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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  May 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [music playing]
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>> from the fox studios in new york city this is "maria bartiromo wall street". >> welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in position to for the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo thank you for joining us in and pressed enter president of guilty verdict not slowing down performer president donald trump is back on the campaign trail fundraising hours after the six week trial and warning president biden team to buckle up. >> were going to be appealing the scam because the people of our country know it's a hoax. they get it, cricket joe biden the worst president in the history of our country, the only way that they think they can win this election is by doing exactly what they're doing right now winning in the courts because they can't win at the ballot box. maria: trump's sentencing is for july 11, 4 days before the rnc convention where republicans will nominate trump as a gop presidential candidate.
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his team has until june 13 to appeal the verdict democrats are celebrating what they are considering a win ahead of the election. it says great things about the fact that justice is indeed blind it is blind to the fact that you are president, is blind to the fact that you're a bully. of course you feel human sadness but i have to say that i also felt a sense of pride in the rule of law. >> on here on in the other side has the ability to take the great briand or and briand him in simplistic term convicted felon. maria: for many the guilty verdict is unifying a rally call for his face here's what voters are saying. >> are making our country look like a freak show it's not her judiciary branch is doing this is ridiculous. >> it blows my mind can you say banana republic. >> i would say it's a complete failure for justice system.
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>> they think they can get donald trump not to run for president or not be able to run for president not going to happen. he has my vote. maria: joining the reaction florida congresswoman kat cammack, thank you for joining us this weekend, your reaction to all of this. >> this is historic and i think it's going to deliver a historic win for donald j trump in november not only is the base incredibly fired up but you see every day americans maybe they're not hyper political maybe they're busy raising a family, working, going back and forth from home to work and back again and they're trying to raise their families but they see this on every single station in the celebration of the liberal left and they say wait a minute i'm not good to be lectured by a bunch of people a bunch of elitist that say everyone is subject to the law and no one is above the law even though the president of the united states joe biden has tried to cut a deal with his son
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with the d.o.j. who could not be pursued under charges for storing confidential classified documents in his garage because he's an old man, give me a br break, the double standard is insane it is blatant and i think the american people, it's a total sham, you can prevail, people are mad and they can fire up and if they could do this to donald trump they could do it to anyone of us. his weaponization and l'affaire at its peak. maria: wall street billionaires are rushing to support trump, what you see in returns of the action from voters as a result of the verdict. is it empowering them getting them to stand up or are they saying i cannot back somebody who is officially convicted felon. >> i think every day americans really believe that what is happened to donald trump in the 91 counts, they see this as a total sham as a political
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witch-hunt, they see how alvin bragg immediately raised $850,000 on the heels of his announcement of going after trump, letitia james, fani willis, alvin bragg all of these individuals may campaign promises that they were going to go after donald trump no one is actually believing that this is about justice this is been about revenge and they know they cannot beat us at the ballot box so they have to weaponize the d.o.j. and our legal system in order to keep donald trump off the ballot. i think the fact that you have people from all walks of life coming to the table saying we are supporting donald trump go to donald j trump and donate to him we need to make sure that he went in november, we see what is happening, the middle class fixed income working class americans are under assault under biden's policies and we cannot sustain this, wall street knows this in everyday american noses, main street noses in the world knows this we have an economic financial cliff that is
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coming and if we don't get donald trump back in the white house i fear it is something that we cannot come back from. maria: the biden campaign is going all in on the campaign trail touting joe biden's big spending agenda, the white house is sounding the alarm over the impending inflation bomb from republicans if the trump era tax cuts are extended warning the trump economic agenda would raise cost for middle-class families. no mention of the fact that because of the democrats spending and biden policies inflation went up to a 40 year high and we are still feeling it. >> absolutely think about this we don't have the fiscal cliff we have now everest i would not even see the super bowl , this is the olympics this is bigger than the olympics we have a debt ceiling to expire and the beginning of january next year we have the expiration of the trump tax cuts and job acts, by the way that tax break to virtually every tax bracket
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expanded the child tax credit double the standard deduction and businesses were able to invest long term in the capital investment and have certainty and of course let's not forget he took on the regulatory regime not just to 241, on regulation which was stifling in the economy but they were going 17 to one and cutting regulation to put one on the books, no one is talking about the $10 trillion in u.s. treasuries that has to be refinanced or the regulatory rules that are going to be put on the books in january of next year that of condom under the biden administration this is a disaster if the tax cuts expire this means financial and economic ruin or the united states if this is not a massive call we need one reason i don't know what it is. >> 's incredible critics are saying who would buy a treasury
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bond from a banana republic. they are looking at what's taken place in the manhattan courtroom and saying do we want to buy treasury bonds now in the face of what's taking place with the political persecution, president biden reportedly close to signing an executive order on the border according to the associated press i come early this tuesday the action expected to limit asylum request in entry to migrants at 4000 a day for reference in april there were over 8000 micro encounters a day not including the guideways. joe biden on top of the d.o.j. convicting donald trump now he's going all in on donald trump policies to make it look like he recognizes the impact of a wide-open border. desi. >> i think they see as a political liability that's become for them because republicans in everyday americans have been shouting from the rooftops that joe biden's open border policy have
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turned every state and every city in america into a border town you could not let 10.8 alien illegals into the country and have 2 million guideways work in blue cities and states to strip citizenship as a voting requirement and we seen the impact of crime and violent crime especially in the drugs that have killed 100,000 americans every single year as a result of the open border policy they see this as a political liability as it is they have been having their cake and hit eat it to you can't claim that you care about everyday americans when you have an open border and don't forget these are the same people under alejandro mayorkas and joe biden that said we don't have a crisis and they were quick to brag about the 61 executive orders that they undid to open up the borders after trump secured them this is going to be a major political liability and they
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think the american people are dumb we are not were paying attention were wide-awake and we know what they're doing playing political games with people's lives. maria: kat cammack joining us we appreciate your time we will see you soon. a quick break the federal reserve inflation gauge shows price increases remain sticky and elevated global investment bob dole will join me on what it means for investors and your ♪ clearing the way, [rumble] [whoosh] so you arrive exactly where you belong.
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all-time highs this past week joining me now cross marked global investment ceo and cio bob dall, great to see you, assess where we are in the market knowing the backdrop and what is ahead. >> remember at the beginning of the year the expectation was double digit earnings growth, inflation was going to come down and the fed was going to cut six times that's a beautiful scenario but that is not been what's transferred, earnings have been fine but inflation remain sticky the fed wants to unless grounded three somebody said is there a big difference between two and three and i said not really it's all one point unless you expected to stocks do not belong at 21 times earnings if it's going to be three instead of two. what else the breath has not been though the s&p 500 is up 10% year to date but almost half of the stock was down year to date. maria: do you want to sell into a rally?
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>> i'm cautious the best of both worlds double digit earnings in the fed is going to cut inflation coming down i don't believe either side of that and for all that to repeat your pain 20 times earnings i'm on the cautious side rallies on the trimmer if we get a pullback like we got a month or so ago you can put some money back i don't think you have to run for the hills but i think it can be very price-sensitive and expected choppy market. maria: how much of the news around president trump is important to markets. i have a lot of commentary from wall street billionaires who say they're going to back trump now is wall street and markets focused on what's taken place after president trump was convicted? >> the market likes to know certainty they don't like uncertainty and this raises the uncertainty a bit, is not necessarily favorable you know
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wall street pays attention to elections post labor day we have a long way to go and a lot of entertainment between now and then. maria: what about the rally that we saw this week the nasdaq shooting to above 17000 at an all-time high this week. once again largely due to artificial intelligence big rally and nvidia do you want to buy into that were would you sell the stocks. i would own them if i didn't i would buy some but i would underweight them nvidia is a perfect example i own a bunch of nvidia but i below my benchmark weight so on down days i say should i buy some more the stocks have gone to the roof for good reason a.i. is real and legitimate but is it heightened too much, perhaps time will tell and technology in general this past week we started to see if ray and the earnings software in
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salesforce for example and other names the tech story is not all green lights. maria: a great point, do you expect a recession a lot of people talking about bifurcated economy, the upper end is doing well but not so for the rest of us. >> exactly what we see in the consumer confidence surveys, university of michigan couple of weeks ago, the high-end consumers are doing fine low end is struggling and now middle income americans are beginning to struggle that was a big difference in the university of michigan survey that got my attention and you're starting to see the struggle the economy is slowing there's no question about it how slow will determine do we have a recession or not. i don't think we repealed recession from a vocabulary we still have the inverted yield curve and interest rates that are high compared to recent history. the lagged effects of the fed
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rate hikes are still important to be felt and i think we'll see that in the back half of the year as the economy slows. maria: i agree because 11 rate hikes is what the fed put into motion and many people feel we haven't felt the true impact just yet we will watch the rest of the year always a pleasure to catch up with you. thank you so much. bob dall joining us french fry inflation crushing consumers but mcdonald's new menu discount could crush franchise owners. will speak with one of the next. >> i definitely noticed in the past five years how prices have skyrocketed. >> and basically bringing my lunch every day. >> the prices are ridiculous. a meal at mcdonald's is almost $20 new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. (♪)
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daily zz for quality sleep. (♪) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. billy: one second, grandma. this guy is going to buy my car. okay? grandma: you need carvana... entering plate number... grandma: no accidents, right? billy: no. grandma: generating offer... carvana can pick it up tomorrow! billy: that's an amazing offer. announcer: sell your car the easy way with carvana.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back, prices at the golden arches and other chains are too rich these days a new survey finding 80% of americans view fast-food as a luxury amid skyhigh inflation mcdonald's in particular under the microscope for the price hikes under the years, mcdonald's president admitting the big. >> prices have surged more than 20% since 2019 but the fast food giant is trying to entice americans back to the restaurant gearing up for a month long special offering some menu items for $5 many franchisees are not loving it arguing the deal cut into thin margins, stores in california for example getting hit particularly hard with the fast-food minimum wage in the second month joining me now is one of the mcdonald's tries the scott rodrick owns and operates 18 franchises in northern california, great to have you this weekend thank you for joining us.
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maria: how is business and give us a sense of the impact of inflation. inflation is a devastating effect on californians, the impact can be felt on both sides of my front counter obviously from the consumer standpoint california they see inflation happening at the gas pump, the groceries, rent, utilities getting insurance and of course dining out and on my side of the front counter the extraordinary 20-dollar wage increase in april of this year is the biggest inflation driver of the mall and of course the halo effects including the payroll tax implication and workmen's compensation taxes in the impact of inflation in my restaurant business is not just a 25% wage increase there is a steep trendline for my backdoor food and paper cost access to capital challenge the cost of capital
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that you mentioned in the rate hikes that the fed has executed. at one point you could borrow money to start or grow your business at three or 4%, franchisees are looking at either 9%, when you and on top of the relentless drumbeat of regulated we have a problem in the state of california. maria: what are you doing have you been forced to raise prices, how do you square that circle? >> in terms of raising prices walking through the inflation minefield has to be done gingerly i cannot charge $25 for a happy meal. i have to be thoughtful about my approach and you mention the national 5-dollar meal deal which is being launched next month at mcdonald's that will jumpstart a summary value can my restaurants have been a leader in providing value for customers as part of my franchise dna for 70 years. admitted the business for 30 in
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the mcdonald's for 30 if you can believe it. the sustainability about driving incremental visit versus straight off essentially essentially growing the baseline and the market share which is critical to surviving the 29% increase in the california minimum wage. if you look at what's driving inflation on my side of the counter of course is the cost of labor, the cost of entry level labor were in the people business were distant hamburgers, the idea of cutting hours, cutting shifts that for my business is not sustainable people are greatest set and to identify other cost to survive this unprecedented legislation. maria: unbelievable, great to have you, we will be watching. thank you. maria: scott rodrick joining me one more important thing of head
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maria: welcome back one thing you need to know about ahead of next week the world's largest chipmaker gearing up for the 2024 a.i. summit coming up on wednesday ahead of the big event nvidia ceo jensen wong is developing and delivering aquino and taiwan where he will share how the cavities technology is ushering in a new industrial
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revolution this could be a big market mover, nvidia ranked as the third highest valued company on the nasdaq the stock closing of an all-time high earlier this week nvidia and mediatek are expected to announce an a.i. chip for computers and iphones at this upcoming event. we will be following all day every day this week on "mornings with maria" 6 - 9:00 a.m. eastern go forget to join us on fox business. i hope you will join us and i'll see you on sunday on the fox news channel at 10:00 a.m. eastern for "sunday morning futures" of exclusive interviews this weekend with trump organization executive vice president and president trump son eric trout, rand paul, white house senior advisor stever miller and director of national intelligence john ratcliffe all coming up sunday on fox news, join us for "sunday morning futures", that will do it for us on fox business. thank you for being with us, have a great rest of the weekend. i will see you next time. ♪ >> variant roundtable sponsored


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