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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 4, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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americans know what the board was like, foreign policy under president trump and they know what it was like under biden, americans do not like what he is offering. >> we apprehended had him in eagle pass texas and what a joe biden and his team say america would be better with another violent criminal release from top to bottom. >> merrick garland has presided over the most politicized and weaponize d.o.j. in our country's history. >> people are going out of business from this, this close 30% of the restaurants in california isn't there any liability any responsibility that anybody is going to take for this, it destroyed our industry. >> judge merchan turned it into a crime scene i found a dozen examples of where he made decisions were rulings which were unusual or an orthodox they broke the law ♪
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♪. stuart: i know they are good morning, everybody it is 11:00 o'clock from the east coast 11:00 o'clock, tuesday june the fourth, on the market some red ink, not much, the dow, s&p, nasdaq down slightly, big tech last time we checked they were all down, same story except for apple is eking out a 14-cent gain, the rest of them down, the ten year treasury yield falling further, down to 4.35%, now t this. it's come to this, travel agents using package deals to bring migrants to mexico, then across the southern border into the united states. the new york post uncovered turkish travel countries that offer an easy luxurious illegal entry into america will get you
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a ticket and fly into cancún you pickup by taxi and taken to a hotel after one days rest you're transported to tijuana you'll walk across the border get picked up by border patrol and you are in, american nonprofit organization take you to a city of your choice, the ad does don't delay your dreams, come now one message on telegram reads since trump has fallen the democrats will leave the gates alone for another year, this is become a well organized transfer of billions of people from all over the world, five months to the election biden realizes that voters don't like his open border, today he will impose new restrictions and shutdown border crossings once daily encounters at 2500, how would that work, who announces the migrants that hit the magic number does the bell ring and what happens to those who missed the cut do they riot or head back to mexico this is a nonstarter, the word is out all around the world biden has
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opened the gates and changed america forever we did not get a vote on it, watch out if it looks like trump wins in november, the cartels and the travel agents will crank up the advertising in the rush to get in as the ads they don't delay your dreams the third hour of varney starts right now. ♪ at a campaign event president biden took a job at trump same for the first time in american history of former president that is a convicted felon is now seeking office of the presidency, jimmy failla with me now is this going to be biden's aggressive having a go at trump. >> this is it is good to be trump is a convicted felon and as joe calls it july the sixth, he keeps green of the date of january 6 but he has to run on these two things, you know this he cannot sell his biden record
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you know the analogy of getting set up on a blind date but they won't tell you how the person looks i have this girl for you she loves sports you like sports, how does she look, great personality you like the laugh she likes a lot that is the biden cell he can't tell you how the girl looks because we know the truth there is not instagram filter on earth that can make his record of governance look pretty. he is attacking trump convicted felon. >> we will work for low iq voters, the people affected by biden's policies there is no chance. again this is a reality you cannot look at trump pain stormy daniels and see how that affects your life, it's not tangible to you, what biden did at the border as you said earlier that affects people invited at the groceries affects people good on him for pretending to care about the border after letting in 10 million people what's next is he going to order 500 lifeboats for the titanic? you are behind the game can we step on the gas a little bit.
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>> i have another one for you we can go crazy on this to white house press secretary karine jean-pierre struggled to explain what president biden did on monday. watch this. >> we did not see him all day there was no schedule of what he did. >> what i say the president made some calls he called the newly elected mexico president and put out a statement there and what i can say he brings home to the american people he does that day in and day out and i don't have anything as it's related to the event today. stuart: perhaps he was resting. >> in her defense joe does not know what he did monday either. it's not like how does she know she's in a tough spot she has banded her job but it's hard to look good at your job if you're fronting for someone who's
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terrible. when it comes to the schedule, seriously, groundhogs get out more than him that is just reality, imagine the pr guy for punxsutawney phil he saw the shadow that's only press release you're getting, punxsutawney joe, here we come. stuart: i don't know if you make this up before you get on the air but is the stream. >> you bring it out in me is the way you work a snake charmer how to charm chubby guys, what can i tell you. >> i'm get a be absolutely sure to watch your show on fox news saturday night 10:00 p.m. eastern with mr. phelan. a modest loss across the board down 45 on the dow and down 57 on the nasdaq. mike murphy with me now, slowing growth paves the way for the fed to cut rates, that sounds like good news to me. , the slowing growth part is bad but that's what we need in order to get the fed to lower rates, a lot of what i read this morning was negative and different publication and growth is
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slowing a market overpriced, things are really bad, they're not very bad i think the economy for this part of the cycle is doing quite well but we need the fed to come in and lower rates where they are currently, negative prints on the inflation front is good for us net net were in a good place. >> the market is still in a good place, you're telling us to keep a good idea on nvidia to get a split this week, do you think the total value of that will surpass apple and microsoft. the stock is 1150, it comes down to 115, the market cap is 2.8 billion, apple 2.9 and microsoft at three if it goes up 10% once it splits from 115 of agosta 115 or 125 or 126 it's going to be the most valuable company on earth. >> it will beat out microsoft assuming where they stay where
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they are that would not be enough, 115 to 125 or 126 would be enough to make nvidia number one. it's worth keeping an ion, stick around for the full hour. lauren is taking a look, old dominion freight, what's with that. >> up 6%, no news lead in the market these are the top three percentage performers on the s&p 500 carnival in norwegian, the news on carnival their combined in australia operations into the main cruise line but oil prices are down after opec over the weekend agreed to extend most of the production cuts in 2025, transportation companies. they said they would extend the production but they would rearrange the quota system which means an increase in production that's why oil is down that was a false report about opec keeping production cuts until next year that was a public announcement. they said eight of the member nations was voluntary to do so. >> what do you think they're
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going to do. >> oil being down is something that you should focus on that is down in the low 70s. designer brand. >> the lds w disappointing earnings, same sales down to naprosyn, stock is down 20%, even though they reaffirmed the full year numbers, that was not enough that customer is very selective apparently and so was wall street. this is the worst decline on the s&p 500, a 13.5% they're forecasting an annual profit largely below not only their previous estimate but wall street estimates as well. stuart: here's what's coming up dr. fauci trying to say he's not responsible for the failed guidelines put in place during covid, house oversight chair james comer will join us he said that she lied to congress and could be arrested, new reports of people are bringing out more cash on the president biden, high inflation means your daughter is not going as far,
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full report on that. diversity, equity and inclusion trainer at a school says the american flag is becoming a hate symbol absurd, p and headset is here to take that on. next. ♪ with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab. what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generac home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted. because when your generac detects a power outage,
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stuart: president biden is expected to sign an executive order of the border after doing nothing for the first three years of the presidency. madison alworth joined me now how much is biden's inaction on the border cost or schools. it is cost taxpayers around $1 billion to educate asylum-seekers in our u.s. public schools, honestly the
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number is most likely higher than that, the reason i say that the federal government is not transparent about how many crosses are school age children. but we do know how many and accompanied minders across the board or release the sponsors in the u.s., we ran the numbers, if you look at the group alone the taxpayers are paying over $1 billion a year to educate all unaccompanied minors and public schools. like i said the price tag is probably much higher since there are no reliable total enrollment counts in a dozen include the kids enter with their families, it's not just about the money but the very important and often limited resources in the schools, fox digital reports that e-mails within the d.c. public school system showed that the influx of migrant students and bilingual staff. with this crisis hitting 70 quarters of american life, voters across every major poll say they have more confidence than former president donald trump sanderling the issue of
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the border, with biden expected decided executive order today he is hoping to change the rate of people coming across and the perception of his handling of the border with voters, those in opposition to the president say it is too late. >> by my account he has issued 94 executive orders since he has been president of the united states. he has waited until today to actually do what he calls effective action to secure the border, my question to him why did you wait until now if you are serious about doing it the simple answer he is not serious about securing the border, we know the president is set to speak this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. so we expect him to sign the executive order around that time. of course when that happens we will bring you the latest. stuart: we will take it, thank you very much, look who's here
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now pete hegseth right here in new york city on the set with me. biden wants to stop and limit the number of daily enter 22500, how do you know all across the border when you've hit the limit, i'm joking but does the bell ring or something. >> you're joking because it's not a real thing everyone 11432500, everybody stop get in line for tomorrow, is patently absurd, also jay johnson has been on our network talking about how 1000 people crossing illegally was a huge day now receiving 2500 is the cat, 2000 is acceptable what's not what you between 500 it's would be way more totally unenforceable this is a campaign strategy, that is it they want the cameras off this summer on things like that because it hurts biden so much. stuart: he change the country forever and we did not get to vote on it, that is outrageous
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when you think about that. he change the country forever the damage has been done. you cannot undo it. next one is for you specifically for you, we have a doctor who trains school districts and diversity, equity and inclusion, the american flag is a symbol of hate and extremism, she suggests that employees who resist critical race theory should be fired, this is right up your ally you've written about it, what you make of it. >> and joe biden's department of education shall get a promotion, she says out loud the logical in-state of their belief system that we have a new flag and we change it every year end we fly it is the trans-flag of whatever flag you want to call in its diverse and inclusive and inequitable and that's what we should teach our kids the american flag is right with problems in colonialism of the patriarchy and stolen land and all the things that's what they teach in history about her own country we are in uncharted water were trying to keep a country while simultaneously
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teaching the young people of the country to dislike the country, this person felt comfortable to state these things out loud because they are surrounded in an environment with the status quo we have to fight this stuff afire people like this, this is why donald trump said he wants to end the departed of education, he is right it does not add utility these kids cannot read but they think are being taught at the beginning america is about place. stuart: i got a tweet from the fbi he says we know diversity makes us stronger, does it? >> it is so dumb, it is the exact opposite in especially in the context of my book is the same for the military diversity is not our strength, unity is our strength we share belief and love of this country and respect the founding principles that were not perfect but were trying to do better and i don't see you by the color of your skin but the content of your character, that's what were striving for diversity of thought is helpful in diversity background to solve
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certain problems but just because you're black and i'm white or your hispanic or woman or i'm gay or you're straight that doesn't mean we think outside of the box were different view or add value. are we all rowing in the same direction toward a mission that's what makes a strong. you have a book that just came out the war on warriors behind the betrayal of men to keep us free, is this about masculinity. >> there's a sentence in the book that says normal men have fought and won all of america's wars, prove me wrong that is a fact normal men 95% of the time who have joined our military and defended our freedom that does not mean there aren't women who have done amazing things they are, were losing the recruitment of the very same people these days because the pentagon is focused on very different things. it's like the bud light problem you don't want the frat boys and you think you could get it with
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a new woke group but there are enough lesbians in san francisco to join the 82nd airborne you need dudes from kentucky and oklahoma and ohio who want to join because they love the country and the masculine not toxic but tough black and white in normal guys who will pick up a rifle and fight for the rest of us this pentagon is turning the guys and gals away in space that's what you see recruiting crisis, and 2001 i joined the army to fight extremist 20 years later that table me one by my unit by christian tattoo that i had based on a perch inside of her military. a true story. i didn't know it, did you sign up after 9/11, 9/11 happened and it was game on. they labeled you an extremist because you have a christian tattoo. >> i think it was more likely i was a trump supporter or that i worked at fox news and they use
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the tattoo as an excuse to defend divided inauguration i was slated to be part of the biden inauguration because i'm a conservative i cannot defend a democrat commander-in-chief. the whole story is in the book. the book is not about me dozens and dozens serving guys and gals and they share with their scene you could not have awoke military if you want to win wars. it's a pleasure having you on the show. here's what's coming up on the show, the ceo of ford says shoppers are not willing to pay premium prices for electric vehicles hybrids are the way forward we will bring you the, in the moment. a new op-ed says five reasons to make the trump tax cuts permanent, steve moore wrote that and will tell us the number one reason. he is next. ♪
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shared his stock picks with us in his first is walmart. >> new all-time high today, walmart. this company does almost 700 billion in annual revenue here they are half a trillion dollars, 500 billion-dollar market cap is an all-time high with a there is a lot more upside for walmart they traded a fraction of what company like amazon trades for we talked about this all the way up we talked about walmart i own it, there is a lot more room to the upside for woman. stuart: you generally say buy stocks which are going, generally speaking. >> i like to buy ones that are going up and go what more that the game plan but stocks like this that are hitting on all cylinders i think you're great to buy. stuart: draftkings, this ran all the way up to 50 now it's back on $35 a share. the way the country looks at gambling has changed completely draftkings is a leader one of if
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not the leader and i think there will be a lot more ways that these guys monetize their platform every sport. in promoting gambling more people will go to their website and generate more revenue and pullback 30% i think it's a good entry point. stuart: you think it might get back up to 50. thank you. more families are making $400,000 a year now than before biden took office, however, the president is getting failing grades on the economy, edward lawrence on the white house where is the disconnect. >> disconnect were getting half of the story wages are up, that is true in the number of people making $40000 or more increase to 3.8 million people in 2023 that is up from 2.6 million people in 2019 according to the economic innovation group which uses sensor data read half the
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story with the increase in prices under president biden wages are actually down 2.7% when adjusted for inflation, making more does not by more under bidenomics. >> we know consumers frankly don't care what's happening in the s&p they care what they're feeling and seeing we see a reversal in terms of how the consumer is feeling. stuart: president biden has moved away from using the term bidenomics because many people equated to higher prices in june of 2023 the president said 29 times, then by october of last year he said a 14 times, the last time he said bidenomics was in march as he tries to turn around the perception of the economy while democrats are also backing away. >> when you talk to people and grocery cart spending the same amount of money and not as full as they were i do think starting
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to see an effort to lower prices. people are worried and cannot afford homes, they're worried about being able to send their kids to college. a new fox news power ranking out this morning shows that voters clack former president trump on the economy by 15 points. when you hear president biden calling to let the trump tax cuts expire. were looking for next year for higher prices and increased taxes for just about everyone. stuart: all answer to both. james you're alright, thank you edward. take a look at this a fox news op-ed, five reasons to make the trump tax cuts permanent, steve moore wrote to and he joins mina, what is the number one reason of all five what is the number keep the tax cuts in place. >> they created jobs no question about it and as you know i had a small part in that with larry
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kudlow and art lafferty we had a great team and this is what trump wanted to do. if you look at the economic facts of the tax bill, more jobs actually we got more revenue because the economy expanded, the corporate tax cut we brought the rate down from the highest in the world to what is the lowest that brought a lot of factories and investment capital back to the united states. i also like that now only 10% of americans have to itemize their deduction other tax form so another words most of us have to check the box because we double the standard deduction, that makes filing your taxes so much simpler. it was a resounding success in the average workers. now people make 400,000 i'm talk about people making 6,200,000 they save $2000 a year on their taxes. stuart: that is a lot of money, you tell me what happens at the tax cut expires.
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>> edward lawrence was saying biden doesn't want to use the term bidenomics but i do because it's a catastrophe for a country people are poor today by the same $2000 that they saved on their taxes under trump. if you reverse the tax cuts you will see this is a financial show and you will see an increase in the capital gains tax in increase in the corporate tax rate if you own stock, that means more of the profit from the company go to the government rather than the shareholder that's a negative affect on the stock market, the reason you don't see the priced and yet is a lot of investors think trump will win but it's going to be a bad day for the market if november 6 it turns out biden wins and if he does when he will probably have a mandate to get rid of the trump tax cut, that could be very negative for workers and for stocks. stuart: earlier this morning we
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got the job opening report the jolt report. 8.059 million jobs open that is the lowest level since february of 21. what does it show about the economy, it's weekend. >> the job market is certainly softening but 8 million openings is still a lot. i don't want to be a debbie downer but if your 70 looking for a job and you have a skill if your nurse or an accountant or somebody who is an electrician there are a lot of jobs out there for people looking for them. the problem we have a skills deficit in this country and a lot of people it's not that the jobs are not out there it's that they're not paying enough to keep up with the rate of inflation and that's what you see so many angry voters and people at the grocery store in the gas pump, there are jobs and don't forget a lot of those jobs are part-time jobs, try paying your bills when you're only working 20 hours a week, good luck with that.
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stuart: we heard from you we will see you again really soon, stephen moore, chief executive at forbes, jim farley is speaking out about the future success of hybrid cars, what is he saying. >> are making more hybrids because that's the only electric vehicle customers are willing to take a gamble on. watch here. >> we are entering new customers, the mainstream customers and are not willing to pay a premium for ev's they don't know how to handicap the charging the resale value insurance has gone up they don't know how to handicap. another one farley said the first generation. ev has been a losing strategy for the company they are not investing any more money in the first generation ev until he is convinced they are profitable. jim farley will be on "barron's roundtable" friday at 7:30 p.m. eastern time. stuart: i find it hard to invest
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in old industrial companies they don't have the excitement of the new technology. >> they very rarely do and if you look at ford trying to get ahead of it into the new space unit backfired now they're trying to figure out the hybrid model but is not working. >> tesla which is a new company, tesla's future which does ev's is on the robot taxi or so says the analyst were knocking on cars anymore were going to rent them. stuart: i just don't see it but thank you everybody, hunter biden gun trial underway even the new york times says hunter should take a plea deal how does congressman james comer see this play out. roaring katie could be facing the band from e*trade for his role in the stock mania he's accused of stock manipulation, the full story after this ♪ ♪
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mean stocks on the left-hand side of your screen, the wall street journal says e*trade might band the stock leader keith gill also known as roaring kitty, kelly o'grady joined the why do they want to ban roaring kitty. >> the concern he could be manipulating this price of gamestop if you go back to me he resurfaced after years with each week and is passionate following there was a buzz they drove the stock up. it turns out roaring kitty bought call options for gamestop before he posted for context it gives the trader the right to buy shares at a set price by a certain date if you can buy a stock less than what is trading at you can make money, yesterday's run-up followed the exact same pattern. an accountant was associated with ill posted for the first time in years i won 16 million-dollar bet on the stock as well as additional call options the followers got excited gamestop goes up and
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finish the day 21% up. his reputation is fighting for the average investor, the concern he's using the influence for personal gain, you buy call options you pump up the value of the stock then you make a profit. all note as of last night he had not dumped the shares we reach out to morgan stanley that owns e*trade they declined to comment on whether this investigation they have to be careful roaring kitty comments have to be invective i spoke to the massachusetts security division and they have confirmed that they are investigating his trading activity. we will see what happens there. mike murphy is with us this morning is this a case of pump and dump. >> i'm not when to say it is, it could be but i think it's a case of a guy who has done this before and doing it again and obviously made a hundred million dollars plus so we don't know how much more but he needs to back away from doing that because it could be perceived by
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regulators as a pump and dump that could hurt the public and if that is the case he can go to prison. if i were inviting them stop posting pictures of your account, back off. stuart: agrippa billionaires got 70% of detroit's office space they are transforming the city, what are they up to. >> their making detroit's qu quasi-and cool again three billionaires collectively own 70% of downtown detroit office base dan gilbert rocket mortgage, little caesars and affords they are filling the spaces with tech companies, amazon, microsoft moving and in their attracting young workers specifically and with that you get the trendy spots the hip and expensive restaurants yet the detroit lions, the nfl draft was there this past weekend, the grand prix population in detroit rising for the first time in over 70 years in the crime rate is coming down. stuart: that the turnaround, mike murphy new york city be turned around like detroit?
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>> i think it will be but if you go back on detroit it was so b bad, they had to basically pay people to come in their and hopefully new york city never gets that bad. if you bet against new york historically you have lost, so betting against it again i will you will still lose. >> sorry to interrupt you we have wall street will they leave for a friendlier pastor like you has been leaving for florida for instance or tennessee where the money is trading better. detroit had the bankrupt automakers that made a comeback, we have wall street, what happens now. stuart: will the office workers who used to work on six avenue in the giant office buildings, when will they come back that's when the city will turnaround. >> kids graduating from college is almost unanimous what are they wanted when they graduate get an apartment in new york city. that is real-time as of today. i'm bullish on new york city. stuart: i was young once and i would do that move to a big
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city. it is that time, shall be the dow 30, get a sense of the market i will call that an even split the dow is down a mere 50 points same number of winners as losers on the big board then we have this grilled by lawmakers about his handling of the pandemic house oversight chair james comer says dr. fauci lied to congress and could be arrested, james coleman is next. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles]
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the when dr. fauci claimed he was not responsible for the safety guidelines put in place during covid. hillary vaughn on capitol hill, who did he try to blame. >> dr. fauci is distancing himself from the social distancing 6 feet guideline that became the role in many towns and for many businesses, now dre up with that. >> actually came from the cdc the cdc was responsible for those kinds of guidelines in schools not me. when i said it appeared was
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there any science behind it what i meant by no science behind it there is not a controlled trial. >> not everyone is buying the blame game when dr. fauci was on tv as the face of the pandemic response the ceo of the job creators network says dr. fauci should've piped up saying establishments such as bars and restaurants the 6-foot distancing guidance that blue state governors used to justify and/or gathering the mentation that decimated business models as the top correlating pandemic response dr. fauci must be held accountable for the unscientific and unjustified government mandates that did so much damage to main street roughly 200,000 businesses overall closed for good during the first year of the pandemic and some business owners say someone should be responsible for the bad gui guidance. >> it is very traumatizing and makes you very angry in the way he said it i don't understand
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isn't there any liability, any responsibility that anyone is going to take for this it destroyed our industry. >> we will have to wait and see if ultimately anyone is held responsible for this but it doesn't seemed like dr. fauci is feeling any remorse for letting the guidance live on. i gotcha, thank you very much house oversight committee chair james comer joins me now, congressman you'd grilled dr. fauci yesterday you said he lied to congress and should be arrested isn't that going a little far? >> i don't know if he should be arrested i like the idea if you lie to congress that is a fe felony, when you look at the clip that you just showed everybody knows dr. fauci was the lead instigator and the spacing distance this is something not only shut down tens of thousands of businesses in america and ran the debt up
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as a result of subsidizing it destroyed public education, kids could not be in school because of the six-foot social distancing requirement that dr. fauci champion and under oath he tried to blame it on the cdc and act like he had no liability whatsoever, that should offend every business owner that struggled and lost their business and every parent like myself and my wife whose kids went to public schools and had to go to virtual learning and basically didn't learn anything for a year, the damage that dr. fauci did to our nation's indeterminable and for him yesterday to show no remorse to only apologies you heard yesterday were from democrats apologizing to dr. fauci to have to answer tough questions from republicans. i think he should be held accountable and working to research every answer that dr. fauci gave to see how many
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times he misled or lied to the american people under oath. stuart: the jury has been seated and hunter biden's gun trial but even the new york times says hunter should take a plea deal and fast the president doesn't want this to be an advertisement to the rest of the year, desi. >> no he doesn't if you look at the crimes under biden he lied on the gun application and is probably not in the top ten but one thing every american knows including the jury i would assume that hunter biden did in fact lie on a gun application. it looks like the defense is going to say the gun owner manipulated the application or he was on drugs or did understand what he was signing or whatever. it doesn't matter, joe biden and the democrats are the ones that create these excessive gun laws and hunter biden broke the law that joe biden has championed and yet the bidens are using their influence, their money and
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their entitlement to try to get out of the crimes that are fueled and occupied so many prisons around our nation think about how many minorities i could not afford high-powered attorneys and sitting in prison for the exact same crime as hunter biden line on a gun application and were not even talking about tax evasion, tax fraud in violation of the foreign agent registration act. stuart: one last one marjorie taylor greene is right now meeting with speaker johnson she is demanding more from that the speaker move forward on the impeachment of president biden. if he doesn't and no action in a week she will trigger a privileged revolution which would remove the speaker, are you on board with us? >> marjorie is a member of the house oversight committee we have a great working relationship she is a fighter and very passionate. the problem with removing the speaker, the votes are not there whether or not people support mike johnson or approval of all
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the decisions that mike johnson made is irrelevant, they don't want to go to the three week. again of trying to find someone to come up with 218 votes. i know marjorie is frustrated and i share your frustration, believe me every day we will hold people accountable but at the end of the day yet to get 218 votes and that has been a difficult scenario for house republicans, i think that joe biden has committed impeachable offenses i said that many times and i think his family are corrupt and joe biden was front and center in the schemes his family was involved in and i would love to hold him accountable but at the end of the day when you're in the house of representatives getting 218 votes and right now it doesn't appear those votes are there. stuart: your document look good in november if you mess this up, congressman james comer thank you for joining us. here we go with the tuesday trivia question, what is june's full moon called, the strawberry moon, the flower moon, the buck moon or the sturgeon moon, the
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answer when we return. .. with gold and copper
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12:00 pm
what have we got? lauren: is the flower moon too rbs? i'm going with number 2, flour. stuart: you say you get everything right. >> i'm going to go number one, strawberry moon. stuart: i'm going with sturgeon moon. it is so ridiculous it is probably true. a strawberry moon. this will appear on june 21st. americans call it the straw moon, it appears when strawberries come into season. why couldn't we get that? surgeons are round the full moon. time is almost up. this is where i count down, 7 seconds. now is 3, 2, coast-to-coast starts now


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