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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  June 12, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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you see, we're more than a school. we're a community. we change lives. i know because this place changed mine. milton hershey once said that if he could provide for a hundred kids, it would be worth it. but look at us now. more than a century of memories. and there's still more good to do. because here, we have the chance to be great. and you? you can be next. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.
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maria: good wednesday morning everyone, thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo wednesday june 12, your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. hunter biden found guilty on all three federal counts against him. he could face up to 25 years in prison. president biden going to be with his family in wilmington while president trump says it's a distraction from the biden family influence peddling crimes, were getting into all morning long, markets are higher, features indicated again ahead of the federal reserve making the right decision today at 2:00 p.m. eastern federal reserve chairman jay powell speaking at 2:30 p.m. we will preview the meeting and what the language may look like once a chairman speaks today today's fresh look at inflation it's the one to watch on economic data the may consumer price break and 8:30 a.m. eastern could be a big
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market mover, european markets in the green, the eurozone embassies higher across-the-board, and asia overnight a mixed story, the hang seng and hong kong dad wanted a third%, back at home tear crosses or southern border eight individuals with suspected ties to isis who crossed into america from the southern border under arrest and three major u.s. cities, major sting to tell you about this morning everything you need to know, joining to the conversation bullseye in new jersey fund manager adam johnson, fox and fred's cohost todd piro and gop strategist and cyber technology expert krysia lenzo. "mornings with maria" is live right now. a fox business alert hunter biden awaits the sentencing day after he was found guilty on all three counts of the federal gun trial for lying about drug use while buying a gun, this is the first time the president has been found guilty of a federal crime in the sentencing date has yet to be scheduled but hunter
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is facing a hefty fine of $750,000 and a maximum of 25 years in prison although he is unlikely to do any prison time, hunter biden saying this i'm grateful today for the law that supports that i experience as last week for melissa, my family, my friends in my community and am disappointed by this outcome. president biden is hugging hunter in delaware after the verdict and he defended his son saint hunter did nothing wrong, watch spivak you don't think the story from the fall about your son hunter was -- >> yes, yes, yes, god love them you're a one horse pony, the justice department will be totally on its own making judgments about how they should proceed. >> to think hunter did nothing wrong. >> i'm confident. [screams] could hunter biden commit a crime. >> have you spoken to your son.
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maria: he's one of the jurors that had to say about the verdict. >> if he was like anybody else, nobody is above the law doesn't matter who you are and all the things that we know. maria: the first son is also facing another federal trial slated for september of failing to pay more than a million dollars in taxes, all of this this morning, we are reacting. >> my reaction, to be a fly on the wall when joe biden flew to delaware, that family meeting must've been with a lot of important information and i think that's why there together because the text messages between joe and hunter i imagine would be damning as the evidence was in this case but hunter is the fall guy and he expressed this in his text about joe biden in the case in september will be
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the real case because all the discovery of the taxes in where he earned his money will be particularly interesting but overall hunter holds all the cards and i expected cms state dinners, joe biden will likely have to pardon his son because his son knows too much despite saying he won't. maria: what do you think adam. >> i think should we found out what we knew all along, courses guilty he admitted to the crimes, i'm surprised that went to a trial, if you go to a trial to defend yourself, there is nothing to defend because you already said you do it and everybody knew that you do it. we now know the obvious, we are moving onto the much meteor trial which is how you make your money and what happened and why were all these payments made and what to people get in return, that the substance. it's getting to the point, it's
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starting to feel absurd, all of these trials, everything is a mess going after trump and all these things starting to unravel. the gun possession that was so obvious, let's be adults. maria: following the son's guilty verdict in the case ironically president biden spoke at a gun-control event in washington, he did not mention hunter, watch this. >> centisecond member there's never been a time this is you can own anything that you want, you could not own a canon during the civil war. [laughter] think about it the blood of liberty, give me a break. maria: president trump has been saying this trial is a distraction to other bigger crimes and of course we know the
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house oversight committee last week said criminal referrals to the d.o.j. against hunter biden and james biden for lying to congress. his talk about perjury but we've been hearing from the oversight committee in the house ways and means in the judiciary committee about much bigger crimes like money laundering and bribery and influence peddling. i asked the chairman, james comer if this is all true and there is so much bigger crimes, what about those referrals, watch this. >> joe biden has committed many crimes and i think you'll see a report very soon. that report is eminent and that will be an interim report the update everyone on the crimes that biden is the administration of committed throughout this investigation in the years of the obama biden administration. maria: if that is all true where the criminal referrals for money
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laundering, corruption, influence peddling. >> this is an investigation of joe biden, hunter biden, jim biden, eric sherwin, devon archer, these are all witnesses in an investigation of joe biden. this is all about joe biden. we will do everything that we can to hold hunter biden in the different shady associates accountable but this is just the beginning. the next step will be accountability for joe biden and i think everyone is kept up with the investigation will be eager to see what the next step is. maria: todd piro your reaction, comer says he's going to come out with a report this week or next week. it's coming soon but criminal referrals for perjury and not money laundering and not bribery as we've been hearing so much. >> it's a good question, all of these alleged crimes have been swept under the rug four years in the gun charge would've been as well if not for one judge in
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the federal system that stepped in to put an end to it. when you look at the laptop the gun charge was blown up by the laptop because it's clear the evidence is in the laptop, other stuff that's incriminating is showing a paper trail with regard to the tax in the foreign influence peddling schemes that you just mentioned. maria: that's what i'm trying to get out. we'll see about that now but the laptop has been used actual evidence. we'll see about the contents of the others stories in there. we just getting started, quick break refocusing on the fed the central bank to make its decision on interest rates. were not expected to cut today but we will hear from jay powell, we want to get a fresh look at that in inflation from the may cpi report out this morning security had of the u.s. rates great grief nello is with us with those expectations. how activists are pushing woke agenda off of corporate boards,
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were talking about you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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us guidance on the rate cuts at their expecting what do you think will hear from jay powell. >> 100%. we'll go to the summary of economic projections that comes our quarterly and will get a summary of where growth is in the lower their growth estimate, inflation goes up a little bit higher, unemployment were 4% already that was the year in 2024 target they could raise that, what do they see for rate cuts, currently we have three in their projections and we think they go down to two but it could easily be one, that's what the market will hone in on in if they go down to two and opened the door potentially if inflation cooperates into september and maybe a september cut and i think the market is pricing that nsa intimate one may be aligned this year in terms of chair powell i think he will push back on the notion of the potential for rate hikes, he
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may not promise rate cuts but i think the theme is consistent that they will stay here as long as they need to first is going higher to potentially lower overtime. maria: i wonder how much influence today's data will have on the fed. were getting the consumer price index this morning at 8:30 a.m. eastern expectation call for a gain of one tenth of 8% to .4% year-over-year, auto insurance has been one issue for the consumer price index, premiums have been soaring as auto insurers adjust rates for accommodation of higher repair but that is part of it were also looking at shelter which is rent and food prices, many people think that we could see a good report i am reading tom lee and he says the markets have gone up, as he mentioned stocks rallied in the most recent five or six fomc rate decisions we
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think the case for the positive mood today because it will be a soft may cpi and the momentum has shifted downward for inflation what do you think, jump in here what do you think about the cpi and how much influence will that have on what the fed says today. >> today is important and i'll tell you what a lot of the traders are lined up on the other side and they think it's going to be hot report grade get ir on the same camp, we think the opposite and we are with tom the market as a whole and positioned for a hot inflation report. if it's the opposite and comes online let us help inflation is lower than expected according to this report that means all those guys that are out there and short bonds and stocks we will have to cover and that's good for guys like me and greg who were long. that's what tom lee is saying, he's been talking about buying stocks in the month of june and
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also the ppi out tomorrow the producer price index, do you agree with all that. >> it's interesting to point that you make about auto insurance and homeowners insurance we've been writing to clients in using the word lately required inflation, these are things that you have to have, if you own a home and financial home you need to have homeowners insurance and if you drive a car you need auto insurance. those things are less rate sensitive. to me there nagging on the consumer, the overall jump and inflation since 2021 which i think is more of the issue for the consumer and less year-over-year change as adam pointed out which is come down quite a bit i think ppi peaked close to nine or 10% in our between two or three the fed to their credit in 2022 they caught up really quickly and they did a very good job. maria: you also say capital markets are wide open which is
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good to hear because we had a moment when things were shut down and people didn't want to go public and we did not see ipos or financing, what you see now. >> markets are busy our equity is picking up and got capital side is been completely on fire. the interesting thing coming out of the hole. a 0 interest rate policy in 2022 markets were frozen and everyone says how are issuers and investors going to treat this environment and what were learning on both ends we talked about the issuer sudden investors at the higher rate story is not the double. >> were still here and going about her business it is imperfect but we've learned to work around it. >> rate analysis. thank you so much, greg faranello joining us. oracle in the premarket is soaring shares of the software maker jumping after announcing cloud deals with google and openai, the stock is up eight and two thirds% despite a double
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list on earnings, oracle cloud services and license support segment generating $10 billion in revenue up 9% year-over-year the company forecast higher fiscal revenue the stock is up better than 17% year to date and tacking on another 8% move right now. eight suspected isis members have been arrested after a multi-city sting operation across the country, they crossed into america through the wide open southern border, tennessee congressman andy ovals is here with congress is next steps to close the wide open border. stay with us. ♪
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philadelphia in recent days, they all crossed into america to southern border illegally and received full diving apparently but nothing was initially flagged so they were the released into the country. the investigation featured a wiretap which found that one of the two zika stand nationals was talking about bombs, the editorial board out with this, terror threat sky high in the border wide open, brace for another 9/11, christopher wray has been warning about a potential terrorist threat for a year, here is his last week in washington. >> we have seen the threat from foreign terrorist rise to a whole another level on top of that increasingly concerning is the potential for a native attack here in the homeland not unlike the isis-k attack at the russia concert hall back in march. >> toy to me now tennessee congressman andy ogles financial services committee and freedom caucus, thank you very much for
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being here, what you make of the terrorists that were arrested and whether or not you believe they are more as part of the sting operation. >> absolutely we know we have terrorist cells operated in the united states of america i've been saying this for months it approves that i'm right that's why have to send them back to deport all illegals out of come here under joe biden. we are not safe anywhere in this country because of the wide open border. maria: the border is still open. we are seeing supposing crackdown on illegals in the new york post is reported that the administration has released 72% of migrants who illegally cross into san diego since president biden so-called crackdown, what are we doing is this politics or an actual effort to secure the border. >> joe biden's executive order is a joke it is laughable when you look at the exceptions that are included, the devil is in
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the details in the fine point and it doesn't move the needle at all and meanwhile we have terrorist whoever walked into our country and were supposed to be a sovereign nation and we get to decide who comes in and you have to leave but joe biden has flooded our country with illegals and terrorist. maria: why is this allowed, i don't understand why there's no accountability we just arrested eight people with ties to isis, what are the open border congresspeople saying about this, where is the administration. >> that begs the question if the administration changes and great to speak with you, i understand that president trump said in the second term he would not only shutdown the border but he would do mass deportation. my concern is there anything that he can do to eliminate the terror threat because as you know all it takes is one bad actor and we have thousands of
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people that we know nothing about that are receded into the darkness of our nation. never to be heard from again. >> 2 million got a ways, the world is less safe, if you look at ukraine, russia, china, israel, et cetera the homeland is not safe as well and i think donald trump are president trump is going to have to assist somatic deportation and is going to have to get these people out of this country and i'm not going to sugarcoat this, it's going to be a challenging difficult in the latest poll 62% of americans say that they think those who came here illegally should be reported to the american people supported and say they're not safe and joe biden is guilty of any blood that is shed because of these terrorist. maria: how does he go what about any executive order to secure the border, right now there is a second executive order being considered which are basically open a pathway to citizenship for a million undocumented
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immigrants were married to u.s. citizens. he's waiting and were expecting an executive order on that any day. >> it shows that his executive order are laughable and these are politics as usual for the joe biden administration they lie in they off you skate, your democrats in battleground states that are screaming please do something because her in jeopardy, this is why this issue alone is going to allow republicans to win the house and were going to win the senate and the white house and democrats know it, they are in trouble joe biden's numbers are in the basement and will take this country back and will have to deport these people. maria: why do you feel that way we have all these expectation for the last several elections and it did not materialize, remember the red wave. >> i totally agree the red wave that didn't happen i think the circumstances on the ground are different today we have great candidates, donald trump had a rally in new jersey with 100,000
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people. not tennessee, not georgia or florida but in new jersey had 100,000 people you could feel it that the american people are ready for change and they want donald trump. >> congressman you mentioned the red wave that never materialized and i would argue that was because the democrats each of the past two elections pulled out the abortion card. is anybody talking about abortion should not seems to disappear from the conversation at the moment. >> i think that's a valid point and a huge issue in this last election and pockets of the country it would still be an issue and if you look at the southern border and crime, this is affecting people's puppet into pocketbooks and the ability to buy gas and that favors republicans. maria: what do you make of the hunter biden guilty charges in the federal gun trial in the
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hunter biden business associate and fox news digital after the verdict, he said the child was a distraction from the main event from the influence peddling, your thoughts we are waiting on an official report from the house oversight committee, was this a distraction? >> we need to pursue justice, the fighting crime family is guilty of taking tens of million dollars of foreign countries, that should be the main topic of conversation, that should be prosecuted and adjudicated in court, it also creates an opening for democrats like michelle obama in here, the biden family can say were going to take care of our house and our son and allow michelle obama to come in and run because joe biden cannot win this election and they know that in with their desperate for another candidate. maria: i'm increasingly thinking that joe biden withdrawals from this race by the time november 5 comes along.
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what you're saying, i agree that the democrats are desperate, former president trump is going to be in washington in meeting with the house and said republicans tomorrow with the business roundtable, will you be there? >> i will be there with donald trump the president i was in there in new york and i'll be there with him when he visits the hell. >> is expected to meet with republican at the capitol hill club and invited by house republican leadership that i want to ask you how you want that conversation to look like. are you talking about a gop governing agenda and trump's potential for winning the november, what is the conversation priority. >> for me i would love to see in his first hundred days are going to look like. i was with the speaker in steve scalise last week and we had the conversation of what does the schedule look like in the first hundred days, how is house
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republicans do we put forward legislation, great legislation that we know the senate won't take up. were setting the stage and driving the conversation so in january when we win all three we can hit the ground running in support donald trump. maria: we will be watching that, good to see you and he ogles in d.c. hunter biden has been found guilty and altered gun charges the prosecution make it clear the verdict was not about addiction, matt whitaker is here with some insight, alexandria ocasio-cortez finally has something to say about the destructive protested new york city, wait until you hear this one, that is next. ♪ this week on "mornings with
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maria", tomorrow send a bill hagerty calling the biden border move a joke. his pushback on biden's crackdown on illegals in america. friday the white house directives for israel accusing benjamin netanyahu from prolonging the war in gaza to stay in power, kt mcfarland reacts. already here with mornings on maria. ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks! thanks! voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals. that one! and look forward, to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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maria: hunter biden has been found guilty on all three governor charges in a federal court yesterday, he's facing a hefty fine and up to 25 years in prison but will not receive the maximum sentence likely as a first-time offender, white house special counsel david weiss waited after the verdict. watch. >> this was not just about
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addiction, a disease that haunts families across the united states including hunter biden's family, this case was about the illegal choices defendant made while in the throes of addiction, no one in this country is above the law, everyone must be accountable for their actions even this defender, however, hunter biden should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of the same conduct. maria: house republicans are reacting to the conviction, elise stefanik is promising this is just the beginning. >> this was joe biden's corrupt d.o.j. that tried to negotiate a sweetheart plea deal when outside immunity unrelated to the case and it was a judge that stepped in to expose that today is the first step in delivering accountability for the biden crime family we must and we will continue as house republicans to investigate the biden crime
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family. maria: house republicans have set criminal referrals to the d.o.j. and joe biden for lying to congress, not for influence peddling, james comer told me that there were good allocable to report on president biden, joining me now acting general matt whitaker, thank you for being here, give us your assessment of the guilty verdict and what you heard from elise stefanik that this is just the beginning. >> it is just the beginning, good to be with you i look at this case and obviously from a culpability standpoint it was a case that needed to be done but not the most serious offense that hunter is charged with, the tax cases in los angeles in september are much more serious and closer tied to the money laundering in the foreign agents registration act violations that should've been charged along the
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way. but the department of justice tried to sweep this under the rug and give prospective immunity to hunter biden for any other crimes that he may have committed while giving him a misdemeanor plea with deferred prosecution agreement it was outrageous resolution of the case the judge's alright through and asked import questions and this is how we find yourselves here, i was surprised that the jury came back as quickly as they did because you figure that joe biden's name would win the margin but it demonstrates that the people of delaware are getting tired of joe biden. maria: joe biden the first lady was in the first row every day as well how is that for intimidation and they delivered the verdict, fox obtained an interview with one of the jurors in the hunter biden case, watch this.
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>> biden was on trial and he was like anybody else, nobody is above the law no matter who you are, politics played no part in this whatsoever. maria: the department of justice is denying any collusion between the matinee manhattan d.a. i'm trump's prosecution and the hush money trial the department denying any communication between alvin bragg and the prosecutor matthew colangelo when he worked at the white house prior to joining brexit team, as you know many people say this is coordinated and all the prosecutors met with the white house assistant attorney general carlos penned a letter to jim jordan writing the department does not usually make extensive efforts to rebut can spiritual speculation, the department has taken extraordinary steps to confirm what is already clear there is no basis to the false claims, matthew colangelo agreed to testify before the subcommittee on the weaponization of
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government on july 12. we will wait for that indirectly hear from bragg but what do you think, for one john ratcliffe former intelligence told me that many times this is all coordinated and all the prosecutors met with white house counsel. >> i think all you have to do is not listen to the words that, of the department of justice to see their actions in the number three person at the department of justice, matthew colangelo went from the department of justice in washington, d.c. to letitia james to deal with the civil lawsuit that you saw him hang a giant judgment unfairly and inconsistent with american law and he moved to alvin bragg's office to be cocounsel in this trial and bring these charges and the special grand jury and to bring these charges
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and tried the case, i don't think matthew colangelo will stay in new york city with misdemeanor gun cases or violent crime in new york city, this is someone that came in for a particular purpose two plus up and give extra resources from the department of justice to the local das office, it's unprecedented in american history. maria: that should come out when we hear from bragg and in your courtroom and is also incredible and so typical that the mainstream media says you see hunter biden was convicted, so there's not too tears of justice, i think chuck todd said this was a major blow to donald trump even as we know that the prosecution in the hunter biden case used the laptop as evi evidence. if you can use the laptop as evidence, you obviously have to authenticate the laptop, what is
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in the laptop you would expect would be hot information to what you're talking about with the influence peddling, you just made that point, jump in here. >> that's exactly my main take away from the hunter biden case, there was collusion in coordination with anthony blinken at the home but is there any way to hold the 51 intelligence officers accountable for the facts that they interfered in the election with respect to the laptop and they put out the disinformation. maria: wasn't that what was convicted of or try to figure out the crime that trump was convicted up. if you're talking about trump hiding information about paying a star $130,000 to keep quiet for a sexual encounter, is that the same thing as 51 intelligence officials hiding the hunter laptop right before the election. >> it's hard to draw the
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equivalence and see but it's very correct they did interfere with an election and the mainstream media went along with them which are trying to suggest this was russia disinformation and even the president of the united states with joe biden and the debate with donald trump used the letter as the basis for him discounting the laptop that was actually accurate, if you remember twitter suppress the story from the new york post all of these things contributed to the election and you're absolutely right, the suggestion that there's an equivalency between hunter biden's gun case where we didn't have any debate over the jury instructions and we know what crimes he was convicted of, somehow it doesn't prove under merrick garland that it was fair and transparent in its continue to use as a weapon.
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they are saying they are denying it, here's john ratcliffe a few weeks ago. watch. >> what happened in this case, after donald trump announced, for different prosecutors went to joe biden's white house to meet with joe biden's lawyers and the department of justice from georgia, new york, letitia james, jack smith before he brought his indictments and of course alvin bragg who not only met with joe biden's lawyers in the white house, he took one of joe biden's lawyers from the department of justice to have him bring this case. all of these people and jurisdictions are proxies of the biden white house. maria: the d.o.j. is denying that this morning. >> john ratcliffe does not say things like that lightly and he
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puts together the connections between the biden white house and the prosecution's in i think that is a serious violation of the way business is done in the court needed effort to attack donald trump. maria: it is good to see you, thank you very much. matt whitaker with great insights. we'll be right back.
6:49 am
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and bring on the good stuff.
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maria: welcome back primary results are rolling in cheryl casone with all the details. >> let's start with sam brown and nevada's republican senate with 60% of the vote he is not going to challenge and come the jacky rosen in november. >> this is a clear signal that republicans here and state are united not only behind president trump but to take on jacky rosen this november, nevadans have been crushed by biden's policies that have been supported by jacky rosen this is a resounding victory. >> south carolina congresswoman nancy mace with 56% of the vote,
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nascar driver austin taken securing that spot in november and the ballot, kelly armstrong is going to take over for doug burgum with the candidate for governor. in imposing an age limit on the members of congress to maximum age of 81 we will see if the courts will stick. a mob of anti-israel protesters chanting hate the words on the new york city subway car, watch this. >> frazier hand of your zionist this is your chance to get out. >> crowds of anti-israel into somatic protesters spread across the city causing the scene outside of the music festival expedition on wall street which is dedicated to 364 people killed their by hamas on octobet
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says long-lived october 7 even aoc condemning the protesters writing the callousness to targeting of jews on display at the protest in the exhibit was atrocious and anti-semitism plain and simple anti-semitism has no place and no broader movement that centers human dignity, mayor adams condemning the hate speech that we saw in the streets of new york. >> goldman sachs predicted oil prices will jump on strong demand hitting $86 per barrel at least for the brent contract, the deficit will be felt in the third quarter, it's been a little bit down after opec plus side it would winding down some output cuts come october, there is a separate report by the iea this is a major supply surplus is on the horizon between now and 2030. a couple of different opinions, right now wti up one and a
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quarter% right now. there is anti-woke activist targeting the borders of companies like ge aerospace and ups to oppose what they say is an overly aggressive move into di initiatives saying it doesn't make financial status and consents the wall street journal reported that activists want to get politics out of business and they are suing target, other companies, liberal shareholders are going with these initiatives are necessary for the academic success of the business. scott sheppard general counsel for the public policy research and we would refer without partisan influence and get into the game of years of quiescence we sing companies pull back her focus on di in this the corporate structure but also does it make financial sense
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especially when some of these companies have waited into very uncomfortable stances when it comes to different areas, think of target for example this is a big movement on wall street. maria: how about bud light, it is nice to see the pendulum swing a little to the other side. >> get woke out of the board room, politics out of the board room and charity, companies exist to the best of their ability and to make money, i don't want to see all the other stuff. >> overall they are decreasing shareholder values, trafficking for the shareholder and make sense activists were going and this is not working financially. >> i could do the touchy-feely stephanie comes to the military in my corporation they make me money and to defend me, no if's, and or butts. >> that's all i want to see his readiness, coming up the hunter biden found guilty on all three
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gun charges against him what his next after the break, the interest-rate observer founder and head of the may consumer price index this morning we will get his index at the adm hour, "mornings with maria" is live on fox business. back. ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart.
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