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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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oh yeah. consolidate bad debt and save money for your next goal. take a swing at your kitchen reno... we meant that literally. or design your actual dream wedding. all your ambitions. all in one app. sofi personal loans. low, fixed rates borrow up to $100k. no fees required. go to to view your rate. sofi. get your money right®. larra rhode islander if trump didn't cause inflation, the same policies not causing inflation in the second term, new york times standing in no taxes on tips. i just love that. liz macdonald, we're going to give liz all the tax free weekend.
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liz: wor radio host, mark simon, welcome to the evening edit and half a million a mill voiters and the primary and uncommitted boycott vote against biden. myrrh ran darks they're going to send three dozen uncommitted delegates from nine states to the democrat convention in chicago in august. miranda, that includes from swing at a times like michigan. could shah gilani be the margin that swings the vote away from biden towards trump? >> i think both of them have
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popularity problems, but joe bind just seems to be going -- biden seems to be going deeper and deeper into the whole and hitting rock bottom when it comes to popularity and i guess we've got the debate in june and he's about to go to the g7 and another sort of public parade, but the debate i think will be the test and maybe the reason that it is so unusually early r and joe biden shows no signs of what or maybe joe biden is the one making more of the decision but they're certainly showing no sign they're willing to relinquish power and as hunter biden goes into another trial in september, he's not about to lose his pardon power regardless
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of what he says so i think they're stuck with him till the election. >> liz: yeah, there's a big tax evasion case and the trump conviction not having an impact and 5% said majority said in the u.s. cbs poll and trump said by a lead 50-49% and dead in the key battleground state what is do you make of all this, mark? >> these are the public polls and they're all rigged. they undersample republicans and add 6-8 points for donald trump and i think the convention had a big effect and it'll make him go up in the polls and he's on the rise. the european elections and big swing to the right for eu and french elections and that's always a barometer of what's coming here. that always forecasts what's going to happen here in the fall. everything is in trump's favor and momentum is going to be his
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way and only thing they can stop him is a big scandal on october surprise. they've hit him with everything on earth and there's no possible scandal that could do anything and i believe this judge will send him to prison and if that's the case, another ten points in the polls and i predict he'll invite one for helping him. going to get rid of biden, do it at convention and only clean way to do it and ridden the debate and putting commercials in unheard of for a debate and want biden a champions to recover. liz: james carville said he hopes president biden won't run for reelection and watch james carville here. >> i was not crazy about it and i was very public that i thought that pro biden should not run
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for reelection. election liz: biden is exaggerating the middle class and working class roots and the biden white house said the age is not an issue and he's mentally fit.
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>> everyone else in their party that would be a front runner is pretty extreme whether you're looking at pete buttigieg or, you know, even california governor gavin newsom and really not a very savory character with the terrible track record in california. they don't have a lot of cattle waiting to take over and i think, you know, joe biden has stool fooled enough people that they think he's a moderate and that he's sort of lunch pail joe, middle class joe who stands for scranton, pennsylvania, and there are still a lot of democrat voters who believe that myth and i guess it depends
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between them. liz: the government cracked down for the biden family business of ship re-mares for the navy of take excessive profits for the average going rate during world war ii and watch the president's latest claim he's a descendant for the american revolution. watch this. >> i've been told this was established and was told i'm a son of the american revolution and rom net came over with lafayette and never went home. stayed in the united states. so that makes me a son of the american revolution. >> could you imagine if the tell prompters went off. here's bidden and oh, oh. he wouldn't say anything because
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he's incapable and he would have a pause. pause. how about when he's reading the tell prompter and say pause. liz: yeah, there's a new dance craze sweeping social media and >> if you'd look a lie detector up to him and you'd find out. it's a debate and going to feel safe and not crazy and trump exaggerates and 10,000 at rally, it's 20 no. biden tells you about rallies that never happened and things that never existed and just an enormous liar. liz: people doing the biden. that's a dance move. wow, miranda, take it away. final word.
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>> compare to joe biden is lying about stolen elections and it's the case and obviously you'll never hear that from the new york times. >> it's good to see you, update on hunter biden's criminal trial and he did not testify in his own defense. he faces charges for lying on a government form to buy a gun while becausing drugs. fox news davidson standing by in wilmington, delaware, with the latest. reporter: no verdict tonight. the jury deliberated for about an hour and they'll be back tomorrow and hunter biden is his family left and he was up in the courtroom today and more than the other days and he was walking around and giving people hugs and kisses from family and
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friends and thanking them from coming and really, he doesn't know anything yet and we don't know anything yet and this jury is still deliberating and, liz, he gave up his right to testify, that's him walking in this morning. he definitely had a big showing of family support including his wife, first lady jill biden, aunt valerie, that's the president's cyster and uncle jim biden, the president's brother and ashley biden in the front row. the jury has to weigh three felonies, two false statement charges about telling the be ziti and filling out on the form he was not addicted to drugs on october 12, 2018, and the other is illegally possessing a gun for a period of 11 days in 2018 when he was a drug user so the government says at that time. now, important was that the government does not have to prove that hunter was on drugs the day he bought the gun on october 12, 2018 or even within a few weeks before or after that and juror haves to weigh the overall movement of how he was over that time. a lawyer for the government told
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jurors not to focus on the members of the first family including the first lady and that's not evidence and they're are family members and hunter biden should not be treated differently than anyone else and hunter's attorney pointed to the gun form that says are you an unlawful jurors will be back in the morning and see if we get a verdict tomorrow and start deliberations first thing. it's likely unless this really goes on. liz: david spunt, you're terrific. thank you for joining us. bring in jim trustee. great to see you again. thank you for joining us this monday night. what's your reaction to david's report and people have sympathy
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for addictions and this case shows hunter biden led a five-star jet setting lifestyle and not a destitute addict and going to intelligence report and he was mingling that's the headline and going for them to obstructing cerumen sorb some blame and look how equal the justice system is and pay to play is chugging on and impeded for biden family and there's a lot more that's wrong with this case than what's right.
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liz: what duoyou make of this story? final word. >> this is a very strong pay to play scheme and real prosecutor looking at to make a soft plea for the son for the bag man who is only one part of the family.
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liz: shot down by canables and not shot -- can billions and we appreciate you so much. we'll have you back on again soon. still ahead, congresswoman from house financial services and congressman carlos gimenez and robert greenway and former justice department attorney hans von spakovsky and then going into the prosecution of tram and fallout of thousands of anti-israel protesters demonstrating at the white house
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this weekend defacing statutes and harassing park rangers and heckling the president plus a new controversy in how the white house is handling israel in israel's war with hamas and is biden's brand new messaging just out today on inflation, is it already starting to fall apart? first he said it was transitory, then blamed the pandemic, russia, ukraine, busi businesse, shrinkflation and junk peas and now blaming trump and what's to blame for the historically high costs and more and more business leaders backing trump's prosperity agenda including on silicon valley and hammering crooked joe's imcompetent border action and thousands of illegal aliens flouted and hopefully cross defiance of border patrol and plus, the president is resetting his messaging to focus on "vigor"is but based on highly
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contentious new policy and all coming up on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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for you. what's your reaction for the story out of politico that the president will try to project "vigor and do more interviews as his polls stay stuck at the worst in modern in u.s. history". they're siting these three policies to project vigor. letting ukraine use u.s. weapons to attack inside russia, executive action on the border, and a deal with hamas and gaza that freezes out israel to free u.s. hostages. we'll dig into that more later in the show. what do you think of this push? >> it'll fail like everything else and kind of ticks him through the election and then aft election, i'm sure the border will be wide occupy as of right now and that's total
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bologna and again, never listen to what he says and always watch what he does and issue with ukraine, you're allowing ukrainians to shell the russians and going for them and freezing out our greatest ally in the middle southeast israel from any negotiations on releasing hostages and then dealing with the terrorist themselves and if that's what he calls vigor, good luck, man. liz: that's called cut ago check to hamas. it's above his executive action limit and senator john keeper game i did pointed out it's a scam. we pointed out there's so many loopholes and it's just now dismissing over 350,000 deportation cases.
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>> listen, he's a habitual liar and watch what he does and it's always not in the interest of the united states, not in the interest of american citizens. he's just running counter to that every single time. it sounds nice and when you dig into it, 1.8 million new illegals coming into the united states and like i said, it takes them right to election and he'll do something else, which will continue this disastrous policy and that he is bent on keeping. liz: 62% of all americans favor deporting all illegal immigrants including hispanics and we have a transnational criminal gang originated in a venezuela prison gang and terrorized colonies and running drug and sex trafficking
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rings and also shooting and attacking cops. the biden white house is not designated it yet and a transnational criminal organization. watch bill moore and what's going on. listen to this. >> if biden loses this election, it's going to be because of two things, he's old and he can't get past that issue and people hate that about him. and immigration. i mean, just on a political level. i don't think they could have handled it worse and finally after saying he couldn't do anything, he's going to issue an executive order since january 2021 when biden took office and more than 9 million migrants have entered. that's more than the people, number of people that live in nicaragua. he let in all of nicaragua. the question that democrats don't seem to be able to have the balls to answer and how many is too many and infinity and going to enter and not giving that answer, you're a racist and that's a essential problem with that. liz: yeah, that's incompetent on the part of democrats when
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minority neighbors are getting hammered by crime and doesn't that -- that number 9 million doesn't include 1.8 million got aways and final word here. >> yeah, he didn't need congress to do anything about it and could have done it minutes he's not going to do it. he's doing this on purpose and will continue on purpose and the reasons why, i don't know but, hey, it's not good nor america and not good for american citizens. liz: congressman gimenez, thank you for joining us. good to see you. >> you too. liz: hans von spakovsky and this is firing up and should the manhattan da lift that gag order on tram and plus former nags until security council for the middle east expert robert greenway and you happen date on anti-israel protesters and circling the white house defacing statues, harassing park
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rangers and heckling the president and vice president and plus the new push back on biden's new plan dealing with hostages to help hamas and it's about icing out israel and will that undercut israel? we're on it next on "the evening edit". we're going to be right back. ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors.
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liz: welcome back to the show the director of the center for national defense, at heritage and he's robert greenway and robert has been in public service for more than three decades and oversaw a mideast and north africa policy for the national security council. it's good to see you again, robert. what do you make of this story, anti-israel protesters surrounding the white house this weekend and a man wear ago mamas headband steps from the white house held up a bloody mask depicting president biden. they set the american flag on fire and threw things at park rangers to face statues and
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heckled president biden is vice president harris at campaign stops. what do you think of this action? >> we're all shocked to see this behavior and we thought that after schools let out for the summer we might get a break but apparently not. also i think we were told this kind of activity was frowned upon and yet this is happening steps on the white house and appears as though no accountability and arrest was made and no follow up actions have been made and that's disconcerting and we're likely to see it continue. liz: more and more house democrats so you have that happening there, harassing park rangers, defacing statues and house democrats say they plan to boycott benjamin netanyahu isopach for a joint session of congress and what about a report that the biden white house is talking about negotiate ago unilateral hostage deal but only with hamas and not israel to free u.s. hostages and cutting israel's efforts to free hostages? what do you think? >> there's no doubt. i think we're all encouraged by seeing the hostage rescue that took lace over the weekend and seeing the same level of effort
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over the unit and recovering our own hostages and brokering independent deals and brokering them and liz: we know that four israeli hostages were going with the 274 in gaza and killed and listen to people take on this happening and watch this. >> again, when you're holding hostages in civilian locations that happened to be armed civilians firing at rescue force, of course there's going to be casualties and the term civilian is loosely used because we know hamas routinely fires from hospitals and churches and synagogues -- from mosques and from schools so this is part in parcel. they are in a sense keeping the entire gazan population under
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hostage themselves to their ideology. liz: what do you think, robert? >> there's no doubt. these are among the most complex operations imagine and will it's inevitable that civilians will be harmed as lon as they're the one process vieding room and safe haven. liz: robert greenway, thank you so much and get you updated on this story. former president trump took part in interview with probation officers ahead of sentencing coming up in that new york conviction. more polls including new one from cbs eric sean is live in new york city p with more. >> yeah, liz, they addressed a christian group and probation officer and agenda today addressing them and don't know if the meeting is exactly happening yet or going to happen
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momentarily. he was set today to meet with the probation officer and via zoom and virtually and going for todd blanch's lawyer and conducting this from his mar-a-lago estate and most have to adenned in person and judge juan merchan granted an exception and good things about the defendant and the defendant is in a counseling program and has has a steady job and takes care of ailing family member and presentence interview is a chance for the defendant to make a good impression. and explain why he or she deserves a lighter punishment. the trump-appointed campaign said this in part about all this and trump and his legal team are already taking necessary steps to challenge and defeat the
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lawless manhattan -- a case. tram and lawyers vowed to appeal the verdict in the appellate court here in new york and jury found him guilty of 34 felony counts of filing false business records and all to try and keep stormy daniels stories of alleged affair secret and wouldn't damage the 2016 presidential election race. former president is set to be sentenced on july 11 and he faces up to four years in jail but at this moment, no one really considers the fact that he will actually see any jail time. could be community service, probation and we'll have to see what jumped merchan says. >> he has very good chance on appeal if the appeal court judges don't let their politics poison their view of the case. he has so many reasons that he
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can appeal the case and so many egregious errors and mistakes by the judge and the prosecution in the case that this ought to be an easy decision for the appeals court to overturn the conviction. liz: how many constitutional violations did you count? >> well, look, the most basic one was a violation of substantive due process rights and not actually getting notification of all the charges against him i lost count by all the errors of the judge and people in this case. liz: that's on him through sentencing and house judiciary going to hold a hearing on the new york conviction and manhattan da bragg not going and they're going to testify to congress and saying after trump's sentencing on july 11. how much, what can the house do
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here? >> it's hard for a public hearing and members of congress to have enough time to point out all the errors and mistakes he did but, you know, one of the key questions i would ask him is why did he think he had authority as a local prosecutor to charge a violation of federal campaign finance law particularly when doj or fbi had violation of the law. liz: hans von spakovsky, thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. liz: we have former u.s. treasury official michael faulkender and brand new white house push now it's about blaming inflation opportunistic trump economics and really? how? more business leaders and
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bactrim p's prosperity agenda and next, don't go away and check in with dagen and sean on the bottom line. >> hey, emac and joe biden's presidency and dead and everything costs more from homes to cars and insurance and we have congressman ryan zinky here on that and liberal columnist that billionaire supporting trump with a selective memory and we have economist steve moore here to discuss. >> crime here, there and everywhere. what -- won't thieves steal robbing a church in oakland. literally stealing fuses out of fuse box and more.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. liz: welcome back. take on more business leaders and wall street returning their support towards former president trump and his prosperity agenda and there was even a lucrative fundraiser for tram and democrat blue silicon valley and grady
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trimble standing by live with more in dc on this story. more with the turn around. reporter: it was packed with ssilicon valley heavyweights and the event was hosted and the twins of the social network and cryptocurrency fame there and whole host of overs and this is the latest example of form riprap's courting groups that may not have traditionally supported republicans and going by the fundraising numbers and it appears he's winning over some of these prominent venture capitalists and tech entrepreneurs and trump campaign raised more than 33 million over his four-day trip out west in california and nevada, a third of that raised in a single night at david sach's home. >> we started off and the question was if we could raise $5 million, that was the goal and as you well know, that various or liberal baston and we
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got all the way to 12 million and tremendous turnout and couldn't fit one more seat in the place. reporter: later this week, former president trump will meet with executives from some of the most powerful companies in the world at business round tables quart rally meeting and the organization says it invited president biden as well but he'll be traveling to the g7 summit in italy and as chief of staff will go instead. the round table says it hopes biden will be able to attend a future event for it is part, the biden campaign said it is confident in the fundraising operation and clearly, liz, number of business leaders think a trump presidency will lower taxes and deregulations will be better for their bottom line. liz. liz: always great to hear from you, grady trimble, great reporting. bring in for this hot debate, congressman eric and former u.s. treasury official michael faulkender. thank you for joining us. congressman, first to you, your
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reaction to that report? is this just a seat change right now what's happening in the campaign? >> it's not surprising at all to see this shift because we've seen the country under bidenomics and it is -- the american people are being crushed under biden's inflation and 63% of americans do not approve of the economic conditions that they're in including the people in silicon valley bank. sill von valley and doing bet -- silicon valley and going under president trump and that's not working. >> if you agree and if you think about in silicon valley and raising additional capital and funding technological innovation and this administration approach to everything from artificial intelligence to cryptocurrency and general capital race and it's been such that companies want to innovate in europe rather than in the united states. we need to once again return to a competitive tax environment and competitive regulatory and
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harness all that at home. liz: it's bidenomics versus trump and inflation about 7.6% compounded under trump and under biden it was nearly 22% compounded and that's trump's 1.9% inflation a year versus roughly 5.5% and just out today, biden has brand new messaging on inflation and blaming trump that he's going to create a "inflation spiral and inflation bomb". first they said it was transitory than blamed the pandemic, russia and ukraine and then businesses and shrink flation, junk fees and now trump. what do you think, congresswoman? >> this is more gaslighting by this administration that continues to gaslight the american people and they are doing the very things they're accusing donald trump and republicans of doing and it's like don't look at us and what we're doing and it's really
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them. that's what we're seeing from them and the american people not going to buy them and joe biden raised taxes by $468 billion and stopped exporting liquefied natural gas and he's stive led that and going -- stifled that and president trump and his policies and they'll show that in november. liz: they're claiming what the congresswoman said trump tax cuts blowing out the deficit to over $1 trillion and they want to raise taxes over ten years and trump tax cuts are repeating them and let's listen to what trump is saying and it's government overspending and biden overleglating and undercutting u.s. energy and u.s. and going to unscrew it
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very quickly. >> this is the first time we have for those hotel workers and more. we're not going to do it, we're going to do that right away and first thing in office and going for new england and new england has like energy costs like they're in the middle of an area that never saw energy and we have more liquid gold than any other country in the world. russia, saudi arabia, remember this. we were energy independent four years ago. we were soon going to be energy dominant. liz. last part about energy. what do you think, michael? final word. >> while we're producing more oil and gas today than we were part of the pandemic and not back to refining capacity that
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we were there and our energy needs are growing. if you're going to harness artificial intelligence, you need more energy not less. american energy dominance is not only key for security and also national security. liz: still ahead, conservative activist cj pearson and the president is commemorating juneteenth and continues efforts to rally support and this major democrat and black voters are seeing reports out of pugh and moore. they're criticizing biden as well for "pandering for votes" but interesting review sal out of pugh showing younger black voters now are more republican than older black voters and what does that mean for the election? we're taking it on on "the evening edit". we'll be right back.
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>> is no conservative activist cj person is busy you again cj the story president biden is commemorating juneteenth, and he continuing his efforts really supportive and the black voters clear democratic inviting camping culture, jim clyburn isg reports of biden support among
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black male voters is slipping and we see that information coming out of to what you think. >> it. cj: i been saying this more than you know this, like folks reading writing and all asking the question within the democrats done for me lately and what is divided out for me lately and every time try to answer the question, they come up short and black folks all across this country are starting to realize the democrat party destroyed our community in november, will have the opportunity that's exactly what we intend to do. liz: one of the exceeds intraspecific lycée. >> while when you look at inflation, using the disproportionally hurting people of color and you see you know efforts by the far left to defund the police disproportionally harms black and brown children communities all across the country and young people realize, that woke and broke just one, but there's an ominous and the young americans black americans are tired of being broke joe biden's america in her trunk about experienced economic success unlike any
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other time in american history. liz: we talk about crime the border collapse see by the art in a crisis and honor southern border which is just not a crisis but more so invasion in these people are being shuttled into her country allowed to take jobs of hard-working americans to be working on in tongues like people, they are third-rate citizens of the party realizes, that they are slipping the black community, they're trying to report new voters to make up for their losses. liz: let's get your reaction to that what the army veteran said, was brutally beaten step in harlem before he died and she was on jesse watters primetime show to explain the biden's recent appeals to like voters have been racist and insulting and watch this. >> every other word that comes out of his malcolm a black there's impact that would like this and like that about the only reason why we have made these so-called accomplishments is because of the color of our skin and has nothing to do with an intellect and has nothing to
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do with the merits of nothing, hit is all be lonely because we are black these things are happening any of so insulting. liz: what you think. cj: this exactly right when i going to block purchase i hear the same thing when i sit down about a barbershop socal the same thing there is no weakening happening, bring to know the black community, that i have never really seen before you, and i thank you so when be rocketing come november and impress hard losing sleep at night. liz: cj black officials officially florida ready, the biden campaign that the president efforts to keep the black voters firmly and enthusiastically is that october coalition, is not working at times running out to get his message across in his time running out. cj: you are exactly right but this will news for us and certainly president trump and i think the time will continue to rent out because one thing the excited under joe biden it's unexciting to be broke unexciting to be in fear in your community and unexciting feel
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the front of the government bearing down your back every single day in the black people looking for something you and they are of settling for less than looking to settle for more and more is a reelection of president trump november. liz: your terrific and we hope to have you back in the show again soon knew the blood flow could be the swiss vote of the margin of the vote in georgia will be watching and joining us tomorrow, congresswoman it and jeff andrew and joe concha will be staying on the breaking news could physically be hunter biden invited vertical watch for it, elizabeth mcdonald think you so much watching the evening edit on foxbusiness think you for spinning time with us this money evening and i design for my buddies at the bottom line, dagen mcdowell and sean duffy. dagen: thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ dagen: good evening i am dagen mcdowell.
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sean: and


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