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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. ♪
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♪. ashley: thank you producers a little bit a david but we in new york city with beautiful almost like the clouds are being painted, good morning, everyone it is 10:00 o'clock eastern i am ashley webster in force to let's get straight to your money let's take a look at the tenure the dow has managed to turn it around ever so slightly up 31 points for the s&p, down to tense, the nasdaq down a third of 8% all very muted, not to the ten-year treasury up three basis points to 4.46% let's take a look at the price of oil which remained in the same range for quite some time up 1% $76, 39 cents per barrel of crude and bitcoin down ever so slightly, $15.69306 per bitcoin, now this political reported the prices abiding inner circle is deeply
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involved in the family business, the report claims some of biden's closest staffers have acted as business associates to family members, does this come as a surprise but ask brian brenberg the president has spent years distancing from the family business dealings but when you get under the hood a little bit apparently not, what you make of the report. >> apparently they share lawyers, bookkeepers, they share people to do background checks and their business partners, why would they do this is it because there is a shortage of those people in the world that they need to share them or could it be because they're coordinating together they seem so obvious to me, we know joe biden is the brand he is rich his family is rich in a think there's a reason for that because somebody had access to power but americans
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should say to themselves why are we electing people to office who clearly are there to enrich themselves and their family. if you're going to be a public service that doesn't mean you serve yourself you serve the people that elected you, this story seems to be confirming a lot of what we already knew about a business that exist in this family. do you think the white house is going to have any comment or will they look the other way. >> there is a firewall between all these people, they never talk about business they may share the resources, they never talk about it is magic i'm sure that will be the answer. ashley: nothing to see, move along let's move onto this one, james carville says his greatest fear is coming true this election season. listen to this.
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, the lack of enthusiasm among young people with the public policy and public service being involved in the public square is quite disheartening i understand on one level i've talked to them and a lot of things in 80-year-old guys that don't mean much to them and i'm afraid that we're going to lose a generation of young people as they grow older that is my greatest fear, young people are disengaging. ashley: do you agree young people are disengaging because we have two elderly men running for president. >> here's what i would say i'm going to give my kids a hot take on this one i'm actually happy if young people stop thinking government is their savior, if they stop thinking working for the government is the ultimate goal and if they stop think you politicians have all the
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answers, if that's what they mean by disengagement, disengage all day long, go to the private sector make your own life, build your own wealth create your own independence and quit relying on these guys and government to force you to do the things that they want you to do that is g good. ashley: do you think young voters that's what they're about, what can i get for free. >> i think it will be of government is the answer to everything but i think there's more and more young voters who don't want any part of the system that is broken i'm getting to it myself and that's the reason blue-collar is back on the rise, learn how to do your own things your own way, i am okay with that, disengage if it means gaining your independence. that's very well put, as always terrific staff, thank you for joining us. by the way we will watch you and the gain of "the big money show" called inflation in america it is this wednesday 1:00 p.m. eastern and you have a lot to talk about.
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thank you very much, now this a new super pack is recruiting celebrities to try to get young people to vote for biden, good luck with that, how much are they spending on this. >> $20 million the super pack don't pack down they are recruiting young writers and producers to create digital content that will appeal to a young voter and one that is nonpolitical. and an 81-year-old presidential 25 euro, politico is reported the group has been meeting monthly in los angeles and they plan their ad drop next month, what could these ads look like they will bring in abortion which is a motivating issue, they will probably forget the value of democracy but you're talking about this with brian, young people want to own their own business and homes and i don't know how you doing ad that shows you could do those things that the biden administration.
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that's a very good point, thank you very much, quick check of the market it's all been very muted but were waiting for cpi and inflation on wednesday and we will hear from the fed although were not expecting them to do anything but trying water, the dow up slightly in s&p and nasdaq down slightly, mark avallone joins me to talk about all of this, you are expecting summer volatility, as an investor how do you play that. good morning we had a lot of consecutive months in a row i think october last year every sense is virtually been a straight line up and that's climbed a wall of worry in a resilient fed that is not lowering rates and hasn't hinted the rate reduction that is coming that is a good sign for resilient market but eventually evaluation come into play, when you're at the lofty levels, something exogenous happens, if there is a disappointing number
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tomorrow, if we get another two hot jobs market with a higher inflation in mages and should wages of persistent with the global uncertainties continue to live a market and all i'm suggesting is investors need to be putin and patients need to be a rewarding strategy right now. ashley: i think you say something that stu says all the time that what is wrong with taking a seat, investing in a bond and get 5% interest and let things play themselves out before you jump back in, is out of reasonable strategy? >> if stuart varney says so it has a lot more credibility. in this case it's worked for a lot of lower risk investors until we have the run-up in the stock market stuart and i talked about that for the past few years and there is a place for
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bonds in people's portfolio, there is not everybody wants to be 100% stocks all the time, stocks are volatile asset and they can lose money at any time for any reason known or unknown bonds can fill out a portfolio and right now where the yield curve is positioned and where the peak interest-rate might be enforced and we never know for sure but if that is stubbornly high but they're not talking about raising right now that could be a better entry point because you get paid and if rates drop you might have a capital gain which might be reversed to the capital losses that we saw in 2022. ashley: mark avallone and stuart varney says it's right, thank you so much we are already out of time, thank you very much we appreciate it, you're looking at some of the movers early on today, look amd down 3%. >> morgan stanley is moving to the sideline they cut micro
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devices to equal weight on evaluation concerns they say investor expectation for their artificial intelligence business seemed too high, let's flip it to walmart, j.p. morgan says buy it and they hike it to $81, they are expecting multi-year double-digit eps growth because of their increasing market share and something that they call grocery re-inflation, walmart is seen as prices rise again, finally it is monday we have m m&a, diamond offshore drilling is up 10%, noble is up 4%, the oilfield services for noble is buying diamond offshore valued at $1.6 billion, once again consolidation in the oil patch. ashley: more of that, thank you very much, coming up the white house is forced to correct another transcript after joe
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biden confuse the war in ukraine with the war in iraq. watch this. >> the idea that we had to wait all of those months to get the money for iraq. it's hard to tell but it's moving the war in iraq and at home. >> it is the second time the joe biden mixed the two countries up in less than a year we're on that story, meanwhile benny gantz resigned and he said benjamin netanyahu is stated in the way to real victory, kt mcfarland on how israel has divided government will affect biden's peace initiative, that is coming up next. ♪ ♪
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ashley: investors tiptoeing into the new week of training as we wait for inflation data in the fed did you charge that, the dow and the nasdaq down slightly, now the secretary of state anthony blinken i the middle east today is pushing for a cease-fire deal between israel and thomas, trey yingst is in tel aviv israel, trey good morning to you, what is anthony blinken's plan. good morning, and cairo there is a cease-fire deal on the table excepted by israel and is calling on the world to pressure hamas to sign on to the agreement, it does come after the happiest weekend it israel since the war began, for israeli
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hostages rescued from hamas captivity, there were cheers in the street of the country and along the beaches in tel aviv in a hospital that is it really civilians were reignited with their loved ones they embraced, laughed and cried new video of the dearing operation to save them look like, israeli special forces engaged in intense gunbattle with abbas militants as they stormed to apartment buildings and central gaza, helicopters took the hostages to safety one mother describes what her union was like. >> were happy to see he is and is infinitely healthy that he's back home, we are infinitely happy to see him. , for israelis this was a day of hope and for palestinians death and destruction, the hamas run palestinian health ministry says 300 people mostly civilians were killed during operation videos from central gaza showed hospital overflowing with injured and dead patients, as we continue to gather details about the rate over the weekend it was a major political shakeup overnight we know that benny
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gantz into members of the israeli cabinet resigned from their positions in the israeli government. ashley: thank you very much, trey yingst in tel aviv, let's get into what trey just reported as he reported israeli minister benny gantz resigned from the war cabinet, he said benjamin netanyahu is standing in israel's way to real victory, let's bring in kt mcfarland to talk about it, good morning, israel's government is divided, i want to get to the benny gantz first what do you think he meant by that and is is the problem for biden's peace initiative. >> the israeli government and israeli people are not divided on the important issue of do they pursue award and eliminate hamas, they may be personality issues in the bidens they don't like benjamin netanyahu, they are good have a different policy is going to be the same policy
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to finish the job and destroy hamas. , the wall street journal reported that the white house is close to finalizing a new defense treaty with saudi arabia moving away from israel and hamas a little bit, this could be a big deal, what can you tell us about it, what do you know about it kt. it's the same topic from a different angle, what the biden administration is desperate for foreign policy there turning over every rock they can find, they are hoping if they give saudi arabia and the defense treaty that is illegal for the president to sign on its own. if they pressure israel maybe they can push the two together, they're missing the whole point donald trump at the middle east policy right, he understood you don't go to war you bankrupt the bad guys you bankrupt your
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adversaries, iran which needs oil prices of 80 or $90 a barrel to survive, trump pushed it down to $40 a barrel and impose sanctions on iran, they couldn't support as bilotta and abbas and it could not pay for the nuclear program. if you really want to get the saudis and the israelis together do the trump plan and the abraham record and bankrupt iran into the biden administration so it gives up and is frantic love affair pursue of iran nothing in the middle east is going to lead to peace. ashley: what would the treaty mean for other relationships of the middle east do you think? >> if i wrong gets nuclear weapons everybody is going to want their own nuclear weapons and they can afford to buy them. the important part is to have the united states guarantee the security of its allies in the region in the best way to do that is by bankrupting their one adversaries stated in the way of
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peace and decency and standing in the way of the survivor of israel, that is iran. >> i want to get to this issue i'm going to run the gamut with you, the president of france emmanual macron forced to call a snap vote after far right populace made big gains in the european them parliament elections this weekend. it is an interesting trend is throwing governments into chaos and what do you think is behind the move to the far right in europe. ashley: is not the far right the far right is very different place this is a move to the center and center-right and a couple of things are driving it the open border policy that most of the european countries have with aladdin migrants ten years ago and were not assimilating and not contribute into the economy and causing problems, law and order and all of the major cities in europe that is the real reaction in the second,
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inflationary policies of all of the administrations in europe, the people of europe have now spoken the french, the german, the belgians, the dutch have said we had enough we wanted different policy so smack down the leaders. the interesting twist in all of this, what happened in your country, nigel and the reform party, there is a labor party expected to win at the polls in a few months, new prime minister in the opposition to labor has always been the party, the conservatives but they're not doing very well, they don't really know what they stand for they are machine. as nigel farage with the new party and reform party and is getting a new follower every 12 seconds. he's not to be prime minister this time around, labor will probably win but he could be the leader of the opposition party, reform could overtake the
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tourist and that has huge applications for the united states. nigel farage best friend is donald trump americans take no, globalist, open borders, you are done never trumper republicans, you are done to. >> they call the donald trump of england and i think it's a title that he is very happy with. his party, the reform party in quicktime is almost on a level with the conservatives already. it is a real never a dole moment in the uk politics, you haven't been able to say that, it's fascinating. thank you so much as always, terrific staff, we appreciate your time, let's get back to the u.s. politics, decide, president biden making a huge gap on the world stage, what did he say this time. >> this was in france yesterday while the president was speaking to reporters he was not on teleprompter, he mixed up some key countries. watch here i think there's a new
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horizon incense within the country and i wanted to let that slip. the idea that we become semi-isolationist now which some are talking about, the idea that we had to wait all those months to get the money from iraq, it's not who we are not who america is. >> he mixed up iraq and ukraine, everyone bespeaks, that's a gaffe but was it aghast when you also said on the same trip he is the son of the american revolution and climate change is the biggest excess central threat to humanity, he said that andy said along with nuclear weapons. are they gaffes or what is this. i'm going to leave it right there, thank you very much, now this donald trump making inroads
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with tech and wall street leaders from deep blue states like california, his campaign raising $12 million in one night and silicon valley, grady trimble will be along with a report, also the new york times fact checks biden for his tall tales that can be downright false but the paper claimed biden's embellishments aren't as big of a deal as trump's stream of lies, media guide joe concha would deal with all of that next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds.
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>> the market has been open for almost an hour in the red but marginally slow the dow off a tenth of 8%, the same story on the s&p in the nasdaq down slightly lower, come in here you're looking at the other movers this morning let's begin with broad,. >> ahead of the earnings report on wednesday morgan stanley is resuming $1658 price target to be exact, the stock is up
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because broad, has the second-largest artificial intelligence exposure in their coverage and their poised to grow faster than the other alternative that the vote of confidence, planet fitness, the raising the price of the basic membership to 10 - $15 a month for new members and starts the summer but the first increase in 26 years, jeffrey says about time and they say it's time to buy the fitness and they upgraded with the price target of $100 the stock is up three to half% at 70 now, finally krispy kreme chose upgrades, there thank you mcdonald's, tru says most investors to understand the value of this krispy kreme being sold in mcdonald's expansion there will be a 12000 mcdonald's by the end of 2026, krispy kreme up 6% on that. ashley: i love the fact that you went from planet fitness to
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krispy kreme that's the order i would've done as well, you get out of the gym and straight to krispy kreme. >> agenda before. you can go to krispy kreme guilt free, now this, donald trump raising $12 million in one night at a fundraiser in good old liberal san francisco, grady trimble joins us this morning, who was there at this extravaganza. >> it was packed with silicon valley heavyweights, venture capitalist and podcast david sachs hosted the event the twins of the social network and crypto currency were there along with a whole host of others, the trump campaign says it raised $12 million at the one event and $33 million over the four day trip out west, this is the latest example of former president trump's groups who may not have judicially supported republicans.
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>> all week san francisco publications have been writing about how the protest in san francisco and as it turns out hundreds of people turns out in the streets but there were pro trumped demonstrators and welcoming his motorcade and if that's in rural san francisco what does that tell you about the rest of the country. >> later this week former president trump will meet with executives from some of the most powerful companies in the world and business roundtables quarterly meeting, the organization says and invited president biden as well but he will travel to the g7 so the chief of staff will go instead business roundtable hopes biden will be able to attend a future event, for its part the biden campaign has said is confident of fundraising operations but clearly what we see the former president trying to win over the business community because as you know the economy is still the top issue for voters.
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ashley: is certainly is, grady trimble thank you so much. take a look at this headline in the new york times, biden loves to tell tall tales, we cut them down to size, joe concha joins us this morning it is a fact check a biden's embellishments and hyperbole but they don't call them lies, they only use outward when they talk about donald trump, why can't they call a spade a spade. you see when biden lies it's just detail or hyperbole, embellishment, the l word may not be applied because the letter behind the president's name he has a d.c. get protection in these situations. if you joe biden you can lie about the sun of the american revolution, that is a lie and you can claim you were arrested for standing on the porch during the civil rights era, you can say you inherited 9% inflation when he took office and you can
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say you inherited a god-awful mess at the southern border when you took office, also a lie, this showed us around until midnight so we have finite time, "the bottom line" biden cannot point at trumped and say somehow he is on a moral plane or the most honest man occupied the office since george washington he clearly is not any through his record on inflation, gas prices, foreign policy and as things stand were looking at the one term president since jimmy carter. ashley: that's a lie, let's move on, bill maher is calling out biden's executive action on the border he says it's a hail mary and it won't work. listen to this. >> if biden loses this election is going to be because of two things he is old and he can't get past the issue and people hate that about him. and immigration, on a political level i don't think they could've handled it worse - it's a bizarre scheme, that of course
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has pleased nobody it looks like he did nothing but now it looks like this is his last minute before the election hail mary pass and it's not going to succeed. ashley: it is interesting bill maher has been very liberal but more recently he calls it as he sees that he described that as i would it's almost cynical what biden did with the border, what do you make of that. >> this is not a one-off it's a great indicator for the democratic party where bill maher is the voice of reason and common sense on so many things and he does so and presents these arguments before a los angeles hollywood audience obviously liberal and he does not care because is going to share what his feelings are in xyz and that takes principles and that's what keeps them interesting and on television for the better part of more than
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two decades because biden to his point has been horrible on the border and vice president who was put in charge of fixing the root causes has ignored the problem because she isn't equipped to fix it were nor wants to go only aspect i take issue with the republicans don't want to fix the border either and he said congresswoman actin they want to keep it as a campaign issue, hr two has passed last year that bill had teeth, border security reinstating remaining mexico and democrats made sure it died in the senate when biden promised to veto. to his point if immigration is the number one issue that's going to be a number one are very close second it's hard to see how biden harris wins election especially when you see trump and biden tied in virginia, minnesota in new hampshire three states that havoc on red and decades as a huge alarm for the biden campaign. ashley: is certainly is, joe concha, great to see you, thank you so much. a popular rapper is doubling down on her support for donald
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trump. >> amber rose is 40 she is a rapper in the model in a very strong advocate for women's rights. >> is him getting convicted change the way that you know him, do you think. >> i think will see the injustice and what happened and if they want to vote for him more than ever, we did our research and were not brainwashed anymore by the left. >> she also said trump is not going to take away. you can actually openly supporting joe biden. i'm sure there are couple. certainly not robert de niro. it is interesting you gotta hand it to her she is encourager for conviction and she's putting it out there. ashley: she's not the only one we are increasingly seeing more and more people that have voted democrat for their whole lives switching over in doing so
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publicly. good for them, thank you very much. interesting. hunter biden backing court as a federal gun trial enters into the second week, the defense indicating hunter won't testify former federal prosecutor katie will join us to talk about that, meanwhile trump is scheduled for a virtual presentencing zoom interview today after being found guilty in his new york criminal trial, eric shawn will have all the details right after this. (♪) (♪)
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they went donald trump is set to take part in a virtual probation for his committal conviction in new york, eric shawn joins us this morning, what is the point of today's interview. >> the point is basically what
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any convicted defendant goes through former president trump later today has a date with his probation officer the type of session that is required of any convicted defendant as a convicted felon trump will be interviewed virtually in his lawyer will be at his side and though do it from the mar-a-lago estate the probation officer will review the case and examine the defendants personal history among other things those conclusions go into the presentence report recommended trump sentenced to judge under judge juan rashaun the judge can help the former president, here's within your court says, the presentencing report is a chance for the defendant's lawyer to say good things about the defendant like the defendant is in a counseling program or has a steady job and takes care of an ailing family member, the presentence interview is a chance with the defendant to try to make a good impression and explain why he or she deserves a lighter punishment the trump campaign response same president trump and his legal team are already taking necessary steps
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to challenge the lawless manhattan da case, this comes as manhattan district attorney alvin bragg accepted a request to testify in front of the house judiciary committee about the case and he likely won't do that until the former president is sentenced. another republican led panel wants to ask bragg about the prosecution of the biden had any input or involvement in the charges trump has accused michelangelo former biden d.o.j. official, the former president claiming without any evidence that calendula somehow engineered the whole case the white house has denied any involvement and bragg hasn't commented but he will address the issue and the charge during his testimony at the judiciary committee when that happens, the former president is sentenced on july 11, that of course for days before the republican convention is expected to nominate him for
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president again. coincidence, i'm not so sure, thank you very much. let's bring in former federal prosecutor katie, in your opinion what kind of sentence could donald trump be facing. we are in a novel situation with the defendant like president trump. it's hard to predict that but what generally would be in this case is a class key felony which is the lowest level which is nonviolent and a first-time offense so those would yield a sense of no incarceration and personally the judge should consider whether any sort of incarceration or house arrest would impact his campaign ability obviously it would obviously a significant rotation but on the flipside the judge could decide that the violation of the gag orders during the time of trial somehow aggravates us to need a jail time and that
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would be impressive today, there is no case law to did and to dictate what the judge in a case of this novel. >> it's interesting eric pointed out this is an opportunity for the defense to make the case for their client and make a favoring impression on the court, you could argue this court has been very aggressive i guess towards donald trump and certainly the judge. is there a case that donald trump could make that would have any impact on the judge. >> it's hard to say obviously we have seen his rulings on other issues and i find video them to be unconstitutional. we can only say what the law should dictate that we can predict what this judge will do with that being said any sentence that is imposed will likely be paused pending the completion of the appeal in this case and there is another chance that even though this is somewhat unrelated the immunity
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case is going to be expected coming down shortly may impact this case as well because were talking about acts that were committed during the time of the presidency the payments of the bookkeeping after he was in the white house the impact of that remains unknown but that could also pause any execution of whatever sentence is adjud adjudicated. >> while we have you here, do we have time to do hunter biden he is not apparently going to testify very quickly they say that will be a bad idea for the defendant to testify, you would agree with that. >> in this case absolutely there was too much material in his text messages that he could be cross-examined and he would open the door to many of the other cases that were not necessarily in front of the juror, he had nothing to gain it is a tough case for him. >> very interesting, lots to talk about, thank you so much for sharing your expertise with office this morning. now this, if you like a drink on
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the plane drinking alcohol before sleeping on the plane can be dangerous doctor marc siegel will deal with that and more next.
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ashley: the food and drink administration is recalling 30 different beverages including juice and soda they contain harmful chemicals or ingredients. doctor marc siegel joins us this morning, great to see you, what kind of dangerous stuff are we talking about here is. >> great to see you i think that was a slip and you said food and drink administration is the food and drug administration but there acting like the drink of administration you are right there overseeing beverages and fiji water they found bacteria in multiple products from fiji
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water and also chemicals, they are recalling them himalayan pain relief they found some pain relievers that were not on the label that is the key is something on the label or is it they have pink lemonade and multiple dies that could be leading to cancer causing dyes that weren't listed, that is the thing. i want to point this out, mark nelly another one they found too much arsenic i want viewers to know, you worry about the arsenic, you asked arsenic is a trace element can be found in poultry and fish and rice and something i screamed for in a neurologist well screens for because it's something we have to look out for arsenic as a trace element can be too much, watch out i'm not saying to look at every glass of apple juice that you drink but it's something you should be aware of, that is the role of the fda
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to make sure everything is disclosed on the label and is tested for safety. ashley: the food and drink of administration, the american college of pediatricians is calling on doctors to stop promoting transgender medical treatments for minors, they say medical decisions should not be based on individuals thoughts and feelings, what do you say to that. >> i think they are on the right side of this, there is a lot of organizations that are on the side of pushing for this but as you know in the uk may be in this and throughout western europe the issue here is it going on too soon is there enough mental health support there is enough mental health but i don't think there is because any intervention that the doctor does has consequences. if you use puberty blockers you can affect bone growth, you can affect mood and causing anxiety
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and of course impact fertility and you start with the surgeries that are not reversible. i think her intervening way too soon and i'm not alone, many countries agree with me. ashley: very good, this one caught my eye a new study suggesting it could be dangerous to drink alcohol before going to sleep on a plane, does this mean i have to skip the airport bar, i'm heading to australia and i'm going to rely on mr. beam and mr. walker to get me through the god-awful long flight but maybe not what we talked about. >> i don't want to take the icing off your cake, i'll just say this weird he know the cabin pressure is lower than normal, on top of that there is people with cardiopulmonary problems you are not one of them you need the air, they need more air, on top of the alcohol suppresses
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your breathing a bit, and adds a little bit to it, i would safer get a drink on a plane drink a lot of water, what are the things alcohol does is it dehydrates and you want to stay really well hydrated, don't use alcohol to put you to sleep. if you have a drink, have a drink but you should know a study is showing it decreases slightly the amount of oxygen you are getting that is what you need to know about already you have the problem on a plane drink a lot of water and if you have to have a scotch have a scotch. ashley: thank you can you put that on a prescription paper, that would be lovely. i will not sign it, doc siegel great staff, always great to see you on this monday. the wall street journal bill mcgurn will be here a new poll showing biden gaining a slight edge over trump after his conviction new york city minority leader joe borelli on new york governor david patterson saying kathy hochul
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shelve the congestion pricing because of crime and emma-jo morris is a reporter that broke the hunter laptop story, she is speaking out after the fbi confirmed its real in court, the 11:00 a.m. hour of "varney & company" is next. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer. my fear of recurrence could've held me back. but i'm staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for
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