scheme of things. to your point, comparing this macro landscape in the stock market compared to the where you look at comparison, these companies are making money, they are not trading at 300 valuations, they are not building contact lenses for chickens in south africa with an internet meme. they are real companies with strong balance sheets.
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by and large, i own some of these stocks for my clients, they are the growth of the market but with anything in life you have to have diversified portfolio, having different asset classes but at the end of the day, this is what's leading the market right now and i think it will continue to lead the market for the upcoming quarters. unless we have a crack in the macro landscape which could be inflation or unemployment numbers. it's get to be determined. neil: thanks, full disclosure, i do own nvidia, that's a separate issue. in the meantime, i want to get out there with money that's chasing donald trump, far from thinking maybe donors would recoil from him, they are doubling down after this. ♪
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>> last night we got a report this morning in the history of politics, maybe i'm wrong, somebody will find that i'm wrong maybe, they raised with small money donors meeting $21, $42, $53, $38, a record $39 million in a 10 hour period. think of that. >> i think was 34. 8 million but who is arguing? bottom line is the former president since getting convicted on 34 counts hasn't hurt him moneywise, helped him. ron desantis, very big donor,
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can write out a check if you wanted to but he is good at getting others. there is no denying the fact this agitated a lot of donald trump supporters and many who weren't to the point they are giving a lot of money. how long do you see this continue? >> i think it will continue for a while. i had multiple friends texting me last night with screenshots of the website down, they were trying to contribute. jack: you are trying to do it they shut the thing down? >> exactly what happened. the money will keep going, people that couldn't get last night are up and running and giving today, the number will grow and it shows a lot about what people view this verdict as they view it as a trial it should have never happened. you don't hear any announcements from the biden side about everybody rushing to contribute to him now that this is happened to donald trump.
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this is all the energy on the republican side on this as well at should be because president biden, you talked about this on inflation, the average american is poorer now than they were when he was elected so are gas prices lower today than they were yesterday? are food prices lower today than they were yesterday? julie: the economy but you are a ron desantis donor, do we want someone who can be a convicted felon as our nominee, now you have a convicted felon as your nominee. does that worry you? >> no it doesn't, at this junction, because those charges, 34 counts. a lot of it is the same over and over because of contributions he was making to his attorney, expenses he was giving his attorney. >> you don't think this will put a dent in his popularity,
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his base is strong but the progress he was making, you don't think that will be slowed by this? >> no. people view this as a travesty. that's what separates the united states from the rest of the world, this is more than trump. independents realize this is more than trump. we are known as the rule of law nation, that's why we are the reserve currency of the world, no one trusts china, they won't make china the reserve currency, no one trusts russia, there are problems in latin america, africa, southeast asia because they don't have rule of law, we always had it and this is a crack in that because people see it for what it is, a political attack that has been going on since 2016. they have seen this going on the last 7 or 8 years. neil: don't think they understand our legal process. jackie deangelis and "the big money show". jackie: great to see you, we will see you tomor


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