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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  June 6, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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what are you looking for. >> you know me, i'm still on the 2025 camp. the data is trending weaker. i am not convinced yet that there is any reason for the feds to cut rate spirit it is only going to give fuel to that fire. expect them to start talking about three-four before the origins. it is completely ridiculous. if they cut it all i think it ends up in november and december certainly not next week. i don't think july or september. too close to the election. >> i tend to agree. great to see you, as always. >> always a pleasure. bracing for something weird. wall street hoping for bad news tomorrow morning. we will see what we get. you still have an hour of trading. >> have you seen game stop
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shares? >> of course. >> oh my gosh. let me show our viewers. now soaring 31% at this moment $241.33. keith will has scheduled a live stream on his youtube channel. his first in three years for tomorrow at noon. the craziness began sunday when the retail trader posted $150 million position in game stop which reinvigorated the so-called apes who back in 2021 followed on reddit and piled into the stock. let's look it over. if you want to see some spread here. robin hood, it is getting its own bump on increased trading or retail investors like the mean traders. the stock already spiking on its own countdown.
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coming up on the claimant countdown. the big crypto exchange purchase he made and action from what he thinks of this latest emergent not just the main stock but the news about the lifestream tomorrow. coming up in just a few minutes. bottom of the hour we will see him then. to the markets. a mixed picture here. the s&p also close to turning positive. yesterday closing up fresh record highs. crossing an unchanged line today alone. 115 times. we have tomorrow jobs report. a lot of indecisiveness. any gain will mark for the s&p the 26th record of the year. for the nasdaq, the 14th. enclosed is even higher, a fraction higher. you will see both of those in the records books once again. ai powerhouse back below
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$3 trillion market cap level which it hit for the first time during this hour yesterday. the stock is down about 1.7% after hitting an early record. who knows what will happen in the next 58 minutes. that move, yesterday, was enough for the ceo to lead prague from 18th riches on the bloomberg billionaires list to number 13. in a sign to come that we may be reaching keegan video, look at this from carnage for life. pictured going full make jager. autographing a woman's chest at the taiwan tech conference this week. i mean, who knows. is this rockstar status assigned that investors should maybe start branching out? let's get right to the foreshore joining me now -- bank of
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america managing director and head of fixed income ceo. >> signing women's chest now? >> that is beyond interesting. i will not comment on that particular picture. they are not satisfied yet. they announced their next generation trip. it does not mean anything is happening in 2025. they will have an ultra version of the blackwell chip did they grew their data business by over 400% in the last quarter. they are not just sticking to semi conductors and chips, they're looking at taking over the entire ai system. it reminds me of lot of amazon. they built their own distribution warehouses delivery systems. they are trying to do the same thing with respect to ai. i would not count them out just yet. >> your overweight equities.
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at a time where you start to see , i'm not going to say behavior, i'm not sitting here like pollyanna, but a rock star with a leather jacket. it does beg the question spread out elsewhere and if so, where? >> slightly over equities. we still liked fixed income a lot. nominal yield look good. the rate hike cycle, we don't want to be short macro risk here you think about the signs of excess, you have discussed this a little bit. let's think back to the mid- 90 s. december of 1996 when alan greene said. it can go a lot longer than that the fed is done 80-90% work. 9% cpi down to three and a half. physical evaluations have gotten a lot better.
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it is hard not to be optimistic about medium to long terms around here. looking for opportunities to cut rate spirit if they are in a progrowth state, they did really don't want inflation to go down to present. you don't have to be a math major to know. you will not get an average of 2 % inflation if you let it run tonight and never get below two. >> july fed funds futures. that is on what the fed will do. rising yesterday from 18-20.6 at the moment. really, july? what do you think. >> back in the environment where bad news is good news. we sell first-quarter gdp slowed to 1%. job openings actually fell to their lowest level in the last three years. job creations are also coming in below expectations. by the fed's own estimate and employment should rise. >> we are getting may jobs
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report tomorrow. this will be a big one. the expectation is for 185,000 jobs to be edited on foreign payrolls. unemployment 3.9%. today, the european central bank cut rates by a quarter of a percent. the first time since 2019. this is, wages are driving the rise in inflation, but she feels it is appropriate to remove a degree of restriction. why does jay powell not feel that way? >> we find that very interesting there inflation forecast is actually worse than what it was before. they are now not expecting inflation to be below 2% until 2026. that is a good example of what we think central banks are thinking. they're not too concerned with getting inflation down to 2%.
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that makes sense. in the '90s, it was about the present. they don't have to get down there. we do think the fed will be ready to cut if and when necessary. >> give me your best trades. it is always interesting to ask people how do you get really good returns from here. let's say i am someone who has had a pile of cash waiting on the sidelines in these markets keep hitting record highs. is it too late to get in but also mitigate risk? >> don't play the fed guessing game. they will cut interest rates over the next two-three years. let's go back to the ai ecosystem and look beyond. many other opportunities within that ecosystem if you look at data centers and hardware companies that are supplying some really good returns. an industrial company. you know what they do? they supply the infrastructure in the cooling solutions to data centers. up over 100% year-to-date. how about a utilities company.
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a dividend yield of 3.6%. a defensive play but they are also involved in data center power supply as well. >> byrd avenue has a 36 forward pe ratio which is a little bit more palatable. again, matt, there are other opportunities elsewhere. what else. >> we think the best rate is not to make a trade right now. we see clients all the way cash right now at the moment they should not be. we have not seen that in 20 years. compound real wealth without taking risks. investment, high-heeled, municipals. all quite tight. we don't think a recession is happening. we don't think you should ever trade on the fed did decent value without taking major tilts don't take major tilts.
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>> longer term duration treasuries? >> slightly longer. the average duration is about six. around six and a half to seven. that sort of range. have some initial exposure. you will want that to be brought across fixed income. be diversified. >> great messages. okay. you're not signing people's chest set any conferences. >> i definitely will not do that [laughter] >> he is the founder of course of invidious. kevin, matt, great to have you both. thank you. does the explosion in the popularity gop drugs for obesity holes in it existential threat to the makers of medical products used in bariatric surgery? that surgery that is used for
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obese people. also maybe glucose monitoring devices. we have the ceo of medtronic to answer that question next. weight loss drug makers, they are both moving higher. up 1%. eli lilly better by one and a half percent. the countdown is coming right back. the s&p is flat. kenta go to the plus side? we shall see. if it does, that is a record. ♪
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foxbusiness alert. don't count bariatric surgery out despite the rising popularity of weight loss drugs. devices and therapies for a lot
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of things, they treat more than 70 different health conditions, but they also make a lot of products for bariatric surgery a procedure to help patients lose surgery. they also make glucose monitoring devices and insulin pumps. the hype around these weight loss drugs continues to rise, what kind of threat or maybe not does gop want acceptance have on medtronic's business? let's bring in jeffrey martha. some of said that weight loss drugs are in the weight loss industry? what are you seeing in your product sales that are related to that? >> that area of our business is growing. a lot more going on in surgery even beyond bariatric spirit dialing back and you are going from open surgery to minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery across a whole number of procedures. that is the bigger threat here. that is driving a lot of improved patient outcomes and a lot of growth in our industry
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and for mehta tronic. it has been you know monetarily impacted in the short term here from glp-1 which are really important class of drugs that have a big impact for a positive impact for patients. it is been a very small impact on our surgery business. there is much more going on there like i said it things like robotics really driving growth. >> under general anesthesia for bariatric surgery, would people begin to in greater numbers begin to choose the pill or a small injection? maybe this is the beginning of something worse. have you planned for this? have you modeled for the next possibility here. >> we have taken a very scientific approach. we have looked at it through the lifecycle here. a lot of our bariatric physicians are saying, actually, the glp-1 are having patients
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enter the stream of patients for us. it gets them down to an acceptable safe weight to go to surgery. bariatric surgery is a permanent solution. the drugs, as you know, you have to keep taking. huge impact, positive impact for patients. it's bringing many more potential patient into our funnel for bariatric surgery over the long run. we will see how it plays out. that is what the surgeons are telling us. >> maybe there is not a direct connection but double digit growth of 11% here in that particular area. why do you think that is? >> technology. technology improvements. we treat primarily insulin-dependent diabetics which are classified as type one usually. you have a problem with the pancreas. just not working properly.
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bottom line is the technology that we use is getting closer and closer to mimicking a healthy pancreas. a combination of an insulin delivery device, pump or patch working with the sensor that sensors your glucose. an algorithm that is becoming more machine learning or deep learning wearing you can predict where your levels will go. insulin delivery, the sensing and the algorithm are really getting close to a healthy pancreas. we are seeing diabetes patients that are in the normal glucose range of 90% of the time now with this technology. it is quite amazing. that is really driving the growth. you guys have a bunch of geniuses there. six fda approved new technologies. everything from tech that helps hypertension to, i mean, i cannot believe it. defibrillator to treat dangerously fast heart rhythms that can treat cardiac arrest.
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advanced spinal cord stimulator to treat chronic back pain. millions of americans have chronic back pain. how does that work and what does it do? how big of a business could this become? multibillion-dollar market here. like you mentioned. so many people suffer from back and leg pain. the current standard of care is just not good enough. what they call neuromodulation therapy. stimulation to your spinal cord blocking pain signals to the brain. what is so unique which was just a pure a few weeks ago was it is what they call an enclosed loop. it senses those signals and modulates the stimulation that is needed to counter out those singles. you are not stimulating too much and you are not stimulating too little. it is interrogating your central nervous system.
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fifty times a second. that is pretty fast. driving and you had a big pothole. it instantly adjusts for that. you know, instantaneously. that is why we are so excited about it. >> fascinating. fascinating. i can hear some of our viewers saying i need to look into incentive. we will be watching for all of it. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, liz. great to have you. >> the greatest generation taking a much deserved victory lap on the 80th anniversary of the d-day invasion. president joe biden in normandie france to mark the occasion of complex rage in gaza and ukraine we will tell you what the president said on the global stage about our european allies both in and the importance of them today. european stocks have actually become firm.
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b.g. k. it has companies like bp shell nestlé, up more than 14% over the last six months. we are coming right back. later robin hood. ♪
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breaking news. president joe biden arriving at his paris hotel moments ago after participating in ceremonies to commemorate the
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80th anniversary of the d-day landing in normandie. that heroic world war ii operation that led to the allied victory over nazi germany and adolf hitler. close military allies in defense of democracy as complex and ukraine and gaza threatened global peace. edward lawrence following every word from the president and every movement in normandie. he joins us live from the white house. edward. he spoke to honor the allied truth that turned the tide. 4414 allied troops died on the omaha beach. or than half of those were americans. the speech at this memorial service here, president biden made comparisons to the invasion of ukraine. >> we have a special obligation. we cannot allow what happened here to be lost in years to come we must remember it and honor it and remember the fact that they
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were heroes in that day. it does not absolve us to what we have to do today. democracy is never guaranteed. every generation must preserve it, defendant and fight for it. >> fox news has learned that friday the biden administration will announce another round of weapons for ukraine. u.s. weapons could be used just inside the russian border now. to that, the russian president made a threat that he could use his nuclear arsenal. russia invaded ukraine about one year into president biden's term then hamas attacked israel two and a half years into president biden's term. as a president, the pressure in israel to in the operations in gaza. something the former israeli prime minister told you that they will not do until hamas is gone. listen. >> i believe that the only way to release our hostages is if the commander of hamas knows that his hours are over and he
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understands that we are coming in full force to defeat him. here i would suggest both the israeli government and the biden administration, i think both governments are not going about this the right way. we should go much quicker, much faster with much more force and when. when they feel that tanks are coming to defeat them, that is when there will be a deal of a hostage release. >> sources are saying may run for prime minister of israel again. president biden seems to not be able to put out these buyers around the globe. >> edward lawrence, thank you very much. foxbusiness alert. two text stories at this hour. smart sheet. surging after the workplace technology company first-quarter earnings topped wall street expectations. wall street reported revenue. second-quarter guidance also above evidence.
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hiking the price target of $43 to 36. already up $43.96. sprinkler plunging after the business technology for the full year came in weaker than expected. demand for its customer experience management software has dropped due to budget squeezes so the stock is down about 15 and a quarter percent. let's flip it over to shares of insta car. they are on the move this morning after the grocery delivery company approved a share delivery program. authorizing the purchase of up to $500 million worth of company stock. the company said that it is already completed two rounds of authorized buybacks of $1 billion. investors love those buyback announcements. the stock is pumping higher by eight and three quarters presented starbucks and grub hub announcing a partnership that will launch in select markets across the u.s. starting this month.
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nationally, that is anticipated to be by august. starbucks customers can already place delivery orders through your dachshund were each. the coffee chain and grub hub parent just eat take moving in opposite directions. starbucks up two thirds of a present. just eat down two thirds of a percent. robin hood not moving down. hopping to two-year highs as it makes a big splash into the global crypto world with the purchase of crypto exchange bit stampeded the acquisition comes a month aside in a wild flurry of increased trading from the mean stock crowd. game stop, by the way, up 48%. robin hood ceo is here live on what the new crypto expansion plan will mean to its customers and is bottom-line. plus, first reaction to news that warren kitty is less than 24 hours away from a rare youtube live stream. the claimant countdown is coming right back. next.
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not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. gold is soaring and copper demand is at all time highs. american pacific mining is seizing the moment by partnering with world class miners to unlock america's next big copper gold strike, fully funded with a $14 million exploration blitz this summer and nominated for multiple industry awards, including six by s&p global. american pacific mining fueling america's mission for homegrown metals.
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>> bitcoin charging higher this week as the open interest surged by more than $2 billion over just the last three days. the move suggesting that more traders are speculating on the asset increasing the likelihood of action. today you have it above $70,801. we are certainly seeing some of that volatility today is robin hood mix waves. acquiring one of europe's largest crib no exchanges bit stamp in a deal valued at $200 million. shares of robin hood solidly higher responding very positively to this gaining six and two thirds% to $23. ceo joins me now live in studio. we will get to this very interesting deal in just a moment. i've got to ask you, we are
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looking at game stop right now. those shares are soaring exponentially. after keith gill has announced tomorrow at noon he will do a live stream. of course, he was the guy that everybody followed. actually really benefited you guys because you are that plat warm-up choice for a lot of those traders. what do you make of the announcement that he will come out tomorrow and are you prepared to handle the kind of volume that may come with that live stream at noon? >> we are prepared. we have been working on improving the infrastructure tremendously. we were just a start up company. small-company. free ipo and we made so many investments. now with this latest run and increase in trading activity, we come with new product. the ability to trade stocks 24 hours a day, five days a week.
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so much of this activity starts on the weekends or late at night , sunday evening in this case. it is great not to just tap the balance sheet in the technical infrastructure, but to also put in new innovations that make robin hood the best place for our customers to trade in and invest. >> sunday night was the night he posted his holdings. first time in three years that he had $150 million worth of game stop. where were you sunday night when you first saw, i would imagine increased activity. >> i think that i was at home speared i usually work on sundays. i was preparing for the week. you know, fortunately, back in covid days i would be you know, watching all of our metrics like a hawk talking to our engineers. things have been running fairly smoothly. i have not had to be so involved
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in the infrastructure work with all of the work that the great team has been doing. >> you are so involved with growing the company. making this bit stamp acquisition which i think it's very interesting. $200 million or so by purchase of this european crypto exchange what will change for customers of robin hood once you get it stamp up and running and incorporated? >> number one, it accelerates our international expansion. bit stamp as a global company with operations in many of the major markets. that accelerates that. the second is it is an exchange. we've been thinking for a long time there is a need for a new exchange in the marketplace. this paves the way for a new player we can partner with bit stamp and use our expertise and tech elegy, they are expertise to really bring a new offering to the market. the third, institutional
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business. talking with many of our marketmakers. the new exchange is needed. one that is trusted takes regulatory compliance seriously and has an advantage in technology. this allows robin hood to get into the institutional business which is a very interesting business. >> you've always said you want to treat traders equally. retail traders turn to you guys in the early days. because it robin hood, they felt respected by you guys. you are now expanding to these institutional traders. what does that really mean for your bottom line? >> i think it is a new business. there are opportunities to grow the bottom-line service profitably. the technology that we have built that offers the lowest cost trading on the market, the user experience, we have reduced
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our margin rates. now we offer the lowest margin rates on the industry. the lowest possible cost across all of our products which is now a diversified set of products as well as a great customer experience. i think that that is an attractive proposition for institutional customers as well. it is a national expansion opportunity for the business. >> you already offer 24 hour trading monday through friday. >> sunday night even. >> exactly. that is why he started to notice the trades. bitcoin trades never stop. all the time. weekend trading. when and how are you preparing to offer that? >> we obviously offered already with crib no currencies. with the traditional equities markets. it is a more difficult proposition. a lot of these clearing agencies
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and counterparties do not work on weekends. they require people and offices. still operating on mainframe speared. >> i think one thing that is really interesting is the possibility of traditional assets and the crypto technology to become one. we think that in the future, crypto technology in the traditional -- week and taken advantage of and instant settlement. fractionalization built in for trading traditional assets. as a company that is diversified and has a crypto business and a traditional financial business, we can actually play a leading role in the convergence and driving that utility for customers. >> when you have meetings are you saying we've got to get there. we have to get to 247 trading zone equities and everything
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else we want to be first. >> we have been saying that pretty much ever since the beginning. we were one of the first to offer equities trading 24/five. now we are offering that large scale 900 plus stocks being offered on the platform. a lot of work in seamlessly offering these products to users and making it really easy offering them at low cost. one of the first financial terms -- firms to offer crypto. having the best product speared we rolled out 1 million people on the waitlist within the first 30 days. 3% cashback on all categories. the best offer on the market. >> a classic example of why competition is good and why startup should be allowed to start in your garage as you did and grow to where you are now.
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i will bring it back as we end tomorrow with keith hill, lauren kitty starts this live stream on youtube. the trading flows speared you feel very confident robin hood's platform is equipped to handle what could be massive volume. >> we been spending a lot of time investing in the infrastructure. i definitely do not want to jinx anything. i am a superstitious person in a way. >> you are superstitious. okay. we just learned something about you. glad to have you. we appreciate it. robin hood shares up about 6% right now. thank you very much for coming to foxbusiness. >> thank you. thank you for having me. more on lauren kitty live stream don't go away.
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liz: got to show you shares of gamestop. we've been following them all hour long. up 46 1/2%. on highs of the session, on news keith gill, aka roaring kitty will live stream on youtube tomorrow for the first time in three years. he is the one all the apes, meme
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followers investing in gamestop. the company is said they are ready for potential massive amounts of volume we may see midday tomorrow. charlie is here to react. >> i thought that was keith gill just left. liz: they kind of look-alike. >> i called him keith. he said hello. i'm only kidding. that's not true. but in any event -- liz: said they invest ad ton in infrastructure to prepare. >> that is it. robinhood today is not robinhood of three years ago. it is a much more mature company. it has much more, it was a capital issue last time. they didn't have the capital to do the clearing based on tremendous amounts of volume that came in. we should also point out that 2021, early 2021, is a much different environment, not just for robinhood as a company, raise capital. they have been to the market, they have been around, they have controls in place but the market
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itself is different. i think the, i mean let's face it 2021 people were still locked in their house. they were feeding, they were trading off of stimmie checks and zero percent interest rates. we do not have that right now. so the amount of volume that is going to come tomorrow, if any, i who knows, maybe it is priced in now, i can't tell you, is probably not, to the extent it was back in 2021 when planned parenthood couldn't, couldn't trade because it didn't have the capital to clear essentially. that was the problem. liz: what does this all mean for gamestop stock? >> i don't know. gamestop is a crappy company. what do you want me to say. look at its financials. liz: i did actually, charlie. >> wonderful, right? liz: they have 1.2 billion in cash. >> right. liz: 602 million in debt. they have got a market cap of, it was 9.8 billion. >> what was earnings last quarter? liz: well they didn't obviously. they report june 11th after
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the close. >> was it last quarter? liz: came in 5.2 billion in revenue? >> what was earnings? did they have earnings? liz: they have -- 5.2 billion in revenue is not a crappy business. >> 5.2 billion in revenue? liz: for a company -- >> in revenue, revenue. liz: yeah, sales. >> with 600 whatever in debt. liz: 602 million in debt with, with, when you consider revenue with very wonky earnings, this is not a company that's worth, 50 times -- liz: that is the market's decision. >> no, no it's not. it is when reality will set? because it has already. we should point out if you put a longer term chart, gamestop hit massive highs alearning the way. liz: that is five-year. >> there is the five-year. it is well off its highs over five years. liz: 14 billion market cap right now. >> they diluted their
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shareholders a gazillion times. i would just say this, you will see a lot of touts out there, people talk about revenues, what the market cap is. i would look at its underlying business, whether it's performing well compared to what it was in the past. how it's diluting shareholders. if you want to trade around this thing, feel free. man, most people that trade are not steve cohens of the world and this thing is a ripe short at this point. and it's not the same environment as it was last time where these shorts are just so committed to blowing these companies up and just essentially, you know, putting all their chips in one basket. the shorts today after all this meal stuff have gotten a, they're a lot more strategic. liz: well that sure means the apes had an effect on the big wall street traders. don't say no, charlie. you can't deny that. >> yeah they did. liz: you just said they are more
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strategic, translation, cautious. >> wait a second but they did and then the apes lost a lot of money because gamestop is well off its highs. amc is down 99%. should put up a chart of amc, looks like it is doing great. it is really 50-cent stock compared to 72 at its highs. these stocks are well off their highs. if you're going to go there be prepared to lose your you know what. liz: you just said, let me finish, it is a screaming short play. the shorts are getting slaughtered now and who knows what happens when keith gill goes on youtube. >> you have no how they're shorting or hedging. liz: that's true. >> if the shorts are getting slaughtered where is the hedge fund going out of business. liz: one did, we know that. >> when? liz: 2021,. >> how long ago was at that. liz: three years ago. i'm saying. >> where is the next one? liz: lightning can strike twice.
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>> may be one small one, that was a massive hedge fund they put out it. it is not happening now. that's not what i'm hearing. i'm hearing quite the opposite. they know what is coming, hedge funds. they know gamestop is not, we're not talking about apple or amazon here. liz: can we put up gamestop one more time for a last check. we have four minutes left to trade. it is up 47.7%. obviously true, well off that five-year high. >> how many times earnings is it trading? liz: like 4600. >> does it have earnings? liz: melvin capital was name of company. >> i know the company. but what are the earnings? do they have earnings? liz: if they're at 4600 forward p-e, it doesn't say na. not available. >> i know i'm just telling you that -- liz: i'm just telling you that a company that makes five billion -- >> doesn't make that is the revenues. liz: that is called sales. >> that's right. that's their revenues. it is manging it is what you
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earn. liz: i say, sales means that's what came in. >> what do they sell before, before people stopped buying these things at malls? liz: revenue is down about 19% quarter over quarter. >> think about that. liz: at least i'm coming with numbers, charlie. i'm not throwing out accusation. >> numbers that make so fence because you're saying that. liz: revenue numbers "wall street journal" reports. >> their revenues going down quarter after quarter and stock is up quarter after quarter? liz: that is a market play. >> the numbers you are citing is revenue, you're not even citing the earnings the revenues you're citing are down quart after quarter, quarter over quarter, yet the stock is up a gazillion% quarter over quarter. they're not shutting down. >> wonderful, they're not bankrupt. let's throw more money. liz: you're holding them to a different standard than some of these other companies? >> lower revenues i'm holding them to a different standard. liz: a lot of companies have lower revenues.
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>> that is not how analysts people that are rational stocks hold companies. they look at revenues, whether they're improving or not improving. then they put money. you see, you get that part, right? liz: i don't get it at all. i don't get it at all. i'm just a dummy? >> you know what they do? liz: charlie, thank you, we have a "countdown" crowser. >> it is not keith gill. liz: roaring kitty. >> what time is he on? liz: noon. youtube. youtube live stream. battle of tech titans heating up. we have to go back to nvidia now. doesn't 1%, $1210 a share, briefly supplanting apple at world's biggest company. could apple's development conference next week stave off nvidia's threat to its number two spot? we have sound group ceo. david, thank you for being here. apple, people were kicking it out of the "magnificent seven." what say you? >> i'm a big fan of apple here and i think they're positioned
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really well to just really take off in this a.i. next phase of the cycle. and so you know, apple's been pretty quiet what they have been doing in a.i. i think a part of that secrecy is because their team is really good bringing things out in a way like ready for launch. they don't like to have a bunch of issues in them. a.i. acquisitions this year by apple has been more than any of the other major companies out there. they have done a little better than 20. i think we're going to see some real moves here in apple. i think they will probably keep their dominance, even take microsoft on the front end. we'll have to see how the integrations play out. liz: "wall street journal" today had an article saying basically apple is behind the curve in artificial intelligence but apple is a different company, is it not than, a lot of other services companies? they are clearly the big iphone maker. they make the hardware in many cases. it feels like that's where they're going with the a.i.
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offerings but what, what is that going to look like that makes you say get into the stock? >> okay. so a.i. today is based on llm, large language models. so it is a lot of text, essentially a speed reader, helps you to metabolize ideas, share them in a more effective way. where a.i. is going? the future towards a large action model, lam. it gives you the ability, siri could access apps, order an uber for you or dipper for you or could schedule that trip to europe. all right. so there is a lot of different things they can do. [closing bell rings] liz: big developers conference is next week. there we go. market closes mixed. only the dow eking out a gain of 66 points. tomorrow, satori fund, dan nile. that will do it for us. "kudlow" is next. larry: hello, folks, welcome to


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