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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 6, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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- was that necessary? - no. neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. today we commemorate 80
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anniversary of operation neptune on beaches of normandy france, my good friend newt gingrich will be here. but first, we go on edward lawrence who has details on president biden in normandy today, what you can tell us. reporter: right now president biden is back in paris, he will again be in normandy tomorrow to deliver another speech, today was about reflection, reflecting on those folk who helped about 80 years ago what happened and today also. in his speech. president biden made comparisons to the invasion of ukraine. >> we live in a time when democracy is more at risk across the world -- then 8 point sinces end of world war ii, we have to ask, we stand against tyranny, evil
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and crushing brutality ofs iron p fist ? reporter: reference pushes back russians after president biden mixed up president putin and chinese president xi, they heard the words but waiting for action. >> parachuting in tomorrow but as we stand united including with our president, his standing is quite diminished and one of the challenges his inability to rally behind ukraine and take out iran and disaster withdrawal from afghanistan made it more difficult, we hear it from our allies. reporter: during the ceremony at omar vi omaha beach. some of those who stormed beach on june 6, 1944, they
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read letters they wrote home the following day. >> airmail paper is hard to get. the envelopes are attainable at the post office. hope you all are okay. love ed. >> a very emotional day in in normandy at omaha beach. larry: thank you very much. we appreciate it. d-day, attributed to boys of subject of the riff. it is so important to recognize and remember this is one of the greatest military operations in the history of history. to preserve fr freedom
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and democracy for america and for our allies. the allied world effort was led by wy winston churchill and franklin roosevelt. the american and british soldiers were supported by the aussies, the kiwis, the canyo canadians, bravery and sacrifice of the men who fought on that day later almost beyond words, they made the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of freedom. what happened to d-day must never ever be forgotten. president biden's -- president ronald reagan's 1984 speech on the fourth anniversary of d-day was
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timeless tribute to america's d-day heroes. to save freedom and save the world. it is one reagan's greatest speeches. in today's show. >> allied armies joined in battle to reclaim t this continent to liberty for 4 long years, much of europe was under a terrible shadow. free nations had fallen jews cried out in camps millions cried out for l liberation. under was inslaved and the world prayed for his rescue,
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here in normandy the rescue began. giant undertaking. we stand on a lonely wind swept point on the northern shore of france. the air is soft but 40 years ago at this moment, the air was dense with smoke, and cries of men and air was filled with crack of rifle fire and roar of cannon. at dawn, on the morning of 6 of june, 1944, 225 rangers jumped off british landing craft and ran to the bottom of these cliffs, mission was one of most difficult and daring of invasion. to climb these sheer and desolate cliffs and take out the enemy guns, the allies had been told some of the mightiest of the guns were here and they would be trained on the beaches to stop the allied advance, the rangers looked up and saw
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enemy soldiers, american rangers began to climb. they shot rope ladders over the face of the cliffs and pulled themselves up, when one ranger fell another one take his place. they climbed, shot back and held their footing, soon one by one, the rangers pulled themselves over the top, and in seizing firm land at top of cliffs they began to seize back the continent of europe. 225 came here. after stwo 2 days of fighting only 90 could stale bear arms. behind me is a memorial that symbolizes ranger daggers thrust to the top of the cliffs. and before me, are men who put them there. these are the boys of
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pointe dues hoc. these are the men who took the cliffs. these are the champions who helped free a continent. the heroes who helped end a war. >> so it was an operation aimed at destroys nazism. the horrors of jewish holocaust and be o obliterating hitler and mussolini, every person involved in this invasion, including army r rangers climbing steep cliffs of international normandy, every person was a hero, what the rangers did was almost unimaginable. it was the grunts that carried victory home, pushing on to the beaches and up the cliffs as thousands much their comrades fell. here is president reagan on
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what the brave heroes fought for. >> 40 summers have passed since the battle you fought here, you were young the day you took these cliffs, some of you hardly more than boys. you risked everything here. why? why did you do did? what i'm pehled you to put aside instinct for self preservation and risk your lives to take these cliffs? we look at you and somehow we know the answer. it was faith, and belief. it was loyalty and love. the men of normandy had faith that what they were doing was right, they fought for humanity and a just god would grant them mercy on
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this beach head or the next, the beach knowledge, and pray god we have not lost it. that there is a profound moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the ic use of force for conquest. you were here to liberate not to conquer. so you and those others did not doubt your cause, you all knew that some things are worth dying for, one's country is worth dying for and democracy is worth dying for because it is the most deeply honorable form of different ever devised by man. >> yes, what inspired them? why did they do what they did? great people, my old friend tom p brokaw called did greatest generation, he was the right, in opening scene of saving private ryan begins to cover the sacrifice and horrors of the
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beach invasion, 40 years since reagan's historic speech, some of the men of normandy are still alive, god bless them, as the "the gipper" said, they have faith that what they were doing is right, and they fought for all humanity. let us heed "the gipper"'s wo words. >> let us make a vow to our dead, show them by our actions we understand what they died for. larry: and you must also remember, reagan's words, one's country is worth dying for and democracy is worth dying for. because it is the most deeply honorable form of
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government ever devised by man. as reagan said. also, if not us, who? if not now, when? and let me finish with this short of beautiful line. >> strengthened by their courage, hear heartened by their value, let us continue to stand for the ideals for which they lived and died, thank you very much. and god bless you all. larry: god bless the boys of pointe du hoc.
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amazing speech. now let me bring in my friend newt gingrich. who is a former house speaker and fox news contributor and a great of historian in his own right. newt, i think you have to memorialize these moments, the lessons of yesterday are so important for lessons of today, you know reagan asked what made them do it? he talked about faith, and belief, loyalty, love. freedom. democracy. what do you make of it newt gingrich? >> it touching. calista and i filmed at it is when you are there. it is overwhelming. i want to add to it. democracy is worth living for. freedom is worth living for. your country is worth living for, we need settle citizens
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who dey after day they don't have to go land in normandy, they have to go out, and vote, speak up, insist their children are educated this process of saving america, is after every day one day at a time process. and if you read r reagan a farewell address he worries about decline of patriotism and decline of american history and fact that our cull culture is fraying at the edges. i am a huge fan of dwight "star wars: rise of rise eisenhower, i did a pod cast. d-day was largest most complicated single thing ever done by people, unbelieve an hable how many things had to work. and the courage that eisenhower had to make the decision to go.
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and the note he kept in his pocket. in which he had written in case we failed he took total responsibility. that is also a part of being a citizen. you are responsible for your country. and you are responsible for doing the things necessary to preserve and protect freedom. larry: you know, if possible, eisenhower, i think still historically today, newt is an under rate the figure, still. i think highs generalship is under rated. and i think his president see is under rated. we can take about that in another time. but it important point you just raised, i appreciate that. newt, today i also worry about preserving patriotism and democracy. today, i worry about that. you know, we have been around a while, we're old guys, i worry about it.
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i worry did democracy and our younger generation, i worry about what is going on in this administration and washington. i don't want to politicize the boys of pointe du hoc speech, but i do worry about patriotism and democracy and it's ability to last as a major virtue in this country. >> reagan said in his first great speech in october of '64, freedom is one generation don't, if each generation does not renew it, invest in it teach it to its young, freedom can disappear. and i think this is you know this is one of those days when really worth while once a year to stop and remember price of freedom. president franklin roosevelt
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led the nation in prayer, prayed on the record, i recommend to our viewerred to pull up, fdr 's pray or d-day, it is stunningly powerful, and you will be deeply moved by it. larry: i may not agree with all of fdr's economic policies but, fdr, there was much greatness about him, newt, i think you would agree. >> absolutely. larry: you can be a conservative today or whatever, and still understand he was a great man. and lived through a period not only of depression but world war ii, i appreciate that. i will switch gears hang on. you are so good. i will say -- >> i thought i was testing you with the fdr reference. larry: no, i fell for it. hook, line and sinker. i don't agree with you know,
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dathe keynesian stuff, but he was a leader during the great depression. an experimenter. but he also was a war leader, you have to give him credit. you talk about the prayer he did i'm presumes on radio. look all of the fire side chats if nothing else, inspirational. and you know, the same is true with another guy, on other side of the pond, winston churchill, high gave fire side chats on the radio, with his speeches, that were quite remarkable. and they rallied people and -- gave them hom hope and optimism, i would like to see that hire today. here to. >> i agree, it is important,
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if you look at president trump, at normandy compared to what he said about preserves peace and what probepossible probe s-- president biden said there is an extraordinary ggap in the two types of leadership. larry: trump talked with our pal hannity last night, talks about wanting to change psychology of the country. we have clips. hire it comes. >> focus on those that want people to believe that you want retribution, you want use the system of justice to go after your political -- >> number one, they are wrwrong, it has to stop, otherwise we'll not have a
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country, i want to spring the country together, success brings country together. larry: he talked about success, no retribution, he reminded hannity that you know after he won in 2016 he did not go after hillary clinton who could have been you know, taken to court for her shenanigans, she lied and set up a phony operation with campaign funding, she erased her e-mail, he said no, we won't do it. i think this is important message. >> look it is important if we'll restore the constitution, we will restore the rule of law, then we have to have a president trump who is prepared to insist on justice. not on revenge. not on rh -- retribution but justice, the process under obama, clinton then
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biden, has shaken the very base of our system, you cannot have a politicize justice system, without shattering the fabric of the american system. so, i have to tell you, we both have known trump a long time. i think that president trump is a bigger, deeper, more thoughtful person today than he was when he first got elected or when he left office. larry: yes. >> i think he had time to really mature. and really think about the country. what country needs, when i am impressed with some of his recep statements. larry: yes, could not agree more. newt thank you for all this today, please, one hug to ambassador calistaa, and for your insights. >> she is with me here. larry: give her a quick hug from kudlow, ambassador calista is great, you are great, we appreciate your time very much on this important date. >> thank you.
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>> back to kudlow, kevin hassett, former ways and means committee chairman, kevin brady, we'll talk about successful trump tax cuts and how to extend them. and make them permanent. forever. to have growth and prosper prosty for a change, i am kudlow, god bless the boys of pointe du hoc. ♪ (no doubt i'll get through) ♪ ♪ (loving me is loving you) ♪ from centrum, the women's choice multivitamin brand. moving forward with node-positive breast cancer. my fear of recurrence could've held me back. but i'm staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. verzenio reduces the
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so you don't have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. >> instead of a biden tax hike, ill give you a trump, middle class, upper class, lower class, be class, big tax cut. we will make our middle class stronger, bigger, better stronger, wealthier. and more prosperious than ever before, when i cut taxes, i gave you the biggest tax cut in the history of our country bigger than reagan tax cuts, and you know what? the following year, we reported massive increases in revenue. larry: well, i think he is right. joining us now to talk about it kevin hassett. and kevin brady. i think he is right, but i want to preserve them,
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brady, the original tax cut was of estimate the 1.5 trillion dollars cost in terms of revenues. that was back in 2017. this is chairman -- you can correct me that was the number as i recall. now, here is what is bothering me, you then kevin hassett. joint tax committee is now estimating that if you extent tax cuts for 10 more year its will cost 4.5 trillion dollars. and yet in the meantime, the revenues from the tax cuts have exploded. and they have affected trump --s right every single category, upper end, middle, lower. all got it. standard dediction from 1,000 to 2000, and and et
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cetera, why are they estimating such a huge revenue loss or, is it the usual tricks from the liberals on joint tax committee that don't like president trump and they don't like tax cuts, what do you think? >> well, first, any time i have you two together, i need to say thank you for work you do, crucial work in developing tax policies concept, that led to trump tax cut and day that greatest winners from those tax cuts were average workers who saw in three years, largest increase of inflation adjusted earnings, since america began recording those numbers, the corporate rate cut, the way we modernize this, was in economic boone for workers. so one thing you know, both you, we didn't just do 1 1/2 trillion of cuts we did 5.5 trillion dollars of cuts.
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we paid for a good part of that 4 trillion through thoughtful reforms and fuel growth, reforms that fueled lower taxes, and at the end of the day we had a net extending of 1.5 trillion, much of that by the way has been recouped by stronger earnings as you know corporate rate, the corporate taxes today, at 21% are generating more than what was projected 35%, growth has driven not just workers gains but revenue to government. larry: kevin hassett. i am reading you from today's committee to unleash prosperity hot line, richest 1% paid more biden says they don't pay their fair share. and 2016, pretax cut top 1% paid 37% of the taxes. by 2021 the top 1% paid 46%
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of the taxes. that is either reach -- rich are paying more of their fair share. we have to drive this home. these revenue loss estimates from the committees are wrong, they are just wrong. they are always wrong. >> there is a frustrating thing that i know that chairman brady and you will turn your heads. you remember they didn't let us have dynamic scoring but we got a boom in business profits and small business profits revenues went up, they have about doubled since before when corporate rate was 35%. but now the revenues are high. and they say what happens you know if you have to cut rates relative to that big pool of revenue, they say it costs a lot more, we have a
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huge l laffer curve affect, and we take a away revenues it costs twice as much they are not adjusting expectations about dynamics affect of policy, they have bags over their heads. >> this is poor. >> biden will leave trump -- trump wins biden will leave him a 2 trillion dollar budget deficit. most unfortunate. it is two trillion as far as we can see, but point, that should -- that is a repa separate, that should not stop the tax cut. tax cut yield more prosperity, growth and more revenue. >> the last word. chairman brady, i want you back, real quick. >> we have got a great chairman and house republicans leading wait. locking in those lower
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rates, for businesses and families are important. to growth and small businesses. we know there will be a cost to it deficit is higher, that will be a factor in this, but as we have showed in 2017, you can lock in lower rates, you can make the reforms, that can be fiscally responsible, and grow prosperity in workers wages at the same time. larry: i'm sorry we're out of time. we do the pointe du hoc stuff, kevin brady thank you kevin hassett thank you, i'm kudlow we'll be right back. finae planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. they took the time to answer all of our questions. they really put us at ease. end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter, or visit today. larry: joining us now, texas congressman wesley hunt. we have a great picture of you and byron donalds smoking cigars and a cognac. you are in philadelphia. taking on the black establishment as i
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understood it. and i guess the controversy here, i want your take on it, that all of the new deal great society spending, did a lot to cause family break up. and make people depend on the government instead of family. fatherless families and so forth can you talk to that a little bit. and what that might mean for a trump presidency or a trump campaign? >> absolutely, byron and i were in philly, w we're bravely going where no republicans have gone in past, going to community and brings the conservative message to the black community, we know that black issues are american issues. it was a nuanced conversation i had with byron, amongst a group of proud black people that want our country back, we're talking about past and
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nuance of the past and idea how do we get our families back, how to we get a two-parent home, back in the black community, that is when we were most successful, we know is that economics is where it begins. prosperity in our community we had to under president trump. -- we were headed in right direction, the last 4 years have been a disaster for black, brown and all american people. we have a conversation. smoking cigars and having a cognac. it is important for republicans like byron and tto explain why republican issues -- conservative issues are american issues, they are black issues, we're all in this boat together and the rising tide raises all boats. larry: business opportunity and business investment and small business ownership by
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any -- whites or blacks or hispanics has to be better than dependency on this state. the problem was lbj's great society and biden trying to raise it to the 20th power that was welfarism, not small businesses that did not help anyone. there was a lot of family break up it seems, thomas wrote about it. jason ri riley rights about it. trump is a guy who will preside opportunity and tax cut and enterprise zone and deregulation so a small business can be bought and/or owned by the minority community, which has to be better than living off the state. >> that is correct, because of welfare and that time. democrats replaced the man
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in the black home a long time ago with the government, we have to reverse, that you were talking about tax cuts they are good for everyone, hyper inflation right now is bad for everyone. the message is, what can we do over the course of next 4 years to reverse the curse of biden's economy that is elect president trump. and you know what we know, byron and i know if we can get 25 to 30% of the black male vote that democrats condition win, but i saw -- can't win, i saw was, there were black women that were there too, that were also very receptive to our message, i think we have and as community -- understand as community, people and americans a strong economy low taxes not depending on government is great for us, president trump is deliver that through more economic prosperity for the future. larry: great message le wesley hunt, we appreciate
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it, good luck on the campaign trail. larry: now, politics joe concha. they don't put a title up that takes too much time. and mark simone. thank you. mark, the conviction bragg so-called conviction, some people are now calling a fake conviction. amusing. cop didoes not seem to have damaged mr. trump's standing at least so far as the polls are concerned. and he has raised a a ton of money. >> i think it helped a lot, i predict he will invite juan merchan to the inauguration to thank him, i think that crazy judge will put him in jail, he has always taken most extreme. >> he will try. >> i think it may happen, the georgia case is gone,
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jack smith case is gone, they know this is their only shot.. >> i'm with you on that. larry: actually, i think that is a -- i'm not saying sensible but a strong possibility. he has secret service protection. and how do they do that? never been done before. >> sentencing it july 11, what is july 15? republican national convention. whe may not be able to speak at his own c convention. people say, judge will not go that far, he has already shown what he is capable of, a joe biden donor, his daughter has raised millions off this as well and juan merchan could make a lot of money, his circles that will be seen as a big gold star, but overall to your first
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question, polling not moving this has same impact that impeachment had with bill melugin and donald trump, after they were -- with bill clinton and donald trump, after they were impeached. not in natural interest so much, they polls went up in particular with clinton. and this is not resonating with voters now, you go in street now ask 100 people, what crime was donald trump convicted of, 99 could not come close to identifying a misdemeanor, now trump is in silicon value, san francisco, sold out fundraiser, they are expecting to raise 15 more million on top of 300 million raised post conviction, the money and momentum is behind trump and this conviction is having a bboomerang affect. larry: mark back to mr. trump, outcry and the howling will be
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unbelievable. truly. and i think political impact on democrats will be very negative. because people will say, literally abide sense jailing his -- biden is jailing his major opponent there is a connection between merchan and biden is irrelevant, peep people will say biden is jailing. i don't know if it possible. to your point. it would rebound against democrats. >> former president trump would raise 400 million in two weeks from that and go up 15 points in the polls. i predict he will up vote merchan to -- invite merchan to the inauguration. democrats have miscalculated this every turn. larry: did you put it on your radio show there not yet. larry: you will be -- good we go the the scoop first. talked about but not with as
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much clarity as you mentioned. joe, you are a voting residence, did you know your senator, menendez is running for senate as an independent. i don't know if you saw that. that is so interesting because, they will split the vote and republicans might pick up senate seat it could be fun. >> i saw it i said siri what a narcissist. you will help democrats give republicans a senate seat in new jersey if he runs as an independent enough stupid people will vote for him still. that could be one race that will step in scales much g.o.p., a republican president, republican senate and republican house.
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larry: you know mark simone has a lot of money. he is worth about 2300 dollars. he could sell finance, oh, i think they took the gold bars away. >> real reason he is doing this. he needs a pardon, he will lose his pension then. >> hig he is trying to blackmail biden, either you pardon me or i'm running as an independent biden will not pardon him. >> problem is, what about hunter? he would have to pardon hunter. larry: he can't,. it -- i mean, here. throwing trump in jail, and pardoning all of these democratic criminals this is not good politics, really or what am i missing. >> not good pr. >> and even most media outlets that defend biden will not be able to. except for msnbc. larry: we'll give them an
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exception. and joe concha and mark systsystem own, we have latest coming up, hunter biden's gun trial in delaware. i'm kudlow. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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larry: day can 4 of hunter biden gun trial, we have fox news all-star reporter david spunt. what do you got today. reporter: i wish you came to me 45 seconds earlier, hunter biden worked by me, today, the widow of beau whom hunter was later in a relationship with took the stand, hunter was stoic and seemed pained when that happened. she was married to late beau biden, after he died she and hunter were in a relationship. his drug addiction she said
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became her drug addiction, she found crack at her home ahe said she visited nim in los angeles and introduced to crack herself became an a addict, she has since been clean and embarrassed and, shamed. she said she report to clean out hunter biden's car. and you -- this is surveillance video just released today from the court, shows halle biden allegedly getting out of her car, throwing the gun away in a trash can outside of a local store, hunter is accused of lying on that form, saying he was not addicted to drugs at that time, i'm letting you go, this guy is loud. big day with halle biden, we have two more witnesses from the prosecution tomorrow. then the defense.
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will call -- unclear if hunter biden will get on the stand. imum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. it's payback time. all these years, you've worked hard. you fixed it. you looked after it. maybe it's time for your home to start taking care of you?
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