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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 10, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ maria: welcome back, good monday morning, thank you for joining us, i am maria bartiromo it is monday june 10, 7:00 seven on te east coast time for the hot topic of hour, the gun trial entering week two were expecting the defense team will announce whether or not the first son will take the stand. if he does prosecutors say they may offer a rebuttal with more witnesses, joe biden's brothers james who was supposed to take the stand friday could testify
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this week. then first lady jill biden leaving france to go in support hunter in court in delaware. only to return to europe a day later all of the taxpayers dime went back and forth, your reaction. >> nice work if you can get it, it's great to support your family i think taxpayers are little provoked that joe biden is flying back and forth on our dime but i think it would be very reassuring to the country if there was a jury in the deep blue biden state that found hunter biden guilty of something for which there appears to be tremendous supporting evidence. i don't wish anyone ill but if indeed there is a real justice system in our country and it's fair, let's see a conviction. maria: what do you think. >> this decision by the defense is going to be very telling if they decide to put them on the
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stand because several legal analyst pointed out on fox news that this trial is not going well for hunter biden in his attorneys, they will not only have hunter testify but more supporting witnesses instead of coming out of the issue of addiction this could be a ploy to pull the jury's heartstrings to say he was an addict, whether or not on the exact day that he signed the form is what this is really coming down to. i understand those that aren't following day by day this could be a tell that they're in trouble, the other issue the overall trial, i agree with liz taxpayers had no business for jill to go back and forth but i can't blame a mother wanting to support her son, it's you then first lady and it cost a lot of money to go back and forth maybe you can fly commercial. maria: this on the oversight committee investigation into joe biden in the allegations of money laundering i spoke with
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the chairman of the oversight committee james comer about the state of the biden impeachment inquiry and what the recent criminal deferrals, the oversight committee, house ways and means as well as judiciary with criminal referrals to hunter in james biden last week. watch this. >> that is all true, where are the criminal referrals for money laundering, corruption, for influence peddling. >> this is an investigation of joe biden, hunter biden, jim biden, eric sherwin, devon archer, these are all witnesses in an investigation of joe biden. this was always about joe biden. we will do everything we can to hold hunter biden in the shady associates accountable, this is just the beginning but the next step will be accountability for joe biden and everyone that kept up with this investigation will be eager to see what the next step is. maria: there going to come out with a report the oversight committee is coming out with a
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report soon later this week they will have news there but the criminal referrals that were talking about, they were about hunter biden in james biden lying to congress it was perjury but all this time with her the oversight committee talk about money laundering, bribery, influence peddling and there were no criminal referrals related to that that was not my question will see what the committee comes up with later this week. >> it looks like they have hard evidence, they have bank records that show $35 million between 2014 and 2023 that was paid to hunter and james biden, other family members and businesses associated with. from my standpoint, this is not good for them. of the 35 million, 7.9 million came from china, 3.9 million came from ukraine. you look at how conflicted
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president biden has been on really flexing against her adversary. against the foreign countries. it seems is undoubtedly compromised here. maria: that's why we asked the question why so soft and communist china is their connection to all the oversight committee tells essays accepted. >> i think that's right, i was rereading over the weekend, all the stuff that led up to the first impeachment of president trump involving his conversation with president zelenskyy and wait a minute all these people been involved for years with the biden web. occasionally on twitter $35 million no product no service what was the money for and i think if the republicans put that out there on a campaign
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add ask the question what was the money coming to the biden family members for in the llcs and the different companies that they set up. it's also shady the reputation of the biden's have taken a big hit even if they never get to the criminal referral, the damage has been done in the country knows that this country and family is correct. maria: this is all in the letter that the house oversight sent to joe biden detailing everything that you just said we've identified all the money and absolutely no legitimate business in no reason you should've got the money, please explain. the biden team has not gotten back to the oversight committee. i've asked james comer about this multiple times in the letter is stunning. it shows all the countries where they've identified money that is gone to the biden family and two
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checks that went directly to joe biden. >> not just the way people who might've been involved but completely unrelated relatives, the related in terms of blood but in terms of activity in the business why are they getting money. maria: i have to ask, what business. >> exactly. >> what business are we talking about. the questions are there we will see how the administration wants to handle this but even jake tapper on cnn said biden lied during the debate when trump said your son got all this money and biden said my son did not accept money you're talking about china and that was a presidential debate, chris wallace completely change the conversation after trump rounded up, we want to talk about climate change. even jake tapper on the liberal network of cnn called it out and said biden lied.
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>> what's interesting here hunter biden in his own words going back in talking about his days working for burisma in ukraine and the money coming in from china buddies combining that with his years as an addict which goes back to the trial that were currently watching. maria: were supposed to feel bad enough crocodile tears because he's an addict and allowed to steal money. maria: that's where hunter biden has gone with this. if the evidence is there it's up to james comer then we will see where it goes. maria: we will see how the white house response to the serious charges of the house oversight committee has made. we'll take a short break, were just getting started were taken a bit at the big week of inflation federal reserve of the two-day policy meeting tomorrow the may consumer price big headline of the week happening on wednesday and followed by the producer price index on thursday, the wall street
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maria: it is time for the word on wall street, top investors watching new money, asset management president and chief investment officer, with a smirk tapper, kevin thank you so much for joining the conversation. i wanted to get look at interest rates, the ten year treasury is trading up sitting at a level 4.6% were up three and a quarter basis points right now on the
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ten year yield ahead of the federal reserve kicking off the two-day monetary policy meeting tomorrow is widely expected to hold rates steady but we want to do with the fed may say in his statement on 2:30 p.m. eastern, the wall street journal writes this, americans are hating inflation and some economists think a 4% inflation goal would've given the fed room to get out of downturns and we know the fed inflation is 2%, your expectation for this week's d data. >> what we're going to learn from the federal reserve later this week, once again in all likelihood the more concerned about the economic slowdown turning into a recessionary period than they are with inflation stayed above 2%, why do i know that, following the march meeting they raise their forecast for core pce in their preferred inflation to 2.6% and they told us they don't believe inflation will get back to the magical 2% number until the end of 2026, at that point in time
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they were still forecasting rate cuts of 25 basis points this year and three interest-rate cuts of 25 basis points in the following two years, why would they cut interest rates by 225 basis points prior to getting inflation back to 2% if they were that concerned with the inflation staying above 2%. maria: is a great point that you're making in terms of all but what happens with the cpi number. i'm looking up tom lee this morning he says may cpi in june fomc likely viewed positively by equities positive five days later and five of the left fomc meetings, he's a buyer of stocks in the month of june, are you? >> i believe i'm a buyer over the course of 2024 in all likelihood what were going to learn this week inflation is not going away and it's sticky i can
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see headline cpi 2.4% year-over-year in line with last month core cpi slightly below where it was last month. if jim factors number stay where they are at the estimates i think that's positive for stocks if they want hotter than that then you can see a pullback because that brings a longer timeline for the interest-rate cut for the federal reserve. maria: there are a lot of positive catalyst for the market, mostly i would say the $6 trillion of cash on the sideline that keeps on growing. tom lee says the main event is wednesday with the cpi and the fomc an important marker week for stocks we remain constructive in june and bottom line we expect the markets to be nervous but we still believe a positive market overall for equities largely because of 6 trillion and growing cash on sideline and the pessimism in the market, we have this week of
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inflation data, may cpi on wednesday and the estimate month over month one tenth of 8% year-over-year, 3.4%. >> up 0.1% month over month would be a very, very good inflation reading. as i've said time and time again we need to see the number at 0-point to or better for roughly three consecutive months so the fed believes we have tamed inflation and we have positive momentum and that will potentially give them a permission slip to at least consider a cut. at this important time while they have to get inflation under control before they cut rates, they could also cut rates because economy is in trouble. dichotomy in my opinion is in trouble but the data coming from the bls is telling a completely different story and it's not clear or transparent specifically as the jobs report from friday according to the bls
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we added charges 72000 jobs when you look at the headline number but you really situate your 31000 of the 272 came from a birth death adjustment which is an estimate so completely made up and fabricated number that is not indicative of more people actually being on payroll and we talked about this time and time again as well, we are losing full-time jobs and were adding part-time jobs, that is not good or booming economy that is not a great job landscape and the other thing we've been losing nativeborn workers are losing jobs they've lost job since president biden came into office and were only adding jobs as it relates to foreign-born workers, the economy is struggling. maria: i don't know why people look at the data on jobs and think everything is so rosy and we know you peel back the onion and everything is spot on what
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does that mean for markets because tom lee says the s&p could hit 5500 this week he is looking at the barometer in terms of where stocks go he's thinking they go up in the month of june, would you put new money in stocks to work. >> i would dollar cost average and. it's dangerous if you're sitting on a large chunk of cash to plunge it in at or near all-time highs seems to be a very reckless move right now. typically in an election year we would expect a pullback of 15 or 16% and we have not see that and we may not see it but i would not be comfortable plunging all of my cash into the market right here. maria: s&p at 5346 and tom lee says we could see 5500 during the month of june. >> i would suggest regardless of what the fed does or doesn't do or even for the balance of this
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year there are three areas of the market that i find attractive right now over the course of the next 2 - 3 years one of those are data centers in the hardware the support the data centers within the a.i. ecosystem, a company that defies electricity, the infrastructure in the cooling solution to data center, another area is small-cap biotech company like alton lyons who supplies therapeutics for the treatment of obesity, society is overwhelmed with interest and obesity related drugs in the last area is aerospace and defense as we need to upgrade and replace our military in this country and that's where the money is going to go. maria: i like that list is similar to tom lee what is working ozempic related companies in healthcare and biotech, a.i. related companies like nvidia and cadence and
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others financial, industrial and bitcoin and its proxies that is interesting the bitcoin encryptor has kept up with stocks as well and the rally this year. >> it really is you can look at crypto as digital gold for the uncertainty and volatility i'm not a crypto fan i don't understand it but i like those areas of aerospace and biotech and a.i. right now. >> aerospace important in this dangerous world, great to have you, thank you so much, we are grateful, great word on wall street. the latest on biden's border crisis as fox's learning border patrol's been ordered to release migrants into the country because they claim it's too difficult to send the back. what about the executive order slowing the flood of illegals, iowa senator joni ernst has something to say about that. we'll talk about it after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria". stay with us.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue.
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it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back fox news obtaining a border patrol memo which instructs agents in the san diego sector to release single adults from all but six countries in the eastern hemisphere and classified them as hard or very hard to remove the six countries include is back in sand, russia, to sequencing, moldova and crews extend, their deemed mandatory referral, homeland security alejandro mayorkas is defending president biden executive order on the border to limit daily migrant encounters to 2500 but he couldn't confirm if the level will be seen before election day iowa senator joni ernst exposing the border as a political cover-up. watch. >> it's taken 10 million illegal border crossings for president biden to step up and acknowledge that there is a crisis at the
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border, you don't to be that intelligences he was going on. we have an election a few months away. this is the number one issue across the united states, let's do an executive order on the border but let's make it so would doesn't do a darned thing helps us get through november. maria: iowa senator joni ernst joins me the ranking member of entrepreneur committee and the member of the senate armed services agriculture committee, thank you for being here. you make a good point in terms of what is this about, there are so many carveouts and one thing i focused on the carveout for unaccompanied children. what we seen as a dereliction of duty when it comes to children at the border because the dangerous cartels are renting kids oars dealing kids making them believe their part of family units and going back again and again, with the same
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kids and now as part of this order unaccompanied children are not part of it. >> what we see with the executive action by president biden is a whole bunch of absolutely nothing, bottom line to work you have to enforce it, he could talk about it look at me and john the order on the border we will see no results. it's political cover in the american people see it for what it is. it's to get them through the election and help the democrats get through the election and "the bottom line" it will do nothing, is very lacking in substance and he likely will not enforce it. maria: there is that and then china in this backless response to china u.s. officials say the g7 plan to warn small chinese
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banks in italy to stop assisting russia and western sanctions i spoke with your colleague jd vance yesterday on "sunday morning futures" on how the u.s. empowers china on her own terms, watch this. >> were empowering them and when we talk about your energy policy were sitting on a mountain of the most valuable resource in the world natural gas and petroleum but the biden administration make it harder to get out of the ground what does that do empowers communist china and empowers people who want to manufacture outside of the united states it harms american workers and gets us in a position where god forbid if we fought a war with the chinese tomorrow they would make a lot of the clinical weapon system that we actually need for the defense of our own country. maria: this is very disturbing particularly given that we know that communist china is recruiting western former fighter pilots to work in china's air combat and we've
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seen no response from this administration to any of the bad behavior from communist china, why not. >> that's a good question you would have to assess a administration and frankly they cannot come up with an answer for you. we see this and jd is right we see the surroundings whether the energy sector and critical minerals which we can hardly refine in the united states and we cannot refine in the united states we can hardly mine in the united states we set all of that to china and all of the critical minerals go into vehicles and they go into the weapon systems. that's one issue but as far as sanctions we seen this from this administration before we have sanctions in place and there are all kinds of loopholes in ways around them. again it comes back to the enforcement issue and they refuse to enforce the sanctions, we see this with iran not just
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china, all of our adversaries. this administration refuses to step up and do the hard work to disembowel our adversaries they simply won't do it. maria: what you make of what's going on in europe over the week of the parliamentary elections, european voters hand against to conservatives in many countries and you see the immigration issue become as important as were talking about every day in the u.s. >> it's a reflection of what we feel as well the left has gone way too far, when you push the people too far, the get go the other direction, common sense and has finally prevailed we have to get her own country under control. maria: we don't know president biden knows exactly what is going on he made another gas
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this weekend referring to ukraine as iraq he was referencing funding in france but that's not the first time he made the mixup, watch this. >> i think there's new arise in a sense within the country wanting to let that slip. the idea that we become semi-isolationist and some are talking about, the idea that we had to wait all of those months to get the money for iraq and. maria: is talking about iraq overtime, what is your take on this, the new york times is fact checking the president on his previous comments about his uncle claiming he was a victim of cannibalism after being shot down over new guinea and world war ii, the times writes this a teenage civil rights activists and former trucker the first in the family to go to college and a nephew of the cannibalism victim. all of these claims stretch to
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truth or downright false but mrg tales with rhetorical flourishes and factual liberty when he works the room or an audience, you were, on a hot mic poking fun at the president cannibal story, here's what you said. >> never trust a man whose uncl. maria: what is going on with the cannibal story. >> a great question we've heard so many tall tales coming from president biden or the most egregious thing some of these are downright lies he was raised in the synagogue, no he was raised in a black church, no in a puerto rican neighborhood but the most egregious of all of these is when he tells the families that lost their loved ones in war in iraq or afghanistan that he lost his son
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beau biden in iraq, no he didn't i heard that many times from the goldstar families from them straight to me that he keeps claiming his son beau was killed in iraq, we know that was a lie and the president knows it was a lie whether cannibalism of his uncle or losing his son beau biden and iraq, the man is a liar never trust a liar. the american people need to wake up this man is not there mentally or he's going to stretch the truth. maria: is he lying or losing it, the journal wrote behind closed doors biden showed signs of slipping. >> both i think he was a liar long ago, now he's losing it, put the two together it equals no thank you, no presidency. maria: will be watching all of this, five months before the
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election. thank you for joining us, joni ernst joining us from new york. we'll be right back, stay with us. ♪ there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way.
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maria: welcome back hunter biden's defense team expected to announce whether the first son will testify in his gun trial resumes this morning and a half an hour the wall street journal with a piece titled hunter biden trial reviews dark family moments and test father's campaign politico with this, joe biden's worries grow as hunter biden's trial begins, republican strategist and lead attorney jonathan madison along with democratic consultant house judiciary chief counsel julian epstein, great to see you thank you for joining me again, what about the trial and the impact of joe biden selection, couldn't spell trouble for joe.
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>> there's embarrassing moments of embarrassing testimony joe biden was at his sons elbow and his son was not paying taxes and was involved in the gun violations, that said i was very critical of the trump trial in manhattan it was an abuse of power by the manhattan district attorney and i don't think it should've been brought for a host of reasons and by the same reasoning i don't think hunter biden gun charge should've been brought into the abuse of prosecution and a makeup call because the justice department failed to go after hunter on the tax charges. while it's embarrassing i think this is the thing that would've been better handled in some type of appropriate plea deal and probation and financial panel under penalty. this is the kind of case that is the beginning and era of welfare that were going to go after for
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political figure and away we would never go after them if they are just ordinary citizens. the same reasoning i thought the trump trial was a gross abuse of power. maria: the trump trial one more on the abuse of trial for the last several years let's go back to russia collusion with fbi pursued this story that trump colluded with russia on no evidence. young andrew mccabe, former fbi on cnn saying everybody in the fbi is scared that trump will send them to jail, you know what you did back in 2016 and 17 by pursuing the story with no evidence of any such thing. it divided the country and rip the country apart with the crazy story. >> there were many people that were guilty of gross overstatement, the obama justice department authorize a counterintelligence investigation on trump officials, night after night on
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mainstream media and the cable networks there were allegations that we were about to see a fraud march of donald trump on russia collusion when there was never any evidence of criminality in the left never apologize for that were said mea culpa on any of the just growth and the columbia school journalism did a great story how the media has transitioned from being the independent rigorous critical thinking questioning of authority institution that has been historically into the cheerleader, for the left it was profitable for media figures and media groups and there was a lack of responsibility of independence in the whole russia collusion puts that this way. maria: with the exception of
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here, i raised my hand and said this does not make sense and tried to be independent thinking about it and i got slammed by the mainstream media. no accountability, cbs news you gallup poll shows president biden former president trump and national polling trump is leading 50% to biden's 49% in this reveals the recent conviction is not a factor for more than half of the voters with issues like inflation, crime, the border and much more important to the voters, the fox news poll shows trump leading biden and arizona and florida and the parent that he and virginia all four trust trump to do a better job of the economy winning by 16% nevada the voters trust trump by a landslide winning 20% on border issues in all of the four states. let's not forget the massive money hall that trump was able to rake in despite the guilty
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verdict. >> absolutely funny you mention the money hall i was at san francisco fundraiser that he hosted on thursday and he raised $12 billion in the course of 24 hours then he goes down to newport and he raised more money down there, this month $141 million, think about that. the guy was convicted on three or four counts and he raised 140 william dollars. if there's anything that suggests an embarrassment for the democratic party, it shows in the polls suggest this as well those numbers will increase and the country is very much a aware of an overreach on the left and those numbers will increase because of it in we heard it down in san francisco of all places, the deep blue state. you have a sense that this is not the people it would be
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donald trump, it's a culture, the conservative america, everybody feels like they're on trial. the numbers will increase in the money will increase. maria: gillian you just mentioned above offer and that's what's going on people are not buying this conviction and they're not buying the attacks on trump. >> i think the effective trump conviction in manhattan has been negligible, if anything it showed a one and a half point loss of independent supporters for trump, my guess that will be fleeting in the same way in biden state of the union bounce was a fleeting bounce inviter and joe biden continues to be under water and the economy in particular and uc immigration in the handling of foreign affairs
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down the line of major issues, underwater almost every issue that abortion in the mistake that biden is making, the message coming out of the white house is anti-trump, and to apportion, they keep doubling down and given the fact that biden is underwater on almost every single issue, that is awkward to be enough for him, what the party needs to do, you and i have talked about this before, the party needs to make a major shift to the center on economic issues and $2 trillion of annual debt and that's not having an effect on starboard inflation. the biden executive order on immigration, a lot of people see through that, too little too late in the little bit of an instance you're allowing for a million new immigrants coming across the border on a annual basis. i think what the left and what the white house is failing to do
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is to recognize how seriously this administration is underwater on economic and cultural left issues and rather than just saying were into charm, pro abortion they need to make a shish because their messaging is not getting through and if you put that together with the fact that people have real questions about the presidents mental competence in your looking at a recipe for disaster for democrats. >> are getting worried as a result, the stories, biden behind closed doors show signs of slipping from the wall street journal. this weekend who is next in line after pot under president kamala harris because she is not getting the support either. >> we spoke about the context of the russia collusion investigation there is a lot of
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groupthink on the left in terms of whether the president should've been a candidate. i took a position a year ago in a piece in the wall street journal same biden should not be the candidate for the democrats and i took a lot of guts for that. a lot of people like james carville and others are saying he might not be the best candidate he's the guy saying i'm the only guy that compete trump he might be the only guy that cannot be trump. there are a lot of questions where the democrats are in the biggest enemy going along with far left policies and not questioning whether biden is their best candidate in 2024. maria: any time the trump campaign comes up with names or expectations that somebody's going to be in the cabinet, the muddying up of the person begins and the stakes for the vice presidential pick are intensifying similar thing now, the national convention is a
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month away in the election under five months away, insiders are telling us among the front runners, democrats are fearing florida senator marco rubio calling him a disciplined communicator who barely make certain mistakes. he also speaks to spanish. i spoke with another short list candidate jd vance and phyllis e join me on "sunday morning futures". watch. >> where conversations with the trump team but are not spoken about the vice presidential with the president and until i do i'm going to assume this is media speculation, i would help donald trump get elected because it's important you become the next president but i have an important job for the united states senate that's what i'm focused on. if it changes will be the first to know. maria: as soon as speculation anybody joining trump that person faces a lot of muddying up from the left. i'm watching what is said about all the candidates that we have
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the short list. your reaction. >> absolutely i would keep your eyes on marco rubio he's the leader of the senate intelligence committee and it'll put donald trump in a position where he can get tough on the rope policies. beyond that donald trump is carrying more of the latino votes than the left to the extent that marco rubio can assist endeavor is going to have a huge impact that's what the democrats are afraid that he will get more support from wider margins. maria: a really smart conversation. i appreciate you both, jonathan madison julian epstein, we will see you soon. stay with us, we'll be right back. gs. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code.
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maria: welcome back trump prosecutor and fulton county da fani willis receiving a questionable donation, cheryl casone you with the details. >> records show an atlanta city attorney is now imprisoned for pandemic loan fraud donated to willis' primary election campaign at the time that she got the fraudulent cash, 62-year-old show lethal robinson was convicted for fraud at $15 million in covid error along scum of the justice department saying she falsely inflated
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employee account and payroll for four businesses to get extra money then she bought a rolls-royce, ten karat diamond ring and donated $1000 to the reelection efforts. she sensed his seven years in prison this past friday. not to the video of an oregon rodeo shows a bull breaking loose and jumping over a 6-foot fence into the stands, watch the rodeo said it was headed back to the livestock, handlers able to get things back under control within a few minutes and incredibly everybody is expected to be okay. apple is holding the worldwide developers conference in california all eyes on whether it will announce any a.i. products or updates, apple
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historically has avoided using the term a.i. but with a huge boom like microsoft, google and amazon, expectations are high, it investors reward companies to show innovation if for the new technology. there is apple in the premarket, up a half 8%. the critics are blasting the city of san francisco for opening up free food market that is set to cost taxpayers $5 million, the city market allows qualified residents get groceries for free this on top of the food stamps, the food program comes weeks after many residents were furious about another city program that provided free beer and vodka the homeless alcoholics in a little further south an ally, taxpayers are bearing the brunt of a luxury 19 story high-rise homeless shelter, the building will feature apartments, skyline views, jim, café. there will be three towers and
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it will be on city taxpayers times in california, governor newsom has a $45 billion budget deficit. maria: why? what is this obsession with the first-class service for illegal migrants as opposed to our own veterans in a homeless i don't understand. >> is more homeless but there are rooms for veterans i do want to say that but it's more for the homeless population and l.a. looks unrecognizable. >> really does. i know. >> on the one hand they raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour in 10000 people out of work, guess who needs the free for food program and housing program in california, everything that gavin newsom has done has turned upside down and hurting his state people are leaving in droves into cheryl's point he has a huge budget deficit, i wonder why.
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maria: let's take a short break, big albert coming up. stay with us. we'll be right rum back. ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ [suspenseful music] trains. [whoosh] ♪ trains that sense what isn't on the schedule. ♪
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