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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 12, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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weapons. >> it indicts tyranny. and defines equal diaz diaz a natural born right it sun fulfilled for alarm portion of the new nation population, as slave owners who fight for equal fi, thomas jeffrey epstein and gejefferson, it is not their moral contradictions but the strength of their ideals that define the true american spirit and continue to offer hope. for all of us. >> larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. the top story today the top
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story. hunter biden found guilty on all three charges in delaware gun trial. andy mccarthy to review it for us and congressman byron donalds but first our very own lydia hu with details, what you can tell us? reporter: the president's son hunter biden is now a convicted felon. the jury in delaware thing rating about 3 hours to decide he is guilty on all three felony gun charges two found hunter biden lied on a federal gun form when he claimed high was not a drug user and he was not a drug easer and third guilty for possessing a gun while battling addiction, a juror. said that case was heart wrenching. >> nobody is above the law. no matter who you are. that did not play a factor in my decision.
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it was not politically motivated. reporter: hunter biden's family attended trial with him, first lady jill biden. hunter had this to stay in a statement after the verdict: >> hunter biden's lawyer promises to pursue all legal challenges available, meanwhile president biden spoke before a gun control advocacy group, he did not mention his son's convection but issue a statement earlier in the day that read this: >> this adds to president
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previous commitment to not pardon his son, but now remains to be seen whether biden will keep that promise as hunter faces pos pill t possibility of prison time, maximum is 25 years and fines, as first time offend are they suggest 15 to 21 months, the sentences date yet to be scheduled but is expected in about 120 days around the same time that hunter biden's federal tax case is scheduled to start in california. some say is much more problematic for hunter biden and biden family, a spokesperson for trump campaign had this to say: >> larry president biden is heading back to wilmington,
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delaware this afternoon to be at family compound and presume so see hunter biden. larry: thank you li lydia hu, we bridge in andy mccarthy for more on this. and all around smart fellow, you know andy, one thing as a nonlawyer, i know and jonathan turley and trey yingst and -- fra trey gowdy and others have been parsing this 3, one thing between alvin bragg's trial in new york and this case is the judge. i think this jury was not to blame in new york. i think that judges matter, andy that is just from this am tush's poi amateur a
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point of view. >> that is a perfect prescription. when you get a good judge who treats it not putting them on scale but treat its like serious business that good for prosecution and rule of law. and i think besides the judge the other thing that i point out, this is good common sense, if you asked any 20 people in the street what hunter biden of convicted of they could tell you, whereas if you ask same question people what trump was convicted of we stillen to really i think people still don't tbra grasp it. larry: i mean in this case, mormor norieka.
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in los angeles, the tax evasion trial mark scarcey is the judge. i know los angeles is a liberal area. just like wilmington, delaware, but when you have a good tough judge you get better results. >> i think that is right, this trial today that ended was a home game of sorts for biden in wilmington. it was the opposite what trump went through in manhattan which was hostile environment for him, i think that juries take their queues from the judge, what decides more cases is evidence. you know if you get a judge who plays games and puts his thumb on the scale for one side, you get one kind of result, you get a judge playing it tate it will have a just result. larry: andy, appeal lowell? what are odds?
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>> low, the second amendment is a very dynamic issue in the federal courts we're expecting a related case, i mean related in sense of the same statute, a activity section of it that hunter was convicted on we're expecting a case in supreme court in phoen in -- the next couple of weeks that is what they are banking oi don't give it much prospect on appeal. larry: one last one andy tax evasion case in september, on west coast, that may open up or at least discuss a lot of the allegations of influence peddling, it will look at hunter's financial situation, what do you think? >> i think they can't conceivably go to trial on that, on september 5 with
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early voting, and just beginning tax evasion case. and where the revenue you are talking about in the trial, is based on his peddling of his father's political influence with agencies of corrupt and anti-american regimes, i can't imagine they would let that case go forward if they could avoid it. if the weeks before the election. larry: wow, all right, andy mccarthy thank you for the run down, important it. >> >> thank you. larry: continue this with flood condition m congressman byron donalds any thought? >> a quick how the, if the evidence was overwhelming like you and andy said the judge played it straight and jury came pack with only rational thing you could come back with, the biden family has been taking advantage of joe biden's position for decades in our
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government, made millions overseas, and this tax evasion case whereby the way some of the more serious tax irk vagtax evai evasion crimes have expired that case is damning it tell strats scope on which jeeb jo joe biden leverages his office to enrich his family and we believe himself. larry: by ron i want to switch, talk about my pal bill mcburn's office today, there is no doubt, at least in my mind, that empirical evidence shows that lbj great society and susubsequent massive expansion of welfare state has harmed the black family
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and white family. he goes through this. other folks have talked about it you said this, in a philadelphia meeting then they beat up on you, how can anyone deny that what you said was correct? >> well, larry, thank you for asking about that. it is interesting all of the people who have issues with what i say in philadelphia they first talked about substance but their feelings associated with one of great tragedy in american history, which is jim crow, a lot of critics don't want to acknowledge that jim crow was an era ushered in by democrat politicians in south who still wanted to segregate and subjugate black people and they don't want to acknowledge that lyndon johnson great society, that actually lead
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to father's not being in homes and federal agencies, state agents come and examine the apartment to make sure there was no father figure in the home for welfare checks to go out, then you have 94 crime bill, ushered in by joe biden which is also destructive of policy, you look at that era, it has been it i it i destructive of black families. and you look at policies that have been working are pro growth economic policies and education freedom policies that empower parents and gives students young black people an opportunity to excel and achieve and get academic appointment to pe come economic viable in america. larry: jim crow was in the
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democratic party for a hundred years, up until recently. there was a democratic senate majority leader who was a former member of the kkk not so long ago. people should quit harping you on for that. other point to make charles murray, very smart guy, sociologist. he did so much work so-called bell shape curb and other books that the incidents growth and expand shupti expansion of welfare state it more harm to marriage and works folks in white and black families, his overall point, it affected all working class families, all middle class families in a negative way. and democrats do not want to look in the mirror and face up to the harm to shall we
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say big government socialism is wreaking on the working folks of this country. >> charles muiry is correct. had major impacts with all populations, you know people who were at pri bottom of the economic ladder and need help that is real lesson to learn. we have to find in america is the policy set that allows family to be united and in homes we're seeing that right now with pro growth policy of ronald reagan and donald trump, families are becoming more united. you need academic attain am for kids who are coming up and are on bottom end of socioeconomic ladder, my mother gave me that ability to get my educational standards higher to pe com -- become viable. i think when you talk about the welfare states, there are people who need help, there was a time. in my life i p
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but it should not be to detriment and distruckti destruction of families. larry: last one. thank you for all this very important. president trump gives you a call, vice president byron donalds a nice ring, would you accept. >> i have been dodging that question for months, i said early, if that is what president wants to to, i'm all for it. i'm on overred, it is about -- i'm onboard it is about winning, his decision will come soon, i will support his decision. this is a great country, we have overcome so much we have but we need true leadership in the white house and economic policies and other to give americans all of the abilities to be
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successful we have to end the wars overseas and get away fro policies of endless wars, to know don needs to be 47 president ofu u.s. >> b take care. >> thank you. larry: all right, catch the new fox nation special, premiering thursday. hosted by, byron tonals. >> coming up. listen by a whopping 70 to 1to -- voters of demanding truth tests for both mr. biden and mr. trump before the june 27 debate, darn good idea. we have joe concha and mark simone to talk about it kudlow, monday through friday, 4 p.m. every day
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larry: by 70 to 18% voters demand drug tests for mr. biden and mr. trump before june 27 debate, that is a tips poll, tips polling regarded at most accurate polling according to studies, let's talk about this. we have joe concha fox news contributor, and mark simone. wro radio hoist, hall of famer, joe concha why not test them. there will be questions about what biden is taking. >> the question with a question. what if i told you 10 years ago, that 70% of of american people are demanding a truth test of the republican and democrat nominees for president. larry: how many? >> 10. >> like 2014. that is crazy, chances of this happening is zie 0.0, this is more directed at him. we see joe biden during
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state of union, he is so hopped up he is like a young ozzy osbourne, then yesterday at juneteenth celebration, everyone was dancing he was frozen like your phone pin wheels, and you get bad wi-fi. larry: a stand up -- i felt sorry for him. on the other hand, he performs so beautifully at state of the union, what was he on? >> that is it. >> we need to know. >> i would vote for his far pharmacist. there is no reason to not take the drug test, if we can do it in sports events and boxing if he has nothing to hide take the test. larry: will president trump agree. >> absolutely. larry: he does not drink or smoke. highly unlikely he takes any mood altering drugs or drugs. >> with biden's list a mile
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long.. >> 56 pixie sticks and red bull. larry: that was wrong withe biden yesterday. >> it witness on for a while. >> you could manipulate a video, 3 seconds, you watch that for seconds and seconds, he just does not move. particularly when everyone around him was so active, picture 86-year-old version of joe biden if this is the 81-year-old, that is something trump should hammer home. larry: mark, with or without drug testing, you think the debates will be rigged against donald trump, if true, why would he accept? >> he has to take and opportunity, they are being rigged there are no commercial in presidential debates this is first one with a lot of commercial breaks, networks agreed because they want to help biden. larry: never commercial. >> 90 minutes straight.
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larry: wow. >> they are putting in breaks. he has a chance to go in corner, trainer can revive him during the break talk with your people, right there a crutch, they will rig the questions it will be do you stell deny election results, it will be january 6, it will be all issues people don't care about. >> a lot of climate change, a lot on abortion. but top 5 issues, are inflation, the border in particular illegal immigration and trust in government, poverty and homelessness and foreign policy, if you are jake tapper or danah bash they should be your first 5 questions. larry: everyone beats up on my friend jake tapper. i have known him for a long time. >> we'll talk june 28. larry: dana bash i don't know. january 6, nancy pelosi, her daughter did a film about j-6, pelosi quoted on film saying she should have
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called in the troops, they were confused. she later on issued a clarification or whatever saying she didn't really mean what she said, in fact trump wanted 10 to 20 thousand troops and speaker of the house who resides over the sarge sa sergeant of arms who runs cops has authority to okay the national guard, is it pelosi by way of excusing her behavior. >> all fake news in those fake hearings, he told miller, 3 times, suggesting 10,000 troops, miller testified, he never ordered me -- that is a technicality. they made sure in hearings not to say but did he suggest it to you three times. he didn't order it -- >> when you read pelosi story. of i read it through the daily caller it was ran on bright bart.
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it just, seems that ms. pelosi saying we should have done that, but didn't, and then later saying that is not what we meant. it is an interesting angle to this day, i don't think that most americansn 't what happened to january 6 or debate was there. they just know there was an unfortunate malay. >> the big question what could have prevented it from happening if you had a large national guard troop present, like donald trump wanted most likely that is managed no one gets near the capitol. the bottom line that january 6 committee could have put the tape pardon, liz cheney could have done that and did not, and like every other narrative with russia collusion and steel dossier this another narrative that is fell by the way side
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after the fact. >> more fake news, mark simon, supremes weighing in on immunity. and documents not documents trial this year. by the by, your friend fani willis down in georgia is in trouble, not a trial there. >> no georgia, no document case, that is gone that is why i am worried about this judge, i think they know this is their only shot. >> for how long, 4 months past election. merchan shown he is -- >> he is a rogue compared to norieka, a trump appointee. in hunter biden trial. merchant wmerchan was a rogue judge and a sham trial. >> thank you. larry: moving along. coming up no more -- i love it. no more taxes on tips. almost add good as no more taxes, sheer genius, from president trump. we'll talk about it with
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steve moore and house budget committee chair jodey arrington next up on kudlow. (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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sandra: my baby's back from the west coast.
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grandma ruth: here are those pictures that you asked about for your school project. first day of school. cute as a button. nichelle: so long ago. grandma ruth: oh. here's grandma florence after that flood wiped out the whole neighborhood. sandra: sometimes i just cannot believe all the storms we've gone through here. grandma ruth: i can only hope that we'll be able to leave this house to you one day, baby. you're our legacy. nichelle: planning for these disasters will make sure we're safe and is the best way to protect that legacy. pop pop: ah, those beans smell heavenly. nichelle: you know what? we should make an emergency communication plan. that way, we're ready this year. pop pop: great idea. nichelle: at my dorm we have emergency kits for earthquakes and wildfires but i'm sure there's something more local i can send you with a link. pop pop: smart. sandra: i'm coming to stay with you guys.
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larry: no more taxes on tips, how 'that for apply collar tax cut, the subject for the riffs, genius, he blasted it out at his rally in las vegas sunday. take a listen. >> this is the first time i've said this for those hotel workers and people that get tips you will be happy. because when i get to office, we're going to not charge taxes on tips. people making tips. we're not going to do it. and we'll do it right away first thing in office. because it has been a point
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of contention for years and years, and years, do you a great job of service, you take care of people, i think it will something that really is deserved. larry: i'm tell you you, this is similar to a payroll tax cut reducing employment taxes. without the complications, of the big entitlement program. unfortunately, tips are now taxable income, part of wages, tips and other compensation in w-2 irs form, and democratic congress a couple years ago, passed 80 billion dollar irs tax bill that theoretically would sponsor 87 thousand new agents, they have hired 34 pathetic. but biden democrats try to convince us they are chasing after millionaires, don't buy it millionaires have layers of high price tack lawyers to protect them. but waitresses, service
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oriented workers, people in the gig economy, they are the ones that irs is aiming at and tax-free tipping will help them. think of your uber drivers, our favorite waitress at local diner or kindly chambermaids that clean up your hotel room, that is a big part of las vegas roughly a quarter of workers are in leisure and headlighthospitality sprees and las vegas is in nevada. joe biden has been happy to tax tips and been trying to get federal contractor on raise minimum wage, that would price out marginal worker. by way according to "wall street journal" report, the head of culinary union in las vegas likes the idea but started trashing trump like the uaw, left wing union
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officials hate trump but the rank and file will vote for trump, you wait. by the way benefit of tax free tipping is the exemption for employer sponsored health insurance. a tax exempt benefit used by millions of business. president trump is up by 5 in real clear politics average poll for nevada but, his idea for tax-free tips will raise take home pay for tens of millions of workers across the country. like i said, sheer genius. that is my riff. let's welcome steve moore, committee to unleash prosperity, radio host of moore money and budget chair jodey arrington from the freight state of texas -- great state of texas what do you think? >> i agree with you. word for word in your riff.
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i think what american people working families suffering with this disastrous and redressive tax of record inflation need is not a stimulus check and a new government entitlement they need to keep more of their own hard earned money, i think that president is right, this is what he is the pest at. he is not -- he is the best at, he is not i it is disconnected liked by friend working people, he understands strain that this president's fiscal policy has created and he understands when you lower taxes you see wages go up, a pittebetter quality of life and all boats rise on the tide of prosperity, this is a very good beginning to what i believe and hope will be a 6 ter second term for this president. larry: you tell me ronald
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reagan take open pay, you have millions of service workers with increase take open pay their tips will not be taxed. >> yeah, you know, you may not know this, but my first job was as a valet, i parked cars at parties and weddings, most of the income you get is from people who tip, petter job you did -- the better job you did the more tips you got, this is liberal don't like tips, they have been trying to get rid of the tip economy and everyone gets paid the same, if you perform better than i do, you shouldn't get more money. i love the tip economy it should be expanded this is a blue collar president who wants to give a blue collar tax cut to working class americans, i have talked to a number of democratic friends, they said why didn't we think of this? i think that trump pete
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trump beat biden on the middle class, you are right in so many states like in nevada it could be a real game winner for donald trump, this is a pay raise for people who work. larry: it reduces tack burdtax burden on. . jodey arrington, joe biden is going to leave a potential president trump with roughly 2 thril trillion dollar budget deficit, john maynard keynes would turnover in his state. it violates every rule of economics known to mankind, however mr. chairman, it will be essential to extend trump tax cuts on top of this deficit, this is not last word, i want to feel you out. are you thinking ahead?
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looking at reconciliations if you get a trump presidency and a republican sweep? >> absolutely it will be biggest tool in the tool box to save this country from fiscal collapse, we're on an unsustainable path, you mentioned 2 trillion in annual deficits that will double in over 10 years and this year, we service debt more than we spend on medicare and defense. the foundation has to be growth. we're spending and borrowing more faster than growing. we have to start with returning to pro-growth policies, i think that particular cuts and tax re-- tax cuts and tax reform are center piece there, we saw record revenue, revenue to folks in terms of wages and income. and but it is deregulation. it is all of the above, america first trade. but you have to bend the
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spending curve and focus on mandatory spending that is driving debt, the texas-2 step, cut, spending, flow the economy. -- grow the economy, president trump knows how to do that. larry: steve moore, why does joint tax committee keep reestimates trump tax cuts to be more and more -- you know 1.5 trillion a few years ago it is 4 1/2 trillion. >> the more they are wrong the more they double down onpyin being run, they should revise them the other way saying we made a mistake, you and i and every everyone knows that tax cut, has actually paid for itself with better investment, better employment and growth. larry: you know i think fox business hosts should be paid only in tips. that is what i think.
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>> right. larry: fabulous new idea, steve moore thank you very much and house budget chair jodey arrington very kind thank you. >> turning to a different story liberal media flames israel first. even with their brave hostage rescue. let's spring in ba alabama senator tommy tuberville, welcome, sir, we have sound we ran a little bit of what liberal media said about israel. >> the rescue left a devastating poll for palestinians with more than to than 270 killed in the mission according to hamas. >> has killed far more israeli hostages than rescues, seem that israeli government destroying gaza ranks higher than lives of their own hostages.
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>> there are concerns that saturday rescue may hurt effort to reach a cease fear and free the remaining hostages. larry: hurt efforts? gaza health care ministry estimates? what am i missing? like the world is turned upside down this was a brilliant move by israeli armed forces, they rescued hostages, everyone should we should be doing, and what happens? the left wing liberals, clowns, media bla blah, blah, blah all they can do is attack israel. >> they speak out of both sides of their mouth, back to vietnam war hundreds of thousands civilians killed. by vietnamese and u.s. this is war. unfortunately people do get killed but there were
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hostages thank god we got 4 more out, hopefully we can get more, we still have american hostages left, we never hear anything from joe biden and this administration talking about american hostages in israel, all they want to do is bash everything that israel does but they support everything that ukraine is doing and pushing them to limit where they get more people killed. larry: interesting point. another subject. bidens want you to have a gas powered story, you know that. they want electrify all of the buildings in dc come as parts of their -- dc as part of big government socialist climate policy, they want to look fi every building which is a terrible idea in terms of efficiency, costing a fortune. >> you think we have inflation problem, you do that in all big cities and all of cities, electrifying
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everything, first we don't have the power grid, it would cost a fortune, we need to get back to oil, and gas, natural gas, the ep plagthe inflation reduction act was a climate tax, they want more and more taxes, the climate hoax they push, will cost this country its livelihood and put more and more people out of work in the food line, the biden administration does not care about that. we have got to get donald trump elected before this turns into a complete disaster. larry: last one senator tuberville. i'm reading that the senate republican conference wants to term limit the next leader, what do you make of that? >> term limits for majority leader, in other words, senator mcconnell and
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schumer have been up there forever, i think that everyone else has term limit here in terms of leadership, i think that leadership should be term limited to get something done. that is important. term limits for everyone, i'm for term limits coming here for senate 12 years, if that is not enough to get your job done, you are in the wrong position, we need some kind -- the american people need some kind of control over washington dc, right now american taxpayer, average parent out there has no control of what goes on here in this city. reporter: yes, sir, that is all i can say. larry: i'm giving you a quick salute thank you very much. >> thank you. larry: you bet, energy expert steve koonin said that climate crisis is fading out. alleluia.
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larry: steve kind soo koonin. so, steve, welcome back. despite 12 trillion dollars of spending around the world, fossil fue fuels still 80% of total world energy. >> we're spending a lot of money not having much impact and causing a lot of disruption as we try to displace fossil fuels it is not working, emissions aral ought tiare at all-time high, world needs energy, renewables are not the way to get it. larry: if 80% of world power comes from fossil fuel is this bad. >> if bluff that co2 -- if you believe that c02 will
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break climate. >> with facts, you are a fact driven guy is that a bad thing. >> i think in terms of overall human welfare it is wonderful, fossil fuels are least expensive and most reliable way for people to get energy they need and world needs more for most people to develop. larry: what don't we know after this whole long period of climate his tearia. what don't we know, what do we know? you spend a lot of time with that, i read first edition of unsettled. >> we don't know is the overall state of the oceans. very difficult to observe it is where climate happens, we have about 10 year's worth of good climba data we don't understand the role of clouds, this is biggest
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incertainty. there are more clouds. we don't really understand what causing changes in clouds. larry: so radical changes then in direction if we don't know this stuff, we should not really try to drive the ship. we may be driving ship you know off a cliff. you see a revolt geang against climate now. >> there was a natural pace to change energy system if you try to do it too rapidly people rebel, home heating systems for example, in germany and the u.k., and holland had ehec electoral consequences, requiring people to spend 15 thousand to change their home heating system they really don't need to. larry: you know, i asked you this in the past, like, what is wrong with the quote, all
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of the above strategy? not end to fossil, which is ridiculous. and you know why not let market investment, why not technology lead us why not scientific discovery lead us. what is wrong with this? >> there and i think nothing wrong with it but people believe that we should not be emitting co2 and they want to push the system in one particular directed. i think on a time scale of a hundred years maybe it is not terrible but too much too fast, expensive, it is run schiff and -- disruptive and will fail. larry: i think we learn tharkd i think political consequences, and financial consequences are quote substantial. >> and also geo political consequences, if we make energy more expensive here where it is china or india don't do that we'll lose manufacturing. larry: yes, sir, steve koonin get the book, more on
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what if there was a place where every kid got a chance to be great? there is a place and there's no other place like it. it's my school. milton hershey school. our founders were milton hershey, the famous chocolate maker, and his wife catherine. they wanted to help children who didn't have much. to create a place that was safe. the hersheys believe learning shouldn't have a price, so we don't pay anything to go to school here. everything we need is taken care of. even a place to live with other students our age. with caring house parents to watch over us. in our homes, we learn to accept and appreciate one another because the things that make us different bring us together. our classrooms, they have no walls. we learn by doing through programs that give us an early start on college and our careers.
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you see, we're more than a school. we're a community. we change lives. i know because this place changed mine. milton hershey once said that if he could provide for a hundred kids, it would be worth it. but look at us now. more than a century of memories. and there's still more good to do. because here, we have the chance to be great. and you? you can be next. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.


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