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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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♪ larry: you know, talk about the immigration, blah, blah, blah, we should be deporting criminals who are shooting cops, killing innocent civilians. that's the issue. deport the criminals. and i'll leave the rest of it up to my pal, liz macdonald. elizabeth: they should never have been let in in the first place. larry, we've got some breaking news. fox news contributor byron ron york joins us now. welcome to "the evening edit."
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byron, the georgia court of appeals just put on hold fulton county d.a. fani willis' 2020 case against trump in georgia until potentially october. this is until this same court hears the case to disqualify fani willis for conflicts of interest, you know, hiring her boyfriend as a prosecutor on the case. what do you think of this news? >> yeah. that could be a delay until october, and then they could actually hear arguments in october, and that would delay it until march. this case has been completely mired in quick sand ever since the accusations of ethical misconduct about fani willis came out. appears to be going nowhere fast. and this could actually be the end of it. you don't really know, but it has gone on for so long, they've had a few guilty pleas to very minor charges, a large number of the defendants actually signed on to lawsuit that ended up stopping it. it doesn't appear the case, the
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prosecution doesn't appear to have a lot of support in the sort of judicial establishment of georgia. so we'll have to see, but the one thing we can see for absolute certain is no way this is going to happen before the election. elizabeth: so we've got more breaking news. abc is reporting the trump campaign has begun the process of formally requesting information from potential running mates including north dakota governor doug burgum, senators marco rubio and d.j. vance. what do you think of these three? >> not a surprise here because if you'd is ask observers who's on the list, they would have been, actually, on that list. i'm surprised that tim scott is not on that list, the south carolina senator. he may actually be on it, not totally sure who the total list is. but it's getting on. i mean, the republican convention is on july 15th in milwaukee, so this is the kind
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of thing that would have to be -- elizabeth: who do you like? >> well, i never -- [laughter] i never give an endorsement to anybody. i mean, they all have their different appeals. the one that really is kind of a question mark for completely nonmerit reasons is the rubio choice simply because he is from florida, he's the senator from florida, and former president trump lives in florida. there could be a constitutional a problem with that. elizabeth: that's interesting. new development. former president trump officially getting behind his supporters to now use mail-in ballots and voting early for this election. they just launched the swamp the vote initiative. this is after what happened in 2020. the trump campaign is trying to capitalize on that. biden is campaigning on calling trump a convicted felon. will that change voters' minds? if. >> probably not. i mean, we've seen a number of cases in which democrats just jumped on the idea of trump
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being a convicted felon, which he is, and they are -- they wan, they think that a calling him that, this kind of magic man rah. but -- mantra. but the fact is joe biden has been the president for the last nearly four years, and the people view the economy and inflation, they view biden's age as a very big issue. they have a number of things -- they view a number of things as more important than the result of this trial in manhattan. so biden may feel that the only way he can win is to drive up trump's negatives, just get the negatives out there. but we've seen in the past that can have the effect of driving up your own negatives as well -- elizabeth: yeah, that happened in 2016. >> it's not what voters want to hear a habit about. elizabeth: david winston did a great piece about how hillary clinton did the same thing, attacking trump, attacking trump voters as deplorables. that drove up her negatives and basically turned off her voters. and now -- off voters, rather. and now biden's unfavorable
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rating matches hillary. we've got this story. we should point out trump is planning more rallies and events like the one he did in the bronx, you know? if he's potentially going to do rallies in chicago, detroit, philadelphia. he's heading to a rally in nevada. these are, you know, democrat stomping grounds. you know, getting back to this david winston column that biden can't talk about inflation or the economy or the border, the debate with biden and trump is in about three weeks. trump, you know, he's going to attack trump as a convicted felon, attack maga trump voters. again, that a turned off voters in 2016 when hillary did it so what can biden do here? you know, the senate and house -- [laughter] republicans are planning to stop lawfare takes if people are aggressive in revenge after the trump conviction. so this, we're in new ground here, byron. how do you see this all a playing out? >> yeah.
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well, another point that david winston made was hillary clinton did not only attack donald trump, but she did attack his supporters. and when you turn off half of the voting population, that's a bad with idea. and president biden is doing the same thing talking about maga extremists. yesterday's deplorables are today's maga extremists. just not a good idea. and the key number to look at here right now is about 40 which is about where president biden's job approval rating is right now. he is far underwater. and when you are at 40 if you're an incumbent president, you've got to get over a 50 to get reelected. nobody has done that in the era of polling -- elizabeth: interesting. yeah, he's in the 30s too with quinnipiac and gallup. you know, let's talk about this, house judiciary chair jim jordan is asking d.a. bragg and his prosecutor matthew coangelo to testify june 13th.
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haven't heard back from them yet. let's listen to republicans on what's going on. watch this. >> president trump gets charged for allegedly mishandling documents but jack smith can mishandle documents no problem. >> i will not be intimidated, and the justice department will not be intimidated. >> it is rather odd that the third ranking official in your office a leaves it to go to a local prosecutor's office to prosecute this case. >> justice department had nothing to do with that person going. >> the public has seen through the claims you've made today about fair and impartial pursuit of justice. they see that lady justice's blindfold if has slipped off, and they need look no further than the treatment by your department of former president trump and current defendant hunter biden. elizabeth: final word, how does this all play with voters? >> well, there's nothing wrong with bringing the attorney general up to capitol hill and beating up on him for a little bit. there's a long tradition of that. but for republicans to --
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investigators to reach down into the manhattan county prosecutor's office might be a bit of an overreach. it might be something they don't really want to do, especially if they overpromise. they give the public the requested that they have some sort of big -- idea that they have some sort of big information about trump's prosecution. this is something probably better played out in other area of the pretty -- political system. elizabeth: byron york good to see you. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: now, joining us congresswoman ashley hinson. okay, ashley, congresswoman, it's great to see you with. this story, both attorney general merrick garland and fbi director christopher wray testified that terror threats in the u.s. have grown. fbi director wray specifically cited the border crisis in his testimony. we found government data, cbp data, in that about 1700 illegal aliens with links to terrorism were caught illegally crossing, that they were caught either merchandise the u.s. interior or just inside the u.s. border, but
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they were caught. this is since fiscal 2020. border officials say they're worried about this. also the 11.9 million gotways -- 1.9 million. do you see the biden white house's hair on pyre over this? [laughter] >> a lot of things are on fire over at the biden white house, and you can always call me ashley. thanks for having me on your show. nobody believes in arsonists when they say they're putting out the fire, and think that's exactly what zero eking -- we're seeing from president biden this week. it's not serious, what he's doing to counter what's happening at our southern border. we're approaching 10 million illegal immigrant encounters. they've weaponized the asylum system, they've empowered the gotaway system in this country, catch and release. meanwhile, they're saying, oh, yeah, we're going to undo one executive order, but we're still going to allow 2500 illegal immigrants into our country every single day. that's 1.8 million illegal immigrants coming into the country if you do the math. so i think the right amount of illegal immigration southern
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zero. let's -- should be zero. let's set that standard. but when it comes down to the safety and security of this country, cbp comes to us on homeland security and says, hey, we need resources to be able to stop these bad guys, and the biden administration has enabled it to happen. elizabeth: thank you for that. let's listen to fbi director wray on this. watch this. >> certainly, we have seen over the last 5-6 years an increase in the number of known or suspected terrorists, in other words, watch-listed summits, attempt -- subjects, attempting to cross the border. our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks here at a home. but now on top of that, increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland. not unlike the isis-k attack we saw at the russia concert hall back in march. elizabeth: that's a wake-up
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call. okay, show the viewer the data on what's happening. you know, congresswoman, you just talked the about this border action the president did. there's loopholes turning up that's going to keep it open. it's nearly a million a year under this action, you know, would be let in. the obama white house said that was the crisis levels, and biden is keeping it open for public safety, humanitarian, public health interests. we get that. but, you know, there are more loopholes in this as a well. your word on this. >> yeah. well, i think president biden we, again, can't take him seriously with this proposal. he undid 60 executive orders starting on day one when he took office, so i think what's alarming about this, liz, is that you're seeing far-left members of the democrat party say this has gone too far, allowing 2500 people has gone too far. so i think we can read between the lines and know their true intent. they want an open border, that's what hay continue to push for. and we're 150 days out from the election in november, what's to say that president biden, not
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only is it suspect he's all of a sudden taken concern about what's happening at the border, but what's to say he couldn't undo this on day one after he's supposedly reelected in this country? elizabeth: interesting. >> we need to send a very, very clear message if here, take this at what it is. he's already let 10 million people into our country, they've weaponized the cbp1 app, and many of these people have is disappeared. and that is a huge national security concern. i echo what the fbi director said. he appeared before our china select committee just a few weeks ago as well, said the same thing, right? he's seen an increased number of chinese nationals trying to infiltrate our systems, and i am certainly worried about a coordinated attack as well. elizabeth: we're going to show dhs secretary mayorkas saying everything is okay. they were saying the border's secure and that they got rid of so many of trump's border actions, they couldn't keep track of how many they kind -- wiped out. watch this. >> we have rescinded so many trump immigration policies, it
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would take so much time to list them. the border is secure. >> we're certainly doing a lot more to secure the border. >> we need our broken immigration system fixed. elizabeth: so it's secure, they rescinded so many actions they can't list them that trump did and now it's broken? final word. >> yeah. we see the story happening before our eyes. i got the secretary to admit in our committee a few weeks ago that we do have a crisis at our border. he's bragging about undoing trump's good work at the southern border. looks to me we need to put those policies back in place for the safety and security of our country. elizabeth: congresswoman hinson, thank you so much. still ahead, we have congressman scott perry are from house foreign affairs, fox news' analyst gregg jarrett, former assistant u.s. district attorney andy mccarthy, carol roth, americans for tax reform president grover norquist and ned ryan. now this story, the justice department is using hunter
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biden's laptop add evidence in his criminal trial, but this is after a democrats including nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, 5 51 u.s. intelligence officials claimed it was russian disinformation. biden said that too. also the "wall street journal" report, we're digging into it. lawmakers and staffers feel president biden is showing signs of slip having, of cognitive decline more and more behind the scenes. also critic debating the, quote, senior moments in biden's "time" magazine interview. what all this means to the election, we're going to debatement. and new york times columnist paul krugman again criticize ised, this time for a new, quote, out of touch column he wrote saying biden should, quote, downplay his success. really? this as more polls coming out what americans really feel about the economy now. we've got a new read on jobs coming in, possibly more tepid than expected, and democrats are are up in arms. federal judge aileen cannon if reportedly planning to hold a hearing on whether it was
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constitutional and valid in the first place to appoint special counsel jack smith. and have his office enacted. also, president biden at d-day ceremonies in france amid reports of disarray. he's not prepared to let ukraine join nato in a peace deal with russia. secretary blinken pushed for that. what's going on? we're going to tell you what's happening. all of this coming up on "the evening eded admit." we will be right back. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game!
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elizabeth: joining us now from house foreign affairs, congressman scott perry. it's good to see you again, congressman. okay, these new reports that are coming in, they seem to be some conflicting information that's coming out of the white house. now president biden says he will not let ukraine join nato in a peace deal with russia. this is coming ahead of nato's an rule summit july 9th. but secretary of state blinken has said, yes, ukraine will join nato. so is this the just, you know, the fog of trying to figure out how to do a peace deal with russia, or is there real confusion here? >> well, it could be the fog in president biden's brain. i'm not sure. he might not know what, what annie blinken is saying. he -- antony blinken is saying. so i think it's just the continued confusion and mixed
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messages from the administration that just hopes the problem will go away and thinks that the answer a is to continually throw more money and more american weapons at a it. and so it's aa parent if though that they're not on the same page, that they haven't talked, spoken to one with another. and what's really apparent and i kind of ferreted this out with secretary blinken about a week and a half ago. is that there is no plan. they have no plan. as a matter of fact, we in congress and the republican house of representatives have asked for their plan for months on end now, and they is not if produced it. they have not produced it. no one should be surprised you're not hearing about a plan now. they don't have one. elizabeth: okay. there's these reports coming out of "the daily telegraph" overseas reporting that nato is now drawing up plans to actually send american troops to the front lines of europe to fight russia if putin moves in further west, that there are new land
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corridors that nato is planning to quickly funnel u.s. soldiers through central europe into the balkans via these corridors in italy, greece and turkey towards russia's northern border and also a russia's northern border via scandinavia. i mean, is this true or is this just manning and war exercises? what do you think of this story? >> well, i'm concerned about it. we don't answer to nato, you know? they don't command any troops of america on the battlefield. and they don't make decisions for us. unfortunately, president biden has continued to project weakness which might allow them to think if to believe that they can do that. but, you know, ukraine as we all know is not a nato country, is so no article vcommitment is required there -- very commitment is required there. and while we might have troop troops and equipment stationed in the area, i think it'd be a shock to the american people to find out somehow their sons and daughters are being commanded by a globalist organization without the direction of the united
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states congress who has the only, is the only one with the authority for the united states of america to declare war. not even the president has that authority. and so, certainly, nato and the u.n. don't have that authority either. elizabeth: well, it sounds really scary, you know? nato leaders reportedly last year were getting ready 300,000 troops to defend nato in case putin did get more aggressive. you know, putin's already saying you used u.s. weapons or western allies use their weapons or their weapons get used inside russia by ukraine, that's a problem. final word. >> well, it's -- it might be a problem for vladimir putin, but the problem for the united states, that he's using chinese and iranian as well as russian weapons. so we're not going to be kowtowed or intimidated by vladimir putin. but we're also not going to send our sons and daughters to another endless war where the united states has a very specious interest and where there is no plan and the interest or the plan have not been outlined by this president.
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elizabeth: congressman perry, thanks for helping us break that story on. >> thank you. elizabeth: still ahead, former u.s. assistant attorney andrew andrew mccarthy. new developments, we brow the news at the top of the hour, a georgia court of i appeals put on hold d.a. fani willis' case, 2020 case against trump. and now judge aileen cannon is reportedly planning to hold a hearing on trump's request on whether special counsel jack smith's office is un'sal -- unconstitutional and invalid. we've got the details. plus, fox news legal analyst and author gregg jarrett joins us. the justice department now using hunter biden's laptop as a evidence in his criminal trial, but didn't democrats including nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, jen psaki and 51 u.s. intelligence officials tell everybody it was fake russian disinformation? if okay. so which is it? we're going to break it down on "the evening edit" coming up. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ elizabeth: we're coming into the bottom of the hour, you're watching the fox business network. it was an emotional a today in hunter biden's criminal trial on federal gun charges. hunter biden's ex-wife took the stand. there were more witnesses as a well. david spunt is standing by live outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware, with more. david, it's good to see you. >> reporter: good to see you too. day three is in the books in this historic trial. this case is very simple, did hunter biden illegally check no on a federal gun form from 2018 when he owned a gun for 11 days when he said he was not addicted to drugs at a time when the prosecution says he was addicted and was a user of drugs? well, the employee who says that that he saw hunter biden actually tick no in that box, his name is gordon cleveland. he was on the stand at the end of today, he'll be on the stand tomorrow as well for more
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cross-examination. he says that hunter biden in 2018 came specifically into the store looking for a gun. this contradicts what hunter biden's attorney said earlier this week, claiming that the president's son was at a nearby cell phone store and casually walked in a gun store and maybe felt some pressure to buy then gun and get a little closer to the count. grover cleveland says he saw hunter biden check no which is the heart of the case. also on the stand, hunter's ex-girlfriend, a former stripper namedsore by. she says she and hunter first met in 2017 at a new york strip club. in the following months they traveled the country together, eventually taking up residence at the posh chateau mar month hotel in los angeles, and she says over those months she would see hunter biden smoke crack roughly every 202 minutes, and he told her he wants to get clean repeatedly. 20 minutes. hunter's ex-wife, kathleen are, they have three children together.
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they divorced after she found multiple crack pipes over time. she said hunter was unfaithful, and she eventually left him. the first lady, jill biden, here for a third day in a row. she's supposed to be in france tomorrow to join her husband, the president, so we assume she's leavingen tonight to take that international flight. but so far she's been supporting her son. i was in the courtroom about 01 feet behind -- 10 feet behind the first lady for about 45 minutes at a die diagonal. she looked sad, had her head down a few times. clearly, weighs on her. she was sitting next to hunter biden's wife. the jury seemed very interested in this case at a time, really paying attention to the witnesses, the prosecution, to the defense. the prosecution said they may be able to wrap this case as soon as the end of tomorrow. and depending on what the defense does, it means this thing could be wrapped up by the end of the week but likely early next week if the defense even puts on a case. liz? elizabeth: great work as always,
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david spunt. look who's back with us. fox news legal analyst, he's an expert on the constitution, he's an author, gregg jarrett. okay, gregg, your opinion about this. so an fbi agent plus justice department prosecutors now say that hunter biden's laptop is real, they're using it as evidence in this trial. but didn't joe biden, nancy pelosi, you know, chuck schumer, 51 is 1 -- 511 u.s. intelligence officials say it was fake russian disinformation before the 2020 election? >> yeah, right. they all said -- particularly hunter and his father -- that, you know, the laptop's not mine, it was stolen, it's false information. and hunter even sued claiming that. there was never any evidence of it, liz. together with his dad, they insisted it wasn't even his. it was always an obvious and brazen lie because the laptop is self-authenticating. it's verified almost immediately by the people who sent and received e-mails that are on it.
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but, you know, joe biden perpetuated this charade to help himself get elected and, of course, aided and abetted by 51 ex-intel officials who infamously signed a line letter pertaining, oh, it has the earmarks of russian handiwork. they knew that was a lie, but they schemed to influence the -- [audio difficulty] may have worked. it's typical of the corruption that has infected our intelligence community. they don't just spy, liz, they act as political operatives. elizabeth: you know, gregg, there's also this, you know, this laptop showed details of the biden family's alleged influence peddling and selling is access to joe biden overseas, and if hunter had such a severe aa diction and he's so vulnerable, that put hunter biden in a problematic position doing these overseas deals. let's listen to the president and his son, hunter biden, claiming that the laptop is fake starting in 2020.
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watch this. [inaudible conversations] >> president trump, i want to stay on the issue of race. >> -- the laptop from hell. >> president trump -- >> no, buddy. >> -- we're talking about race rah right now, and i do want to stay on the -- >> i have to sunday to that. >> -- respond to that. look, there are 50 former national intelligence if folks who said that what he's accusing me of is a russian plant. they have said that this is, has all the -- four, five former heads of the cia, both parties say what a he's saying is a bunch of garbage. >> you mean the laptop is now another russia, russia, russia hoax? you gotta -- >> that's exactly what, that's exactly what -- >> you don't know, yes or no, if the laptop was yours. >> i don't have any idea. no idea. >> it could have been yours. >> of course, certainly. there could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. it could be that the i was hacked, it could be that it was russian intelligence. elizabeth: you know, this is just total misleading gaslighting of the american people. you just look at the serial
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number of the computer, and you see it's his. and now house republicans referred hunter biden and james biden to the justice department saying they should be charged with perjury for lying to congress about key aspects to of the impeachment inquiry into president biden over their alleged influence peddling. you know, gregg, we did the reporting last week, "new yorker" magazine said that the biden family's abuse of government contracts and government moneys dates back to world war i. >> yeah. look,s this is probably the most elaborate influence-peddling scheme in american history. the bidens were very sophisticated at a it. hunter biden would put together these overseas deals, but his father was the closer. and he didn't have to stand there in meetings with foreign adversaries and say, you know, i'll do this if you give us x
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money. his mere appearance created the knowledge on the part of the biden family overseas partners that he had the power to help them, and they were more than happy to pay the biden family through some 20 shell companies tens of millions of dollars for that influence. and so far they've gotten away with it. elizabeth: you know, now the number is $35 if million including loans and profits. gregg, it's quite a story. we hope to have you back on again soon. read gregg jarrett's work and his books, or he's terrific. okay, look who's back with us, we're excited to talk to former assistant u.s. attorney, fox news contributor andrew mccarthy. andrew, it's the good to see you again. sir, we had breaking news, the georgia court of appeals has put on hold until october d.a. a fani willis' 2020 case in georgia against trump. and now you have this story, judge aileen cannon is reportedly planning on holding a
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hearing on trump's request to debate whether, you know, jack smith's office is, his special counsel office is unconstitutional and invalid. more setback withs from the trump cases -- setbacks from the trump cases. what do you think? >> well, i think with respect to georgia, liz, what we're seeing is kind of the same thing we saw in the washington federal litigation. in the law you only litigate in front of one court at a time, so once the appellate court in georgia decided that they were going to review that order about not disqualifying fani willis, that meant the trial court can't act on the case until the appellate court decides what they're going to do with it. so apparently, that won't happen til october which means there's no way on god's green earth this case ever gets tried. and as far as the business about a jack smith's is status is concerned, this is an issue that's been raised in both washington and the florida case. the florida case is getting to
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it first because, again, the washington case is tied up on appeal. there's significant questions about whether constitutional ally speaking smith is a popper prosecutor -- proper prosecutor because he hasn't been confirmed by the senate, and there are also, you know, difficulties about what's the chain of his reporting in the executive branch to the attorney general and, ultimately, the president. elizabeth: okay. the senate never confirmed jack smith. >> correct. elizabeth: it confirmed special counsel robert hur and david weiss. also congress, only congress has the authority to create jack smith's office. so it just feels like everything has gone rogue here if you're a constitutional a scholar. former a.g. ed meese and michael mukasey argued this in a friend of the court brief saying his office is unconstitutional a, jack smith should not be out there prosecuting trump at all. he doesn't have legal stand thing. your final word. >> well, i think that weiss and
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the hur were not confirmed by the senate. hur presents the same problem. if wise was confirmed -- weiss was confirmed as the u.s. attorney of contract, so he's probably -- connecticut, so he's probably in a different category. but mukasey and meese are serious or legal thinkers, and their objections could be well taken here. elizabeth: okay. andrew mccarthy, thank you for this, cleaning up everything we say on camera. good to see you. >> sure. elizabeth: still the ahead, wall street pro carol roth and americans for tax reform grover norquist. president biden overseas in france, polls back home he's still the underwater on the economy. he's polling at record lows not seen in modern u.s. history. we got more on that. plus, new york times' opinion columnist paul paul krugman again get roasted for another out of touch column claiming that bind should, quote, downplay -- biden should, quote, downplay his success? let's hear from dagen and sean
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what they've got coming up on "the bottom line." sean: well, hello, e-mac. as a joe biden tries to lock up his chief political opponent, he's going over to europe to give a speech on trade -- friday to talk about democracy. also we have biden's threatening to veto a gop military bill over abortion and genital mutilation? pete hegseth on that. dagen: steve moore is here on trying to answer a where the american dream has gone as a housing becomes unattainable, fewer people own automobiles because of cost. the middle class is struggling. and tim she hi, former navy seal, he won his primary in the fine state of montana. he takes on john first. if we try to -- jon tester. we try to answer why tester looks like chet from "weird science," top of♪ the hour.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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elizabeth: well, look who's back, wall street pro and author carol roth along with americans for tax reform president grover norquist. so we need both of you on this story. okay, so we've all been talking about, you know erik inflation -- you know, inflation since 2019 has compounded, i think the up about 22% all in under biden. but first to you, carol, and then to you, grover. first, carol. so new york times' columnist
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paul krugman is out with a new column. he says biden should, quote, downplay his success? what's this -- he didn't cite specifically what success he's talking about. carol, what do you think of this? >> i think that paul krugman lives in an alternate reality and, unfortunately, it comes across as a gut punch to the people who cannot afford and who are struggling to afford the basic costs of living. we know as you showed that under the biden administration we've seen cumulative inflation the likes we have not seen in 40 years. so i'm not sure what kind of success he's bench, marking there. we have economic growth that has been window dressed by massive deficits and is starting to come down. we have people who are going into their saving, going into their irk ra as, take taking on -- iras, taking on additional debt. so i'm not sure which part of the economy he's thinking is a massive success particularly, liz, for the middle and working
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class. and that's the crux of the issue. elizabeth: yeah. so what carol just said, you know, this column, grover, paul krugman -- i didn't see much about his success. i saw him really talk about how inflation is, is bad with, that fast food prices have gone up. he's saying they haven't gone up that much, but, you know, mcdonald's ceo says average fast food prices are up 40%. so krugman's trying to downplay. faso: food prices going up, but i didn't see much else in that column to support biden, what do you think? >> it's worse than that. you've got all the problem, the overspending, the inflation, the taxes, the higher energy costs that they're pushing through with regulations and permitting and so on. that's happening now, okay? but if you read what biden's government is putting out, they want to add $3-4 trillion in taxes by getting rid of the trump tax cuts, they want to take the capital gains tax to 44.6, double china's, they want to take the corporate rate
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higher than china's. people are are understandably -- people who are investing, people who are do i hire a new person, give somebody a pay raise, the answer is, i don't know. because look at this tsunami coming if, 50-50, biden were to win. if somebody came to you and said you're going to build a sand castle, i'm going to come back in an hour and smash it up, do you ever start building it, or do you just give up? elizabeth: so what grover just said. how do taxpayers, do voters, does the business community hear what they're saying? carol, what do you think? >> i know what they're saying, particularly in the small business community which is center of the plate if for me. they're very, very concerned because they feel like they have been absolutely crushed first by covid mandates, then by inflation, then by all the after-effect, you know, labor shortages and supply chain. and then all of the administrative burden that the baden administration has added on top of that -- can biden
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administration has added on top of that. we're seeing small businesses are struggling the pay their rents, and and today feel like it's -- they feel like it's a slanted playing field. if you are big, a big business, you're doing well, but the small businesses aren't. and we're seeing the same thing with the individuals too. if you're wealthy and elite, well connected and a long-term asset holder, maybe you're holding your own, but if you are main street america, you are getting crushed, and that's the divide. that is not healthy -- elizabeth: the thing is, final word, we don't want to be debbie downers, but this can all be fixed. the a a dp jobs report, 152,000 new jobs, that's not good. we could be in stagflation. the economy's warning that. but if he gets the x-ray, the supporting pillow of regulations and taxes, grover, final word, off the economy, we'd be okay if not for what bind is doing. final word. >> the problem is not coming from the gods, it's not coming from outside, it's coming from government policy. and that can be changed and fairly quickly.
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that's the good news. elizabeth: carol roth, grover norquist, thank you so much. love ending on a higher note. we're optimists here. american majority ceo ned ryan still ahead, this big controversy over that "wall street journal" story that republican and democrat lawmakers and staffers say biden is, quote, showing signs of slipping and of decline. what this means for the election coming up. ♪ ♪ my parents worked hard for everything we had. they taught me the value of a dollar, and how to use it wisely. those lessons are forever, and today i share them with all our employees. it's why i team up with vanguard for our company's 401k plan. because everyone deserves to have someone look out
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for their financial well being. helping employees be well on their way to their financial goals. that's the value of ownership.
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wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing]
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elizabeth: look who is here ceo of american majority, ned ryun. so you know this new "wall street journal" report more than 45 republican democrat lawmakers staffers say president biden is showing signs of decline behind the scenes, quote slipping, struggling and n not the same person, the white house is attacking the story saying they only talked to republicans but the story said they talked to democrats and those who have known biden back to when he was vice president. >> biden has always been incompetent, corrupt idiot. now we're told he is a incompetent corrupt, s
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senile idiot. they know, they understand this man is in physical and cognitive decline and the white house is shielding him, and shortening his speeches because he can't go longer. beyond stating be on ruse with "wall street journal," what is this about, it feels someone somewhere is paving the way for biden to exit stage quite. elizabeth: maybe -- stage right. elizabeth: maybe but they have a short amount of time. >> you are right, i think there have been problems as to who might be the next siveior, i think that clock is ticking, then the question is, if you really that desperate, what are the consequences of j. elizabeth: this is about
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holding on to power. he is in a bell jar, the least amount of pressures and interviews. look at the mistake, last month he said he was vice president during the pandemic, the next thing, he called out one of u.s. hostages in gaza at a rose garden event, thinking that person was there. and he talked to chancellor who died several years ago. then he said he spoke to former french of france who died in '96. >> the troubling part is, this is the supposed leader of the free world, i think it should call into question who is governing. this man is really a prop for other people that are truly making the decisions that govern this nation. i would say, even if they were to to remove biden,
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that does not solve their problem, he is a terrible messenger and lost a lot. the problem is their policies, the next democrat will continue, they can switch the rider but the horse is the same, which is a terrible horse for america. >> i thought that was fascinating about "wall street journal." some much the dealt cra -- >> the walk of shame. white house had to call "wall street journal" and say, actually we think he is
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doing really well, we think he is fine. he is sharp, the walk of shame democrats had to do after the white house called them, i thought was one of the more interesting part of the story. it feels like it is the nititanic and they are reactor ranging the chairs on the deck at this po point. >> i think their luft for power has can are an -- elizabeth: join us tomorrow, senator rick scott, and bob nardelli and jason chaffetz, i am elizabeth macdonald, it's time for dagen and sean. dagen: thanks emac. elizabeth: sur


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