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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 6, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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the all new godaddy airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... ...with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at larry: let us remember 80 years ago the boys on the beaches of nor normandy. faith, loyalty, courage, patriotism in defense of freedom, in defense of america. god bless them all. up next, liz macdonald. elizabeth: thank you, larry. welcome to "the evening edit," i'm elizabeth macdonald. the 80th anniversary of d-day
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put the allied powers on a clear path to victory over the evils of nazi germany in world war ii. finish joining us now, former utah congressman jason chaffetz and "forbes" media chair, steve forbes. thanks for joining us, both. steve, first to you. the heroic sacrifice, courage and daring of troops who out of a fierce if love of freedom freed a continue can innocent, they're the -- continent. they're the greatest generation. so many of our viewers out there had family members making the ultimate sacrifice, steve. the president today talked about the threats to democracy. are you worried about the state of democracy now? >> we always have to be worried about the state of democracy. ronald reagan put it well decades ago when he said we're one generation away from losing liberty if we don't teach our kids and grandkids about what it is, what it means and how it was achieved. in that sense, we always have to wore -- worry, and people today don't have an appreciation for what they have. and that's why i think it's
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important we honor what happened on d-day. those young men gave their lives so this nation might live, and we need that reminder. and our schools haven't been doing it adequately, and we must do it because we can lose what they fought and died so we could inherit, a free country, the best country in the nation -- on earth. and one that has been a beacon of light and hope for the rest of the world. we can't lose it, and that's why reagan was right. elizabeth: your thoughts on this, jason, this day for leadership and inspiration. so it's a tough day to see the president looking frail, looking shaky at a d-day ceremony in france. he was stumbling around a, at one point trying the find his chair. that's tough to see that. your thoughts. >> it is tough to see it. but i tell you, my wife and i were blessed to go see, to go there, to go to normandy, go to utah beach, go and see where these men got off these boats and more likely than not, they were going to die.
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and they stepped up and they did that in the name of freedom, they did that in the name of the united states of america. anded today we deserve a better commander in chief than we have now. somebody who knows how to get our troops out of harm's way, somebody who knows how to take care of the homeless veterans, people that have been serving, somebody that can find his chair and negotiate a teleprompter, would be a good start. but to the men and women who serve today, who have served in the past, god bless 'em because they, they made this country great in the face of tyranny, and it's, it's amazing what they did. there's a reason why they were the greatest generation. elizabeth: also, you know, steve, the timing of this, the president did look confused and frail today. the white house is really firing back hard at that "wall street journal" article detailing dozens of lawmakers and staffers saying president biden is in decline, and there are concerns about his mental a fitness. the journal says it stands by its reporting that cited both
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democrats and republicans. the white house is giving the msn nbc segment where the journal was excoriated. >> i think this story is the beginning of a drum beat for joe biden's removal from the ticket, that is, withdrawing from the race. he won't quit the presidency, obviously, but he's not fit to run the kind of campaign that is needed in november. and i think democrats realize it. there's that interview in "ed time" magazine -- in time magazine. as they used to say in the soviet union, there are no coincidences, comrade. so i think that it's begun. they realize this man is not fit to continue in the presidency, certainly not for a second term, and this is unfolding now. elizabeth: yeah. you know, what steve -- excuse me, what steve just said, jason. americans deserve transparency. they deserve to know who is leading them and if their physical and mental state. a former obama staffer slammed
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the democrats', quote, faux, fake outrage over the journal story. steve talked about the biden time magazine interview. he mixed up xi jinping with putin, mixed up africa with south america. in the past he's said he has talked to dead leaders like health met col and mitterand. let's get your reaction to the media weighing in. watch this. >> president biden today touched down in paris. easy -- [laughter] take it one -- [laughter] good, good, good. and, okay. very good. [cheers and applause] >> he's not going away. he's not going to age backwards. he isn't benjamin button here, he's joe biden. [laughter] he passed on democrats that the washington journal is interviewing and have them circle back to highlight biden's strength if you are darn sure and you don't think this is a vulnerability.
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elizabeth: jason, so that journal story said democrats actually took tape recordings of their discussions with "wall street journal" reporters, brought it back to the white house, and then the white house told democrats to go back and push back on, you know, the narrative that the president is weak, frail, confused and declining behind the scenes, jason. >> we can all see it. all we have to do is watch the daily footage, and you can see what's happening and the way -- look, he's got teleprompters, and he's still the making these major, major gaffes. somebody will misspeak every once in a while, that happens, but this is beyond that, you know in they've had to move to short stairs off of air force one, they've had to gather staff around a him when he goes to marine one, he durant do these impromptu -- doesn't do these impromptu interviews, and then they won't release the tapes of his interview with special counsel hur. if they a wanted to put this to bed, you know, it was the department of justice that said, hey, you know what? he was frail.
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well, then release the tapes, white house. they don't want to do that. elizabeth this is about what's good for america, period. jason chaffetz -- >> yeah. elizabeth: -- steve forbes, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: let's welcome to the show pollster the lee carter. of lee, it's so good to have you on the show, we appreciate you so much. lee, we've got new polling from "the new york times", sienna and emerson college. after trump's conviction, former president trump is still holding his lead over biden, but it is tightening. for example, in times' polling it's 47% trump, 46% biden. what do you think of this? >> i think it's not, not that big of a deal at tend of the day. we've seen polls sort of shift like this all throughout. we haven't seen a major shift in the polls, and i think a lot of people especially on the left were expecting to see that a trump was going to take a huge dive. he hasn't. before the verdict came in, 17% of americans said that they were
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likely to reconsider their vote for donald trump if he were convicted. now only 4% say that they will. so it's actually, i think, much less of an impact than anybody expected. and i think over time we're going to see that even lessen. there's the concern about a president biden's age, it's just about the same as the concern about a donald trump's conviction here. and i think at the end of the day we've got a lot of people who don't want either one of these candidates, and then there's a lot of people on the right who are really, really excited about donald trump. his enthusiasm is strong. some polling suggests that people, 211 percent of -- 21% of voters or are more excited to vote for him, more than they were before he was convicted. so he's gaining enthusiasm, he's gaining donors. and i don't think that it's going to really have much of an impact at all. if anything, it might even benefit him at this point. elizabeth: you know, lee, is it true that it's right around now
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when voters start to really pay attention and start to say, yeah, this is the way i'm going, that it's now through, i think, september when they solidify who they're going to choose? you know, we've got this new quinnipiac poll in the battleground state of georgia. trump beating biden by 49% to 44%. and when you look at, you know, 54% overall said a conviction did not change their vote, 21% of independents say they're more likely to vote for trump. >> it's the really fascinating. we are in that moment where people are starting to solidify their vote, between july and october people are really going to start -- there's the conventions happening, we're going to have the debates happening, all of these things where people are going to start tuning in and paying attention. people start to pay attention a little bit earlier because of this court case and the other things that were going on. at the end of the day, what we're seeing right now is that these court cases are not hurting donald trump among the voters who are likely to support
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him. it's not really hurting him with independents, it's not hurting him with republicans. and democrats are just getting more angry at donald trump. so what does that a mean? if does that mean they're more likely to vote in november than democrats? i'm not sure they're going to be more enthusiast ec than donald trump's supporters are. we know that 70% of trump's supporters are really excited and enthusiastic while only 30% of biden's supporters are -- elizabeth: so that's about a turnout. you know what's interesting, let's show trump's veep short list, who could maybe give him the firepower to go after democrats. this is what viewers are going to start to see. senator chuck schumer is going to start providing political cover for biden with barrage of show votes in the senate on issues like abortion and contraception to help biden campaign by attacking republicans. you know, that's what a chuck schumer's strategy is. it's unclear if that's going to help at all or work. let's watch former president trump on hannity speak out. let's listen to this.
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watch. >> there's never been a president like this. look, he's a horrible president. he's destroying our country at a the border. he's allowing millions of people to to come in from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylum ares. he's allowing terrorists to flood into our country. what i've gone through, nobody's ever gone through. i have been under siege. nobody's ever seen anything like this in this country. we've become a banana republic. >> you were asked about the possibility that judge merchan might send -- you to jail. you don't have to be doing this. >> i said i'm very proud to fight for our constitution, and if that's what it takes, going against the system that is so corrupt -- elizabeth: what do you think of this, lee? final word. >> look, i think 70 of americans think there's -- 70% of americans think there's a two-tiered system of justices and more than 60% of americans are looking for a candidate that's going to fight back. i think his messaging on this is
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really smart for him. elizabeth: got it. lee carter, thank you so much. we appreciate you very much. and still ahead we have a jam-packed hour of news. senator rick scott from senate armed services, congresswoman claudia tenneyny from ways and means, congresswoman they're yo net miller meeks, former home depot ceo bob nardelli, dr. janette nesheiwat and former congressional investigator sam dewey. okay, this, can biden really campaign on the trump legal cases as they start to increasingly stall out? if we've got details. also, health officials say the problem with dr. fauci is not just misleading america, it's that he's not talking enough about a dangerous side effects of covid vaccines. a major and damning new study of 47 countries found covid vaccines likely helped drive massive excessive deaths. and president biden, this story's coming up too, he made another wild claim this time
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about vladimir putin. also this new problem, california residents up in arms. governor newsom is set to cut the state's public safety the budget. guess what he's doubling down on instead? also the fall paout of this -- fallout of this, house lawmakers demand the justice department criminally prosecute hunter and james biden for lying to congress. we've got the report. and justice department prosecutors now say it is hunter biden engaging in, quote, conspiracy theories about a his own laptop the. now used as evidence at his gun trial. this after hunter biden, his father, democrats attacked anyone talking about the laptop as a conspiracy mongers. we're taking it on on "the evening ed fit" tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ [thunder rumbles]
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a.g., merrick garland, doesn't move forward with a prosecution, then the next a.g. under perhaps a president trump administration should move forward. republicans say this is way bigger than the president's son. >> the ball is now in the court of the attorney general. he just testified here just this week that he doesn't want to show that there's a two-tiered system of justice. well, he has an opportunity now to prove it to the american people, and we'll see what step he takes. >> reporter: hunter's attorney reportedly says this is all nothing more than republican trying to distract from a failed impeachment inquiry into hunter's father, and democrats are now openly mocking the gop if for continuing that impeachment investigation. >> is that still going on? >> it's going great for comer. i mean, everything i read is going so well for him. he should just keep -- james, keep doing what a you're doing, james. it's going great. >> reporter: now, this could all come to a head in a matter
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of days, elizabeth, because congresswoman marjorie taylor green is forcing to use a motion to force a vote on the impeachment of president biden on his job on the border. of course to, though, we have to wait and see if she has enough votes, it doesn't appear that would actually happen. and democrats have continuously said they would make sure to block that. elizabeth? elizabeth: aishah hasnie, thank you so much. look who's here from house ways and means, congresswoman claudia tenney. it's great to see you again, great to have you on the show. thanks for joining us. what's your reaction to aishah's report there? >> hook are, i think this is incredible, that the democrats are starting to panic right now about what's happening with hunter biden because really this is all about joe biden. there wouldn't be hunter biden getting involved in these international money laundering, bribery scandals if it weren't for him being in the position he is as the son of the president or son of the former vice
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president and his access to all kinds of people to influence whether it's legislation to get money as we've shown. and then all of this came to light because of the incredible courage of the whistleblowers who came to the house ways and means committee and revealed that this was going on. and it's incredible, liz, that you see merrick garland chumming around with hunter biden at major events in the white house, days later gets this kind of weak charge against him last year in june on the gun charge, it was a plea deal that that got rejected by the judge. thankfully, a judge appointed by president trump but also a judge trying to do the right thing. there is so much here, and that's why you see these criminal referrals. hunt -- merrick garland, i think he's a dirty cop. he's not doing his job. he needs to look into these thing, and he's only not prosecuting and not going after the misconduct in the department of justice because he serves the president, not the american people. and that's what everyone needs to understand. elizabeth: you know,
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congresswoman, also this story, the irony is rich here. isn't this a rebuke of joe biden, nancy pelosi, adam schiff, chuck schumer and 511 u.s. intelligence -- 55 5 -- 51 u.s. intelligence officials claiming it was russian disinformation? it was testified that the laptop is authentic, she did not see any evidence it was tampered with. the justice department is now using it as a evidence. special counsel david weiss says it's hunter biden who's engaging in conspiracy theories claiming t not authentic when they have no evidence of that. >> liz, not only is it rich are, this is criminal. these 51 intelligence agents swore an oath to tell the truth, and they put out a false document knowingly. that's a direct violation of 1001 of the federal code -- elizabeth: should they get their security clearances yanked? >> oh, absolutely.
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i've been saying this for, since the day we found out about this laptop when miranda devine disclosed it. "the new york post" did a wonderful job on it. look at all of these people liningism i've seen the montages all day about a how this was russian disinformation, and yet here's the fbi using the laptop as credible evidence against hunter biden, but they're selectively using it, because there's a whole lot more on that laptop that has been revealed and exposed by the house ways and means committee under chairman jason smith. we just have to get a prosecution out of this, and we're not going to get it it from dirty cop perric garland. -- merrick garland. elizabeth: in 2020, leslie lesley stahl of "60 minutes," remember how she cut off president trump. you're right about the media. let's listen to who went along with democrats' false narrative of misleading america saying the laptop was fake. watch this. >> this looks like your classic disinformation campaign --
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>> as i and several of my former colleagues pointed out publicly that it does bear the hallmarks of russian disinformation. >> this looks like russian intelligence. this walks like russian intelligence. this talks like russian intelligence. this effort by rudy giuliani and the new york post and steve bannon to cook up supposed dirt on joe biden looks like a classic russian playbook disinformation campaign. >> from, actually, intel committee chair adam schiff who said this discussion over hunter biden and the story that came out in "the new york post" that is highly questionable and dubiously sourced is part of a russian disinformation campaign. elizabeth: so you could see behind the scenes joe biden panics in the summer of 2020. nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, they attack senators chuck grassley and ron johnson's report detailing what was going on with hunter biden, exposing himself to potential criminal extortion overseas among our adversaries like china and russia. then the playbook comes out, say
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it's russian disinformation. just lie to the american people. >> yeah. knowing liars covering up crimes. they all should be prosecuted and removed from office. this makes watergate look like a walk in the park. it is the worst criminal action we have seen in our country in terms of interfering with the election and trying the take a town a president of the united states -- down a president of the united states and a candidate for president. elizabeth: congresswoman tenney, we appreciate you so much. we hope to have you back on again soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: we're coming into the bottom of the hour. you're watching the fox business network. still ahead, senator rick scott from senate armed services. now this story, military expert, foreign policy pros question how will president biden actually police and stop ukraine from using u.s. weapons inside russia? plus, president biden makes another wild claim, this time about a putin. and we have former congressional investigator sam dewey. no one saw this coming, trump's legal cases are now in limbo.
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democrats and the media are a railing against that. and how can the biden campaign really campaign at all? all of this coming up on "the evening edit." we will be will be right back. mug. ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile.
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elizabeth: joining us now, form former congressional investigator s sam dewey. sam is, it's always a pleasure to have you on. thank you so much for joining us tonight. okay, this story, sam, what do you make of this? because few to no one saw the coming last year. now the trump cases are in serious limbo and in doubt. the georgia 2020 case likely delayed indefinitely until after the election, the georgia appeals case has got to first decide on whether to disqualify fani willis for hiring her unqualified, secret lover as prosecutor on that, and judge aileen cannon holding a hearing june 2321st to debate that -- 21st to debate that jack smith has no standing to prosecute trump. what do you think? >> i mean, i think it goes to show how much of stretch those
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cases were, that they are bogged down in these issues. these aren't issues you normally encounter. they're a sign of overreach by the prosecutors. elizabeth: so judge cannon, though, is getting hammered by the media over this. let's get your reaction to the media hot takes here and, sam, watch how these legal experts on other networks not talking about the law and the constitution. watch this. >> she may also be scared. she sees how donald trump can turn on a judge. she sees what he's done in new york. >> this whole way she has conducted this case is wildly, totally, crazily unusual. and the allowing of outsiders to participate in a a day-and-a-half hearing that most judges would decide on briefs or maybe give ten minutes a side to argue is just another el straight that she is -- illustration that she is trying to kill this prosecution. elizabeth: okay. just wild accusations, no proof
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the judge is scared or trying to kill the prosecution. let's show a former u.s. attorneys general ed meese and michael mukasey point out, they're saying jack smith's office is unconstitutional. he was not confirmed by the senate, not properly pinted under the constitution -- appointed under the constitution, but he has extraordinary legal powers. why are these debates on the other networks so bereft and void of that? >> because they don't care about the law or the process. everybody knows that this is routine with a serious question, two former attorney generals are making the argument. the supreme court asked about it. they know this is serious. they just want a conviction. they don't want a judge who's going to take their time and say is, hey, you choose to do it this way. you chose jack smith. he hasn't been senate confirmed. you knew this was going to be an issue s and you don't like the fact that the judge is taking it seriously. that's absurd. and i will say i know judge cannon personally. i worked with her shortly out of
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law school, we both worked together on a matter, and i do not know anybody who's actually worked with her regardless of political affiliation who does not have, a a, absolute respect for her legal ability but, b, immense respect for her work ethic and courage. it's just absurd. elizabeth if elizabeth now you've got nbc legal analyst glenn kirschner talked about as the orchestrate ther of a campaign to oust judge cannon. but the911th -- 1 11th circuit court of appeals judge -- he said this is a deliberate and orchestrate thed campaign against her. what do you make of this happening over at msnbc and nbc? >> i mean, i think it just goes to show you that it's all about the result. it's not about the process. judge cannon is doing her job. she's taking her time, she's considering the issues. and, again, these are all a issues that jack smith and his team raised from his appointment
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to the discovery disputes, to altering documents and photos. they caused this all. you can't do this and claim about delay. none of this happens in a normal case. elizabeth: let's listen to former president trump here. watch this. >> focus on those that want people to believe that you want retribution, that you will use the system of justice to go after your political enemies. >> so, number one, they're wrong. it has to stop because otherwise we're not going to have a country. look, when this election is over based on what they've done, i would have every right to go after them. and it's easy, because it's joe biden. and you see all the criminality. all of the money that's going into the family and him, all of this money from china, from russia, from ukraine. elizabeth: what do you think, sam? >> i mean, think that's right.
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, it's going to be fully within the law. i don't think anybody, the president or anybody on his team, wants to do somethings that is outside of the law the way that's been done to him. elizabeth: got it. sam tuohy, thank you so much. let's well welcome to the show senator rick scott. senator, it's good to see you again. okay, what did you make of president biden today commemorating d-day in normandy, france, taking veiled shots at trump citing things like isolationism? >> first of all, my father flew in there 80 years ago. 17% of his company died. he was in the 82nd airborne, 5000, and he fought for liberty. -- 505. this should be a commemoration of the people that put their lives on the line are. my dad had a sixth grade education, never thought he'd come back aa live. most of his friends died over there. this should be let's show gratitude for people who put their life on the line for elector all over the world, freed france, freed europe.
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so that's what a this ought to be. there shouldn't have been anything political in this at all today. it's really disgusting, what bind's done. elizabeth: we are grateful for your father. now let's get your reaction to this interview on abc airing tonight. we're going to give you a preview. listen to president biden on ukraine with using weapons inside russia, and he wildly claim he knew vladimir putin when putin was an undercover kgb agent a. watch this. >> -- american weapons for limited direct strikes. are american weapons being used right now inside russia? >> they're authorized to be used in proximity to the border. when they're being used on the other side of the border to attack specific targets in ukraine. we are not authorizing strikes 200 miles into russia. we're not authorizing strikes on moscow, on the kremlin. if. >> let me ask about what vladimir putin said last might about this authorization of american weapons inside russia. he said the supply of high
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precision weapons to ukraine for strikes on russian territory is direct participation in this war. he went on to say that this is the way to serious problems and again talked about russia's nuclear capabilities. does that concern you? >> i've known him for 40 years. he's concerned me for 40 years. elizabeth: 40 years ago putin was an undercover kgb agent. so there's that. it's unclear how he knew him during that time. what does it mean, in proximity to the border? are u.s. weapons now being used inside russia by crane? that's what -- by ukraine? and how does the biden white house police ukraine so they're not being used in a big way deeper inside russia? because now we've got reports russia's about to begin air and naval military exercises in the caribbean. the biden white house is saying they're not concerned, they've done this in the past. what do you make of all this?
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>> i don't think biden has any if idea what's going op. i don't think he has any idea what his administration is doing. i think he has a title. he's given away all his authority to everybody else. i think everybody in this country needs to realize we're way more at risk because joe biden is the president. we've got what's going on in ukraine, what's going on in israel, we've got what's going on with iran attacking israel, what's going to in latin america while russia's there, china's this, iran's there, hezbollah's there. we have a weak president who has nod idea what he's doing, and he's appeasing dictators all over the country -- all over the world, and he's doing it in cuba, venezuela, nicaragua. he's hoping socialists all over the world -- elizabeth: iran. >> yeah. look at the amount of money he's given to iran that goes to the houthi, hezbollah, hamas. and the money, by the way, he doesn't give money to israel to defend what happened to them. but he's going to give all this money to gazans with his pier that didn't work that goes right
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to hamas. hamas is fat and happy right now. elizabeth: senator rick scott, again, thanks to your father for his service in d-day and all a americans out there with family members when when served our nation. we appreciate you, senator, come back soon. still ahead, congresswoman mare yo net miller meeks on the krone vice and dr. janette nesheiwat, they are fired up and ready to go on this: health officials say the problem with dr. fauci is not just that he's been misleading america and congress, it's that he's not talking enough about the dangerous side effects of covid vaccines like this damning new, major study of covid vaccines in nearly four dozen nations. it finds that advantage a seens -- vaccine's dangerous side effects could have led to, quote, excess we've deaths. but first, let's check in with dagen and sean. what's coming up on "the bottom line"? sean: we are light years away from the greatest generation as in america we struggle to meet our recruitment goals for
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america. we have sergeant david david bellavia and sergeant josie jones -- joey jones joining us this hour. dagen: and we talk about joe biden's, his words echo today because they are so hollow. and also charlie hurt on the big money haul in san francisco for in the biden, but one donald trump. all the big money, technology guys, wall street lining up. not so afraid of president trump. and then the vp stakes. running mate could help bring in big bucks as well. top of the hour. ♪ ♪
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have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. elizabeth: let's welcome to the show from the house select subcommittee on the coronavirus. congresswoman mare yo net miller meeks. also joining us, fox news medical center jeanette if jeanette nesheiwat -- janette nesheiwat. by the way, thank you both so much for joining us. congresswoman, we're hearing a lot of complaints from doctors and nurses out there that dr. fauci is not doing enough to talk about the dangerous side effects of covid vaccines. what do you think, congresswoman? >> well, before i answer your question, you realize and i think you remember that i'm an army veteran, so so i just want to acknowledge the 80th
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anniversary of d-day. and then i couldn't agree more. we know from the testimony this week of dr. fauci that -- and from the deposition with dr. collins that there wasn't really good scientific evidence about distancing or mask mandates, and new we have this report from the british medical journal, something that we've known for a long time, and that's excess if mortality. this is looking at years 2020-2022, but we need to continue that. so some of this may have been cardiovascular events from people that were susceptible or delayed care, but some of it, in fact, may be related to the vaccine. and we mow that -- know that there were some clotting issues with the vaccine is. we need to continue studying it, we need to stop pushing boosters for people to get covid-19 unless they have severe medical issues and vulnerables, and we really need to study this. we have pushed for this in the select subcommittee both when dr. walensky was the head of cdk and even -- cdc, and even now
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with dr. cohen but also with dr. elizabeth: thank you for your service the america. dr. nesheiwat, politicians and the media kept hammering about safety, but this new study out of amsterdam of 47 western countries in europe, the u.s., australia, it finds covid vaccines may have helped fuel a rise in, quote, excessive deaths due to dangerous side effects. you know, doctor, they're citing more than 3 million excessive deaths since 2020. what is going on here? what do you think? >> yeah. so, you know, having -- taking care of thousands of covid patients myself on the front lines, liz, i would say to you that i think it's a combination. first of all, the excessive mortality death rate, what that is is, the number of deaths more than we expected. for example, if you only expect 1,000 deaths per day of heart disease yet all of a sudden there are 2,000 deaths, that gives us a 11,000-death surplus -- 11,000-death surplus. i think in the a combination of
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the disease itself. we know covid causes inflammation, heart disease, blood clots. but i also do think that the vaccine may have played a role, a slight role in this. why? because we know that there are certain side effects of the vaccine that we call perry car diets, myocarditis, neurological problems as well as blood clots. so if you take a combination of the vaccine itself, the disease itself and then the fact that there was lockdowns and shutdowns is and school closure withs, so this means that patients didn't have access to being health care. there were delays in them seeking care, delays in diagnosis of diseases, and then there were delays in treatment, treatment for conditions like cancers and diabetes and heart disease. elizabeth: yeah. >> so i think it's the combination that resulted in that excess death rate. elizabeth: you know, the side effects include stroke, brain hem reasonable from these vaccines, cardiovascular disease and blood clotting. also reports that oxford
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university researchers studied over a million english children and talkers, congresswoman -- teenagers up to the age of 151. they found incidents -- 15. they found incidents of myocarditis appearing after the vaccine and not after infection. doctors looking at unusual aare depressive late-stage cancers that a may be linked to the pandemic. you take on all a of this, congresswoman. >> well, i think there's two interesting things in the study you just mentioned. one is if you looked at the excess deaths in sweden,those dramatically decreased in 20222. as we know, sweden didn't have the lockdowns, and so i think that's important. the next thing is what happens in 2023, and we need that data so that we can address whether or not it is from a delay in care or cardiowith vascular events related to having an infection itself or if it's related to the advantage sewn. we certainly in young people, and i asked dr. walensky this numerous times, that there's increased myocarditis and perry car diets.
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so in young people it could be related to the vaccine, and there was never if a risk benefit profile that should is have mandated advantage vaccine in those under age 18. elizabeth: dr. nesheiwat, we going to get more transparent discussions? final word. >> i think the takeaway is never shut down the country again, especially when it comes to schools and businesses. and let's stay focused on the most vulnerable groups. that's our elderly, our seniors and those with underlying medical conditions like heart disease, lung disease, diabetes and obesity. elizabeth: dr. nesheiwat, you're terrific. congresswoman miller meeks, you're terrific too. thanks for joining us. still ahead, the former ceo of home depot and chrysler, he's bob nardelli. gavin newsom, the governor of california, he's been talked about as a replacement if biden doesn't run. we deponent know if that's going to -- don't know if that's going to happen, but what's to be made of cutting california's public safety budget as crime is still making california neighborhoods? he's doubling down on climate
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goals related to equity. taking it on on "the evening edit" next.
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california governor newsom he has a nearly 28 billion dollar state budget deficit but he wants to cut 100 million out of the budget for public safety like prison and law en enforcement but doubling down on climate goals, including those related to equity, what is going on in california. >> thank you for having me on. you talk about think about process -- the budget process there and things that governor prioritizes, no different from a ceo to make tough capital allocations, you have to rack and stack them make sure priorities are appropriate with the strategy of the case. i think that population there, want clean air. but they would rather vote for protection to rein the law lose society.
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i think he needs to do a consumer back or population back and get prio priorities on what is important to the people of state he rips, that is how there will be a ceo evacuated on that, i think that governor is as well. elizabeth: he is talking about equity. what is more of a civil rights problem than being murdered in your own community, or a robbery, he has a -- crime problem in san francisco, the last year 8700 cases of theft. 2000 burglars, 2300 cars stole en, where is t the equity in that. >> there isn't, it is hard to justify that, the horrific case the other day one of the actors on tv, a series, walked out asked whether he car of being towed away, and she w -- and he was shot dead, there is no equity with that.
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we hearing about robberies and hijackings with babies in the car. it is important to make an appraisal in what would serve your state the best. i would challenge the governor to look at that. it make some new appropriations for what is happening. it is not only the budget, right? it is judicial system, start to impose consequence, has to impose consequence, for behavior and conduct out there. that has turned a dark eye to really enforcing the laws that we have. elizabeth: stop treating shoplifting like a barking tick -- parking ticket and stop calling your store security guards loss prevention associates, stores like tv max are outfitting -- like tj maxx are outfitting their security guards with bodycam bodycams.
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>> when i was fortunate enough to can be home depot, reflecting on what tj maxx is doing, i am sure they have tested it, i would be concerned that putting a cameraoo on an associate or sales person might be intrusive. if i am shopping there i'm not sure that i would want to be videotaped. elizabeth: that is the world that we're in i guess, bob, thank you, you are terrific, come back soon. and joining us tomorrow, we have congresswoman debbie lesko. and tudor dixon. we have a shot show tomorrow night, thanks for watching "the evening edit," i am elizabeth macdonald, we are going to dagen and sean, they are fired up and ready to go. dagen: thanks emac. elizabeth: sure. ♪


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