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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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liz: adobe is in a unique product space and it's out there and will it translate to a bigger way to the bottom line? that's the issue, tim? >> certainly and i think with adobe in particular, the question is will general ai accelerate and augment human creativity or supersede it? adobe has shown certainly seems like it'll accelerate and augment that human creativity element and the company had fantastic run long term. liz: thank you, tim. boy, looks like nvidia is at a record high here. we shall see. tomorrow we have a great panel lineup. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm larry kudlow.
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jury selection underway in the federal gun case against hunter biden. david, what do you got? reporter: david, jury selection began with 250 people and goal is to weed it will down to 12 jurors and four alternates and right now they have a jury pool of only 36 people and will continue to move down there. everyone on the jury is pretty much aware of this case and has some sort of knowledge of the biden family hunter charged with
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three tellny counts of lying on a gun form in 2018 claiming he was not a drug user and jurors asked opinions on gun use and drug right -- drug use and gun rights and huntser did not check no to be ago drug user on the gun form and needs to be examined whether there's questions about the chain of custody and maybe somebody else tampered with the form. as i mentioned the first lady jill biden in the courtroom along with hunter's sister ashley biden. it happens to be the first lady's 73rd birthday today. the jury selection expected to
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wrap up today and having a jury with opening statements tomorrow and expect the entire case, larry, to go about two weeks and maybe a little shy of that and of course no word yet of hunter biden will testify. always a possibility the defendant will. we're getting no signals from his legal team yet. larry. larry: david, one quick question mr. biden said he wouldn't comment on federal cases and didn't mr. biden comment on the bragg tram 7 case that was a federal case. whether the justice department says it's his or not that could give a terrible signal seconds
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to play probably one of the reasons why the president is not physically here today. larry: can comment but can't physically be there. folks, success is the best revenge and subject of tonight's riff. now, democrats may be licking their chops at sham conviction of donald trump and alvin bragg's courtroom last week. okay. look away. but you may need some chap stick before long. what you have there in new york city is a highly conflicted even rogue judge handing out judicially questionable or even makeup instructions to the jury. i don't blame the jury, i blame the judge. the whole case was a sham as mro many times and likelihood of being overturned in the appeals process is very high and moving on from this, hunter biden is the president's son and he's going on trial today for several gun violations as david spunt just reported. i want to belabor the point but
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son hunter could face up to 25 years in prisonment because a, he lied about his addiction on federal gun forms. b, he lied to the licensed firearm dealer about his addiction. and c, he was illegally in possession of a firearm. hunter's also going to face a tax evasion charge in los angeles and later this summer in september and not so far from the election and by the by, lest i forget. hunter owes his ex-wife about $3 million in alimony. just thought i'd add that . important point in delaware, the judge is a trump appointee and she's the one that blew up the original plea deal with prosecutor david wise. david weiss who has explaining for strategic coordination and
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that's according to to our friend and speaking of trump appoiappointeings my point heres shameful as the bragg case in new york, there's hope for the justice system that . is if we elect the president who will carry out justice in a neutral way, consist with the constitution and the rule of law as americans used to know it before biden.
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just yesterday on the "fox & friends" weekend show, mr. trump told the vie viewers and i'll qe "people also say can you brings country together"? the answer is"yes, success will bring the country together. the country was doing better than it ever had done and we're going back to the same policies and then some". you know, my revenge will be success and i mean that. end quote from mr. trump. definition of success is crucial. knowing mr. trump as i do, he's talking about rejuvenating the economy with tax cuts and deregulation, opening the oil and gas spigots to reduce energy prices, food and gasoline and overall inflation.
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closing the boarder and restoring and fixing the greatest judicial system in the world. don't lick those chops too often, democrats. joining me is the law professor fox news contributor jonathan turley. you're a busy chap and you were on vacation last week and i watched your every word and it was very, very helpful and talk to me a bit if you would and lend us great wisdom regarding hunter biden trial and these gun charges look to me to be quite serious. >> well, there's no real defense here and the defense team was going through a bunch of options
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and some were destroyed by hunter biden is arguing that he had a brief moment of sobriety and hunter biden came in affirming he was using drugs throughout this period. now they're going to try the mysterious check mark in the possibility of someone else doing it. this is starting to look like a jury nullification and biden won the city overwhelmingly and the jury pool here is the mirror image of m manhattan for the defendant and it's a great jury pool for the defendant and may be hoping it'll take lit toll get a hung jury and more.
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larry: jonathan, this judge is a trump appointee. this differs greatly from the trial in new york. >> she s. i was very critical of the judge in manhattan. she's not a finder of fact and jury makes determination of guilt and will instruct the jury on the law and ruled on both sides unlike the manhattan case where almost all the rulings seemed to go for the prosecution and she has ruled against and for both sides on various issues. having jill biden in the room and this being the favorite son of wilmington, whether that'll have a gravitational pull on the
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jury. larry: huntser biden's computer will be used in the trial after they try toddies credit it and it did surface and 50 some odd intelligence agents said it was a russian disinformation pledge and secretary of state anthony blinken was a guy that puts that group together and they're all lying too it turns out. pure hunter biden. >> the judge in the case ruled for the defense and kept out some of that and i think she was right. some is prejudicial and she issued a ruling that the manhattan judge should have issued. instead you had mar merchan letg
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in all the stuff with storm jim jordan daniels and she's going to be more responsible and said i'm not letting things come in willy nilly and you have to have material here and it's going to be ddamning and going into his adirection and i would not be surprised if he took the stand and defense attorneys don't want clients on the stand with a computer like this, with these records. if you're trying to get a hung jury or jury nullification and on the stand for that jury to hear from you.
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>> again, it's sort of inverse of manhattan and they're starting from a very positive jury pool right before an election and some dynamics are a bit different here and obviously this guy is a train wreck and has been for a long time and that leads me to wonder if they're hoping for a hung jury or nullification jury. larry: you read a good piece and i read it in the hill and number of reasons to believe that the
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trump appeal will be successful. >> i do. very few of us outside of manhattan have a lot of faith in the legal system right now and the former president may have rough sledding on the first level of appeal and after that, some of the glaring errors will go in front of the supreme court and in my view, it's, it would be impossible to sustain this verdict and there's so many problems, so many errors that were committed by judge merchan but we may have to wait a bit. is likely to occur after the election and it's what many pop in manhattan for weaponing for -- hoping for. stuart: you're a brilliant guy
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and i'm not, i'm a economic guy and i have been my whole career. i mentioned this in my riff and there's important trump appointed judges and this judge being one and aileen cannon down in south florida and was adhered to the law and slowed the process down. jonathan, i think if you get changes at the top of the pyramid by which our government and white house and justice department and so forth, i think the american judicial system has injured as it has become, in bragg case is a confidence killer and this is a great system and better leadership restore it is and restores confidence to it. what do you think, my friend? reporter: i don't blame them for
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what they were told and heard. i believe in the great legal system and doesn't guarantee that mistakes don't occur and political prosecutions don't occur and it shows a record that we've had for censure reigns leadings and ability to correct these errors and stuart: i like your optimism and i agree with you. thank you, larry. stuart: democratic economist and trump's economic agenda will super charge inflation and when trump was president, we don't have inflation and we have doug, remember, folks, catch kudlow monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. every day right here on fox business. if you can't catch us at 4:00
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first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms, like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin,
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and helps stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. move, look, and feel better. so when my doctor told me i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change. golo's helped me transition to a healthier, sustainable lifestyle. i'm so surprised just how crazy my metabolism has fired up. i have a trust in golo 'cause i know it works. golo isn't like every other program out there, and i'm living proof of it. (announcer) change your life at that's
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stuart: president trump could super charge the election with his guilty verdict. committing prosperity and wabc radio host moore money and former ceo director and now president of american action forum. steve moore, last time they rang the bell three years ago act, on biden inflation and overspending is now kind of lost its come pus or shall we say maybe his come back to the fold and predicting trump being inflation and synergy home would the same or
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similar policies cause inflation this time, steve moore. >> you're right, we didn't have inflation and right there at that target and the feds, that's where they want inflation to be. and by the way, at the end of the trump presidency, as you know, inflation rate at 1.6% and below the fed factor target and trump did a spectacular job of holding down prices and rory harmon wright he did it through a supply side agenda of increasing output of the economy and when the output goes up, and the supply goes up, price of things goes down. i don't quite understand how larry summers comes up with the conclusion, number one i do think terrorists can make imports more expensive and could be a problem.
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i don't know where trump is going with the terrific riffs and the other issue is will -- tariffs and will donald trump get ahold of the budget and we're seeing explosive growth of the budget and we've got to get there. stuart: by the way, i know this pains you, steve moore, tariffs did not cause inflation in the first term. these were china tariffs. trump wrote several david trade deal withs japan, australia and outkorea that lowered tariff or nontariff barriers. he jacked up tariffs against china and did not cause inflation on the principle of many merits. stuart: kevin is a hero of mine and very dear friend. last summer they're saying it's
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big deficits caused by extending the p tax cuts and that'll be a big driver of inflation. taxpayers are full plushed out ideas and you on the other hand, you and kevin brady have a completely different take that the tax cuts were beneficial to the economy. what is summers miss something >> i think the case has to be made that what we're looking at next year is the need for a tax form mentality. investment flowed into the country and wages rose and better growth and most importantly the workers
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benefited. when mr. biden proposed raising corporate rates to 28%, which he said he needed to do because there was a windful give away to big corporations and his own treasury said, that's going to cause about a $300 billion tax increase on those making less than $300,000. if you interfere, workers pay for it. stuart: american businesses were double taxed and they were taxed 35% on the money they made overseas as well as the u.s.. same money was taxed twice. now that has in the name but mainly was eliminated in the
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2017 bill. >> it's improvement. it's improvement. stuart: so called inversion moving out of the united states and it's dried up. you can remember that and five corporation as year and changing headquarters to go overaerodynamics and they forced him to and since 2017 it was zero and one company leaving as the bill passed and headquarters are here and workers are here and the place on the globe and doing economic activity and corporate reforms in 2017 accomplish that had. i would think you'd do a u-turn at your own resident and can that's not a good -- risk and that's not a good idea.
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stuart: last week real disposable income essentially, typical family incomes adjusted for taxes and adjusted for inflation continued to fall steve moore. now, that stuff rose. we have a chart that shows how real incomes rose under trump enormously and fell under biden enormously and plus 6,000. steve, retail sales are slowing and real incomes for voters. >> yeah, that's right in the middle and the median and lower by definition and biden talking
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about what he's done for the middle class and the middle class and working class people saying huh? what is he talking about? there's about $2,000 poorer in terms of purchasing power and look, it's $10,000 for the big mac meal and all of these things are really causing great financial stress for americans and the problem of course is biden isn't really proposing anything that would help them out of this. raising taxes as doug was talking about and all the other policies had 2 trillion worth of spending and lower inflation. stuart: well rich lowry went to mcdonalds and bought a french fry and two milk shakes and cost
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him $17. thank you both. next up on kudlow, chuck schumer democrats want to criminally bust oil and gas ceos and maybe even hang them according to "the wall street journal" editorial. my lord. we have former energy secretary rick perry to tell us hanging ceos. man. that's not cool. i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. stuart: all right, the chuck schumer senate democrats want to criminally bust u.s. oil cpi gas ceos and maybe even hang them according to "the wall street journal" editorial page. rick perry is the former energy sec tourist and texas governor. welcome back, old friend this. is a great story. schumer and the democrats, who are's the deal that's why a federal trade commission and this lina kahn or however you
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pronounce it. an american bank company analyst of oil have commentary about opec and this guy sheffield would blast things out from newspapers and o peck seeing them like anybody -- opec seeing them like everybody else and schumer and the democrats and the federal trade want to criminally prosecute natural resources sheffield and maybe the rest of the ceos. what a terrific idea. what do you think, rick. >> we obviously are getting close to an election; right? big oil bad. anything to deflect from the policies of the biden
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administration and cost of energy is given at the heart of the economy and this administration has made really poor choices from the standpoint of moving an economy forward to placate the radical left environment so they have to have to win the election. they're losing the amount of people's votes and african american votes cpi they're sending out opec and fossil fuel
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companies and. it's crazy. stuart: it is crazy and a new law and instinct, rick. we looked this up, opec is announcing that their cut backs in the so forth whether they do it or noted, they're going to keep cut backs but if not for biden policies, we could be printing, i don't know, 14, 15, maybe 16 million-barrel as day. that would have been the trajectory off of 2018 and 2019. oil prices $40 a barrel and not $80 a barrel and inflation rate would be 1%, not 3, 4, 5% and that's the deal.
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the democrats, you know, they started this and they're to blame. >> we'd not have seep iran in this position today and we'd be in a place where the united states could be otoscopy football games at home or all around the world and this fair and honest in an open way and we've been put now back into a position-over weakness in a lot of parts of the world. the could you say of energy policy by the biden admin vagues. stuart: if iran continues to avoid the sanctions. and this i blame the biden administration. i blame them.
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they're financing two wars against the united states by buying and providing foreign currency and reserves to two enemies of us, russia in the ukraine war and iran in ziti heal and hamas war. they let us print oil here at home and letting iran and russia produce oil abroad and fighting american troops and person allies. i don't get it. >> really getting down to our u.s. internal economic policies, what they are doing to states like pennsylvania and other oil producing states, washington, texas, et cetera. they may not care about it texas and pennsylvania is in the mix.
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there's a lot of companies that rely on oil and gas industry to grief economics there. they're walk away safe and environment tally sound and antinuclear and anti-fossil fuels and i think -- i will venture to say, i think they're anti-american and if you're not for those two industries being strong and not putting our interests first, you've got to be against us. stuart: rick perry, good to see you, sir. all right, folks, another topic, donald trump propses to
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declassify droves of secret documents. very important little tidbit. joining us now is great friend and ohio kongman jim jordan and chair of the house judiciary committee. welcome back, sir. >> if you were president u would you declassify the 9/11 files? >> yeah. >> would you declassify jfk files? >> yeah, i did a lot of it. would you declassify the epstein files? >> yeah, yeah, i would. interesting. senator daniel patrick mob hon handout wrote a book 120 years about this and the name of the book was sec re-seizure disorders and in the book -- secrecy and in the book he said the u.s. government tries to be
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too secret and classify vastly millions of pages that's unnecessarily classified and no transparency and stopped donald trump two years later saying the same thing, you do you mack of it. >> it's a government of the people, by the people and for the people. we had a hearing today where maybe if fauci and biden administration had been more straight word with us. there's be a lot-trust and all the things that turned out not guilty to be too and tell the mesh people the truth. we're big boys and girls and can hand it will, and that's how it's supposed to of course in our institution that will system. >> i used to get a closures
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fioed briefing every week and there's not much you can say. most in the newspaper and i'm not putting them down and need smart kids and boys and girls and i want them to go out there in the world and protect america and the reality is the daily briefing was totally classified my gun and fingers burned and i knew from the wall street journaling. washington at a times >> they
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lost that vote 212-212 and people are tired of the secrecy and snooping and the fine and certainly president trump who leer back in 2019 spied on his campaign. when they went to the fisa court, they gave information that wasn't accurate and that's the frame work and that's the context of all this. yeah, make the information available and let the american people and let we the people see what's going on. stuart:-good reason to believe as evidence comes out and authorities or whoever wires his own trump tower get information out.
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4,000 people a day which would come to about a million and a half illegallings a year. illegal as year going to solve the problem. border was secure and border was secure and under that section and going to give control of our boarder and i'll believe it when i see it and whey do know is what joe biden did on day one. on day one he announced to the world if you come here, there'll no longer be a wall to get over. we'll stop construction of the wall and you won't have to wait in mexico while we evaluate your asylum claim and getting to the border, you won't be detained or released to where you want to go. it's no wonder we got influx of
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migrants coming into the country on pace to get to approximately 12 million in joe biden's presidency. jacqui: arkansas stuart: folks, coming up, donald trump says success is the best revenge and america first policy institutes puts puts roll linns and mcman. stick around. i'm kudlow.or more on thattu one. or, let curiosity light the way.
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i've tried so many things to lose weight. none of it worked. i would quit after a few days or a week at the most. golo is not like any of those. with golo and release i not only met my goal i've surpassed it. and i'm keeping it off. (aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life.
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with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in my closet and keep the weight off. for the first time in forever, i feel in control. (announcer) change your life at that's first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms, like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin,
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and helps stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. stuart: i'm joined by brooke raw linns, president and ceo of america first institute and if that weren't enough, linda mcman, chair of america first policy institute and thank you, ladies. linda, going to you first. powerful themes here.
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success is a unifier and success is the best way to respond to the bidens and all their distractions and rest of it. what do you think? >> surely, i've heard president trump and the economy will flourish and good for everybody and >> the economy and going to the education department and not helping them and i heard that
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and love boom, education department and seven people are left. going for the people and ensuring that americans could achieve the american dream. most marginalized communities and education or healthcare or better jobs or secure boarder and he's ready and i think all of us agree having seen him and all the interviews and talking one-on-one with us. he's ready to touchdown catch do all that again.
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>> he said he wasn't interested in going backwards and was looking forward. he was going to make america great again and he did. stuart: nobody remembers that. you say how will he govern? that's an example and what he did for much longer than that. six, eight years ago >> it's about a restoration and reclamation and a liberation. and so, yes, that is exactly what president trump is going to be doing and winston churchill said young is the greatest virtue because it insures all the others and that's what we have and what it'll take. stuart: he can do that. brooke and linda, thank you.
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stuart: just to reprises, trump's success is the best revenge and rejuvenate the economy and restore the judicial system and protect our boarders and national security and it's a very optimistic cespedes san juaquin from president trump i


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