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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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his grave. - we're not idolizing jesse james the man, we're talking about jesse james the myth and jessie was not a benevolent soul who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. he was a psychopath. - [dermot] he made his mother proud by going to war for the confederacy, but continued his fight long past what was prudent. - the violence jesse james lived through branded him a rebel and sent him on a path of revenge, leaving behind a legacy of destruction. he may be a popular subject for hollywood, but sifting through the legends and lies leaves us with one of the real west's most violent outlaws larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm lar ry kudlow.
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well, there is a key question that will decide the election over summer as voters make up your minds, you are better off than you were four years ago, steve forbes and kellyanne conway on that, but first, our very en edward lawrence, with details on joe biden's sinking economy. edward, goodness, what you can tell us. reporter: and you know president, is has a light schedule today in paris, france, he has nothing on his schedule today. world leaders are nearby and president, people have been telling us he is at meetings with staff, he is over seas while we have domestic issues at home, former president trump is doing much better with the economy, specifickicly in poll after poll, voters see a gdp that slowed first quarter this year, and prices 19% higher than when president biden came to office, and sticky inflation, and the crime.
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you add that up, celebrity chef, restaurant owner, said that it is a tough business environment. >> in businesses have had to suffer because of the crime and their surrounding communities, business goes down and regulations piled up almost as if bureaucrats sat homemaking up you know -- insignificant regulations that restaurant and retail would have to follow, and then taxes, you can't tax your way out of this, but some reason the government continues to think they can and businesses and restaurants are paying there is never an end. reporter: he said -- november. now, then one-two punch, of president's economy policies and border that allowed 8 million people to cross illegally since he came to office, that put him underwater by double digits on the polls, president's
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campaign must be trying to figure out how to turn the numbers. larry: you are right, edward lawrence thank you so much. are you better off than you were 4 years ago, the subject of tonight's riff? fellow who most famously asked this question to great affect of ronald reagan. >> next tuesday all of you will go to the polls and stand there in polling place and make a decision. i think when you make that decision, it might be well if you would ask yourself, are you better off than you were four years ago? larry: there you have it. maybe more to the point, are you better off during the entire trump presidency or during the entire biden term, they will be key points in the debate between trump and biden on june 27. really. just a couple of weeks
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away. virtually every poll shows that voters believed they were better off during trump's term than biden's, former president runs about 27 percentage points ahead whatever this question is asked. one of of the most basic cai indicate or is how much income ordinary working folks are making adjusted for taxes and inflation, can may they their bills? you can't use gdp or other top down macro indicators who you go to the grocery store or gas station or pay bills, take home pay is what ronald reagan called it here are representative numbers real wages during. ther trump years increase by nearly 6,000 dollars for the average family, in biden years that key number fell 2000 dollars. that is nearly an 8 thousand dollar swing in trump's
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favor. now inflation under trump, rose 1.9 percent annualy. but over 6 percent annualy under biden. even worse, maybe more important, the level of consumer prices rose almost 20% under joe biden. but only increased 7% under trump. during the biden years pro grocery up 21%, gasoline 45%, electricity up 27%. new and used cars up almost 27%. shelter and rent up over 20%. these are all killers, that is what people think about. when bidenflation, interest rates have soared. mortgage rate over 7%, car loans around 10. credit card 25 to 30%, these high personal borrowing costs are killers.
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working folks cannot afford the biden economy. that is why mr. trump runs 20 points ahead of him on that issue. now there sthoo there is comprehensive measure, household wealth, all your cash, value of your home, stocks and subtract out money you owe other people, the debt, about 135 million americans in stock market and home prices have risen. but it turns out that household wealth rose 16% after inflation during the trump terms. 16%. under biden rous household wealth rose 1%, another killer. trump has a decided advantage. folks did better while he was in the white house, i tell you of all these indicators real income is probably the most important
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won' one for predicting presidential election race according to leading political scientists down through the year years, people tend to make up their mind and lock in their decision more or less right now. between early summer and september labor day. by cement thebicep their mind - mines are made up, i would say advantage mr. trump by a size able margin, that is my riff. >> we'll talk more about this subject joining me now steve forbes, founder and editor in chief of forbes media and kellyanne conway, former counselor to president trump and fox news contributor, welcome you to. kellyanne, you can look at it 4 years i like terms of presidencies, you have done
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a lot of great polling on this, consumer attitude, be attitude and so forth, i no, ma'amed -- named a few, what you are looking at? >> they are important because they are felt by the average consumer, people say that every day life is unfordable and they lay it at feet of joe biden and his policies. his policies, they can report back to you. that prices have risen. what started out with a conversation about gas and groceries three years ago, has evolved to a fuller conversation about the following. mortgage rates have tripled under joe biden and payments doubled under joe biden rent up 20%, and car insurance up 46%. home insurance up 38%. when you add up all of these little monthly and quarterly and annual bills, they are eating away at whatever wage
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growth you have been able to realize. so people feel that they are underwater economically and they have a nexus, they connection it to joe biden, early on he blamed putin and cove exo covid and supply chain problems. there is no question record unemployment rates among african-americans, hispanics, young people, veterans, a time in 2019, precovid, you will recall, we had highest wage growth per household. that we had realized. in some time, your wages went up but prices did not. people know it is simple math, i hope president trump will take an opportunity to calmly relate the record, give people that binary choice, he is last point bidenomics, as we have tested it comes to too many
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people as excessive government spending, you are spending money we don't have on things we don't need, if they plug joe biden to one ofis iv chargers at debate -- biden to one of his electric vehicle chargers at debate, and president trump can talk about what he will do. that is a winning argument that is why he is ahead 20 points on this issue nationwide, also,. larry: i love that, could you imagine having a evcharger by the debate thing, that is funny. >> but you can't find them. larry: only a couple. they have spend billions. >> 7 or 8 of them. government efficiency. larry: steve forbes, a man of wisdom and reagan alum halumni, what are we missing in this discussion, what would you say to mr. trump. >> in addition to say they will take your car and wreck our air-conditioner.
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talk about tax cuts. talk about what he will do about mu about. a aboutthe employment taxes, give people something to look forward to. larry: reagan ran a tax cut pro growth i'll call it, prosperity oriented. we had a terrible inflation under carter, the economy was sinking, unemployment of the high. reagan comes along with an optimistic message, i can make it better, saying i can give you prosperity you don't have right now. i will curb inflation and cut your taxes, how important do you think that tax cutting argument is. >> i don't think that anyone loves they are under taxed. and opportunity to keap mo keep more what they have earned and earn more will be a compelling argument, all biden can do it snarl, he is
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a threat to democracy, no sunshine there. all dark and miserable. larry: you know, you have to be -- not good versus evil. people use that all wrong. but i am saying, you have to have a vision of optimism and better ewe'll make it better, is that a key point? >> and we both know that president trump can pull that off, all three of us know, we graph tate toward people -- gravitate toward people who are positive and optimistic, people are starving for solutions and specifics. we have the same issues of 2022, many republicans did not win because they didn't finish their sentences, they didn't offer solutions, lead with a solution president trump, and one more thing. larry, steve, i want to see president trump get back to what he did in white house
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promise it again, manufacturing, mining, construction. the private trades, why do we push everyone to college. 4 year college that debt when you can be a welder with a skill certificate and high school diploma tomorrow, a electrician, a plumber. the great bedrock parts ofure our economy, i hope trump will make it an affirmative part of a positive economic agenda. larry: steve. i think that trump should say to biden, stop running around the country telling people you inherited a 90 9% inflation rate, you inherited 1.4% inflation rate, those are facts, you trove it drove it up, he has to say to biden stop lying about our record. and biden will be gloom and -- i raise -- this tax cuts
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are only going to rich people, people know that is not the case, wage earners were huge beneficiaries vurk beneficiary you have to press it. biden will have a gloomy -- people should say what we did well under trump tax cuts. >> he has to swhai say what is your deduction now. larry: that is a great point it was doubled under trump, if you repeal it back on a news buck. >> also. we'll treat the dollar with respect. rather than a toy for the washington politic. larry: i like that. those dollars, the same dollars in your pocketbook, if you change them, you are shrinking the pocketbook, kellyanne, last word. for 40 years i have given you the last word, why should i stop now. steve forbes makes an
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interesting point, the dollar, international exchange that is high. if you damage that dollar, on international market, that is damaged in your packet book and wallet. >> it does, majority of american households invest or class in some shape or form, paying attention to that dollar, it is hard to take something away from someone they already have, more than not give it to them in the first place, trump has to make that case, if you don't extend my tax cuts, the guy named biden will not do it we will go backwards. that sucker passed in december of 2017, we have comfortable with the trump tax cuts if they sunset, he should do math for people. and tell them, if you make that much, you have these many kids, and et cetera here is what will happen to you in real numbers people respond to real numbers, i think that we winner of
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debate an will began da will began date -- we're high energy, high information. people are paying attention. larry: yes, ma'am, on target, kellyanne conway and steve forbes, the dollar, you have been right about this for decades now, you are terrific. >> so have you. larry: i follow along, i do whatever kellyanne tells me to do, thank you my love, appreciate it and story forbes thank you very much. >> coming up day 3 of hunter biden gun trial rc. holy cow, we have the great mark levin weighing in on the trial. stay with us folks.
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craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office... [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg's moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don's paying so much for at&t, he's been waiting to update his equipment! there's a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. larry: day 3 of hunter biden gun case in wilmington, delaware, fox news david spunt with the fun. >> good afternoon, this case is very simple to use word, about whether or not hunter biden lied on a federal gun
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form in 2018 when he checked no on a federal firearm form who asked if he was a user of illegal drugs, the employee of gun shop here, back in october is on stand right now, courts getting ready to wrap up, he is gordon cleveland, he said hunter biden came in to buy a gun, he spent about 900 total on that purchase. you see hunter biden and his wife, on their way into court. hunter biden owned that gun for 11 days in 2018. gun was presented in court, cleveland said that hunter biden coming in looking for a gun contradicts when defense said, claiming that president's son was in a nearby cell phone store and casualty walked in and maybe felt pressure to buy the gun, he personally saw hunter press no on the form. on the stand, hunter's
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ex-girlfriend, a former stripper, she met hunter biden in december of 2017 she gave him a private dance at new york strip club, into 2018 they traveled across country and said he spoked crack roughly every 20 minutes at times, he claimed he really wanted to get sober, she just didn't see it, at one point they took up a month long residence at chateau marmont in los angeles, today, his ex-wife bul was on stand, and said they divorced after finding multiple crack pipes. and they wer he was yo unfaitfaithful to her. it today we have to note, for third day in a row, jill biden, first lady, she is supposed to be in france soon, but so far she has
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been supporting her son, i was in courtroom, i sat 10 feet behind her, she was looking at a stoic manner, sad putting her head down at times, today is day 3, court continues, at some point this week we're expecting hunter biden ex-girlfriend and sister-in-law, who threw away the gun, the widow of late brother beau. a lot going on this week here. larry: you know, all i can say wow. that -- i don't know what else. your reporting is fabulous we're grateful. >> thank you. larry: a wow, thank you, perhaps we'll see you tomorrow. for more, we bring from great one, mark levin. author of democrat party hates america, and host of "life, liberty and levin." thank you, mark. i just -- what are you thinking with this insane hunter biden trial? >> larry, always a pla
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placure, you are great. he will get due process, there is a statute with real language, there is not collateral evidence, that severed brought in that has nothing to do with the case. and there no antics by the judge, you don't hear about the judge in this case, she is playing it straight, you have a slamdunk -- this guy is a sleaze ball, with women and with drugs and how he treated his friends. he is a sleaze ball he sold out our nation for as much money as he could get, he is covering up for his father, and now in court because deal he would not sign on to and his lawyer how would you not, this is a sweetheart deal. he was so cocky, he should have signed that deal, but they got angry in court, now he is really, really in this
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trial. and i don't know about you, i bought 5 or 6 guns, i filled out the form. very clear under penalty of perjury you are filling it out, they make it clear, they send it to the government, you have to wait a half hour. he would not have been approved, he want a wanted a gun, so she lied, the other thing, his ex-wife found it he threw it in a trash can, as a result. in the vicinity of a school, mr. gun control is mr. biden, his son is a perfect example of problem we have with guns, not law abiding citizens but people like him. i heard some prosecutors say i never prosecuted this case -- shame on them. that is the problem.
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prosecute under the damn gun laws, we don't need new gun laws this guy, is a perfect tramp cramp else was the problem this is -- example of the problem this a slamdunk case. larry: one point, you talked about judge before, norieka, she was a trump-appointed judge, she broke up this insane plea deal, that would have let hunter biden off of any of this stuff, and not to go through a trial. comparing this judge, trump appointee to the sham judge merchan in new york with the bragg trial, like day and night. and i think -- you are the lawyer. not me, i think it shows you can have a good courtroom. you can have a good judge. you can have someone that abides by the law. what do you think? >> the issues is whether the judge is ideological or
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not, people neat too understand in reagan administration i was involved for a period of time recommending judges, with trial of federal judges district court, a president has to make a deal with democrats senators from a particular state. and so, people say there is a trump appointed judge. well maybe it was a former president trump appointed judge. but you have two democrat senators who could putting holds on other district court judges that are up unless the president cuts a deal, we did during the reagan administration in new york for example. we would want 3 of our guys in, but we had to agree to maybe one of their guys. and their guy was considered a reagan appointed judge that does not happen at appellate level and supreme court level. trump appointed judge, we need to know more about it but from what we can see here, she is playing by the book, from merchan there was no book, he was a hack in a
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robe from day one. there is a serious federal judge, who is running a trial, and you notice she is not interrupting witnesses, she is not playing games, that she's testimony to get out. and witnesses are eyewitnesses, to events that took place, this is played by the book. larry: yep, and the other one, so interesting to me, down no south florida, so-called classified document case, you have another trump appointed judge, eilleen park -- canon rather, she is playing by the book. and you know general council whatever jack smith does not like it. but she is forcing it looks to me like the right way to run a court case, put everything on hold. i am just saying that you know some of these judges are still pretty good. the american judicial system
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has been battered and confidence has flunke plunged under biden but nonetheless there has to be point when you appoint good people. >> well they don't appoint good people, that is the problem. we have a judge threw out washington dc most of whom appointed by obama, clinton and biden, that is a disaster, if the case in south florida were in washington under chu. jack smith is way out of his lane, raising issues. and that first impression, the judge wants to understand. when you have two former attorney general signing on to a brief that says this appointment of smith of a violation of the appointment clause, she is trying continued to this issue that matters, you have a prosecutor said now we're in a hurry, hold on pal, you are not in charge of
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justice, you are one party or a prosecuter says you shouldn't release information about classified documents, i can tell you, we have to cut a lot of deals with nasty spies at justice department. because you have a right to a public trial. if you are try someone about classified documents have to be able to present and discuss them, including public. which is why this case again jack smith brought, is outrageous, many respects. >> yep. got it i'm glad that cannon is the judge, thank you mark, i'm sorry we don't have more time. you are an institution. and you are a patriot. >> god bless you brother. larry: we're pleased you would come on our show, you can catch "life, liberty and levin" weekdays 8 p.m. eastern on fox news. a must see. >> on kudlow, nobody, believes biden actually wants to fix his border catastrophe, we have senator rand paul who will weigh in
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next up on kudlow. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ (♪) at enterprise mobility, we never stop looking for new mobility solutions. because sometimes the best road forward, is the one you didn't expect.
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larry: so has anyone changed since biden's border actions, fox news jonathan hunt with latest. reporter: in sense new policy is in effect, there is change in theory. but to the question, is it having any practical affect, the answer is no, or at least not yet according to what our fox team at border has been witnesses over the two hours, in h h jucumba, california there was little change, many migrants from turkey, many from the middle east. >> jordan. >> yeah. >> why did you come to -- egypt, why did you come.
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>> for job. >> for a job. >> you know it's illegal to cross the border like this. >> yeah. >> you don't care. >> yes. >> where are you from. >> egypt. >> egypt. where are you from sphwr fr. >> turkey. turkey. yeah. i love america. i love america. >> where are you from. >> egypt. reporter: under policy announced by president biden yesterday, many of these migrants should be immediately deported because daily average crossing illegally is above 2500 threshold that triggers that action, but it remains to be seen how the deportations will be managed and if mere threat of such actions will do anything at all to stem the tide of migrants in the longer run. either way in eyes of many
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this is a policy change driven by politics of an impending presidential election, it is way too little way too late. larry. larry: spot on jonathan hunt thank you. we appreciate it. for more, bring in kentucky senator rand paul, welcome, sir. you know you heard john hand, yjonathan, you have people crossing now who are not being deported. and senator, other thing. a lot of people say, all of this will do, they are trying to channel the illegals into the various ports of entry. in texas. nogales and arizona and san diego, and el paso and eagle pass. that is it, there is no significant change, what are you thinking? >> i think what biden has put forward is a farce, democrats believe in open borders, they have said it.
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the birth rate is going down in america we need to bring in more people who will vote democrat, this is why we're bringing in illegals whether they come from middle east or they are terrorists or come from a prison they don't care. we need to put biden's action in perspective biden came to office and repealed 94 executive orders of donald trump that were controlling the border. they did not want to control the border that is c the why they repealedd re-- the executive order executive order, now he has come forward with an executive order, you are right, but they let the cat out of the bag, they say, you know, after 2500 a day we'll start to care and absolutely we have the authority to deport people after 2500. but that also means, they have the authority to do it at the first migrant that comes akrorks numbers sho across, the numbers should be zero, we have let millions in, we should start
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with first one tomorrow, they should all be deported if they are not coming in illegally, we have, low a million to come in legally, this several million illegally, it should be stopped. and biden is not serious about it. larry: you know, there is no mention ever by the administration of deporting criminals. i know it criminal to come across illegally. but as you probably know in the immigration act, section 287 g the border officials, authorities can work with local police and authorities to find, and root out and then deport the criminals. you know like this crazy criminal here in new york city that shot two cops a few days ago. no one talks about deporting criminals. law and order issue, this -- there is nothing bidens don't deal with that, i don't understand how it is
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possible. >> i don't care what your politics are liberal conservative, republican democrat independent, i think that everyone who has a daughters should be horrified by laken riley's murder -- the guy was here, released into country because the camps were full, full of other millions of people that should have been deported. let's empty camps back in mexico, we can't have people coming across the ocean who we have no idea who they are. so, i am pro immigration. i am for lawful, legal immigration. many of my friends are first generation, and i am a republican who likes immigrants, and likes people expnand i think they add diversity to the country, i am for zero illegal immigration, if you want to come here apply, lawfully or be sent home. larry: i agree,y would like
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to fix the legal immigration system. that was an initiative during last part of trump years that never go the through. one guy who is tough on border is donald trump, he is ready to come in close the border go after the criminals. and i'm surprised, you have not yet en dorred presid endorsed president trump. i was -- i was waiting for the rand paul endorsement. >> well, you may still see it, i've told campaign i'm open to endorsing but i want to hear more, i want to hear that 8 billion that was borrowed in his first administration will not happen again and hear there will be no box downs and that fauci of a mistake and should have been fired and a iron clad promise if trump is elected he will open all of the pi spigots of federal record to covid let me investigate nih for
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malfeasance and cover-up that happened and heads will roll at any place to tried to cover-up that covid came from a lab in wuhan, if that happens, you may see an official, i'm not there yet. larry: i am not a official spokesperson, i know him well, he, agrees with everything you said. everything you just said. and he's to cut taxes and he wants to curb spending and to deregulate. how can you not have a rand paul endorse. trump is the what you are asking for. >> there is a possibility, but i will tell you there are people who will vote for an independent candidate, there are people who will worried that response to covid was tepid, there was an embrace am of roc -- embrace emmenembracement
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of lockdowns and closing schools, not just me, they mead to hear that people like dr. fauci were a disgrace to a country and should be prosecuted. and his -- deleting e-mails will be prosecuted it will be all the way, when people hear this, there are several percentage point more of libertarian minded auction amo among us that will come to trump. larry: i'll pass that along. senator rand paul thank you, sir. >> thank you. larry: now switch gear to monica crowley. host of monica crowley podcast. and caroline downey. so kids thank you. since the conviction here in new york city, sham bragg con vehicletionconviction et cetera, mr. trump raised 200 million, if i have the
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numbers right, 70 from small donors. of which 25 to 30% are brand-new donors. trumall together raised 300 million in month of may, caroline downey, what do you make of this. >> trump's win red donation page crashed it was over ove-- overwhelmed from traffic after this verdict, it was a lot of small donors and independent minded millionaires with deep pockets who found this abuse of our legal system jarring, democrats warned it would you know come back to bite them, they didn't expect a massive fundraising haul, bill ackman from harvard, he detailed massive chunks and sean mcgwire. the bulk came from the
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disaffected liberal millionaires. >> something is happening, other point. if you are small donor. and a new contributor, a lot of people think that means these people are going to vote. not like, a rich guy might give a hundred grand, but if small donors, you know 25 or 50 bucks that means a lot they will actually vote. some ways this is a voting poll as well as donor poll. >> you know there is scripture about i' i' impoverished little old woman that puts one penny in the pot, that scripture talks about how that means more, she feels it more, that is what is critical, they now have skin in the game, they made an investment in donald trump and his campaign that more likely to translate to them
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actually getting out to vote. there is one other point. larry: you never quote the scripture to me before. >> i say a clear parallel. larry: i am a sucker for it. >> other thing, that biden economy, has been relatively weak compared to the booming trump economy with biden inflation so significant people have to make spending decisions all week every day, for them to make a decision -- >> a big thing. it is a big thing. >> $10 or $20. >> caroline. 15 seconds early voting for trump come out now that favor of early voting, the g.o.p. will fight the democrats, early voting and harvests. >ing. >> and to the low pro pence see working class people, and for them to get home out we need mail in balloting. larry: thank you very much.
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mont-- coming up georgia governor brian kemp. on unleashing american energy, a good idea, i'm kudlow, another good idea. (♪) car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't. car, where are we going? we're here. (♪) surprise!!! the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. car, were you in on this? nothing gets by you james. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> joining us now, georgia governor brian kemp, welcome back. you did a conference with governors in louisiana, i need some drill, baby, drill and nukes also governor what you can tell us. >> well, larry thank you. i was at republican governor association meeting, we did a press conference yesterday talking about all of above energy policy, you are with, with republican governors from different states whether it is georgia, we did two new nuclear reactors and governor of louisiana, a great republican, unleashing natural gas and producing oil. and to our friends and the world, instead of buying from the enemies, and then being with people up like governor dunleavy in alaska, you are seeing incubators of democracy, private sector that can give america independent energy security
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and economic freedom but you are disappointed to hear about regulations and red tape and the sanctions or mandates that come out of the biden administration and people in dc, it like a yo-yo, it gets me excited about what we can do but frustrated, because of this administration. what we're not allowed to do. larry: well you need to open the spigots and permitting process, you get better growth and lower inflation that is the combination. >> yep, permitting, pipelines, open roads up, control our own destiny instead of depends on our enemies and help our allies in world and it is good economically and governor in state, republican governors stand ready to do that. larry: terrific stuff, i'm glad you joined that group, an. governor kemp we're short on time. but thank you ever so much. >> thank you, larry have a great afternoon. larry: all right be right back with my last word.
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daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪ and


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