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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 10, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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know muscle does not flow. he's terrified of the water we cannot get him near a poll. maria: brody is so cute. >> did you see the human being behind him. maria: i bet he's a sweetheart. i don't know if milo can do that, this is not for cats after all. >> milo is a hard pass on anything that doesn't involve the window in his apartment in manhattan. i've seen cats on instagram and surfboards. maria: can bingo do it? >> no once again not fond of the water but very clever. maria: dusty loves the beach but she can't do it either. mark tepper, liz peek, cheryl casone. "varney & company" picks it up, ashley webster and for stewart. have a good one. >> thank you very much i love
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the doggy pictures, i am ashley webster and for stuart varney, let's start out on the west coast president trump hitting the campaign trail in las vegas, the first rally since the new york conviction and one day before the states primary, today is day six and the hunter biden gun trial is started an hour ago and were waiting to see if the defense will call the first son to testify in at this point it seems unlikely. to your money nvidia the 1041 stock split in effect the overall market is down as traders look ahead to the fed decision in inflation data coming up midweek the consumer price index on wednesday. of course the fed and everyone else keeping a close eye on that the futures ahead pointed slightly lower the nasdaq coming off of the best week since april we will see how that works out today, let's take a look at the treasury the ten year yield
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around 4.46%, up three basis points let's take a look at the two year yield in the two-year around 4.89% just up ever so slightly, the price a bitcoin where it is bitcoin stand today, up at $69330 under 70000 oil up 54 cents just above $76, gas prices $3.44 for a gallon of regular that's the national average diesel a little higher at $3.78. fox news has obtained abortive ritual memo that instructs agents to release single adults from all but six countries in the eastern hemisphere because they are hard to remove, you can't make it up the indiana fevers, caitlin clark is being left off the u.s. olympic team
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for the summer games, clark responded by telling your coach, they woke of monster. indeed. >> monday june 10, 2024, "varney & company" about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪. ashley: here for a good time the terrific george strait as you look a six avenue this monday morning, the city streets and the sidewalks, let's kick off with a look at donald trump's fundraising he held a rally in the battleground state of nevada and fundraisers in deep blue california, good morning take me through it.
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>> the west coast swing is wrapped up for the former president he raised $12 million in posh san francisco than the first rally since his conviction, now he's in las vegas come into nevada where he's beating joe biden by five points. >> the department of justice, the only thing they did not understand we have the largest fundraising effort in a period of one week then anybody has ever had, did you know that module. we took in hundreds of millions of dollars and much of it was small money donors the average $71. >> he knows his crowd he told the rally that he will not tax their tips if he is elected. that is las vegas all the hospitality workers, union jobs, they want their tips it's a way to reach out to the working class americans with the policy change. ashley: he knows his crowd. we have some new polls.
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>> this is from cbs the guilty verdict so far has not reacted to the race, one point lead on joe biden actually 58 - 49 in in the swing states biden holds 50 - 49 but the other direction. a majority, 54% say they support biden because they oppose donald trump in the same 54% say the conviction is not a factor in their decision on who to vote for, if you go back to the full screen 17% saying a minor impact, 71% of voters ultimately saying the economy, the border are bigger issues than the law fair. ashley: probably helped him raise more money. interesting, let's begin charlie hurt, more than half of the voters say that trump's conviction doesn't impact their vote, does that mean by
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extension that the democrats law for tactic failing. >> i think without a doubt they got the convicted felon which is what they wanted all along and i'm always suspicious about pulling in a race, the trends show as lauren said the race i've not been overturned by all of the stuff. in the real problem for democrats is the fact that not only has it not hurt them in pulling but it helped him every step of the way and resuscitate is career in donald trump today stronger then he has been at any point in his political life even before 2016.
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ashley: trump rated million of the silicon valley fundraisers hosted by venture capitalist david sachs, i guess silicon valley turning on biden and the democrats. >> i think of looking at the same thing that most voters are looking at and it's impossible to avoid the truth that democrat policies, joe biden's policies are hurting the country and it's hurting the economy and everything in the looking at reality and realizing they can get baha'i a guy. if you take away the hysteria surrounding donald trump any takeaway democrat and republican look at the basic policy ideas the policy ideas of donald trump are so commonsensical, mainstream normal, there obviously good policies that 80% of the population are more i don't know having a border would
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get behind so i think that's obvious thing that they're seeing. i think it's what were seen with voters that only improves among voters for donald trump between now and the election. ashley: i think you're exactly right in the frail looking president doesn't help with standing. thank you so much for joining us on this lovely monday morning, democrats by the way are worried over one particular thing on trump's shortlist, who were we talking about. >> marco rubio the gop shopper just to fox news digital, one who defends trump frequently on the sunday shows and never messes up, peels to suburban voters and independent voters, speaks spanish and in my opinion fits the bill for potential presidential candidate in 2028.
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ashley: you remember the big fight in previous elections, were way past that, thank goodness it's interesting to see whether donald trump pics marco rubio, thank you very much taking a look at the futures ahead of the opening bell in over 20 minutes from now the dhow off 72 points, the s&p and nasdaq down two tenths of 8%, jeff sica joins us this morning. i want to talk about apple, you say the developer conference this week is the most important event in over a decade, that's quite a statement. >> there is high hopes and big dreams in cupertino this week because what apple is going to be revealing, they are going to be revealing whether or not they have been able to integrate a.i. into all of their apps. especially siri there is an
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anticipation that siri will get a big a.i. upgrade. i think they're under the curse of high expectations because everybody is expecting the big in denver's nai to come to for which an, keep in mind the market is obsessed with the a.i. in nvidia post split has been miraculous in his performance so if apple the biggest company in the world is able to prove that a.i. cannot only be monetized but utilized in their applications, you could see another leg up nai. ashley: interesting, i want to talk about tesla the shareholder to vote on the pay package this week, how do you think this whole thing plays out. >> if somebody would've told me about this i would not a believed we would've come to
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this point. when elon musk came to this agreement in 2018 tesla was a 50 billion-dollar company, now tesla is over 500 billion-dollar company and if you look at this deal in 2018 elon musk that the farm he is a true entrepreneur he bet the farm and anticipated that he would be able to achieve what he set out to achieve, what he's been able to achieve if you look at it, statistically it was virtually impossible and he made it happen now you have the court saying you don't deserve the money you negotiated for i think the shareholders would be stupid if they didn't approve the pay package. i think it would also show that the courts this is capitalism
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and it will show the courts are going to direct compensation for ceos you're knocking out a lot of companies that are going to want to be public if this happens. ashley: that is very true, he has delivered, great stuff. thank you. i appreciate your time, coming up hunter biden backing court jury deliberation could happen as soon as this afternoon. a new border patrol memo tells agents to release migrants who come from every country in the eastern hemisphere, will have a full report on that next. ♪ ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪
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ashley: 13 minutes the market is open for a new week we are looking at a slightly lower open, the dow and s&p and nasdaq down a tent or two, a memo sent to border patrol agents in the san diego sector tells them to release all single adult migrants for almost every country in the eastern hemisphere. matt finn is at the california border and joins me now, what do you see on the ground there this morning. >> over the past couple of days we seen a steady flow of migrants illegally cross outside of san diego coming from egypt, china, africa and beyond in last week president biden promised the nation he would suspend illegal immigrants from being released into the country. however, a new border patrol memo obtained by fox seems to
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contradict what the president promised, memo instructs border patrol agents in the san diego sector to continue mass releasing single adult migrants into the united states from all but six countries in the eastern hemisphere that includes russia, moldova and cruz extent, all the migrants that we see in real time from china and egypt and countries in africa there being released on the honor system, the internal memo reads border patrol agents are ordered to refer to ice single adults from hard or very hard to remove countries, although there migrants are processed and released with the notice to appear on their own recog recognizance, here in san diego we've been talking to migrants from all over the world and what's interesting most are telling us they flew into mexico and smuggled into the u.s. >> did you pay anyone to help you get here. >> i searched the internet and
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followed. i got a way to come here. >> what is a president biden. >> i love biden, why do you love biden. >> because biden we love, why do you love him? >> biden helped us. >> you heard the one migrants say he searched the internet and found someone who gave him instructions to fly into mexico. he met somebody on a van and a hotel and ultimately smuggled here into the united states, many initially claimed they're not paying anybody but the more that we talk to them they do admit their pain major psalms, $10000 plus. ashley: it is big business for sure, thank you very much, the vice president of the national border patrol council art del cueto tells us this morning,
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what do you think of the new memo basically telling border agents to release all of these migrants, what is the point of having any if you're going to do that. >> it comes down they put the cart before the horse, you have to make arrangements with the other countries to send these individuals back to the country that are coming from. we've seen it from day one when the executive order took place, there was buses that were sent down to mexico and mexico simply said i don't know what arrangements you made in your country but they did not make arrangements with us so mexico refused to take them. at this point the only thing they're sending back to mexico is people from mexico them themselves, other countries is business as usual. ashley: illegal migrant and was previously deported is accused of murdering las vegas, jorge miranda sold fentanyl to a man who died of overdose and it turns out he was deported in
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2016 and the lengthy rap sheet, another example of the problems that can be brought into the country if the border is wide open. >> honestly the problems that have already been brought in, you've seen millions that have been coming into the country to this administration, they have been released within the united states and at the same time 2 million got a ways. it's been so easy under this administration to come across and turn yourself in and get released. it's not imaginable what criminal background the other 2 million have gone and circumvented the system altogether to be here. what criminal background with a half. ashley: it's not surprising that the migrants told not finn that they love biden, very quickly off the top of your head what percentage are released into the country on their own recognizance that actually come back to go through a legal
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process, are they essentially many disappearing into the shadows. >> i think a lot of it the problem is the chordates are so far away so it's too hard to tell, they sent different numbers and 2%, they said 7%, either way it's less than 10% and that's a pretty small percentage of those that are showing up to the court date and why would they. at this point they realize there is no consequences for attacking law enforcement and no consequences for any other actions why would there be consequences for them do not show up to court. ashley: sadly that's a good point, thank you very much for joining us this morning we do appreciate it. now this, bill maher slamming biden for his executive action on the border, what did he say. >> he called an election hail mary that would fail. >> of biden loses the selection is going to be because of two
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things he is old and he can't get past the issue people hate that about him and immigration. on a political level, i don't think they could've handled it worse. >> it's a bizarre scheme that of course has pleased nobody. it looks like he did nothing, nothing but now it looks like this is his last minute before the election hail mary pass and it's not going to succeed. >> he said biden leading 9 million people or put all of nicaragua and democrats cannot answer how many is too many, the answer is infinity and if you disagree you are a racist. ashley: bill maher making a lot of sense. thank you very much, quick look at the future, slightly lower opening is what we expect, the opening bell is coming up next, we'll be right back.
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ashley: it looks like a new opening to the trading week, the dow, the s&p and the nasdaq down a tent or two, keith fitz-gerald joins us now, great to see you, nvidia 1041 stock split takes effect at the opening bell, you say plenty of upside from here, how high do you see it going after the split a lot more people can get into this conceivably that is the tenth, a hell of a lot cheaper than it was. >> i love this business, that is absolutely true, the psychology has change in accessibility and the price has changed this is a company growing at 250, 60, 70% a year earnings 450, a contract much higher than that the biggest comf companies are buyie biggest chip for the foreseeable future and their ruling on
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improvement. ashley: i want to get to apple developer conference that begins today, earlier jeff sica says he believes they could be the most important event for apple in the last decade based on what were going to hear from apple on a.i., what would you like to hear and do you agree with jeff. >> jeff and i are absolutely in the same camp. i think it could be another iphone because i think apple is going to prove to the public that they are further along in a.i. than the public under understands. >> that is interesting. on the other side of the debate you can see they could disappoint that could be a letdown, here is the thing that's good to be a technical consideration are they going to disappoint on everything more than the next 24, 48, 72 hours
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the answer is probably no the naysayers will say were disappointed because of this and that, tim cook does not care in the company will go higher and they will do things just like jobs did and create a lot of value. ashley: have 20 seconds, tell me one area outside of tech that could also be promising because tech is so heavily especially a.i. continues to lead the way. >> i'm very concerned and excited by the tesla vote on the elon musk pay package if it feels good to be miserable in if it wins it's going to be that great. ashley: very good, keith fitz-gerald, thank you so much for joining us as we get a new trading week underway, the opening bell up and bringing we are up and out of the chute, it's interesting we had cpi data this week and were getting hear from the fed this week, i think
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we could see a lot of wait-and-see in the early part of the trading week let's take a look at the big board, the dow 30 stocks as we look at walmart, honeywell on the top side of the body inside: sax, intel and the dow itself ever so slightly lower ten points take a look at the s&p, the s&p 500 down five points down 53 and the tech heavy nasdaq, let's see what it's doing this morning at 40 points and 17088, talkative big tech but take a look at some of those names a mixed bag alphabet, meta, microsoft all moving higher modestly so, amazon down a tenth of 8% of course while we're here let's take a look at the meme stocks if we can, gamestop, amc moving higher but blackberry some power corporation is all moving
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slightly lower beyond me, down 3%. let's take a look go back to nvidia, the ten for one stock split now in effect, the shares are under $120. >> i have to get used to that i'm saying $1200 now were talking about $120 splits are bullish for stocks, the average one-year return would be 25%, one year from today nvidia would be up 25% if history holds true, splits our vote of confidence, the management can hold its value in they boost retail interest but with that and boost volatility, i think the next question will nvidia be included in the dow jones industrial average? >> a question you could argue we shall see, i want to get on to apple we've been talking about the worldwide developers conference that gets underway today, what exactly are we
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looking for is all about a.i. >> apple is going to use the conference to hear old their move we've been expecting this for a while and degenerative a.i., how will apple integrate to all of its products and make them compelling for folks to upgrade, apple is late to the game, siri is 13 years old, will she get smarter because of a.i., can you create emojis on-t on-the-fly, dni's with wedbush says a.i. will translate into success your billion dollars in market value for apple, it will be 3.6 trillion when all is said and done, what do they announce aside from the products, is there partnership with openai, you ask keith fitz-gerald at the opening bell, what if apple disappoints, they might there is so much pressure to tell us what you got they could have their a.i. run their first shot be in
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beta mode and pretty buggy, that is a risk. ashley: we will see, moving on, crowdstrike, go daddy and kkr are joining the s&p, the question becomes who are they replacing when does this happen. look at crowdstrike up 8% when does that happen before the open on june 24, the cybersecurity crowdstrike replaces company america go daddy, there replacing illumina and kkr is replacing robert half this means when you're in the s&p 500 many investment funds track it, they track you to. >> absolutely, microsoft unveiled the xbox console, explaining how does it work, the council will not have a disk drive you cannot put again physically into the consul it'll be available later this year in time for the holidays and cost
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$450 that would be cheaper than the regular high end consul, there are reports that microsoft knows that this is a little bit of a gamble and are going to offer an attachment that you could buy at a later date. >> it's kind of like music you don't need to put a cd it's all digital. sometimes it's just easier. we are old-school and very old-school, southwest getting into the airlines what is southwest doing today, there up 7%. >> the wall street journal is reporting that elliott capital management increased to $2 billion it is now pushing for changes, it is up 7% today but southwest has been cut in half in the past three years even as everybody is traveling they face the pr nightmare of the winter storm the meltdown of two years ago, now delayed aircraft because of boeing the high cost of their labor contracts, they
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could push changes including a new ceo, the current ceo bob jordan took over for gary kellyanne february 2022 which is when a lot of the problems started to happen elliott has said enough now they might push for changes. ashley: who would want to run an airline there's so much out there that can come back to bite you let's move on to the auto industry, toyota lost $15 billion in market value last week, what is a problem. >> japan's transport accused them of falsified vehicles in their crash test that inflated the safety score of some of their cars. if you ask me that's a blackeye with the public, they love toyota and safe and reliable and outer using falsified data they have apologize for this, they stopped production and they suspended shipments on all the models it's not just toyota but honda and others were targeted by the agency in japan.
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>> that is surprising, now this google find millions in turkey. >> failure to fulfill obligations to hotel searches that is a line that keeps coming up no reaction for the stock price. they changed on the back of the sofa for google, thank you very much, coming up president biden mistakes ukraine for the iraq war, watch this. >> the idea that we had to wait all those months to get the money for iraq. it's not who we are it's not who america is. ashley: that's not the first time he confuse the two countries the fda recalled 28 sodas and juices so far, 24 recalled because they had drugs,
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bacteria or harmful chemicals in them without proper disclosure from the company, doctor marc siegel will be along to talk about that. donald trump says he will eliminate all taxes on tips for restaurant and hospitality workers on day one if he wins in november, economist e.j. antoni deals with that one next. ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones.
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ashley: just about 12 minutes into the session and not going anywhere 24, double up 108 points the s&p and nasdaq down to 107% a very mild muted opening, a strong jobs report for the month of may but there are some concerning trends if you dig deeper in the person to
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do the edward lawrence is at the white house, which part of the labor market do you think is most concerning. >> when you dig deeper take your pick, on the surface the jobs report looks fantastic when you peel back the onion is where you see the issues, for example the government sector created 43000 jobs in the month of may this represents a quarter of all the jobs created that means over the past three months the government has hired an average of 43000 workers per month all and is paid through taxpayer money, vivek ramaswamy says the government is propping up the jobs report. >> the goals and expansion of the government's control of the economy so it makes sense that they probably jobs numbers and mower of those are driven by the job number you get what you're shooting to achieve. >> other fact, part-time jobs and multiple job holders between may of 2023 in may of
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224,634,000 more people had to take multiple jobs that's up eight-point to percent within that 2,056,000 people who had a full-time job to a second part-time job in the past year, the acting labor secretary tells me she's not worried about the economy. >> for the last year we've had an average but sustained job growth that is powering a very strong economy. a large part of that is part-time jobs and lower pain leisure and hospitality jobs. >> real wages are up and leisure and hospitality that is true but again every part of this matters, the fact that there are more jobs in that wages are up. >> she's looking at a shorter timeframe wages are actually down 2.7% from the month president biden took office to today, back to you.
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ashley: you've dug deep, thank you very much. now this donald trump says he'll work to eliminate taxes on tips if you get selected. watch this. >> this is the first time i've saidd people to get tips you're going to be very happy, when i get to office we are going did not charge taxes on tips, people making tips, were not going to do it and were going to do that right away first thing in office. interesting, e.j. antoni joined me, what did you think of the proposal very popular among the people in las vegas. >> certainly, i think it's very attractive because these are the people who have been absolutely crushed by trillions of dollars in extra taxes under the biden the administration, we often don't think of inflation as a
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tax but that's precisely what it is it's a transfer of wealth from the people to the government and under the biden administration that has increased by trillions of dollars these people need tax relief. ashley: according to a new poll most voters believe the be financially better off if trump wins in november biden continues to tout his record on the economy despite the poor approval numbers, is the economy the issue, james carville, he said is economy stupid do you think the economy will sway this coming election. >> judging by the data in the polls is certainly seems like the economy or at least the economy and the border together are going to be the deciding factor, based on how people rank and what issues are most important to them and frankly we cannot blame people for thinking they would be better off under trump when they look at past
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performance they see the lives became demonstrably better at least financially under the trump administration as compared today under the biden administration whether demonstrably worse off. if we look at the typical american family for example between the loss in real wages, prices rising faster than incomes and higher borrowing from the increase in interest rates, those two factors have combined to make the typical american family about $8000 per year worse off than when biden took office. >> no big surprise that the president has tried to avoid the term bidenomics because what you laid out is what bidenomics really means. >> exactly people have a huge disconnect between the official government statistics and how they feel, the quote unquote official statistics are not reflective of what the typical american is going through, the
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jobs report that you were talking about is a great example of that. the biden administration has turned the u.s. labor market into a temp agency for foreign workers american workers are not getting jobs they are losing them farmworkers are getting all the jobs and were not gaining full-time employment we are losing those jobs and we only added part-time jobs in the last year. ashley: there is lies and then statistics, thank you so much we appreciate your time, good st stuff. coming up caitlin clark has been left off the u.s. olympic team for this summer's game, clark responded by telling the coach they woke a monster. the balance of power can come down to montana, trump won the state by 16-point to 2020 republican tim sheehy thinks he'll defeat democrat and cabinet jon tester and flipped the seat read, mr. sheehy is next.
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ashley: republican tim sheehy facing a tough senate race in montana, she wants to see jon tester, tim sheehy joins me this morning, great to have you here, donald trump won montana by 16 points in 2020, the polls show you slightly behind tester, how do you turn that around what are the key points. >> the biggest thing issue leather and making sure i introduce myself to the state and the veteran combat of iraq and afghanistan and my wife she was a marine i was a navy seal and we both got into the race after the debacle in afghanistan, we are first time political folks and as a result were not as well-known as jon tester but our trendline has gone from one direction 1% when we started to now on par with jon tester and tied in the polls, were heading to the right direction to continue to
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introduce herself to montanans, spreader message of common sense and montana wants common sense and look at the craziness coming out of this administration. >> i used to live in montana and my two daughters were born in montana and the one thing i remember absolutely a beautiful place to live is that common sense is the key phrase that you just mentioned how much will donald trump's endorsement help you? >> terms policies are very popular with the people montana, 2016 and he won by 20 points, 16 points and he pulled by 20 points ahead of montana and that's because they realize we can have a wide open border in runaway inflation and gas prices are double what they were and as you know having lived here folks in montana sometimes they have to drive an hour or two to work and sometimes on gravel road the cost of gas and diesel is important in the policy coming out of this administration that have no root and common sense with the energy policies to the open border in the foreign policy which is out of control
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right now, montanans are looking not saying why are they doing it to us we want common sense in a government that works with us that's what they're looking for in 2024. ashley: jon tester likes to paint you as the outside of the wealthy people that come in and drive up property taxes, how are you responding to that. >> we all had to come here at some point he was lucky to be born here i was all over the world and 93 countries fighting for country and my wife and i settled here after we got out of military service in started our company here, he had his job from scratch that something we should be proud at not throwing shade were proud to be in the race. ashley: very quickly, what is the key issue we talk about the economy is that it for montanans as well? >> it's economy and the border
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but their intertwined they're not inked with one another as we see mass migration, ten or 204 million people have a direct impact on our economy and the labor markets inflation, they are linked together but i would say number one they can't afford to fill the gas tank and own a home in the town that they live in but that will hit them the hardest and that is the feeling right now. ashley: exactly right, thank you so much for joining us this morning we wish you the very best and thank you for talking with us. still ahead, kt mcfarland out a wave of conservative wins in europe, it is interesting what is our election in november. doctor marc siegel on the american college of pediatricians condemning child gender transition in job or rally on kathy hochul pausing new york city congestion tax could be the crime of the motivator of the plan and former
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new york post emma-jo morris broke the bombshell hunter laptop back in october of 2020, she is going to be a long to talk about it, the second hour of "varney" coming up next. ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors. we'll get you there.
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