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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  June 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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>> from the fox studio in new york city, this is "maria
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bartiromo wall street". maria: happy weekend to all, welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in position you for the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo. president biden on the world stage as weekend meeting with the leaders of france and ukraine in delivering remarks about the importance of defending freedom and democracy. it is his comments about vladimir putin data raising eyebrows. >> abdomen him for over 40 years. he's concerned me for 40 years, he is not a decent man he is a dictator and is struggling to make sure he holds his country together. maria: 40 years ago, putin was a young undercover agent and the kgb, tightly unlikely that is true what president biden said. he also seemed to be confused several times while on the ground in france, he mistakenly said of the time magazine interview that he spoke to putin about his new tariffs when he met china's president xi jin
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jinping, former secretary of state cia director mike pompeo says his mental acuity is a threat to u.s. safety. >> when you think about the fact that we have two wars today a chinese communist party moving out, this is an enormous risk to the united states of america and that's why you see vladimir putin testing us, you see hamas continuing to hold onto hostages in the face of america trying to restrain israel and the chinese communist party, north korea, each of them saying this will be the moment that we can press our advantage against united states of america. maria: let's take a look at china, the justice department and the fbi says the ccp is could enter targeting critical american infrastructure costing u.s. business billions of dollars, director wray said they had 2000 active cases right now of the chinese communist party trying to steal u.s. companies and government technology, that is up 1300% in the last few years, now we hear that china's aggressively recruiting american fire private under pilots to
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train the chinese military, for the congressman greg steube, thank you very much for being here this weekend. it is quite alarming to see the ccp's behavior and it feels like it is ramping up the aggression. >> it is not surprising when you've seen this leadership of this ministry should and afghanistan, all across the world and a wide-open southern border, the chinese communist party people had over 50000 common the southern border it's like 25000 just this year, china is our number one national security threat and they see these avenues to be able to get into the united states and have their people here to do god knows what to the different systems and have operatives in the country, that is absolutely what they're doing the russians are sending people income afghanistan is sending people in, iranians are sending people in a joe biden as a wide-open southern border letting a happen on top of the fact that he
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cannot lead our nation and cannot leader military, all of our enemies across the world are seeing the weakness that is coming from the white house in their exploiting it. maria: the exploitation is being felt because there are threats at the border, despite biden's executive action earlier this week our sources and border patrol tell us there has been o impact in terms of the number of illegal migrants entering the country, there were reportedly 10000 migrants in custody as of thursday, that is four times the limit set by biden's executive action, what are we supposed to believe that just because joe biden said he's going to shut down the border after 2500 people coming that people will say the border is shot better not go, what is going to happen with all these people continue to come and biden claims he shutting the border. >> is not shutting the border down he took 64 executive actions to create the chaos that we have at the southern border right now. he did that intentionally and
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deliberately and you have an administration to the president and through mayorkas that intentionally violating federal law every single day and finding ways to get more people into our country, there literally doing fights over 100,000 migrants per unit on flights so they would avoid the southern border it's atrocious and from a state like florida where we have affected all crisis in opioid crisis and fentanyl crisis all of that is coming into the southern border and through china, china's shipping data through mexico and the southern border and hundreds of thousands of americans are dying because affected all overdoses that we know coming into the southern border that can be stopped and we know coming from china in the white house is doing nothing about it and they want this to happen because at some point they want to give them the status to vote. maria: why? why would they have americans in such a dangerous position with a wide-open border, by the way on the fentanyl i would correct you and say that's not an overdose
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that is a poisoning fentanyl is poisoning our people. they are not saying i want fentanyl and that i overdose. they are getting poisoned by something that they did not expect or understand was given to them. so there is that, why would this president or any president put the country in such turmoil and a threatening position will be here christopher wray tell us a terrorist attack is around the corner and merrick garland, everyone telling us the threat that china is and we are 50000 chinese nationals coming into the country and the terrorist watchlist, why would he do this i do not understand. >> if these were trump supporters coming into the southern border the border would've been shut down three years ago but because they believe these individuals are going to vote for them and encouraging them to vote for them they are letting them and i've seen flyers in spanish and make sure when you get into the
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country you vote for joe biden in states like california and new york and new york city's and other municipalities giving illegal immigrants ability to vote. yet some states all you have to do is get a drivers license and you don't have to be a citizen to get a drivers license then you can use a drivers license to vote and register to vote. this is one of the present political they don't care about the safety and the security of the american people they care about winning elections and using illegal immigrants to do it. maria: just to be clear, it is illegal to vote if you are not an american citizen, you are an elected official, how will you stop illegals loading, are you doing anything to get in front of his before the november election. >> each state under article one section four of the constitution allows for the states to determine the manner in place of election so the fight is in the actual states. i've supported for years and asked apparently speaker johnson
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same burger to push out the bill on election security we haven't seen the on the floor to simply not allow an illegal immigrant to vote which you said they can't. in the states if they can register with the dl and not in a citizen you won't know it's a noncitizen voting and some of the states. you cannot do that in states like florida but other states run by democrats, absolutely the house should be passing the bill johnson had a meeting with president trump, where is that at we have not passed that yet were considered that yet. it should've been done two years when we took the majority. maria: i like the point am going to follow that. johnson had a meeting with trump he was talking about it, where is the bill why isn't it on the floor? greg steube, thank you. the may jobs report blowing out expectations, what does it mean for the economy and federal reserve meeting and interest-rate decision st. louis federal reserve president james mueller will join me next.
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maria: welcome back and look at where markets ended after hotter than expected jobs report for the month of may the economy added charges 72000 jobs for the month crushing the estimate of 185,000, the unemployment rate ticked higher on 4%, revisions in march and april also showed 15000 fewer jobs added to the economy than previously reported. this is coming out of the federal reserve june policy meeting next meet on tuesday and wednesday and ahead of wednesday cpi report coming out for the latest month as well, to get ahead of it all former federal reserve president of the st. louis federal reserve james bullard, great to see you this weekend. thank you so much for being
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here. >> great to be here, great to see you. maria: can you assess where we are on the economy taking into account the jobs numbers that we saw on friday as well as the inflation data that we have been seen for the first four months of the year, hotter than expected. this particular jobs report on the headline number you did get the unemployment rate taking up a little bit, bit of a mixed signal, this is the first time a 4% or higher unemployment rate in a long, long time in the u.s. economy. i guess combine with other data that we saw earlier this week i would say the labor market is still moving toward normalization particularly a number of vacancies to unemployed workers, that number used to be to a couple of years ago now it's one point to which is pre-pandemic. i would take that as a signal is
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more of normal labor market than the one that we've seen coming out of the pandemic. maria: i would like to know if you were expected this economy to slow down and will eventually catch up with jobs. there's a lot of people who expect we have not seen the full impact of the 11 rate hikes that the federal reserve put into place. you have high rates and housing coupled with through the roof home prices and many americans second-guessing whether they can afford to buy a house, a recent report by 70% of aspiring homeowners are holding out for rate cuts before buying a home. what is the ripple effect, that on the economy and do you think we see the true effect of the 11 rate hikes on the economy yet? >> the 71% waiting to buy a home and probably the same proportion waiting to sell the home, they have a low mortgage rate and they don't want to move unless they have a good reason to do
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so. i think it's the interest sensitive sector, interest rates are a lot higher than they were a few years ago. it is not surprising, what is surprising for the housing market, house prices started to go up again, the pace of increase load a lot in one point the houses were declining now there going up again. that shows a structural shortage and we haven't built enough over the last 15 years or so because of repercussions of the double financial crisis so it's going to be a long slog on the housing side before we move back to a realistic equilibrium there. maria: you think that they should cut rates this year? >> i do think that we made a lot of progress on inflation during the second half of 2023 and i actually think the committee was ready to set up a rate cut early
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in 2024 but as you know the january inflation report was so hot in the other reports coming behind that didn't offer any relief, that stalled the whole thing out quite a bit. but still you had a big drop in inflation in the second half of 2023 and at some point you would like to take that on board and get rates a little bit lower in the technical adjustment. i don't think you have to promise the moon that you going to move rates way lower but you could move some lower and be restrictive in pushing inflation back to 2% in a smooth way. maria: james bullard, great to see you, thank you for being here. >> take care. maria: james bullard joining us, red state governors are stated after president biden's green agenda, brian kemp will join me next. stay with us.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity.
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> from day one president biden has done nothing but attack american energy, states need to be active participants in all of the rulemaking process is, unleash american independence, american energy independence and provide real relief for american families. >> inflation of the cost of energy drives up the cost of food and right now we have american struggling to put gas in the tank and food in the table. maria: republican governors are repeated to president biden green agenda at a press conference at a louisiana oil refinery this week. urging the president to take common sense steps to unleash
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american energy, a group of 20 republican governors sending a letter to joe biden calling on him to pause the rhetorical hostility towards traditional energy, georgia governor brian kemp was at the at that and signed onto the letter and he joins me now. good to see you, thanks so much for being here talk to us about what the republican governors are trying to achieve. >> thank you for having me on. it's so exciting to be with other incubators of democracy and to hear the great things that are going on in republican led states around the country and specifically this week talking about energy independence, the economic wrath that comes from the for our country and the strength of america and to be with people like myself we have two new nuclear reactors providing clean energy and being with governor and louisiana and seeing what the refiners in the industry out there is doing. also it's very disappointing
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because of this administration of president biden and the restrictions that they have an american energy when you talk to governors like mike donley in alaska where they have dozens and dozens of mandates and restrictions on them even three or four more times than we have on iran. maria: the energy story is important given all of the strain that were seen on our electrical grid and people are worried about the capacity there given a.i. and new technology in electric vehicles, what are we doing in terms of that capacity how do we generate more energy for that. >> that's what the states are leading on right now, that's what we did in georgia it took a long time in a long road and tough politics but we have two new nuclear reactors in the u.s. in 20 years, i think it's going to set the way for other states to do the same and for us to do
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more of that that were supplying the grid that we need for a.i. charging and whatever the case may be powering our manufacturers which we have had incredible success and we bring in new jobs and investments to the great state of georgia. the policies of this administration is picking winners and losers and it's helping our enemies versus helping our allies and we could do that in america we can help our allies with energy if president biden would reverse some of the restrictions that he and his administration have on pipelines, exports, lng and other things. maria: the latest poll shows donald trump leading president biden in georgia and other swing states but in georgia specifically leading by five points as a georgia court of appeals has put an indefinite pause on da fani willis election fraud case against president trump, your reaction? >> listen, my take on this and the reason the polls are where
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they are, this is good to be a pocketbook election. and i think it's a great opportunity for the trump campaign and republicans in general whether the people we are trying to reelect to the georgia state house and state senate toward hold a majority in georgia to the top of the ticket to tell americans and georgians what we are going to be for, how we will reverse the trends of the biden administration and we think about high groceries, high gas, high mortgage rates, high insurance rates, weakness around the world, dealing with the porous border dealing drugs, human trafficking, gang violence into every state in the country and every state is a border state, this is a great time to look for and tell people why they should vote for us and kick joe biden out of office. maria: do you think election interference case should be dropped altogether, the appeals court is putting a pause on a indefinitely.
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>> i'm going to trust the judicial system in georgia. i've been subpoenaed in that case and had to be careful about what i say and i said this many times and i'll say it again today. this is been political just like it was in new york, it was political in georgia and i think voters are very frustrated by that. the time it's taking to bring the court cases. all that the appellate court judges deal on the ruling but i know the voters are going to be the ones that really decide the issue on november the fifth. maria: do you believe will have a free and transparent election on november 5. >> i can say for the state of georgia we have one of the strongest election integrity acts in the country that we passed with much criticism, major league baseball pulling all-star game companies and really coming after us but we stood strong and we stood for the truth then and the truth now we have secure, accessible and fair elections in georgia. we've seen record turnout in record turnout with our minorities as well,
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african-american, asian, latino and others. i believe in the state of georgia. we will have a secure, successful fair election. maria: we will watch that. always a pleasure to see you we appreciate your time to speak in. >> greatly and on with you. thank you. georgia governor brian kemp. one more thing ahead of next week, that is next. ♪ ed and restored using the power of dell ai. ♪ hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities.
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>> and vision pro headset, apple expected to debut a new passwords at to login easier. the conference could be a catalyst wrap and the company already hit a 3 trillion-dollar market valuation earlier in the week as investors high pup the a.i. potential. we will follow every day and certainly monday on "mornings with maria" 6 - 9:00 a.m. eastern weekdays on fox business. i hope you will join me here, i will see you sunday morning on the fox news channel at 10:00 a.m. live% liberty features, exclusive interviews with ohio senator jd vance, texas governor greg abbott and house oversight committee chairman james coleman. during the live sunday on fox news. that will do it for us on fox business. thank you for joining us have a great rest of the weekend. i will see you again next time. ♪ >> "barron's roundtable" sponsored by global x etf's ♪


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