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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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people don't experiment with different brands. go with nestle. it is down a third from its all-time high. it gives you some international exposure. liz: you have 10 seconds own boston property. >> absolutely. when everyone hates commercial office space i love it. it is down by 2/3, but guess what they never cut the dividend 6.2%. free cash flow stays constant. at the end of the day go with best-of-breed. just in top u.s. cities with the highest class properties. barclays the other day everyone combs back five days a week. [closing bell rings] liz: i will wait to see that working every day in the office. david dietze, the s&p 500 that is a new record high close. nasdaq too close to call. that will do it for us. "kudlow" is next. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. tax cuts, deregulation, drill, baby, drill, secure border, the democrats seem to think those are somehow inflationary
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policies. i don't think so. david malpass and art laffer on that in discuss a couple moments. first up our own grady trimble. he has details of trump's recent fund raising with business leaders. business leaders seem to like what they're hearing, grady? >> reporter: they certainly do, larry, because the trump campaign says it raised $12 million at a single high dollar tech fund-raiser, and more than $33 million over the former president's four-day trip out west. last thursday night, an event was packed with silicon valley heavyweights venture capitalists and podcast host david saks and they hosted the event. winkelvoss twins of social network, facebook, cryptocurrency fame were there as well along with a whole host of others t was a packed room from what we gathered. this is the latest example of former president trump's courting groups who may not have traditionally supported republicans. senator jd vance was in that room. he used to work in tech himself
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and i says politics in silicon valley are a changing. >> you did have an amazingly large number of people who were either you know, centrists sitting out 2020. there were a number of joe biden donors in 2020 who actually now are supporting the president in 2024, president trump that is. i think you're seeing a lot of shift. >> reporter: later this week former president trump will take his message of lower taxes and deregulation to executives from some of the most powerful companies in the world at business roundtable's quarterly meeting. the organization says it invited president biden as well but he will be traveling to the g7 summit in italy. so his chief of staff, jeff zeints will go instead. the roundtable says it hopes biden will attend a future event. for its part the biden campaign is confident in its fund-raising operation but clearly the former president is trying to win over the business community as the
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economy is top issue for voters and he seems to have some success doing it so far. larry. larry: yeah, he closed the money gap, that's for darn sure. grady trimble, thank you very much. folks the trump agenda is not inflationary. that is the subject of the riff tonight. "the new york times," in a long piece has now officially decided that the real inflation is donald trump and his policies. of course there is virtually no numbers in the piece. so let's review the bidding, just for a moment. over trump's four-year term the level of consumer prices rose by a scant 7.7% for his entire term which comes to 1.9% annually. meanwhile during joe biden's nearly completed term, so far, the level of consumer prices rose 20%, or, 6.1% annually. president trump is pledging to essentially reprice his
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successful first-term economic policies of drill, baby, drill, tax cuts, deregulation and punishing unfair trade practices. so ask yourself, if those same policies didn't generate high inflation in the first term, why would the same policies generate high inflation in the second term? of course "the new york times" takes the biden view. inflation was transitory, it was caused by covid and vladmir putin. so how about this thought? mr. biden is running two trillion dollar budget deficits as far as the eye can see with near-record peacetime spending as a share of gdp. all of this with a relatively low 4% unemployment rate and a still stubbornly high inflation rate. now, even john maynard keynes would roll over in his grave at massive deficit spending with high inflation and low unemployment. whoops. the times for gets to mention
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that. the article does mention that the u.s. is producing oil at roughly 13 million barrels a day but that's where we were under trump five years ago. we should be running at 15 or 16 million barrels a day but for the fact that biden has put the clamps on federal drilling and exploration in alaska, new mexico and offshore. we were energy dominant today instead of relying on our enemies like russia and iran. then oil prices would be closer to 40 bucks than 80 and the oil costs impact hundreds of every-day consumer goods and health care services which would have profoundly disinflationary impact on the entire economy. would bring down interest rates and personal borrowing costs along the way. "the times" does concede trump deregulation lowers business costs. good for them i suppose but their biggest mistake was on the
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trump tax cuts. the fact remains lower marginal tax rates on individuals and businesses increase the production of goods, raise real wages and enhance productivity output per hour. now those are all counter inflationary effects. when marginal tax rates were slashed under jfk, and reagan and trump, inflation never uttered a serious peep and not all tax cuts are the same. "the times" misses this. temporary tax credits to spur one-time consumption spending would be inflationary because there is no supply effects from business but permanently lower tax rates create incentives to produce and invest. that can actually lower inflation in many, many cases. then "the times" suggested biden's open border catastrophe, hang on, is really a good thing because it lowers wages.
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well if there is even a scintilla of truth to the wage reduction, that is one heck of a price to pay for blowing up sovereign boundaries with criminality alongside sex and drug trafficking. you know employment data suggests that foreign-born jobs have skyrocketed while native-born jobs have plunged under biden. with a very low employment to population ratio, closed borders would enhance native-born jobs. that assumes government benefits don't interfire with the work effort. on the question of tariffs, well "the times" continues the myth that tariffs always cause higher inflation even though the evidence shows that inflation did not rise during the trump tariff increases on china's unfair trading practices. look, consumers can boycott tariffed goods and services if the price is too high, or, china had to slash the prices of its
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own tariffed goods. so the marketplace provides offsets and don't forget, trump had tariff reductions or tariff barrier reductions with places like south korea, australia, and japan. that actually lowered coasts. now we should have learned some of the old line economists are to high-bound to understand solving unfair trading practices is an issue by itself. it is not related to inflation. the principle cause of inflation, too much money chasing too few goods. joe biden's massive spending and the fed's enabling of that spending is the real inflationary problem. even while regulatory and tax threats have smothered business production. trump is suggesting his successful economic policies can be repeated if he is reelected. and you know what?
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there is no empirical reasons to doubt him. all right? and that is my riff. so let's chew on this. chew on "the new york times." whatever. joining uggs now we have david malpass, former president of the work bank group, art laffer, former reagan economist. arthur, i give you the first whack at this. "the times" decided trump's policies are inflationary, even though they are the same policies that didn't have any inflation when he was president for the first term in four entire years. do you read "the new york times" every day, art laffer, i ask you? after [laughter]. >> of course i do playerry, i read the french edition. i love it. i can't miss a page. paul krugman's column -- larry: i forgot. >> it surprises me, larry, during biden with all the illegal immigration that came in
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we had hyperinflation, 20% increase in prices. now they're saying that if you get them back, if you send those people back to their homelands, go back where they should be there, it will cause inflation. well i think it is just the reverse logic in fact if you look at it, when you talk about that, i don't know if you saw the manku quote, greg man cue's quote, drilling will have a little effect on lowering oil prices but, no it won't. it will have a huge effect on oil prices and have a huge effect on inflation. it is exactly what we need. the other one you said, when the tax cuts came in with kennedy and with reagan on the tax cuts and inflation, you missed harding and coolidge. harding and coolidge's tax cuts brought inflation way, way down. i could go on and on, larry. i will take david's time and david has more important stuff to say. "the new york times" article embarasses them tear bring on
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that thing. just the reverse is true. just like their criminal stuff. they decry the crimes they commit. that is exactly what these papers are doing. larry: david, it is interesting, i don't know if i said it as clearly as i might in the riff. we'll take another look at it, but reality is, you can't have it both ways as art suggested. on the open border and, really i will call them the perils or evils of an open border, illegal immigration, you can't say on the one hand closing the border kept inflation low under trump but opening the border caused skyrocketing inflation under biden. now they're saying if you send them back, deport them, by the way, trump is talking about deporting criminals principally, which has to be a good thing. i don't care what the economics are, although i think the economics, you can't have it both ways. >> that's right. i think they're reaching around because the inflation problem is such a huge problem. the affordability is hitting everybody. so they tried the transitory
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idea. they tried the idea that it's trump's fault, is the latest one, shrink-flation of course, so own the border, you know, if you look at it and say did anyone get a job? yes. did they produce something? yes. but you have to look at it and say what might have happened if the borders had been closed. larry: right. >> everybody would be better off. larry: follow that line. that's an important line. i just, i don't mean to interrupt, just this little point, the employment to population ratio which the great ed lazear pioneered as a key labor indicator is historically very low. i have mean the peak was years ago, around 2,000. it was about 64% plus. today it is hovering around 60%. there's room, if government benefits don't interfere, there is room for native-born people to take those jobs. >> right. there is, economics is not able to predict how many of those would get jobs. what we know is that people are being crowded out of jobs that.
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larry: right. >> the economy is not operating the same way. i think what is going on is kind of a static analysis of saying if nobody changes any behavior this is what would happen. so we have a clear choice. trump is saying i want more production, more growth and that's going to pull down inflation and i want to do it with tax policies that make sense. biden is proposing, you know, i think people have missed a little bit the importance of this point. two major tax increases. i think they would be the biggest in history. one is to allow the, and cause the trump rates to expire, so that is going to hit everybody. he says, well, i won't hit people under 400,000. he will hit people across the economy and it will be expensive his way. and then in addition to that, i don't know if you saw the february budget he has on paper proposed concretely taxes that go into capital gains, that go into actually, they have a
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proposal to be retroactive on the tax increase. they have a proposal that would, that would hit unrealized gains. larry: right. >> so it is -- larry: wealth taxes, wealth confiscation. >> clearly that is where they want to go. the effect on the business community is less investment, less jobs, arthur it is the old saw. you can have a temporary demand side tax cut a tax credit. democrats have used tax credits to so-called fine tune demand or consumption for decades. all that buys you is couple months of spending and you don't produce the goods to offset it and therefore the price goes up, right? i mean your point is, if you have the same amount of apples, go through your apple -- it is time for us to have an apple of your eye, go right ahead. >> you like the apple one. the key mere to the taxes is tax credits aren't what you want. what you want is tax rate reductions.
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larry: right. >> that is exactly what trump did on the tax cuts and jobs act. you got rate reductions from 21% on the corporate from 34 down to 21. you got the -- larry: we lost him for a second. maybe we'll get him back. meanwhile, let's play, i want to play this trump sound from las vegas if we can as he lays out his plan. here it comes. >> you know people are saying to themselves, were we better off four years ago and are we better off now? it wasn't close. we had the greatest economy in history. what we did in taxes nobody ever done. ronald reagan gave a big tax cut. we gave the biggest tax cut in history. regulatory cut. nobody ever did and they were happy. now this person, he doesn't know he is alive. larry: he doesn't know he is alive. he is making the case, if you step back, acknowledge there was virtually no inflation during
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the trump years, i think -- >> 8% per year for four years. larry: four entire years. level of the cpi was up less than eight percent for the entire term. under biden it has gone up 0% at 6.1% annual rate -- 20%. if trump repeats the policies that worked the first time, david malpass in ordinary sense, it helped working people, it held down inflation, we drilled more. why wouldn't it work a second time? that is the question that the "times" doesn't have the common sense to ask? >> figure out t would work and markets anticipate, it would work more quickly than people realize. your opening segment said trump is playing well to the business community. i think he is also playing well to the working community. larry: yes. >> they know, if washington takes more money, that's going to come out of their pocket one way or the other.
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so in las vegas he said, i don't want to tax peoples tips. he is -- larry: another key point, right. to working folk. >> biden just challenged that, said, it, climate change is existential threat, no matter how much money, meaning how many solar panels do you want to put in -- larry: we'll hit that another segment. we're out of time. you will come back as soon as you can here on set. but you're right, there is no common sense to it. that's all. you're right. the thing about not taxing tips is going wind up being very important. the seiu union, whatever it is called, they may hate donald trump but the rank-and-file will love the guy. he unleashed that there out in vegas where they have a lot of service workers. we thank art laffer in be absent yaw, i think his technology went down. thank you, david malpass.
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democrats are slamming israel for saving their own israeli hostages. brave israeli soldiers finally got some hostages back and democrats and left-wing media, and all of washington and the u.n., are all yelling at israel. how about that for stupid? we have claudia tenney and cory mills, two house members next up on "kudlow." be right back. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger
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larry: all right, after a daring israeli hostage operation, guess what? democrats, the u.n., the liberal media, all blaming israel for rescuing its own hostages, incredible story. we have trey yingst live in tel aviv, israel with all the details. trey, thank you, what you got? >> reporter: hey, larry, good afternoon. it is truly a remarkable story, it comes as u.s. secretary of state antony blinken arrived here in israel today, to discuss the possibility of a cease-fire with hamas. blinken on the tarmac in cairo took a few questions from reporters. blinken says israel is on board with an agreement and it is up to hamas to make a decision.
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>> the only party that has not accepted, the only party has not said yes is hamas. that is who everyone is waiting on. that is who the palestinians in gaza are waiting on. >> reporter: his visit comes after a daring hostage rescue this week that brought four israelis home. you can see in this video here, special forces working their way through the central part of the gaza strip. they're engaging hamas gunmen outside of this building before actually making their way inside, and eye identifying three israelis being held in this structure. after securing the hostages, israelis came under rpg and small-arms fire in this refugee camp. it was successful mission, a hope for this country. for palestinians a day of death and destruction. the palestinian run health ministry, said 300 people, mostly civilians were killed during the operation. as we gather more information about this raid that took place over the weekend there was a
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large political shakeup overnight as ganz, two members of israeli war cabinet, left the israeli emergency government, putting israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu under a new round of pressure as the war continues. larry? larry: thanks very much, tray yingst. we appreciate it. for more on this whole story, bring in new york congresswoman claudia tenney, florida congressman cory mills. both of you thank you very much. claudia tenney, first of all why would anybody believe a hamas estimate of casualties, point number one? point number two, so many of these palestine civilian casualties are armed by hamas and helping hamas. and number three, claudia, israel had a daring hostage rescue and virtually whole international community, the democratic party, liberal media blamed israel, okay, blamed israel, for rescuing their own
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hostages to me. you have to explain it to me, i'm too old, i can't understand the world as it is now. help me out. >> i can't understand it either, larry. this is the most reverse psychology maybe but look it, anytime you hear the word cease-fire, that is code for insisting that israel surrender after being just unmercilessly attacked, people murdered, hostages. of course they will try to rescue the hostages. they don't tell you that three of those hostages were in the home of a al jazeera reporter. we know al jazeera has ties to terrorists. none of the numbers will come out. god knows why democrats side with the terrorists when we need to protect and preserve israel the only democracy in the middle east. the last line of defense against radical islamic terrorism. the democrats are really so concerned about their base, the fact if in fact they lose, rashida tlaib's district in
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michigan that could very well president put trump over the top, he will win the election. in the end it is not about israel, it is not about peace, it is not about the world. it is about politics and power. that is all the democrats are all about unfortunately under the current leadership,. larry: the thing is, cory, you look at poll after poll, 65% of american voters favor the israeli cause, roughly 65%. this shows up with roughly the same percentage of americans who are opposed to the wave of antisemitism that broke out on all our college campuses and so forth and so on. in other words, the stupidity of international geopolitics is one thing, cory but the stupidity of domestic politics, they may win a couple votes in this merck again rashida tlaib district, whatever her name is, but they are going to lose the whole ball of wax. jewish-americans will vote for trump in larger numbers, cory,
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than ever before? >> that is exactly right, larry. if you think about it, what joe biden is pandering to is that 13.2% of the uncommitted votes that rashida tlaib basically pushed, a little over 101,000 individuals. he is looking at radicalized structure what is happening on the school campus, whether or not he can try to get them to vote for him as he utilizes israel and congressionally appropriated funding as a mechanism to try to win votes. this is part of the quid pro quo under my impeachment articles. let me comment quickly. as a u.s. combat veteran that conducted counterterrorism operations in iraq and other areas, i can tell you what the idf has done is nothing short of a heroic and harrowing rescue. they went through not one, but two individual structures, not only fighting their way in, successfully without injury getting out four israelis. now if that was anyone in america our police, our swat,
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our hrt, srt, all the teams that do these type of operations where they rescue hostages throughout our time, imagine if americans were like you know what? let's sympathize with the hostage-taker, not the hostages themselves. this is totally backward the way the operation should work. we should be applauding the idf. we should encourage them more to rescue so we rescue the american hostages still held. larry: sure. biden never talks about the american hostages. i don't know, the bidens, they had their spokesman on the sunday talk shows yesterday, i didn't see them defending israel. i mean what israel has done here is heroic and patriotic. it's a master of military technology, claudia. again i come back to this point, all these articles quote so-called civilian casualties. they all are coming at it, what is it called? gaza health strip or hamas
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health strip? nobody believes them. the ap just did a long story saying the casualties are nowhere near what hamas and gaza health keep telling us. why would anyone believe any of that, claudia tenney? where's our moral authority is what i'm saying? why aren't we backing israel to the hilt? >> well we are, it is just this administration is not. you have people like antony blinken as secretary of state, he is the guy that put together 51 so-called intelligence agencies to write a letter saying the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation this is the kind of people. everyone of those people should be prosecuted for knowingly lying about that by the way, including blinken for putting the whole thing together. he shouldn't be secretary of state. this is disaster. cory is absolutely right. this is nothing less than heroic what idf has done, jewish people have done, suffering from the jewish people it is incredible across college campuses being told to go back to poland.
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having aoc tell them these are brave, great leadership talking about death to israel, "death to america, disto israel, jewish students, it is unprecedented. so i don't, this is non-sense call crazed administration. back to politics this election in 2020 was decided by less than 44,000 votes in three swing states. this is what it is going to come down to. we have have to be cognizant of vote harvesting democrats are doing, using harvesting and violating hatch act. larry: thank you, claudia, cory mills, thank you very much both house members. we appreciate it very much. coming up on "kudlow," joe biden and epa want to ban the gas-powered car. virginia's glenn youngkin wants to safe the gas-powered car. the whole climate change thing is backfiring against them. folks don't want this stuff, talk about it with former epa administrator andrew wheeler,
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larry: here we go again, without a single vote in congress joe biden wants to ban gas-powered cars. joining us andrew wheeler, former epa administrator, advisor to glen youngkin in virginia. andy wheeler, welcome back, so as i understand it, i don't know, this is your turf, not mine, the biden epa wants 65 miles per gallon by 2031 which is completely unattainable? i think the trump, the trump mpg was under 40 or something like that, and now, it would end gasoline-powered cars, which no one voted on. straighten me out, an did i wheeler what is happening? i wish i could straighten you out. someone needs to straighten out the administration on all of this. they want all cars to be ivs by 2032.
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the secretary of transportation says we'll need 500,000 new charging stations by end of this decade, six years away from now. they got seven 1/2 billion dollars two years ago and they have only built eight new charging stations in two years. larry: right. >> what they're doing, is they are throwing roadblocks on their own ev highway, making it harder to get the electricity for the cars. they made it harder to permit new mines to get the critical minerals for the ev batteries. they made it harder to permit new natural gas fired power plants to generate the electricity we're going to need and they made it harder to permit new power lines to get power from the power stations to the chargers. even if they built the chargers, we don't have the transmission lines and transformers. we need two to five million transformers. those are on a five to seven
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year backlog. larry: seven billion, $10 billion? >> seven 1/2 billion dollars. larry: they built eight? >> congress gave them two years ago. larry: they built how many? >> eight. larry: terrific. this is the gang that couldn't shoot straight. but the other thing is, this business about 65 miles per gallon which is insane, and then you were an advisor to virginia governor glenn youngkin. you may still be and the announcement over the weekend, youngkin seceded from california. he is finally taking virginia away from gavin newsom's california and said no, we're not going to ban gas-powered cars in virginia and i might add, virginia appears to be up for grabs in the current presidential election. so, let's give a cheer for youngkin, huh? >> absolutely. i'm not advising him right now but he is doing a great job in virginia. he was right to pull virginia out of california. virginians, poll came out over the weekends 93% of virginians don't want to do away with their
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gas-powered car. they don't want to listen to california and they shouldn't do. larry: how much? >> 93% of virginnians agree with this. larry: democrats are opposing a 93% issue. i love that. i think that is fantastic. rich lowery sitting with me. hardly can keep a straight face. you must have rubbed off on glenn youngkin because he followed the andy whiler screed. i have to get out of here. >> following himself. larry: we'll give him credit. >> he has done a great job. larry: we'll give you some credit too. andrew wheeler, former epa administrator. thank you, buddy. switching gears, it is day six of hunter biden's gun trial in wilmington, delaware. this gets gun anier and gun anier, david spunt anding by with all the latest. dave spunt, you're having all the fun in wilmington. >> that is all there is to it, larry. jury left.
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judge officially dismissed them for the day. they have been deliberating about an hour. those deliberations continue tomorrow morning. we'll see if we get a verdict tomorrow. ultimately a lot of big names in the courtroom, first lady and others, a lot of salacious text messages pictures being shared. the case is all about this form, gun formed signed by robert hunter biden on october 12th, 2018. that is what the prosecution says the jury riff needs to focus on, not all outside influences. hunter biden declined to testify in his own defense. he sue him this morning. has a big showing family members. the first lady, ant valerie, president's brother jim biden, ashley biden watching in the front row. the jury has to weigh two felonies, two are false statements, one is possession of the actual gun. did hunter biden knowingly lie when he said he was not addicted to illegal drugs at the time
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filling out that form and did he illegally possess the gun for 11 days? the government doesn't have to prove he was on drugs the month of october or november 18th, the jury has to weigh the general time frame. they he would jurors not to focus on presence of first lady and other high-powered names in the room. focus on the evidence. he didn't want the jury to be distracted. hunter biden pointed to the form, are you unlawful user, are is a state of mind. what was hunter biden's state of mind at the time? bottom line, jurors left for the day, deliberations begin tomorrow. that is where we end up, larry, possibly a verdict tomorrow when the jurors come back. larry: terrific stuff, david spunt as always, thank you so much. all right, folks, there are conservative political waves coming in from, believe it or not europe. parliamentary elections went right. let's talk about going right
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with rich lowery, editor-in-chief of "national review," and ben domenech, fox news contributor, editor-at-large of the spectator rich lowery, this is amazing story. conservatives trounced the lefties. >> yep. larry: big issues were immigration, climate change, they're sick of immigration. they're sick of the climate change. same thing like glenn youngkin in virginia and so forth. by the way recession. what you were telling me before on the break, this is reminiscent of pre-trump victory in 2016. >> yes. 2016 you had that brexit vote in the summer in the uk which is a sign, there is this rising tide of discontent with the establishment of politics as usual. and, a rising tide of nationalism. we've seen this around the ad saned world now, revolt against open borders. one of the most acute things trump said in '15, '16 if you don't have borders you don't have a nation. we feel that here. they certainly feel it in the eu. they're not being failed necessarily by national
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governments perhaps they are but european superstate which makes it worse. >> ben domenech, what is your take on this? it is mirror image of brex it. now europeans revolting against the european union. then it was the british revolting against. everyone is revolting against the european union, except the tories of london. that is a separate segment. you know it is same issues as here, isn't it? immigration, climate, recession? >> it is. larry: what do you think about this? >> no, frankly i wish there was a bit more revolt within the uk. it seems to stand alone amidst this wave but i think that rich's analysis is correct. this is frankly, you know a revolt against everything we've seen happen in terms of the european superstructure over the past several years and it's a rebellion that is widespread, and that is really i think a sign, a signal to the rest of the western world about the way that the trajectory of things is
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going. in terms of what it bodes for the election here in november here in the united states, i would be very afraid if i was within this biden white house that that type of wave would be something would be a harbinger what will await them in the fall because i think it makes a lot of sense. it is about the same set of issues. it has a number of overlapping factors. frankly i think they have no response, no type of message that is ready to push back against this type of rising populism we're seeing. >> the way the debate on immigration has gone to the right is just extraordinary. "cbs poll" over the weekend if i'm not mistaken had a majority in favor of mass deportation. this isn't building a wall anymore. this is going much further. everyone is so sick of it. larry: the new york times wrote a piece saying if we deport illegals it will cause inflation rate to go up. >> of course, yeah, right. larry: you have to love that, you have to love that. >> so, look you don't want wages
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depressed artificially by people coming into the country, right? larry: that's right, that's right. >> that is not a way to do it. the biden executive order is smartest things he has done own the border everything is so stupid, superficially proper, trump is has so much advantage on this issue. public opinion is swinging his way by the day. larry: ben domenech, 15, 20 seconds, emannuel macron his whole government got blown up by the european elections. >> calling a snap election in desperation manuever to try to avoid the consequences of his own actions. i don't think it is going to work. i think he will see a real backlash. to rich's point, every single time they go into this area, as much as they're trying to play cleanup, they're playing on the other side's turf. i don't think they have any real answers. everything that they're doing is going against their own progressive base in terms of any kind of reasonable answer on these immigration questions.
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larry: all right. all right, emannuel macron, left-wing, rich lowery, ben domenech, thank you very much. coming up here on "kudlow," biden's border crisis seems to getting worse. senator john thune is running for leadership. we'll talk to him about biden's phony border executive order. i'm kudlow. be right up. hi, i'm eileen. i live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't sharp and that doesn't work when you're writing a mystery and i knew i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. i realized that i was much more clear, much sharper. i was remembering the details that i was supposed to.
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♪see me.♪ larry: so it would appear that joe biden's phony executive order on immigration has done zippo. joining us senate republican whip john thune of south dakota. senator thune, thanks for coming back on. all kinds of reports from our bill melugin and others, 4,000 coming across the border. that exceeds the targets. story in the paper, 3,000 are coming across the northern border, no one is doing anything about that what do what do you ? >> nobody believes him. biden's record on this, came in and reversed all the trump administration policies that were working and people say, you know, this border crisis happened on his watch. it didn't happen. he engineered it. he orchestrated it by changing the policies. now 10 million people over the past three years. they're still coming across, notwithstanding this executive order because they have no credibility on this issue. larry: they're not messaging,
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nothing, it just seems like in the first week of this order, you have had continued influke from the southern border. now the stuff coming in from the canadian border up north. they're not doing anything about it. so i'm just saying, their messaging is still come on in. >> right. it is and i think, the sad part about it, larry, historically it has been central south america. now people in the terrorist part of the world, chinese nationals are flocking across. everybody discovered this is portal to get in the united states. national security crisis. 262 people on the terrorist watch list have been apprehended since biden took office. that doesn't include the got aways. it has huge implications. larry: still one of my pet peeves here, we as a nation must deport criminals, senator. i just don't mean, i know it is criminal to come in illegally,
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venezuelan gangs, people killing beautiful young women jogging, we must stop the sanctuary city stuff and get rid of criminals. >> we do. there are several attempts we offered amendments on the floor. they blocked. another amendment was blocked by bill hagerty, if you vote in this country, you have to vote in this country you have to be a citizen, they blocked it. larry: hagerty told me about that. >> it is crazy. shows you the lengths the democrats would go to protect president biden and his policies all of which are a massive failure. the people in this country know it. they will hold him accountable in the election. it is not just impact it is having, humanitarian, economic. it is a national security crisis. larry: former president trump is running hard on this successfully on this. he emphasizes the need to deport criminals. we may have to do more, but deporting. this is an important trump message. >> absolutely. at a minimum. this is something where, it is
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american people look at this issue they have drawn their conclusions. they believe, it has been true. this is an open borders policy that joe biden and his administration implemented. they waved them into the country. don't want to do anything to deport anybody and of course, the criminal element being the best example. larry: the woman, i know she is a lefty, the new president of mexico has said she would cooperate more with us. >> right. larry: you could conceivably put "remain in mexico" book. trump administration could get 25,000 mexican troops back on the border. >> for sure. when he becomes president again you're going to see an immediate roll back of a lot of these permissive policies enabled this crisis and it will be high time the american people deserve it. larry: thank you. senator john thune. >> thank you, sir. larry: appreciate it very much. good luck. folks, be right back with my last word.
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