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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 10, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks?
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or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we ask smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes. maria: good monday morning. thanks for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. i hope you are having a good monday morning, monday, june 10 8:00 on the east coast,
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despite president biden's executive order catch and release continues fox news obtained internal border patrol memo instructions agents in san diego sector to release migrants from nearly all eastern hemisphere countries into america. border patrol reporting over 2000 migration he apprehensions a day, texas governor greg abbott told me yesterday there has been no change to the flood of illegals into america since biden's new policy hit, watch. >> can you give is an update have you seen if i change at the border since joe biden came out with executive order. >> none whatsoever listen people need to understand what biden has done is not doing anything, to actually secure the border in fact it is a opposite because he has been actually authorizing more people to cross the border illegally when he stops this process there is nothing that biden is doing, that actually is preventing anybody else from crossing the border there is no type of enforcement
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mechanism in place, all those policies going to do is actually attract invite even more people to cross of the border illegally. maria: elizabeth reaction. liz: , you know this is a national security risk a humanitarian crisis, i don't know who is making these policies i am pretty sure joe biden isn't but what is behind them? why in the world do they want to allow as they now have 10 million people to come into our country illegally? i mean i get it they think going to vote for joe biden and successors hovering to me to the run, signaling putting in place pretend policies 11 thou hour isn't going to cut it because people aren't that stupid they know this is a crisis it is ongoing. >> oh, yeah, i mean it is just incredible to me that, you know, they want this, in this
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situation, even as christopher wray tells us umpteen times this country is facing potential of terrorist attack market because of un911s at border left-wing media finely calling out the border crisis. >> immigration, i mean just on a political level, i don't think they could have handled it worse a hail mary pass not going to succeed. >> abcs marta raddatz pressing mayorkas watch this. >> in 2021 two months into your tenure dhs secretary you seem totally confident you have that yr control three years ago since then 6.5 million migrants apprehend along the southern border would be very hard to call that a success. >> what we need is
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congressional action we cannot resource the department of homeland security department of state department of justice. with additional personnel, we need congress to legislate. t. >> that is just not true. liz peek weigh in here week one joe biden walked into oval office, overturned all of president trump's security at the border did that unilaterally why continue to say congress now. >> he said he couldn't do anything through executive order then passed executive order, look. i think, mark got it right everything they've done is wrong this is purposeful everyone knows it is purposeful, honestly, again, the american people will come to understand why democrats thought this was good idea it was heartbeat ago chuck schumer all other democrat leaders were very opposed to illegal immigration, now they blame congress totally unfair
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untrue, congress the house passed h.r. 2, two years ago chuck schumer failed to pick i go that up the bill presumably joe biden wanted to pass had nothing to do with closing the border, everything to do with a pathway to citizenship for all the people already in the country illegally, i read that bill it is a totally farce the fact that they keep going back to that is outrageous. >> what do you think mark. mark: seems everything out of this administration last 3 1/2 years has been all bark, no bite in politics you got to walk it like you talk it or else end up having to pack your bags get moved on, just you look at this eo, for the border, it supposedly caps at 25 new hampshire a day obviously, we have heard that is not the case. but that is actually only between official -- um, ports of entry right? have? not at ports of entry you can
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exceed 2500 a day if you go through official port of entry that is a mirror image what this administration has told us about climate change, and interest in building charging stations built seven so far right? supposed to be building 300 a year. to meet their goal so again, it is all bark no bite, just more of the same from this administration. >> we still hundredth seen anybody acknowledge 50,000 chri chinese, nationals the hunter biden trial resumed in four minutes defense expected to tell weather or not he will take the stand hunter and wife arrived in port as you can see, comer, james comer told me yesterday, the reason is that he sent, cell referrals to the doj says that is just the beginning of the
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impeachment inquiry next phase and next target is joe biden according to the chairman, of the committee we will talk being with south caroliha congressman nancy mace next you are watching "mornings with maria" live with maria" live on stay with us. . ♪ . daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking. you'll get better when you're not blamed
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. maria: welcome back, hunter biden gun cycle week being two this morning five minutes we are expecting the defense team to announce whether or not the first son will take the stand at some point today, if he does, prosecutors say that they may offer rebuttal with more witnesses, joe biden's brother james, was supposed to take the stand friday he could testify this week we will watch that, joining me nancy
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mace member house oversight armed seniors veterans affairs committee thanks very much for being here this morning your reaction to what we have learned in this gun trial of hunter biden. >> clearly hunter biden is a troubled man with a lot of issues in his personal life and even business life as we've seen learned in oversight committee last several months. we wish him well, i hope he gets over drug addiction but more so forward on oversight committee i support james comer chairman of the committee revering charges for hunters and james biden in our pursuit of justice for joe biden. >> we've been talking about this investigation so long james comer juiced a month landering bribery influence peddling last week house republican james comer sent centimeter references to doj encounter and james biden why sending criminal referrals
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bhurnt and james biden for lying to congress where are criminal reformers for other state your money laundering i don't see criminal researchers here what is james comer told me about impeachment inquiry. >> it is no secret joe biden's committed many crimes, and i think that you are going to see, a report, very soon, that report is imminent that will will probably be an interim report that updates everyone on the crimes that biden and his administration have committed throughout this investigation, and through the years of the obama-biden administration. >> where are criminal reformers for money laundering corruption for influence peddling? >> this is an investigation of joe biden, hunter biden jim biden, archer witnesses in
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investigation of joe biden this was always about joe biden we are going to everything we can to hold hunter biden all different shady associates accountable this is just the beginning. >> what does that mean if just beginning you all are going to release a report later in the week about joe biden crimes what he just said is that right? >> right that is what he said yesterday i think really important for american people towns we have witnesses that come before congress, that lie to congress lie in% juryed them the committee referring to james biden hunter biden what lying about compensates of laptop, of a-million-dollar bribe to chineseed bymen hunter talked about with joe biden sitting next to him according to that particular message the meetings that took place joe biden was partly of tony bobulinski that they lied about all this is very important, to pursuing
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criminal charges pursuing the truth letting american people know what happened, how joe biden was involved because when your family members are lying under oath american people can see it for what it is see the evidence all part of the investigation. >> ask a we will wait for that report later in the week to learn more, of course, the president biden announced another 225-million-dollar aid package for ukraine. including weapons from u.s. stockpile financial support to help rebuild ukrainian he elect trickal grid don't we've issues here you criticized biden's foreign said writing americans struggling to afford groceries president biden wasted 320 nlds taxpayer money on floating pier in gaza that sank within days nearly 400 million on gaza instead of feeding american families now congresswoman this about spending 225 million to
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ukraine to fix their electrical grid we've got people on this program every day saying a.i. electric vehicles a massive strain often our grid we need more data centers. >> right, i share cybersecurity on oversight a hearing about china, hacking our agencies, companies public and private, critical infrastructure very important to protecting we should be using our resources our own taxpayer dollars to, for example, build a wall at soush border protect our nation from invasion that is happening south we need to make sure our critical infrastructure is protected from cybersecurity attacks by chinese actors by russian actors people want to do americans harm. we should be looking at how we can help hardworking families single mother at waffle house has two or three jobs to put kids through college, kids through school, she needs help because when i go to fill up your tank 50% more than 3
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years ago under donald trump grocery socioexponentially higher than ever, so important we come together as party unite in november to get reelect donald trump as president we copy our majority in the house, flip senate then when we get that republicans need to do what we say we are going to do, and help american people, not lip service but actually do what we say we're going to do, make good campaign promises making in year. >> with all due respect isn't it rich to say you want to unite when you are one of the people joined with small group to take union your leader kevin mccarthy, you have been a firebrand i certain appreciate that appreciate you pushing for what american people want but we will see if your constituents, actually like this, this week you are facing challenger kathryn templetin in south caroliha race tomorrow how are you feeling about race when you look at all moves in the last
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couple months, in terms of at in unifying taking down your leader kevin mccarthy was it all worth it? >> well, maria, i appreciate your comments i am feeling cautiously optimistic about tomorrow as you know, i am first woman to graduate from citadel military college of south carolina when i was a cadet we ate honestly integrity for breakfast i want a leader i can trust i trust mike johnson to me more honesty integrity in washington, d.c., i believe you will see results of hard work tomorrow when election is called i think early in the night i think really important that whether they talk about dividing party i it is kevin mccarthy said seven million dollars against me and my republican primary that could be spent to help donald trump i really want to unite i hope that kevin will help unite the party when we get through the election tomorrow we can come could he go there is a place for people like me in the
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party there is a place for people have like mccar yooet a place for libertarians moderates right of centrists, keep our house marginal try to flip senate our nation needs it now more than ever if you want to support me in reelection campaign. >> nancy >> controversial lawmaker nancy mace fights for political police you told journal i owe washington nothing they will have the me out to dry i am going to be stronger for it talking about how you have been a lone wolf before fighting a lone battle how come it is so lonely. >> when you fight the machine, the establishment i am not afraid to vote on my principals i am not afraid to take on powerful people powerful forces, i don't work for washington i work for
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south carolina the people that elected me to office i work really, really hard a few weeks ago i helped save 1,000 jobs in defense sector in south carolina helped a young woman 20 something year were told days ago wet appointment with oncologist because recently diagnosed with cancer needed help i work really hard for if people of south carolina i love to job doesn't feel like work i work seven days a week i think you will will see that reflected tomorrow night i am excited about it i am excited to have san overwhelming amount of support in our race folks can go to answer thaty if they want to take on the machine when you operate with honestly integrity take on the machine they come right back at you they come back at you hard. it is very lonely. maria: are congresswoman we will be watching your race, and good luck to you thanks so much for joining us this morning congresswoman nancy mace. >> and to you we'll be right
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back. .
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back, markets green across the board so far this year take a look 2024 market up 3% dow industrials, s&p up 12 year-to-date nasdaq winner 14% year-to-date now rally in s&p 500, a.i.,
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profits of could be slowing down "the wall street journal" writing nvidia new soles booster will be global push for national a.i. champion joining me nancy lazar great to see you. thank you so much for being here i know you've begin about ai crazy driving data center a boom there tell us about that. >> capital spending part of the economic backdrop particularly when led by technology, what is happening today, and the ai boom has created in data center, gone down from 10% to 7.1% past decade going to lead to more construction, of data centers helping support, you see, revenue up over 260%, on balance, magazine 5 double
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digits paroling not only capital spending but obviously, as you said, stock market. maria: nancy of you talked for awhile about this economy called it bifurcated economy explain to our audience what that means what you see in terms of the macrostory right now if you look at interest rates this morning, that are trading up 10-year yield is now up to 4.46% up 2 1/2 basis points as federal reserve kicks off two day monetary meeting wild expected to hold rates steady. >> a.i. boom keeping economy stronger longer, therefor interest rates indeed economic background ises if you're half of theier doing pretty well, however,, it is becoming increasingly bifurcated people have interest income benefiting but for people will who have too much credit card
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debt and/or don't have mortgage therefor can't buy a house you are seeing oil inned low income squeezed, more and more highlighting no longer just low increased by high inflation, interest rates now middle communicate consumer the driver of consumer spending. t this haveto, and have-nots by whiched economy have and have-nots only two times in history 1979, 2006, 2017 stock market rallied but hit by middle income consumer, interest rates higher longer, inflationary pressures, at the end of the day obviously, you have a recession.
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maria: how long can this stay validated the journal is writing americans are quote really they really, really hate inflation, some economists thinking 4% goal would have given more room president of don turn goal 2% mainly report on wednesday the consumer price index most expect big mover of the week what are you expecting. >> first, on what consumers prefer hire unemployment for lower inflation the journal article highlighted consumers rather have, than worry about higher announcement rate so inflation really is the number one enemy of the economy today, raft thing fed should do raise inflation target they need to get down to 2%, and keep it there orr over past five years price levels increased almost 20% across the board.
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and so, that is really what is squeezing the consumer keeping bifurcation headlines should look good cpi and ppi, neighbor 0.1% or both, however,, 4 is stickiness up 0.3%, you have seen in service sector saw that last week, service pmi service inflation is really the big culprit right now in order to get to down inflation for the 2% goal our highlights -- need to get overall demand get more companies. maria: nancy last week you were so spot-on,on jobs number i want to ask you about that i was reading your research before the numbers came out i read that you were looking at machine learning data. that is how you knew, that the jobs numbers would be much higher than estimate the estimates 185,000 you said
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because of our machine learning data we see that it could be as much as 218,000 or more, of course, much more than that as well. 282,000. but you're using machine plannering on some tell me about it. >> have 272,000. >>s over, many years different types of molds recently hired, who is a data scientist also economist we are learning that indeed credit machine learning models -- are actually doing a better job than some classic models in, pinpointing what economic going to be on monthly basis we use it for employment report for pmi we use it also for unemployment rate. and so, we will see about unemployment model suggesting that we actually move into
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recession in fourth quarter of this year on machine learning. maria: are you guys have been so spot-on i am not listening to any machines i am listening to you listening to you and your colleagues because you have been so spot-on everything, so i will keep watching that, but nancy quick as we wrap up here second half of the year is when you were talking about a potential recession, are you thinking credit tightening gets word the consumer slows don what is that tipping point? >> well, the tipping point has to be consumer we think will lead to higher unemployment rate although payroll data were strong you beentime 4% we trust that more than payroll data may be revised down, so,, machine learning models suggest unemployment rate kind of tipped through these that rule by fourth quarter this year, so we do need to see weaker real incoming as of may real incomes a boost, nation
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going to be.1 page inflation we saw .4, in may, keeping that consumer going that said we are seeing more and more destruction in consumer space there were stay-at-home bubble kind of boosts, last week weak numbers there seeing in middle income side of the equation, where -- you are seeing consumer spending start to fade, long shot, but real consumer spending down we saw in april, level, four months, we do think we are seeing deterioration in the consumer but happening slowly. >> i think i agree with you on recession call certainly i guess my only caveat is this is an election year we are seeing sometimes in election
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yeeshgz the incumbent side tries to goose of things up when i think they are doing with treasury options nancy always a pleasure to see you great work as usual. >> thank you. >> nancy lazar joining us piper sandler we'll be right back. stay with us. . (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®. if you have heart disease and struggle with ldl-c... even with statins and a healthy diet... listen to your heart. talk to your doctor about repatha. repatha plus a statin lowers ldl-c (bad cholesterol) by 63%,
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the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ >> welcome back former president trump will attend a virtual probation hearing. cheryl: he is set up for that hearing after a jury convicted him all 34 counts in fraud trial could face prison time or probation, this interview is going to help decide that, is the next step in sentencing below with the judge scheduled to officially essence donald trump, days before the republican national convention
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in mill you with a ie alvin bragg agreed to testify before gop led house committee about case before former president scheduled june 13 led by chairman jim jordan, meanwhile, judge merchan, is now criticized for the admission a facebook post on web site suggests jury decided trump's fate, telling family members. >> just it seems there is evidence that some sort of a troll who has done this but i guess the question is why did it sit there over a week on the court web site why hasn't judge merchan done this is investigation into these he has written letters to the lawyers i guess he expects trump's lawyers to do investigation. he has all tools at disposal might be grounds for a vacating the verdict and new trial but if a troll he could
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be criminally charged with felony statute called obstruction of the judicial proceeding a form of obstruction of justice. cheryl: conservatives making big gains across europe over the weekend in france president macron calling emergency election diswill solving lower house of parliament marie lperspective pen delivered a humbling defeat antiimmigration, saying french to longer want loss of influenza identity, freedom. maria: good for box office bad boys. >> -- 3 -- >> -- cheryl: fourth motive in the franchise pulling in 56
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million also win for smith fall frout oscars when he went after the host smith banned from oscars 10 years. >> imagine you are scheduled to attend a zoom meeting would rather do anything eat cardr bored than attend you send digital a.i. clone for you this could be real ceo zoom working on digital technology for workers to attend meetings handle other time-consuming parts zoom slightly down premarket, zoom meeting this week i think rather hang out with my cat than attend that zoom meeting so i am all for it. maria: i feel like to spiral out of control somebody having your image, i don't know. cheryl: we will see what they come up with. maria: kro you can't make zam meeting i have to deal with my cat, whatever. cheryl: there you go i am
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using that thank you. [laughter]. maria: new cbs poll shows president trump meeting biden in head-to-head matchup 50% likely voters say cast ballots for trump right now, as new fox news poll shows trump leading biden in nevada, arizona, florida, with two tied in virginia. that is also a victory for trump virginia voted democrat a long time resorts all four state say they trust trump over biden to heavenly economy and ims i spoke with j.d. vance yesterday on "sunday morning futures" about the state of the race, watch. >> we are seeing americans all rejecting poll after poll supporting president trump we know about who counts votes at the end of the day. what are you thinking in terms of a fair and transparent election in to november after last couple years where so many were skeptical. >> compare 2020 election to states that did well -- north
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carolina in particular some states that i think had real problems like pennsylvania wire trying to take who he north carolina approach nationwide challenging democrats approaches efforts to do ballot harvesting a really aggressive legal operation going to challenge things as they come up certainly know they will, but i really don't think maria as somebody very skeptical what happened in 2020 that they are able to run same game in 2024. >> joining me right now, former new york congresswoman gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin what do you make of what you heard from j.d. vance not able to do what they did in 2020 reaction. >> i think lessons learned as far mechanics you have legalized ballot harvesting,
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nevada or biologicaloting in pennsylvania examples there are other places stating enacted reps republicans boycotted changes paid price at polling here we are five months less than five months away from election day, i would say election starts three months from now, because past labor day people start being able will to vote mechanics of campaigning is very important going to be important for republicans, to be recruiting poll watchers, door-to-door canvassing concentrating resources in targeted counties states across the country yes, there is opportunity to expand the map the first order of business is to make sure that your budget is fully fund in top targeted states with all fund-raising surge that president trump and rnc have experienced since verdict came out i think an opportunity to fully fund
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budget in targeted states to expand the map, too. maria: you've dealt with all of this certainly lat election, do you think former president trump can win new york? >> clinical poll just came out showed him six points behind short answer i believe yes. there is no reason why, i feel gotten into race for governor 19 months before election back in, for 2022 race against kathy hochul if i did not believe that we can turn new york state red, the clinical poll showed president trump down about six points i saw voter registration number sent to me yesterday since november 2022 gap has been closing there has been a decrease in democratic party registration increase in republican party registration, conservative party registration, and registered independents so trends only gotten better we've seen eric adams's numbers down kathy hochul's numbers down joe biden's
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numbers down as well as issues starting at to percolate now since november widow two like illegal immigration the border crisis that weren't top three issues back when i was running for governor in 2022, i believe, that president trump is within striking distance the week in the trick, the bodega visiting, construction in manhattan, and more. maria: going to bright blue places south bronx, new jersey, or minnesota. and garnerring big crowds even in democrat led democrat dominant areas i think to me democrats getting desperate saying oh, you know we got to watch out because trump is going to put everybody in jail that is what alexandria ocasio-cortez told yesterday new line that trump is putting everybody in jail as that is
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exactly what they are doing to him right now. >> right as you point out this is exactly what they're doing to president trump, president trump has already been in office, for four years, so all the threats they said, of what he would do if became president of the united states never actually played out during his four years while right now they are in power trying to imprison president trump the rest of his life bankrupt him and family i think maybe even most outrageous, may be most outrageous tactic has been intent to remove his name in ballot altogether, saying that americans they should not even have ability to vote for president trump come november, and in this country in the constitutional republic that we have, i think americans should see through that, and find it insulting that what they say now president trump would do, if he came into power january 2025, as you point out said they are doing
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already i think should backfire i don't want to hear democratic lecture, any respect about attacks on democracy. truly rich, your take on new york what kathy hochul just did it can new york governor new york city congestioning pricing plan three weeks before it went into effect the end of this month, lee, this a political move or does she read the writing on the wall that business is going to leave with this congestion pricing? >> this is absolutely politics, and she has specifically stated in the past few days, that this is a temporary move trying to get past the november election, i think that everyone sees through this, she is now upset the right upset the left, on island when i was running in 2022 opposing congestion pricing she wasn't saying the economy was so bad back then,
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now saying that the economy so is bad you have to stoorlt good faithing pricing haven't you been the one in charge hasn't joe biden we know the one in the white house? if economy got so bad last two years why don't you take responsibility for o policies that have caused inflation businesses leaving individuals leaving that caused you to to cite the economy as the reason to halt it? >> that is not what they do instead what they will do blame, the other side for exactly what they are doing, that is the modus operandi that we've seen witnessed lee zeldin also a a a pleasure thanks so much for being here. >> thanks, maria. maria: all right. we will see you soon we'll be right back. .
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that's xfinity streamsaver™ for just $15 a month. all your favorites. all in one place. only from xfinity. for more watching and less spending... x marks the spot. do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. americans throwing away estimated 68 million dollars coins every year one company on mission to collect loose change jeff flock live in pennsylvania this morning. >> talk about one man's treasure although man's trash company you are looking at products of trash incinerated
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they incinerate it harvest the metal i think most positiving thing not most important the most interesting thing finding in the coins what is happening this, by the way, is what it looks like when it comes to them this is incinerated trash -- come over here look what is being sorted out again, some is stuff you would think pieces of metal in trash in here seeing pennies, pennies largely over here, i am seeing quarters --. >> what we have series of sorted materials to get plastic keys hardware mostly quarters. >> dig down that is money baby
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that is all money right there. and did not look like it rebecca come here one last thing to show you before we get away that is, it being washed then comes out looking like actual money. >> washing allows us to better sort coins, what we're dealing with. >> you get millions of coins out of this process. we absolutely do that is not all we coins. >> other metals recycle. >> 20 million tons of waste a year. >> out of landfill harvesting real money. urban farming they call it. maria: i love it. what that is why i have all picky banks all over my house to collect that change jeff i love it thank you so much in
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pennsylvania stay with us. we'll be right back. . there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way.
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that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. maria: welcome back, time for the big bus, surfs up dogs of all shapes and sizes at the extravaganza and flagler beach florida over the weekend, thousand people came to watch the pooches catch serious waves and marks year three of the competition, dogs on surfboards, can brody do that?
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>> i wish he could use 140 pounds of pure muscle and we know muscle does not flow. he's terrified of the water we cannot get him near a poll. maria: brody is so cute. >> did you see the human being behind him. maria: i bet he's a sweetheart. i don't know if milo can do that, this is not for cats after all. >> milo is a hard pass on anything that doesn't involve the window in his apartment in manhattan. i've seen cats on instagram and surfboards. maria: can bingo do it? >> no once again not fond of the water but very clever. maria: dusty loves the beach but she can't do it either. mark tepper, liz peek, cheryl casone. "varney & company" picks it up, ashley webster and for stewart. have a good one. >> thank you very l


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