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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 3, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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the blond hair sittithe front. ashley biden, hunter's sister also in the courtroom. president biden spent most of the day about ten minutes away from here at his home in wilmington. he didn't come in person but released the statement to the public "at president i don't and won't comment on spending federal cases but as a dad i have boundless love for my son, confidence in him and respect for his strength. our family has been through a lot together and jill and i are going to continue to be there for hunter and our family with our love and support". this case is expected to last about two weeks with jury deliberations happening likely sometime mid to late next week. stuart: just to reprises, trump's success is the best revenge and rejuvenate the economy and restore the judicial system and protect our boarders and national security and it's a very optimistic cespedes san liz: thank you, david. it's putting pressure on the juaquin from president trump if case and first lady and family folks would listen. stuart: absolutely, larry. members in court for the gun
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trial and hunter faced a prison liz: good to see you, larry. sentence and going over the charges and what do you think we're going to bring you the about what's going on. news. hunter biden's criminal june trial began today and why his >> they're in a friendly venue upcoming tax evasion trial is and home state of delaware and the first lady supra aural really serious for the biden headphones says in the courtroom white house and the campaign. and -- dr. fauci's own legacy in danger and voters slam president biden for waiting three years before coming up to the election to fix the border crisis he created and action that could come tomorrow. first, new developments on former president trump's historic conviction and campaign raising record amounts and madison alworth live in washington dc with the details. good to see you. >> you too, liz. this news just in, president trump's campaign raised a whopping $141 million in may. >> the unfortunate reality is the campaign saying that much of i'm glad there's something going
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on in the courtroom and if you that money came in to support remember and the frustration the former president as he faced we've all had including you is a trial in which he ultimately the charges were allowed to was found guilty in. expire. not charges but the statute of limitations was allowed to expire on things related to burisma and some of the most salacious things we've uncovered in this congress allowed to the campaign raised $53 million expire and talked about the from thursday to friday. sweet heart deal of a lifetime many f oturu donors were inspired to donate for the first and worse in e-mail traffic back and forth before this came to this. i'm glad that something is going forward but again, time. reporter: it's important to note those may numbers do not include this past saturday and sunday in the aftermath of the conviction and those two days they'll be counted in june. the full amount raised following the guilty verdict is still
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unknown for president trump. liz: what's your take on the president visiting biden is nothing untoward with that. >> we saw jill and that about the president a couple of weeks ago and putting soft pressure on that and the system itself and it's trying to engineer predetermined outcome and so the we'll have to wait and see if concern is let this be fair and trump can close the gap with the let the jurors be impartial and may numbers and 84 million on hand and compared to trump's what i'm seeing right now the 49 million. even though they have as you know know from the trump biden family doing everything campaign over the 100 million in they can to have a desired may alone, the campaigning result i doesn't stop, liz. president biden is in connecticut today for high-prized fundraiser and thing. >> thank you. president trump headed to liz: welcome to the show, former southern california later this week for a pair of fundraisers. back to you i liz. interacting homeland secretary chad woman and have president biden expected tomorrow and liz: great information. after waiting three years and madison alworth, former he's expected to finally make an president trump raising executive action on the border $141 million and let's take it now to former deputy assistant collapse possibly tomorrow. attorney general tom dupre. tom, good to see you again.
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we've not spoken since the conviction of former president trump on friday. what do you make of it and we're >> details matter and you hearing people saying there's a indicated the timing is very possibility trump could face curious and gone three years now saying to the american people he prison. doesn't have the authority to do what he's about to do. whether it was during the senate negotiation or whether we had 10,000 illegal crossings per day. i don't see this judge or any judge sending the normer president or possibly future president of the united states to jail at rikers or elsewhere. lyse: senator mitt romney said da bragg committed political malpractice and should have dropped the case and go to chief legal analyst and abrams and abc explaining how the judge let this case get off the rails and liz: only before the election and debate, he's going to take that there are reversible errors action and border authorities
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for the trump team can take to and lawmakers point out he did 94 executive actions in his the appeals court and talking supreme court over there, too. first 100 days and collapse it had and now he plans to halt watch this. asylum requests and more. do you think this is good enough? >> which of the three underlying laws? >> exactly. a lot of questions for the defense going into this, i think, as they were making their closing arguments and not even >> now he's taking executive knowing sort of what the law that they were gone that be action and frankly for the last battling over was. three years and part of the department and saying why are you doing this now five months before the election and could have been doing this for the past several years and could have ended this crisis and the appearance of impropriety. addressed this and not going to address asylum or catch and release and over the last three years. liz: show the terror crossings on full screen again and nearly appellate judges to look and 160 caught with terror links kick the tires on a lot of issues and the big issue the
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caught at border and going with trump team raises on appeal and number one is dan abrams saying the da proceed on what was an them and basically criminals and untested legal theory and the court of appeals looks very, very closely at whether that was you can see the data here and vile and judge merchan more than 10,000 robberies and more than 33,000 assault cases 7:properly allowed trump to put and nearly 7400 and the on this and the judge said the jury was not allowed to hear any of that and i suspect the trump team will raise that as another basis for reversible error on president's approval rating bottoming out and dropping on appeal. the boarder and basically you're liz: tom, liberal analysts could seeing seven out of ten saying they don't like what he did not figure out what bragg was collapsing the border. charging trump with on the jury now we want to show you now what instruction from the judge and a russian nesting doll of 34 misdemeanor counts into a felony case and are we supposed to be okay that the judge told the president johnson will do tomorrow. jurors that he didn't have to be watch this. >> too little too late, and trying to desperately showing ewe anne donovan nows on specific and unlawful means and the american people somehow he underlying the alleged felonies wants to address the issue he and plus a business record himself created and we remains in 2017 after the documented 64 specific executive
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election and in 2016 and the actions that president biden and judge restricted expert secretary mayorkas at dhs took testimony for former fbc chair over the course of last three and a half years and beginning brad commit that said there was on the first day that president no campaign violation. biden took office to open the border wide. they did it intentionally and it is having catastrophic effects upon our country that we'll be living with for decades to come and now wants to issue some sort of executive order to show he really is doing this and the polls is the biggest issue in america. liz: the other actions on top of 64 opened it wider too. >> the judge didn't sent the your final word. instructions in written form and >> i agree with the speaker. hard for the jury to understand what law it was supposed to overwhelming majority of apply and you'll remember, that americans don't like the biden was one of their first questions border strategy and it's failed and failed the american people as soon as sent off into and administration knows this deliberations and said can we and they're grasping at straws come back and hear those and several months before an election and the american people instructions read to us again. can see through this. and i don't think the actions and the executive actions.
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liz: good to see you. still ahead, house foreign affairs and garret exner and biden white house and they liz: tom dupre, thank you very much. chris, let's get your reaction about president biden getting questioned about this on friday winter storm on a run and with the trump case. growing number of geopolitical watch this. crises and opec+ will keep cutting oil production through next year and so how much will your gas prices go up? first, check in with good to see >> is that condition having an impact on the campaign? you. >> violence. fauci and helps committing today and james comer on having a few things to say about that one as well and might be just as excited. >> how do we stop the united states government and all the what's your take on the show in american people from getting >> it's a representation of the faucied again because they're embodyment of the corruption orem bodyment of his dimension. bureaucrats working everywhere? power hungry ready to destroy i'm not sure which one it is. this country. the way in which he responded >> yeah, something like that .
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was not well received by the plus, the senate candidate of wisconsin with us. people. dagen, now. >> liz peek on the democrats trying to rewrite our memories of maganomics and turn it into office data director for never something that could be bad. back down, ron desantis we call horse manure on that. super-pact and there was a dead then cara frederick on the new heat between governor desantis york governor's move to ban and former president trump until president trump was indicted. smart phones in schools. and the first time he was finally they get something right indicted the polls start to come in the empire state. fr back and got indicted again and top of the hour. grew further apart and indicted again and further apart and then ♪ the mug shot and it was off the charts. the race was over. soy really feel like the democrats have overplayed their hand here in so many different ways that it has -- sometimes it's like be careful what you wish for. what we're seeing right now in the first polls that have come out, there's no change with the bases and that's going to dbrox the base. any democrat going to be with president trump and going to vote with a republican and vote for him hawaii this does and a representation of what eric trump was talking about and you
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were talking about in terms of fundraising that the former president had, 53 million between thursday and friday, 30% of that is new donors. say that's a bit off and it's off by 5%. 5% exaggeration and a quarter are new donors and a political campaign and that represents to me is a entrance into the political marketplace of those who did not care before. liz: public opinion solidified around trump and biden is biden and trump's approval rates have not fundamentally changed in about three years and the polls are coming in. roiders ipsos say 51% saying they're politically motivated
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and in the aftermath of highly contentious issue like this, you can't trust the immediate polling. >> can't trust the polling or immediate makeup of the polling and don't mean to get too complex here and it's looking at continuous sample of the same universe turning out and voting in 2024 and here it's i believe it has the potential to motivate voters that would have staid home in 2024 independents and less interested voters that look at elections and it's really an impact on me.
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interesting about 25% new donors and 31% cost 53 million. if they're accurate and those are people that have not been involved in the political process before and now going online or making a phone call or text to donate, certainly going to be likely to turn out and vote and that's an impact. liz: chris, a quick question and working for president biden to campaign and trump is a convicted felon and going to sway voters? final word? >> no, it won't. that has already sunk in. if i was the biden campaign, i'd be trying to get away as quickly as possible and it's nothing to gain other than maybe additional fundraising from the space. liz: got it, thank you, chris wilson. we have a jam-packed hour of news and congressman russel fry from house judiciary and congressman tim burchett from house foreign affairs and acting dhs secretary and operations officer garret exner and dr. marty makary and mark simon
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of hunter biden's gun and tax evasion criminal trials, we've got it. new big fight over democrats trying to push back on accusations of double standards in the court cases against former president trump. and lawmakers and border officials slamming president biden for waiting just before the election to do something about the historic border collapse he ignited and this is happening possibly tomorrow you can see something. we got it. we break down the white house's sunday media blitz to defend president biden's foreign policies as more wars and conflicts ramp up around the globe. plus, this new one, opec+, causing gas prices to go up even more. we'll break it down. plus, democrats join gop lawmakers and they really have been after dr. fauci on capitol hill and take on new data showing nih and scientists made
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$710 million in royalties from drug makers and healthcare companies since the pan dick emberd. all of this next on the evening -- pandemic. all this next on "the evening edit". living legends. —you got this. —thank you. vanguard's retirement solutions can help all your employees be well on their way to their financial goals. that's the value of ownership. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. ♪ innovation in health care means nothing if no one can afford it. ♪ at evernorth, we're helping to unlock barriers. ♪ using our 35 plus years of pharmacy benefits management experience to save businesses billions while boosting medication adherence. helping plan sponsors and their members be at their best. that's wonder made possible. evernorth health services. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. it was really holding me back. standing up... even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. i'm feeling good. watch me. cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis move, look, and feel better. it targets more than just joint pain and treats the multiple symptoms, like joint swelling and tenderness, back pain, helps clear skin, and helps stop further joint damage. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. her uncle's unhappy. move, look, and feel better. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. liz: gash garret served 14 years in u.s. marines and gem, listen to top biden spokesman john kirby push back on george stephanopoulos on the show yesterday on former president trump saying biden's former policy is weak. watch this.
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congressman, your reaction to that? >> with his relationship to hamas. what in the hell is going on and president negotiating with terrorists and that's going on with me. you've got they're saying they're going to release certain hostages that are kept either alive or dead. they don't want them alive or dead this. is ridiculous. he's lost total control and in any sense of responsibility by doing this type of negotiations. liz: garret, what do you think of that? it's basically the fear is he's appeasing hamas terr terroristsd also we have russia's war in ukraine, china's growing aggression against taiwan and now opec+ cutting oil production into next year. that's going to raise gas prices and probably a buck or more.
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liz: they're saying the description of the plan is not accurate and correct and not letting hamas stay in power whatsoever and israel said its objective is to destroy hamas and biden said hamas is depleted and israel said no, it is not. what do you think? >> i would trust israel in this indication and i'll tell you again, if we're negotiating with hamas, this breaks all the rules that we've -- of engagement in the past and negotiating with the terrorist organization.
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in the world court, they'll try him once again and it's wrong. ha pastrami came over the border and kidnapped folks and raped women and killed young children and saw the video myself and hamas putting it out to brag. these are savages and terrorists and we need to end them and let craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. israel fight this dad gum war and they don't respect us so he sublet half his real estate office... because donald j. trump is not in the white house. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. liz: iran about brutalizing its comcast business mobile. own people and men, women and you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. children and public executions and hamas terrorists that so you don't have to compromise. brutalized and murdered israelis powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. in ways we've never seen before and seen that 10/7 video and first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. hard to unsee it. it'll stay with you if you do it was really holding me back. see it. garret, when you hear what the standing up... congressman just said, when you even walking was tough. hear what the white house is my joints hurt.
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i was afraid things were going to get worse. doing and trying to negotiate with hamas, is that the way to i was always hiding go? and that's just not me. >> not at all. not being there for my family, that hurt. it shows israel wants to destroy woo! i had to do something. a terrorist organization and get i started cosentyx®. hostages back. biden team wants to end this war i'm feeling good. watch me. before the convention in cosentyx helps people with psoriatic arthritis chicago. that's their goal. move, look, and feel better. and that's why there's such a it targets more than just joint pain big separation between the two and treats the multiple symptoms, and can't get their talking like joint swelling and tenderness, points straight. back pain, helps clear skin, and helps stop further joint damage. liz: they going to botch it like serious allergic reactions, the afghan exit? final word? severe skin reactions that look like eczema, >> i think so. rules of engagement stink and and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, that's why netanyahu doesn't have occurred. wantousen the ground and going to get americans killed like the tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, 13 brave americans and thank or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. you, garret, my daddy was a first marine and thank you, brother and i trust your vision it's good to be moving on. watch me. a lot more than i do the white move, look, and feel better. house or those man bun wearing ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. group over at the state deny, brother. thank you. liz: congressman burchett, garret exner, thank you so much for joining us both. that was a great discussion. we'll do it again very soon we hope. this story, democrats are fighting very hard to push back
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in accusations of their double mike it was quite a day. standards in the controversy over the legal cases against former president trump. >> this is his first public look who's here. wor radio host mark simon. testimony since retiring from he's going to take it on and government and the hot button break it down next on "the issue since the covid-19 pandemic and the government evening edit". we'll be right back. response and social distancing ♪ standard, which shut down businesses and closed schools was from the centers from disease control and not his call. government officials did just that . >> dr. fauci, did you ever delete an official record? >> no. >> dr. fauci, did you ever conduct official business via e-mail? >> to the best of my
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recollection and knowledge, i have never conducted official business via my private e-mail. >> fauci was pressed about whether he personally profited from his work during the covid crisis. >> dr. fauci, how much have you earned from royalties from pharmaceutical companies since the pandemic began in 2021? >> zero. reporter: democrats suggested they learned nothing new from today's hearing suggesting it was a big waste of time. liz. liz: mike emmanuel, thank you so much. joining us is dr. marty makary and professor of public health johns hopkins university. you heard what happened at the hearing today. doctor, what do you make of the watch dog drop saying drug makers paid nih and scientists $710 million in royaltying during the pan democrat and i can almost all the cash, $690 million went to scientist in dr. fauci's unit and saying he didn't make money since 2021.
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do we know how much he made before 2021? >> he didn't disclose that and no money from pharma since the beginning of covid, he didn't really tell anyone till now. he'd been asked many times before and said they have internal disclosure process and that was sufficient and didn't have to does close to the public and new revolution and it's curious because his agency profited a lot. liz: dr. fauci defended shutting down the u.s. including schools but previously adm admitted in testimony in january there's no scientific backing for shutdowns and mask mandates and it was made up and it was ad hoc and on the fly. those shut downs set back the u.s. economy and set back school children and plus ignited changes in voting rules that undercut the integrity of u.s. election the >> what you heard is he tried to create a lot of distance between himself and cdc. he tried to create a lot of distance between himself and
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right hand man of 26 years, dr. david morens that said, hey, i found out a way to delete e-mails after the foya request so we're safe. he was the primary correspondent between those virologists that told fauci it came from a lab before they published an article that it did not. >> americans were bullied for questions, or blaming social dis-taping, masks or origins of covid. you took the position you presented the science and your words came across so many teem as final and as infallible in matters pertaining to the pandemic. you were the highest paid person in the government. that makes you more accountable to the people, not less. does it concern you that u.s.
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taxpayer dollars are funding someone like this? >> grants submitted to naiad are not talking about the process -- >> does it concern you that taxpayer dollars are going to someone that's a high ranking chinese pla official, yes or no? liz: he wouldn't answer. there's also news reports. oxford university of researchers found after studying over
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1 million english children age 5-11 and teenagers age 12-15, they found incidents of heart conditions, myocarditis, ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly. somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them, she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing aids are just one reason we've been the brand leader for over 75 years. when i finally could hear for the first time, i could hear everything. call 1-800-234-7090 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! >> wor radio host, mark we had periocar die tis appeared after the vaccine and not after breaking news at the top of infection. the hour medicines and the that's a bomb shell. tran campaign has now raised dr. fauci was big on pushing the vaccine and later coauthored a study saying they were not $141 million in the month of may through now and we would like your reaction plus this effective. from democratic congressman jeffries. >> there are questions about the validity of the legal theory that is untested that was used to prosecute. with this case been brought against anyone other than former president trump? >> of course. >> yes of course? where was the case for hillary clinton for clinton with a steel dossier is a legal
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expense by kneeing $8000? >> meet the press had to go get the least credible human being on earth. >> it was a national origin at the beginning of the pandemic. liz: dr. makary, thank you for joining us tonight. good to have you on. >> thanks. liz completa coming into the george stephanopoulos was screaming how trump paid hush money covering up a one who bottom of the hour and watching may have had an affair. "the evening edit". bill clinton had 15 of those chad wolf and president biden and the guy covering those up was stephanopoulos he was the head of the bimbo squad. it is the hypocrisy. criticized for waiting three they will say anything. years before the election with >> there is nothing illegal an executive order that could come tomorrow on the border crisis that lawmakers and border authorities say he created and plus congressman russel fry say about nda. congress paid out at least $17 million of taxpayer settlements and nearly 270 settlements over the last 20 was this used in the white house for political gain and no one is years. above the law and the tax this comes out of the office of compliance which was created in the nineties. that includes all settlements not just sexual harassment the discrimination of other cases. evasion trial is a big one but
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the gun trial is going on now. with those covered up for the purpose of influencing an election? we take it on next on "the we don't no who they went to evening edit". win what they were for. >> there are 30 million nda abc news has paid hush money cb one —- cbs, district attorney and nbc. we need to investigate did any ♪ of them call it a legal in any business, expense? nobody has told us what else you could call it. you ride the line between numbers and people. what was he supposed to call it? what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. >> taxpayers paying out $17 million to settle nearly 270 cases on behalf of solving today's challenges congress? while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. for sexual harassment and racial discrimination and cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors. more? you see the double standard? >> it is unbelievable. nuclear powered and trumpeted not say he kept it quiet. we'll get you there. if you're a grandparent, you know what i'm talking about when your little grandchild it is nondisclosure both starts talking to you. parties are supposed to. >> you watch the case at the something i couldn't hear for a long time. top of the hour we don't no it's funny how something like just a hearing loss can have an effect on a relationship. where the polls will go was
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liz: hunter biden criminal trial and gun charges began today with jury selection and david spunt standing by live outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware, with the update. david, good to see you. reporter: good to see you too . the update is we have a jury after day one of jury selection, a jury has been seated. we started with 250 perspective jurors today and it was whittled down to 12 plus four alternates and opening statements begin tomorrow here inside the courthouse and federal courthouse in hunter biden's hometown. hunter biden walked inside the federal courthouse this morning with family members including his wife melissa and spent all day inside the courthouse watching some of that jury selection. he's charged with three felony counts of lying on a federal gun form in 2018 when he allegedly checked the box and said he was not using drugs around that time.
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jurors asked about gun use and drug rights and low chain of custody and also in the courtroom, liz. first lady jill biden showing a sign of support to hunter and today happens to be her 73rd earth day and she was here most of the day and illustration of her wearing the purple suit with
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