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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  June 5, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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ashley: i will go with the earliest one, 1938. >> 1943. >> i wasn't born during any of these answers. 1948. stuart: i was born in 1948. stuart: you got it right. the man of steel was introduced in june 1938 in action comics number one, created by jerry siegel and joe shuster. superman is known as the first superhero. so now you know. lauren: there's a lot of superman in my house. my son is 6 and he is into superman. stuart: out of time. >> 3, 2, one, ignition.
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and lift off of star liner and atlas 5 carrying two american heroes. neil: a boeing rocket in the space, good for boeing or, good for the united states, good for another option for hitching rides to get into space, the international space station. these are the exciting new days. if you are in space and into technology and the technology read nasdaq which is rocketing into record territory, 13th records this year. welcome, i am neil cavuto. i love rocket launchers, not long ago we weren't doing that and it seemed everyone else in the world on the planet was. but now the markets seem to like this. the tech heavy nasdaq likes this. let's get a read from dan
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johnson, asset manager. some of the stocks that are shooting for the stars, done with the space and analogies. it is basic cable. it is what i do. how do you look at this market? >> it is being driven by the largest tech names, nvidia, microsoft, et cetera and that's a question how big those companies are compared to the rest of the market. the largest companies, 30%, a third of %, 1/3 of a market, extraordinarily high leading. as they go up, they exert a disproportionate impact, to say nothing else is doing it. they've gotten so large, hard for everyone else to keep up. adam: how do we keep up? in and out of all time highs,
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and some are worried they don't want to miss something but are they overplaying that? >> the general agreement is this is a transformative technology and will take time to play out. neil: ain general? >> ain general and it will take time to play out and it will be over and there will be a misalignment of capital and people will lose money. nvidia, microsoft, demand is slowing down anyway. neil: think about it, six weeks ago, teasing 5% on the 10 year, that is remarkable in itself.
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everyone, the market is doing it. what do you think? >> not just th one specific market is the commodity market. there is not an insignificant relationship for a number of reasons but now, oil is exerting a disproportionate impact. as oil has come off of its highs, demand is still pretty robust. as oil comes off of its highs, there's a risk maybe we've seen for now the top of interest rates. stuart: the drop in rates, the slowdown, what do you think of that? >> things are slowing down but we have to view that in the back half of last year, and we have a 5%, 3% growth rate in
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the growth quarter. hard to imagine, and nuance to that. it is one% or 2%, slow down but from an investment standpoint, doesn't mean stocks can't go up or interest rates can't go up or commodities can't go up but independents. the backdrop is slowing down. the risk asset landscape. stuart: don't wander far. a lot of hedge fund managers itching to get out of new york and build in exchange in dallas. in the meantime, and in effect right now, haven't notice a difference in traffic at the border. i'm not at the border. jackie heinrich at the border, the president is halfway around
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the world at the normandy celebration. what do you think? >> reporter: the president is getting very little praise from republicans who say he waited too long to exercise the authority available to him since his inauguration and he's not getting love from parts of his base. the aclu is suing him, and progressives voiced what a lot of her colleagues are feeling. >> i'm disappointed, the same frame as donald trump at a time we need to make a distinction between donald trump and joe biden. >> reporter: the president defended his position saying doing nothing is not an option. the american people dealing with this crisis is wearing thin, outlining how the executive action biden took is different from trump's ban on majority muscle countries which
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was overturned by the courts. >> there are lawful pathways in an orderly and humane way, the president gone further than any president, generally knows lawful pathways so people looking to come here to this country with legitimate claim to come here can do so effectively. it is night and today the difference between the policies in this administration and the last one. >> reporter: one thing, the same statue toward policy into effect but it was overturned. the president said this was necessary to gain control of the border which is a stunning acknowledgment giving top officials including his dhs secretary and assisted for the last 3 and a half years the border is secure and they had operational control of it. it is also a reversal from claims that he had done all he could. >> president biden: this will help us gain control of the border, restore order to the process. this band, remain in place until the number of people trying to enter illegally is
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reduced to a level the system can effectively manage. >> reporter: the us has equipped the surge threshold so the asylum system is shut down. folks who come in illegally will be deported and face a 5-year ban on reentry unless they are unaccompanied minor, heightened standard of credible fear or have some permission to come in. adam: this is a 180 from what candidate biden said about donald trump's asylum policy, this is essentially the same. >> reporter: they used the same statute to get it done. neil: jackie heinrich at the white house. i had a chance to catch up with alejandro mayorkas on policies he insists are working.
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in the meantime, give him an opportunity to respond to this key mayorkas view. some people think will be an on-again off-again approach to dealing with the mess at the border, working at like clockwork. >> reporter: it will be immediately in effect and then, if we experience seven consecutive calendar days where the average number of encounters each day is below 1500, 14 days after the seventh day we will reopen and if, in fact, in fact, the number of encounters thereafter is 2500 or more for 7 consecutive days we have the authority to again
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implement this bar which we would do. neil: i didn't understand it then, i don't understand it now. we wanted you to hear it. robert armani, the texas marshal retired deputy chief. you heard what he was saying, we have a system in place that gets 2500, things shutdown, 1500 or below, open things up again. unless you have an active system it will be hard to police. >> the bottom line, the bottom line is they are going to continue coming across, don't care what the numbers are, they will continue coming across and that's a problem. the bigger problem, we don't know anything about them. when they are dangerous criminals.
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gangs from venezuela, including murder, the other concern, there are terrorists who use this as an opportunity to come into our country and i really be leave they are planning to attack us, that's a problem. what makes it worse is our country has facilitated them to come into our country. i am training law enforcement officers and i can tell you, the morale is down because agents on the border know that morality is down but officers throughout the country having to deal with the affects of undocumented migrants in our country. neil: the ones who are here let alone controlling it now at the border. we don't know to your point.
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one thing i want to get from you is how this proceeds, likely to be slapped down by a court, the policies of donald trump were slapped down by courts, that happens to presidents. could be a new point very soon. >> absolutely. history shows there's probably going to be shut down. that is unfortunate. people who are trying to come into the country know that so they won't slow down. they are coming in, law and disorder get struck down. we will be back where it wants. it is unfortunate but i don't see anything changing until they affect change on the border, securing the border and prevent people from coming into the country illegally. neil: always good talking to you.
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in the meantime remember the congestion pricing things that was set to go at the end of this month, startling department after covering this on the show yesterday, people on both sides of the hudson river are not keen on this including new jersey, gouging new jersey drivers, new york metropolitan immediate area and those elsewhere trying to get back to new york city, low and behold, this statement a few minutes ago. take a look. >> a $15 charge may not seem like a lot to someone who has the means but could break the budget of a hard-working or middle-class household. put the squeeze on the people who make the city go. the teachers, first responders, small business workers, bodega
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owners, given these financial pressures, i cannot add to create another obstacle to our continued recovery. neil: you're welcome. we did that segment yesterday to talk about uighur drivers, truck drivers, business types, everyone getting affected by this, not keen on the prospect of having $37-$57 tolls to have to pay to say nothing of minimum $15, they are reassessing because we thought we should know what's going on. in the meantime, when taking ourselves seriously, house speaker mike johnson is responding to developments at the border and reacting to the fact we are back in space in a big way.
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hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so the first time i ever seen a golo advertisement, i said, "yeah, whatever. there's no way this works like this." and threw it to the side. a couple weeks later, i seen it again after getting not so pleasant news from my physician. i was 424 pounds, and my doctor was recommending weight loss surgery. to avoid the surgery, i had to make a change. so i decided to go with golo and it's changed my life. when i first started golo and taking release, my cravings, they went away. and i was so surprised. you feel that your body is working and functioning the way it should be and you feel energized. golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> status check. go atlas, go since her. costar liner. godspeed, butch and suni. neil: it took off without a
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hitch, without a problem. tomorrow it docked with the international space station. i don't want to rain on any parade but the same rocket, and unmanned version of it trying to dock with the international space station couldn't do it sometime ago. they fixed these problems but the fact of the matter is we had so many options for getting astronauts into space, to the iss or you name it, from the days we were hitching rides with the russians. jonathan seri at kennedy space center. you can tell his passion for this stuff because he is like a fellow astronaut. i love your coverage earlier, it's the sound of it all. >> you really do in europe close, 3 miles away from the launch site, and incredible the
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land a few seconds later, that you can feeling your chest. a proud day for america. they had steel nerves and then got emotional. mission commander. will more lead the team in prar and minutes before lunch reflected on how seeing all the american flags waving on the way to the launch site made both astronauts think about the unity which they saw reflected in everyone involved with this mission. >> this nation's for fathers envisioned people committed to god, family, country, people who use their gifts and talents for the common good and are passionate. >> reporter: before today's
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successful outcome of the star liner spacecraft faced multiple dnas to the parachute system, some flammable insulation tape had to be removed from of the capital. a small helium leak had to be investigated, and a malfunctioning relief valve on the rocket struck the first launch attempt in may and a second attempt last saturday was struck because of a power problem with one of the backup ground computers. are pretty much according to plan. 's are liars expected to dock with the international space station midday tomorrow and astronauts spend a week in low earth orbit testing this new spacecraft. if all goes well, nasa will have a second commercial option for shuttling astronauts to and from the international space station. neil: that alone is wonderful news. your enthusiasm is contagious. with us is former assistant director of space policy at the
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white house, i probably butchered it, apologize for that, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me, happy a launch day. it is a momentous occasion today. it is a delight to see the success of the boeing team, the nasa team, lots of other teams and small businesses that have worked on this mission for the better part of a decade. neil: what is amazing about this, a lot of close friends on the space coast as they call it in florida, look at launch is almost every other night. i'm exaggerating but to make the point, we are busy with his this. where do you think it is all going? >> this is american ingenuity taking us to the frontier that we have always held and will continue to hold as we have
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more large companies shuttling not just astronauts but cargo to the international space station. we are in a very exciting and emerging time for the private sector in space where they are taking over a lot of innovations usually done within the government. this is a great opportunity to start taking the reins from the government. as we have seen with previous launch provider and now with boeing, the more options the better. neil: this is elin musk, an area he dominates, between space x and its crew dragon capital, 13 flights flying 50 humans into space. star liner is just getting going, but how did he get to the point of owning this? >> takes a lot of hard work. neil: and money.
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>> being disappointed for 3 seconds and resolving the problem and going again. that is what you see through the efforts of these resilient teams. neil: we choose astronauts whether jeff baeza's and what he is doing, how are they decided? does each rocket company pick its astronauts? star liner's case, done in conjunction with boeing and nasa, they both have a mutual role, how are astronauts picked out? there's a great deal of interest. >> what you hear -- you have a private company with contracts with nasa, providing rides to nasa astronauts who are very
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well trained, marines and air force pilots and others, to go to the international space station. on the other side, you have private citizens, most are american but others are from other nations, some pay to fly, some are recommended, some compete in competitions on commercial ride and became astronauts. what we are seeing is the beginning of an opportunity quite like the early days of aviation, to go to space on a field trip. neil: along away from going to the moon. you are too young to remember that but it was funny for me at the time. thank you, good seeing you. should be very proud of those who made it possible. in the meantime we are talking
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about exchanges from new york not necessarily into space but dallas, texas. hedge fund managers and some other rich guys are contemplating that after this. ♪ tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly.
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neil: new york is not a cheap place to say, not the dallas hasn't gotten expensive itself but a lot of hedge fund managers in new york not only moving their own investment firms to cheaper or less criminal confines, but looking at the possibility of taking the big board and doing their own version of that. dan greenhouse is asset manager and what did you think, talking about wanting to take your operational investment to florida and all that but a lot of the same guys are saying we can extend that to the exchanges because the exchanges, with all their policies is nuts. >> important for viewers to remember the stock exchange is not a central location for trading as it was in in the 80s and 90s and 2000s.
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you don't have to have a presence on the floor the way you used to. the 4 -- neil: we are showing our age here. >> a lot of hedge funds left the new york new jersey connecticut locations. a lot of managers camped out in miami and dallas so there's no great adherence to new york as a central location for anything but you touched on the most important point that rules and regulations that come from a listing in certain exchanges and i possess no inside information outside the wall street journal but from anecdotal conversations with various people, those can be onerous and stifling to some people so that's the number one reason why if you were going to do something you would do
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something. neil: would it be cheaper? so much of this, the location is secondary. >> if you are a high-frequency trading firm location does matter. those milliseconds will matter in terms of your ability. neil: the assumption the stock exchange would do that. >> if you are a normal hedge fund that doesn't matter. proximity doesn't matter. it becomes aware can i go to raise capital, to list my company, trade my stocks without having outside influence on decision-making and if you make the list, that becomes interesting to the extent the stock exchange to some people might require things listing somewhere else,
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giving you secondary avenue. neil: the markets no matter where you are doing trading are on fire, technology has been on fire. do you ever worry we are getting past our skis here? >> you should always where you are getting past your skis but the worry would be roughly 1/3 of the market is comprised of a few important companies. these companies are not one company. apple is four companies, google is five companies, microsoft is 50 companies, not just one company but a select few companies driving gains, they are so big compared to every one else. those 5 or 6 companies are as large as the bottom 400. neil: they are disproportionately by another share, just the surge has made
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you almost entirely central. >> to be clear, it not to say there's nothing else to do, any number, several high level trades that can be doing quite well, everyone is focused on semiconductors and you have to build data centers, so what is going to build data centers, someone is going to provide that power, got to cool the data centers because they get very hot. someone will cool the data centers. all this second derivative trades on the ai theme, amd or nvidia, doing extremely well. neil: this internet boom all over again. they are making money hand over fist back then.
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a lot of companies have yet to prove that. i wonder how you relate that? >> the stark difference is you are not trading on eyeballs, meaningful revenue generation for larger companies including ancillary plays, there's revenue, earnings, net income, this is not, they are making plenty of money. and the comparison in 90s, everyone jumps right to 1999-2,000, there are six years of build out leading up to the blowoff in 1999, the best analogy i can give you is the netscape ipo akin to the release of open ai, it was in 1995 and there were five years
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thereafter buildout in telecom and cables and infrastructures that were built and for market did well. neil: you are showing that. >> they did quite well for many years. earlier in this process. neil:s were roaring period. these are valid points. history that you have to know about. great seeing you. in the meantime, congestive pricing is in effect in new york. may be maybe not so fast. for those fearing $70 tolls, after this. ♪ ♪
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when i think about purpose, i don't know if st. jude donors realize the magnitude of what they are doing. their donations are funding the research. the research is allowing for the treatments to happen. and those treatments provide cures. and the cures are allowing patients to get to grow up and live amazing lives all around the world.
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i'm trevor and i lost 132 pounds on golo. at 26 years old my doctor wanted to put me on medication and i wasn't having that. i tried other diets and they just didn't work didn't last. release worked fast. after a week i had more energy, mental clarity, and my cravings were gone. i've lost 132 pounds and i will never, ever, gain that weight back. thanks to golo. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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neil: this takes a big bite out of people, doesn't matter if you are taking mass transit. >> for us specifically, more focused on the impact of the trucking industry.
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passenger vehicles, $15 per day, south of 60th st. but for the trucking industry, charged anywhere from $24-$36 depending on the size of the truck, every time you enter the zone. the industry will trickle down to consumers. neil: that is what it would have been, new york trying to kick around the deal with the traffic and the then all of a sudden they realize $15 to get in, 36 or more, some numbers up to $70 depending on time of day, getting about truckers saying how are we in this, got to deliver the goods into the city. long and short of it is such an uproar, more than just coincidental, pushing congestion pricing delay, indicating how much further back, but as i like to remind america, you work, america.
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the new york state senator looking at this and raising pricing concerns, why don't you help us? what does this mean now? delay doesn't mean dean i. it is coming. >> this is news to me, woke up and saw the reports, the governor putting a pause on congestion pricing. we are trying to make sense of it all. i've never met anyone that thought a cleaner environment and better transit was a losing proposition. folks have a lot of concern about congestion pricing and benefits that are supposed to come from the program and they make it up in change. a lot of us, a little pause and concern, years in the making, a defense system in need of investment. driving into the city, it's a miserable experience. .of anyone who loves that for that matter who wants to
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consider the status quo. this is being sorted out. neil: i don't think the governor knew the details. some of those ticket prices, surprised folks. are you kidding me, traffickers have to get in the city, hotels and grocery stores. and i was struck by the number of people, the governor didn't know about it. >> the legislature adopted this 5 years ago. the review process for public comment, public comment after that by the mta. >> plenty of time to your point, you are worried now that under this pressure, the
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governor could stop it all together. certainly from new jersey governor and the connecticut governor saying what are you doing? where do you think this goes? >> i don't know. i am concerned what was announced today. the governor, is it fair that i as a new york resident have to pay tolls every time i drive on a jersey road. the argument is really fanciful. we have to share the burden and cost of a transit system, we will see where this goes. the governor, pausing indefinitely and we assess our options to see how to move forward to clean the environment, listen congestion, bring the transit system up to the 21st century where it belongs. neil: as a new jersey and, i
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can tell you that toll is worth every penny if you drive that beautiful new jersey turnpike. you have that moment to appreciate it. >> and that traffic, yeah. neil: we will see what happens. in chicago they are dealing with separate you should like revitalizing their downtown. a crime issue. $115 million, kelly has been with fox business six or seven months. you live in this very neighborhood they want to revitalize. >> reporter: property developers are offering one hundred $50 million to convert four commercial buildings in the downtown area to one thousand apartments. one big reason for this push is many people still work from home and companies choosing to downsize often space. many landlords are facing higher interest rates and finding it difficult to
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refinance that debt. looking at the las vegas hearings in the metro areas around the country for april 2024. according to commercial detroit, 29%, san francisco at 26%, houston, 24%, chicago, 19%, back here in manhattan, 18%. looking at where the proposal is taking place, chicago, paris pandemic the downtown area we are referring to was 13. 8%. %. it is 25, a little over 25. it is interesting because i lived there. it's not a desirable place to live. when i tell somebody i live there, they have this reaction. it will be interesting to see how the midtown of chicago flourishes or if it even does, with all these apartments being built. it might not be the best idea, but we will see what happens.
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a lot of things close down post pandemic. there's not a ton to do their. on the weekends, a lot of office space. could be a complete transformation. it is also cheaper to live in il: great stuff.le areas. good to have you here. in the meantime, president biden arrived in france, but he is there for the normandy anniversary tomorrow, june 6th. he put a lid on his activity. nothing else. after this. investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. but at t. rowe price, we're letting curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare. and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow.
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>> welcome back to cavuto coast-to-coast, wall street journal article sources 45 people who have known president biden for years calling into question his mental acuity. despite that, several hours on the ground, president biden hasn't done anything and isn't going to do anything in public the rest of today despite an assurance from the national security advisor on air force one, that this is action-packed. >> it is going to be action-packed, extremely moving and extremely important three days in france, with business, speeches and an opportunity for him to say thank you directly to veterans who saved democracy, saved the free world and set the stage for the decades of peace and prosperity that followed. >> this wall street journal piece that they are taking issue with include the story from mike johnson recalling
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recent meeting about biden canceling liquid national gas permit for planet reasons, saying you're helping vladimir putin, johnson pulled the president, according to one of the people briefed on the exchange, biden said that wasn't true when the new policy was only a study according to several people familiar with johnson's version of what happened. johnson was dismayed that biden appeared to have forgotten details from his own policies. president biden is going to head to normandy, france, for the eightieth anniversary of d-day. it is expected to be the last milestone featuring or including d-day survivors. there are only 100 still alive which at some point we expect president biden to talk to volodymyr zelenskyy, the themes of protecting democracy in europe are going to be on display as well. neil: spectacular backdrop. peter doocy.
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we've got francesca chambers with us. the president called a lid, his arrival in paris, is that unusual? >> john kirby said there were internal meetings, include an official meeting with the ukrainian president as well as the big speech tomorrow, the white house framing this as arriving in paris and a busy few days. neil: he didn't take questions after the immigration crackdown but passionate about this for a lot of people represents a 180 so it could be a chance to
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expound on, he doesn't do that. >> he did take one question about israel on his way out of the event. it was an interesting set up, elected officials standing behind him. in front of him, reporters, standing room only. a little bit of a different set up but it was not a press conference to your point. about the policy i will note senior officials did you and they earlier in the day on background on the policy report but there are a number of questions remaining including about the enforcement and expected to be legal challenges as well. neil: something to the effect that a lot of leaders are telling president biden you got to beat donald trump, last
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thing we want is to see him back in the white house. what did you make of that? >> with respect to the former president, president biden has taken a different tack since the trial took place. we heard him be more vocal against trump when it pertains to legal issues. he stayed away from those because the white house didn't want it to look like he was interfering in any way and the legal challenges now that that is passed, and we head towards the debate, we've heard him start to lean into it and take a harder line on that. another thing he's done in the past several weeks is he started to lean into trying to get his base riled up and trying to get them to vote in this election. neil: i want to go to jackie deangelis.


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