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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  June 10, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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in 2023, ford, chevy, dodge, toyota, lauren, what do you think. >> was at the rav4, toyota? >> that's who i was going to go for, ford f series is very popular and we both were on number one, the ford f series includes f150, the f250 and we deserve the buzzer, the f3 50, last year ford sold over 750,000 trucks, people love them, it wasn't truck it was in car, that is true i changed it to vehicles because of viewers that they're not cars and vehicles. that is it for us, thank you lauren, "coast to coast" starts now, when stocks split in we are in top and whether it's spurring
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by enrolling governments the world over in a sign of things to come will global markets and deep split over that unsettling untrained, practice a couple of times and what other trend, very glad to have you in the worldwide anti-incumbent wave in a moment all three of the gentlemen in their part conservative, liberal, you name it, first to susan li on the pro-technology weight at this moment is captivating wall street attention. >> let's start with nvidia is seems like it's been the stock for the past few years and were looking at the six nvidia stock split the past 25 years, ten for one more affordable for average investors at $120 a piece instead of $1200 but more importantly with the lower price point nvidia is eligible to be included in the dow jones industrial which is price weighted meaning after trade at
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a certain price to be selected, if that happens that means the billions of dollars of index funds have to buy nvidia to mirror what is the dow jones index also nvidia has been around for a while and submit 1990s founded in the silicon valley, it took a long time to get to a training dollars market cap nearly a quarter of a century and months to get to 2 trillion in months to 3 trillion last week and briefly overtook apple as a world second-biggest company in microsoft under microsoft last year and that's on the a.i. artificial intelligent type more than doubling apple's performance during that time, that's why apples big software developer conference is so important for the company today, apple's annual wwdc kicks off in just an hour's time, there is a lot of anticipation being built in. apple builds up the hype since tim cook told me we should
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expect some exciting new a.i. announcements in the stock has responded hitting record highs, what should we expect in an hours time, it's been well reported that apple will be teaming up with openai, chatgpt either betting in syria or a standalone and new a.i. software updates for the vision pro watch tv, a.i. summarize article and webpage is pretty similar to what you get on google right now, a.i. powered e-mail messaging, voice memos emojis i know you love those, photo apps think of the magic eraser that you get on the google android right now, apple needs to increase their spending they can spend some of their monstrous hundred 70 billion-dollar to catch up and a.i. and we know it's an arms race that is taking place across silicon valley to try to win the a.i. war but they've never been specific with the type of numbers that their spending whether on a.i. or research and development each year but i've heard cfo luca has told me they spent around
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$100 billion of r&d over the past five years. if there is one company that you know has the cash it's definitely apple. neil: you never admit you're a nerd but that's why you're so thorough. everyone is jumping on apple for being late to the a.i. party but aren't all of the devices and everything geared to take advantage of the built-in party whether it's part of it or not. don't forget siri has been the front runner when it comes to a.i. benefit works as well as people hoped it would but apple would say we could come up with the chat button openai, they tend to initially in the early parts of their reinvention they tend to team up with other companies like intel and their chips ultimately apple with the type of money during r&d will come up with their own a.i. place in their own a.i. initiatives, their $2 billion in the stall base and some say if
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they come up with something really exciting later today, we could be looking at an upgrade super cycle many more than 200 million devices could be sold over the next year. neil: incredible, i always told you the a.i. is going to be big, i have no idea, always good seeing you, thank you for that, jonathan hoenig take a look at that, what do you think. it is all about a.i., expertly susan told us 95% of companies have mentioned a.i. at least one time on the recent earnings call, apple has pointed out a little bit late to the game and it's one of the reasons the shares has often compared to so many others. nvidia is up 153% year-to-date apple is up only 5%, a.i. can integrate into all of their devices and what's it going to do for the stock moving forward is apple going to lead in a.i. instead of follow will be watching the conference all this week very closely.
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neil: were taking a look at that only anyone can look at the signature stocks and moments with the market and we can look a little earlier at nvidia it's up again this is a stock that split 1041 today is the first day as the stock, this is the same value but it is supposed to dry in investors because it does have a cheaper price, do you buy that? >> there is no definitive economic data that shows a stock that split does better on average they tend to do 25% better but 40% of stocks that split decline the year following the data is pretty muddy there is no economic benefit is the same as a 10-dollar bill versus ten individual ones. what worries me is not nvidia technology evaluation 70 times earnings up 7% in the last year end a half and it think almost a stock like sirius xm the satellite radio provider back in
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2000 the stock was at $60 a share they only had a million subscribers, today they have 30 million subscribers in the stock is at $3 a share down 95% in the last 20 years, even if nvidia is successful with their technology it doesn't mean that the stock will still trade at the valuation it does today. >> the difference with nvidia and these others there is a built-in high paying customers pain rocket high prices for the chips, we will see how that goes. is it the kind of thing that the market rides this wave and it could also fall if the wave ends? >> you've never seen a concentration in large caps locks as we have today nvidia, apple and microsoft are great companies but they account for 20% of the s&p 500 and more of the nest to nasdaq 500 a lot of money writing but the valuation of these companies that account for these s&p anytime going back
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to early 1980s, what will happen this week with nvidia and apple and a.i. at large will matter a lot to our 401ks. neil: thank you for that, jonathan hoenig got those developments we are watching donald trump and they probably would not care about the valuation of a certain stock or technology stock he's quite wealthy even though we had to pay a lot of fines of the like and is looking at the sentencing set for july 11. ahead of that a special meeting of sorts to decide the parameters for all of that happening in mar-a-lago, jonathan hoenig you just heard about the market around all of this, that is just noise for the time being, eric shawn focused on the political applications of the former president, what is this all about. >> any criminal defendant being convicted, president trump has a date with his probation officer today, the type of session that is required of anyone who is found guilty as a convicted
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felon can trump will be interviewed virtually, his lawyer todd blanche will be with him in mar-a-lago and his probation officer will be in manhattan criminal court there, the probation officer reviews the case and examines the defendants personal history and prepares a report, those conclusions will go into the pre-signature report and that will go to judge juan mershon and recommended a sentence for the former president, we know the report can also help them, the new york court says this report is a chance for the defendant's lawyer to say good things about the defendant like that the defendant is in a counseling program or has a steady job and takes care of an ailing family member, the sentence interview is a chance for the defendant to try to make a good impression and explain why he or she deserves a lighter punishment, the trump campaign says this, president trump and his legal team are already taking the necessary steps to challenge and defeat what they call the ball this manhattan da case, this comes as manhattan. under district attorney alvin
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bragg has accepted a request to testify before the house judiciary of before the case but he won't do that until after trump is sentenced in july, the republican led panel wants to ask bragg about the prosecution and if the biden justice department had any input or involvement in the charges against trump, another former president has attacked prosecutor matthew calendula, he is a former biden d.o.j. official, the former president claiming without any evidence that calendula helped engineer the case against him. the white house denied that and bragg has commented on that but he will likely be asked and will answer that when he appears at the judiciary committee hearing whenever that happens. as for the former president, he would be sentenced on july 11, that is four days before the republican convention is expected to nominate him for president yet again. neil: so weird, obviously you go before a judge in phase sentencing even with the appeals that you outlined in
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conciliatory letters arguing a defense from key people, will donald trump have any of that. >> he doesn't show any remorse he doesn't even think he's guilty, he rejects the whole trial he rejects everything, likely if he continues outlined it's not good when the judge considers the fact that he has no remorse and we may hear that when judge merchan sentences him. neil: would he go so far knowing the risks that he could boomerang on him and donald trump gets even more support even if he put them in jail for a couple of days. >> i think judge merchan seen how he operates may cover the trial and i don't think he's taking any of the political consideration into evidence of this. i really don't i think is looking at the law to see what other defendants signal a defendants the age, the health, the type of defender all that into consideration i expected to give them an ear full in the committal justice system.
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neil: eric shawn such a good reporting, mark penn very good political ace when it comes to looking at the political implications, the elections editor at the new york post, she is in charge of all of those, she puts it together for us. interestingly eric and i were getting into the possibility of donald trump is sent to jail even for a couple of days he says he doesn't, that is referring to judge merchan and doesn't weigh the political implications but it's hard to resist. >> it is especially as you note donald trump is really at his best when he's in front of a crowd and of course who else doesn't go to las vegas for the weekend before you have your first visit with your probation officer. the contrast is striking, donald trump needs to get out on the trail, when he was here for the hush money trial he did have an outlet, reporters were there before and after he went in and out of the courtroom and would
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listen to what he was saying, put it on tv and in the newspapers, if he is in jail he doesn't have the opportunity. he doesn't have a moment where he's getting his message out whether his negative about the judge or whether it's positive about what he's going to do to improve the economy if elected president again. neil: on the economy, it's kind of interesting right now. it is not a wave that more americans recognizing a turnaround whether it is enough at the tables for joe biden and some late surveys, he is going better on the economy then he has been, he still trails donald trump it is doing a little bit better, i don't want to over analyze apple what you make of that. >> i don't make a lot of the moment, i think the economy overall with this judge is doing slightly better i don't see a huge change that inflation as eden into their paychecks in
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their pain more than ever for life's daily goods and consequently, the overall economy and the stock market is obviously doing pretty well, i tell people they always say who's going to win and i say trump is ahead at the moment, there is no question about that even the national vote is closed, the swing state show a good lead for trump, we have a dozen interesting events to occur including economic reports. i'm telling you you don't know who's going to win at this point, until those events play themselves out. sometimes in contests, jimmy carter, ronald reagan were about dead even, things can change quickly, let me ask you on the whole issue of enthusiasm on each side, there is an interesting comment that james carville was making on the radio on w abc and the fact that people aren't jazzed by the
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choice particularly young people and particularly the united states, i want you to react to this. >> the lack of enthusiasm among young people with policy and public survey are being involved in the public display is quite disheartening, i understand on one level i talked to them and they feel like things are working for them into 80-year-old guys that don't mean much to them. i'm really afraid that we're going to lose a generation of young people as they grow old, that's my greatest fear and that the democratic block, not universally but by the majority, what you make of it. >> i think young voters actually put the democrats over the top in the midterms, they're very
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crucial to biden in james carville is a smart guy he looks at the numbers and he thinks young people are disengaging, is a huge problem for biden. another thing i found interesting is looking at the latest poll that found biden's lead i'm sorry trump's lead shortening on the economy, trump has a ten-point l can handle better among the 18 - 54, it might be that some young people are disengaging the others are looking to the republican candidate and it's a little surprising since young voters tend to be relatively reliable democratic voters. i can tell you the young people that i've been talking to and i've hired some young reporters there very engaged in politics, james carville needs to get out there little more. neil: thank you very much, in the meantime and i think alexander mentioned that donald trump was out in las vegas where
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he teased the idea of taking the tax off tips for a lot of service workers and that's music to the heirs, will it move the dial and how badly the restaurant industry need to see that, the ceo says is a very popular and some are calling the next aaa and then some, next after this. ♪ (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share.
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it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> for the hotel workers and people to get trips you could be very happy, when i get to office we are going to not charge taxes on tips people making tips, we are not going to do it, were going to do that right away first thing in office. >> it might be uphill climb because what donald trump wants to do is no different than joe biden and were getting student loan debt and that sort of thing it is a boom to win over voters that might work it might not work i wanted to bounce this idea of not taxing tips anymore
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under trump administration with brett truman, it is very extremely popular destination restaurant serving only casual atmosphere and healthy food, it is all the rage and so with the stock, mr. shulman good to have you, what do you think of what donald trump is proposing keeping the politics out of it and waiters and waitresses depending on tips not to be taxed on the tips. >> first of all thank you for having me i think it's a benefit to the restaurant industry workers when they're not getting taxed on the tips it'll be more money on their pocket for the hard work that they do were looking to invest in our team in our guest and 8% as of the restaurant level margins expand we look to reinvest expansion in both our team members in our guest. neil: what do your workers make per hour, is a wide area but what can you tell us.
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on average are making $18 an hour and some are making to the low 20s, that does not include paid time off to vote with the election coming up later in november or other healthcare benefits that we provide for the team members including free meals, get the healthy mediterranean food on their shifts. neil: free meals sets the deal for me, did you anticipate the demand for this would be strong particularly among the young a lot of people prepared you and your company to booming chipotle in the earliest days starbucks and the branching out and that was all the rage in wave there, to polling doing extremely well in starbucks not so much for other reasons but what you make of that. we think mediterranean cuisine is a large-scale cultural cuisine category, would you think about the modern consumer bold adventurous flavors and
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health and wellness trends and they don't want to sacrifice taste or fulfillment that's where our cuisine comes in the unique mediterranean where health unites and when you think about how you deliver it and really great convenient digital channels and physical channels where you can experience our mediterranean hospitality. >> were how would you distinguish herself from aaa and these others with rapid expansion plans in starbucks teaches us not to over expand, maybe it doesn't get the latest wave seems to show that they got into markets where there so saturated in the even anticipated spreading the wealth, what you make of it. >> i like to say restaurants don't scale software, takes a lot of people know about a great restaurant leaders integrate infrastructure. we invested heavily in infrastructure over the years were vertically integrated on our manufacturing and make her
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own dips and spreads with fresh dill and cucumber in arts ezekiel and we have our academy gm network which is our firm system where we train and develop the future leaders to open the restaurants because we think we have a really massive whitespace opportunity and we operate in 25 states and the district of columbia today and we think we can certainly operate the 23 states and the continuous u.s. we don't currently operated and expanded the markets that we do operate in we want to lean into the investments in our team and our infrastructure to support that growth. >> some say your price for perfection in the latest earnings report past all estimates and 59 million and the fact of the matter is you looking to spin about 46% over the last three months. i'm wondering do you worry about too much too soon or do you strike when the iron is hot? >> were focused on the long-term
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and that's not the next month or two is the next decade or two we have a really unique opportunity to create the next large-scale cuisine category so we want to make sure we grow at the right pace and take this to the right places with the right support behind it. neil: we will follow closely, wall street the boss of cabo, all the rage these days, we are watching exactly every step he takes in the restaurant, in the meantime you have heard about the anti-incumbent wave, a lot of people are saying it's a right wing populist, that would be news to the guy who heads britain for the time being a conservative leader in a world of hurt and can lose his job this is more about incompetence and power, two different scenarios for the leader of france and the leader of italy and where things are going right now as there is a growing threat
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neil: there is change in the air, certainly emmanuel macron is realizing that and of course to you see on the right have mistaken her, marie le pen, it's so horrific to the italian prime minister, she is not some people would say you saw blonde hair. i saw the blonde hair and that's exactly what i thought. bottom line i want to go to alex hogan she's been following this closely were many on the far right many who are rebelling against what's been going on with incompetence. it's like a global tiring of it, to you. >> we are seeing a lot of changes as a result roland, right-leaning groups really gaining a lot of momentum in the european union parliamentary election in new data revealed some of the top issues for voters and those include illegal
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immigration, immigration on a whole, the economy as well in international conflicts, as you were speaking to let's take a look at france, during the results we were able to see that france right wing party led by marie le pen 131% that's double of emmanuel macron pro european centrist. french and european markets fell after macron shocked the country when he called for a snap election, he said this last night. >> i have decided to give you back the choice of a parliamentary future, i am dissolving the national assembly this evening. in germany the social democrat saw the worst ever result of about 14% losing to the conservative opposition in austria the right-leaning freedom party outperformed the conservatives as well as the social democrats, in italy prime
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minister gloria's conservative brothers group doubled the party seat and that you assembly, why does the members enter matter 720 seats in the assembly that determine the fate of the priority of the european union for the next five years, it's important we look at these countries when i was speaking about because germany and france hold a very large number of those seats. neil: thank you for that, alex hogan, the former falling under foreign policy advisor, always great to have you. it would be one thing to say this is like a worldwide march of the right but in your country it is a right that is in trouble. given the fact that the tories are having a tough time and he might be out on his term of prime minister could this be the incumbent wave building? how would you describe this. >> great to be on this show, many thanks having me on the show and as you point out, a
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huge political change in europe with a dramatic shift to the right for most of europe but in the uk, we are seeing the conservative government in deep trouble and in large part due to the conservatives to 14 years have successive prime minister's and you have a government in the uk has failed to deliver on a lot of his promises in the conservative government in the uk is not being conservative enough which is why you have a party called reform ahead of nigel farage that is a conservative vote, the end result unfortunately is likely to be less of a dramatic change at the polls as socialist government taking part in the uk while most of the rest of europe is moving right way, i think the uk is the case of the british
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electorate basically that had enough or in a cabinet government being a power for 40 years, and europe i think there are real sweeping ideological political changes that are taking place while european electorates have had enough of rolling left-wing elites but a bit of power for such a long time they want to see a change in secure border, they want to see in into mass migration so continent europe is a combination of rejecting decade-long but also significant ideological changes that you see in continent europe it's not the same case in the uk using the british people embracing socialism and they want to see a political change of leadership according to benny benny gantz.
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neil: and labor movements in your fine country, having said that the population will reward the government in power in mexico and the ruling party on the left is still empowering and got more power. whether people agree or disagree if it's working for people in that country they are fine. if it's not european continent, i'm just wondering where this goes, things happen in ways in your great country with a whole brexit, boris johnson separating from the unequivocal terms, that really pave the way if you think about it. for donald trump selection in this country, are we seeing the same now? that is a great point the 2016 brexit vote came at the u.s. presidential election swept donald trump into power. could you see something similar in the united states? i would say if you look at the issues that european voters have focused on, mass migration, open
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borders, soaring crime, rising cost of living, also a fundamental rejection of left-wing green environmental policies, rejection net-zero these are big issues in the united states from american voters as well, i would imagine today the biden white house is very nervous looking at developments across the atlantic were european electrics are fundamentally rejecting left-wing political rulers and parties and i would describe the biden administration is a left-wing u.s.a. administration in american history and look at what's happening in germany as socialist 14%, look at what's happening with manual macron who is a leader of the left whose party only received 15% of the vote of the european election, big trouble ahead potentially for joe biden judging by what's
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happening in europe and these are the same issues on both sides of the atlantic and both voters had enough of ultra- woke left-wing so-called progressive elites who have fundamentally in their view changed europe for the worse. neil: we're going to put you down on a maybe as president biden but will get back to clarify that position. it's always good to see you. nile gardiner, good to see you. in the meantime i want to draw your attention to nvidia trading first time the 1041 is taken effect i always take a look at people how is nvidia, to $122, it's up about 54 which is wanted a quarter percent, stay with us.
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other record crews and resort and all the hiring going on on the hospitality and 40000 new hires in the area and the last month, erin gibbs back with us of wealth management, she's not surprised she sees it for herself she was one of the telegraph in quite some time ago, good to have you back. two worlds, the tale of two cities, it's really a different between whether you have a lot of cash and a lot of assets particularly if you have a home and a mortgage in a fixed-rate mortgage versus being a renter and there's even a difference in wage gross because we talk about in the unappointed last week in the wage gross has been outperforming in almost 12 months we were getting 4% wage gross versus three and half inflation. neil: if you joe biden, the impact is not therefore you.
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>> it's because it's really close, it's half a percentage each month, when you dove down into it, the wage gross comes from higher earners on the higher side versus the lower wage and also what it comes to inflation those that are most reflected by inflation are renters, they are seen a bigger increase in the rent and the housing cost which is what are the biggest cost and not just the exit melt how long can this go on when you have a dichotomy, in the reagan boom when it was beginning to peter out, even the well-to-do would start dialing back. not to the point where they quit and even they tether to a rope that was getting tight. that's super interesting were starting to see the crooks appearing and we see basically people starting to spend less, were seen a massive pullback in
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consumer durables, people aren't buying new windows for the homes, big-ticket items, while we see a lot of spending on vacation but were seeing cutbacks in people shifting from the more expensive makeup brand to the cheaper makeup brand in that kind of shift and that's across-the-board when it comes to the american consumer. neil: the reason i'm that she did that, when you see the other trend going on among all groups, that it might eat out less during the week and save it for the weekend or whatever and reliable that is in a substantial slowdown or hiccup it could be both it could be a slowdown, were seeing a softening but we're still strong and when the softening becomes a catalyst from a softening and the strong academy to softening
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of were no longer a strong academy and that's what were waiting around to see, we are watching those signs saying there signs of weakness, but right now we are able to withstand it, certainly there are and there's a large portion of this economy and thereafter breaking point. neil: you're at the federal reserve in seeing the spending is that enough to give the fed pause, i'm sure to see what's happening at the lower end but if it's not different i don't want to make a move on this, that could be inflation. absolutely it could make it worse and really from the and employment report on friday that is signaling the fed shouldn't make a difference and it shouldn't change anything in september and the economy is strong enough and broad enough. >> i been saying know for a long time i know i'm an outlier but i don't think we will see any cuts i don't see it. neil: always good seeing you, we
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will follow this as a dichotomy something following that could get in the way of florida tourism with all the shark attacks going on they are statistically low in the scheme of things, try telling that to the people affected in those wondering if it's worth the trip, in miami beach dana marie has more. neil: good afternoon, the three women that were attacked were swimming in waist high water authorities say they don't know what type of shark attacked them but they said what happened is extremely rare, those shark attacks were on friday afternoon, 90 minutes of each other on beaches only 4 miles in the ford panhandle in an area for a popular vacation spot known as 30 a and this is a tragic start a 45-year-old woman had critical injuries on her stomach and needed her arm amputated two teenage girls were involved in the second shark
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attack one had a serious injury to her leg at hand and the other girl with a flesh wound to her foot, during this time it's common for small fish to travel in schools near this shore and it might've been a contributive factor according to the sheriff's office, this weekend they patrolled the shoreline and the helicopter in a notable presence of shark specifically both sharks and they also saw a 14-foot hammer shark. >> we sure the water was sharks and understand that it's tragic as this is there are always sharks in the have to be careful and be cognizant of that. the walton fire chief says he's reaching out to experts for insight if rising golf temperatures were the current could have been a factor. we also spoke to a shark expert, take a listen. , what happened with the shark attacks is very much anomaly, this is not something that we
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would expect, it's certainly something that people should think is going to occur. the beach has been reopened, they do have bright red and purple flags displayed on the shoreline warning swimmers of dangerous marine life and hazardous conditions we reached out to the sheriff's department hoping to hear about the victims conditions and were wishing them a speedy recovery. neil: absolutely we will keep you posted on any further developments. in the meantime updating you the defense rested its case without calling the president's son to the witness stand, the legal risks or maybe no risks in the strategy a case that could wrap up this week after this. ♪
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my don't know i am a charger know but don't touch that dog.
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>> the business network is following the case like we were donald trump legal case, these have a way of affecting the outcome of the race were put your money and everything else on the line, we're getting word that the defense has rested its case against hunter biden without calling hunter bite into the dan, on the significance of all that it could mean you're good federal defense attorney that they wrap this up sooner than expected. >> absolutely, what you do when you're getting to the close of the case like this, your going to call your client the defendant in the hope that the prosecution would spend a bunch of time preparing for the purpersonin most of the time yot call the person to the stand. in this case good decision to not call hunter biden the cross-examination would've been brutal and highlighted areas that the defense does not want to go into and certainly this case is going to get to the jury today and we may have averted
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very soon if not today maybe tomorrow. neil: 12 jurors to go along with that and the three gun charges with convicted on all of them behind bars for quite some time, do you see that is a distinct possibility? >> i think the facts are there that the first thing we have to look at are the facts there that appears to be the case based on the audiobook of the testimony of the witnesses and the timing that hunter biden had an addiction and the testimony of his daughter as well, then the next question do we have the law of course this is a clear law common sense gun reform is what everybody wants, the next question is the jury able to apply the facts to the law that's where this case gets a little different when delaware home-court advantage hunter biden and i think were curious as to whether or not the jury will apply the facts of the lawn come up with a conviction. neil: hard to say to your point
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but we have the possibility of the president signed the convicted felon the former president under president is a convicted felon and has not raised money and it hasn't happened at this case. it certainly has not heard donald trump so legally crucial as it might be it doesn't seem to be moving the needle on anything else. >> correct but there is another? why did the plea deal fall through what was the department of justice investigating and what other investigations are on the horizon that may result that damages joe biden and answers to those questions help us determine if this is going to impact president biden. neil: we shall see we should know soon enough on this particular case, thank you for that. what's moving the markets right now. >> we are on it especially apple and nvidia, thank you so much, hello i am taylor riggs. >> i am brian brenberg. >> i am dagen mcdowell and for ja


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