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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 4, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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- [narrator] today the bush name is associated with more than just business and politics. george w's daughter, barbara, is a healthcare activist, while her twin sister, jenna, works in media. and while no bushes currently hold federal office, the family's legacy is still one of service to their country. - they're a phenomenal family, a family of conscience. - i do think that the bush family is a political dynasty. they're a powerhouse and one in which you'll look back and say, there were a lot of people in that family who served the country and served well. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm lar ry kudlow.
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so jury select underway in federal gun case against hunter biden. jonathan turley will be here. but first up, fox news justice correspondent david stunt live out -- spunt with all latest. what you got? >> well, jury select began this morning with 250 people, goal to widdle down to 12 jurors 4 alternates, right now they have a jury pool of 36 people and will continue. we know this is a big case, only reason we're here because of plea deal with hunter biden fell apart last summer, i will point out that everyone that is on the jury is pretty much aware of this case. has some sort of knowledge of the biden family, we're in delaware, hunter biden was here in federal court that morning alongside his wife melissa and first lady jill biden showing her
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support. hunter charged with 3 felony counts of lying on a federal gun form in 2018, when claiming he was not a drug user, jurors were asked their opinions about gun use and drug rights. on that down form, here said it needs to be examined whether there are questions about chain of custody, maybe someone else tampered with the form, first lady jill biden in the courtroom with hunter's sister, it is the first lady's 73rd birthday today, president biden is here in delaware paying attention, getting updates. he is not here, he is on the home, he released a statement: >> the jury selection is 'wrap up today, and we're
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expecting to have a jury with opening statements tomorrow. and we are expecting the case larry to go about 2 weeks, and no word of hunter biden will testify, always possible, we're getting no signals from his legal team yet. larry: david, one quick question mr. biden said he will not comment on federal cases, didn't mr. biden comment on the alvin bragg trump case, which became a federal case? reporter: he did, he commented on it before and yesterday. or rather he commented last week. he did. but, you know aides close to president and detractors for president said, had he been here physically in the courtroom, staring down potential jurors when is his justice department, whether they say it is or not, that could give a terrible signal, that is one of the reasons why the president physically not here.
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larry: i see, he could comment on it but all right. thank you david spunt . >> success is best revenge. that subject of the riff. democrats may be licking their chops at the sham conviction of donald trump in alvin bragg a courtroom last week, look away. you may need some chapstick before long, you have there in new york city is a highly conflicted rogue judge. handing out judiciarily questionable or make-up invehicle youtions to the jury. -- instructtions to the jury, don't blame the jury i blame the judge, the whole case was a sham, likelihood of being over turned in appeals process is very high. moving on from this, we go to wilmington, delaware, hunter biden, that is the president's son. is going on trial today for several gun vie la
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violations. son hunter could face up to 25 years imprison imprisonment because he lied about his addictions on the federal gun form, and he was in possession of that a firearm, hunter will face a tax evasion charge in los angeles that is later this summer in september. not so far from the election. and by the by, hunterrer owes his ex-wife about 3 million bucks in alimony. in delaware the judge is a trump appointy by the way. she is the one who blew up the original plea deal with prosecutor david weiss. who still has some explaining to do for his strategic procrastination. that according to our friend
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andrew mccarthy. and speaking of trump appointees, remember, that judge cannon who will reside over clas classified document in south florida is also a trump appointee and seems to be adhering to strict letter of the law. so mo my point is as shameful as the bragg case in new york there still hope for the justice system, that is if we elect a president who will carry out justice in a muc natural way, and the rule of law, as americans used to know it, before biden. regrettably, the american justice system has suffered a mighty blow of confidence because of what happened in that bragg courtroom. but, what was 1 greatest system in the world, the very bedrock of our free market capitalist system, can be restored.
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which brings me to an important statement. by mr. trump just yesterday on fox and friends week show. he told viewers, people also say can you bring the country together? the answer is yes, success will bring the country together, the country was doing better than it had ever done and we're going back to the same policies and then some, you know my revenge will be success. and i mean that. end quote. from mr. trump. the definition of success here is crucial. knowing mr. trump as i did, he is talking about rejuvenating the economy with tax cuts and deregulation. opening the oil and gas spigots to reduce energy prices, food gasoline and overall inflation a tax cuts to help middle class wage
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earners and closing the border and ending that biden catastrophy and success means restoring the greatest and fairest judicial system in the world. so, caveat emptor biden democrats, don't lick those chops too often. joining my now, the great jonathan turley, co fox news contributor. you are a busy chap. i was out last week, but i watched your every word, it was helpful, talk to me, lend us some of your great wisdom regarding hunter biden trial, the gun charges, look to be quite serious? >> well, there is no real defense here. the hunter biden defense team has been going through a number of options, some were destroyed by hunter biden i'm self, they said,
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-- himself, they would argue he had a brief moment of so buyty, but hunter biden reaffirmed he was using drugs throughout this period. now they will try the check mark in possiblebility someone else did it. that is not a very convincing defense. but it may not be the purpose. you know this case is looking like a jury nullification strategy. this is the home city of president biden. he won this city overwhelmingly. the jury pool here is the mirror image of manhattan for the defendant. where here it is a great jury pool for the defendant. they may hope that it will take little to gets a hung jury, maybe to get a jury to nullify the evidence and the crimes in the case. larry: so, jonathan on that point, judge is however a trump appointee, this
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differs from the situation in new york city. >> it does, she say very good judge, she is i was critical of the judge in manhattan. but she is not a fin finder of fact, the jury will determine the guilt. she will up truck the jury on the law -- she will up struck tinstruct the jury on the law, she has ruled on both sides unlike the manhattan case all ruling almost all for the prosecution. but, the question will be the jury itself. whether the case will bring sympathy, when asked, virtually everyone on the jury said they knew someone who struggled with drugs. and about having jill biden in the room this the favorite son of wilmington, in case of the president, this is the son of the favorite son. whether that will have a gravitational pull on the
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jury. larry: one of the interesting angles is hunter biden's computer will be used in this trial. this is of course, they attempt to discredit it, fbi had it for a year before it surfaced, when it did surface 50 something out intelligence agents said it was a russian disinformation pledge, now secretary of state antony blinken put this group together, turns out they were lying took this is all hunter biden, how will this impact the trial? >> well, there is a lot of damaging stuff on that computer. there will be some very is i salacious aspects, the judge for the case ruled out some of that, she is right some of it is prejudicial, she issued ruling that
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manhattan judge should have issued but you have merchan letting in all of the stuff with stormy daniels, she has been more responsibility, saying you have to have material tie, it will be -- damning it will go into his addiction, i would not be surprised if he takes the stand, usually defense attorneys do not want their clients on the stand with a computer like this with these records. all that so them. -- all that is on them. but if you try to get a hung jury, or a jury nullification, it helps to go on the stand. for that jury to hear from you. otherwise it can alien iate the jury. larry: in september you have a tax evai evasion case for hunter biden, and 29 now a between now and september he
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still owes his ex-wife 3 million in unpaid alimony. >> tax case is in another gray jury pool. for great jury pool for hunter biden in l.a., the up servicinverse of manhattan, starting from a positive jury pool before an election. the dynamics are different here. this is -- this guy is a train wreck is has been for a long time, i take no placure out of his facing the criminal tie criminality of the criminals, this leads to a question of why he is not bleeding guilty in delaware it would make jail timeless likely that leads me to wonder whether they highway patrol for a hung jury -- they hope for a hung jury or newellcasinullification. larry: you wrote a great piece in the hill, a number
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of reasons to believe that trump appeal in alvin bragg case will be successful. you still think that? >> i do. very few of us outside of manhattan have a lot of faith in the new york legal system right now. and the former president may have rough sleds on first level of appeal but after that, i think that some glaring errors will become more pronounced for judges, i think it will. go in front ofe court, in my view it would be impossible to sustain this verdict. there are so many problems, so many errors that were commit by judge merchan, but we may have to wait, it is likely to occur after the election, which is what many people in manhattan were hoping for. larry: you know, i just have to say, you are a brilliant lawyer, i am not an attorney at all, i am an economic
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guy. i will say, you know there are important trump appoint ed judge judges. eilene cannon in south florida adhering on the law, i just think that jonathan, if you get some changes, at the top of the pyramid, our government in white house and justice department and soy forth, i think that american judicial system as injured as it has become in recent years, and this bragg case was a confidence killer, nonetheless, i at least i want to believe that the system is still the greatest in the world. and better leadership will restore it. and restore confidence to it what do you think about that my friend? >> you know, i am always an optimist, i was an optimist in manhattan that the jury
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would do the right thing, i don't blame them for. it does show a record that we have had for centuries, it has the ability to correct the errors, i still have faith in the system. larry: i do too, i don't want folks to just jump off the cliff, you are right, there are always some rotten apples, jonathan turley fabulous, thank you, sir. >> thank you, larry. larry: all right, coming up, get this. democratic economist laye larry summers claims that trump's economic agenda would super charge inflation, really? when trump was president we didn't have anonymous we have steve moore and douglas holtz-eakin. you can catch kudlow, monday through friday, 4 p.m., every day, right here on fox business. if you can't, text your
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larry: so. democratic economic larry summers claims that trump's economic agenda could super charge, inflation, really? it didn't when he was president, joining us now to talk about it steve moore. wabc radio host, moore money. and douglas holtz-eakin former cbodirector. steve moore, larry summers who did rings bell 3 years ago about, on the biden inflation, and over spending. has now lost his compass or maybe he has come back to the fold, and predicting trumpian inflation. you could say that may cause inflation but trump's policies of derecession reaction tax cut -- deregulation and tax cuts and drill, baby, drill and et cetera did not create
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inflation the first time, why would it be this time? >> well, a great point. average inflation rate when trump of the president for 4 years was between 2 and 2. 5%, you are right we were at the target on that fed sets. and by the way, at the end of former president trump presidency, inflation rate was 1.6% that is below fed target, you are right that he did it through a supply side agenda of increasing output of the economy. when the output goes up. in supply goes up price of things goes down. i don't understand how larry summers comes up with this, i will say there are two warning signs, number one, i do think that tariffs can be inflationary, they are basically making imports more expensive. that could be a problem.
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i don't know where trump is going with that. and the other issue is will donald trump get a hold of the budget, we have seen such explosive growth of government spending, douglas holtz-eakin, knows more about that. larry: you know, i know this pains you steve moore, taif -- tariffs did not cause inflation in first term. >> i know. larry: trump wrote several trade deals, family with japan, australia and south korea. that lowered tariff or nontariff barriers. >> true, a great point. larry: the principle of reciprocity has many merits, but douglas holtz-eakin, i'm reading your great piece in the journal, by kevin brady and yourself. but, summers, larry summers
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saying that big deficits caused by extending trump tax cuts that will be the driver of inflation his full fleshed out idea. you and kevin brady have a different take that the tax cuts particularly on corporations were beneficial to the economy. what is summers missing? >> well, i think that the case has to be made that we're looking at next year is the need for keep rates low, broaden rates, that is the recipe for good economy growth and good tax policy, if are trying to priority which rates might have to raise i would pou put corporate rate last. the intellectual property came back and investment flowed in, and wages rose, we got better growth, and
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the workers benefited. when mr. biden proposed raising corporate rate to 28%, he said he needed to do because it was a windfall give away, his treasury said that will cause 300 billion tack is caree -- tax increase on those making less than 100 thousand, this is meat and potatoes of american commerce, if you interfere with it, workers pay for it. larry: douse your -- doug 4 other point, american businesses were double taxes 35%. on the money they made overseas, as well as here in the u.s. the statement money was tacked twice. -- taxed twice, it has mainly was eliminated in 2017 tax cut bill.
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so the -- the inversion so-called inversions where everyone was moving out of the united states, has dried up because of that. i would like too keep it i would think they would wanting to keep it, democrats should want to keep it. >> you would think so, you could remember this, 5 corporations a year changes their headquarters to go overseas. and since 2017, zero, one company that was leaving as bill passed they came back that was a huge victory, headquarters are here, and workers are here. that is what you want, you want to be the place to be on the globe to do economic activity. and corporate reforms in 2017 did that. i would think you would do a u-turn on that, at your own risk, that is not a good idea. larry: steve moore, today institute for supply managers purchases agencies reported another decline,
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you know that ism manufacturing index has been platt flat to down for two years. and last week, real disposable income, typical families income adjusted for taskses and for inflation -- taxes and inflation continues to fall. that stuff rose, we have a chart. they fill undthey fell under biden. but steve, retail sales are slowing. and real incomes are falling. that say problem for this economy, right here in 2024. what do you think? >> these are middle class voters, the numbers for people in the middle, the median, people have of the income higher and half lower by definition biden talks
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about what he has done for middle class, i think a lot of middle class, working class people are saying what shy talking they are about 2000 dollar poorer in terms of purchasing power. they can barely afford mcdonald's right now. it is 10 bucks for a big back meal, 10 it used to be $6. all of these things are really causing great financial stress for americans. and the problem is biden is not proposing anything that would help them out, raising taxes, as doug was talking about and other policies would -- 2 trillion more spending he wants how will that lower inflation. larry: our friend richard riordan trich lowry bought two fries and a milkshake at mcdonald's and cost him $17, ip i want, that you are fabulous,
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steve moore, and douglas holtz-eakin thank you. larry: next up. the chuck schumer democrats want to crimin criminally bust oil and gas ceos maybe hang them according to "wall street journal" editorial page, we have rick perry to tell us, hanging ceos, man, that is not (traffic noises) (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪) at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts. because we believe the more ways we all have to move forward. the further we'll all go.
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larry: all right chuck schumer senate democrats want to criminally bust u.s. oil and gas ceos, even hang them according to "wall street journal" e editorial wage, joining us to talk about it rick perry. former texas governor, former energy secretary. this is a great story. schumer and democrats here is the deal that is from a federal trade commission, this leyna kahn.
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because this ceo of natural resources, scott sheffield, here it comes. through an analyst, just an american bank company analyst of oil, had commentary about opec. and this guy sheffield would blast things out, from the analyst from newspapers, and opec people could see them like anyone else for that reason, schumer and democrats and federal trade commission want to criminally prosecute natural resource ceo sheffield and maybe the rest of the ceos, terrific, what do you think? >> you didn't think they could go any further crazy. it never ceases to amysel amaze me, we're getting close on an election, you know so big oil, bad, anything to deflect from
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policies of biden administration which have driven up the cost of energy, which have driven up the cost of everything that americans are buying out there whether their food or gasoline. anything that gets transported, costs of engineer at the heart -- energy is at the heart of our economy this administration, has made really poor choices from the stand point of moving an economy forward to placate the radical left environmentalists they have to have to win the election. they are losing young people's votes, they are losing fani will african-american votes and hispanic votes, don't pay attention to the little man behind the curtain look at this shiny thing, it has to be the big oil executives and. they are actually sending out information from opec, opec is worse than fossil fuel energy companies.
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it is crazy. >> it is crazy. you are right. a new low, you know what is interesting, opec announcing their cutbacks in the so ford forth, they will keep cucutbacks, saudi arabia is produces 10 million barrels a day that is their peak. the united states back to 13 million a day. which is where we were pre-pandemic. in 2019. if it, it not been for biden policies i would argue we could print 16 million barrels a day, that would have been trajectory off 2018 and 2019, oil prices, brent would be $40 a barrel not 80, and inflation rate would be 1%, not 3 or 5%. that is the deal.
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democrats, you know, they started this. they are to blame. and throwing ceos in jail is not the answer. >> yeah, really when you think about had the trump policies continued on forward, we would have not seen russia being in a position it is in today, we would not have seen iran in the position, we would be in a place where united states could be the good ally in the work to those who want -- in the world. we have been put now, back in to a position of weakness in a lot of the parts of the world because of energy policy by biden administration. larry: so, iran continues to avoid the sanctions. this i blame the biden administration. i blame them. russia, russia is producing i don't know what they are producing i think close to 10 million barrels, the sanction never impacted
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russia for heaven's sakes, china is buying oil from iran and russia. hand over fist, if you will, and they are financing two wars against the united states by buying and providing foreign currency reserves to two enemies of ours, and bidens do nothing about it, they do nothing, not only won't they lit us print oil here at home but they are letting iran and russia produce oil abroad. >> when you get down to our u.s. internal economic policies, what they are doing to states like pennsylvania and other oil producing states, louisiana, texas, they may not care about louisiana and texas, they lost them
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ballistically, but -- politically, but pennsylvania is in the mix. this war on fossil fuel, the war against all of the base load, you don't hear these people talk about small modular reactors when are economically feasible today, they are walk away safe, and environmentally sound, they're anti-nuclear, and i venture to say, they are anti-american, if you are not for those two industries being strong and putting america first, you got to be against us. >> yep. certainly against our own interest, that is for sure, rick perry, good to see you sir, thank you so much. >> good to see you. >> folks. another topic, donald trump vowing to declassify trophies of secret ser --
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troves of secret documents, joining us to talk about that ohio congressman jim jordan. welcome back. let me play, this is what mr. trump said on fox and friends about declassifying secrets. >> so, if you were president would you declassify, answer yes or no, the 9/11 files. >> yeah. >> would you declassify jfk files. >> yeah, i do a lot. >> the epstein files. >> yeah, i would. larry: there you have it. system jordan, interesting. daniel patrick moynihan, senator wrote a book 20 years ago about this. the name of the book, secrecy. in the book he correctly in my humble opinion said that the u.s. government tries to
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be too secret. and classify vastly millions of pages that are unnecessarily class case there is no transparent see, here is donald trump, 20 years later saying that same thing. >> i agree with the president, let the american people see, after all, it a government of the people by the people for the people. let us see the information, let us know what is going on. and don't have these secret courts like fisa court, you can get warrants without first going to a judge and getting that okayed. make it so the american people can see. and we had a hearing today where maybe if fauci and biden administration had been more straight forward with us, there would be more trust. you think of all things they told us that turned out to not be true. tell the american people the truth. we're big boys and girls, we can handle it, that how is it is supposed to work in our contusion constitutional system.
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larry: i used to get classified pages every morning, you get a briefing from i all them different agencies. anyway, i have to tell you, these briefings, god bless them, there are thousands of people behind the briefing books, honestly, jim jordan, most of it was in the newspaper, i'm not putting them down there is probably we need the smart kids and boys and girls and i want them to go out in the world and protect america. but the daily briefing, which was classified, my fingers would burn looking at the cover. i knew it from the "wall street journal." or washington times, honestly. >> right, most members of congress i think would say the same thing about briefing that we get, this is why we fought so hard when we reauthorized 7 of 2 of fisa to say if you search the database, you should have to go to a separate oh,
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or equal branch of government to get that database, people are tired of secrecy and snooping and spying and trump, in 2016 we know they spied -- his campaign, they can't to fi can't that fisa court they gave them in think that was not accurate. make it available, let we the people see what is going on. larry: good reason to believe, as evidence comes out that authorities, wired his own trump tower. to get information out. he -- trump said that people made fun of him, there is a lot of iched evidence. another topic, i read joe biden will put out the executive order to and end all will help us on border.
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and 4,000 people a day, that is about a million and a half illegals a year, will solve the problem. i don't know what do you think about this? to me this is a head scratcher. >> i think first question, is, i thought border was secure, secretary mayorkas told us it was secure and joe biden said, so now why do they need to take that executive order. i'll believe it when i see it. i do know is what joe biden did on day one, he announced to world, if you come here, there will no longer be a wall to get over. you won't have to wait in mexico. and when you get to the border, you will not be detained, you will be released to wherever you want, it no wonder we got an
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influx of migrants coming in on pace to get to approximately 12 million in joe biden's presidency. in 4 years, that is the population of ohio -- 7th largest state that is how significant, the magnitude of this problem. he can say what he wants now 5 months before an election, i don't think that anyone believes him, like the boy who cried wolf, no one trusts what joe biden says. larry: chairman jim jordan thank you, sir. >> coming up. donald trump said success is the best revenge. america first policy institute's brook rollins and linda mcmahon will join me to talk about that one, stick around, i'm
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> people say, can you bring the country together, yes, success will bring the country together, i had to together, the country was doing better than it had ever done, high revenging will be success. larry: joining me now brooke rollins, and linda mcmahon. chair of america first policy institute. thank you ladies, linda, really power powerful
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themes, success is a unifier, and success is best way to respond to bidens and the rest. >> surely, i heard president trump you know, they ask him, you know you go downing down revenge pac path he said my best revenge will be success. we'll win seats. on both sides, we'll restore the economy, we will make sure that border is safe again and keep our tax policies in place, our economy will flourish, thank you. >> that is a unifies theme, you do not hear anything like tra from joe biden who is so negative and pessimistic. he was going to as part of his reinvigorating of the economy, he was tearing apart the education department. which is not helping kids in this country at all.
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i heard, that i just loved it. education, department, let's have 7 people left. >> you know, it is funny, the concept of america first and magic of president trump in first term, we were so honored to be a part of was returning power to the people and ensuring that americans could achieve american dream. and he did that. he took that dream to the furthest corners of most marginalized community, now to your point where education or healthcare or better jobs or secure border, he is ready, we agree, seeing him on the interviews talking with us, he spread. larry: it is what people want. and linda, one other point. trump reminded us way back in 2016, in november, right after the election, he refused to prosecute hillary clinton. that was a unifying
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attempt. then he spends next 4 years fending off garbage you know, fake russian hoax and stuff, he would not prosecute hillary clinton. there should have been an example but democrats won't. >> no, they didn't pick up on that, he said he was not interested in going backwards, he was looking forward, he made america great again. larry: no one remembers that, how would he govern that is an example. that is what he did. much longer than that. 8 years ago. for brooke. >> interesting, was looking at word revenge, added to base, not just about getting back at someone but a restorining a, a reclaiming a, and churchill said that courage is greatest virtue, it ensures all of the others. larry: he can do, that.
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brooke rollins thank you, and linda mcmahon thank you, i'll be bac honestly, i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy. preservision areds2 contains the exact nei recommended, clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks to preservision, i feel better
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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.


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