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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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you know it is interesting because utilities begin to do very well when those 10-year treasury yields come down. when they do well, historically been a pattern they're signaling that the yields are going to come down because after all, they offer tremendous yields for their investors. however, they have also been part of the beneficiaries of a.i. because as you said, a.i., they need more and more power for delivering the processing of generative a.i. it will be a huge process. [closing bell rings] but the data centers will be gi-normous. -- liz: gi-normous. quincy, thank you very much. gang, tomorrow, robinhood co-founder. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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well, there is a key question that is going to decide the election over the summer as voters make up your minds, are you better off than you were four years ago? steve forbes and kellyanne conway on that in just a few moments but first up, our very own edward lawrence has some details on joe biden's sinking economy. edward, my goodness, what can you tell us? >> reporter: you know the president is, has a very light schedule today in paris, france, his first day there. in fact he has got nothing on his schedule today. they called the lid very early this morning although world leader are nearby. people have been telling us at meeting with staffs he is overseas while you have these domestic issues at home. poll after poll show former president trump is doing much better when it comes to the economy specifically. voters see gdp that slowed in the first quarter of this year. prices, 19% higher than when president biden came into office and sticky inflation. you see the double-digit lead on all of them now, plus the crime,
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when you add it all up, celebrity chef and restaurant owner andrew gruel says it is a tough business environment. >> businesses have to suffer because of all the crime in their surrounding communities. businesses go down, regulations piled up. almost if the bureaucrats, many working remotely, sat at home trying to make up insignificant regulations that students and retail would ultimately have to follow. and then taxes you can't tax your way out of this, but for some reason the governments continue to think that they can. businesses and restaurants are the ones ultimately paying through the black hole which there is never an end. >> reporter: this hour small business owners possibly shedding that vote come november. then the one-two punch, the president's economic policies as well as his policies on the border that allowed eight million people to cross illegally since he came into office. this also put him underwater by double digits in some cases in all cases on the polls. the president's campaign must be
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looking at this and trying to figure out how to turn these numbers around. larry? larry: you are right, edward lawrence thank you ever so much, we appreciate it. are you better off than you were four years ago, that is the subject of tonight's riff, are you better off than you were four years ago? the fellow who perhaps most famelously asked this question, to great effect was ronald reagan, take a listen. >> next tuesday all of you will go to the polls. you will stand there in the polling place and make a decision. i think when you make that decision it might be well if you would ask yourself, are you better off than you were four years ago? larry: there you have it. maybe more to the point, are you better off during the entire trump presidency or during the entire biden term? those questions will be key point in upcoming debate between trump and biden on
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june 27th, really just a couple weeks away. virtually every poll shows voters believe they were better off during trump's term than bidens. the former president runs 20 percentage points ahead whenever this question is asked virtually by ever poll. one of the most basic indicators for working folks how much income they're making adjusted for taxes and inflation. can they pay their bills in other words? it is the ultimate kitchen table issue. you can't use gdp or other top-down macro indicators when you go to the grocery store or the gas station or pay the electricity bill or the phone company or the cable man. take-home pay is what ronald reagan called it. here is some representative numbers. real wages during the trump years increased by nearly $6,000 for the average family. for the biden years, that key number fell $2000. that is nearly an 8,000-dollar
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swing in trump's favor. now inflation under trump rose 1.9% annually, but over 6% annually under biden. even worse, maybe more important, the level of consumer prices rose almost 20% under joe biden but only increased 7% under trump. during the biden years, groceries up 21%, gasoline, 45%, electricity up 27%, new an used cars up almost 20%. shelter and rent up over 20%. these are all killers and that's what people think about. with biden-flation, interest rates have soared. mortgage rates over 7%. car loans running around 10. credit cards 25 to 30%. these high personal borrowing costs they're also killers,
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essentially, working folks cannot afford the biden economy. that is why mr. trump runs 20 points ahead of him on that issue. now there is another comprehensive measure called household wealth. that includes all your cash, the value of your home, your stocks, then subtract out the money you other people, your debt. there is about 135 million americans in the stock market and home prices have risen but it turns out household wealth rose 16% after inflation during the trump term, 16%. under biden, household wealth rose less than 1%. that's another killer. we haven't exhausted everything on this subject or the debate but trump has a decided advantage. folks did better while he was in the white house. i'll tell you what, of all these probably the most important one
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for predicting the presidential election race according to leading political scientists down through the years and you know what else? people tend to make up their mind and lock in their decision more or less right now between early summer and september labor day. by september, their minds are completely made up, even though there is still a bunch of weeks before the election. i would say right now, advantage mr. trump by a sizable margin. that's my riff. all right? we'll talk some more about this whole subject. joining me now we have steve forbes, founder, editor-in-chief of forbes media. we have kellyanne conway, former counselor to president trump and fox news contributor. welcome to both of you. kellyanne, you can look at it, four years, you can look at it, i like to look at it over the terms of both presidencies. people have a better sense of
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that, but you've done a lot of great polling on this, consumer attitudes, business attitudes and so forth. i just named a few indicators. help me out on this. what are you looking at regarding the election? >> those indicators are important because they are felt by the average consumer. larry, people say that everyday life is increasingly unaffordable and they lay it at the feet of joe biden and hits policies, not his lack of acuity, a guilt, ability, energy, his actual policies. they can report back to you that prices have risen. what started out with a conversation about gas and groceries three years ago, really has evolved into a fuller conversation about the following facts, mortgage rates have tripled under joe biden. mortgage payments have doubled over joe biden. rent has gone up roughly 20%. car insurance up 46%. home insurance up 38%. when you start to add up all these little monthly, quarterly, annual bills, they're eating
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away at whatever age growth you've been able to, able to realize. so people feel that they're underwater economically and they have a nexus, they connect it right back to joe biden. early on he blamed putin, he blamed covid, he blamed the supply chain shocks on everyone else. people, the problem for joe biden when they think of him, they think inflation. when they think of donald trump they think of prosperity. there is no question record unemployment rates among african-americans, hispanics, young people, veterans. record wage growth. there was a time in 2019, pre-covid larry you recall, you were the head of the nec at the white house we had the highest wage growth per household we had ever realized in sometime. why is that? because your wages went up but the prices did not go up. so people know that it is simple math. i hope that president trump will take an opportunity to just calmly relate the record, give people that binary choice. here's the last point. economics "bidenomics" as we
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tested it comes down to excessive government spending, spending money we don't have on things we don't need. if they plug joe biden into ev charges at debate, trump can sail forward, talks about tax cuts, energy, deregulation he will do exactly what he did in the next four years than he did in the previous four. he is ahead 20 points on this issue, nationwide, also, larry, in all the swing state. larry: can you imagine having an ev charger by the debate thing? funny, good point that kellyanne made. >> you can't find them because you can't make them. larry: only a couple they have done, spent billion. >> seven other eight. appropriated 7 or $8 billion. government efficiency. larry: steve forbe's, man of enormous wisdom, reagan alumni i might add, what are we missing in this discussion and if you're advising mr. trump what would you say to him? >> in addition taking your car, wreck your air conditioner not
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allowing refridge rants anymore, talk about tax cuts, what he will do about employment taxes things like that. give people something to look forward to like ronald reagan did in 1980. larry: reagan ran, this is a great point, reagan ran a tax cut, pro-growth i'll call it prosperity oriented. we were having this terrible inflation under carter. the economy was sinking, unemployment was very high. hence the term stagflation. reagan comes along with this optimistic message. essentially i can make this better, i can give you prosperity you don't have right now. i will curb inflation and i will cut your taxes. how important do you think today the tax cutting argument is? >> i don't think anybody believes they're undertaxed or keep more what they earned the opportunity to earn more will be compelling argument. in terms of biden, all he can do is snarl, he is a threat to
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democracy. all sunshine there. all dark clouds above his head. larry: kellyanne, steve is making a important point, you have to impart, a positive, optimistic, future prosperity image in that debate, you know. you got to be, i don't want to say good versus evil, people use that all wrong. i don't want to make this personal but i'm just say being you have to have a vision of optimism and better. we'll make it better. don't you think that's a key point? >> yes, and we both know that president trump can pull that off. all three of us know that look we gravitate toward people who are more positive and optimistic. we already know what the problems are, gentlemen. people are starving for solutions and they're starving for specifics. we have the same issues set now, economically, border, the like we had in 2022. many republicans did not win because they didn't finish their sentences. they didn't offer solutions. they kept repeating problem. lead with the solution, president trump. one more thing, larry, steve, i
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want president trump get back to what he was doing in the white house and promise it again. manufacturing, mining construction, the private trades. why are we pushing everybody into college, four-year college degree and all that debt you can be a welder with skilled certificate and high school diploma tomorrow, electrician, plumber, great bedrock parts of our economy make our country so great and willed continue to? trump is the right messenger on that message. i hope he makes that affirmative part of a positive economic agenda. larry: steve, spoil this, i think trump should say to biden stop running around the country telling people you inherited a 9% inflation rate. you inherited a 1.4% inflation rate. those are facts, you're the one who drove it up to 9%, essentially 20% for the life of the term. i think he has to say to biden. stop lying about our record. the other point i want to throw in, biden will be gloom and
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doom. tax cuts only went to rich people. i think people know that wasn't the case. wage earners were the huge beneficiaries. you have got to press that biden will have this gloomy, i will raise tax, i will not extend trump tax cuts, people should scratch their head, we did really well under the trump tax cuts. >> stay say what is your standard deduction now under donald trump, what it will be -- larry: that is exactly right. it was doubled under trump. if you repeal that back to 1000 bucks, great point. >> and also, we're going to treat the dollar with respect, rather than a toy for the washington politicians. larry: i like that sound bite. remember those dollars, same dollars in your pocketbook. if you shrink those dollars globally, internationally, you're shrinking the pocketbook. kellyanne, give you the last word. give yous the last word. 40 years i've given you the last word. why should i stop right now.
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>> thank you. larry: forbes, interesting point, international exchanges that is high-fallutin' if you damage the dollar on international markets you will dan the dollar in your pocket beak and wallet that could be translated to the kitchen table. last word, kellyanne. >> it does because majority of the american households are investor to class some shape or form paying attention to the dollar. larry: yes. >> say one more thing, very hard to take something away from someone already have, more than give it to them in the first place. trump has to make the case. if you don't extend my tax cuts, guy named biden won't do it, we're going backwards. we gotten comfortable because that sucker passed in 2017. we gotten comfortable living with the trump tax cuts. if they sunset, they go away, he should do the math for the people, tell them if you make this much, this many kids, home mortgage deduction, here is what is going to happen in real numbers. people respond to real numbers. larry: i like that.
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>> winner of debate, winner of election will be the candidate who respects the intelligence of people more. give them specifics and solutions. we can take it. sick of media refer towing low information voters. we're high energy, high information voters people are paying attention. larry: you're on target. kellyanne conway, steve forbes, the dollar, you've been right about this for four or five decades. >> so have you. larry: i follow along, i do whatever kellyanne tells me 20 do, makes life much easier. kellyanne, thank you my love, appreciate it. steve forbes, thank you very much. folks coming up day three of hunter biden's gun trial. holy cow. we've got the great mark levin. he will weigh in on the biden trial, maybe some other things all when "kudlow" continues. stay with us, folks.
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larry: day three of the hunter biden gun case in wilmington, delaware. fox news's david spunt standing by having all the fun there is. david, what you got? >> reporter: well, hey, larry, good afternoon, quite simply this case is very simple to use the word again. this is about whether or not hunter biden lied on a federal
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gun form in 2008 2018, when he said no, checked no on federal firearm for whether he was addicted to or user of illegal drugs. the employee of the gun shop back in wilmington, delaware in 2018 is on the stand. court getting ready to wrap up. his name is gordon cleveland. that hunter biden came in specifically to buy a gun. he spent 900-dollars total on purchase. hunter biden and his wife on their way into court. hunter owned the gun 11 days. the gun was presented in court. cleveland said hunter coming in looking for a gun, contradicted that the president was nearby cell phone store and casually came into the store felt pressure to buy the gun. he personally saw hunter check no whether he was addicted to drugs which is the heart of the
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case. hunter's ex-girlfriend is a former stripper. she first met hunter biden in december 2017 when she gave him a private dance at a new york strip club. she says over the following months into 2018 that the two continued to travel across the country in different hotels together. she said he smoked crack roughly every 20 minutes at times though he claimed he really wanted to get sober and tried to get sober. she just didn't see it. she said at one point the two took up a month-long residence at the high-end chateau march month in los angeles. earlier today hunter's ex-wife kathleen buell. the couple divorced after she found multiple crack pipes over time. hunter was unfaithful to her. he ultimately left them. they shared civil together. they heard from his own audio book about his addiction. we have to note for the third day in a row, jill biden the first lady, supposed to be in france soon. in fact we expect her to fly out in a few hours to join her husband but so far she has been
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supporting her son. i was in the courtroom. i sat about 10 feet behind her diagonally. she was looking at a very stoic manner, clearly sad, putting her head down at times but today is day three. court continues at some point this week, likely tomorrow, we expect larry, hunter biden's ex-girlfriend and sister-in-law, hallie biden who threw away the gun. she is the widow of his late brother, beau biden. a lot going on this week in wilmington, delaware. larry: all i can say is wow, your report something most fabulous. we're most grateful about it. it is a wow. thank you, perhaps we'll see you tomorrow as well. all right, folks, for more on this let's bring in the great one, mark levin, host of "life, liberty & levin" on fox news. the author of the democrat party hates america, a great book, i've read it. mark, thank you for this. i guess i just, what is your thinking here with this insane hunter biden trial? >> larry, always a pleasure.
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you're great. i was thinking of this, actually. he will get due process. he will get equal protection. there is an actual statute with real language in it. there's not collateral evidence, that is evidence brought in has absolutely nothing to do with the case and there is no antics by the judge. don't even hear about the judge in this case because she is playing it straight. so what you have in this case is a slam-dunk. this guy is a sleeze ball. let's be honest. he is a sleeze ball with women. he is a sleeze ball with drugs. he is sleeze ball how he treated his friends. he is a sleeze ball how he sold out our country for as much money he possibly could get. he is covering up for his father. he is in court, because the deal he would not sign on to, his lawyer wouldn't sign on to, which was a sweetheart deal by the united states department of justice, he was so cocky he should have signed that deal. they got angry in court. and now he is really, in this
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trial. and, i don't know about you, i've bought five or six guns. i filled out that form. it is very clear under penalty of perjury you fill out the form. they make it clear. you send it to the government. i wait half hour. i go nra conventions i get it back approved each time obviously but he would not have been approved, he want ad gun so he lied. the other thing about the gun is, his ex-wife there, she found it, because he threw it in a trashcan. i seem to recall it was the vicinity of a school. this is no joke. mr. gun control is mr. biden. his son is a perfect example of the problem that we have with guns, not law-abiding citizens but people who lie. you can make as many many forms as you want. if you don't right box it would be possible you may get the gun, commit a l offense. i heard several prosecutors would never prosecute the case.
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shame on them, that is the problem. prosecute under the damn gun laws. we don't need new gun laws. this guy is a perfect example of the problem. it is a slam dunk case. larry: you know, mark, one point hire, i mean i hear everything you say, and i agree, but look it, you talked about the judge before, norieka, a trump appointed judge. this broke up insane plea deal would have let hunter biden off any of this stuff, not having though go through a trial, comparing this judge a trump appoint tee, to the sham judge, marchon in new york, with the bragg trial, it is like day and night. i think, you're the lawyer, not me, but i think it shows you can have a good courtroom. you can have a good judge. you can have somebody that abides by the law. what you think? >> well the issue is whether the judge is idealogical or not. people need to understand, you
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understand this, the reagan administration i was involved for a period of time in the appointment of judges, making recommendations for judges. when it comes to the trial level of federal judges district courts, this is never explained, a president often has to make a deal with democrat senators from a particular state and so, people say this is a trump-appointed judge. maybe it was a trump-appointed judge but you have two democrat senators who can put holds on other district court judges that are up or candidates for judgeship unless the president cuts a deal. so we did during the reagan administration. in new york, for example, we would want three of our guys in but we had to agree to maybe one of their guys and their guy was considered a reagan-appointed judge. it doesn't happen at the appellate level. we said no, we're not cutting any deals. certainly doesn't happen at the supreme court level. so trump-appointed judge. we need to know more about it by what we can see here she is playing by the book. when we see with marchon, there
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is no book. he was a hack in a robe from day one this is a serious federal judge who is running a trial. you will notice she is not interrupting witnesses. you will notice shy is not playing games. she wants testimony to get out. the witnesses are eyewitnesses to events that took place. so this is played by the book. larry: yep. the other one, mark, this is so interesting to me, down in south florida, so-called classified documents case, you have another trump appointed judge, eileen parker, eileen cannon, rather, eileen cannon, and she is playing by the book. you know the general counsel, whatever, jack smith doesn't like it one bit. but she is forcing looks to me like the right way to run a court case. she has put everything on hold. she said dot her is, cross her ts, et cetera, et cetera. i'm saying some of these judges are still pretty good.
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the american judicial system has been battered and the confidence plunged under biden but nonetheless there has got to be some hope someplace when you appoint good people? >> well they don't appoint good people, that's the problem. we've got, we've got judges throughout washington, d.c., most of whom were appointed by obama, clinton and biden. it is a disaster. if the case in south florida were in washington under, none of these motions would be taken seriously. these are cases of first impression. they trigger constitutional provisions that have never been triggered before, because jack smith is way out of his lane. he is raising issues that first impression. so the judge wants to understand, when you have two former attorney generals signing on to a brief that says, this appointment of smith was a violation of the appointments clause, and she is trying to understand this complex issue, that matters. when you have a prosecutor says no, no, we're in a hurry. hold on there, pal, you're not in charge of this courtroom, you're not in charge of justice.
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you're one party. or when you have a prosecutor who says you shouldn't release information about the classified documents. i can tell you larry, we had to cut a lot of deals with a lot of very nasty spies at the justice department because the right to a public trial f you're trying somebody about classified documents you have to be able to present the classified documents and discuss them, including in public. which is why this case, yet again, the jack smith brought is outrageous in many respects. larry: yep. god it. i'm just grad glad cannon is the judge. thank you, mark. i'm sorry we don't have more time. you're an institution. >> god bless, brother. larry: we're so pleased you would come on our show. by the way, folks, please, catch mark levin, "life, liberty & levin," weekdays 8:00 p.m. eastern on fox news. it is a must-see. coming up here on "kudlow" nobody believes biden actually wants to fix his border catastrophe. so we've got senator rand paul
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who will weigh in next up on "kudlow". ♪. in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors. we'll get you there. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪
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larry: so has anything changed since biden's border actions? fox news jonathan hunt has the latest from los angeles. jonathan, what are you cooking? >> reporter: larry, in the sense the new policy is in effect yes there is a change at least in theory but to the question is it having aany practical effect, no, at least not yet. according to what our fox team has been witnessing in the border in the last 24 hours. overnight in jacumba, california, one of the current migrant hot spots there was little discernible change in the previous night in flow coming across the border from mexico. many of these migrants coming from turkey. many from the middle east. >> jordan. jordan. >> yeah. >> why did you come -- egypt. why did you come to america?
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>> for job. >> for a job? >> yeah. >> you know it is illegal to cross the border like this, right? >> yeah. >> you don't care? >> yes, i don't care. >> guys, where are you guys from? what country. >> egypt? >> egypt. >> where are you from, what country,. >> turkey? >> all turkey? >> yeah. america. [inaudible]. >> i love you. i love america. >> where are you from? >> egypt. >> egypt. >> egypt. >> egypt. >> reporter: under the policy announced by president biden yesterday many of these migrants should be immediately deported because the daily average of migrants crossing illegally is above the 2500 threshold. the trick is, that action but it remains to be seen how effectively those deportations will be managed. if the mere threat of such actions will do anything at all to stem the tide of migrants in the longer run. either way, larry, in the eyes
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of many critics this is a policy change driven by the politics of an impending presidential election, and is simply way too little, way too late. larry? larry: spot on, jonathan hunt, thank you very, very much. we appreciate it with more on this, let's bring in kentucky senator rand paul. senator paul, welcome, sir. you heard jonathan hunt, you may heard it, you have got people crossing the border now not being deported even though this 2500 person thing has been violated and senator paul, you know the other thing is, a lot of people are saying, all this is going to do, they're just trying to channel it, channel the illegals into the various ports of entry, you know, in texas nogales, arizona, san diego, el paso, eagle pass. that is all they're really trying to do. there is no significant change here. what are you thinking, senator paul? >> i think what biden has put forward is a complete farce. the democrats believe in open borders. they have said it.
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they have explicit said the birth rate is going down in america. we need to bring in more people who will vote democrat. that is why they're bringing in illegals whether they come from the middle east, whether they're terrorists whether they come from a prison they frankly don't care. we need to put biden's action in perspective. biden came into office repealed 94 executive orders of donald trump controlling the border. they did not want to control the bored border. that is why they repealed executive orders. this executive order, 2500 a day. that is over 900,000 illegal migrants will be allowed in each year. they let the cat out of the bag, they say you know what? after 2500 a day we will start caring. absolutely we have the authority to deport people after 2500. but that also means they have the authority to do it the first migrant that comes across. the number should be zero. we've let millions of people come in, that we should start with the first one tomorrow.
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they should all be deported if they're not coming in legally. we allow a million people to come into legally. so we have a legal, we have a million legally. this is several million illegally. that should be completely stopped and biden is just not serious about it. larry: there is no mention here ever by the administration of deporting criminals. i just don't mean, it is criminal to come across illegally, as you probably know, in the immigration act, nationality act, section 287-g, the border officials, the border authorities can work with local police and local authorities to find and root out and then deport the criminals, like this case sy criminal here in new york city who shot two cops just a few days ago. no one ever talks about deporting criminals. law and order issue. i mean this, nothing. the bidens don't even deal with that. i don't understand how that is
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possible? >> i don't care what your politics are, liberal, conservative, republican democrat, independent, i think everybody who has got a daughter ought to be horrified by lincoln riley's murder. guy came here committed repeated crimes, he was released into the country, paroled into the country because camps were full. filled with millions of people should be deported. empty the cams back to mexico. we can't have people coming across the ocean from china, turkey, egypt, all these places we have no idea who these people are. so i'm actually pro-immigration. i'm for lawful, legal immigration. many of my friends are first generation and i'm a republican who likes immigrants, who likes people, think they add diversity to our country but i'm for zero illegal immigration, zero migrants. if you want to come here, apply, come lawfully or be sent home. larry: i agree with you, sir. i want to fix the legal
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immigration system that was an initiative during the last part of the trump years, never got through. you know, senator paul, one guy who is tough on the border is donald trump. he is ready to come in and close the border, go after the criminals. move back towards deportation and so forth, so on. and i'm surprised, you haven't yet endorsed president trump in this re-election campaign. so i was kind of, i was kind of waiting for the rand paul endorsement? >> well, you may still see it. we'll see. i have told the campaign open to endorsing but i want to hear more. what i want to hear from donald trump, is one, that the $8 billion that was borrowed in his first administration isn't going to happen again. i want to hear there won't be anymore lockdowns. i want to hear anthony fauci was a mistake, should have been fired. i want a steadfast, ironclad promise if trump is elected he will open all the spigots of federal records on covid and let me thoroughly investigate nih
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for the malfeasance and coverup that happened and that heads will roll at hhs, nih, any place else that tried to cover up that covid came from a lab in wuhan. if that happens you still may see an endorsement, i'm just quite not there yet. larry: i'm not an official spokesperson but i can tell you from my experiences i happen to know him very well, he agrees with everything you just said, everything you just said. and he wants to cut taxes and he wants to cush spending and he wants to deregulate? how can you not have a rand paul endorsement? trump's, he is exactly what you're asking for,. >> there is a possibility but i will tell you this, larry, there are people who will vote for an independent candidate. there are people who are worried that the response to covid was tepid. that there was an embracement of lockdowns. there was embracement of closing the schools. and there are people who want to hear more. it is not just me.
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so me endorsing the president doesn't bring all these people along. they need to hear that people like anthony fauci were a disgrace to the country and ought to be prosecuted. david more rents, his 20 year assistant deleting e emails and getting rid of evidence will be prosecuted. people hear that several percentage more of the libertarian minded among us that could come to trump but he has to work harder getting that vote including mine. larry: i will pass that along. i have will pass that along. senator rand paul, thank you, sir as always. >> thank you. larry: let's switch gears, talk to monica crowley, host of the monica crowley show. monica crowley podcast? that's what i thought. caroline downey, reporter "national review." so kids, thanks for coming on. since the conviction here in new york city, the sham bragg conviction et cetera, mr. trump has raised $200 million, if i have these numbers right.
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70 million from small donors, of which 25 to 30% are brand new donors. in fact trump all together raised $300 million in the month of may. i know you're chomping at the bit, but i want to hear "national review" reporter caroline downey first up. what do you make of this? >> larry, trump win red donation page crashed because it was so overwhelmed from traffic after this verdict. it was yes, a small dollar donors, independent-minded millionaires with very deep pockets who found this very jarring because this display, abuse of our legal system i think, you know, democrats warned it was going to come back to bite them. they didn't expect that this massive fund-raising haul. bill ackman from harvard, he with drew after the claudine gay scandal he donated massive chunk. so did sean maguire, silicon valley tech investor. bulge of that came from
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disaffected liberal millionaires. larry: something going on here. monica, the other point is, if you're a small donor, and a new contributor, a lot of people think that means these people are going to vote. in other words, it is not like, rich guy might give 100 grand. don't know if they're on vacation, but if small donors, 25, 50 bucks means a lot, they are going to actually vote. in some ways this is a voting poll as well as a donor poll. >> yeah. you know there is scripture about the impoverished little old woman who puts one penny in the pot. scripture talks about how that means even more than therson whe because they don't feel it where she does, that's what is so critical about this.these people donating the first time are doing it and now they have skin in the game. so they have literally made an investment in donald trump and his campaign and that is more likely to translate into them
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actually getting out to vote. there is one other point -- larry: you never quoted scripture to me before. i love this. this is a whole new dimension. >> i saw a clear parallel. larry: i'm a sucker for it, believe me, keep it up. >> the other thing too, the biden economy has been relatively weak compared to trump economy. larry: yes. >> with biden inflation being so significant people have to make spending decisions every day, all day, all week. for them -- larry: got to get out. >> for them to make a decision -- it's a big thing. no, a very big thing. >> $10, $20, caroline, 15 seconds, early voting, mr. trump has come out now in favor of early voting. >> yes. larry: which means the gop will fight the democrats. early voting and harvesting, 15 second. >> yeah. so the gop victory coalition is moving away from that high propensity voting, educated suburbanite demographics to low propensity working-class people. to get them out we need mail-in
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balloting, thank you, monica crowley, caroline downey, wait a second, scripture. i love that. coming up georgia governor brian kemp unleashing american energy. that is good idea. i'm kudlow. another good idea. (traffic noises) (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪) at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts. because we believe the more ways we all have to move forward. the further we'll all go.
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larry: joining us now, georgia governor brian kemp, welcome him back to the show. you were in a energy conference with governors in louisiana. i need some drill, baby, drill here, maybe throw some nukes into it also, governor, what can you tell us? >> thank you, larry. i thanks for having me own. we were at the republican governors association meeting. we did a press conference talking about all the above energy policy. you're really with when you're with republican governors from all the different states whether georgia we just did two new nuclear reactors. governor landry, great new republican unleash natural gas, introducing oil to the marketplace, to our friends around the world instead of buying it from our enemies. being with people up like governor dunleavy in alaska. you're seeing incubators of die mock sy, the private sector that can give america independent energy security and economic
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freedom but then you're also so disappointed to hear about the regulations and the red tape and sanctions or mandates that come out of the biden administration and people in washington, d.c. i mean it is like a yo-yo. it gets me so excited about what we can do but also so frustrated because of this administration, what we're not allowed to do. larry: well you need to open those spigots and the permitting process. you will get better growth and lower inflation. i mean i think that's, that's the combination. >> yeah. permitting, pipelines, open roads up. control our own destiny. instead of being depend dented on our enemies and help our allies around the world. it is good economically at the same time. the governors in the states, republican governors in the states stand ready to do that, larry. larry: terrific stuff. i'm glad you joined that group. i'm glad you're proselytizing on that, governor kemp. we're little short on time. thank you ever so much, sir, good to see you. >> have a good afternoon,.
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♪ larry: you know, talk about the immigration, blah, blah, blah, we should be deporting criminals who are shooting cops, killing innocent civilians. that's the issue. deport the criminals. and i'll leave the rest of it up to my pal, liz macdonald. elizabeth: they should never have been let in in the first place. larry, we've got some breaking news. fox news contributor byron ron york joins us now. welcome to


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