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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 4, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> so much information in the biden border, you have to deport the criminals, you have got to deport the criminals that are tearing up our police forces in our cities and our families and our schools, that is what has to change maybe among a million other things, no more answers i'm going to go to liz mcdonald she has the scoop. >> thank you so much, joining is
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now welcome to "the evening edit" from senate homeland security senator ron johnson, thank you so much for joining us it's good to see you, joe biden finally does an executive order on the border filled with loopholes months before the election. after he led in 10 million after he landed nearly 1700 illegal aliens for leaks of terrorism, that the government data shows thousands of killers, criminals and gang members after the polls drop in after trump beating him in this on the polls, does anyone believe what joe biden did. the border crisis he ignited. >> i don't think so but what it does it proves a point that i've been making most republicans have been making he's had the authority since day one to first of all keep the border closed, he basically inherited a close border was under control, he was on the issue more than 90 executive actions to open the
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border in the exact same of 40 the president trump used to open backup and to use that authority in it proves the point he is always had this authority, republicans have always been willing to strengthen that authority. if they would've asked for a border bill that literally enhances authority over some of the court decisions that we can to someone we would be happy to do that but that is not what he's looking for is looking to codify the open border policy and by and large to a certain extent this is an executive order and will not secure the border it might help slightly but there are so many loopholes and the threshold at 2500. remember the bipartisan bill set thresholds at 4,005,000. he said his threshold at 2500, why not at 0 if he was serious about securing the border, he is not he wanted open border, he
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causes problem and the democrat colleagues in congress wanted open border they help them causes problem but now the political pressure is building they figure they have to do something so they tried out this political action and it might do some good, by and large is not a serious effort to get control of our border. liz: reports are coming and even democrat senators don't believe him he did not show up in didn't want to go to the white house when he announced this action, he says he will shut down asylum request once he average daily number hits 2500 between ports of entry that will not stop the record numbers of illegal crossings, he says he will deport them, no information on whether he will get border patrol more money, more agents to do this and illegal aliens can still get in via the cbp one app or the parole program that biden expanded directly flying the men. >> remember if you give him more money he will use the money to more efficiently process and
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disperse more illegal aliens through the ports of entry that what they will try to shut down through the legal process or the app that they use or directly and from other countries, they wanted open border, this is by and large charades, there's no doubt about that i hope the american people the democrats all of them accountable for the open border catastrophe. liz: let's show biden's polls, his approval ratings are at record lows because of this, let's show the viewer what the multiple polls are showing, this is a peephole for example, you can see the numbers are astounding, seven out of ten disapproved biden at the border, the biden campaign in 2020 telling illegal aliens to search the border and when he was elected he said he regretted it took so long dismantling the trump border laws, you can see the spike higher in illegal aliens, on biden's watch, the question is why did he collapse the border just a generation
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after 9/11 with multiple wars including in the mideast, voters of all walks of life don't like this. >> again the democrat party want to turn america into a one-party nation, they figure what are the strategies in edition of doing everything that they can did she elections one of the strategies would be to flood a bunch of people into the country that will be pulled into the democrat party for as long as they live if they can't get them to vote right away by cheating and by the way we have evidence one of the nongovernmental are given a sheet of paper before they come to america and say when you get to america vote for joe biden that is pretty obvious, if not looking to flood the democrat state pushing up their numbers which might give the more congressional seats in the blue state, no matter how you slice it the only thing that makes sense for democrats is to bring these people in so they can affect our election process well into the future. liz: is not just using congress it's congressional money. also government money, your
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colleagues in the senate spoke out today about what joe biden did, let's take a listen. >> when he signs this executive order, the only question anyone should ask, why didn't you do this in 2021, why didn't you do this in 2022, why didn't you do this in 2023, last month or the month before or the month be before, how many dead bodies is enough. >> he is pulling right up there with fungal infections. part of the reason for that is he gave been to the loon wing of his party and he dissolved the southern border. now five months before an election he has to appear to be willing to do something about it. hence this executive order, he mismanaged congress, covid, the national debt, the academy, inflation, crime, afghanistan, iran, the war in gaza, the war
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in ukraine and now of course the border. >> this is not an improvement this is a fig leaf and i think the american people are not going to be fooled. >> senator, your final word. >> democrat governor, divided a administration are destroying this nation, the question is why did you open up the border in the first place, i think you provide the answer, these people need to be defeated "the bottom line" they had to be defeated because are destroying this country. liz: senator ron johnson, thank you for joining us. it is good to see you. let's welcome back to the show former homeland security oversight council mike howell, let's show the viewer you can see this new york city police department officers and hospital staff applauding and giving a standing ovation to officer richard pushing his partner christopher abrego in a wheelchair, they left the hospital, both were shot in queens, new york by the suspected illegal alien from
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venezuela rita federal immigration judge reportedly dismissed his deportation case weeks before the shooting, what do you make of all this? >> the radicals have taken over the system, the immigration judges and various different geographic regions and very different politics and up there in new york, their awful no different than new york state judge, this is the world that they want to live in, illegals coming across the border are categorically different than previous ways, the violence criminal network of people, known terrorist, people actively engaging and that's what were importing and joe biden announced he wants to keep the border open, why he thinks he can only win this election on the back of illegal aliens. liz: lawmakers throughout the day criticized president biden and his open border policy saying that executive action won't stop what he broke, they are saying is putting lawlessness before americans, he is putting americans notably, minority voters in my minority
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neighborhoods in u.s. cities at risk by letting an undivided illegal aliens, these cities, these voters there are angry there is rising crime we have thousands of members of basically organized cartel gang members and also an organized robbery ring nationwide, active arrest warrant in 11 states with links to illegal aliens including venezuela. they're doing home invasions, that's what we hear and see from police departments nationwide. >> the american people are sick of this, this is coupled with the crime wave that already exist in the united states and biden is adding on top of that illegal alien crime on purpose all for election purposes, what he did today placed confusion, he's trying to message something that is absolutely not true, he is playing to the space that was created when senator langford came out with his very confusing legislative proposal he did with
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alejandro mayorkas, biden and his team are pointing to that that would've kept the border open and saying since the senate couldn't get it done and get it do this executive order. it's unfortunate that this misinformation will probably do some damage and probably only to the loony elements that are already out there but is awkward to do anything to the border which will remain wider. liz: nobody who took a serious look at the senate border bill that they said was affixed rationally think it would stop the border crisis, you look at what isis is saying these are the guys that are taking on the organized retail theft rings that are run by illegal aliens warning these individuals can be involved in a myriad number of other crimes, drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, terrorism, they stole a hundred billion dollars since 2019, eyes says this theft
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cost federal and state government nearly $15 billion in lost tax revenue that does not even include lost sales taxes. on average american families have to pay up to $1000 each because of the retail theft rings alone. >> absolutely the cost to human lives and financial cost and the cost of quiet enjoyment of your own country and you can even go walking the streets, you're in washington, d.c. we have illegal aliens sitting across town and their mopeds all day delivering drugs. liz: mike howell will stay on the story and get you back on soon is good to see you. thank you for your insight give a jampacked our house majority whip tom emmer, kelly armstrong from house judiciary, dan meuser from house financial services, former national security council official richard goldberg from the federalist, lawyer margo cleveland and fox news contributor and author and columnist joe concha. the news coming and after biden's committal trial on federal guidance charges, the update on that. first witness took the witness stand, we've got it and hunter biden faces more trouble for lying to congress.
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we will explain that when. the new details on president biden making more gas and blunders, notably on foreign affairs and a brand-new sitdown interview with "time" magazine that has d.c. insiders talking to get their concern, the latest on republicans reportedly promising to go scorched-earth against democrats and biden's agenda in revenge after former president trump's conviction, we have what they might do. merrick garland affiant in his congressional hearing today against accusations that the d.o.j. is politicized and weapon iced and more on how lawmakers are furious, the justice department of l'affaire released the audiotape of special counsel robert hur interview with president biden, this is a controversy lawmakers say gives more details about the president's mental fitness, we have it coming up in the evening at it. we'll be right back.
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so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. liz: attorney general merrick garland testifying in a fiery hearing in washington he faced an intense grilling, senior congressional correspondent chad pergram standing by live on capitol hill with the details. it's good to see you.
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, likewise merrick garland is fighting obligations that his department is biased and even in cahoots with manhattan district attorney alvin bragg for his prosecution of former president trump, republicans are convinced that there are two systems of justice. >> the public has seen through the claims that you made today about fair and impartial pursuit of justice, they see the justice blindfold has slipped off and they look no further than the treatment by your department of former president trump and current defendant hunter biden. >> democrats challenge that, they know they d.o.j. launch criminal probes of democratic new jersey senator bob menendez in texas democrat henry cuellar, democrats defended the attorney general. >> it's not the fault of the department of justice at donald trump surrounded himself with criminals, trump walked out upon
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himself. i know as we sit here today the department of justice is prosecuting hunter biden and any federal court right now. >> arlen accused republicans of touting conspiracy theories about the prosecution of former president trump but garland warned the gop that he would not be intimidated, he contends president biden received the same treatment as former president trump during the raid at mar-a-lago, former president trump said merrick garland approved the use of lethal fo force, this is dangerous it raises the threat of violence against prosecutors and career agents, the document is being discussed is our standard use of force protocol which is a limitation of the use of force and was part of the package for the search of president biden's home as well. >> republicans demand garland up the audiotape of the interview special counsel robert hur conducted with president biden,
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garland released the transcript but not the tape, that is why republicans want to hold him in contempt of congress. liz: great to see you, jointed is not from house judiciary, kelly armstrong, good to see you, what is your reaction to the hearing today. >> my reaction if were all done with the hearing i still don't know what the department policy on recording interviews is, what is beneficial for them not to release it they talk about interviews being the single most important part of their investigation, you know in january we had to mark up a bill forcing them to record custodial interrogation, it is a lot of maneuvering and trying to run out the clock before the next election but at the end of the day i think we were right to run up contempt and we deserve the audiotape. liz: the attorney general pushing back for the contempt, he is not turning over the audiotape recording as special counsel robert hur interview president biden and the probe into pride and mishandling of
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classified documents. why do americans need to hear the audio recording. >> the judiciary committee needs to hear the audio recording because were entitled to it the best evidence available and you and i both know i used to do this for a living when you have the best version of the evidence and doing an investigation you're entitled to the best version of the evidence. transcripts don't read the same way audio sounds particularly when you read special prosecutor hers report about the reason for not prosecuting president biden, that sounds very different that it reads on a transcript, that in itself is reason enough to get it. this is about congress constitutional authority robert hur described biden as an elderly man with a poor memory in the vice presidency started, that's according to the transcript and ended you don't know what it began and ended when joe biden passed away, ag garden testified and said he himself did not listen to the
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audiotape that is surprising, watch what happened today. >> attorney general, have you listen to the audio recording. >> i have not there is no reason to listen to it in order to make the determination that i had to make, we have the special counsel describe in detail his explanation or his determination. >> i don't understand how you can sit before the congressional committee and arbitrated what is indistinguishable from the transcripts if you're not sure what's on the tapes themselves. >> what you make of him i'm not listening to the audio, let me back up, the biden justice department issued a paper transcript a biden's interview reportedly taken out in removing his stuttering, the pauses and losing his train of thought and he didn't listen to the audio? >> i just reject the premise that he has the authority to say which version that we get, i
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don't think it's a coincidence, i'm not sure if special prosecutor her would've resigned that we would've got the transcript, once we know the audio exist it is not his decision to make, any adversarial process whether criminal defense attorney or congress tried to do oversight over the executive branch were entitled the best evidence available and that's not his decision to make. liz: let's move on to this, congressman matt gaetz really grilled and questioned in a really tough way ag garland on how the justice department is politicized saying and asking whether they're involved in the cases against former president trump, watch this. >> will the department of justice provide to the committee all documents all correspondence between the department and alvin bragg's office and patty willis and letitia james. >> they make this remarkable downstream career journey from the u.s. department of justice in washington, d.c. and pops up in alvin bragg's office to go
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get trump. >> i had nothing to do with it. >> let me back up he said i had nothing to do with it, he is saying he's backward to turn over information with an answer to that question. if he had nothing to do with that why would you be comfortable turning it over in answering congressman gaetz question. >> i agree completely we have a lot of people saying were losing faith in our institutions and how dare anybody criticize our institutions but i would contend everybody should look at a mere and may be reasons were losing faith because are not doing it fairly and appropriately in the american people can see that. liz: kelly armstrong, thank you for joining us, it's good to see you. still ahead the details on how republicans reportedly will go scorched the against democrats after former president trump's conviction. plus we have the federalist dean your legal correspondent margo cleveland hunter biden's criminal trial on gun charges
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kicking off today, opening statement in the first witness testified that the president son faces up to 25 years in prison, plus this news coming and house ways and means chair jason smith reportedly says he will send a criminal referral to the justice department against hunter biden for allegedly lying to congress, all of this coming up on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization.
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liz: hunter biden back in court for the opening round it is criminal trial on federal gun charges, david spunt joins us live outside of the courthouse in wilmington, delaware with the update, good to see you. >> the court is over for day to, prosecutors opened up by telling jurors that no one is above the law no matter what your name is even if it's biden and delaware and while you can't help them make a choice about being a drug addict you can make a choice
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when you allegedly lie on a form and say you're not addicted to drugs when you want to buy a g gun, hunter biden did that precisely in 2018. he arrived at court with his wife also on tap was joe biden, the first lady and hunter sister ashley, the first witness was on the stand as of tomorrow morning for cross-examination fbi erica jensen who joined the case last fall 2235 years after the alleged crime that happened in 2018 she said her job was to tie hunter's addiction into the. when he bought the gun, his audiobook was played in court it was a dramatic moment with jurors hearing his own words discussing his addiction and texting his sister-in-law holly biden one day after purchasing the biden saying he was meeting with the drug dealer behind the local baseball park, abbe lowell told the jury he was abusing
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alcohol not drugs but he bought a small handgun that he owned for 11 days, hunter was rushed by a local salesclerk looking to make a quick buck, the prosecution could not establish a proper chain of custody of a gun pouch that is alleged to be cocaine residue, remember i mentioned holly biden the widow of his hunter bowe who was in a relationship with in a relationship with hunter, abbe lowell says that hallie biden panicked when she found the gun in hunter's car, put in the pouch, threw it in a garbage can outside of a local grocery st store, the prosecution says someone was rummaging through the trash, found the gun, the don was entered into evidence where it's been for five years, also pulled out from evidence of the past five years hunter's laptop the infamous laptop that we learned about in october 2020 was physically shown in court for a few seconds, not plugged in and was not turned on, exhibits were presented but the actual laptop was presented to
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show that it does exist. liz: david spunt, thank you for your terrific coverage, joining is now lawyer in the senior correspondent for the federalist margo cleveland, it's good to see you again thank you for joining us, what is your reaction to the trial. >> i think so far what we are seeing is a stark contrast between the circus that was going on in manhattan, this is very methodical and then focusing on evidence and focusing on evidence that is connecting hunter's purchase of the gun two times when he by his own words was using and addicted to drugs. liz: there's that and there's also this, if you could take this on, house ways and means chairman jason smith reportedly plans to criminally refer hunter biden to the justice department to lying to congress he accused hunter biden of lying under oath in his closed-door deposition to
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congress earlier this year end obstructing a congressional investigation into the biden family international influence peddling scheme, what do you make of this one. >> the gun charge is really just a portion of all the criminality that has been out there in the evidence that has been out th there, we are not seeing any criminal charges related to the international business dealings and sound like we have congress trying to get involved. i don't think there's going to be much that comes of that unfortunately congress does not have the same capabilities of the prosecutors. we will have to see how that does proceed. liz: they don't control the senate, that's a problem for republicans, the republicans say in the house they have been obstructed every step of the way, chairman smith saying hunter biden lying under oath of
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the what's app text message where he threatened his business partner to pay up in their business deal and his father joe biden was sitting next to him in hunter claim to message the wrong person but records show the two had been messaging each other for months, the thing is, hunter biden and his partners launched 16 off-balance sheet show companies when he was vice president to handle the cash flow from overseas that we here surpassed $24 million, there is something like 20 overall shell companies, 16 launched when joe was vice president, this is corruption obligation that we were talking about, final word there is so much that is not been explored, the focus being on the gun case were not seen what should've been investigated a long time ago not just the corruption of hunter biden but it goes back to joe biden in the laptop of the jury today was a
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linchpin of connecting the big guy to this corruption. i have to say it's very satisfying to see the budgeted administration department of justice authenticating the laptop that joe biden is 51 pals in the intelligence community and russian disinformation, now we see is nothing else. , thank you for joining us, look who's here, house majority whip tom emmer it's good to see you, president biden for the first time campaigned on colleen trump a convicted felon, critics have been saying president biden has only done scripted campaign events. he made more gaffes and blunders in a new interview with "time" magazine. he is attacking trump on the campaign trail as his undoing trumps foreign policy, look at this he confused putin with xi
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jinping and said putin decided to go into russia, also confuse taiwan with south korea and claimed wage increases have exceeded the cost of inflation, your word on this. >> you clearly have a president and decline, human being and decline, literally he is getting crushed by donald trump all across the country, they are afraid of what's going to happen in november when the real verdict is rendered by the american people and donald trump is reelected to the white house. trump supporters are outraged with what they're saying is an unconstitutional court conviction that will likely be overturned on appeal, is this true usa today republican lawmakers and senators are plunging revenge, they want to stop all democrat priorities, block biden's nominees from approval and block any additional spending that does
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not adjust national security, democrats in the senate likely to block all of this, is this true, where the cisco. >> a thicker speaker said it very clearly we need to explore all avenues to hold the lawless administration, the corrupt administration accountable, accountable not just for what they're doing in washington, d.c. but for this farce that they co-engineered in manhattan when you have called angelo the u.s. justice department lawyer that is suddenly employed by alvin rag prosecution team, you have all kinds of red flags. americans i want to point out something american see this two-tiered sham form of justice. it's not just trump supporters these are americans what these people are attacking joe biden and all of his partisan radicals
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and what they're attacking is the fabric of what makes this country great. it's called the rule of law and they have decided to take it and pointed at their political adversary in the american people are too smart for that and they rendered their verdict. >> are republicans going to act we're hearing house lawmakers for example led by jim jordan he is going to call and asked the manhattan prosecuted da alvin bragg and matthew calendula to come in for questioning, there is talk that you get a defense special counsel jack smith's office and cut funding to that he is overseeing the classified documents case of the 2020 case and federal funding for prosecution including the office of d.a. bragg, fulton county font he will listen new york attorney general letitia james in case they get any federal money are you going to cut funding for that? >> let's start where you started jim jordan in his judiciary committee they are doing everything that they can
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including what you pointed out that they have summoned alvin bragg and mr. calendula before the committee next week. we will see if they show up subpoenas may have to be issued we may have to follow the progress much like we've been dealing with the white house it was trying to slow walk everything. when it comes to anything else our speaker has said that everything is on the table and it comes to the power of the purse and we need to restore the power of the purse to the house. liz: congressman emmer enke for joining us it's good to see you, come back soon. still ahead congressman dan meuser from house financial services and former national security council officer rich goldberg for taking on the story, families of american hostages held by hamas terrorists in gaza speaking out on capitol hill, they say bring them home and congress is now bracing for large boycotts, protest and disruption of
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu address to congress, this is a story about moral clarity, this is about getting rid of vicious hamas terrorists. first let's check in with dagen and sean, what you have coming up. >> a great show coming up, we knew all along was joe biden could secure the border or make an effort, he took a little bitty step, we have monica crowley. >> gianno caldwell and tommy layering to talk about left-wing hackery loses mega millions, the washington post newsroom here is that and throws as snit fit that the good have to change their ways, boo-hoo and congressman jeff vander on merrick garland's testimony and biden d.o.j. sending a 75-year-old woman to prison for two years for praying in front of an abortion clinic,, if you punch somebody in the face you don't even get
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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liz: let's welcome to the show congressman dan meuser national security council official richard goldberg he was also director of iranian weapons of mass destruction while at the nsc, let's start with you, thank you both for joining us tonight,
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is president biden tough enough on the vicious hamas terrorist backed by iran families of eight american hostages spoke out on capitol hill today, here is the update is real says of the 124 hostages hamas still has anywhere from 41 - 43 have died, what do you think of the biden white house. >> the policy has been broken since day one we've been pumping iran the chief sponsor of hamas with billions of dollars since october 7, none of that has changed this by october 7 or the death of three americans killed by every and back proxies and jordan. we have continued to praise the qatari's and power that qatari's even though they harbor and sponsor hamas then we put pressure on the israelis to make concessions at the table, if we understand the hamas took hostages to have an insurance.
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liz: were having technical difficulties, but turned to congressman buser, what do you think this is about liberating gossip from brutal terrorists to viciously attack women, men and children and now congress is bracing for potentially large protest and disruption of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's address to congress there is no official date we heard next week but apparently that has been postponed, what is going to happen here. >> the visit from benjamin netanyahu in the israelis has been postponed. i do expect it will not just be prime minister benjamin netanyahu but it will be a number of members of the knesset because this is an israeli position not just benjamin netanyahu position, divided a administration first of all president biden completely overreached and overstepped and misstated the peace plan, meanwhile just as rich was stating your bolstering of the
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one supporting hamas and hezbollah and allowing them to sell oil in enriching themselves. i don't think there's ever been a more botched situation and position from an administration, we have some problems, what we need to do is not undermine israel we need to support israel, hamas terrorist groups who murdered 1200 israelis need to return the hostages and at that point, the israelis will deal with the continued leadership of thomas that calls for the destruction and elimination of israel, maybe that doesn't include all of hamas and certainly not all of gaza but those who were calling for the destruction of israel need to be eliminated. liz: congressman we should report that chicago's office of the inspector general for that
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city is warning that chicago and his police department are not prepared, they are unprepared for protesters potentially descending on the dnc convention in chicago in august. this issue is really bedeviling the biden campaign the biden white house, take the final word on this we are going to wrap it up, where do we go from here. >> the dnc notice is really instructive because israel is negotiating to get its hostages home. hamas is negotiating for the survival, the biden administration is negotiating to in the encampments inside of his own party, that is what the problem is here. if we had a president who stood up to the left wing crazy flank that will show up in chicago we might have israel's back in the hostages home by now. liz: i'll give you the final ten seconds. we need to deal from strength,
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we need to strengthen america therefore we strengthen our allies and we can't turn our back on our allies, israel is a very significant ally, hamas is a terrorist group and we need to deal with it in that manner. thank you for joining us tonight, still ahead fox news contributor author and columnist joe concha republicans are outraged, they are seething voters are too, trump supporters are mad that president trump's conviction now they are talking about filing lawsuits against the hilary clinton campaign, plus msnbc pundits ataxia and legal analyst allie hoehn negative for detailing what many legal authorities and pros are saying are the constitutional problems and issues in trump's guilty verdict. we are taking it on on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. ♪
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elizabeth: let's congress joe concha. good to see you again. thanks for joining us. so, what is your take. lawmakers like congressman mike collins reportedly saying it is time for red state attorneys general and das to get busy in the courts. what do you think? >> this is the unfortunate went cen cents -- consequence of trump trial and verdict, now it will be back and forth, in other words, you fire your weapon now we'll fire our weapon in terms of using justice system. i would rather republicans, i know some may want to hear it, i rather republicans and
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donald trump focus on 2024 the election in november. and try to win as far as the presidency as far as winning back the senate, which is very plus able and keeping the house that the best revenge, trump said this week, my revenge will be success, that is what we should focus on, not doing what the democrats did which is the most antid demographic thing a party could have done. don't go down that road, focus on the issues and what is best for american people. elizabeth: to msnbc legal talking heads andrew weisman attack cnn senior legal analyst, hoenig, basically raised the constitutional issues and other problems with manhattan d.a. practicingth's case against former president trump. -- bragg's case against former president trump. saying that what hoenig is right, my friendbil billy
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rappaport said this is. what do you think? >> good for honing. i watched past 6 weeks and media coverage, as felt as far as legal analysts on other networks he was most subjective, i don't see much distance between honig, and turley and mccarthy, that is a good thing, he called it as high saw it. but be clear there is no one, no one, on msnbc who should lecture anyone about anything. when it comes to being honest and objective to do that, to be in the position to contribute you have to have sanity and credible die, that is the so-called pit bull that pushed trump -- for years now he is
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lek lecturing people on the rule of law. small and first time t donors. people see this for what it was, politically motivated, web ope weaponnization of the justice system. elizabeth: sounds like you have talked to a lot of people, they are saying that. >> i have looked at polls, i don't see this big movement. if i told you 10 years ago, a former president was running for president again and convicted of 34 felonies, would say that is it, i do not see polls moving but you see fundraising. elizabeth: joe concha terrific, watch us tomorrow night. thank you for watching on "the evening edit," we send it to dagen and sean. dagen: thanks emac. elizabeth: sur


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