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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 7, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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good friday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i hope you're having a good friday morning. it's friday, june 7, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. hunter biden's gun trial resumes in delaware this morning. the prosecution expected to rest its case after two more witness withs are expected to be called. one name being floated is hunter biden's uncle, james biden. earlier in the week, the house oversight, judiciary and ways and means committees sending the doj criminal referr referrals fr hunter biden and james biden for allegedly lying to congress during closed door testimony. hailey biden testified yesterday, she said she thought hunter may have been on drugs around the time of the gun purchase and that hunter gave her crack cocaine in june of
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2018 during a los angeles trip, around the time of her struggle with drugs began. in october of that same year she said she found remnants of crack cocaine and the gun while cleaning out hunter biden's car. surveillance video captures hailey disposing of the firearm outside of the grocery store. the weapon was later found in a bag with cocaine residue by edward banner. he testified that he placed it in a sock before handing the gun to police. prosecutors pulled the gun out in court can and hailey biden said it did look similar to the gun that she tossed in the trash can. that was the proceedings yesterday, caroline. your reaction? >> oh, yeah, i mean, maria, it's just quite damning, the fact that hailey did testify that hunter biden, yes, was very much under the influence of drugs around this time and that's the clear distinction that andy mccarthy has outlined. the defense is trying to claim
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the exact time that hunter biden purchased the gun he was not at that exact moment on cocaine. but it's really around the time. that's what the judge is making very clear here, that in the general timeframe hunter biden was an addict and that case he did violate the federal statute that prohibits being under the influence of narcotics while possessing a gun. that's just one charge. the other two charges are that he lied on the form when he was supposed to testify whether he was a drug addict or not. maria: look, all of this has people asking whether or not president biden is going to pardon his son should get convicted. here's how he answered the question. watch. >> as we sit here in normandy, your son, hunter, is on trial and i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution. but let me ask you will you accept the jury's outcome, their verdict, no matter what it is?
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>> yes. >> and have you ruled out a pardon for your son p? ?>> yes. maria: cheryl, your reaction? >> well, i think that obviously as a father that pained him to say that he can't help his son but our colleague janine piro made critical comments about the defense, they're having a tough time in court. to pick up on what caroline said, they introduced into the trial yesterday all the text messages between hailey biden and hunter and they're very disturbing. he says in the text messages, i'm doing crack, i'm in a car, waiting on my dealer and all of thats was introduced so the defense is struggling and i think you probably saw a president and a father just now that realizes his son is indeed in jeopardy of getting convicted in this trial. and then we haven't even gotten to the tax case yet against hunter biden. so none of this is looking good for the defense. maria: i don't know if it's a
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shoe-in that gets convicted at i'll. i mean, maybe that's why he's not expected to pardon him because he's not expecting any charges. >> yeah. i don't know. i'm going off of the legal experts. i try to play one on television once in a while. [laughter] >> but that's what they tell me. >> i think biden is playing a political game here because if he is convicted, hunter biden, and trump doesn't go to jail but hunter biden does go to jail, biden can frame his son as being the sacrificial lamb of republican law fare when reality a like the evidence against him is overwhelming and from the start we've seen the two tiered justice system between the trump hush money case and now this gun possession case. i mean, andy mccarthy said that alvin bragg combined two misdemeanors so he could bypass the term for actually bringing that case and prosecute trump. meanwhile, the biden doj's david weiss intentionally delayed
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indicting hunter biden until after the sweetheart plea deal implode probably because he wanted to get elected in democrat dominated delaware. it's politically motivated from the start. maria: oh, yeah. this has been law fare from way before the charges against trump. this started when trump announced he was running for president and they came up with the russia collusion story. we're going back years when talking about this law fare and efforts to quote, unquote, get trump. we're just getting started this hour. investors are expecting a 10 for one stock split from nvidia. kelly owe gray with all the details -- kelly o'grady with all the details. >> we've got a teal of two companies today, the nvidia stock split and game stock on deck. i'll tell you why investors are interested in both companies. ♪
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my parents worked hard for everything we had. they taught me the value of a dollar, and how to use it wisely. those lessons are forever, and today i share them with all our employees. it's why i team up with vanguard for our company's 401k plan. because everyone deserves to have someone look out
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for their financial well being. helping employees be well on their way to their financial goals. that's the value of ownership. maria: welcome back. we have breaking news right now, moments ago president biden spoke with ukraine president zelenskyy and biden announced he will sign an additional $225 million in ukraine aid today to help reconstruct ukraine's electric grid. meanwhile, nvidia's highly anticipated 10 for one stock split will happen tonight after the closing bell. meme stock leader keith gil set to live stream for the first time in over three years. kelly o'grady with all of these details now. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, maria. that's right. we've got two big market stories, one where the investment is rooted in company financials, the other where it is not. let's start with nvidia. the chip maker paring back gains yesterday to slip below a
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$3 trillion market cap. nvidia is going to execute a 10 for one split at today's close. current shareholders will receive nine additional shares for every one they own. it's not going to affect the company's value. the lower price come monday, that could entice investors that missed out on the stock's stunning rally. it doesn't always work. nvidia executed five stock splits in its history. i ran the numbers and historically the stocks has actually dropped in the two years following a split. on average, it was down 23% after 12 months in the past, 3% after 24. investors that have held through the current a.i. boom, they have made stunning returns. so it's possible that nvidia could buck that trend. the other mover we're watching is game stop. meme leader roaring kitty, keith gil, is expected to return to youtube today in a live stream at 12:00 p.m. for the first time in over three years. the news t sent the stock soarig
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yesterday, gaining over 47%. he used to host hours long live streams during meme mania, about his investment thesis. fans are expecting the same today, especially given the massive position in game stop he currently holds. he's got 5 a million shares, 120,000 options. gil shared an update on reddit yesterday evening, his position was worth $586 million at the close. many are wondering if it could hit a billion today. he would have to come up with $246 million to exercise the options. that's a big hurdle. this could be a big mover today based on hype. game stop released their earnings. they were down 29% in sales with a loss of 32 million for the quarter. that hype is not rooted in the company's fansals. maria: two big stories, thanks very much. we want to talk about that on the word on wall street. it's time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money.
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joining me is former gartman letter editor, dennis gartman many also with us is chris mcmann this morning. dennis, good to see you. thanks for joining the conversation. i want to take a look at all we've been looking at this morning, nvidia the name to own. chris, the 10 for one stock split will make it more affordable for lots of retail investors who may be watching this and thinking i have so-called fomo, fear of missioning out. would you buy after the stock split. >> i would. it makes it cheaper. gpus, all these guys are talking about more gpus, more a.i. that's better business for nvidia. normally we think -- it's up 600% over the last three years. it's undervalued based on earnings and we think this will make it more you affordable and allow more people to get in the pool. maria: you would think. 10 for one stock split, stock i-
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how much higher can this name go? you're talking about a 200 plus point rally over the last year. >> well, i think 12% in the last 30 days. we think there's still another 20, 30% in it for this year. remember last year we were kind of looking back at the beginning of the year saying ill can't go higher and it had 200% earnings. we think 25% at a minimum this year. there's too many people buying the stock. they're dominating the game so much, they have at least another 18 months where they're still the bell of the ball. maria: -- belle of the ball. maria: these are the issues and drivers of market. you've got a.i. on one side and you've got hope for interest rate cuts on the other. take a look at where we are this morning on the 10 year treasury. i want to get your take on this because the yield is now sitting at 4.30%. rates have been plummeting the last couple days. we're now down to 4.3% ahead of the may jobs report out this morning, 8:30 a.m. eastern. that's an hour and 15 minutes away, economists are expecting
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185,000 nonfarm payrolls and the economy in may with the unemployment rate holding steady at 3.9%. if you're looking at rates coming down, going into the fed meeting next week, you've got a two day fed meeting next week, tuesday and wednesday. what do you expect? >> i expect the fed to do absolutely nothing. the fact that the bank of canada cut rates by 25 basis points, the fact that the ecb cut rates by 25 basis points puts the possibilities of the fed cutting the overnight fed funds rate next week but i think they probably will defer until november, after the election. they prefer not looking to be political in any orientation. i think they'll defer. i maintained for a long period of time the most we would have this year was two cuts in the overnight fed funds rate. people laughed at that when the consensus was five or of six cuts. we're down to one or two. in all likelihood the fed will defer next week until the november election. rates have fallen in the course
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of the last week and disconcerting to me, i was hoping to roll over of two year notes that come due in the end of june at 4.85 or 4.9%. looks like i'm going to get 4.74% or something like that. so i'm a little disappointed that the rates have not risen up a little bit in the interim. maria: look, this is a message a of the markets right here. 4.3% on the 10 year. let's talk about this jobs data, chris. what do you want to watch closely in this jobs report? there's a lot of things we watch every month, right? wages, participation t rate, level of job growth, where the jobs are. what's most important to you? >> i think the new jobs number, maria, expected 175,000, if citibank is right it's 145,000. it's a game changer if they're right. i think the fed will go early. i think they're political, want to stay in power and they will go early. that's what i'm looking a at, the new jobs. if it's 140, citibank is right,
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i think it changes everything in the short run. maria: you think the fed ruts rates before the election? even though people say it's political, don't cut rates, you think it's going to happen. >> i think they're more political than they let on. ideally they wouldn't be political. jay powell wouldn't be trump's ideal guy to run the fed obviously. maria: he said he won't reapoint him. he told me he will not reappoint him. >> i think you're right. maria: we'll leave it there. dennis, always a pleasure, thank you, sir, we appreciate your time this morning. chris, you're with us all morning. we're grateful. new fox news polls show good things for president trump, congressman chuck fleischman will look into the polls with me, tell us what he sees from he v voters, how they're feeling ahead of the 2024 election. that's coming up next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. and i lost 172 pounds on golo. when i was a teenager i had some severe trauma in my life and i turned to food for comfort. i had a doctor tell me that if i didn't change my life, i wasn't gonna live much longer. once i saw golo was working, i felt this rush, i just had to keep going. a lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. my life is so much different now that i've lost all this weight. when i look in the mirror i don't even recognize myself. maria: welcome back. we've got new fresh fox the news polls revealing former president trump is leading president biden in nevada, arizona and florida. biden and trump are tied in the usually blue state of virginia. that's an important one. voters in all four states say
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they trust the former president trump over biden to handle both the economy and immigration. joining me is tennessee congressman chuck fleischman, a member of the house appropriations and science, space and technology committees. thanks very much for being here this morning. we were waiting to see the polls. we want to see if anything changed in terms of the support for trump post the conviction. your reaction to this latest poll? >> i'm thrilled but i'm not surprised. the american people are wise. almost four failed years of joe biden, just when you think you can't get any worse, it does. under donald trump, i remember vividly, whether it was the economy, foreign policy, things were getting better and better and better and we were doing so well literally that the radical left was trying to find any area to say we weren't doing good enough. everybody was doing well. the reality is, donald trump is winning in the swing states. he's going to carry every red
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state for sure. but we can see a landslide. i'm seeing this brewing. i'm seeing the momentum. i was at an evidenc -- event la, i saw someone who was a traditional democrat there, and it's amazing. they're fed up with the democratic party and looking to donald trump to fix this mess, domestically and abroad. maria: do you think there's any chance joe biden withdraws from this race before the election? that's what some people think. >> there's always that possibility. let's face it, president biden has been struggling from the inception. it's just gotten progressively worse. maria: yeah. >> and i use that term progressively across the spectrum, worse, worse and worse. but yes, i think they're stuck with joe biden, they can't go to kamala harris. but they might go to their bench at the convention but the reality is, the american people whether you're a republican or an independent, even some democrats or even people who are
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not political realize how good we were doing under president trump. all of those metrics, unemployment, optimism, i mean, foes feared us, allies cherished us. we need president trump back. the polls are incredible. maria: you see president trump going to all these deep blue cities and communities whether -- you know, south bronx or new jersey or minnesota and he's getting these huge crowds but i want to talk about policy for a moment. because president biden is reading the room. sees that immigration and this wide wide open border is importo voters, he does an executive action on the border. we learn 10,000 migrants are reportedly in border patrol custody today, four times the limit set by the e executive order. the new york posts is reporting leaked documents tens of
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thousands of migrants could be exexempt from the executive ord. a memo reads single adults and family units who are hard to remove may be considered for processing of expedited removal or placed into so-called section 240 removal proceedings. in plain english, section 240 20 removal means they're released into the united states. president trump spoke about the border at an arizona town halt lastnight. here's what he said. >> this allows millions of people into our country. joe biden's order is pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-women trafficking, pro-human trafficking, pro-drug dealers and in all it's really they bring death and they bring destruction into our country. it's really pro-illegal immigration. i will terminate every single open borders policy of the biden administration as soon as i take
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the oath of office. maria: congressman, your reaction? >> outstanding. donald trump says it better than anyone with else. he is spot-on right on every point. and in a prior congress, i was the ranking member on homeland appropriations for the congress, for the house. i went to the border with president trump. the morale at the border then was high. the officers were great. they were doing their job. under joe biden, it's been open porous borders that he incentivized and the american people know this. he incentivized it with day one with radical left wing democrats. the proof of the pudding is the aclu and radical left wingers are going to try to challenge biden in court on this. it's outrageous, it's wrong. so they want to keep all these illegals in this country. who are committing crimes, causing all kinds of problems. and the fiscal damage that is being done to these crazy
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northern sanctuary cities that have let all these people in now they can't afford to pay them and taxpayers are saying what's up. so the reality is, donald trump day one will begin to fix this. it's going to take years to fix the problems that joe biden and the radical left wing democrats have caused to this country. that was the danger of joe biden being president. the american people are tired of four years of bad. they want donald trump back. i want donald trump back. maria: they are wondering why so much money keeps going to ukraine to protect its bordernd a we're not protecting the u.s. border. we've got breaking news this morning, congressman. biden just announced he's going to send an additional $225 million in funding to ukraine. watch this. >> we'll sign an additional package for $225 million to help you reconstruct the electric grid. i assure you, the united states is going to stand with you. i've said that all during this
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debate. i continue to say it. the united states is standing with you. you are working against the aggression that's taking place. we have an obligation to be there. maria: the president is worried about the electric grid in ukraine. what about the electric grid in the u.s.? we're talking about the strain on data centers and on the electrical grid because of the data centers and all of this capacity that we're using because of a.i. and he is sending 225 million to help them reconstruct their electrical grid. >> well, maria, as you know, i'm the chairman of the energy and water subcommittee of appropriations and in that regard i have really put out the clarion's call. we need more energy in this country because our electricity needs are going to go higher and higher. worldwide demand for electricity is so important. that's why we need fossil fuels, oil and gas. that's why we need to make sure that nuclear and i'm the leading
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congressman in both houses on new nuclear, we need nuclear. oddly enough, some of the progressives joined me on nuclear but they just can't get away from their ethos of worshiping only renewables. questiowe can't get there with y renewables. that's a he reality. donald trump is going to get in, his new secretary of energy will probably day one begin to get our energy costs out there, get them lower, get abundance back in america. but in regard to putin and ukraine, putin is dangerous. russia is building up its nation's nuclear arsenal. that scares me. russia does a lot of things wrong. one of the things they do well is halu. we banned halu in america. i put in last year $2.8 billion to make sure that america now will have a domestic capacity to enrich uranium for fuel and for
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other reasons so america will get back up there. maria: that's why i raised this. we're watching the work on the committee. we spoke with jordan zimmerman, zimmerman advertising this week, and he was very adamant about the need for capacity. he's looking at the strain on the electrical grid because of the data centers and yet we've got the president in france today sending money to ukraine to help their electrical grid. you can't make this stuff up. i want to get back to putin for a second. because putin is threatening the west is wrong to assume that the kremlin will never use nuclear weapons. this was an amazing comment this week. he said that russia's 2020 nuclear doctrine allows russia to use nuclear weapons if its sovereignity is threatened, congressman. i know you're an advocate for expanding nuclear projects in our nation to face threats from russia and china. you mentioned that. but this is chilling to hear vladimir putin say don't think we won't use nuclear weapons.
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we will. your reaction. >> it's outrageous. it is outrageous that putin, who is a thug, is making these claims. first of all, if an american leader ever said anything remotely like that, there would be world outrage. we need to criticize him right away. the fact that he's talking about using either tactical or other nuclear weapon is outrageous. that's why i'm working so hard to make absolutely certain that we are building up america's nuclear arsenal. we talked about the civil side through the nnsa under the department of energy. i'm making absolutely certain that we are going to make our triad, our nuclear arsenal as strong as ever. we've got to upgrade it. we've got to work with it. because the best deterrent is having the strongest, most efficient nuclear arsenal in the world. we do. we do right now. we want listeners to know that however, russia and china -- china is building their own
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triad as well. we've got to be careful. putin's rhetoric is irresponsible, it's wrong. it has to be condemned. he's got request stopped. ultimately, he's a thug. the fact that he would even consider using a nuclear weapon in this day and age is just outrageous and he needs to be called out for it. maria: and he says it out loud. you know. i mean, he says it out loud. >> yes, he does. maria: congressman, thanks very much. good to see you. we'll be watching your work on that science and tech committee. chuck fleischman joining this morning. quick break and then president biden still on his overseas trip in france, warning that democracy is at stake. more than any time in history. stephens incorporated executive vice president, mary kissel is here with her reaction. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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welcome back. president biden meeting with ukrainian president zelenskyy in paris earlier today, announcing an additional $225 million aid package to help reconstruct ukraine's electric grid. biden is set to visit point duhauk later today. he met with veterans and spoke at the normandy american cemetery. >> we live in a time when democracy is more at risk across the world than at any point since the end of world war ii. democracy's never guaranteed. every generation must preserve it. he ddefend it and fight for it. that's the test of the ages and in memory of those who fought
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here, died here, literally saved the world here, let us be worthy of their sacrifice. maria: joining me is stephens inc. executive vice president and senior policy advisor, former senior advisor to secretary of state mike pompeo, mary kissel with us. thanks for joining me. your reaction to what we're hearing from president biden this morning with regard to ukraine. >> well, president biden is right, democracy is at stake but not for the reasons that i think he intends. he's trying i think to send a domestic political message to his base back home. but abroad, where he's standing, there's two land wars going on, not so far away. and unfortunately, the president because he's allowed u.s. deterrence to erode, because he's given suffer to our enemies, you're seeing our enemies deterring us and you see the careful, hesitant approach to ukraine and helping them repel putin hasn't worked. you saw him try to dole israel's
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attempts to eradicate terror. you haven't seen him do anything about the islamic republic of iran's sales of energy. you've seen china push them around. i mean, yeah, democracy is at stake because we're doing very little to preserve it. it's not just about rhetoric, maria. it has to be about action. maria: for sure. it's all politics even while he's there. meanwhile, you've got the leader of hamas claiming to hold firm on his cease fire demands. apparently he told arab negotiators that hamas would only accept a deal if israel commits to a permanent pause in fighting. the leaders of 17 countries including the united states issued a joint statement calling on israel and hamas to, quote, make whatever final compromises are necessary to close the deal and end this war. all of this happening while hezbollah says it's ready to fight israel in lebanon. axios is reporting that the is warning israel, a quote, limited war with lebanon
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could draw iran to intervene. give us your take on all of this, mary. >> well, we're already encouraging iran to intervene because we didn didn't punish tm when iran set a precedent of launching missileses into israel from iranian territory. we haven't imposed secondary sanctions. we haven't tried to curb iranian energy sales which is funding the regime. so you see iran emboldened and you see proxy groups trying to draw the israeli fighting forces in two directions, in the south and the north. we should be backing israel to the hilt. it's not impossible, maria, by the way, to say that intending to eliminate hamas gives israel more negotiating room with terrorists. that's what we learned when we were in office because we established u.s. deterrence all over the world and these regimes watch each other so you can't have this kind of interference in israeli domestic -- rather
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israeli domestic politics. biden has been very clear. he doesn't want to deal with netanyahu. he wants him gone. and at the same time pretend we're tough on terror, it doesn't make logical sense. we need to back whoever is in power in israel to eliminate a terrorist threat so israelis can live in peace. maria: it's very disturbing to see the white house's heavy hand on israel's handling of this war. then you've got the kremlin yesterday warning that western nations supplying ukraine with weapons to strike rush b sahn rn territory will face retaliation. putin was adamant yesterday, saying earlier in the week that moscow could provide long range weapons to its allies to hit western targets in response. so the threats are many coming from putin. he also would not rule out using new yonuclear weapons, mary. your reaction. >> putin is trying to deter us,
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maria. maria: that's called deterrence. >> we're not deterring him. you're seeing deterrence in action on the wrong side of the fight and it's yet another reason why we should have armed ukraine to the hilt at the beginning so it would have been a short and quick victory for kyiv. instead, now this war is dragged out. you've had tens of thousands of people killed and maimed brought across the border and work around happening but more importantly for us, for our interests, which is something that the president rarely talks about, you have the threat of a wider war. and that's really the concern here is that there could be an accident. putin could get so emboldened he decides to go into muldova or makes trouble in the baltics. our friends and allies get this. where president biden is in france, they talk a big game. macron is talking hawkishly. like president biden that's for the french domestic audience
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because he'ses facing a threat from his political right. i fear it's a dangerous time and it's not a time to play-doh mess particular politics -- play domestic politics. national security shouldn't be a partisan thing. we can't speak in lofty terms about democracy and not back it up with action and give our friends and allies a reason to trust us and to do more themselves which is ultimately what we want. maria: especially during a time when the lines seem to be drawn in terms of the teams on the world stage. you've got china partnering with russia, partnering with iran. and the free world on the other side. mary, talk a bit about china and its role in all of this. >> well, china of course is helping russia prop up its economy, it's why -- part of the reason why our sanctions haven't crushed the russian economy in any significant way. you've seen china provide
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military equipment and materiale to russia. you saw the u.k. defense minister call that out. the white house tried to roll that back and say we're not so sure it's going on. of course it's going on. you see them help with sanctionses of asian -- they could be helping north korea provide and transport certain weapons into russia. so you're right, maria. it is -- it's not a bilateral issue. it's not a russia/ukraine issue. that's not how the world works. we talked about that before on your program. the world works in concert with each other. and this as you called it team is an anti-free world team, china, russia, iran, north korea. and we need to rally our allies and by the way, maria, that includes some no democracies, -- non-democracies, vietnam and saudi arabia, where they have values different from ours and we have to cooperate with them
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just as we did back in world war ii, to defeat this common enemy. and so that's the work that needs to be done right now at the state department, the national security council. it's not as clear-can you cut as democracy versus autocracy. we need to be clear about our interests, clear about our values. we can stand up for both. we can get allies on our side. we can get them to contribute in important ways which they should. president trump was right about that. our nato allies don't do enough and i think it's great that he's encouraging them to do more. he's right to do so. but we have to have consequences if they don't do that. maria: yeah. all great points, mary. good to see you this morning. thank you so much. >> great to be with you, maria. maria: mary kissel joining me. quick break and then why young job seekers are finding it hard to land a job despite a plentiful labor market. how accurate are the jobs numbers anyway. we're 45 minutes away from the job numbers for the month of may
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and we're talking about finding a job today. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ maria: next week on "mornings with maria," monday, it's the fight of her political life, congresswoman nancy mace on her primary day prospects. tuesday, senate leadership on the path forward, conference chairman john borosso on reversing biden policy failures. wednesday, a critical reading on inflation in the midst of the fed's june meeting. jim grant is here. thursday, senator bill haggerty calling the biden border move a joke. his pushback on biden's so called crackdown on illegals in america. friday, netanyahu is accused of prolonging the war in gaza to
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stay in power. kt mcfarland reacts. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some
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>> maria, we've been covering this breaking news since it happened. so president biden did speak with ukrainian president zelenskyy and he announced he's going to sign afternoon an a adl $25 million in ukraine aid to help reconstruct the electric grid. >> i signed an additional package for 225 a million dollars to help reconstruct the electric grid. i assure you, the united states is going to stand with you. we've said it all during the debate. i continue to say it. the united states is standing with you. working against the aggression that's taking place. we have an obligation to be there. >> the meeting comes as the united states faces criticism. the package includes air defense intercepters and ammunition. the southwest airlines flight was deverted to denver after there was crying and screaming
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before landing. the boeing 737 suffering a tire failure shortly after takeoff, was forced to make an emergency landing. the company saying following standard safety procedures the pilots declared an emergency and the flight landed without incident. passengers said they were nervous about the landing gear situation. after the landing there was cheering and clapping in the cabin. the stock is unchanged this morning. other headlines, the fda recalled nearly 30 beverages from u.s. shelves so far this year, mostly due to harmful ingredients like bacteria, dyes and dangerous chemicals. some of which are cars carcinog. they include zero sugar ginger al. the biggest recall was fiji
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water. it was exposed to magnesium and three types of bacteria. well, young job seekers are struggling to get stable gigs he despite a bustling labor market. experts worry the labor market is beginning to show cracks, specifically for fresh graduates. the hiring rate for all workers right now is at 3.6%, that's just up from a post covid era low, maria. so as we get ready for the jobs report about 40 minutes from now, it's important to remember that a lot of the job gains we have seen have been gig workers, you know, somebody that's taken a second and third job to drive for uber or lyft in addition to or work to make ends meet. that's one piece. also the fact that you're seeing less hiring during christmas told us the same thing this week. maria: that's different than what we see in the headlines, right? that the jobs numbers when you peel back the onion, you see that in fact much of the jobs
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are either going to non-p nonci, they could be illegals, could be here on a work permit or they're going to part-time jobs as opposed to full-time jobs, caroline. so we're going to get a jobs number in 30 minutes' time, 35 more minutes, until we get that number. but i think the headline doesn't always tell the story, caroline. >> it doesn't tell the whole story, maria. the labor market is very strange right now especially for my generation. i've had peers who have literally applied to i'm not kidding hundreds of jobs. it has turned out nothing. they said some companies that advertise listing on linkedin that turned out to be not real and so all this to say that the biden administration's bragging about low unemployment and all these other good healthy metrics of an economy, tempering inflation, it's not the whole story, maria. because unfortunately many of the jobs that have been added to the economy like cheryl was
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saying are part-time jobs and i think most americans would prefer a full-time job with generous benefits rather than taking on 3, 4, 4 side hustleso make ends meet. maria: i'm reading tom lee this morning, the morning note and he says it's been a good strategy to add risk on the day of the jobs report. sos chris, basically what tom lee is saying is the may jobs report is a key event to cap this week and we are buyers of stocks on friday and we're even bigger buyers if the report is weaker than expected, a soft jobs report, they're buying stocks. >> it's going to trigger fed action, that's what's going to happen. we're seeing a bifurcated world, maria. it's crazy, people who have bad sales, family dollar, 15 below, the places had terrible sales. those are the folks hurting with the credit card debt. they don't care that the stock market is an all time high. inflation is killing them.
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real wages with slowing. this is a huge event and i think it will carry the day for trump. maria: let's take a short break and then we've got a new hour. we've got new fox news polls showing president trump in the lead. we're going to go through those swing states, tell you what we're looking at. we're talking about it in the next hot topic of the hour. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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