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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 11, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: i tell ya, folks, tax-free tips is a hot idea by president trump. if you know what? it's for working folks, and it's part of his working class coalition that may upset all these establishment apple carts. and liz liz mac and i are going to get paid in tax-free tips for all fox business hosts. how's that for a proposal,
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lizzie e? elizabeth: i hope you send the check right away, larry. [laughter] i'm waiting for it. larry: i tried. elizabeth: you sure did. let's get right to the latest developments. welcome to "the evening edit." the criminal conviction of hunter biden, we've got more details and information coming out about hunter biden's upcoming criminal trial on tax evasion charges. we're going to get to that right in a second after david spunt if is standing by live with what happened today outside the district court in wilmington, delaware. david, what a day. >> reporter: what a day and what a tense scene in that courtroom. i was sitting about 20 feet behind hunter bide when the verdict was read. -- hunter biden. he was to you can, the word -- stoic. things happened so quickly. the first lady was not if even in the building when the verdict was read, she came moments later and walked at a brisk pace through those front doors behind me here in the biden's hometown.
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ultimately, this case was about a one form hunter biden filled out in october of 2018. a lot of different distractions presented from both sides, but it was really did hunter bind fill out that form and say he was not addicted to illegal drugs while he was a gun user. the jury ultimately did not believe him. we have some exclusive video of hunter leaving a local hotel, he seemed upbeat, he was giving hugs to his security detail before he ended up getting in the motorcade. we spotted him having lunch, he was smile being. he seemed happy. he released a statement where he said, quote, i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, his wife, my family, my friends and my community than i am a disappointed by the outcome. recovery is possible, and i am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time. jurors only deliberated for three hours roughly before finding hunter guilty. one yesterday and two today.
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we spoke to juror number 10 who says, in the end, this case was not come my candidated. watch. -- complicated. >> nobody's above the law, you know? if no matter who you are. and so that did not play a factor in my decision -- [inaudible] it was not politically motivated. >> reporter: so david weiss, the special counsel who charged hunter biden, remember, this is the same david weiss that not even a year ago a was in this very courthouse ready to cut a deal with hunter biden and allow him to get away with that deal, today he said this case was simple. it was about a lying and breaking the law. here's special counsel weiss. >> this case was not just about addiction. this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throes of aa diction. it was these choices -- addiction. it was these choices and the combination of guns and ask and drugs that made his conduct
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dangerous. >> reporter: the judge said sentencing will happen roughly in about four months, probably somewhere in the october time frame. she didn't give a date. he could get up to 25 years behind bars. it's unlike likely, because he doesn't have any prior offenses, and david weiss is the same david weiss that's charging hunter in california on those tax crimes. that's set to go to trial on september 5th, but that could always potentially end in some plea agreement. so hunter does not have to go through this two months before the election, but that's only if both sides want to do a plea deal. the special counsel has to want to do it too. elizabeth: you're right. that trial could come five days before the second debate with trump and bind. david spunt, you're terrific. let's welcome former deputy assistant attorney general tom dupree. tom, your reaction to this news. analysts are ballparking the impact of this election the which parties for the u.s. economy of this verdict.
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can hunter go to prison? >> absolutely, liz. i think prison is actually likely right now. technically, he he faces many years in prison. as a practical matter, it's unlikely he's going to get a long prison term. this judge might sentence him to, say, a year of incarceration. she could sentence him to just probation. she'll take into effect that he's a first-time offender, he didn't commit a crime of violence. but my best guest, liz, probably sentence him to a relatively short term in jail. elizabeth: okay, so there's. that it's also striking today the president today gave a speech on gun safety the same day his son is charged on gun crimes. ing people are asking why kuwait this to other families? equate this to other families? this was a 54-year-old man in 5-star the luxury hotels who according to a senate intelligence and homeland security report was consorting with drug and human traffickers and prostitution.
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you know this criminal trial on tax evasion charge, tomming, in september. other -- tom, in september. other taxpayers have gone to jail for that. that's going to happen pebbly five days before the second -- potentially five days before the second debate. could they plead this out? these are the taxes hunter allegedly evaded including on profits he made selling his father's political influence overseas in places like china and russia. what do you think? >> liz, hunter biden had so many reasons to try and cut a deal from and prevent this case from seeing the light of day of a courtroom. he faces very severe criminal pen iftieses if he's convicted on these tax charges. for another thing, this trial will put out all the dirty laundry, that hunter biden was spending money on drugs, escort services, basically everything other than paying his taxes. if i were hunter biden's defense lawyers, the first thing i would do is pick up the phone and see if i could negotiate some sort of plea agreement before this case goes to trial.
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elizabeth: that's when voters start to do early voting too. when you read the grand jury indictment and the court documents, they show this case strongly indicates special counsel david weiss and government investigators are exploring potential fara, foreign lobbying violations, against hunter. the grand jury indictment calls hunter a, quote, lobbyist, talks about his work in ukraine and china where he had no experience doing the business he was doing, but he made millions of dollars. what do you think of a potential foreign lobbying violation here? >> those fara claims have been lurking below the surface for so long, liz, and people, judges, lawyers, others have actually asked the prosecutors, is there a farc ara case to be -- fara case to be brought here? there seems to be a good deal of evidence that would support charges. the prosecutors haven't yet charged them, but it would completely open the door to a much broader scope of conduct involving hunter biden's dealings with his father, with other members of the biden family and really put an entirely new spotlight on a much
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broader spectrum of can conduct than we've been looking at to date. elizabeth: tom, you mentioned conduct. this is about the u.s. economy, the u.s. election. you wonder if the narrative should now shift to the democrats' claims that the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation. that has all the hallmarks of an american disinformation campaign, misleading america before the 2020 election. the big back story is joe biden, nancy pelosi, you know, chuck schumer, adam schiff. u.s. intelligence if officials literally lying to america that hunter biden's laptop was russian disinformation so that they could stay in power. and when the justice department used that laptop in this case. >> well, if we had a nickel for every time someone said that a laptop is fake, it's russian disinformation, we would be very wealthy. we now know it's been shown in a court of law that the information on that laptop is genuine and proved evidence of hunter biden's criminal conduct. i don't expect any mania cull pastor or apologies, liz -- mea
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culpas. when charges are proven false, they just move on to the next one. elizabeth: always smart, tom dupree, appreciate you. look who's here, congressman barry loudermilk, chairman of the house administration subcommittee on oversight. chairman, thank you so much for joining us tonight. so your committee made the big news. your committee released that the video footage showing former speaker nancy pelosi on tape admitting responsibility for not having the national guard protect the the capitol building against the january 6th riots. what's the fallout of this? how will this impact the election? >> well, i'm not -- you know, i think it's probably going to have some impact on the rex. none of us know that -- on the election. our objective is to get to the truth of what really happened. this was really ground breaking information because we know that the select committee, her partisan select committee spent about a $20 million just trying to put the blame on trump. but in the heed of -- heat of
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the moment, she admitted that it was really her responsibility because we know that the chief of police had made numerous can with requests for the national guard to come to the capitol, but somewhere in leadership that was denied multiple times. and if as we heard on this tape which we just received on friday from hbo that she took full responsibility for being the one that the national guard was not there to assist the capitol police. elizabeth: let's watch what nancy pelosi said. >> we have responsibility, terry. we did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. this is are ridiculous. you're going to ask me in the middle of the thing when they've already breached the inaugural stuff that should we call the capitol police? if i mean, the national guard? why weren't the national guard there to begin with?
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>> they thought that they had -- >> it's not a question of -- they don't know. they clearly didn't know, and i take responsibility for not having them just prepared for more. elizabeth: should voters accept the january 6th committee report? the question is you point out, hbo, why did hbo wait until now to turn over this never-aired footage? why didn't pelosi and pelosi's daughter turn it over to the january 6th committee? because prosecutors have cited that committee's preet proceedings in cases against trump and his supporters. >> right. and why didn't the select committee archive that video footage that they had and pass it on to our committee? i mean, we've got over 9000 videos and -- 900 videos and documents that they didn't archive, is so we've spent almost a year just trying to recreate all the information that they had received. this is just a drop in the bucket of the misinformation that is in that select committee report. from the charges that the
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president, trump, tried to take the steering wheel of the suv, we have the driver of the suv who testified that that never handful but that transcribed interview was never given to the public. we have other secret service agents who say the otherring accusations they made never if happened, and that was never released to the public. so what we have is a report from the select committee that was information, evidence was cherry picked to create a false narrative. and anything that was contrary to the narrative that they want, that trump orchestrated this, trump organized the attack, he was the reason, all of that information was hid from the public eye and in some cases appears was destroyed. elizabeth: it was a terrible day. pelosi went on msnbc the call remarks about her comments, quote, reis visionist history. people are asking how is it revisionist if she's admitting it on tape? a spokesperson says, quote, speaker pelosi sprang into
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action that a day, mobilizing the defense of the capitol and these are cherry-picked, out of context clips. former speaker pelosi is not in charge of the security of the complex. there's a lot here to unpack. i mean, this 2022 house gop report, congressional leaders including pelosi chose not to deploy the national guard early over concerns of optics a amid the black lives matter riots in 2020. and a senate report alleges homeland security had information beforehand about possible chaos but failed to warn about it. >> yes. and we know that a intelligence was there, that there could -- there was a high probability of violence at the capitol against the capitol on january 6th. that information was passed to the ap toll police -- ap capitol police intelligence decision, but it never went any if further. at least it didn't make it to the chief of police, and so he was caught flat footed because whether it was purposefully if held back or just for incompetence, we don't know.
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that's what we're looking into. but we do know p as i said earlier, that the chief had a made multiple requests for national guard that someone in democrat leadership, whether it was the sergeant at arms or the staff of pelosi, did not like the optics, so they turned it down. and if we take what the speaker said at face value in this video which is not edited, so i don't know how you cherry pick something, this is her daughter filming it, and this is the full videos. this is their videos. if we take her at her word there, this is the first she knew of any if request for the national guard, then she should be looking at her staff instead of spending $20 the million trying to blame it on donald trump. elizabeth: chairman loud arer milk, thank you so much for joining us tonight. >> my pleasure. elizabeth: still ahead, congresswoman beth van duyne from ways and means, congressman jeff van drew from judiciary, former deputy national security adviser kt mcfarland, former treasury secretary for public
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affairs monica crowley, journal journalist bhatia ungarre sargon and caylee mcgee white. the fallout of this, manhattan d.a. bragg and his top prosecutor will reportedly testify on trump's new york conviction as gop lawmakers hammer that case. and this fight is escalating between trump and biden on who is better for the u.s. economy. biden is set to make his case to u.s. businesses that he is better, but he wants tax hikes. plus, he's accusing businesses of, quote, re-flation. and how far left have the democrats gone? how are they now hurting the u.s. economy? plus, biden reportedly looking to turn out the far-left vote with a new move to relax even more border rules. how this will affect your neighborhood. and we've got more on a federal watchdog reportedly investigating uaw president shawn fein.
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plus, pollster nate silver says it might be time for biden to crop out as biden's -- drop out as biden's polls again hit a new all-time low. d.c. watchers also raise concerns about president biden appealerring to freeze -- appearing to freeze and again stumbling in speeches. we're taking it on all awe all of it, coming up on with the the eveninged edit." we'll be right back, stay right there. i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback?
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.
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okay, that's uncalled for. elizabeth: joining us now from house ways and means, congresswoman beth van duyne. it's good to see you again can. okay, let's get into this, the president struggled again today. anti-israel protesters disrupting his speech if on gun, the same day his son was convicted of gun crime, and the president appeared to freeze last night if at the white house juneteenth event. he also slurred and garblessed his words p. you could, please, sit tight for one second, congresswoman, or let's get your rx to this. it's concerning. watch. >> [inaudible] our freedom can never be secured, since the founding, the found of our ideals, we don't know fully what american soil is. they're all ghosts and new garments trying to take us back. elizabeth: congressman, what do you think? >> look, i mean, i get the
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weekend at a bernie memes and people are posting this on social media and thinking it's funny, with but at some point this is actually senior abuse. this is a man who is running, you know, who's the most powerful man in the free world that the rest of the world is looking at and laughing. we are seeing people who are lacking confidence in the u.s. because this is our president right now, a man who can't even put together a sentence. and it also makes you wonder when's running the country. is this his -- who's running the country? is this his staff? 70000 people who signed on -- 700 people when signed on for a cease pyre in gaza -- elizabeth: but you're in d.c. you and other congressmen are close to to it. does anybody know? how can to you don't know? [laughter] -- how come you don't know? >> they're obviously covering up for him, and they're very happy having the useful idiot that he is, being able the smile and look at the camera, even if what he's saying is nonsensical.
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this entire administration if has to be held accountable and hopefully, you know, it's not just us in d.c. that are seeing this. it is the world that is seeing this. it is american voters who are seeing this. in november, hopefully looking at his polling is falling and failing polling number, they're going to hold this president accountable and vote for president trump. elizabeth: what do you make of pollster nate silver saying it might be time for biden to drop out of the race? because, you know, his a approval ratings just dropped to an all-time low at 37.4%, and nate silver is saying biden polling now, quote, is in much worse shape than they were. in 2020. >> well, absolutely. of course they are. i mean, it's not just his blunders that are a crazy thing of this administration, it's also the 20% inflation. it's his border policies. it's his foreign policies half led to wars across the world -- that have led to wars across the world. everybody in america right now is suffering under the biden
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administration's policies. it's not just the fact he's not coherent and he doesn't look like he knows what's going on half the time and he's an embarrassment and showing weakness, but it's also his policies. and that has to be straightforward what people are voting for in november. or voting against in november. elizabeth: congresswoman, the house is about to vote imminently on whether to the the hold u.s. attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress. that could come as soon as tomorrow for defying subpoenas to hand over special counsel robert hur's audiotape of his interview with the president in the classified documents case. why does congress need the audio tape? why do voters need to see it? special counsel hur said he would not prosecute biden because he's an you would elderly man -- elderly man with memory problems. >> so we have seen the transcripts. what should be directly out of the audio. but we haven't heard the audio, and they're hiding that. we don't know why.
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we to do have listen to -- reason to believe based on some of the represents that the white house has edited that they're willing to do that.. we need to check the audio verses -- versus transcripts to make sure it's accurate. is he bumbling, is he, is he, you know, making sense when he is speaking, how long does it take him to answer the question? is he actually answering the question that they've asked in these are things that you can tell from the audio, and the question is, why aren't they releasing it? if they released the transcript -- which they did, by the way, to the media before congress -- if they leased the transcript, why are they hiding the audio? do they not feel that it reflects what was released in the transcripts? we have an ability to get that, we have asked for it, and he's holding it up for no reason whatsoever which he should be held in contempt, and he should be held accountable for that. elizabeth: congresswoman van duyne, it's good to sew you. >> thank you very much is, liz are. elizabeth: still ahead, details on why a federal court-appointed
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watchdog is investigating uaw president shawn fein. that same watchdog has been tapped -- tasked with monitoring the union and wiping out corruption. plus, former treasury secretary for public affairs monica crowley joins us. it is. >> showtime. trump-onomics versus bidenomics. both are making hair cases to u.s. businesses -- their cases. we're taking it on, all of it, next on "the evening edit." we will be right back. stay right there. (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life,
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call aag, the country's #1 reverse mortgage lender, and get your free info kit. call this number elizabeth: welcome back. look who's here, former treasury secretary for public affairs, monica crowley. monica, it's always a pleasure to have you on. okay, is so this story, what do you make of this? both trump and biden are going to make their case on who is better for the u.s. economy. they're going to make it to businesses. former president trump will be at the business round table in d.c. on thursday. that same day treasury is
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secretary janet yellen is going to defend biden's approach at the economic club of new york. she's going to say tax cuts for the upper brackets and deregulation, deregulation do not grow the economy. what do you think? if. >> well, there's really no contest, liz, between president trump's record on the economy and if joe biden's record on the economy. president trump delivered robust growth with little to no inflation if over the course of four years, of course, before can covid hit. but even then when he passed off the economy to joe biden, liz, it was the fastest economic recovery from any rye sis on record -- rye sis on record. so -- crisis. so trump delivered a goldilocks economy that included significant gains in wages, real wages and also historically low unemployment for every single demographic group, from women to veterans, to african-american, latinos and beyond. so we really had a growth agenda that drove it under president trump of tax cuts, regulatory
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relief, unleashing our great energy sector and fair trade deals, and joe biden came in and reversed all of that, liz, and the results have been catastrophic. the average american is living with raging inflation that has not subsided since 202211. they're struggling to make ends meet, and many americans are actually having to work more than one job. in fact, all of the job is gains over the last year have been part-time jobs, not funnel-time -- full-time jobs. and we've got more data showing immigrant, both legal and illegal are, are taking these jobs away from american citizens. so i think the record is pretty clear. elizabeth: biden says he's better for u.s. businesses, right, as he's blaming them for inflation. he wants massive tax hikes on businesses and voters too. trump is calling for tax cuts, less regulation. he's going to work with industries hike oil and gas to dismantle the green agenda from biden. you know, look at the logos of
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the restaurants across to -- across the country hit with bankruptcies and store closures because of what's going on in the u.s. economy and inflation. you know, both of their records are out there, month can. biden has three -- monica. bind has three times the level of inflation under trump. i think it's trending toward 232% compounded -- 22% compounded. you mentioned the recent jobs report. it doesn't hold up. monica, you look at the bls household survey, it was a loss of 408,000 jobs. biden did not create 15 million if jobs. that survey shows before covid number of people with jobs peaked in february 2020 at a 158.7 million. monica, last month that number was still just stuck at around 1611 million. so -- 161 million. that's just a gain of about 2 million jobs, and that's lagging u.s. population growth. so we hear like these different narrativeses out of d.c. that is not supported by the data. >> well, that's exactly right,
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liz. and the problem politically for joe biden and his campaign is that the american people are living this experience every day. they know what the biden economy is all about. and it's the number one or number two issue along with illegal immigration and the wide open border driving the american people in droves to president trump. because with for the first time in a long time we've got back to back presidencies to compare, liz. and on the economy, like i said, there really is no contest. people remember the booming economy that president trump delivered out of a pro-growth economic agenda, and so they see the direct correlation between tax cuts, regulatory relief and fair trade deals that brought back half a million if manufacturing jobs and climbing by the time covid hit under president trump. and they see the exact opposite with president biden. they see that bidenomics means massive, explosive growth of government. so whatever jobs have been created over the last three and a half years, most of them, liz,
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have been government jobs. health care to some texts, but mostly -- extent, but mostly government. this is a massive expansion of government. you don't see a robust growing organically -- can. elizabeth: yeah, it's growing atis 1.3, the economy's growing at 1.3 first quarter. monica cowley, we'll have you back we hope again soon. to now look who's here from house judiciary, congressman jeff van drew can. congressman,s always a pleasure to see you again. what do you make of this report that a court-appointed federal watchdog is investigating uaw president shawn fein? this court monitors, is working to stamp out corruption at the union after that stunning, you know, bribery and embezzlement scandal a several years.. -- ago. there's no indication feign is being probed for my of -- any of that, but what do you make of the story? >> it's something we obviously have to value way. i'm glad that we're doing it. i'm not against unions when
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they're doing the job of representing their people and aren't inserting politics into what they do. unions are no place for left-wing, liberal agenda, for woke agenda. they are a mace to make sure that people -- a place to make sure that people get an honest wage for honest work and a good american job, and that i believe in. so the concern here is the uaw has had a history, we know it happened in the past year of having problem, having issues, having corruption that needs if to be booted out because it's not fair to the everyday, hard working people who are paying their union dues. so i'm glad they're doing it. elizabeth: congressman, to what you just said, this watchdog was appointed in may of 2021. you know, as part of that a settlement to avoid a government takeover of the uaw in the fallout of that a scandal, but the detroit news is reporting he's been investigating members of the uaw's governing board including the president, the
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secretary-treasurer, one of the union's regional directors that, basically, they're obstructing, you know, basically i -- we don't know what that part of the investigation is. but this obstruction charge or allegation, that for examplar in is on -- fein is obstructing the probe, that he's reportedly investigating allegations fein real auated against a u uaw vice president. couldn't this be a violation of that 2020 consent decree between the justice department and uaw that avoided a federal take over of the union? if he finds that, is that violation of that? >> well, i think it is a violation of the consent decree, but we're going to let the judges and the attorneys figure this out, find out for sure. what's of real concern here is that the secretary-treasurer and the president obviously are going to war with each other and are not on the same page, and there's real issues. and she has made some serious accusations against shawn fein.
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if so, again, this union has a problem. and and instead of worrying about, you know, again, their own leadership and how they can gain whatever it is they want to gain and, again, it's all alleged at this point, instead of worrying about liberal, left-wing policies and everything else, how about you do the right thing for the working people who actually work and have to pay the damn union dues? that's what they're tired of. people are tired of baying -- paying dues for something, and it's not being used for the right thing. i hope they root this out -- elizabeth: well, what can do? if there's a really negative if report about the uaw with, what would congress do? what would you guys do? >> well, there's a lot that we can do. and, i mean, that's something that we have to look into, and i don't want to say something prematurely here on alleged violations, but congress through, you know, the various committees and through legislation can do things, obviously. but we need to make sure, first, that it's true. we need to make sure that
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happens. you know what? this is something that shouldn'w are, it should just on its own, the membership should be able working with leadership to strengthen this out. the problem is they've got rotten leadership, it seems, allegedly at this time. i think we're going to hear and see a lot in the future. elizabeth: all right. congressman van drew, thanks for joining us tonight. we appreciate you very much. we hope to have you back soon. still ahead, kaylee mcghee white along with bhatia ungaffe sargon. we've got this hot debate about the true state of d.c. and american politics. how far left, how far left have the democrats gone? how is it affecting you, your pocketbook and the u.s. economy? now elon musk says the conservative agenda today is just the same centrist agenda of 20 years ago that democrats like clinton and obama supported. saying the left has become a, quote, extinctionist movement. wow. first, let's find out from dagen
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and sean what they're fired up and ready to gone do -- to go on "the bottom line." sean: hey, e-mac, yes, smash hit. joe biden, well, he's a hypocrite as the same day hunter biden is convicted on gun charges, joe biden goes and talks to a group on gun safety. he is a hypocrite. we have stacy washington and be- [inaudible] here on that. dagen: dana loesch is here as a well, and she's going to talk about joe biden wants to take away your guns and basically crush the second amendment. and he doesn't even know that he keeps repeating the lie that you can't own a cannon under the second amendment? he's gotten four by knocke if owes over that. -- pinocchios. which democrat is so anti-semitic and anti-us renal his own colleagues and former friends have turned their backs on him? take a guess, top of the hour. o ♪ for a condition you can't control.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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elizabeth: joining us now for "the evening edit" debate panel, political commentator caylee mcif gee white along with author and journalist bath a ya ungarre sargon. there's a debate ignite being across americaful we've seen it in various markets that the democrat party is not the party america knew. it's not the obama or clinton party either. it's been pulled too far left. it's -- and that's notable given
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the growing concern over the physical and mental condition of president biden. what do you think? >> yeah. i mean, i couldn't agree more. you used to have a democratic party that represented labor and the working class and actually starting with clinton and then through obama to joe biden you really saw the abandon withment of the working class -- abandonment first with nafta shipping jobs overseas to china, and then president obama who defunded -- [audio difficulty] president biden who opened the border welcoming in, what, 10 million if immigrants to compete with working class people -- [inaudible] jobs that remain here. the whole thing is an utter abandonment of working class americans, and it's an outrage. elizabeth: you know, you look at the polls, voters are speaking out too across america at town halls, community meetings. they are fed up.
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cracks -- caylee, they don't like schools being turned into political incubators with rampant, far-left ideology with. they don't like biological men allowed to participate in women's sports. they don't like government overspending igniting inflation, turbocharging the irs for that, electric car mandates, crime, lawlessness and the border collapse. they don't like it, what do you think? >> absolutely. and i think what batya says about the economic concerns are certainly true. i think of my own family in rural ohio. my mother-in-law has worked in the same awe auto factory since she was 16 years old and very much feels abandoned by the democratic party. many of my family members in michigan were the obama, trump, biden voters and so they're really not necessarily republican voters, but they're certainly going to vote for trump over biden this time around. but you make a great point, the social issues are just as important because on many of these the issues such as abox such as gender ideology --
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abortion -- the vast majority of americans do not agree9 with the far left on these issues. and yet they are the ones who are being called bigoted for holding common sense positions. so they also feel like they've been abandoned by the democratic party that has become increasingly radical. elizabeth: you know, there's also this game-changer in europe, batya, you know? does what happened in europe a matter in america? if because european voters just delivered a political earthquake. analysts say that should put the biden white house on notice that voters across europe and e.u. parliament elections rejected the ruling socialist or progressive, liberal elites. it happened from germany to france, spain, belgium to the netherlands are, a mass rejection of far-left socialist policies like open borders, green energy mandates. you know, the french president, emmanuel mack if caron, called a snap election. what do you think -- emmanuel macron. >> you're absolutely right, liz. that election is a real harbinger for what's to come
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here because effectively what you had is europeans from many, many, many countries rejecting this kind of neo-liberal consensus in which we should have open borders and free trade which sells out the working class, right? while offering them nothing in return. they rejected that for the far-right parties which said, look, we're going to respect you and your labor, and guess who says that in this country? president donald trump. elizabeth: you know, what batya just said is. caylee, when you look at the brexit vote in 2016, that was just ahead of trump's election victory in 2016. the immediate what saying, oh -- is say, oh, this rejection of far-left politic is the a shift to the far right, but elon musk is saying, wait a second, what is considered right wing today was centrist obama and clinton politics of about 20, even 10 years ago a or 12 years ago. so that's an indication of how far left the democrat party has
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gone, that this has become normalized. if they would consider obama and clinton to be far right. >> right. and, well, the u.s. can learn a lot from the european elections that just took place, because with two of the biggest issues that a drove europeans to the polls are are the economy, the fact that it's not working for anyone but tupper 1% and unfettered immigration. and especially on that latter front, the u.s. needs to learn from if europe's mistakes here because what we're seeing right now in europe is their social fabric is being completely torn apart by immigrant cans who do not respect their custom cans and do not want to assimilate, and and their welfare net is completely exhausted by immigrants who are not required to get jobs to be on well fare. again, as batya mentioned earlier, we have 10 million illegal immigrants in this country, and we need to figure out a solution quickly. elizabeth: some say it's 22 million. thanks, ladies, that was great. good to see you both. thanks for joining us. still ahead, former deputy
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national security adviser, look who's here, under president trump, kt mcfarland. battle royale right around the corner, manhattan d.a. bragg and his prosecutor, matthew coang hoe, going to testify at house judiciary july 12th. pushing back hard on trump's conviction, lawmakers are pushing back hard. that's going on and we've got a new easing of border rules by biden. kt is going to take it on next. ♪ (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer.
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we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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elizabeth: joining us now former trump deputy national security adviser, kt mcfarland. what do you take of newsman man d.a. alvin bragg. will testify to house judiciary on july 12 about trump's conviction in new york will they get to bottom on whether this has any ties to white house. >> i can't wait until july 12. there is nobody better as investigating, and questioning witnesses than jim jordan. chairman of house judiciary committee, he is brilliant to go after bragg and
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question him, they are bullies, they are not used to having to make their case, they operate, bragg was elected on platform of electly dis me, district attorney and i will get donald trump by hook or crook. the other thing i'm looking for on july 12, was there coordination between biden white house biden justice department and this prosecution in new york? if there was, if for example either of these guys or staff went to the white house, there will be records of that, not like you go to justice department and ask for their records, and justice department stalls, delays. blows it off. this is the secret service. who keeps the white house visitors logs, if there are meetings that were held that will be a whole different
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level of accusations. you know accusation, i think it is justified that biden administration is behind all of the persecutions, prosecutions but persecutions of president trump, if there is anyone that will get to the bottom of it it is house judiciary committee. elizabeth: we have to report this, what do you think of biden white house reportedly considering a new way to turn out the vote for biden in november, that is what cbs is reporting a new plan to ease up on border rules to protect undocumented spoutses of u.s. citizen -- spouses of u.s. citizens and let them work in country illegally, that at the snap of biden's fingers could legalize millions of illegal aliens. >> all along, i think that open border policy of the biden administration was not an accident, they knew when they were doing getting in millions of new potential voters for biden. if you are an illegal and
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not an american citizen you are not allowed to vote, but there are ways around it, that is what you are seeing do a little bit here and little bit here bidens assume because they let in the people they could potentially give them amnesty quickly, voting rights then you have a big thumb on the scale of the american election to me that is election interference. find new voters, that is it. elizabeth: kt macfarlane we'll have you back on. >> join us tomorrow night, we have oversight chairman james comer nancy tangler and a hot show for you on news. thank you so much for watching "the evening edit" on fox business i am elizabeth macdonald, now time to send it over to dagen and senate "the bottom line." dagen: thank you emac. elizabeth: -


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