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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 3, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ ♪ >> ray davis a fine singer and i really like the song you really got me.
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stuart: i'm shocked by that. stuart: at my age you can remember what you dance to as a teenager, 10:00 o'clock eastern but get straight to the money. we have the dow down just 20 points, look at the nasdaq up 135 points we have reports from reuters of scattered halting to trading certainly on the new york stock exchange for volatility reasons, we will get were on that little bit later, the ten year treasury coming down while under ford have present, 441 right now, the price of oil way under $80 a barrel, 7486 right now, bitcoin going up 69800, that is where we are. right now the house select oversight subcommittee holding a hearing with dr. fauci on his handling of the covid academic, pandemic i should say this is the first time the doctor will testify since retiring he may be in for a rough time, dr. fauci admitted the 6-foot social distancing and masking rules
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were not based on science, we will bring you the latest from the hearing, we received the latest reading of the manufacturing sector that is important for the overall caught me. >> 48.7 was of the above translation for the month of may, still in contraction under 50 while the prices comported to come down to a level of 57 that is in contraction territory. thank you very much indeed. now this. a tale of two tasers reveals the deaths of political bias in our judicial system, start with hilary clinton in the 2016 election, when the dust had settled the very election commission announced that hilary's campaign had falsely reported the funding of the steele dossier, do you remember that hilary's team had slimed donald trump with unfounded allegations about trump and russia she funded the russia, russia, russia hopes which upset trump's early days in office,
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hilary had brushed off the payments as legal services enter campaign was fined $8000, that is it, she got off, hilary is a democrat, she faced the democrat prosecutor in new york, how could she lose, fast-forward to 2024 a democrat prosecutor with the democrat judge in a very democrat city charge republican donald trump with criminal violations, the horror, trump would pay michael cohen for legal services. the democrat prosecutor alvin bragg threw the book at him and 134 guilty counts, trump faces sentencing next month he could go to jail, hilary gets a little fine and that he did donald trump may go to jail, same offense wearing a different sentence and the reason is obvious, political bias new york has been damaged in the judicial system damage and kevin o'leary says the american brand has been damaged. second hour of "varney" just getting started.
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stuart: lisa boothe joins me i say the reason for trump's prosecution is political bias you're not going to disagree with me. >> i think if i did you can tell me to get offset. >> your opinion go ahead. >> i think it's worse than bias, i think the system has been corrupted and commandeered and overtaken by radicals who hate this country and actively trying to burn it to the ground. i think america is no longer the republic that our founding fathers and vision were a centralized government arching toward authoritarianism and communism is so much worse than people are discussing. stuart: you taken an extreme point of view. i don't think it's extreme it's honest. the only way to rebuild or write a ship is if you view things from an actual lens of where we are. i don't think -- by no means i'm suggesting the downplaying but i'm say the only way you can
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change things as if you're honest and confront the way things currently are. stuart: a jury selection is underway in the hunter biden gun trial, he's charged with making false statements in order to purchase a firearm and accused of obtaining a firearm one addicted to drugs, is this going to be a political investment for his father, the president. >> i don't know what the beef stressful, yes, he is obviously not in good health, the special counsel told us that he's an elderly man who was not fit to stand trial although he should have because he is evil and corrupt, beyond that look at the media framing of this already, not here at fox news but elsewhere i was reading cnn and these different outlets he was a bad place at the time, he was on drugs he was reeling from the death of his brother, that is what led him to lying, that's what led him to abusing the system to get that's what led to
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wrongdoing because he was so troubled he was such a now hard time he that will be the narrative from the media i don't know what percentage of the country buys that. stuart: i would like to see pull. >> we will see how this plays out. stuart: i would like to see polls on voters and how they feel about the guilty verdict next week. >> the most pathetic thing that chuck schumer said if you mess with the intelligence beauty they have six ways from sunday from getting back to you, the weaponize hilary clinton and opposition research, the fbi against donald trump with the russia hoax that was concocted it was a lie even the cia knew the steele dossier was basically an internet rumor but the fbi weaponize to anyway they use the virus that was not as deadly as they told us it was to append the way that we vote forever. in a way that was beneficial to the left. now they are weaponizing and upgrading a misdemeanor which there is no evidence that trump
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engaged in falsifying business records or did that with any ill intention with a felony without even telling us what the crime was that he was engaging in. i think chuck schumer was right when he said you mess with the intelligence community this is what you get and look at what donald trump is getting it is wrong and evil. happy monday. stuart: a strong opinion we don't mind it. south carolina set a tim scott spoke on the guilty verdict, he is a presidential pick, what did he have to say. >> the verdict is unifying republicans, watcher. >> there is no doubt unifying our party without any question, never trumper is calling me insane tim i'm on the bandwagon icing the two-tier justice system working against the president of the united states, it can work against me too. i have seen donors who have been on the sidelines this entire process now jumping in one of
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the reasons why we saw more than $50 million raised in 24 hours. >> the new york times is commenting that that support is happening and also reporting democrats are hungry to push the trump is a convicted felon narrative and he's unfit with office and you could hear a second term because is out for vengeance. and in the end the country is divided and split. thank you, we better turn to the market it is 10:07 a.m. we have a nice move for the nasdaq up 112, the dow is down 19 points. ray wang joins us this morning, you say only a handful of stocks will win when it comes to a.i., which stocks are the a.i. winners in your opinion. >> is obvious and video the age of a.i. driving and peering the stock in google because of a.i. capability and microsoft has a.i. capabilities and oracle is
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playing a role, service now in their ability to open up markets and looking at c3 and palantir on the backend, these are driving this. stuart: what evidence do we have that the major tech companies have incorporated a.i. are now showing the results on "the bottom line" they are making more money, where is evidence of that. >> one is in the cost savings on operational efficiency a lot of them using automation a.i. to drag on their cost structure and the second pieces of revenue and you will see that in c3 as you saw last week and palantir and some of the winds that they have. other software companies are in the middle of this transition tried to make it work we heard in salesforce, i think jeff sica said this earlier there being distracted by a.i. buyers were people are looking for a.i. capabilities and will see a rush to put a.i. into their software and you see that microsoft didn't like herself leading the way in the google software but business software applications like oracle, business and other
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applications like that. the guy who runs nvidia says this is a brand-new complete ballgame is a new industrial technological revolution he's gone over this, is he right? >> this is changing the way they were operating three things that are happening the first part is 5% interest rate that change where we operate were in exponential efficiency so people are taking cost out like crazy, the second one and arbitrage, automation taking chunks of the. made away and the third one is margin compression if you're not one tenth of the cost you get to play in the market and that's what a.i. is going to be doing. stuart: he is right he is saying a whole graft of brand-new a.i. chips coming on screen, we have the blackwell, in 2025. and then 2026 the rubin pla platform, there is guaranteed improvements in a.i. chips for years to come, he is very
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confident that he could do this do you share the confidence. >> i do when we talk to people at nvidia they are showing one tenth of the roadmap, a lot going on at nvidia and we only see a small peak of everything that they have he plans to roll out new data center sets every year for the next ten years and the roadmap. stuart: $1100 a share, 1132, where is it going. >> 1400. >> that's in the short term. >> no other chip manufacturer can patch up to where they are and nobody has a capital build the chips it's going to depend on where tsmc goes if they take a bigger cut of the chip manufacturing that's only thing nvidia has walking. stuart: you were in the middle of it, think of for joining us. lauren is looking at the movers, one mover is autodesk. >> is number one on s&p 500 with 9% gain. it is updated the market they had a probe into their accounting it is over and they don't have to restate financials, that is good news in
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the preliminary first quarter will talk previous estimates. stuart: jetblue i'm intrigued it is at $5 a share, up 4%. >> the airlines are higher because of this because they expect lower cost, think you will coming down in revenue will decline in the first quarter by less than they thought, they are crediting, things can be bad but not as bad as you thought, travel demand is still healthy. >> thank you very much, best buy. >> a double upgrade at city is only upon present but city says buy the shares go from cell to a buy a double upgrade in the price moving to $100 because of artificial intelligence in the natural tech replacement cycle at this price best buy is that a buy. is there any store that we don't mention a.i. >> i don't know how you get an annual update and if your company how do you keep paying for that. >> coinbase brian armstrong says
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his company is looking to push out anti-crypto politicians from congress. stuart: this is an ashley story, did you hear that. trying to push out anti-crypto politicians what is the story. >> he is going to do it with a little bit of this, $25 million to the procrit go super pack, large crypto companies betting big on crypto candidates, fair shake is among the top five larger super pacs this election cycle and has up to 160 million in its coffers, that is a lot, it primarily uses the funding for ad campaigns in early spent $34 million supporting pro crypto candidates running in key house in senate races, coinbase ceo brian armstrong says the best way to get regulatory clarity is to elect pro crypto candidates on both sides of the
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aisle, a lot of cash. stuart: here comes the money, coming up oral arguments have started in missouri's lawsuit against the biden administration student loan handout, the attorney general andrew bailey will give us the latest on the lawsuit, president biden will hold his first campaign event since trump's guilty verdict in the near criminal trial as democrat urged biden to make the conviction of the top 2024 issue juliann turner has that story she's at the white house after this. ♪
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>> the market shows a small loss for the dow in a solid gain for the nasdaq. multiple new york stock exchange stocks have been halted because of volatility, they reportedly due to technical issues, the exchange is investigating. today president biden holds his first campaign event since donald trump's conviction he is going to connecticut to mop up some money, joining me from the white house, what can we expect from biden today. >> this is going to be the president's first big campaign event since a guilty verdict was handed out in new york last week, the biden campaign is trotting out a new label performer president trump, they are calling and convicted felons donald trump, back on friday president biden told fox news that he's not weary of l'af
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l'affaire, he's never done anything wrong, take a listen. do you think this helps in the election? are you worried that this could happen to you because he tries to bring in the court after your term? >> nodded all i didn't do anything wrong. >> biden's allies on capitol hill are pushing for the president to make trump's felonies a top 2024 issue congressman adam schiff said this over the weekend. >> i think the president should be leaning into this going forward, his competitor is a convicted felon and you can only imagine if the situation was reversed they would be going after joe biden they would be making it forcefully to american people. >> biden has treaded carefully in public comments about trump sunset conviction but the
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campaign is using every adjective at hand when soliciting donations, take a look at this post from dean phillips donald trump is a serial lie, cheater and philander for six-time corporate bankruptcy and instigator of insurrection in a convicted velvet that thrives on portraying himself as a victim, the gop was putting trump's conviction front and center in the fundraising efforts, the chair lara trump told fox news yesterday that they raise $70 million in the 48 hours after the verdict was announced in the online donation only. stuart: juliann turner at the white house without at least lower behind you, thank you. wait until the next time they will get you, thank you very much indeed, material into missouri's attorney general andrew bailey, are they trying to stop donald trump from getting on the ballot in missouri? >> that's absolutely what they're doing their hurting the american voting public to access their preferred presidential candidate the l'affaire against president trump we have to stop
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looking at it as isolated insolence or individual cases and putting the pieces of the puzzle together and realizing this is a significant shift in the landscape in the worker that is conducted by the left against president trump, president trump started to move it any brought in the republican base and he put america first, the left hates that they're using every tool and bending the rules to obtain illicit convictions that aren't supported by the law and the facts of the civil judgments against president trump, taking them off the ballot in many of the states, that's why as the attorney general i thought and every single one of those instances to fight back to ensure that we have integrity in the missouri voting public has access to the preferred candidate to president trump. stuart: mr. attorney general oral arguments begin for your lawsuit against the administration your challenging biden student loan forgiveness plan, honestly i thought the supreme court had drawn this out, what's going on here. >> you're absolutely right they
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have thrown it out we defeated president biden in his attempt to illegally buy votes once before but is the flipside of the coin that we were disc discussing. on the one hand the left wants to prevent us from having access to president trump and keep them off the bow and punish them through l'affaire and on the other side president biden is desperate he's good to bend the rules, break the rules, violate the statute in the constitution to buy votes by canceling debt i'm not going to let joe biden sit on working missouri families with ivy league debt this is getting cost taxpayers a half a trillion dollars missouri taxpayers north of 40 million and that's why the loss is so important there is no congressional authority or statutory authority authorized by congress by president trump and for president biden to cancel that it is a baseless attempt to try to buy votes. >> it i get back to subject number one can a convicted felon be kept off the ballot in your state? >> no, in fact presented chapel beyond the ballot in missouri and i'm fighting to make sure
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the missourians have access to him as a presidential candidate, the illicit witch-hunt prosecution was never intended to obtain a legally valid conviction it was always intended to take them off the campaign trail and the gag order which is a first amendment presumption against gag orders was unlawfully applied to president trump and that was a censorship exercise and president trump to be campaigning, the harms missourians and that's why litigated against the gag order. >> attorney general andrew bailey, thank you for joining us we appreciate it. coming up, president biden expected to announce executive action on the border, maybe tomorrow, congressman bryan steil says too little too late congressman will be on the show today, the justice department withholding the audio from the president's interview with special counsel robert hur, they're worried it could be halted with artificial intelligence, is that a valid concern, that is next. ♪
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stuart: on the market the same story for the last hour is strong gain for the nasdaq, it is three quarters of 1% higher in the dow is down 38, this is happening, multiple new york stock exchange stocks have been halted because of volatility, reportedly this is a technical issue, the new york exchange is investigating. >> look at berkshire hathaway down 100%, there it gold down 99%, the new york stock exchange equity says there investigating a technical issue regarding limit up and limit down bands, dozens of stocks including these are in a volatility pause for obvious reasons, limit up limit down is meant to prevent trades from outside of price bands, when this happens they have to halt for usually five-minute. >> that is a serious subject and we will get more on that in the new york exchange, you have some movers, let's start with moderna which is a 4% higher.
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>> they are announcing positive results of a phase two study evaluating their mrna technology with key true a cancer drug in patients with high risk skin cancer that had been surgically removed three quarters the patient that took the drug combo cancer free at the two and a half year mark that is very good news. >> boston beer symbol is sam. >> out. have percent, there is a report that the acquisition talks have stalled a japanese company was looking to buy them, now no longer. >> earlier this morning we had nvidia up nicely, $45, what is the story. >> were present, bank of america increase in price target 1500, second tesla major nvidia customer and their telling you how much so, elon musk the a.i. startup will use 100,000 nvidia h1 chips and 300,000b200 that is part of blackwell because 30, $40 and that could be
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$12 billion for elon musk. >> 1141. >> big money coming in, now this trump is speaking out about the border crisis, what do you have to say. >> he appeared on "fox & friends" weekend and said what we've been saying forever that the border is wide open and were absolutely no idea who is coming across, listen to this. >> in terms of our country a real threat of the people that are coming in, he wants to have an open border with millions of people coming into our country millions and millions not just from south america, there coming in from africa from the middle east, europe all over the world are coming in and are coming in from jails, the coming incremental into mental institutions and we are some of the sickest people mentally ill people are being trapped into our country were good to be paying for this for a long time.
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>> during the same interview trump also warned a second biden term could bring the country to its knees and says that it could usher in a depression like the one that we saw in 1929. we got the point, thank you, speaker johnson going after biden for the expected announcement on executive action on the border. roll tape. >> too little to tape until late he's trying to show the american people how he wants to address the issue that he himself created we documented 64 specific executive actions that president biden and secretary mayorkas took over the last three and half years and president biden took office to open the bordered wide they did it intentionally and the only reason the polls say is the biggest issue in america. >> wisconsin congressman bryan steil joins me now, this plan that he has his executive action he would limit entrants to 4000
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a day and that the border would be closed, how is that going to work. >> this is the arsonist claiming is going to put out the fire, 4000 today over 1.4 million individuals per year, the by demonstration he took key action started the first 100 days that made the border wide open. he should take all the executive actions as speaker mike johnson referenced andy should end the abuse of the parole system and catch and release and reinstate stay in mexico border wall construction immediately. if the president was interested in closing the border and providing border security he could do that, he has the tools today to take action, he simply is baiting people that is going to take a small action and action he's going to take would allow on average 1.4 million individuals to cross into the united states and be caught and released, this is not a plan that works in the biden administration ultimately needs to be held accountable at the polls for their failure to
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secure the border. >> according to a filing what are the reasons of department of justice is holding the biden her audiotapes because they are afraid it will be altered with a.i., that seems rather flimsy excuse are we ever going to see those tapes? >> the by demonstration department of justice is throwing everything in the kitchen sink to prevent the state from coming out what their fundamentally arguing they get to control the medium in which the information is released, we have the transcript they should be releasing the videotape, they're trying to round-the-clock out they do not want the american people to see this videotape prior to the election. i'm in the view that they deserve to see this prior to the election, the sooner or the better we will know exactly what the president said and how he said it, further i remain concerned that the transcript has been altered we see not time again with this administration altering transcripts is why the american people deserve to see the video. >> the video shows the president
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and the video of the president when he was answering questions and where robert hur suggested he doesn't have the cognitive ability that he should have, that's what you want to see these tapes, it would prove his point to some degree. >> it's pretty obvious why the administration doesn't want the video to be shown, the d.o.j. attorney reached the conclusion, the american people are going to reach the same conclusion possibly more so because of by demonstration is trying to round-the-clock out to prevent this from being released prior to november this is an issue where sunlight is the best disinfectant and we should see exactly how the president said the words that he said, the information is a republican argument that this is going to be manipulated by a.i. shows you how desperate the d.o.j. is to protect the president in this case. stuart: thank you for joining us, bryan steil we appreciate you being here. the highly anticipated boxing match between mike tyson and jake paul has been postponed after tyson suffered a medical scare last week we have the
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story for you, the wnba takes action after a hard foul against indiana fever star caitlin clark, is clark being targeted out dan dockage is live with that next. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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stuart: the news from the market this morning that multiple new york stock exchange stocks have been halted because of volatility it's reported due to a technical issue the new york exchange says they are still investigating, the dow is down 100, the nasdaq is up 90, wnba
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star rookie caitlin clark was hit with what fans are calling a cheap shot during a game this weekend, mike tobin is with us take us through a happen. >> let's start out with social media the pressure came before the higher-ups took action most focusing that caitlin clark is the draw they got people to pay attention to the wnba, statements on x or twitter range from they should coddle her meaning clark because she's their savior the wnba would go into no existence in the ad would enter the face without earning it it's a jealousy hatred thing going on with the wmba with caitlin clark and all of that to a saturday game between the chicago sky in indiana fever which chicago guard through a shoulder into clark that knocked her into the hardwood while they were waiting for the hard enter ball to be invalid, the league upgraded the foul to carter of a fragrant one violation in the game it was called away from the ball follow
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clark made a point of rolling with it while carter refused to answer questions. >> it is what it is, i feel like i'm at the point where you accept it and don't retaliate. >> i'm not answering no caitlin clark question. >> i don't know what she said. >> what did she say to her. >> that's enough. >> angel reese seemed to applaud the physical contact but skipped the postgame interview and for that she was find a thousand dollars and the team got fined five grand for violating league media policies, general manager of the fever says there being targeted and the league needs to clean it up. >> do you think caitlin clark will be getting the backlash and this treatment if she were black or gay? >> that's a great question, there has been a lot of discussion in the wnba about that, my answer is no i don't think she would be getting this kind of treatment, i think
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there's a lot of people in the wnba for 27 years both black, gay, white that overrode the wnba and they see caitlin clark, not only her play better popularity as a threat, my answer is absolutely not i don't think she would be and that's coming out the words of angel reese, becky hama, the people inside of the wnba that have made this a sex/race thing so it only stands to reason that she's getting the extra attention getting elbowed and knocked down when the ball is not in play and use all the bencher wrapped because she's white and heterosexual. stuart: the other players you can see the other players they seem to be congratulating. >> it's one thing if i'm going to the basket and working hard foul you, that is fine.
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it's one thing if i'm shooting a jumpshot and you miss and you talk some smack, that is fine. i been around basketball my whole life, 62 years and i've never seen anything like what happened to caitlin clark in the bench was almost like they had a hit on caitlin clark, whoever could knock her out or down or cheap shot her, that is the way the bench celebrated and that tells me wait a second, lynn done the general manager of the fever a friend of mine is absolutely right, this has to stop not only doesn't have to stop for caitlin clark getting her but people are going to be turned off by the race, sex, whatever is awful with this stuff in the wnba. stuart: it look like ice hockey, the fight between mike tyson and jake paul has been postponed tyson had medical scare in the ulcer flareup on the plane. the rescheduled date will be announced this week, who you think is going to win? >> i think tyson has to win.
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mike tyson is the baddest man or was the baddest man on the planet and you think he's going to lose to youtube guy with that kind of hair, are you out of your mind, mike tyson is going to whip this guy he had a great line he said i feel 100% even though i don't need to be to beat paul he is going to get his you know what whipped because mike tyson has to imagine if the baddest man on the planet the face tap to, the knockout gets beat by a youtube star, if i were the referee i would fix it in tysons favor, we can't let this happen. >> there is a lot of money involved in tens of millions of dollars. can it take? and isn't boxing the ultimate
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pride thing it's me against you, who has to deal with the glory of winning i'm telling you, mike tyson street credit is on the line but i'm going to bet the fight and i'm good at that the mortgage on tyson because he could not lose this fight. and that kind of hair, he cannot do that. >> this is a financial program we don't normally but the mortgage on a boxing match. , good luck with this. dan, we will see you again soon. >> eric trump says his father has been gaining support from independent minority voters since his guilty conviction, we have that story in her next hour, dr. fauci is testifying on capitol hill he admitted no scientific evidence for social distancing or masking rules, hilary vaughn from the hearing
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stuart: the dow is down 180 points, the nasdaq is up 50,
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that's been reversed, the nasdaq was up 100 and the dow was up a few points, that is a reversal, doctor anthony fauci testified right now for the first time since retiring as new data reveals the national institute of health receives $710 million in royalties from drugmakers during the pandemic, hilary vaughn on capitol hill did the agency tried to hide the money to. >> they did they were forced to confess this cash after the freedom of information made them out themselves a new report from open the books who filed it found that pharmaceutical and healthcare companies paid the national institute of health $710 million in royalties that is 175 times increased from years prior setting off alarm bells here on capitol hill on he was cashing in and if the influence decision-making at the very top of the pandemic.
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>> why are they buying and why did they mislead you, was not duty anthony fauci been paid by the vaccine makers to push it on all of us? >> we don't know and his response is this the law protects him and he doesn't have to reveal royalties in its affront to the american people. >> dr. fauci on the record being sketchy about royalties and not transparent, the new info from open the books of the 710 million in royalties, 97% went to dr. fauci national institute of allergy and infectious diseases, that was a massive windfall over two years during the pandemic dr. fauci institute rate in the equivalent of 175 years worth of royalty payments, 690 million in two years compared to a measly 23 million they received over a 12 year timeframe, dr. fauci is on the hill facing questions about this.
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>> were uncovering about a discrepancy between dr. fauci has told the committee and what his senior advisor and other staff members and the agent told the committee is trying to get to the bottom of the accountability, who is lying to this committee and committing perjury. >> lawmakers think someone is lying in the open to find out today who is lying and why are they lying. stuart: hilary vaughn former chief medical advisor dr. fauci is testifying on capitol hill about the handling of covid and he admitted to having no idea with a six-foot social distancing broking from and would not recall any study showing the benefits of putting masks on children, doctor siegel joins us now, should we cut dr. fauci some slack here, he was thrown into a situation where we knew nothing about covid and can he be given excuse were room i'd known dr. fauci he
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is extremely bright and an accomplished scientist and what he did at the beginning of the pandemic is step outside of his lane multiple times what do we mean by that he's an immunologist and a vaccine knowledge just and social distancing, that came from the 1918 flu it didn't come from nowhere in the 1918 in 2013 that was studied for flu and found to be effective. do you know what the problem is the university of medical where i went into thousand 20 for fox, they found already in february 2020 that covid was all over the room. you weren't going to contain it by social distancing. you need to open a window and you sanitize rooms and you needed to not close schools, we knew all of that and we were
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saying it, it's disingenuous to say i don't know where that came from a came from flu modeling which is an entirely different virus. stuart: it should've been changed when we realized it did not work. immediately. and 2020 if we had gone to the ventilation cleaning of room strategy we would've had more of an argument to keep schools open, closing schools was a disaster but you know what kids did they spread covid throughout the community. stuart: google has announced a new a.i. feature, you can ask it health questions what do you think of that? i have a problem with the been a standalone my patients have been searching the internet for ever i don't mind them searching this but one interesting thing if you put in and should you have a rock day instead of an apple a day in response with the vitamins and minerals and a r
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rock, the problem here is the lack of a physician guidance, that's always the problem isn't it, a.i. is good as a copilot, i don't want to as a pilot my patients come to me with info they get from google overviews i'm okay with that but if they try to draw their own conclusions medical answers, they are going to stumble because of a.i. hallucinating. stuart: we always need you daca under doctor siegel never forget it, thank you for joining us on monday morning. still ahead republican mega donor on trump's fund fundraising frenzy after the guilty verdict, steve forbes and democrats wanted the justice department to go back to big oil, joe concha on a new york times op-ed urging hunter biden to take a plea deal and quickly. the 11:00 o'clock hour of varney is next. ♪
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>> this was like nothing else. the minute they showed trump and dana white on th


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